Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Translation: State v. Zheng Enchong - Disclosing State Secrets

 NOTE: This post was published on December 6, 2020, but this post is dated the date the court judgment was issued in order to prevent confusion.

No. 2 Intermediate People's Court of Shanghai

Criminal Judgment

(2003) Hu No. 2 Intermediate Criminal No. 1361

The public prosecution agency was the People's Procuratorate of Shanghai Branch No. 2.

Appellant (defendant at trial) Zheng Enchong, male, born [INTENTIONALLY DELETED IN THIS CASEBOOK], 1950 in Shanghai, Han ethnicity, college graduate, formerly a worker at the Shanghai Minjian Law Firm, residing at [INTENTIONALLY DELETED IN THIS CASEBOOK], Shanghai, household registration at [INTENTIONALLY DELETED IN THIS CASEBOOK], Shanghai. He was taken into criminal detention on June 6, 2003 in connection with this case, and was arrested on June 18 of the same year. He is currently being held in custody at the Shanghai Detention Center.

Defense counsel Guo Guoting is a lawyer at the Shanghai Tianyi Law Firm.

Defense counsel Zhang Sizhi is a lawyer at the Beijing Wuluan Zhaoyan Law Firm.

In the Hu 2nd Division Criminal Indictment 1 (2003) No. 91 indictment the People's Procuratorate of Shanghai Branch No. 2 charged defendant Zheng Enchong with committing the crime of illegally providing state secrets, and on August 15, 2003 filed a public prosecution with this Court. This Court formed a collegial panel in accordance with the law, and because this case implicated state secrets, tried this case in closed court in accordance with the law. The People's Procuratorate of Shanghai Branch No. 2 appointed Procurators Yuan Hanjun and Wang Li, and Deputy Procurator Xu Jing to appear in court in support of the public prosecution. Defendant Zheng Enchong and his defense counsels Guo Guoting and Zhang Sizhi appeared in court to participate in the proceedings. The case was extended for one month in accordance with the law, and the trial has now concluded.

The People's Procuratorate of Shanghai Branch No. 2 charged:

In the latter part of May 2003, after defendant Zheng Enchong learned secrets from a police officer surnamed Xu that the Shanghai public security agency was dealing with emergencies arising from a sudden mass incident at the Shanghai Yimin Food Products Factory, he took notes, organized them, and on the morning of the 23rd, faxed a hand-written draft that included the aforementioned secrets from his residence at Puyuan Road to the organization Human Rights in China in New York. In order to ensure these secrets were received, that night Zheng Enchong also sent the aforementioned secrets to Human Rights in China via email. Based on the forensics of the State Secrets Bureau of Shanghai the aforementioned secrets are classified as "Confidential" state secrets.

On May 28, 2003, defendant Zheng Enchong, faxed a copy of the article "Forced Demolitions Lead to Clashes, Reporters Attacked While Conducting Interviews" copied from the Xinhua News Agency's "Internal Reference Selections" Issue 17, 2003, from his residence at Puyuan Road to Human Rights in China. On the copy it is clearly written in Zheng's own handwriting: "Xinhua News Agency internal material, I hope you can use it." Based on the forensics of the State Secrets Bureau of Shanghai the aforementioned secrets are classified as "Confidential" state secrets.

The People's Procuratorate of Shanghai Branch No. 2 transferred to this Court evidence confirming the aforementioned facts including documentary evidence, witness testimony, and defendant Zheng Enchong's statement, alleging that defendant Zheng Enchong's actions constitute an offense under the provisions of Article 111 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," and requesting that he be held criminally liable for illegally providing state secrets to a foreign organization.

Defendant Zheng Enchong and his defense counsels do not dispute the facts charged by the public prosecution agency that Zheng provided the aforementioned documents to a foreign organization. They do, however, offer the defense that Zheng Enchong was not aware that the aforementioned documents were state secrets; that he did not have the intent to provide state secrets abroad, that the foreign organization did not actually receive the documents provided by Zheng, and given that there were no consequences, the crime the public prosecution agency charged Zheng Enchong with cannot be established.

