Friday, July 9, 2021

The 7.09 Prosecutions: Yu Wensheng Criminal Judgment

Intermediate Court of Xuzhou, Jiangsu

Criminal Judgment

(2019) Su 03 Criminal First Instance No. 201


Translator's Summary: The court found Yu, a lawyer who represented Wang Quanzhang, guilty on the grounds that he "published open letters on the Internet through 'Twitter' and 'Facebook' to attack the State regime and the socialist system. He distorted and fabricated facts about, and sensationalized, hot-button domestic incidents in the name of 'rights defense.' He accepted foreign funds and interviews many times, denied the leadership of the Communist Party of China, denigrated China's governmental and judicial agencies, defamed China's rule of law as being in retreat and human rights as deteriorating, intentionally provoked people who did not know the truth to hate China's current political system, and incited subversion of China's State regime and the overthrow of the socialist order."
The public prosecution agency was the People's Procuratorate of Xuzhou.


Defendant Yu Wensheng, male, born [INTENTIONALLY DELETED], 1967, residential ID No. [INTENTIONALLY DELETED], Han ethnicity, undergraduate degree, unemployed, residing in [INTENTIONALLY DELETED], Shijingshan District, Beijing. On January 20, 2018, he was detained by the Public Security Bureau of Beijing, Shijingshan Division on suspicion of committing the crime of obstructing an official in the exercise of their duty. On January 24, 2018, he was taken into criminal detention by the Public Security Bureau of Tongshan District, Xuzhou on suspicion of committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power. On the 27th of that month he was ordered placed under residential confinement at a designated location. On April 19, 2018, the People's Procuratorate of Xuzhou authorized his arrest on suspicion of committing the crimes of inciting subversion of state power and obstructing an official in the exercise of their duty. On the same day the Public Security Bureau of Xuzhou carried out the arrest. He is currently being held in detention at the Xuzhou Detention Center.

Defense counsel Zhao Qiang is a lawyer at the Jiangsu Pengcheng Law Firm.

Defense counsel Yue Song is a lawyer at the Jiangsu Qianlong Law Firm.

In the Xu Procuratorate Prosecution Criminal Indictment (2019) No. 10 indictment, the People's Procuratorate of Xuzhou charged defendant Yu Wensheng with committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and filed a public prosecution with this Court. Following the Supreme People's Court's designation of jurisdiction, after this Court opened and docketed the case, on February 11, 2019, it formed a collegial panel in accordance with the law, and on May 9, 2019 tried this case in open court. The People's Procuratorate of Xuzhou assigned Procurator Deputy Director Bao Shuhua, and Procurators Li Qingquan and Rong Hui to appear in court in support of the public prosecution, and defendant Yu Wensheng and his defense counsels Zhao Qiang and Yue Song appeared in court to participate in the proceedings.

During the trial, an extension of time for the trial in this case was granted by the High People's Court of Jiangsu and the Supreme People's Court in accordance with the law. It was also researched by this Court's adjudicative committee. The trial has now concluded.

The People's Procuratorate of Xuzhou charged: Defendant Yu Wensheng, having been affected by the influence of the infiltration of anti-China forces, gradually formed the idea of subverting the State regime and overthrowing the socialist order. Between 2014 and January 2018, Yu Wensheng published open letters on the Internet through "Twitter" and "Facebook" to attack the State regime and the socialist system. He distorted and fabricated facts about, intervened in, and sensationalized sensitive domestic incidents in the name of "rights defense." He accepted foreign funds and interviews, discredited Party and State leaders, denied the leadership of the Communist Party of China, denigrated governmental and judicial agencies, defamed the rule of law as being in retreat and human rights as deteriorating, and incited subversion of China's State regime and the overthrow of the socialist order. The specific facts are described as follows:

1. From July 2014 to 2017, when defendant Yu Wensheng was practicing in Beijing Daoheng Law Firm he acted in several "Falun Gong" cases. Knowing that "Falun Gong" was a cult organization, Yu Wensheng gave interviews to the foreign media outlets "New Tang Dynasty" and "Voice of Hope," and publicly denied the cult nature of "Falun Gong," advocating on its behalf and portraying it in a positive light, and smearing China's persecution of Falun Gong."

