Friday, July 9, 2021

The 7.09 Prosecutions: Zhu Chengzhi Criminal Judgment

Intermediate People's Court of Suzhou, Jiangsu

Criminal Ruling

(2020) Su 05 Criminal Final No. 6601


Translator's Summary: The court found Zhu guilty on the grounds that he "used foreign Internet platforms to disseminate a large amount of false information relating to significant domestic events that seriously damaged the image of the country and seriously harmed national interests, creating a disturbance, confusing public opinion, causing severe disruption of public order." The court specifically cited Zhu for using "Twitter and Facebook to maliciously sensationalize major domestic events such as the "Jiansanjiang Incident," "Qing'an Incident," and the "Lei Yang Incident," all of which occurred at least two years prior to Zhu's arrest.


The original public prosecution agency was the People's Procuratorate of Wuzhong District, Suzhou.

Appellant (defendant in the original trial) Zhu Chengzhi, male, born [INTENTIONALLY DELETED], 1950, resident registration ID No. [INTENTIONALLY DELETED], Han ethnicity, junior high school education, unemployed, residing at [INTENTIONALLY DELETED] Baoqing East Road, Baodong Community Residents Committee, Shuangqing District, Shaoyang, Hunan. On June 8, 2012, he was subjected to 10 days administrative detention by the Public Security Bureau of Shaoyang, Daxiang Division for obstructing a government agent in the execution of their duties. On October 11, 2016, he was subjected to seven days administrative detention by the Public Security Bureau of Shaoyang, Shuangqing Division for disrupting public order. On April, 30, 2018 he was placed under residential confinement at a designated location (having been taken into custody on the 29th of the same month) by the Public Security Bureau of Suzhou, Wuzhong Division on suspicion of committing the crime of disturbing the peace. On October 29, 2018 he was taken into criminal detention by the Public Security Bureau of Suzhou, Wuzhong Division on suspicion of committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power. On November 12, 2018 he was arrested on suspicion of committing the crime of disturbing the peace. He is currently being held in detention at the Suzhou No. 1 Detention Center.

Defense counsel Zhang Lei is a lawyer at the Beijing Tongzhenghan Law Firm.

Defense counsel Liu Hai is a lawyer at the Huayi Law Firm, Beijing.

The People's Court of Wuzhong, Suzhou tried the case of the People's Procuratorate of Wuzhong, Suzhou charge that the defendant in the original trial Zhu Chengzhi committed the crime of disturbing the peace, and on July 31, 2020 issued the (2019) Su 0506 Criminal First Instance No. 537 criminal judgment. After the judgment was announced, the defendant in the original trial Zhu Chengzhi did not accept it, and submitted an appeal. After this Court docketed the case it formed a collegial panel in accordance with the law. Based on a reading of the case file, interrogatories with the appellant, and hearing the opinions of the People's Procuratorate of Suzhou and defense counsel, found the facts in this case are clear, and decided not to hold hearings at trial. The trial has now concluded.

The judgment in the original trial held that, since 2010, defendant Zhu Chengzhi used the foreign Internet platforms Twitter and Facebook to disseminate a large amount of false information that seriously damaged the image of the country and seriously harmed national interests, created a disturbance, confused public opinion, and caused a severe disruption of public order. The specific facts are as follows:

1. Since March 2010, over a long period of time defendant Zhu Chengzhi used his registered account on the foreign Internet platform Twitter, to denigrate China's political system, publishing false statements and pictures that seriously damaged the image of the country and seriously endangered national interests. These included more than 140 posts with false information directly attacking China's State leaders and political system, which were reposted more than 700 times and liked more than 1,290 times.

2. Since 2014, over a long period of time defendant Zhu Chengzhi used his registered account on the foreign Internet platform Facebook to denigrate China's political system, publishing false statements and pictures that seriously damaged the image of the country and seriously endangered national interests. These included more than 50 posts with false information directly attacking China's State leaders and political system, which were shared and commented on more than 40 times and liked more than 150 times.

3. Defendant Zhu Chengzhi used his aforementioned registered accounts on the foreign Internet platforms Twitter and Facebook to maliciously sensationalize major domestic events such as the "Jiansanjiang Incident," "Qing'an Incident," and the "Lei Yang Incident," and after official information had been publicized he still fabricated rumors, distorted facts, and posted a large number of false statements and pictures.

Among these, on April 28, 2016, defendant Zhu Chengzhi went to Mudu Town, Wuzhong District, Suzhou and logged in to his Facebook account in Mudu Town, Wuzhong District on the 30th of the same month, and published posts attacking state agencies.

The original trial found that evidence of the aforementioned facts included the apprehension process, seize materials, document lists, electronic evidence investigation work records, electronic data investigation work records, collection records, remote crime scene investigation work records, the testimony of witnesses Wang Mingxian and Ni Jinfang, proof of household registration, and the Administrative Punishment Decision. The court in the original trial found defendant Zhu Chengzhi used foreign Internet platforms to disseminate a large amount of false information relating to significant domestic events that seriously damaged the image of the country and seriously harmed national interests, creating a disturbance, confusing public opinion, causing severe disruption of public order, and his actions constitute the commission of the crime of disturbing the peace. In accordance with the provisions of Article 293(1)(iv) of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," it sentenced defendant to a fixed term imprisonment of three years and six months for committing the crime of disturbing the peace.

The appeal rationales and defense opinions of appellant Zhu Chengzhi and defense counsel are:

1. The Suzhou Wuzhong District judiciary does not have jurisdiction in this case.

2. There were no eyewitnesses to the remote crime scene investigation in this case, there were no approval procedures for some of the remote crime scene investigation, and the procedures for collecting evidence violated the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law and should not be used as a basis for a judgment.

3. Appellant did not fabricate information or continue to spread it knowing that it is false information, and the content posted falls within the category of freedom of speech. Facebook and Twitter are not not public venues with respect to the crime of disturbing the peace. Appellant's actions did not cause serious chaos in public order.

To sum up, it is requested that the judgment for appellant Zhu Chengzhi be changed to not guilty.

The opinion produced by the People's Procuratorate of Jiangsu holds that the facts determined in the judgment in the original trial were clear, the evidence was reliable and copious, the trial procedures were legal, the sentence was appropriate, and the appeal grounds for appeal are not established. It recommends the appeal be rejected and the judgment in the original trial be upheld.

The facts ascertained by the trial of second instance are consistent with the facts found in the original judgment, and all of the evidence that was produced and examined in court in the original trial can be mutually corroborated, and are therefore probative, and are affirmed by this Court.

With respect to the opinions raised by Appellant and defense counsel, based on a comprehensive review of facts and evidence of the whole case, this Court's comprehensive evaluation is as follows:

With respect to the relevant opinions raised by Appellant and defense counsel that "The Wuzhong District judiciary did not have jurisdiction in this case," an investigation found that appellant Zhu Chengzhi logged in to his Facebook account on April 30, 2016 and made a post attacking State agencies. The location was displayed in the city of Wuzhong District, Mudu Township. Wuzhong District was the location where appellant Zhu Chengzhi's accessed the network to commit a cybercrime.

In accordance with the provisions of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Opinions of the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Public Security on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Criminal Procedures in the Handling of Cybercrime Cases," Wuzhong District was the location of the criminal activity in this case, and the local judiciary has jurisdiction in this case.

With respect to the relevant opinions raised by Appellant and defense counsel that "the evidence collection procedure in this case violated the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law and cannot be used as the basis for a judgment," this Court finds:

First, the issue of the approval of the remote crime scene investigation. An investigation found that during hearings in the trial of first instance, the public prosecutor produced as evidence the corresponding petition approval report for the remote crime scene investigation work record used to produce evidence.

Second, the issue of remote crime scene investigation eyewitnesses. In accordance with the provisions of the "Provisions of the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Public Security on Several Issues Concerning the Collection, Examination, and Assessment of Electronic Data Collected in Criminal Cases," if it is not possible for a qualified person to act as a witness for objective reasons, a note as to the circumstances shall be made in the relevant transcripts, and a video recording of the entire process of impounding the original storage medium shall be made.

This Court finds, because the information involved in this case related to the denigration of the national Party and government system, the presence of eyewitnesses would inevitably cause unnecessary secondary dissemination, which falls within the category of "objective reasons" as set forth in the "Provisions."

The aforementioned situation has been recorded and explained in the work record of the remote crime scene investigation in this case. At the same time, the entire process of the remote crime scene investigation was carried out in conjunction with synchronized screen recordings, with verification established using checksums, which is able to ensure the authenticity of the remote crime scene investigation process and collected data. Therefore, there is nothing in the remote crime scene investigation that "affected the authenticity of electronic data" under Article 28 of the "Provisions," and it can be used as the basis for a judgment.

Regarding the relevant opinions of Appellant and defense counsel that "the content posted falls under the scope of freedom of speech, and online platforms are not public venues with respect to the crime of disturbing the peace," this Court finds that freedom of speech is a basic right of citizens under China's Constitution, but the exercise of any rights must not exceed the boundaries of the law. Although network platforms are virtual spaces, their primary function is the interaction between people, which is inseparable from real society. Actions taken in cyberspace must necessarily also map to real society. Cyberspace and cyber-order are forms of public venues and public order. Over an extended period of time appellant Zhu Chengzhi used foreign Internet platforms to disseminate a large amount of false information relating to significant domestic events that seriously damaged the image of the country and seriously harmed national interests, creating a disturbance and confusing public opinion. This far exceeded the scope of freedom of speech, and can be deemed to have caused a severe disruption of public order.

This Court finds that the facts in the judgment in the original trial were clear, the evidence was reliable and copious, and the law was applied accurately, and the sentence was appropriate. Appellant's appeal rationale and defense counsel's defense opinions cannot be established, and are not accepted. The written opinions of the People's Procuratorate of Suzhou are correct and shall be sustained. In accordance with the provisions of Article 236(1)(i) of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the ruling is as follows:

The appeal is rejected and the judgment in the original trial is upheld. This ruling shall be the final ruling.

Chief Adjudicator    Jia Zan
Adjudicator        Wang Meixin
Adjudicator        Wang Hao

December 19, 2000

There are no discrepancies between this copy and the original.

