Monday, September 18, 2017

Man Jailed Seven Months for Saving ISIS Videos on Phone and Baidu Cloud Storage

On September 8, 2017, the People's Court of China website posted the judgment of a court in Beijing imposing a seven month prison sentence on Duan Zheng on the grounds that he violated Article 120-6 of China's Criminal Law (illegal possession of materials promoting terrorism and extremism) for saving seven terrorist videos on his cell phone and his Baidu cloud storage account. In reaching its judgment the court noted:
  • There was no evidence that Duan distributed or shared the videos or showed them to anyone else.
  • Duan used VPN software to "climb over the wall" to access the overseas websites from which he downloaded the videos. 
  • The court rejected Duan’s defense that he downloaded the videos out of curiosity and because he found them exciting, notwithstanding the fact that he had also downloaded videos of car accidents with graphic violence.
  • Duan “should have been able to discern” that the content of the videos at issue promoted terrorism and extremism.
The only video specifically mentioned in the court judgment was "NEWISISExecutionofpoliceofficersbyshooting_theYNC." This screenshot was taken on September 17, 2017, and shows a Baidu search for that title returns several results from the "theYNC" website.

Duan was not accused of having any communication, affiliation, or involvement with any terrorist organization, nor did the judgment explain how authorities became aware that Duan was in possession of the videos. The court did note that Duan confessed to viewing and downloading the videos in November 2016, but that he did not upload the videos to Baidu's Net Disk cloud storage until February 2017, and that authorities "received a report" about Duan's activities on March 2.

China’s Criminal Law was amended in November 2015 to add Article 120-6, which provides as follows:
Article 120-6: (Illegal Possession of Materials Promoting Terrorism and Extremism) Illegally possessing books, audio-visual materials or other materials that one clearly knows promote terrorism or extremism, where the circumstances are serious, is punishable by up to three years imprisonment, detention, or controlled release and/or a fine.
第一百二十条之六 【非法持有宣扬恐怖主义、极端主义物品罪】明知是宣扬恐怖主义、极端主义的图书、音频视频资料或者其他物品而非法持有,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制,并处或者单处罚金。
The court noted that "when defendant Duan Zheng searched for and downloaded violent terrorist videos the software he used was the Doujia VPN software, and he circumvented the Great Firewall and viewed and downloaded them from "theYNC" website." Duan was not prosecuted for using VPN software.

This screenshot shows that the week before the court judgment was issued Doujia announced it was shutting down its VPN service.


First Instance Judgment in a Case of Duan Zheng's Illegal Possession of Materials Promoting Terrorism and Extremism

First Intermediate People's Court of Beijing

Criminal Judgment Document

(2017) Jing 01 Criminal First No. 69

Prosecuting Agency is the First Division of the Beijing People's Procuratorate.

Defendant Duan Zheng, male, 32 years old (born October 23, 1984), Han ethnicity, born in Beijing, middle school education, unemployed, registered address Haidian district, Beijing. Detained on March 2, 2017 on suspicion of the crime of possessing materials that promote terrorism and extremism. Formally arrested on March 15 of the same year. Currently being held in the No. 1 Beijing Jail.

Defense counsel Liu Ze of the Beijing Jingda Law Firm.

The First Division of the Beijing People's Procuratorate filed Criminal Indictment Document [2017] No. 58 with this court on July 10, 2017 charging defendant Duan Zheng with the crime of possessing materials that promote terrorism and extremism. On the same day this court accepted the case it convened a judicial panel served defendant Duan Zheng with a copy of the indictment, informed him of his rights during the court hearings, and solicited his opinions on procedural matters including waivers, jurisdiction, exclusion of illegal evidence, applications for witnesses to appear in court, applications to cross-examine, and the posting of judgment documents online. Relevant legal procedures were also explained to him, and defendant Duan Zheng expressed no objections.

On July 12, 2017 defense counsel Liu Ze submitted documents to this court confirming his retention as defense counsel, and the same day the judicial panel made arrangements for the defense counsel to review and copy all case materials, and reminded him to go to the jail to visit the defendant as soon as possible.

Based on a review of all the materials, the judicial panel determined that this case met the conditions for a public trial, and decided to hold public hearings. On August 21, 2017, the judicial panel held public hearings in this case. The First Division of the Beijing People's Procuratorate assigned Procurator Pan Xueqing to appear in court in support of the indictment, and defendant Duan Zheng and his defense counsel Liu Ze came to court to participate in the prosecution. Hearings in this case have now concluded.

The First Division of the Beijing People's Procuratorate charged: from the end of 2016 until March 2017, defendant Duan Zheng saved videos with content that promoted terrorism and religious extremist ideology at his home in Beijing's Haidian district on his mobile phone and on Baidu's NetDisk.

On March 2, 2017 defendant Duan Zheng was detained by public security officials, and the public security officials recovered seven videos from his mobile phone and Baidu NetDisk.