2. From July 2015 to August 2017, while the Tianjin judiciary was, in accordance with the law, dealing with the case of lawyers Wang Yu, Wang Quanzhang and others who were suspected of inciting subversion of state power, defendant Yu Wensheng fabricated false facts about the judiciary's "illegal" handling of the case and published them via "WeChat," "Twitter," "Facebook" and other channels, maliciously denigrating China's judiciary.

3. Defendant Yu Wensheng joined the WeChat group of the China Human Rights Lawyers Group in 2014, and in 2015, 2016, and 2017 Yu Wensheng was interviewed three times by foreign media outlets such as "Radio Free Asia" and "New Tang Dynasty" in his capacity as the interview contact of that WeChat group, making false claims that China "has no legal order," and that "the rule of law is in retreat" and "human rights are in retreat," thereby distorting the current status of rule of law in China.

4. From 2015 to 2017, defendant Yu Wensheng used "Twitter" and gave interviews to foreign media outlets to fabricate false statements that he was on "death row" and attacked China's governmental and judicial agencies.

5. From 2014 to 2018, defendant Yu Wensheng gave interviews several times to foreign media outlets such as "Radio Free Asia" and "Voice of America" in which he smeared the government's image and rejected China's political system and legal system. During this period, Yu Wensheng received funding from foreign organizations many times.

6. On the afternoon of October 18, 2017, defendant Yu Wensheng's "Lawyer Yu Wensheng's Open Letter" was posted on foreign websites such as "Facebook" and "Twitter." It denigrated Party and State leaders, and rejected the Party's leadership. The following morning, Yu Wensheng deleted the posts after being interviewed by the Justice Bureau of Shijingshan District, Beijing. On January 16, 2018, Yu Wensheng once again posted the article on "Facebook" and "Twitter." In the early morning of January 18, 2018, Yu Wensheng concocted the "Yu Wensheng's Open Letter on a Proposal to Amend the Constitution" and published it on "Facebook" and "Twitter," rejecting the organizational form of China's existing regime and the leadership of the Party and the socialist system. As of February 1, 2018, the aforementioned two articles were retweeted and liked by hundreds of people, and were reposted and disseminated by many foreign websites such as "," "," and "

In order to prove the aforementioned charged facts, the public prosecution agency provided documentary evidence including the articles published by defendant Yu Wensheng that incited subversion of state power, and a detailed record of bank cards receiving foreign funding; testimony of witnesses Sha Lin, Chen Min, Ji Aihua and others; defendant Yu Wensheng's statement; the voiceprint forensic opinion produced by the Public Security Office of Jiangsu's Material Forensics Center; the remote crime scene investigation, investigation experiments and other records produced by the Public Security Bureau of Xuzhou; audio-visual materials of Yu Wensheng giving interviews to foreign media outlets collected by the Public Security Bureau of Xuzhou, and electronic data.

The People's Procuratorate of Xuzhou maintains that defendant Yu Wensheng used the spreading of rumors, defamation, and other means to incite subversion of state power and the overthrow of the socialist order abroad, that his actions constitute the commission of an offense under the provisions of Article 105(2) of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," and he should be subject to criminal liability for inciting subversion of state power. At the same time they point out that the subjective malice of defendant Yu Wensheng's subversion of state power was relatively significant, the circumstances of the crime were malicious and involved resisting arrest and violence towards civil police, and in accordance with the law should be subjected to severe punishment.

Defendant Yu Wensheng did not raise any objections to the charged criminal facts and offense, pleaded guilty and repented in court and requested leniency.

The main defense opinions put forward by the defense counsels were: After being taken into police custody Yu Wensheng made truthful statements about the criminal facts and spoke openly about the circumstances. From the time he was taken into police custody through the trial Yu Wensheng showed a good attitude in pleading guilty and repenting in court. They requested leniency.