Clerk            Shen Qi





上诉人(原审被告人)朱承志,男,1950年[INTENTIONALLY DELETED]生,居民身份证号码[INTENTIONALLY DELETED],汉族,初中文化,无业,住湖南省邵阳市双清区宝东社区居民委员会[INTENTIONALLY DELETED]。因阻碍执行职务于2012年6月8日被邵阳市公安局大祥分局行政拘留十日;因扰乱公共秩序于2016年10月11日被邵阳市公安局双清分局行政拘留七日。因涉嫌犯寻衅滋事罪,于2018年4月30日被苏州市公安局吴中分局指定居所监视居住(同月29日到案),2018年10月29日以涉嫌犯煽动颠覆国家政权罪被苏州市公安局吴中分局刑事拘留,2018年11月12日以涉嫌犯寻衅滋事罪被逮捕。现羁押于苏州市第一看守所。




1. 2010年3月以来,被告人朱承志利用其在境外网络平台Twitter注册的账号,长期诋毁我国政治制度,发布严重损害国家形象、严重危害国家利益的虚假言论或图片。其中直接攻击我国国家领导人和政治制度的虚假信息达140余条,累计转发700余次,累计点赞1290余次。

2. 2014年以来,被告人朱承志利用其在境外网络平台Facebook注册的账号,长期诋毁我国政治制度,发布严重损害国家形象、严重危害国家利益的虚假言论或图片。其中直接攻击我国国家领导人和政治制度的虚假信息达50余条,累计被分享、评论40余次,累计被点赞150余次。

3. 被告人朱承志利用上述其在境外网络平台Twitter和Facebook注册的账号,恶意炒作“建三江事件”、“庆安事件”、“雷洋事件”等国内重大事件,在官方消息公布之后,仍编造谣言、歪曲事实,发布大量虚假言论和图片。















审判长    贾赞
审判员    王美新
审判员    王浩



书记员    沈琦

The 7.09 Prosecutions: Yu Wensheng Criminal Judgment

Intermediate Court of Xuzhou, Jiangsu

Criminal Judgment

(2019) Su 03 Criminal First Instance No. 201


Translator's Summary: The court found Yu, a lawyer who represented Wang Quanzhang, guilty on the grounds that he "published open letters on the Internet through 'Twitter' and 'Facebook' to attack the State regime and the socialist system. He distorted and fabricated facts about, and sensationalized, hot-button domestic incidents in the name of 'rights defense.' He accepted foreign funds and interviews many times, denied the leadership of the Communist Party of China, denigrated China's governmental and judicial agencies, defamed China's rule of law as being in retreat and human rights as deteriorating, intentionally provoked people who did not know the truth to hate China's current political system, and incited subversion of China's State regime and the overthrow of the socialist order."
The public prosecution agency was the People's Procuratorate of Xuzhou.


Defendant Yu Wensheng, male, born [INTENTIONALLY DELETED], 1967, residential ID No. [INTENTIONALLY DELETED], Han ethnicity, undergraduate degree, unemployed, residing in [INTENTIONALLY DELETED], Shijingshan District, Beijing. On January 20, 2018, he was detained by the Public Security Bureau of Beijing, Shijingshan Division on suspicion of committing the crime of obstructing an official in the exercise of their duty. On January 24, 2018, he was taken into criminal detention by the Public Security Bureau of Tongshan District, Xuzhou on suspicion of committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power. On the 27th of that month he was ordered placed under residential confinement at a designated location. On April 19, 2018, the People's Procuratorate of Xuzhou authorized his arrest on suspicion of committing the crimes of inciting subversion of state power and obstructing an official in the exercise of their duty. On the same day the Public Security Bureau of Xuzhou carried out the arrest. He is currently being held in detention at the Xuzhou Detention Center.

Defense counsel Zhao Qiang is a lawyer at the Jiangsu Pengcheng Law Firm.

Defense counsel Yue Song is a lawyer at the Jiangsu Qianlong Law Firm.

In the Xu Procuratorate Prosecution Criminal Indictment (2019) No. 10 indictment, the People's Procuratorate of Xuzhou charged defendant Yu Wensheng with committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and filed a public prosecution with this Court. Following the Supreme People's Court's designation of jurisdiction, after this Court opened and docketed the case, on February 11, 2019, it formed a collegial panel in accordance with the law, and on May 9, 2019 tried this case in open court. The People's Procuratorate of Xuzhou assigned Procurator Deputy Director Bao Shuhua, and Procurators Li Qingquan and Rong Hui to appear in court in support of the public prosecution, and defendant Yu Wensheng and his defense counsels Zhao Qiang and Yue Song appeared in court to participate in the proceedings.

During the trial, an extension of time for the trial in this case was granted by the High People's Court of Jiangsu and the Supreme People's Court in accordance with the law. It was also researched by this Court's adjudicative committee. The trial has now concluded.

The People's Procuratorate of Xuzhou charged: Defendant Yu Wensheng, having been affected by the influence of the infiltration of anti-China forces, gradually formed the idea of subverting the State regime and overthrowing the socialist order. Between 2014 and January 2018, Yu Wensheng published open letters on the Internet through "Twitter" and "Facebook" to attack the State regime and the socialist system. He distorted and fabricated facts about, intervened in, and sensationalized sensitive domestic incidents in the name of "rights defense." He accepted foreign funds and interviews, discredited Party and State leaders, denied the leadership of the Communist Party of China, denigrated governmental and judicial agencies, defamed the rule of law as being in retreat and human rights as deteriorating, and incited subversion of China's State regime and the overthrow of the socialist order. The specific facts are described as follows:

1. From July 2014 to 2017, when defendant Yu Wensheng was practicing in Beijing Daoheng Law Firm he acted in several "Falun Gong" cases. Knowing that "Falun Gong" was a cult organization, Yu Wensheng gave interviews to the foreign media outlets "New Tang Dynasty" and "Voice of Hope," and publicly denied the cult nature of "Falun Gong," advocating on its behalf and portraying it in a positive light, and smearing China's persecution of Falun Gong."

2. From July 2015 to August 2017, while the Tianjin judiciary was, in accordance with the law, dealing with the case of lawyers Wang Yu, Wang Quanzhang and others who were suspected of inciting subversion of state power, defendant Yu Wensheng fabricated false facts about the judiciary's "illegal" handling of the case and published them via "WeChat," "Twitter," "Facebook" and other channels, maliciously denigrating China's judiciary.

3. Defendant Yu Wensheng joined the WeChat group of the China Human Rights Lawyers Group in 2014, and in 2015, 2016, and 2017 Yu Wensheng was interviewed three times by foreign media outlets such as "Radio Free Asia" and "New Tang Dynasty" in his capacity as the interview contact of that WeChat group, making false claims that China "has no legal order," and that "the rule of law is in retreat" and "human rights are in retreat," thereby distorting the current status of rule of law in China.

4. From 2015 to 2017, defendant Yu Wensheng used "Twitter" and gave interviews to foreign media outlets to fabricate false statements that he was on "death row" and attacked China's governmental and judicial agencies.

5. From 2014 to 2018, defendant Yu Wensheng gave interviews several times to foreign media outlets such as "Radio Free Asia" and "Voice of America" in which he smeared the government's image and rejected China's political system and legal system. During this period, Yu Wensheng received funding from foreign organizations many times.

6. On the afternoon of October 18, 2017, defendant Yu Wensheng's "Lawyer Yu Wensheng's Open Letter" was posted on foreign websites such as "Facebook" and "Twitter." It denigrated Party and State leaders, and rejected the Party's leadership. The following morning, Yu Wensheng deleted the posts after being interviewed by the Justice Bureau of Shijingshan District, Beijing. On January 16, 2018, Yu Wensheng once again posted the article on "Facebook" and "Twitter." In the early morning of January 18, 2018, Yu Wensheng concocted the "Yu Wensheng's Open Letter on a Proposal to Amend the Constitution" and published it on "Facebook" and "Twitter," rejecting the organizational form of China's existing regime and the leadership of the Party and the socialist system. As of February 1, 2018, the aforementioned two articles were retweeted and liked by hundreds of people, and were reposted and disseminated by many foreign websites such as "," "," and "

In order to prove the aforementioned charged facts, the public prosecution agency provided documentary evidence including the articles published by defendant Yu Wensheng that incited subversion of state power, and a detailed record of bank cards receiving foreign funding; testimony of witnesses Sha Lin, Chen Min, Ji Aihua and others; defendant Yu Wensheng's statement; the voiceprint forensic opinion produced by the Public Security Office of Jiangsu's Material Forensics Center; the remote crime scene investigation, investigation experiments and other records produced by the Public Security Bureau of Xuzhou; audio-visual materials of Yu Wensheng giving interviews to foreign media outlets collected by the Public Security Bureau of Xuzhou, and electronic data.

The People's Procuratorate of Xuzhou maintains that defendant Yu Wensheng used the spreading of rumors, defamation, and other means to incite subversion of state power and the overthrow of the socialist order abroad, that his actions constitute the commission of an offense under the provisions of Article 105(2) of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," and he should be subject to criminal liability for inciting subversion of state power. At the same time they point out that the subjective malice of defendant Yu Wensheng's subversion of state power was relatively significant, the circumstances of the crime were malicious and involved resisting arrest and violence towards civil police, and in accordance with the law should be subjected to severe punishment.

Defendant Yu Wensheng did not raise any objections to the charged criminal facts and offense, pleaded guilty and repented in court and requested leniency.

The main defense opinions put forward by the defense counsels were: After being taken into police custody Yu Wensheng made truthful statements about the criminal facts and spoke openly about the circumstances. From the time he was taken into police custody through the trial Yu Wensheng showed a good attitude in pleading guilty and repenting in court. They requested leniency.

It was ascertained at trial that, over a long period of time defendant Yu Wensheng, having been affected by the influence of the infiltration of anti-China forces, gradually formed the idea of subverting China's State regime and overthrowing the socialist order. Between 2014 and January 2018, Yu Wensheng published open letters on the Internet through "Twitter" and "Facebook" to attack the State regime and the socialist system. He distorted and fabricated facts about, and sensationalized, hot-button domestic incidents in the name of "rights defense." He accepted foreign funds and interviews many times, denied the leadership of the Communist Party of China, denigrated China's governmental and judicial agencies, defamed China's rule of law as being in retreat and human rights as deteriorating, intentionally provoked people who did not know the truth to hate China's current political system, and incited subversion of China's State regime and the overthrow of the socialist order. The specific facts are described as follows:

I. From July 2014 to 2017, defendant Yu Wensheng, knowing that "Falun Gong" was a cult organization, gave many interviews to the foreign media outlets "New Tang Dynasty" and "Voice of Hope," and publicly denied the cult nature of "Falun Gong," flagrantly advocated on its behalf and portrayed it in a positive light, denigrated China's laws and policies, smeared the image of the government, and vainly attempted to incite subversion of China's State regime.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by evidence submitted by the public prosecution agency and cross-examined in court, and the following evidence is hereby confirmed by this Court:

1. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "New Tang Dynasty" on September 13, 2016 retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng proved: Yu Wensheng gave an interview to New Tang Dynasty, saying that "The authorities' suppression of Falun Gong for 17 years is completely wrong and it is a political persecution. Now the behavior of the police, procuratorate, and judiciary is a crime."

2. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "Voice of Hope" on December 15, 2016 (with the title"Innocent Falun Gong Practitioners are Being Released in Many Places, the Persecution has Reached the End of the Road") retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation, and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng proved: Yu Wensheng gave an interview to the "Voice of Hope," and when the "Voice of Hope" said "Some people continue to suppress Falun Gong", Yu Wensheng responded, "The police, prosecutors, and law enforcement agencies are pushing each other on the Falun Gong issue. This is a good thing. After all, some people are starting to wake up."

3. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "New Tang Dynasty" on October 4, 2017 (with the title "People in Mainland China Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi and Students a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival") retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng proved: Yu Wensheng gave an interview to "New Tang Dynasty" and said "The Falun Gong group is a very kind-hearted group, which only brings benefits to society, it is not harmful."

4. Defendant Yu Wensheng's statement: The statements he made when he gave interviews to "New Tang Dynasty" and "Voice of Hope" did in fact deny "Falun Gong's" cult qualities had no basis in truth, was an attack on China's legal system, confused public opinion, and made more people dissatisfied with the Party and government and China's legal system. He utilized foreign media outlets because they can incite more people to believe that the Party and government's suppression of "Falun Gong" is wrong, and thereby attack and smear the Party and Government.

II. From July 2015 to August 2017, while the Tianjin judiciary was, in accordance with the law, dealing with the case of lawyers Wang Yu, Wang Quanzhang and others who were suspected of inciting subversion of state power, defendant Yu Wensheng fabricated false facts such as "Wang Yu has been forcibly disappeared and his family has not received any legal documentation," "the public security agency is conducting mass arrests and terrorizing lawyers, its a violation of law and order," and " "the judiciary is illegally blocking meetings." He used "Twitter" and "Facebook" to post, denigrating China's judiciary and intentionally inciting individuals who did not know the truth to become dissatisfied and confrontational, all in order to achieve the goal of inciting subversion of China's State regime.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by evidence submitted by the public prosecution agency and cross-examined in court, and the following evidence is hereby confirmed by this Court:

1. The article about sending a complaint letter and the article and images regarding the lawyer Wang Quanzhang posted by Yu Wensheng on his "Twitter" account on August 1, 2015 and March 6, 2017, and the article about his lawyer's professional annual inspection and Wang Quanzhang's case he posted on his "Facebook" account on July 29, 2017 retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation proved: In an effort to sensationalize the Wang Quanzhang and other cases, Yu Wensheng concocted a complaint letter saying that "The Ministry of Public Security violated the law and government order, forcibly disappearing Chinese citizens, creating an atmosphere of terror, and committing evil acts against humanity." It was mailed to multiple agencies and spread through "Twitter."

2. The "Yu Wensheng and His Wife Xu Yan: Statement on the Criminal Detention of Lawyer Wang Yu" published on the foreign website "" on July 19, 2015 and the electronic version of that "Statement" extracted from the computer of Yu Wensheng, the article "The Family Members and Lawyers of the Parties Implicated in the 709 Mass Arrests Went to the Tianjin Hexi Detention Center to Demand a Meeting, Terminate the Cases, and Release the People" published on "" on January 8, 2016, and the complaint letter regarding Yu Wensheng's handling of the 709 cases sent to 21 agencies published on "" and "New Tang Dynasty" on March 7 and 8, 2017, respectively, retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation proved: Yu Wensheng's wife issued a statement slandering China Central Television and other media for "rendering judgment before the trial;" Yu Wensheng sent a complaint letter to multiple agencies regarding the Wang Quanzhang case, and used foreign media outlets such as ""and "New Tang Dynasty" to sensationalize it.

3. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "Mirror TV Rule of Law Channel" on August 20, 2017 retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng proved: Yu Wensheng was interviewed by the "Mirror TV Rule of Law Channel" and said "The accusation is that they are inhuman. In fact, as far as fighting a counterattack against the 709 is concerned, it was really me who started the actual counterattack. I was the first person."

4. Defendant Yu Wensheng's statement: On July 19, 2015, he and his wife Xu Yan issued a statement for Wang Yu, condemning China Central Television and Xinhua Net, saying that they had stigmatized lawyer Wang Yu and others by rendering judgment before the trial. On July 31, 2015, they sent a statement to the National People's Congress, the State Council, etc. mailing a complaint letter, accusing the Ministry of Public Security of conducting mass arrests, intimidating lawyers and citizens, rendering judgment before the trial, and acting in an inhuman manner that violated the law and government order. They posted the accusation information on the "Twitter" website. The contents were all his distorted facts, fabricated out of nothing, and the purpose was to arouse people's dissatisfaction with the public prosecutors and the law. His interview with the "Mirror TV Rule of Law Channel" involved the 709 Wang Quanzhang case, and included content about dissatisfaction with China's legal system.

III. Defendant Yu Wensheng joined the "China Human Rights Lawyers Group" WeChat group in 2014, and for three years from 2015 to 2017 Yu Wensheng was interviewed by foreign media outlets such as "Radio Free Asia" and "New Tang Dynasty" in his capacity as the interview contact of that WeChat group, and he repeatedly made false claims that "There is no legal order in China, and inhuman oppression is the main problem," "China's legal system and human rights are regressing, and human rights in China are deteriorating, and human rights violations are on the increase," distorting the status of the rule of law in China, smearing the image of the Party and government, denying the achievements of socialist construction, and intending to overthrow China's current system.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by evidence submitted by the public prosecution agency and cross-examined in court, and the following evidence is hereby confirmed by this Court:

1. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "Radio Free Asia" on September 13, 2015 retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng proved: When Yu Wensheng gave an interview he said: "What we are facing is inhuman suppression without legal order by the authorities."

2. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "Radio Free Asia" on September 14, 2016 retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng proved: When Yu Wensheng gave an interview he said: "The rule of law in China has not progressed, on the contrary it is increasingly in retreat."

3. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "New Tang Dynasty" on September 14, 2017 retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng proved: When Yu Wensheng gave an interview he said:"The authorities are the ones undermining the rule of law."

4. The "Situation Explanation" produced by the Ministry of Civil Affairs proved: The Ministry of Civil Affairs has not registered the "China Human Rights Lawyers Group" or the "China Human Rights Lawyers Service Group."

5. Defendant Yu Wensheng's statement: Around January 2014, he joined the "China Human Rights Lawyers Group" WeChat group and gave many interviews to foreign media regarding the "Chinese Human Rights Lawyers Group." The statements he made were not based on facts, they distorted facts, spread rumors, and defamed, attacked, and smeared the government.

IV. From 2015 to 2017, defendant Yu Wensheng intentionally fabricated false facts that a "death row" system existed in China, used "Twitter" and accepted interviews with foreign media outlets to spread false statements that he was being held in custody on "death row," and attacked and smeared China's governmental and judicial agencies, intending to incite subversion of China's State regime.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by evidence submitted by the public prosecution agency and cross-examined in court, and the following evidence is hereby confirmed by this Court:

1. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "Mirror TV Rule of Law Channel" on August 20, 2017 (with the title "Lawyer Without a Firm Yu Wensheng – There is No Safe Place in China"), retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng proved: Yu Wensheng gave an interview to "Mirror TV Rule of Law Channel" and said: "I was imprisoned on death row for 61 days, and I used everything that was used by death row prisoners. Anyone who was put on death row would have succumbed."

2. Yu Wensheng's personal signature "Twitter" account retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation proved: Yu Wensheng made "death row" his personal signature content.

3. The "Situation Explanation" produced by the Beijing No. 1 Detention Center proved: In 2014, Yu Wensheng was held in custody on suspicion of disturbing the peace at the Beijing No. 1 Detention Center, and that Center does not have any dedicated rooms specifically to holding condemned criminals in custody.

4. Defendant Yu Wensheng's statement: Foreign media outlets interviewed him many times. He fabricated the issue of "death row" and spread it to attack China's judiciary, and incite people’s dissatisfaction with the Party and government. He fabricated the existence of a "death row," and it was without factual basis.

V. From 2014 to 2018, defendant Yu Wensheng accepted interviews several times with foreign media outlets such as "Radio Free Asia," "Voice of America" and "New Tang Dynasty," during which he used means such as spreading rumors and defamation to spread statements that smeared the Party's and the government's image and rejected China's political system and legal system, all to achieve the goal of inciting subversion of China's State power and socialist system through international networks. During this period, Yu Wensheng accepted funding from foreign organizations such as Ireland's Front Line Defenders many times.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by evidence submitted by the public prosecution agency and cross-examined in court, and the following evidence is hereby confirmed by this Court:

1. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "Radio Free Asia" on September 26, 2016 (with the title "The Ministry of Justice Issued a document to Ban Lawyers from Creating Pressure from Public Opinion, Triggering Strong Backlash from the Legal Profession") retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng proved: Yu Wensheng gave an interview to "Radio Free Asia" and said:"The Law Firm Management Measures are like the new National Security Law and Cyber-Security Law. They are all draconian laws and further oppress human rights lawyers."

2. The article and audio of the interview Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlet "Voice of America" on September 21, 2017 (with the title "VOA Connects with Yu Wensheng: Beijing's Two Human Rights Law Firms Have Been Repeatedly Investigated, Is This a New Wave of Suppression of Human Rights Lawyers?") retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng, the testimony of witnesses Chen Min and Peng Mei, and documentary evidence of the 2017 investigation records of the Beijing Shijingshan District Justice Bureau and the Xicheng District Justice Bureau proved: In 2017 the Beijing Shijingshan District Justice Bureau and the Xicheng District Justice Bureau conducted inspections of many law firms such as the Beijing Mo Shaoping Law Firm and the Daoheng Law Firm, Yu Wensheng gave an interview to the "Voice of America" saying this inspection is a targeted suppression of the aforementioned two law firms, and that China's human rights situation continues to deteriorate, and the rule of law continues to deteriorate.

3. The article and audio of the interviews Yu Wensheng gave to the foreign media outlets "New Tang Dynasty" and "Radio Free Asia" on January 17 and 18, 2018 retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation and the text material prepared based on the audio signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng, the documentary evidence Proposal of the Beijing Shijingshan District Justice Bureau on the Cancellation of Yu Wensheng's Lawyer Professional Certificate, and the Decision of the Beijing Municipal Justice Bureau Canceling Yu Wensheng's Lawyer Professional Certificate proved: After his lawyer’s professional certificate was canceled in accordance with the law he was not employed by a law firm for six months, Yu Wensheng accepted interviews with "New Tang Dynasty" and "Radio Free Asia" and said "The cancellation of the lawyer’s certificate can only prove the regime is a rogue regime, and I will not be silent on this," and "China's political parties have not been legally registered and have no legal status. All political parties are illegal organizations."

4. Documentary evidence including an Ireland Front Line Defenders application for funding confirmation form signed and confirmed by Yu Wensheng, Yu Wensheng's Agricultural Bank of China account's receipt of a Western Union remittance from Ireland, a "receipt" for RMB 20,000 from the Hong Kong Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group received by Yu Wensheng for acting as counsel in the Zhu Yingdi case collected from Yu Wensheng's laptop computer, the chat records with Xiaojun VAL from the SKYPE account used by Yu Wensheng, transaction details of Yu Wensheng's China Construction Bank bank card, Xu Yan's immigration records from 2016 to 2017, and Yu Wensheng's statement proved: Yu Wensheng accepted financial assistance from the "Ireland Front Line Defenders" organization many times.