The First Division of the Beijing People's Procuratorate transferred evidence of the crime charged against defendant Duan Zheng to this court including physical evidence, written evidence, investigation conclusions, forensic investigation records, and the defendant's depositions and defenses. It maintained that defendant Duan Zheng's actions constituted the crime of illegal possession of materials promoting terrorism and extremism, and requested this court impose penalties in accordance with the law.

During the trial the defendant Duan Zheng did not raise any objections to facts or crimes charged by the prosecuting agency.

The main defenses offered by defendant Duan Zheng's defense counsel were: Duan Zheng downloaded and saved the videos in this case out of a sense of entertainment and curiosity, and prior to be detained he was not aware that the videos in this case were terrorist videos, and he therefore lacked the subjective intent to commit a crime. In addition, it is obvious that Duan Zheng did not commit any significant harm during this case, and there is no reason to believe he committed a crime, and Duan Zheng should not be subjected to criminal punishment.

During the trial it was determined that: from the end of 2016 until March 2017, defendant Duan Zheng saved videos with content that promoted terrorism and religious extremist ideology at his home in Beijing's Haidian district on his mobile phone and on Baidu's NetDisk. On March 2, 2017 defendant Duan Zheng was detained by public security officials, and the public security officials recovered seven videos from his mobile phone and Baidu NetDisk. The content of the videos promoted terrorism and religious extremist ideology, and represented model examples of violent terrorist videos, and their degree of harm of relatively great.

The foregoing facts were proven in court through evidence that was submitted and examined, and it has been shown:

1. The "Examination Records of the Contents of the Videos Possessed by Duan Zheng" submitted by the Beijing Public Security Bureau Anti-Terrorism Task Force proves: the content of the videos possessed by Duan Zheng promoted terrorism and religious extremist ideology, included content showing members of the "Islamic State" terrorist organization taking people's lives using bloody and savage methods, were exceedingly inciting, instructive, and violent, and represented model examples of violent terrorist videos.

2. The "Investigation Records," "Detention Warrant," and "Detention Manifest" produced by the Beijing Haidian District Public Security Bureau proves: the circumstances in which civil police confiscated Duan Zheng's gold Samsung mobile phone, and how the civil police conducted a search of Duan Zheng's home before witnesses at Apt. 1-107, # 3 Taipingzhuang Road, Haidian District, Beijing.

3. The Jing Hai (NetSec) Incident Scene Review [2017] No. 0302002 "On-Scene Review Investigation Work Record" and photos produced by the First Division of the Beijing Haidian District Public Security Bureau proves: From 10:50 to 11:40 pm on March 2, 2017, before witnesses, investigators conducted a search and inspection of the Samsung SM-C7000 mobile phone used by Duan Zheng, with the examination showing that the mobile phone had installed Baidu's NetDisk, with an account registration of XXX. The examination discovered the file "NEWISISExecutionofpoliceofficersbyshooting_theYNC.MP4" stored on the mobile phone, which corresponded to the video file that had been reported, which was copied to an optical disc.

The investegators logged on to the Baidu NetDisk account on the phone, and there in a folder labeled BaiduNetdisk/specialvideos were stored 10 videos, a review of which discovered that, in addition to the video that had been reported, there were an additional six terrorist sensitive videos, and the video thumbnails included the symbol of a terrorist organization. The aforementioned six videos were saved onto an optical disc.

4. Seven violent terrorist videos: the seven videos confiscated from Duan Zheng's phone, with bloody violent terrorist content were shown in court, and Duan Zheng acknowledged the seven videos.

5. The "Household Registration Materials" submitted by the Beijing Haidian District Huayuan Road Police Station proves: Defendant Duan Zheng's age, ethnicity, and other information.

6. The "Court Summons" submitted by the Beijing Haidian District Huayuan Road Police Station proves: On March 2, 2017, it received information from the District office saying that there was a criminal suspect named Duan Zheng in Haidian District suspected of possessing illegal materials that promoted terrorism, and asking the station to cooperate. Afterwards the civil police from the station met up with anti-terror officers from the District public security and state security bureaus and detained Duan Zheng at approximately 9:00 pm on March 2, 2017. This man admitted his name was Duan Zheng, from Beijing, and at that place confessed that in February 2017 he knowingly viewed videos with terrorist content and saved the videos to his mobile phone and uploaded them. Duang Zheng cooperated throughout the court summons process, and did not refuse, obstruct, resist, or flee.

7. The "Work Explanation" submitted by the Beijing Haidian District Huayuan Road Police Station proves: when defendant Duan Zheng searched for and downloaded violent terrorist videos the software he used was the Doujia VPN software, and he circumvented the Great Firewall and viewed and downloaded them from "theYNC" website. The files in this case on the Baidu NetDisk were not disseminated and because they were not set for sharing, it is believed other users were not able to download or view them.