It was ascertained at trial that, over a long period of time defendant Yu Wensheng, having been affected by the influence of the infiltration of anti-China forces, gradually formed the idea of subverting China's State regime and overthrowing the socialist order. Between 2014 and January 2018, Yu Wensheng published open letters on the Internet through "Twitter" and "Facebook" to attack the State regime and the socialist system. He distorted and fabricated facts about, and sensationalized, hot-button domestic incidents in the name of "rights defense." He accepted foreign funds and interviews many times, denied the leadership of the Communist Party of China, denigrated China's governmental and judicial agencies, defamed China's rule of law as being in retreat and human rights as deteriorating, intentionally provoked people who did not know the truth to hate China's current political system, and incited subversion of China's State regime and the overthrow of the socialist order. The specific facts are described as follows:

I. From July 2014 to 2017, defendant Yu Wensheng, knowing that "Falun Gong" was a cult organization, gave many interviews to the foreign media outlets "New Tang Dynasty" and "Voice of Hope," and publicly denied the cult nature of "Falun Gong," flagrantly advocated on its behalf and portrayed it in a positive light, denigrated China's laws and policies, smeared the image of the government, and vainly attempted to incite subversion of China's State regime.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by evidence submitted by the public prosecution agency and cross-examined in court, and the following evidence is hereby confirmed by this Court:

1. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "New Tang Dynasty" on September 13, 2016 retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng proved: Yu Wensheng gave an interview to New Tang Dynasty, saying that "The authorities' suppression of Falun Gong for 17 years is completely wrong and it is a political persecution. Now the behavior of the police, procuratorate, and judiciary is a crime."

2. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "Voice of Hope" on December 15, 2016 (with the title"Innocent Falun Gong Practitioners are Being Released in Many Places, the Persecution has Reached the End of the Road") retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation, and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng proved: Yu Wensheng gave an interview to the "Voice of Hope," and when the "Voice of Hope" said "Some people continue to suppress Falun Gong", Yu Wensheng responded, "The police, prosecutors, and law enforcement agencies are pushing each other on the Falun Gong issue. This is a good thing. After all, some people are starting to wake up."

3. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "New Tang Dynasty" on October 4, 2017 (with the title "People in Mainland China Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi and Students a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival") retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng proved: Yu Wensheng gave an interview to "New Tang Dynasty" and said "The Falun Gong group is a very kind-hearted group, which only brings benefits to society, it is not harmful."

4. Defendant Yu Wensheng's statement: The statements he made when he gave interviews to "New Tang Dynasty" and "Voice of Hope" did in fact deny "Falun Gong's" cult qualities had no basis in truth, was an attack on China's legal system, confused public opinion, and made more people dissatisfied with the Party and government and China's legal system. He utilized foreign media outlets because they can incite more people to believe that the Party and government's suppression of "Falun Gong" is wrong, and thereby attack and smear the Party and Government.

II. From July 2015 to August 2017, while the Tianjin judiciary was, in accordance with the law, dealing with the case of lawyers Wang Yu, Wang Quanzhang and others who were suspected of inciting subversion of state power, defendant Yu Wensheng fabricated false facts such as "Wang Yu has been forcibly disappeared and his family has not received any legal documentation," "the public security agency is conducting mass arrests and terrorizing lawyers, its a violation of law and order," and " "the judiciary is illegally blocking meetings." He used "Twitter" and "Facebook" to post, denigrating China's judiciary and intentionally inciting individuals who did not know the truth to become dissatisfied and confrontational, all in order to achieve the goal of inciting subversion of China's State regime.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by evidence submitted by the public prosecution agency and cross-examined in court, and the following evidence is hereby confirmed by this Court:

1. The article about sending a complaint letter and the article and images regarding the lawyer Wang Quanzhang posted by Yu Wensheng on his "Twitter" account on August 1, 2015 and March 6, 2017, and the article about his lawyer's professional annual inspection and Wang Quanzhang's case he posted on his "Facebook" account on July 29, 2017 retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation proved: In an effort to sensationalize the Wang Quanzhang and other cases, Yu Wensheng concocted a complaint letter saying that "The Ministry of Public Security violated the law and government order, forcibly disappearing Chinese citizens, creating an atmosphere of terror, and committing evil acts against humanity." It was mailed to multiple agencies and spread through "Twitter."