It was ascertained at trial:

On May 28, 2003, defendant Zheng Enchong, at his residence at Puyuan Road, wrote "Xinhua News Agency internal material, I hope you can use it. Zheng" on  a copy of the article "Forced Demolitions Lead to Clashes, Reporters Attacked While Conducting Interviews" that he had obtained from the Xinhua News Agency's "Internal Reference Selections" Issue 17, 2003. Afterwards he faxed it to the organization "Human Rights in China" in New York, USA. The copy was obtained by public security agencies after the case commenced, and based on the forensics of the State Secrets Bureau of Shanghai the "Forced Demolitions Lead to Clashes, Reporters Attacked While Conducting Interviews" material is classified as "Confidential" state secrets.

In addition, in the latter part of May 2003, defendant Zheng Enchong organized and wrote up information he had obtained regarding Shanghai public security agencies dealing with sudden mass incidents and faxed and emailed them to a foreign organization.

Evidence substantiating the aforementioned facts:

Witness Xue Minchun confirmed that, because Zheng Enchong gave Xue an article about Zheng being interviewed to provide to foreign media, in January 2003 Xue sent the article to the organization "Human Rights in China" in New York, USA, and thereafter received a faxed reply from the organization with Liu Qing's signature. Xue Minchun showed Zheng this fax and informed Zheng that the organization "Human Rights in China" in New York, USA would contact him, and Zheng made a copy and kept it.

A copy of the fax with the marginalia  "Liu Qing, 2003.1.29" from the organization "Human Rights in China" in New York, USA, displayed the organization's phone number, fax number, and that Liu Qing's assistant is a Mr. Jiao.

The State Security Bureau of Shanghai produced the "Materials Relating to the Identification of Human Rights in China, Human Rights in China Chairperson Liu Qing, and his assistant Jiao Baigu" which confirmed that Human Rights in China was established and has an office in New York, USA, Liu Qing is its Chairperson, and Jiao Baigu is assistant to the Chairperson.

Witness Zhao Hanxiang confirmed that at approximately 3 pm on May 28, 2003, he went to Zheng Enchong's residence and gave him a copy of Xinhua News Agency's "Internal Reference Selections."

Defendant Zheng Enchong's stated that "Internal Reference Selections" is an internal reference document, and may only be seen by high level public officials. Zheng also stated he contacted "Human Rights in China" and Jiao Baigu's phone numbers, fax numbers, and Jiao Baigu's email address. In addition, Zheng Enchong fully confessed to the fact that on May 28, 2003, he faxed a copy of the article "Forced Demolitions Lead to Clashes, Reporters Attacked While Conducting Interviews" from the Xinhua News Agency's "Internal Reference Selections" from his residence to the organization "Human Rights in China."

The public security agencies' "Search Record" and "Inventory of Seized Items and Documents" confirm that it found the Xinhua News Agency's "Internal Reference Selections" (Issue 17) article "Forced Demolitions Lead to Clashes, Reporters Attacked While Conducting Interviews" (with a handwritten notation on the top: "Jiao: Xinhua News Agency internal material, I hope you can use it. Zheng") at Zheng Enchong's residence at [INTENTIONALLY DELETED IN THIS CASEBOOK].

The Public Security Bureau of Shanghai "Documentary Investigation Forensic Report" confirmed that the handwriting on the aforementioned document copies has been verified as belonging to Zheng Enchong.

The "Evidentiary Materials" produced by the Xinhua News Agency Shanghai Bureau confirmed that that the article "Forced Demolitions Lead to Clashes, Reporters Attacked While Conducting Interviews" was written by the Bureau's reporters and was published in Issue 17 of the Xinhua News Agency's "Internal Reference Selections" on April 30, 2003.

The State Secrets Bureau of Shanghai confirmed in its "Manual for Secret Classification" that the material "Forced Demolitions Lead to Clashes, Reporters Attacked While Conducting Interviews" which Zheng Enchong transmitted abroad was derived from "Internal Reference Selections" (Secret) Issue 17,  2003, and was classified as state secrets at the level "Confidential."

The State Secrets Bureau "Response to Questions Regarding the State Secrets Bureau of Shanghai's Confirmation of the Classification of Secrets in the Zheng Enchong Case" confirmed that the aforementioned secret classification remains in effect.