5. Defendant Yu Wensheng's statement: When he gave an interview to "Radio Free Asia" he mentioned that the National Security Law, Charity Law, and NGO related laws and regulations are all evil laws, and the new administrative measures were intended to suppress human rights lawyers, and China does not have human rights. This was actually him smearing the Party and the government, expressing his dissatisfaction with the Party and the government. He also said that all political parties in China are illegal organizations, which was a rejection of China's existing Party system. When he gave an interview to the "Voice of America" he said law firms would be purged before the 19th National Congress, and there will be no progress in human rights after the 19th National Congress. He gave an interview to "New Tang Dynasty" and said the cancellation of his lawyer's license was a way for the authorities to suppress him, which can only prove that this regime is a rogue regime.

VI. On the afternoon of October 18, 2017, defendant Yu Wensheng's "Lawyer Yu Wensheng's Open Letter" was posted on "Facebook" and "Twitter." It denigrated Party and State leaders, and rejected the Party's leadership. On January 16, 2018, Yu Wensheng once again posted that article on "Facebook" and "Twitter." In the early morning of January 18, 2018, Yu Wensheng concocted the "Yu Wensheng's Open Letter on a Proposal to Amend the Constitution" and published it on "Facebook" and "Twitter," rejecting the organizational form of China's existing regime and the leadership of the Party and the foundations of the socialist system. As of February 1, 2018, the aforementioned two articles were retweeted and liked by hundreds of people, and were reposted and disseminated by many foreign websites such as "," "," and "

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by evidence submitted by the public prosecution agency and cross-examined in court, and the following evidence is hereby confirmed by this Court:

1. An article with the title "Lawyer Yu Wensheng's Open Letter" posted by Yu Wensheng on his Twitter and Facebook accounts on January 16, 2018, and an article with the title "Yu Wensheng's Open Letter on a Proposal to Amend the Constitution" posted by Yu Wensheng on his Twitter and Facebook accounts on January 18, 2018, which were reported on over 10 foreign websites including "," "," and "," and were retrieved by the public security agency through remote crime scene investigation proved: Yu Wensheng published two open letters via "Twitter" and "Facebook," which were reposted by many foreign websites.

2. The electronic evidence inspection records of the public security agency on Yu Wensheng’s two laptop computers, and the utilization investigation experiments of the "Twitter" and "Facebook" account registration proved that the "Twitter" and "Facebook" accounts that published statements that incited subversive were used by Yu Wensheng himself.

3. Testimony of witnesses Gao Weihua, Ji Aihua, Chen Min, and Sha Lin, staff of the of Shijingshan District Justice Bureau, and Lu Kai and Wang Weicivil police at the Public Security Bureau of Beijing, Shijingshan Division, audio and video recordings and written records of Shijingshan District Justice Bureau's interview with Yu Wensheng, and Yu Wensheng's Commitment Letter proved:On October 18, 2017 Yu Wensheng was interviewed by the Shijingshan District Justice Bureau, and admitted he posted the aforementioned opened letters.

4. Defendant Yu Wensheng's statement: At about two o'clock in the afternoon on October 18, 2017, he used his mobile phone to compose the article "Lawyer Yu Wensheng's Open Letter" at his home, and used wall-climbing software to post the article on "Facebook" and "Twitter." He wrote that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, unjust imprisonment and corruption have been rampant. This was a rejection of the 97-year history of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 68-year history of the founding of the government, and was a kind of making something out of nothing. The Lei Yang Incident, Qing'an Incident, and the suppression of the New Citizens that were listed were are all distortions of the facts. The goal was to reject China's existing system and smear the Party and the government. Regarding the articles on amending the Constitution on Facebook and Twitter, the purpose of proposing constitutional amendments was to deny the leadership of the Communist Party of China, deny the system of multi-party cooperation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, deny the Party's leadership of the army, and deny China's electoral system.

In order to prove the charged criminal facts, the public prosecution agency submitted comprehensive evidence to this Court including evidentiary materials such as defendant Yu Wensheng's statement regarding his subjective intent to incite subversion of state power, Yu Wensheng's Statement of Repentance and remote crime scene investigation records, electronic evidence investigation records, voice identification forensic opinions, the description of the case resolution process, audio and video recording materials of Yu Wensheng's apprehension, testimony of witnesses Liu Yang, Fan Jingsheng, and other civil police officers, search records, list of seized items, and Permanent Residential Population Information Inquiry Forms, all of which were produced and examined in court, and their probative value is confirmed by this Court.

This Court finds defendant Yu Wensheng incited subversion of state power and the overthrow of the socialist order by spreading rumors and defamation and other means, his actions constitute the crime of inciting subversion of state power, the facts charged by the People's Procuratorate of Xuzhou that defendant Yu Wensheng committed the crime of inciting subversion of state power are clear, the evidence is reliable and copious, and the charged offense is established. The opinion proffered by the public prosecution agency the subjective malice was relatively significant, the circumstances of the crime were malicious and involved resisting arrest and violence towards civil police, and in accordance with the law should be subjected to severe punishment is sustained.

The opinion proffered by defense counsel that defendant Yu Wensheng was able to truthfully state criminal facts at all stages from investigation and pre-prosecution examination through the trial, has been frank about the circumstances, and showed a good attitude in pleading guilty and repenting in court, and in accordance with the law he should be shown leniency, is established.

Based on the principle that the punishment should be proportional to the crime and a comprehensive consideration of the criminal facts, nature, circumstances, and the degree of harm to society in this case, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 105(2), 55(1), 56(1), 67(3), and 64 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," the judgment is as follows:

1. Defendant Yu Wensheng committed the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and is sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of four years and three years deprivation of political rights.

(The prison term is to be calculated starting on the day the judgment is executed, and each day in custody prior to the execution of the judgment shall count as one day of the prison term, that is from April 19, 2018 to March 1, 2022.)

2. The relevant items used in the commission of the crime seized in this case shall be confiscated in accordance with the law and turned over to the national treasury.

If any party does not accept this judgment, they may within 10 days after the second day after receiving this written judgment bring an appeal through this Court or directly to the High People's Court of Jiangsu. A written appeal should be submitted with one original and two copies of the appeal brief.

Chief Adjudicator        Qiu Xuefeng
Adjudicator            Liu Mingwei
Adjudicator            Sun Xi

June 17, 2020

Judge's Assistant        Li Tongda
Clerk                           Wang Yan 





被告人余文生,男,1967年[INTENTIONALLY DELETED]生,居民身份证号码[INTENTIONALLY DELETED],汉族,本科文化,无业,住北京市石景山区[INTENTIONALLY DELETED],因涉嫌犯妨害公务罪,2018年1月20日被北京市公安局石景山分局刑事拘留;因涉嫌犯煽动颠覆国家政权罪,2018年1月24日被徐州市铜山区公安局刑事拘留,当月27日被该局指定居所监视居住;因涉嫌犯煽动颠覆国家政权罪,妨害公务罪,2018年4月19日经江苏省徐州市人民检察院批准逮捕,同日由徐州市公安局执行逮捕,现羁押于徐州市看守所。
























































审判长        邱学锋
审判员        刘明伟
审判员        孙析



法官助理    李通达
书记员        汪艳

The 7.09 Prosecutions: Wang Quanzhang Criminal Indictment

 People's Procuratorate of Tianjin, Division No. 2


Jin Procuratorate No. 2 Public Prosecution Criminal Indictment (2017) No. 100011


Translator's Summary: The indictment charged that Wang "used his status as a lawyer to accept financial support provided by foreign organizations many times, establish companies to engage in illegal activities, and provided materials abroad attacking China's rule of law and human rights. At the same time, he engaged in criminal activities subverting state power and overthrowing the socialist order by sensationalizing hot-button cases and incidents, illegally gathering in public venues to commit affrays, and using public opinion to provoke people who do not know the truth to hate the government."  The court found Wang guilty. The court judgment could not be located, but on January 28, 2019 the No. 2 Intermediate People's Court of Tianjin published this statement on its webpage: "On the morning of January 28, 2019,  the No. 2 Intermediate People's Court of Tianjin pronounced sentenced in defendant Wang Quanzhang's subversion of state power first instance case in accordance with the law, finding Wang Quanzhang guilty of subversion of state power, and sentencing him to a fixed term imprisonment of four years and six months and five years  deprivation of political rights."


Defendant Wang Quanzhang, male, born [INTENTIONALLY DELETED], 1976, ID NO.:[INTENTIONALLY DELETED], Han ethnicity, university education, from Wulian County, Shandong, Beijing Fengrui Law Firm, household registration No. 2912, Second Ring East Road, Licheng District, Jinan, Shandong, residing at [INTENTIONALLY DELETED], Shijingshan District, Beijing. On April 3, 2013, he was detained by the People's Court of Jingjiang, Jiangsu for 10 days for violating court order, and was given early release from detention on April 6 of the same year. On August 3, 2015, he was taken into criminal detention by Public Security Bureau of Tianjin, Hexi Division on suspicion of committing the crimes of inciting subversion of state power and disturbing the peace, which was changed to residential confinement at a designated location on September 2 of the same year. On January 8, 2016 the Public Security Bureau of Tianjin received authorization from this Court to arrest him on suspicion of committing the crime of subversion of state power, and it carried out the arrest on the same day.

The investigation by Public Security Bureau of Tianjin in this case has concluded, and on August 7, 2016 it filed for pre-prosecution examination with this Court on the grounds that defendant Wang Quanzhang was suspected of committing the crime of subversion of state power. Following a designation of jurisdiction in accordance with the law, on August 9, 2016 this Court notified the defendant of his right to retain defense counsel, and interrogated the defendant in accordance with the law and reviewed all case materials. During this time, the case was referred for supplementary investigation twice and the period for pre-prosecution examination was extended three times in accordance with the law.

An investigation in accordance with the law found:

Over a long period of time defendant Wang Quanzhang, having been affected by the influence of the infiltration of anti-China forces, received training from foreign organizations many times, and gradually formed the idea of overthrowing the country’s current political system. Since 2009, Wang Quanzhang used his status as a lawyer to accept financial support provided by foreign organizations many times, establish companies to engage in illegal activities, and provided materials abroad attacking China's rule of law and human rights. At the same time, he engaged in criminal activities subverting state power and overthrowing the socialist order by sensationalizing hot-button cases and incidents, illegally gathering in public venues to commit affrays, and using public opinion to provoke people who do not know the truth to hate the government, seriously jeopardizing national security and social stability. The specific facts are as follows:

1. In August 2009, defendant Wang Quanzhang and Swedish national Bǐdé·yésīpèiěr·dálín (Foreign name: DAHILIN PETER JESPER: who has been expelled from the country by national security agencies), Chen Songzhu (who is being handled in a separate case) and others, after forming a plot, established a company registered in Hong Kong specifically to receive financial support from foreign organizations in the name of the "Chinese Urgent Action Working Group," "Human Rights Defenders Urgent Rescue Association," etc. He subsequently established "legal aid stations" in many places, and organized training for so-called "barefoot lawyers" many times, taught methods and techniques for confronting the government, and cultivated confrontational and opposition forces. At the same time, he actively provided foreigners with investigative reports, attacked China's rule of law and human rights situation, and denigrated the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.

