Monday, July 11, 2016

Chronicling Local Government Tactics Targeting "Politically Harmful" Hong Kong Publications and Their Distributors

The following are excerpts of notices and regulations published on the web pages of local Chinese governments. These texts indicate that, beginning in 2012, local Chinese governments were undertaking initiatives regarding "politically harmful publications" such as:
  • Cleansing school campuses of illegal publications;
  • Using commercial, tax, and other tools to suppress Hong Kong media outlets that engage in reactionary publishing and their operators who come to mainland China to conduct economic activities;
  • Banning 14 Hong Kong and Taiwan publication distributors;
  • Banning 21 types of Hong Kong periodicals;
  • Blocking "specified persons" from returning to mainland China;
  • Prosecuting those spreading politically harmful publications using mobile apps, "Great Firewall circumvention" software, social media, and micro-blogs;
  • Preventing tourists bound for Hong Kong and Taiwan  from purchasing politically harmful publications to bring back to China;
  • Disciplining Party members who bring overseas politically harmful publications back to China.


Title: Liangdang County Notice Regarding Purifying Books on School Campuse and Banning Illegal Publications From Entering School Campuses(两当县教育局关于清理学校图书和严禁非法出版物进校园的通知)

Source: Education Bureau, Liangdang County, Gansu (两当县教育局)
Date: October 11, 2012
Recently, the Longnan municipal "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications" Task Force Office issued the following five documents:
  • Notice Regarding Issuance of Catalog of Overseas "Falun Gong" Publications to be Investigated and Banned (LSAPSDIP Measure No. [2012]11)
  • Notice Regarding Issuance of Catalog of Seven Batches of Politically Harmful Publications to be Investigated and Banned  (LSAPSDIP Measure No. [2012]12)
  • Notice Regarding Centralized "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications" Rectification Campaigns to Welcome the 18th National Party Congress (LSAPSDIP Measure No. [2012]13)
  • Notice Regarding Distribution of the Notice Regarding Further Restraining Mainland China Enterprises' Economic Activities With Respect to Hong Kong Media Outlets Responsible for Reactionary Publications (LSAPSDIP Measure No. [2012]14)
  • Notice Regarding the Distribution of the First List of Main Distributors of Hong Kong Politically Harmful Publications (LSAPSDIP Measure No. [2012]15)
These documents called for the purification, confiscation, banning, and blocking of politically harmful publications. In particular, the illegal publications listed in the catalogs must be banned from school campuses. In order to coordinate with the "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications" Office's work in purifying and confiscating harmful books, the following requirements must be met:

1. After receiving the Notices all school districts and schools must immediately conduct a cleansing of the books in their school districts and school libraries, and upon discovery of any politically harmful book, resolutely move to either clear it out and seal it up, or directly destroy it.  Strictly prohibit harmful books from coming onto school campuses.

2. All school districts and schools must supervise and urge teachers and students to purify their personal book collections, and as soon as they discover any books listed in a catalog as banned or as being  from a distributor of harmful publications they must be handed over for destruction. It is strictly prohibited to collect or circulate books listed in a catalog.

3. The Department of Education will strengthen its oversight and inspections of illegal publications in order to purify school campuses, and in cases where a malicious influence is created because ban enforcement is insufficiently strict it shall hold the relevant individuals personally responsible. All school districts and schools must document the work they do to cleanse school campuses of illegal publications (on paper and electronically), and file a report with their county education bureaus before October 5.

最近,陇南市“扫黄打非”工作领导小组办公室最近连续下发了《关于下发境外“法**功”出版物查堵目录的通知》(陇扫黄打非办法[2012]11号)、 《关于下发2012年第七批政治性有害出版物查堵目录的通知》(陇扫黄打非办法[2012]12号)、《关于开展迎接党的十八大“扫黄打非”集中整治行动 的通知》(陇扫黄打非办法[2012]13号)、《关于转发<关于进一步约束内地企业对香港反动出版传媒机构经济行为的通知>的通知》(陇扫 黄打非办法[2012]14号)、《关于印发第一批香港政治性有害出版物主要传发行机构名单的通知》(陇扫黄打非办法[2012]15号)5个文件,要求 对政治性有害出版物一律进行清缴封堵。坚决禁止非法出版物特别是目录要求所列书籍进校园。为配合扫黄打非办公室清缴有害书籍工作,现将有关事宜要求如下:





Title: Dongying Campaign to Strengthen the Investigating, Banning, Opposing, and Countering of Hong Kong Reactionary Publications (东营市深化查堵反制香港反动出版活动)

Source: Hekou District Culture and Athletics Broadcast News Office (河口区文体广电新闻出版局)
Publication Date: May 29, 2013
Issuance Date: September 23, 2013
At present, profound and complex changes are taking place in both the international and domestic terrain, with struggles in the ideological realm becoming extremely pointed, failures in all attempts to put a stop to illegal publication and distribution activities, enemy forces using concocting reactionary publications and sparing no efforts to spread false ideologies and viewpoints, inciting discontent amongst the masses.

The struggle against infiltration and counter-infiltration of the publishing realm is extremely pointed, with no let up in Hong Kong acting as the base for political illegal publications to infiltrate and spread into mainland China.

Looking at our situation, even after years of strenuous work, while the problems of printing and producing political illegal publications have vanished in our city, there remains the difficult task of preventing these kinds of publications from flowing into our city. We have yet to adopt further investigative and banning measures, and we need new breakthroughs when it comes to opposing and countering them.
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We will attack the venues that produce, sell, and distribute illegal publications such as those involving "Tibetan independence," Xinjiang separatism, religious extremist ideology, and violent terrorism, and bring information work within a targeted campaign.
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Strengthen Integrated Opposing and Countering Work. There are two primary tasks: First, earnestly implement the list of 14 Hong Kong publication distributors "banned" by the "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications" Office in 2012. Confiscate and block their publications and related information without exception, regardless of whether or not there is any problems with the content.

Use commercial, tax, and other tools to suppress Hong Kong media outlets that engage in reactionary publishing and their operators who come to Dongying to conduct economic activities. Impose a total ban on their social activities within the city.

With respect to certain "special persons," the Public Security Bureau should undertake coercive measures to restrict their return to mainland China.

We must endeavor to secure new breakthroughs in this work during this "Purify the Source" campaign.

The second job is to expand the ranks of information agents, and strengthen intelligence gathering on those publishers, printers, distributors, and book stores involved with politically harmful publications, as well as their primary managers and authors.

Ensure that information collected in intelligence reports is timely and accurate.

The responsible agencies will be the municipal State Security Bureau, Public Security Bureau, Customs Office, Administration of Industry and Commerce, Propaganda Bureau, and "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications" Office.

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Title: Notice Regarding the Launch of "Cleanse the Source" Special Operations in Furtherance of Investigating, Blocking, and Countering Hong Kong's Reactionary Publishing,  (关于开展深化查堵反制香港反动出版活动专项治理“清源”行动的通知)

Issuing Agency: Suzhou Culture and Athletics Office (文体局)
Source: Suzhou Municipal Government, Xiangcheng District (苏州市相城区人民政府)
Production Date: June 4, 2013
Publication Date: August 27, 2013
To all "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications" member agencies:

In accordance with the requirements of the "Suzhou Municipal Government, Xiangcheng District 2013 'Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications' Action Plan" jointly issued by the "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications" Task Force, it is decided that from the end of May through the middle of October this year there will be organized a district-wide launch of a "Cleanse the Source" special operation in furtherance of investigating, blocking, and countering Hong Kong's reactionary publishing. The "Suzhou Municipal Government, Xiangcheng District 'Cleanse the Source' Special Operations in Furtherance of Investigating, Blocking, and Countering Hong Kong's Reactionary Publishing Action Plan" is therefore hereby published for you.  Please work together and consult with this district and this office to implement it.

Suzhou Municipal Government, Xiangcheng District "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications" Task Force

June 4, 2013

Suzhou Municipal Government, Xiangcheng District "Cleanse the Source" Special Operations in Furtherance of Investigating, Blocking, and Countering Hong Kong's Reactionary Publishing Action Plan

In accordance with the requirements of the "Suzhou Municipal Government, Xiangcheng District 2013 'Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications' Action Plan" jointly issued by the provincial and municipal "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications" Task Force offices, it is decided that from the end of May through the middle of October this year there will be organized a district-wide launch of a "Cleanse the Source" special operation in furtherance of investigating, blocking, and countering Hong Kong's reactionary publishing. The Plan is hereby formulated as follows:

1. Operational Objectives

On the basis of the requirements of grabbing the head and attacking the base, the main measures are to conduct ruthless border inspections, screen the mails, take charge of the printing presses, comb through the markets, take charge of the networks, impose restrictions internally, and establish an integrated system of blocks. When investigating cases the starting point should coordinated governance of both the online and the offline. Launch  a "Cleanse the Source" special operation in furtherance of investigating, blocking, and countering Hong Kong's reactionary publishing, and strive to govern through this special operation. Ensure that there are no incidents of batches of politically harmful publications entering the borders, of printing or pirating of politically harmful publications at any scale, of information pertaining to politically harmful publications being spread online, or  of major incidents or lax investigation of incidents relating to politically harmful publications.

2. Work Methodologies

(i) Strengthen Border Inspections. To strengthen border controls for politically harmful publications the focus should be on investigating and prosecuting those who carry banned publications over the border, earnestly carry out the requirements set forth in the "Notice Regarding Strictly Prohibiting Party Cadres From Publishing Politically Harmful Publications and Essays and Carrying Harmful Publications Back to China," supervise and urge travel agencies to implement measures such as briefing, guiding, and dissuading tourists.

(ii) Strengthen Postal Inspections. Strictly regulate channels fo the circulation of materials, and supervise and urge delivery services, storehouses, high speed rail operators and others in the transportation industry to establish comprehensive mechanisms for inspection and screening. In particular, it is necessary to increase the rate of inspection of postal deliveries, tourist luggage, express deliveries, and all other kinds of merchandise transport methods originating from Hong Kong. Upon discovering anything suspicious carry out a complete inspection, and perfect mechanisms for blocking channels through which illegal publications flow.

(iii) Strengthen Oversight and Control of Printing Presses. Strenuously drive forward the three foundations of administration - legal enterprises, regulated operations, and responsible management. Make effective use of the Jiangsu Province's online registration system for printing professionals, and further perfect the administration of the accounts of printers and copying businesses and related management systems. Make the focus of investigations those printing enterprises that have a record of breaking the law, being the target of complaints, engaging in overseas printing, or having the ability to print publications. It is particularly necessary to strengthen oversight and control over those printing enterprises that provide binding and other services for Hong Kong publishing activities, and resolutely ban illegal printing or copying for "dens of iniquity."

(iv) Strengthen Combing Through Markets. Step up the degree of oversight and control over markets for publications, undertake joint investigations, error checking, undercover investigations, cross-checking, and other measures. Supervise and urge markets where the sale of publications is concentrated and wholesale an retail locations to regulate the channels of importation. Strictly implement rules relating to the administration of sales. Resolutely investigate and prosecute anyone who holds political illegal publications.  Use daily patrols to maintain a state of high pressure at focal points such as downtown districts, tourist attractions, and transportation hubs. Resolutely ban those who would peddle illegal publications using mobile stalls and unlicensed business operators.

(v) Strengthen Oversight and Control Online. Strengthen fundamental management of the Internet and mobile communications. Supervise and urge telecommunication operating enterprises to intensify technical filtering measures and strengthen information security systems. Resolutely block the websites of foreign hostile forces, strike hard at domestic online bookstores and electronic commercial platforms that act as go-betweens for overseas harmful publication activities, strive to increase the investigation and prosecution of those spreading politically harmful publications using mobile apps, "Great Firewall circumvention" software, social media, and weibo. Move quickly to block, delete, investigate and prosecute political illegal websites, political illegal  online publications, and harmful information. Absolutely do not permit any online retention or diffusion. Build extensive systems for gathering and reporting important information, joint investigation of important clues, and supervising the investigation of important cases.




Title: Fuqing Municipal "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications" Campaign Implementation Plan for 2014 (2014年福清市“扫黄打非”行动实施方案    )

Source: General Office of the Fuqing People's Government, Fujian (福清市人民政府办公室)
Publication Date: February 12, 2014
The Tourism Bureau must ensure that tourists bound for Hong Kong and Taiwan receive warnings and are subjected to propaganda. Adopt a multi-tiered training methodology and ensure that leaders and tour guides of those bound for Hong Kong and Taiwan proactively carry out their responsibility to remind and discourage and prevent tourists from purchasing politically harmful publications to bring back to China.
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The "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications" Office shall handle the integration, coordination, supervision, and inspection of the "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications" campaign, and shall organize online screening and marketplace monitoring.