2. The "Yu Wensheng and His Wife Xu Yan: Statement on the Criminal Detention of Lawyer Wang Yu" published on the foreign website "" on July 19, 2015 and the electronic version of that "Statement" extracted from the computer of Yu Wensheng, the article "The Family Members and Lawyers of the Parties Implicated in the 709 Mass Arrests Went to the Tianjin Hexi Detention Center to Demand a Meeting, Terminate the Cases, and Release the People" published on "" on January 8, 2016, and the complaint letter regarding Yu Wensheng's handling of the 709 cases sent to 21 agencies published on "" and "New Tang Dynasty" on March 7 and 8, 2017, respectively, retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation proved: Yu Wensheng's wife issued a statement slandering China Central Television and other media for "rendering judgment before the trial;" Yu Wensheng sent a complaint letter to multiple agencies regarding the Wang Quanzhang case, and used foreign media outlets such as ""and "New Tang Dynasty" to sensationalize it.

3. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "Mirror TV Rule of Law Channel" on August 20, 2017 retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng proved: Yu Wensheng was interviewed by the "Mirror TV Rule of Law Channel" and said "The accusation is that they are inhuman. In fact, as far as fighting a counterattack against the 709 is concerned, it was really me who started the actual counterattack. I was the first person."

4. Defendant Yu Wensheng's statement: On July 19, 2015, he and his wife Xu Yan issued a statement for Wang Yu, condemning China Central Television and Xinhua Net, saying that they had stigmatized lawyer Wang Yu and others by rendering judgment before the trial. On July 31, 2015, they sent a statement to the National People's Congress, the State Council, etc. mailing a complaint letter, accusing the Ministry of Public Security of conducting mass arrests, intimidating lawyers and citizens, rendering judgment before the trial, and acting in an inhuman manner that violated the law and government order. They posted the accusation information on the "Twitter" website. The contents were all his distorted facts, fabricated out of nothing, and the purpose was to arouse people's dissatisfaction with the public prosecutors and the law. His interview with the "Mirror TV Rule of Law Channel" involved the 709 Wang Quanzhang case, and included content about dissatisfaction with China's legal system.

III. Defendant Yu Wensheng joined the "China Human Rights Lawyers Group" WeChat group in 2014, and for three years from 2015 to 2017 Yu Wensheng was interviewed by foreign media outlets such as "Radio Free Asia" and "New Tang Dynasty" in his capacity as the interview contact of that WeChat group, and he repeatedly made false claims that "There is no legal order in China, and inhuman oppression is the main problem," "China's legal system and human rights are regressing, and human rights in China are deteriorating, and human rights violations are on the increase," distorting the status of the rule of law in China, smearing the image of the Party and government, denying the achievements of socialist construction, and intending to overthrow China's current system.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by evidence submitted by the public prosecution agency and cross-examined in court, and the following evidence is hereby confirmed by this Court:

1. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "Radio Free Asia" on September 13, 2015 retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng proved: When Yu Wensheng gave an interview he said: "What we are facing is inhuman suppression without legal order by the authorities."

2. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "Radio Free Asia" on September 14, 2016 retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng proved: When Yu Wensheng gave an interview he said: "The rule of law in China has not progressed, on the contrary it is increasingly in retreat."

3. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "New Tang Dynasty" on September 14, 2017 retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng proved: When Yu Wensheng gave an interview he said:"The authorities are the ones undermining the rule of law."

4. The "Situation Explanation" produced by the Ministry of Civil Affairs proved: The Ministry of Civil Affairs has not registered the "China Human Rights Lawyers Group" or the "China Human Rights Lawyers Service Group."

5. Defendant Yu Wensheng's statement: Around January 2014, he joined the "China Human Rights Lawyers Group" WeChat group and gave many interviews to foreign media regarding the "Chinese Human Rights Lawyers Group." The statements he made were not based on facts, they distorted facts, spread rumors, and defamed, attacked, and smeared the government.