2. On March 22, 2014, the Public Security Bureau of Jiansanjiang, Heilongjiang placed relevant individuals who had disturbed social order in administrative detention in accordance with the law. On March 28 of the same year, defendant Wang Quanzhang went to the Qili Detention Center in Jiansanjiang to participate in illegal gatherings, affrays, sit-in vigils, and other demonstrations involving some lawyers and petitioners, making unjustified demands for the release of some individuals who had been detained. During this period, Wang Quanzhang repeatedly distorted facts on the Internet, engaged in malicious sensationalizing, incited Internet users to "follow," "rescue," and "struggle," and provoked some people who did not know the truth to oppose agencies of the State regime.

3. From April 2013 to December 2014, while defendant Wang Quanzhang was acting as legal counsel in three cases of using a cult to undermine law enforcement, he distorted facts on the Internet many times and maliciously sensationalized issues, smeared the image of the judiciary, and denigrated and attacked the socialist justice system with Chinese characteristics.

On August 2, 2015, defendant Wang Quanzhang was apprehended and brought to justice.

The primary evidence in support of the aforementioned facts is:

1. Documentary evidence including annual reports and training programs for barefoot lawyers.

2. Testimony of witnesses Wang Yu, Chen Songzhu, and Na Jianshen.

3. Search, seizure, and crime scene investigation records.

4. Audio-visual materials and electronic data.

5. Defendant Wang Quanzhang's statement and justifications.

This Office finds defendant Wang Quanzhang organized, planned, and carried out subversion of state power and the overthrow of the socialist order, and his actions constituted the commission of an offense under the provisions of Article 105(1) of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," the criminal facts are clear, the evidence is reliable and copious, and he should be held criminally liable for the crime of subversion of state power. A public prosecution is hereby filed pursuant to the provisions of Article 172 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," and it is requested that sentence be passed in accordance with the law.

Respectfully submitted to:

No. 2 Intermediate People's Court of Tianjin

Procurator        Guan Ning
Acting Procurator    Sheng Guowen
Acting Procurator    Cao Jiyuan




被告人王全璋,男,1976年2月15日出生,身份证号码:[INTENTIONALLY DELETED],汉族,大学文化,山东省五莲县人,北京锋锐律师事务所律师,户籍地山东省济南市历城区[INTENTIONALLY DELETED],住北京市石景山区[INTENTIONALLY DELETED]。因违反法庭秩序,于2013年4月3日被江苏省靖江市人民法院决定拘留十日,同年4月6日提前解除拘留;因涉嫌煽动颠覆国家政权罪、寻衅滋事罪,于2015年8月3日被天津市公安局河西分局刑事拘留,同年9月2日变更为监视居住;因涉嫌颠覆国家政权罪,于2016年1月8日经本院批准,同日由天津市公安局执行逮捕。




1. 2009年8月,被告人王全璋与瑞典人彼得·耶斯佩尔·达林(外文名:DAHILIN PETER JESPER:已被国家安全机关驱逐出境)、陈松竹(另案处理)等人共同预谋后,在香港注册成立公司,专门接受境外组织提供的资金支持,以“中国维权紧急援助组”、“人权卫士紧急救援协会”等名义,先后在多地成立所“法律援助站”,并多次组织所谓“赤脚律师”培训,传授与政府对抗的方法、技巧,培植对抗力量。同时,积极向境外提供,发布调查报告,攻击我国法治及人权状况,诋毁中国特色社会主义制度。

2. 2014年3月22日,黑龙江省建三江农垦公安局依法对扰乱社会秩序的相关人员行政拘留,同年3月28日,被告人王全璋前往建三江七里拘留所,参加由部分律师,访民参与的非法聚集滋事,静坐守夜等示威活动,无理要求释放被拘留人员。期间,王全璋多次在互联网上歪曲事实,恶意炒作,煽动网民前去“关注”、“营救”、“抗争”,挑起不明真相的一些人对抗国家政权机关。

3. 2013年4月至2014年12月,被告人王全璋在代理三起利用邪教组织破坏法律实施案中,多次在互联网上歪曲事实,恶意炒作,抹黑司法机关形象,诋毁、攻击中国特色社会主义司法制度。






检察员:            官宁
代理检察员:    盛国文
代理检察员:    曹纪元


The 7.09 Prosecutions: Wu Gan Criminal Judgment

 No. 2 Intermediate People's Court of Tianjin

Criminal Judgment

(2016) Jin 02 Criminal First Instance No. 1461


Translator's Summary: The court found Wu Gan guilty on the grounds that he used "sensationalizing affrays online and offline and other methods to insult and belittle State agencies and their staff, in order to attack, confront, and oppose the State regime." His conviction was based on the charge that he colluded with Zhou Shifeng, Zhai Yanmin, and others associated with the Fengrui Law Firm to "strengthen an ideology that subverted state power."


The public prosecution agency was the Tianjin People's Procuratorate Second Division.

Defendant Wu Gan, male, Han ethnicity, born [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] at [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL], Citizen Identification No. [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL], administrative staffer at the Beijing Fengrui Law Firm, [APPROXIMATELY 40 CHARACTERS REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] On May 27, 2015 was taken into criminal detention on suspicion of committing the crimes of disturbing the peace and defamation, and was arrested on July 3 of the same year on suspicion of committing the crimes of inciting subversion of state power and defamation. He is currently being held in detention at the Tianjin No. 2 Detention Center.

Defense counsel Ge Yongxi is a lawyer at the Guangdong Anguo Law Firm.

Defense counsel Yan Xin is a lawyer at the Beijing Laishuo Law Firm.

In the Jin Procuratorate No. 2 Division Public Prosecution Criminal Indictment (2016) No. 10001 indictment the Tianjin People's Procuratorate Second Division charged defendant Wu Gan with committing the crime of subversion of state power, and on December 23, 2016 filed a public prosecution with this Court. On December 30 of the same year, in accordance with the jurisdiction decision of the High People's Court this Court opened and accepted the case, and formed a collegial panel in accordance with the law. Pre-trial conferences were held from August 7 and 8, 2017, and on August 14 conducted a trial in closed court in accordance with the law. The Tianjin People's Procuratorate Second Division assigned Procurator Gong Ning, Acting Procurators Sheng Guowen and Cao Jiyuan to appear in court in support of the public prosecution, and defendant Wu Gan and his defense counsels Ge Yongxi and Yan Xin appeared in court to participate in the proceedings. The trial has now concluded.

The Tianjin People's Procuratorate Second Division charged:

Defendant Wu Gan had been influenced by the infiltration of anti-China forces over a long period of time, and he gradually developed the idea of overthrowing the country's current political and judicial systems. Since 2010, over a long period of time Wu Gan used the Internet to publish statements that subverted state power, inciting some people who did not know the truth to confront and oppose the State regime. He posted articles on the Internet that attacked organs of the State regime such as "The Classic on Butchering Pigs," "The Classic on Drinking Tea," and "The Classic on Petitioning Against Forced Demolitions and Land Appropriations." He accepted interviews with foreign media, published audio lectures on the Internet, advocated the ideology of "pushing against the wall," and attacked the socialist system. He used various means to carry out criminal activities to subvert state power, such as illegally gathering people in public venues to create a disturbance.

In October 2014, Wu Gan joined the Beijing Fengrui Law Firm headed by Zhou Shifeng (who has already been sentenced for using a law firm as a platform to engage in subversion of state power). He colluded with Zhou Shifeng, Zhai Yanmin (already sentenced for illegally organizing petitioners to commit affrays over a long period time to engage in subversion of state power), Li Heping (utilizing funds of a foreign non-governmental organization to engage in subversion of state power, case being handled separately) and others to further strengthen an ideology that subverted state power, specifically sensationalize hot-button cases and incidents, and carry out a series of criminal activities to subvert state power and overthrow the socialist order, severely jeopardizing national security and social stability. The specific facts are as follows:

1. In April 2010, the People's Court of Mawei , Fuzhou, tried a case of false accusation in accordance with the law. While the case was being tried, defendant Wu Gan engaged in malicious instigation on the Internet, inciting others to come to the court to gather to affray and confront and oppose the country's judiciary. On the day of the trial, Wu Gan, in collusion with others, used means such as hanging banners, shouting slogans, and uploading live videos to the Internet in front of the court, to seriously affect the people's court trying the case in accordance with the law, smear the image of judiciary, and cause a pernicious political influence at home and abroad.

2. In April 2012, defendant Wu Gan intervened in a demolition compensation dispute in Jin'an District, Fuzhou, Fujian. From April to August of the same year, Wu Gan organized a number of people to stretch banners and pitch tents in front of the Fuzhou Urban and Rural Construction Commission, and posted slogans at a house to be demolished, and insulted and abused the Jin'an District chief on the Internet, which seriously damaged the image of the government and state officials, and provoked some people who did not know the truth to confront and oppose the government.

3. In September 2012, the Public Security Bureau of Fuqing, Fujian, opened a case in accordance with the law to investigate a case of embezzlement. During the investigation of the case, defendant Wu Gan came to the front gate of the Public Security Bureau of Fuqing to raise banners and commit affrays, and on the Internet he repeatedly insulted and abused the chief of the public security bureau and the police officers who handled the case, and smeared a martyr of the bureau who had sacrificed himself for the community as a "protector of organized crime," seriously damaging the image of the public security agency and the people's police, and provoking hatred towards the State regime of some people who did not know the truth.

4. On March 22, 2014, the Public Security Bureau of the Jiansanjiang Agricultural Reclamation Area in Heilongjiang administratively detained in accordance with the law relevant individuals who disturbed social order. Defendant Wu Gan in collusion with others organized a "Jiansanjiang Citizens' Solidarity Rescue Group", and posted a "Fundraising Call for the Citizens' Solidarity Rescue Group" on the Internet, and acted as the fundraising contact and supervisory reviewer, encouraging others to come to Jiansanjiang to illegally gather to create a disturbance. Subsequently, some lawyers and petitioners illegally gathered in front of the Public Security Bureau of Sanjiang Agricultural Reclamation Area and the Qixing Detention Center, sitting in demonstrations, shouting slogans, hanging banners, and engaging in malicious instigation on the Internet, denigrating and attacking organs of the State regime. Wu Gan continuously published police personal information on the Internet, called for online "doxxing,"2 and issued "wanted reward posters," insulted and abused the police, and incited people to confront and oppose the State regime, causing a pernicious political influence at home and abroad.