Witness Xue Lili confirmed that on May 28, 2003 at Zheng Enchong's residence, he helped Zheng send multiple copies of the materials to a recipient surnamed Jiao.

The information in the Residential Telephone Registration Register provided by the Security Department of Shanghai Telecom Ltd. confirmed that the telephone number [INTENTIONALLY DELETED IN THIS CASEBOOK] is registered to Zheng Enchong and is installed at 8[INTENTIONALLY DELETED IN THIS CASEBOOK].

The telephone customer communications records produced by the Fixed Telephone Line Department of China Unicom Ltd. confirms that on May 28, 2003 there were multiple connections established between the telephone number [INTENTIONALLY DELETED IN THIS CASEBOOK] and the telephone number of the organization "Human Rights in China" in New York.

All of the foregoing evidence was produced, examined, and verified as factual in court, and is affirmed by this Court.

This Court finds that defendant Zheng Enchong illegally transmitted state secrets to an organization abroad, and that his actions constitute the commission of the crime of illegally providing state secrets under relatively minor circumstances. The offense charged by the public prosecution agency has been established.

In light of defendant Zheng Enchong's level of education, knowledge of society, and his profession, combined with Zheng's actions to draw other's attention such as his additional message "Xinhua News Agency internal material, I hope you can use it" faxed with the aforementioned article to the organization "Human Rights in China" in New York, as well as Zheng's statement after the case began that "Internal Reference Selections" is an internal reference document, and may only be seen by high level public officials, Zheng had the subjective intent to illegally provide state secrets abroad.

This Court gives no credence to the justifications and defense opinions proffered by Zheng and his defense counsels that Zheng did not clearly know that these were state secrets and that he did not intentionally transmit state secrets abroad.

Defendant Zheng Enchong's act of providing state secrets were socially harmful and considerations such as whether or not the foreign organization received them, or whether or not there was any actual harmful consequences to national interests do not influence the establishment of a crime. Therefore, the justifications and defense opinions proffered by Zheng and his defense counsel that the foreign organization never received the article provided by Zheng Enchong and as a result his actions did not have any consequences and do not constitute the commission of a crime are not accepted.

In order to maintain social order and safeguard national security, and in accordance with Articles 111, 56(1), 55(1), and 64 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," and Articles 1, 4, and 5 of the "Supreme People's Court's Explanations Regarding Certain Questions Concerning the Specific Laws to be Used in Adjudicating Cases of Foreign Theft or Spying to Obtain, or Providing Illegally, State Secrets or Intelligence," the judgment is as follows:

1. Defendant Zheng Enchong committed the crime of illegally providing state secrets to a foreign organization and is sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of three years and one year deprivation of political rights. (The prison term is to be calculated starting on the day the judgment is executed, and each day in custody prior to the execution of the judgment shall count as one day of the prison term, that is from June 6, 2003 to June 5, 2006).

2. Tools verified as having been used in the commission of the crime and material implicating state secrets shall be confiscated.

If any party does not accept this judgment, they may within 10 days after the second day after receiving this written judgment bring an appeal through this Court or directly to the High People's Court of Shanghai. A written appeal should be submitted with one original and one copy of the appeal brief.

October 28, 2003

Chief Adjudicator: Shen Xingkai
Adjudicator: Wang Yuzhan
Acting Adjudicator: Jiang Zhengyu

Clerk: Dong Wei
Clerk: Li Shu





被告人郑恩宠,男,1950年[INTENTIONALLY DELETED IN THIS CASEBOOK]出生于上海市,汉族,大学文化程度,原系上海市敏鉴律师事务所工作人员,住本市[INTENTIONALLY DELETED IN THIS CASEBOOK],户籍所在地本市[INTENTIONALLY DELETED IN THIS CASEBOOK]。因本案于2003年6月6日被刑事拘留,同年6月18日被逮捕;现羁押于上海市看守所。


















公安机关的《搜查笔录》、《扣押物品、文件清单》证实,从本市[INTENTIONALLY DELETED IN THIS CASEBOOK]郑恩宠住处查获了新华社《内参选编》第17期中《强行拆迁引发冲突,记者采访遭遇围攻》一文的复印件(标有"焦:新华社内参稿,望引用。郑"的手写字体)。










一.   被告人郑恩宠犯为境外非法提供国家秘密罪,判处有期徒刑三年,剥夺政治权利一年。




审判长        沈行恺
审判员        王宇展
代理审判员    蒋征宇


书记员        董  玮
书记员        李  姝

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Translation: State v. Huang Qunwei - Fabricating False Terrorist Information About SARS and Intentionally Posting It on the Internet

NOTE: This post was published on December 5, 2020, but this post is dated the date the court judgment was issued in order to prevent confusion.

