Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Court Cites GFW Circumvention Software in Convicting Man for Three Tweets That Incited Ethnic Hatred

According to a judgment issued by the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region Kuitun Municipal People's Court in March 2016 (translated below) Tian Weiguo was sentenced to three years imprisonment for three posts he made on Google Plus and Twitter that "incited ethnic hatred." In its judgment the court specifically noted that Tian had used software to circumvent China's Great Firewall in order to make his posts on overseas websites.

The issues that Tian were posting about related to an outbreak of violence in Xinjiang in 2014 that was reported by Chinese state run media outlet the Global Times in an article entitled "Xinjiang Vows Unceasing Terror Crackdown." Some excerpts:
Xinjiang authorities revealed details of the Shache county terror attack on July 28 in a Saturday meeting chaired by its Party chief, putting the death toll at 96 and calling for a resolute crackdown to eradicate terrorists believed to be linked to overseas masterminds. 
In one of the largest attacks since the July 5 riot in 2009, extremists in Shache, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region attacked civilians, police stations and government offices on July 28, authorities announced.  
According to news portal, a website administered by the Xinjiang government, police gunned down 59 terrorists and arrested 215 others in the attack on July 28 in Shache, Kashi prefecture. 
The original decision is available on the court's website here:

Tian Weiguo Inciting Ethnic Hatred First Instance Criminal Judgment Document

Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region Kuitun Municipal People's Court

Criminal Judgment Document

(2016) 4003 Criminal First Instance No. 5

Public Prosecutorial Agency Kuitun Municipal People's Procuratorate.

Defendant Tian Weiguo.

In the Kuitun Public Criminal Prosecution Indictment Document No. 5[2016] the Kuitun Municipal People's Procuratorate charged the defendant Tian Weiguo with the crime of inciting ethnic hatred, and filed an indictment with this court on January 7, 2016. after accepting the case this court convened a collegiate panel, and held a hearing in open court. The Kuitun Municipal People's Procuratorate appointed Procurator Zhao Xiaobin and Procurator Li Yuzhen to appear in court in support of the indictment, and the defendant Tian Weiguo appeared in court and participated in the procedures. Hearings in this case have concluded.

The Kuitun Municipal People's Procuratorate charged:

On August 3, 2014, defendant Tian Weiguo used wall climbing software to register on the overseas website "Google," and reposted false information with the content "Xinjiang Shache Uighurs have been massacred." Afterwards, defendant Tian Weiguo once again reposted this false information on "Twitter," and at the same time also reposted two other items of information. The first was "The Shache massacre has been tweeted about for so long, the time has come for someone to call for the United Nations to send an investigation team." The second was "From what I understand of Xinjiang, there may be discrepancies: A leader of a mosque was killed because he cozied up to the Communists and helped the Chinese Communists, but hat was not the reason he was killed. Some women in Shache County went to the mosque during Id to recite scripture, and the local police / soldiers open fire and killed some of them, and when their families went to other villages to seek assistance, the Chinese Communists went crazy putting them down, massacring 4-5,000 people in four villages."

The foregoing information was reposted and collected by a large number of people.

The arraignment decision document and the false information reposted by Tian Weiguo on overseas websites (website screenshots) produced by the public prosecutorial agency, as well as the statements and defenses offered by Tian Weiguo, as well as electronic evidence forensics report produced by the Yili Prefecture Public Security Bureau and other relevant evidence proves the foregoing, and based on this the public prosecutorial agency believes that defendant Tian Weiguo's actions constitute the crime of inciting ethnic hatred, and request punishment be imposed in accordance with the law, and recommend that defendant Tian Weiguo be sentenced to no more than three years imprisonment.

Tian Weiguo objects to all of the facts and the crime charged by the public prosecutorial agency that he incited ethnic hatred. His defense is that after he saw the posts he was shocked and curious, and that he reposted them in order to confirm their veracity. He believes this does not constitute the crime of inciting ethnic hatred.