5. In May 2014, the Intermediate People's Court of Huaihua, Hunan tried a case in accordance with the law of gathering people to disrupt social order. During the trial of the case, defendant Wu Gan, together with Li Heping and others, went to Mayang County, Huaihua to sensationalize the case. From May 20 to 21 of the same year, Wu Gan successively held up a placard in front of the Mayang County Party Committee and County Government, and submitted a complaint letter to the People's Procuratorate of Huaihua, smearing and defaming the Mayang County Party Secretary. Afterwards, he continued to maliciously sensationalize matters online, provoking some people who did not know the truth to become dissatisfied with the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.

6. In May 2014, the Public Security Bureau in Zhengzhou, Henan Province opened a case for investigation in accordance with the law into relevant individuals who disturbed the order of public places. Defendant Wu Gan colluded with Zhai Yanmin and others to plan to sensationalize the case, and organized publishing "calls" for fundraising advocacy on the Internet many times. In July of the same year, some lawyers and petitioners illegally gathered in front of the Zhengzhou No. 3 Detention Center, sat in on hunger strikes, hung banners, shouted slogans, unreasonably demanded the release of detainees, and engaged in malicious instigation on the Internet, denigrating and attacking organs of the State regime. During that time, Wu Gan issued "Citations" and "Wanted Posters" on the Internet, and performed "Performance Art" in front of the detention center that insulted and denigrated the public security bureau chief, and encouraged some people who did not know the truth to hate organs of the State regime, causing a pernicious political influence at home and abroad.

7. In September 2014, the Justice Bureau of Changping District, Beijing held a hearing on an administrative penalty case. Defendant Wu Gan encouraged others on the Internet to gather at the hearing site illegally, hold up slogans at scene that denigrated the Justice Bureau and the Bar Association, verbally abuse the civil police who were on duty at the time, and in collusion with others shout slogans and block the doors in affrays, causing serious chaos on the scene. After learning that the relevant individuals had been administratively detained by the public security agency, Wu Gan posted a large number of micro-blogs with pictures insulting public security civil police on the Internet to continue malicious sensationalizing, denigrating, and attacking organs of the State regime.

8. In December 2014, the Beijing Fengrui Law Firm was acting as representatives in a civil action, and the case had been settled by court through mediation. Defendant Wu Gan took instructions from Zhou Shifeng and went to Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan to sensationalize the case with Xie Yuandong (case being handled separately). From January 7 to 12, 2015, Wu Gan posted big-character posters at the Prefecture  People's Government, Prefecture People's Procuratorate, Intermediate People's Court, and other places, and engaged in affrays inside and outside the court by various means such as driving by in cars with big character posters pasted on them, attacking the judiciary, smearing the judicial system, and using the Internet to engage in malicious instigation, attempting to provoke some people who did not know the truth to hate the judicial system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

9. On December 3, 2013, an intentional injury case occurred in Huqiu District, Suzhou, Jiangsu, which caused two deaths due to a demolition. In January 2014, defendant Wu Gan participated in the "Suzhou Urbanization and Demolition Seminar" in response to the case in Beijing, and published statements that denigrated and attacked China's national system, and incited hatred of the socialist system. From January to February 2015, Wu Gan learned that that case and related cases were about to be heard in court, and actively organized fundraising on the Internet, maliciously sensationalized, and incited some people who did not know the truth to come to Suzhou to illegally gather to create a disturbance, and confront and oppose the government.

10. In March 2015, the People's Court of Mancheng District, Baoding, Hebei was trying an extortion case in accordance with the law in which the Beijing Fengrui Law Firm was acting as representatives. While the case was being tried, defendant Wu Gan took instructions from Zhou Shifeng and fabricated rumors such as "Leaders of the Baoding Municipal Party Committee Political and Legal Commission committed an injustice for the sake of a vanity project," engaged in malicious sensationalizing on the Internet, and provoked some people who did not know the truth to become dissatisfied with the judicial system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

11. On May 2, 2015, an individual who was assaulting a police officer was shot dead on the spot by the police on duty in the waiting room of a railway station in Qing'an County, Heilongjiang. After the incident, defendant Wu Gan published a large number of micro-blog posts on the Internet distorting facts, fabricating rumors that the individual assaulting the police was a petitioner, that the police who shot him were there to intercept petitioners, and inciting others to gather illegally in Qing'an County to sensationalize the matter. Later, he spread false statements by publishing the "Qing'an Incident Investigation Report" on the Internet to encourage the masses who did not know the truth to confront and oppose organs of State power.

12. In May 2015, the High People's Court of Jiangxi tried a criminal complaint case in accordance with the law. From May 18 to 19 of the same year, defendant Wu Gan engaged in malicious instigation on the Internet, and insulted the president of the court in front of the court, set up a "mourning hall" to discredit the image of the judiciary, and denigrated, and attacked the State's judicial system.

On May 27, 2015, defendant Wu Gan was apprehended and brought to justice.

With respect to the aforementioned charges, the public prosecution agency read and produced in court criminal judgments, administrative punishment decisions and other documentary evidence, testimony of Zhai Yanmin, Xie Yuandong, and other witnesses, as well as other evidence including search, investigation, and identification records, audio-visual materials, electronic data, and defendant Wu Gan's statement. It believes that Wu Gan organized, planned, and carried out subversion of state power and the overthrow of the socialist order, and his actions constitute the commission of an offense under the provisions of Article 105(1) of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China." The criminal facts are clear and the evidence is reliable and copious, and he should bear criminal liability for committing the crime of subversion of state power. In accordance with the provisions of Article 172 of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China," it requests this Court pass sentence in accordance with the law.

Defendant Wu Gan admitted to having acted in the manner set forth in facts charged by public prosecution agency, but his defense counsel raised the following justifications and defense opinions with respected to the public prosecution agency's charges:

1. While Wu Gan was being held in custody in Beijing he was tortured to extract a confession and was interrogated until he was exhausted. The detention location recorded in some of the interrogation transcripts does not conform to the actual detention location. Some interrogating personnel did not have investigation authority and the interrogation transcripts that they participated in the production of are not valid. Therefore, they apply to have all statements of Wu Gan from July 5, 2015 to January 8, 2016 excluded.

2. None of the electronic data in this case was collected by an investigation agency, and there is no paperwork or other records showing the investigating agency entrusted data collection to a third party. There are no records of the collection process, and the means and methods of electronic data collection do not comply with laws and regulations. They lack legality and cannot be used as evidence in this case. The content of some of the online articles and audio produced by the public prosecution agency did not originate with Wu Gan, and it therefore cannot be determined that they were posted by Wu Gan himself. Some of the witnesses in this case have a vested interest in Wu Gan, and their testimony is mutually contradictory and replete with subjective assumptions, and are therefore not probative. Zhai Yanmin, Zhou Shifeng and other witnesses were tortured to extract confessions, and relevant witness testimony cannot serve as a basis for establishing an offense in this case.

3. The totality of evidence in this case is unable to prove that Wu Gan either objectively possessed the criminal intent to subvert state power, or subjectively carried out criminal acts to subvert state power. There were reasons why Wu Gan participated in those 12 incidents, and the content that was posted online was all factual. In addition, in the specific cases where Wu Gan was a participant, some participants were either not criminally punished or were convicted of other offenses, so there is no legal basis for Wu Gan to be charged with the crime of subversion of state power. The statements made in the "Three Great Classics" that Wu Gan posted online, his getting people to bear witness at events, his sensationalizing and other behaviors, these are all the actions of a citizen legitimately exercising their rights granted by the Constitution. They were not directed at the State regime, and did not result in causing the State regime to be subverted. Therefore, Wu Gan's actions do not constitute the crime of subversion of state power.

It was ascertained at trial that:

Because he was dissatisfied with the country's current political system, defendant Wu Gan gradually developed the idea of subverting state power. Thereafter, over an extended period of time Wu Gan used information networks to spread a large number of statements that attacked the State regime and the national system established by the Constitution, and that advocated the use of the subversive "push against the wall" ideology. In collusion with certain illegal religious activists, professional petitioners, a small number of lawyers and other individuals who had the idea of subverting of state power, he created disturbances with illegal assemblies in public venues under the guise of "rights defense" and performing "performance art." He sensationalized hot-button incidents by insulting third parties, spreading false information on information networks. He committed series of criminal acts that subverted stated power and overthrew the socialist order by smearing organs of the State and attacking the national system established by the Constitution. This severely jeopardized national security and social stability. The specific facts are as follows:

I. Utilizing Information Networks to Attack the State Regime and the Socialist System

Since 2010, defendant Wu Gan used Twitter, Weibo, WeChat and other online social media tools to continuously publish a large number of posts and audio lectures attacking the State regime and the socialist system. During that time, Wu Gan wrote articles such as the "Three Great Classics," and accepted interviews with foreign media. He smeared the national political system, and advocated the use of the subversive "push against the wall" ideology, inciting people to confront and oppose the State regime.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by the following evidence:

1. The electronic data optical disc with the "Letter of Reply Regarding the 'Wu Gan Disturbing the Peace' Case," and the "Letter of Reply Regarding the 'Wu Gan Defamation' Case" produced by the Beijing Weimeng Chuangke Network Technology Co., Ltd.3 proved: The circumstances of the Wu Gan-related Sina Weibo account registration information, Weibo content and number of readings, reposts, and comments for the accounts with the pseudonyms "Pig Killer" (UID: 2782156390 ), "Happy Love Sunshine Charity" (UID: 2345898410 ), "Super Vulgar tufu-eoE" (UID: 3525846081),  and "Super Vulgar Tufu" (UID: 3735687154) that the public security agency retrieved from that company.

2.The Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Cyber-Security Defense Detachment's Xia Public (Net) Electronic Investigation (2015) No. 10 electronic data investigation record proved: After conducting an examination of the Sina Weibo data related to Wu Gan, it was found that there were multiple posts published from June 2012 to January 2015. Among them, the part of the post posted by the account nicknamed "Super Vulgar tufu_eoE" is: " . . .Everyone can push against the wall in their own way . . ." "When facing totalitarianism, the only thing we can do is push the wall and criticize the market . . ."

3.The Public Security Bureau of Xiamen Siming Precinct's Xia Publicsi (Lianqian) Retrieval Evidence (2015) No. 0202 evidence retrieval notice and the explanation, Weibo registration data, and Weibo post content produced by the Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd. proved: The account and registration information and many of the posts for shoujil354373175 (Pseudonym: Doctor Butcher), sunshinengo (Pseudonym: Butchers Love to Kill Pigs) and other Wu Gan-related Tencent Weibo accounts retrieved by the public security agency from that company, including the posts for the account with the pseudonym "Butchers Love to Kill Pigs" had content such as: "The political stance and pushing-the-wall attitude must be clear. Although there are people who may seem to share these ideals,  they actually play a role in furthering abuses. This is why I have a strong aversion to randomly crowing about unity."