IV. From 2015 to 2017, defendant Yu Wensheng intentionally fabricated false facts that a "death row" system existed in China, used "Twitter" and accepted interviews with foreign media outlets to spread false statements that he was being held in custody on "death row," and attacked and smeared China's governmental and judicial agencies, intending to incite subversion of China's State regime.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by evidence submitted by the public prosecution agency and cross-examined in court, and the following evidence is hereby confirmed by this Court:

1. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "Mirror TV Rule of Law Channel" on August 20, 2017 (with the title "Lawyer Without a Firm Yu Wensheng – There is No Safe Place in China"), retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng proved: Yu Wensheng gave an interview to "Mirror TV Rule of Law Channel" and said: "I was imprisoned on death row for 61 days, and I used everything that was used by death row prisoners. Anyone who was put on death row would have succumbed."

2. Yu Wensheng's personal signature "Twitter" account retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation proved: Yu Wensheng made "death row" his personal signature content.

3. The "Situation Explanation" produced by the Beijing No. 1 Detention Center proved: In 2014, Yu Wensheng was held in custody on suspicion of disturbing the peace at the Beijing No. 1 Detention Center, and that Center does not have any dedicated rooms specifically to holding condemned criminals in custody.

4. Defendant Yu Wensheng's statement: Foreign media outlets interviewed him many times. He fabricated the issue of "death row" and spread it to attack China's judiciary, and incite people’s dissatisfaction with the Party and government. He fabricated the existence of a "death row," and it was without factual basis.

V. From 2014 to 2018, defendant Yu Wensheng accepted interviews several times with foreign media outlets such as "Radio Free Asia," "Voice of America" and "New Tang Dynasty," during which he used means such as spreading rumors and defamation to spread statements that smeared the Party's and the government's image and rejected China's political system and legal system, all to achieve the goal of inciting subversion of China's State power and socialist system through international networks. During this period, Yu Wensheng accepted funding from foreign organizations such as Ireland's Front Line Defenders many times.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by evidence submitted by the public prosecution agency and cross-examined in court, and the following evidence is hereby confirmed by this Court:

1. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "Radio Free Asia" on September 26, 2016 (with the title "The Ministry of Justice Issued a document to Ban Lawyers from Creating Pressure from Public Opinion, Triggering Strong Backlash from the Legal Profession") retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng proved: Yu Wensheng gave an interview to "Radio Free Asia" and said:"The Law Firm Management Measures are like the new National Security Law and Cyber-Security Law. They are all draconian laws and further oppress human rights lawyers."

2. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "Voice of America" on September 21, 2017 (with the title "VOA Connects with Yu Wensheng: Beijing's Two Human Rights Law Firms Have Been Repeatedly Investigated, Is This a New Wave of Suppression of Human Rights Lawyers?") retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng, the testimony of witnesses Chen Min and Peng Mei, and documentary evidence of the 2017 investigation records of the Beijing Shijingshan District Justice Bureau and the Xicheng District Justice Bureau proved: In 2017 the Beijing Shijingshan District Justice Bureau and the Xicheng District Justice Bureau conducted inspections of many law firms such as the Beijing Mo Shaoping Law Firm and the Daoheng Law Firm, Yu Wensheng gave an interview to the "Voice of America" saying this inspection is a targeted suppression of the aforementioned two law firms, and that China's human rights situation continues to deteriorate, and the rule of law continues to deteriorate.

3. The article and audio of the interviews Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlets "New Tang Dynasty" and "Radio Free Asia" on January 17 and 18, 2018 retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng, the documentary evidence Proposal of the Beijing Shijingshan District Justice Bureau on the Cancellation of Yu Wensheng's Lawyer Professional Certificate, and the Decision of the Beijing Municipal Justice Bureau Canceling Yu Wensheng's Lawyer Professional Certificate proved: After his lawyer’s professional certificate was canceled in accordance with the law he was not employed by a law firm for six months, Yu Wensheng accepted interviews with "New Tang Dynasty" and "Radio Free Asia" and said "The cancellation of the lawyer’s certificate can only prove the regime is a rogue regime, and I will not be silent on this," and "China's political parties have not been legally registered and have no legal status. All political parties are illegal organizations."