First Intermediate People's Court of Beijing

Criminal Judgment

(2003) First Intermediate First Instance No. 14991

The public prosecution agency was the People's Procuratorate of Beijing Branch No. 1.  

Defendant Huang Qunwei, male, 25 years old (born [INTENTIONALLY DELETED], 1978), Han ethnicity, place of birth Beijing, associates degree, unemployed, residing at Qinghuayuan, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing. On May 3, 2003 he was taken into custody on suspicion of committing the crime of fabricating false terrorist information and was granted bail on the same day.  On May 8 of the same year he was taken into criminal detention, and was arrested on May 16. He is currently being held in custody at the Beijing Detention Center.

Appointed defense counsel Xu Lanting is a lawyer at the Beijing Junzejun Law Firm.

In the Jing Procuratorate Branch 1 Criminal Indictment (2003) No. 95 indictment the People's Procuratorate of Beijing Branch No. 1 charged defendant Huang Qunwei committing the crime of fabricating false terrorist information, and on May 27, 2003 filed a public prosecution with this Court. This Court formed a collegial panel in accordance with the law, and convened public hearings to try this case. The People's Procuratorate of Beijing Branch No. 1 assigned Procurator Zhu Lan and Acting Procurator Li Hong to appear in court in support of the public prosecution, and defendant Huang Qunwei and his assigned defense counsel Xu Lanting appeared in court to participate in the proceedings. The trial has now concluded.

The People's Procuratorate of Beijing Branch No. 1 charged that from April 25 to May 2, 2003, defendant Huang Qunwei at his home at [INTENTIONALLY DELETED], Qinghuayuan, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing, took advantage of a period of time when there was a peak in the SARS epidemic in Beijing and it was easy to instill psychological panic in people to fabricate articles without any factual basis with titles such as: "Absolutely Reliable News, Shanghai Concealed a Large Number of SARS Cases," "China has Officially Entered an Economic Crisis Due to SARS," and "With This Kind of Security, Take the Opportunity Created by SARS to Make Money," and used a home computer to log into the Internet by dialing from his home phone to spread them on the Internet.

The People's Procuratorate of Beijing Branch No. 1 transferred evidence of the crimes charged against defendant Huang Qunwei to this Court including witness testimony, search records, forensic conclusions, and the defendant's statements. It believes that defendant Huang Qunwei actions were an offense under the provisions of Article 291-1 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China" and constitute fabricating false terrorist information, and it requests this Court impose punishment in accordance with the law.  

In court during the trial defendant Huang Qunwei did not raise any objections to the criminal facts charged by the public prosecution agency. Defendant Huang Qunwei's defense counsel believes that the article "With This Kind of Security, Take the Opportunity Created by SARS to Make Money," which the public prosecution agency charged Huang Qunwei with authoring, should not be deemed terrorist information, and that after being taken into custody Huang Qunwei was able to proactively and thoroughly come clean regarding all the criminal facts and express regret for his crimes, and asks the court to show leniency to Huang Qunwei.  

It was ascertained at trial: From April 25 to April 27, 2003, defendant Huang Qunwei at his home at [INTENTIONALLY DELETED], Qinghuayuan, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing, took advantage of a period of time when there was a peak in the SARS epidemic in Beijing and it was easy to instill psychological panic in people to fabricate articles without any factual basis with titles such as: "Absolutely Reliable News, Shanghai Concealed a Large Number of SARS Cases" and "China has Officially Entered an Economic Crisis Due to SARS" and used a home computer to log into the Internet by dialing from his home phone. He went online and posted several times on forums such as the "Sohu website" news commentary forum web page and the "Xilu website's" "Sea and Sky" lying that China's Shanghai already head hundreds of "SARS" fatalities, that over 3,000 people had died nationwide, and encouraged people to stockpile. This created an atmosphere of terror and severely disrupted social order. On May 3, 2003, defendant Huang Qunwei was apprehended and brought to justice.  