In accordance with the requirements of the list of 14 "banned" Hong Kong and Taiwan publication distributors and 21 types of "banned" Hong Kong periodicals, comprehensively coordinate the strengths of all member agencies, and apply a multitude of techniques to make targeted attacks on the primary reactionary media outlets in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Comprehensively strengthen blocking, and follow up on clues when managing major cases.

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Title: Wudang Launches Implementation Plan for "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications Purify the Source 2014" Campaign (乌当区开展“扫黄打非·清源2014”专项行动实施方案 )

Source: Wudang District People's Government, Guiyang (贵阳市乌当区政府)
Publication Date: April 3, 2014
All printing enterprises that pirate Hong Kong politically harmful publications must be dealt with severely. Resolutely punish printers and copiers that are "dens of iniquity." Strike hard at all types of illegal printing activities.
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Any Party members who personally transport or mail overseas politically harmful publications back to China must be dealt with severely. Organize ways to deal with them or impose disciplinary sanctions.
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The district "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications" will follow up on relevant clues and channels and make timely use of information in order to resolutely put a stop to enterprises in the district advertising in Hong Kong reactionary media periodicals and providing printing and binding services to Hong Kong reactionary publishers. At the same time, the Public Security Bureau and State Security Bureau will act as checkpoints for overseas periodicals in mainland China, and strengthen their work on inspecting publications presented by foreign groups or individuals to the libraries of colleges and secondary schools in the district.
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With respect to certain "special persons," the district "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications" officials shall work with the public security agencies and adopt coercive measures including restricting their return to mainland China. It shall coordinate relevant agencies to continue to make "key people" in their jurisdiction return on a regular basis, and consistently grasp the root issues of their jobs.

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对某些“特殊人”, 区“扫黄打非”办要联合公安部门采取限制回内地等强制手段。要协调有关部门继续做好辖区“重点人”的定期回访工作,随时掌握工作底数。

Title: The Status of Our Region's "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications" Campaign (我区“扫黄打非”开展情况 )

Source: Ningxia Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film, and Television (宁夏新闻出版广电局)
Publication Date: September 9, 2014
On June 23, the National "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications" Task Force Office convened the second major inspection of Mosques and other religious venues and their neighboring publications markets in order to strengthen the clean up of mobile phone and computer retail and repair markets, strengthen the governance of printing, copying, and typesetting shops, transportation, and mail delivery links, and eliminate harmful publications. The first major inspection of printing enterprises and publication markets was carried, with resolute investigations and prosecutions of those who published books and materials on behalf of Hong Kong publishers.
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During the "Tianshan Project" operation, the Ningxia "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications" Office and the Yinchuan Customs Bureau investigated and prosecuted illegal political publications that had originated from Hong Kong and Taiwan. There were no illegal religious publications relating to Xinjiang or  Tibetan independence. Yinchuan is a major point of ingress for illegal publications, and currently the only means employed to bring in illegal publications is tourists carrying them in in their luggage. Illegal publications include books and magazines, and consist mainly of illegal political books such as "The Zhongnanhai Episode," and magazine such as "Xinwei Monthly," "Major Incidents," "Trends," etc.

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Title: The Status of the Huiyang District's "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications" Campaign (惠阳区2014年“扫黄打非”工作总结 )

Source: Huizhou Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film, and Television (惠州新闻出版广电局)
Publication Date: November 13, 2014
The focus throughout the entire year was to ban, block, inspect, confiscate, and counter overseas political illegal publications, particularly those from Hong Kong. The focus was on uncovering and blocking reactionary propaganda from Falun Gong groups and politically harmful publications such those that made outrageous statements critical of Party personnel arrangements, that spoke unfavorably about Party and State leaders, and sowed disorder in the public's ideology, and that advocated for "Tibetan Independence" and Xinjiang separatism. The goal was to ban these from entering from overseas and being published domestically,  illegally printed, sold in markets, spread online, and discussed in the media.
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Put in place comprehensive bans and blocks in accordance with the requirements of these lists issued by the "Sweep Away Pornography and Strike Down Illegal Publications" Office:
  • 14 Hong Kong and Taiwan Publication Distributors
  • 21 Types of Banned Hong Kong Periodicals
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Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

 On July 7, the " @FreeXueBing " Twitter account posted a link to the court judgment in the inciting subversion case of Huang Xueq...