4. Documentary evidence including an Ireland Front Line Defenders application for funding confirmation form signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng, Yu Wensheng's Agricultural Bank of China account's receipt of a Western Union remittance from Ireland, a "receipt" for RMB 20,000 from the Hong Kong Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group received by Yu Wensheng for acting as counsel in the Zhu Yingdi case collected from Yu Wensheng's laptop computer, the chat records with Xiaojun VAL from the SKYPE account used by Yu Wensheng, transaction details of Yu Wensheng's China Construction Bank bank card, Xu Yan's immigration records from 2016 to 2017, and Yu Wensheng's statement proved: Yu Wensheng accepted financial assistance from the "Ireland Front Line Defenders" organization many times.

5. Defendant Yu Wensheng's statement: When he gave an interview to "Radio Free Asia" he mentioned that the National Security Law, Charity Law, and NGO related laws and regulations are all evil laws, and the new administrative measures were intended to suppress human rights lawyers, and China does not have human rights. This was actually him smearing the Party and the government, expressing his dissatisfaction with the Party and the government. He also said that all political parties in China are illegal organizations, which was a rejection of China's existing Party system. When he gave an interview to the "Voice of America" he said law firms would be purged before the 19th National Congress, and there will be no progress in human rights after the 19th National Congress. He gave an interview to "New Tang Dynasty" and said the cancellation of his lawyer's license was a way for the authorities to suppress him, which can only prove that this regime is a rogue regime.

VI. On the afternoon of October 18, 2017, defendant Yu Wensheng's "Lawyer Yu Wensheng's Open Letter" was posted on "Facebook" and "Twitter." It denigrated Party and State leaders, and rejected the Party's leadership. On January 16, 2018, Yu Wensheng once again posted that article on "Facebook" and "Twitter." In the early morning of January 18, 2018, Yu Wensheng concocted the "Yu Wensheng's Open Letter on a Proposal to Amend the Constitution" and published it on "Facebook" and "Twitter," rejecting the organizational form of China's existing regime and the leadership of the Party and the foundations of the socialist system. As of February 1, 2018, the aforementioned two articles were retweeted and liked by hundreds of people, and were reposted and disseminated by many foreign websites such as "," "," and "

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by evidence submitted by the public prosecution agency and cross-examined in court, and the following evidence is hereby confirmed by this Court:

1. An article with the title "Lawyer Yu Wensheng's Open Letter" posted by Yu Wensheng on his Twitter and Facebook accounts on January 16, 2018, and an article with the title "Yu Wensheng's Open Letter on a Proposal to Amend the Constitution" posted by Yu Wensheng on his Twitter and Facebook accounts on January 18, 2018, which were reported on over 10 foreign websites including "," "," and "," and were retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation proved: Yu Wensheng published two open letters via "Twitter" and "Facebook," which were reposted by many foreign websites.

2. The electronic evidence inspection records of the public security agency on Yu Wensheng’s two laptop computers, and the utilization investigation experiments of the "Twitter" and "Facebook" account registration proved that the "Twitter" and "Facebook" accounts that published statements that incited subversive were used by Yu Wensheng himself.

3. Testimony of witnesses Gao Weihua, Ji Aihua, Chen Min, and Sha Lin, staff of the of Shijingshan District Justice Bureau, and Lu Kai and Wang Weicivil police at the Public Security Bureau of Beijing, Shijingshan Division, audio and video recordings and written records of Shijingshan District Justice Bureau's interview with Yu Wensheng, and Yu Wensheng's Commitment Letter proved:On October 18, 2017 Yu Wensheng was interviewed by the Shijingshan District Justice Bureau, and admitted he posted the aforementioned opened letters.