The aforementioned facts have been affirmed by this Court by the following evidence which has been produced, examined, and substantiated in court:

1. The testimony of witness Huang Huaiwei proved: Recently, his younger brother Huang Qunwei often used a home-built computer to go online at home. Huang Qunwei usually went online after dinner, and often went to some forums to download comments made by other Internet users on a certain issue. After Huang Qunwei was released on bail by a public security agency awaiting trial, he told him that it was because he of the articles he posted online saying more than 400 people died of "SARS" in Shanghai, prices soared, and security guards using "SARS" to make money.

2. Search record and lists of seized items proved: On May 3, 2003, public security personnel seized one desktop computer from the southern living room of Huang Qunwei's home during the process of a search in accordance with the law.

3. One home computer was produced in court, and was identified by defendant Huang Qunwei in court and confirmed as the tool used by him in the commission of this case.
4. The Network Monitoring (2003) No. 28 forensic results produced by the Public Security Bureau of Beijing's Public Information Network Security Monitoring Detachment proved: An analysis of the computer used by Huang Qunwei found the contents of two articles on the machine: "absolutely reliable information, Shanghai has concealed a large number of SARS cases" and "China has officially entered an economic crisis due to SARS." Huang Qunwei used the online alias "zzzzxxxxzz" on the "Xilu website."

5. The evidentiary materials and download recordal materials produced by the Sohu Aitexin Information Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. proved: Around April 25, 2003, an Internet user with the alias "Head-on Attack" published an article titled "Absolutely reliable news, Shanghai conceals a large number of SARS cases" on Sohu.com's Society and Humanities forum. Around April 27, they used the same alias to post "China has entered an economic crisis due to SARS" on Sohu.com (the forum is unknown), and then changed the title to "Shanghai conceals a large number of SARS cases." A thorough search found the aforementioned three articles posted by an Internet user with the alias "Head-on Attack," and a recordal was made. The aforementioned articles were posted at the following times (respectively): 22:46, 23:04, and 23:38 on April 25, 2003; 19:30, 23:28, 23:32, 23:41, and 23:51 on April 26, 2003; and 21:02 on April 27, 2003.

6. The evidentiary materials produced by the Beijing Xilu Information Technology Co., Ltd.  proved: (i) At 18:58 on April 26, 2003, a user named "zzzzxxxxzz" registered and published on the "Xilu Network" [www.xilu.com] Forum Haikuotian [skysea.xilubbs.com] with the subject "Absolutely Reliable Inside Information" the article "Shanghai conceals a large number of SARS Cases," the IP address was [], when the security monitor on duty on Xilu deleted the article at 20:42 that day, the click rate was 945; (ii) At 23:42 on April 26, 2003, a registered user named [hushuoya] published an article titled "China Has Truly Entered an Economic Crisis Due to SARS" on the "Xilu Network" forum [skysea.xilubbs.com], the IP address was [], when the security supervisor on duty on Xilu deleted the article, the click rate was 386.

7. The evidentiary materials produced by the Beijing Changjie Network Communication Co., Ltd. prove: At 23:04 on April 25, 2003, the dialing number using that company's IP address was the phone number of defendant Huang Qunwei's home.

8. The apprehension process produced by the Public Security Bureau of Beijing proved: Huang Qunwei was apprehended at around 11:00 am on May 3, 2003 at [INTENTIONALLY DELETED], Qinghuayuan, Hadian District, Beijing.

9. Defendant Huang Qunwei's statements regarding the time, place, circumstances, and methods of the commission of the case correspond to the aforementioned evidence and are mutually corroborating.

This Court finds defendant Huang Qunwei intentionally fabricated false terrorist information and intentionally posted and publicized it on the Internet at a particular period of time when China's people were fighting the "SARS" epidemic, severely disrupting social order. His actions constitute the crime of fabricating and intentionally publicizing false terrorist information, and he shall be punished in accordance with the law.