4. The Public Security Bureau of Xiamen Siming Precinct's Xia Publicsi (Lianqian) Retrieval Evidence (2015) No. 00019 evidence retrieval notice and the explanation, evidence retrieval lists, and electronic data optical discs proved: The public security agency retrieved all of Wu Gan's WeChat "Moments" data and microblog content and comments for account 2302974886 from Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.

5. The Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Cyber-Security Defense Detachment's Xia Public (Net) Electronic Investigation (2015) No. 11 electronic data investigation record proved: An examination conducted on Wu Gan's WeChat "Moments" data in the WeChat "Moments" data of the account No. wxid_ jah3jvte134u12 (Pseudonym: "The Super Vulgar Butcher is Active") discovered many posts, and a portion of the content was: "Pushing against the wall is not a matter of a day or two. Not only do we have to contend with them with a happy and healthy attitude, but we must also keep our bodies in good shape so that we may outlive them, and we must wait for the day when we bury them with our own hands."

6. The Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Cyber-Security Defense Detachment's Xia Public (Net) Remote Surveillance (2015) No. 3 remote crime scene investigation record proved: A crime scene investigation examination conducted on historical Twitter data for Wu Gan's Twitter account "The Super Vulgar Butcher" (@tufuwugan) found that many posts were published from October 2011 to October 2014, and a portion of the content was: "This regime is disliked everywhere in the world. Can there be anything of good quality under this regime?"

Based on Wu Gan's confirmation, the aforementioned content was posted by him on the Internet.

7.The Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Cyber-Security Defense Detachment's Xia Public (Net) Remote Surveillance  (2014) No. 4 remote crime scene investigation record proved: Based on a crime scene investigation examination, a program titled "Chinese Mainland Officials' and Civilians' Response to Hong Kong [Occupy Central]" was found on the website of a foreign radio station.4 The web page stated that the broadcast time of the program was: 2014-10-09 00: 35: 00, and that the content was a visit with the mainland Internet activist [Wu Gan the Butcher]. Part of the audio content was the declaration "Every day that the mainland centralizes power, it will not bring peace and civilization to the world, but will only bring barbarity, pollution, and disaster."

The aforementioned audio transcription materials were confirmed by Wu Gan as the contents he spoke when accepting an interview.

8.The Public Security Bureau of Xiamen Siming Precinct's Xia Publicsi (Lianqian) Retrieval Evidence (2015) No. 00018 evidence retrieval notice, evidence retrieval lists, and the "Electronic Data Examination Explanation of the Private Living Room Lecture 'The Current Situation of Human Rights and Social Issues in China' Audio Found on Lizhi FM" proved: The circumstances of the number of audio files, listens, reposts, and comments for the private living room lecture "The Current Situation of Human Rights and Social Issues in China (Speaker: Butcher, Host: Three-Legged Cat)" retrieved on April 13, 2015 from Guangzhou Lizhi Network Technology Co., Ltd. that was posted by Sissi Vegetable. Part of that audio content was: "In the final analysis, all the problems are the problems of the system and the political system. . . So we will not make any well-intended suggestions that would be beneficial to extending their life span. Instead, we should encourage them to get worse: build walls and mix water in with the sand. When the ship is going down you just take out an extra chip or two. . . You absolutely cannot engage in civic activities and push against the wall without funds. . . So every time I take on a case I raise money first. You can do it if you have money.

The aforementioned audio transcription materials were confirmed by Wu Gan as the contents of his lecture.

9. The Public Security Bureau of Fujian Physical Evidence Forensic Center's Min Police Inspection (2015) No. 389 analysis report and the "Explanation of Electronic Data Inspection of the audio lecture in the WeChat Group 'The Great Undertaking for Democracy Red Envelopes' Collected from Wu Gan's iPhone4" produced by the Public Security Bureau of Xiamen Siming Precinct proved: The WeChat account No. wxid_minhchrrq5qz22 (Tu the Sixth) found on Wu Gan's iPhone 4 mobile phone used the sound broadcast feature on April 14, 2015 to launch a lecture in the WeChat Group "773207982@chatroom-The Great Undertaking for Democracy Red Envelopes." Part of that content was: "If you have the awareness of pushing against the wall, you can use the Internet to spread the truth and make more like-minded friends."

10.The Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Cyber-Security Defense Detachment's Xia Public (Net) Remote Surveillance (2015) No. 2 remote crime scene investigation record proved: The crime scene investigation found that Wu Gan used his Twitter account The Super Vulgar Butcher (@tufuwugan) several times to publish articles and information about the content of "Classics", and uploaded the "Classics" information to the Google Plus social media platform, which was produced by Wu Gan. "Classics" was reprinted and reported by foreign media, websites, and Internet users' blogs.

Among these, part of the content that Wu Gan posted on his Twitter account was: "The Butcher's Three Classics: 1: The Classic on Butchering Pigs for Petitioners. 2: The Classic on Drinking Tea. 3: The Classic on Petitioning Against Forced Demolitions and Land Appropriations. They have all been launched. After a period with some time on my hands I wrote some classics on the torments borne by citizens of an abnormal country. How to popularize overcoming fear, how to deal with gangsters, how to increase their costs, and how to work together to send the devil off to die!"

Wu Gan uploaded "One of The Super Vulgar Butcher (Wu Gan) Classics: The Classic on Butchering Pigs for Petitioners" to the social platform Google. Part of the content of that "Classic" was: "In our country, there is no justice in the judiciary, the Political and Legal Committee and the Disciplinary Inspection Commission hide the truth from the masses. . . The petition system is a tool used by the State to deceive the people and provide a check against local government. . . The root of judicial injustice lies in this system. If this system is not changed, the law is just a fig leaf. . . Under this system, one must not put one's faith in the law, under this evil system good people turn bad. . .  It is recommended to take the most primitive means to raise appeals. . . Targeting specific individuals is the most effective way; various forms of appeals and various behaviors can be adopted online and offline. Performance art, satire, filing reports, making accusations, etc. . ."

Wu Gan uploaded "The Super Vulgar Butcher (Wu Gan) Classics II: The Classic on Drinking Tea" to the Google Plus social media platform. Part of the content of that "Classic" was: "In a country without democracy and freedom, drinking tea is the only way to become a true citizen. Drinking tea usually refers to being interviewed by the police and national security agents because of your statements or your civic actions. . . If everyone treats drinking tea as a kind of honor, then this society will see progress."

atAspirin posted "The Super Vulgar Butcher's 'Classic on Butchering Pigs'." Part of the content of that "Classic" was: "China's laws serve gangsters and powerful people; when an individual makes an appeal . . . it is best to target the head of the department. . . There are many ways, such as online exposés, expose their scars, dig into the scandals of their family members and the people who surround them. Enumerate the crimes they committed in office, and hang the evil deeds they committed in prior roles around their necks."

"The Past is not as Good as Smoke" reposted "The Classic on Petitioning Against Forced Demolitions and Land Appropriations." Part of the content of that "Classic" was: "At present, in a State where there is no rule of law, this kind of manual can only be used as a reference. . . The government protects the strong from violence, and will not protect the interests and personal safety of those whose homes are being demolished and whose land is being taken. . . When homes are being demolished and land is being taken the law is nothing more than trinkets and shit. The police, the procuratorate, the judiciary – they are essentially worthless.

The aforementioned content was confirmed by Wu Gan as having been written and posted by him on the Internet.

11. The Public Security Bureau of Fujian Physical Evidence Forensic Center's Min Police Inspection (2015) No. 389 analysis report proved: The WeChat account wxid_minhchrrq5qz22 (Butcher No. 6) found on Wu Gan's iPhone4 posted information related to the "Classics" in group chats and Moments to encourage others to use the methods in the "Classics" to "push against the wall".

12. Defendant Wu Gan's statement: He believes that the root of social contradictions lies in the current political and judicial systems. His ideal state is to awaken "citizens" as an important force in the future "social transformation" through intervention in a series of cases and events, so as to enable this group of people to continue to grow stronger. In this way, the current government will be pushed into make a "peaceful transformation" by means of "street complaints." The "lawyers circle," "petitioners circle," "democracy movement circle," and "Internet user circle" who are actively following these cases all have this kind of common understanding. Therefore, it is only after a certain incident occurs that the various circles unite and intervene in the matter. This is also a manifestation of pushing back. His Twitter screen name is "Super Vulgar Butcher," account number: Stufuwugan; his Sina screen name is "Happy Love Sunshine Charity;" his G+ account is "Wu Gan (Butcher);" his WeChat accounts include "cjdstf;" his Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo accounts are "Super Vulgar Butcher," "Bald Pig Killer," "A Guy Who Loves Killing Pigs," and so on. It was probably in the first half of 2011 that he compiled the "Pig Killing Classics", which was divided into two parts: "The Classic on Butchering Pigs for Rights Defense" and "The Classic on Butchering Pigs for Petitioners." In 2012, he wrote about his experience in dealing with the police as "The Classic on Drinking Tea," which was written after those others. He opposes the existing system and has never tried to conceal his ideology.

II. Sensationalizing the Defamation Cases of Fan Yanqiong et. al.

In April 2010, Fan Yanqiong et. al. were sentenced and punished in accordance with the law by the People's Court of Mawei, Fuzhou, Fujian (hereinafter referred to as the Mawei Court) for defaming others on the Internet. During the trial of the case, defendant Wu Gan continuously posted defamatory content on his Twitter account saying that the Fuzhou judicial system was in league with organized crime, and he smeared the judiciary and incited others to travel to the court to gather in affrays. On April 16th of the same year, the case was heard in court. Wu Gan joined with many others to make trouble in front of the Mawei Court by shouting slogans and unfurling banners, and uploaded footage from the scene to the Internet to sensationalize the matter, inciting people who did not know the truth to become dissatisfied with the national judicial system.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by the following evidence:

1. Testimony of witness Wang Baoyong (civil police at the Public Security Bureau of Mawei, Fuzhou and identification records proved: Twice in 2010, he participated in actions to maintain order at the scene of court hearings in the defamation case of Fan Yanqiong et. al.. In April, more than one hundred people came and the scene was bigger than the previous one. Many people hung signs  on their chests with the faces of the "Three Netizens," tied yellow ribbons on their bodies, held up banners, and shouted slogans. Among them was a bald, fat person who was very active at the scene, taking the lead in shouting slogans, constantly taking pictures and videos, and even taking out a computer and working on it from time to time. That person was identified as Wu Gan.

The aforementioned witness testimony was corroborated by the testimony and identification transcripts of witness Chen Qixing, a civil police at the Luoxing Precint of the Public Security Bureau of Mawei, Fuzhou, and security guards Zheng Zhiyong and Qiu Xigui.