4. Defendant Yu Wensheng's statement: At about two o'clock in the afternoon on October 18, 2017, he used his mobile phone to compose the article "Lawyer Yu Wensheng's Open Letter" at his home, and used wall-climbing software to post the article on "Facebook" and "Twitter." He wrote that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, unjust imprisonment and corruption have been rampant. This was a rejection of the 97-year history of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 68-year history of the founding of the government, and was a kind of making something out of nothing. The Lei Yang Incident, Qing'an Incident, and the suppression of the New Citizens that were listed were are all distortions of the facts. The goal was to reject China's existing system and smear the Party and the government. Regarding the articles on amending the Constitution on Facebook and Twitter, the purpose of proposing constitutional amendments was to deny the leadership of the Communist Party of China, deny the system of multi-party cooperation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, deny the Party's leadership of the army, and deny China's electoral system.

In order to prove the charged criminal facts, the public prosecution agency submitted comprehensive evidence to this Court including evidentiary materials such as defendant Yu Wensheng's statement regarding his subjective intent to incite subversion of state power, Yu Wensheng's Statement of Repentance and remote crime scene investigation records, electronic evidence investigation records, voice identification forensic opinions, the description of the case resolution process, audio and video recording materials of Yu Wensheng's apprehension, testimony of witnesses Liu Yang, Fan Jingsheng, and other civil police officers, search records, list of seized items, and Permanent Residential Population Information Inquiry Forms, all of which were produced and examined in court, and their probative value is confirmed by this Court.

This Court finds defendant Yu Wensheng incited subversion of state power and the overthrow of the socialist order by spreading rumors and defamation and other means, his actions constitute the crime of inciting subversion of state power, the facts charged by the People's Procuratorate of Xuzhou that defendant Yu Wensheng committed the crime of inciting subversion of state power are clear, the evidence is reliable and copious, and the charged offense is established. The opinion proffered by the public prosecution agency the subjective malice was relatively significant, the circumstances of the crime were malicious and involved resisting arrest and violence towards civil police, and in accordance with the law should be subjected to severe punishment is sustained.

The opinion proffered by defense counsel that defendant Yu Wensheng was able to truthfully state criminal facts at all stages from investigation and pre-prosecution examination through the trial, has been frank about the circumstances, and showed a good attitude in pleading guilty and repenting in court, and in accordance with the law he should be shown leniency, is established.

Based on the principle that the punishment should be proportional to the crime and a comprehensive consideration of the criminal facts, nature, circumstances, and the degree of harm to society in this case, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 105(2), 55(1), 56(1), 67(3), and 64 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," the judgment is as follows:

1. Defendant Yu Wensheng committed the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and is sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of four years and three years deprivation of political rights.

(The prison term is to be calculated starting on the day the judgment is executed, and each day in custody prior to the execution of the judgment shall count as one day of the prison term, that is from April 19, 2018 to March 1, 2022.)

2. The relevant items used in the commission of the crime seized in this case shall be confiscated in accordance with the law and turned over to the national treasury.

If any party does not accept this judgment, they may within 10 days after the second day after receiving this written judgment bring an appeal through this Court or directly to the High People's Court of Jiangsu. A written appeal should be submitted with one original and two copies of the appeal brief.

Chief Adjudicator        Qiu Xuefeng
Adjudicator            Liu Mingwei
Adjudicator            Sun Xi

June 17, 2020

Judge's Assistant        Li Tongda
Clerk                           Wang Yan 





被告人余文生,男,1967年[INTENTIONALLY DELETED]生,居民身份证号码[INTENTIONALLY DELETED],汉族,本科文化,无业,住北京市石景山区[INTENTIONALLY DELETED],因涉嫌犯妨害公务罪,2018年1月20日被北京市公安局石景山分局刑事拘留;因涉嫌犯煽动颠覆国家政权罪,2018年1月24日被徐州市铜山区公安局刑事拘留,当月27日被该局指定居所监视居住;因涉嫌犯煽动颠覆国家政权罪,妨害公务罪,2018年4月19日经江苏省徐州市人民检察院批准逮捕,同日由徐州市公安局执行逮捕,现羁押于徐州市看守所。
























































审判长        邱学锋
审判员        刘明伟
审判员        孙析



法官助理    李通达
书记员        汪艳

Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

 On July 7, the " @FreeXueBing " Twitter account posted a link to the court judgment in the inciting subversion case of Huang Xueq...