An investigation has shown that the defendant Tian Weiguo used wall climbing software on several occasions to access overseas websites, and used his Google account and Twitter account to distribute false information with content that incited ethnic hatred. On August 3, 2014, he used his Google account to publicly share a post with this content: "Xinjiang Shache Uighurs have been massacred." From August 1 to August 3, 2014, he used his Twitter account to subsequently reshare three tweets with the following content:
  • "Xinjiang Shache Uighurs have been massacred."
  • "The Shache massacre has been tweeted about for so long, the time has come for someone to call for the United Nations to send an investigation team." 
  • "From what I understand of Xinjiang, there may be discrepancies: 1. A leader of a mosque was killed because he cozied up to the Communists and helped the Chinese Communists, but hat was not the reason he was killed. 2. Some women in Shache County went to the mosque during Id to recite scripture, and the local police / soldiers open fire and killed some of them, and when their families went to other villages to seek assistance, the Chinese Communists went crazy putting them down, massacring 4-5,000 people in four villages." 
It was also determined that defendant Tian Weiguo’s Google account had 32 followers, and his Twitter account had 98 followers.

The foregoing facts were subject to examination and cross examination in court and verified by the public prosecutorial agency based mainly on the following evidence:

1. The arraignment decision document proving that on July 22, 2015 the Kuitun Public Security Bureau filed charges against Tian Weiguo for the crime of inciting ethnic hatred.

2. The electronic evidence forensics collected by the Yili Public Security Bureau's Network Security Defense Force, including website screenshots of the false information reposted by defendant Tian Weiguo on overseas websites, proving that the defendant used his Google account and Twitter account to spread false information that incited ethnic hatred.

3. The statements and defenses of defendant Tian Weiguo, proving the defendant Tian Weiguo confessed to the investigating agencies to the fact that he reposted false information on overseas websites that included content that incited ethnic hatred.

4. Expert Opinion: The electronic evidence forensics report produced by the Yili Prefectural Public Security Bureau proves that there were many copies of wall climbing software on his desktop computer, and tests showed a record of it being used to access overseas websites.

The foregoing evidence was verified and cross-examined in court, and the procedures and provenance was lawful, the content was connected to the facts in this case, and each piece of evidence was able to confirm the other. They provided effective proof, and are accepted by this court.

This court finds that on several occasions defendant Tian Weiguo used overseas websites to spread false information with content that incited racial hatred, sowed discord between the races, and damaged ethnic unity. His actions constitute the crime of inciting ethnic hatred.

The facts are clear and the evidence is definitive with respect to the Kuitun People's Procuratorate's charging defendant Tian Weiguo with the crime of inciting ethnic hatred. The accusation stands, and is upheld by this court.

Defendant Tian Weiguo offered the defense that he only reposted them in order to garner evidence, but this court cross-examined in court the facts of the content of his reposts and that it was viewed by others, and gives these facts credence. Therefore the defense offered by defendant Tian Weiguo does not comport with the facts in this case, and it is not accepted by this court.

In order to strike out at crime, maintain ethnic unity, and ensure that citizens' democratic rights are not infringed, in accordance with the provisions of Article 249 and Article 61 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, this court finds as follows:

Defendant Tian Weibo committed the crime of inciting ethnic hatred, and is sentence to three years imprisonment.

(The sentence is to be calculated from the date of execution of this judgment, with the sentence to be reduced by one day for each day that he was in custody prior to the execution of this judgment. Therefore it shall run from July 22, 2015 to July 21, 2018.)

If he does not agree with this judgment he may appeal to this court or directly to the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region Higher People's Court, Yili Hasake Autonomous Prefecture Subdivision within 10 days after the day after receiving this judgment. Written appeals should be submitted with one original and two copies.

Presiding Judge Wang Hongying
Judge Yang Li
Acting Judge Gao Gaiyao

March 24, 2016

Clerk Xu Zhenling



刑 事 判 决 书




















审 判 长  王洪英
审 判 员  杨 力
代理审判员  高改桃

书 记 员  徐珍玲

Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

 On July 7, the " @FreeXueBing " Twitter account posted a link to the court judgment in the inciting subversion case of Huang Xueq...