With respect to the defense opinion proffered by defendant Huang Qunwei's defense counsel  that the content of the "With This Kind of Security, Take the Opportunity Created by SARS to Make Money " article which the indictment charged Huang Qunwei with publishing online was not terrorist information, the rationale is established and is accepted by this Court. But with respect to the defense opinion requesting Huang Qunwei be given a suspended sentence, in consideration of the specific circumstances of Huang Qunwei's crime a suspended sentence would be inappropriate, and therefore this Court does not accept it.

With respect to the People's Procuratorate of Beijing Branch No. 1's charges against defendant Huang Qunwei, the evidence that a crime has been committed is reliable. But the defendant both acted to fabricate false terrorist information and acted to disseminating it online, and therefore the offense charged by the public prosecution agency is insufficiently precise, and is amended by this Court. Accordingly, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of the Third Amendment to the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," Articles 291-1, 61, and 64 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," and Article 10(1) of the "Supreme People’s Court and  Supreme People’s Procuratorate Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Law in Handling Criminal Cases of Obstructing the Prevention and Control of Emergent Infectious Diseases," the judgment is as follows:

1. Defendant Huang Qunwei committed the crime of fabricating and intentionally publicizing false terrorist information and is sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of three years.  (The prison term is to be calculated starting on the day the judgment is executed, and each day in custody prior to the execution of the judgment shall count as one day of the prison term, that is from May 8, 2003 to May 6, 2006).

2. One seized desktop computer used by defendant Huang Qunwei in the commission of the crime is confiscated.  

If any party does not accept this judgment, they may within 10 days after the second day after receiving this written judgment bring an appeal through this Court or directly to the High People's Court of Beijing. A written appeal should be submitted with one original and three copies of the appeal brief.






被告人黄群威,男,25岁(1978年[INTENTIONALLY DELETED]出生),汉族,出生地北京市,大专文化,无业,住北京市海淀区中关村清华园。因涉嫌犯编造虚假恐怖信息罪,于2003年5月3日被羁押,同日被取保候审,同年5月8日被刑事拘留,5月16日被逮捕。现羁押在北京市看守所。



北京市人民检察院第一分院指控,被告人黄群威于2003年4月25日至5月2日间,在北京市海淀区清华园[INTENTIONALLY DELETED]家中,借当时北京市“非典型肺炎”疫情高发期易引起人们心理恐慌之机,在无任何事实依据的情况下,编造题为《绝对可靠消息,上海隐瞒了大量非典病例》、《中国已因非典而正式进入了经济危机》、《如此保安,借非典趁机赚钱》等文章,使用家中电脑,通过其住宅电话以拨号方式登陆互联网进行传播。



经审理查明:被告人黄群威于2003年4月25日至4月27日,在北京市海淀区清华园[INTENTIONALLY DELETED]家中,借当时北京市“非典型性肺炎”疫情高发期易引起人们心理恐慌之机,在无任何事实依据的情况下,编造题为《绝对可靠消息,上海隐瞒了大量非典病例》、《中国已因非典而正式进入了经济危机》的文章,使用家中电脑,通过其住宅电话以拨号方式登陆互联网,在“搜狐网站”新闻评论网页和“西路网站”的“海阔天空”等论坛中,多次上网传播,谎称我国上海市已因“非典型性肺炎”死亡数百人、全国死亡3000多人,鼓动尽快储备物品,制造恐怖气氛,严重扰乱了社会秩序。










8、北京市公安局出具的抓获经过证明:2003年5月3日11时许,在北京市海淀区清华园[INTENTIONALLY DELETED]将黄群威抓获。



一、被告人黄群威犯编造、故意传播虚假恐怖信息罪,判处有期徒刑三年。  (刑期从判决执行之日起计算,判决执行以前先行羁押的,羁押一日折抵刑期一日,即自2003年5月8日起至2006年5月6日止)。




Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

The PRC government sentenced Sun Zhiming (孙志明, who wrote under the alias Sun Daluo (孙大骆)) to one year imprisonment for the crime of "di...