8. Defendant Duan Zheng's testimony proves: In November 2016, he used Great Firewall circumvention software to on his mobile phone to access a foreign video website called "theYNC." On that website he watched seven violent terrorist videos and three videos of car accidents, all of which contained graphic violence. He then saved them on his mobile phone. In February 2017 he purchased Baidu NetDisk, and after getting online he uploaded the things that were saved on his mobile phone to the NetDisk. At around 9:00 pm on March 2, 2017 upon returning from a walk outside he found the civil police waiting for him outside his door, whereupon he was taken to the police station. He had downloaded some software called "Doujia" onto his computer, and after installing it it enabled his mobile phone to access overseas websites. He only stored them on his mobile phone and uploaded them onto the Baidu cloud storage that he had bought. The mobile phone that he had saved those violent terrorist videos on was the Samsung C7 mobile phone he was currently using with the number 186XXXX3023. He had downloaded and saved those videos because they were exciting, and wanted to keep them for his personal viewing, and did not have any other purpose. He neither shared them nor showed them to others. His Baidu cloud storage account: XXX, password 1984XXXX, no username. The violent terrorist videos he downloaded were about a minute long each, the content was all foreign (Muslims) terrorists using guns to execute people, and the scenes were particularly graphic, with lots of close-ups of shots to the head.

With respect to defenses raised by Duan Zheng's defense counsel that Duan Zheng was just downloading and saving the videos out of amusement and curiosity, that prior to his detention he was not aware that the videos at issue in this case were violent terrorist videos, and that he lacked subjective criminal intent, this investigation has shown: many of the names of the video files at issue in this case contained the letters "ISIS," and the videos included the "ISIS" terrorist organization members using extremely graphic and cruel methods to take the lives of others. Based on an assessment by public security agencies, the aforementioned videos promoted terrorism and religious extremist ideology, and are classic examples of violent terrorist propaganda material. "ISIS" is globally recognized as an extremist terrorist organization, and as an intelligent normal adult Duan Zheng of reasonable intelligence and social experience, he should have been able to discern that the content of the videos at issue in this case promoted terrorism and extremism. Furthermore, in responding to the court summons and throughout the trial process he openly admitted the violent terrorist nature of the videos at issue in this case. The evidence in this case is sufficient to prove that Duan Zheng had direct and specific knowledge of the violent terrorist nature of the videos at issue in this case, and therefore the defense offered by defense counsel lacks a factual basis, and is rejected by this court.

This court finds that defendant Duan Zheng illegally possessed seven videos with content that promoted terrorism and religious extremist ideology that were classic examples of violent terrorist videos, that the degree of harm was relatively great, that despite clearly knowing that the aforementioned videos were materials that promoted terrorism and extremism Duan Zheng nevertheless saved them to his mobile phone and his Baidu NetDisk, that the circumstances were serious, his actions constituted the crime of illegally possession of materials that promoted terrorism and extremism, and he should be subject to punishment.

The facts are clear and there is irrefutable evidence to support the charge of the First Division of the Beijing People's Procuratorate that defendant Duan Zheng commited the crime of illegally possession of materials that promoted terrorism and extremism, and the crime charged is hereby confirmed. Given that Duan Zheng confessed to his criminal actions in answer to the court summons, his punishment shall be reduced in accordance with the law.

There is a lack of factual and legal support for the defense offered by defense counsel that there was notably little actual damage arising from the circumstance in this case, that there was no actual crime, or that Duan Zheng should not be subjected to criminal penalties, and this court hereby rejects those defenses. Given this, on the basis of the facts, nature, and circumstances of defendant Duang Zheng's crimes, as well as the degree of harm to society, in accordance with Article 120-6, Article 67(3), Article 47, Article 52, Article 53,  and Article 61 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China" and Article 5 of the Supreme People's Court's "Certain Rules Regarding Issues Relating to Use of Financial Penalties," this Court hereby finds as follows:

Defendant Duan Zheng committed the crime of possessing materials that promote terrorism and extremism, and is sentenced to seven months imprisonment and fined 1,000 yuan.

(The sentence is to be calculated from the date of execution of this judgment, with the sentence to be reduced by one day for each day that he was in custody prior to the execution of this judgment. Therefore it shall run from March 2, 2017 to October 1, 2017. The fine shall be paid within 30 days after this judgment becomes effective).

If he does not accept this judgment he may appeal to this court or directly to the Beijing High People's Court within 10 days after the day after receiving this judgment. Written appeals should be submitted with one original and two copies.

Presiding Judge: Zheng Wenwei
Acting Judge: Xiang Yang
People's Assessor: Tian Zhimei

August 25, 2017

Judges Assistance: Deng Fei

Clerck: Wang Jingyan



刑 事 判 决 书




























审 判 长  郑文伟
代理审判员  相 阳
人民陪审员  田枝梅


法官 助理  邓 飞

书 记 员  王婧妍

Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

 On July 7, the " @FreeXueBing " Twitter account posted a link to the court judgment in the inciting subversion case of Huang Xueq...