2. Testimony of witness Sun Jinghai and identification records proved: On the day of the hearing for the defamation case of Fan Yanqiong et. al., he was at the scene and saw a lot of people gathered at the entrance of the Mawei Court. Several organizers took the lead in shouting slogans, holding banners, and singing at the scene. Wu Gan was identified as one of the organizers.

The aforementioned witness testimony was corroborated by identification records and the testimony of  Liu Weitao who was at the scene.

3. Testimony of witness Wu Ruifeng proved: He was the presiding judge in the defamation case of Fan Yanqiong et. al. During the trial on April 16, 2010, he could clearly hear a gathering of people outside the court chanting slogans. Shortly after the hearing, he received a "Certificate of Merit" from Wu Gan that denigrated the image of the Mawei Court.

The aforementioned witness testimony was corroborated by the "Certificate of Award" documentary evidence.

4. The hearing announcement provided by the Mawei Court, the (2009) Ma Criminal First No. 154 criminal judgment and the Intermediate People's Court of Fuzhou's (2010) Rong Criminal Final No. 502 criminal ruling proved: The time of the hearing of the Fan Yanqiong, You Jingyou, and Wu Huaying defamation case and the circumstaces of the sentencing of those three people.

5. The "Explanation of the Handling of the '6.27' Case Hearing" produced by the Public Security Bureau of Mawei, Fuzhou proved: At 8:30 am on April 16, 2010, more than 80 people gathered at the gate of the Mawei Court claiming "Solidarity with Fan Yanqiong, You Jingyou, and Wu Huaying." The main organizer was Wu Gan. His actions triggered more than 200 people to loiter outside the Mawei Court, order was disturbed, and the influence was relatively large.

6. The Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Cyber-Security Defense Detachment's Xia Public (Net) Remote Surveillance (2014) No. 3 remote crime scene investigation record proved: After an investigation of the crime scene, seven videos were found showing Wu Gan and others engaged in affrays at the Mawei Court.

7.The Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Cyber-Security Defense Detachment's Xia Public (Net) Remote Surveillance (2015) No. 1 remote crime scene investigation record proved: A crime scene investigation examination conducted on historical Twitter data "The Super Vulgar Butcher" (@tufuwugan) retrieved Wu Gan's tweets and links encouraging others to go to Fuzhou to sensationalize the defamation case of Fan Yanqiong et. al. since the beginning of February 2010, as well as tweets and links smearing the Fuzhou judicial system as being in league with organized crime.

8. Defendant Wu Gan's statement: In February 2010, he began to intervene in the defamation case of Fan Yanqiong et. al., and went to Fuzhou in solidarity. On April 16, the case was heard. He and the people present used slogans, banners and other means to show solidarity, and did live Internet broadcasts from the scene. Some people at the scene wrapped a yellow ribbon on their arms and played dirges to satirize the local judiciary.

III. Sensationalizing the Jin'an, Fuzhou Demolition Compensation Incident

In April 2012, defendant Wu Gan intervened in a demolition compensation incident in Jin'an District, Fuzhou, Fujian. From April to September of the same year, Wu Gan posted banners at the houses to be demolished and used performance art to insult Zheng Doe, the then Chief of Jin'an District. Later, he organized people to stretch out banners and set up tents in front of the Fuzhou Urban and Rural Construction Committee. At the same time, Wu Gan uploaded photos of the aforementioned  "performance art" to the Internet and published posts to smearing the image of organs of the State and their staff, and incited people who did not know the truth to confront and oppose the State regime.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by the following evidence:

1. Testimony of witness He Xi (on staff at the People's Government of Jin'an District) and identification records proved: On August 26, 2012, a person named "Pig Killer" posted four pictures on Sina Weibo, three of which showed the face of Jin'an District Chief Zheng Doe on a nude female plastic model. Insulting text was written on the model's body. Two men were pictured standing next to the model. One of them was the Weibo blogger (Wu Gan). In three pictures can be seen the wall of a private house pasted with paper that said: "Citizens' Private Property Protection Fuzhou Observation Point (The Super Vulgar Butcher Studio)." There was also a picture with two men pulling a banner with the words "Strongly protesting against the administrative inaction of the Fuzhou Urban and Rural Construction Committee, ignoring the safety of people's lives and property, and prostituting themselves to the illegal and rogue construction enterprises." He went to the police precinct to file a complaint.

The aforementioned witness testimony was corroborated by testimony of witness Zheng Doe and the Public Security Bureau of Fuzhou Jin'an Precinct's case acceptance registration forms and other evidence.

2. Testimony of witness Chen Minghong (on staff at the Ziyang Economic Cooperative, Wangzhuang Street, Jin'an District) proved: In Jin'an District, a family had been a "holdout home"5 for a long time in order to obtain more compensation. Wu Gan set up a "citizen's private property protection point" outside the house, and placed a nude plastic female model in front of the gate. The face of the Jin'an District Chief was attached to the model's head to take pictures, and the family was organized to set up a tent and hold a sit-in at the entrance of the Fuzhou Construction Committee. The actions of Wu Gan and others attracted many crowds of onlookers.

The aforementioned witness testimony was occasionally corroborated by the testimony of witness Li Rongquan, secretary of the Ziyang Economic Cooperative in Wangzhuang Street, Jin'an District.

3. Testimony of witness Zeng Yong (on staff at the Fuzhou Diyuan Housing Acquisition and Construction Office) and identification records proved: In April 2010, the expropriation of Datong and surrounding land in Jin'an District began. Wu Gan put the face of the Jin'an District Chief on the head of a nude plastic model to insult, and organized a family and some Internet users within the expropriation area in Fuzhou to hold a sit-in at the door of the Municipal Construction Committee, and take pictures and post them on the Internet.

4. The Fuzhou Real Estate Administration Housing Demolition Announcement, Housing Demolition Permit, and "Report on the Overdue Resettlement of Homes in Our City" provided by the Fuzhou Housing Security and Real Estate Administration proved: On April 15, 2010, the Fuzhou Municipal Real Estate Administration approved the implementation of the demolition of the houses in the Crown City Chase Co., Ltd. and surrounding plots, and the demolition period was from April 15, 2010 to April 30, 2011. The period for demolition was subsequently exceeded.

5. The situation explanatory materials issued by the People's Government Office of Jin'an District, Fuzhou proved: In April 2012, Wu Gan set up a "Citizens' Property Rights Protection Fuzhou Observation Point" at the site where houses were to be demolished, performing various "performance art",including "taking photos with the female district chief nude model" and "erecting a tent by the construction committee." The aforementioned actions affected the image of the district government.

6. The Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Cyber-Security Defense Detachment's Xia Public (Net) Electronic Inspection (2015) No. 1 electronic data investigation record proved: An examination of the Sina Weibo data related to Wu Gan, 13 historical Weibo posts relating to the Jin'an District demolition compensation incident were found in the Weibo account with the pseudonym "Pig Killer" (UID: 2782156390). Among these, part of the content released on September 6, 2012 was: "Tents, memorial tablets, and props on the street (At that time, the female district chief will be placed on the roof of a car to be exhibited in streets all over Fuzhou to let everyone see how they not only do not serve the people, but also run roughshod over the people). . . ."

Based on Wu Gan's confirmation, the aforementioned content was posted by him on the Internet.

7.The Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Cyber-Security Defense Detachment's Xia Public (Net) Remote Surveillance (2015) No. 1 remote crime scene investigation record proved: A crime scene investigation examination conducted on historical Twitter data for Wu Gan's Twitter account "The Super Vulgar Butcher" (@tufuwugan) collected content from it including tweets and links posted by Wu Gan that insulted the then chief of Jin'an District and declared that "the government is ignoring the safety of people's lives and property, and prostituting themselves to the illegal and rogue construction enterprises."

Based on Wu Gan's confirmation, the relevant content was written and posted by him on the Internet.

8. Defendant Wu Gan's statement: In 2012, he adopted the following methods to help a household in Jin'an District that was to be demolished "defend their rights": Set up a tent at the gate of the Municipal Construction Committee and posted promotional slogans; fixed the face of the Jin'an District chief on the head of a nude plastic model with a slogan and took photos with it and upload those photos to Twitter, Weibo, and WeChat. Before performing the aforementioned "performance art," he asked someone to write a large poster with the content: "Citizens' Private Property Rights Protection Fuzhou Observation Point" and posted it in person on the exterior wall of the house to be demolished.

IV. Sensationalizing the Xu Xiaoshun6 Professional Embezzlement Case

In September 2012, Xu Xiaoshun was taken into criminal detention by the Public Security Bureau of Fuqing, Fuzhou on suspicion of committing the crime of professional embezzlement. During the investigation of the case, defendant Wu Gan raised a placard in front of the Public Security Bureau of Fuqing and engaged in affrays. From December 2012 to April 2013, Wu Gan continuously published posts on his Twitter and Sina Weibo accounts insulting and abusing the then Public Security Bureau of Fuqing Director Lin Doe, and defaming the revolutionary martyr Lin Wanlin who had sacrificed themselves for the community as a "protector of organized crime," seriously damaging the image of the public security agency and the people's police, and provoking hatred towards the State regime of some people who did not know the truth.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by the following evidence:

1. The Decision to Open a Case, detention warrant, arrest warrant, decision on bail pending trial, etc. provided by the Public Security Bureau of Fuqing Economic Crime Investigation Brigade proved: The circumstances in which the Public Security Bureau of Fuqing opened a case to investigate Xu Xiaoshun on suspicion of professional embezzlement and adopted coercive measures.

2. Testimony of witness Xue Aizhong (then Deputy Chief of the Public Security Bureau of Fuqing Economic Crime Investigation Brigade) proved: At the time Xu Xiaoshun was taken into criminal detention, Wu Gan went to the Public Security Bureau of Fuqing and raised a placard and made a lot of noise, demanding the release of Xu Xiaoshun, claiming that the police handling the case were on the take. Later, Wu Gan also insulted and threatened Director Lin Doe on the Internet. In April 2013, Wu Gan said on the Internet that the Public Security Bureau of Fuqing police and Hero Second Class Lin Wanlin were members of a criminal gang, smearing the image of the public security agency and the civil police.

3. Testimony of witness Lin Doe proved: During his tenure as the director of the Public Security Bureau of Fuqing, Wu Gan published a large number of posts on the Internet, insulting and abusing him, and calling Lin Wanlin a "protector of organized crime."

The aforementioned witness testimony was corroborated by the testimony of witnesses She Bin and Lin Yan, police officers at the Public Security Bureau of Fuqing.

4. Testimony of witness Wu Wei (civil police at the Public Security Bureau of Fuqing) proved: He handled the Xu Xiaoshun suspected professional embezzlement case. In March 2013, a colleague called and said that Wu Gan was holding a sign in front of the public security bureau, with words insulting him written on the sign.

The aforementioned witness testimony was corroborated by the testimony of witness Wei Hui, a police officer at the Public Security Bureau of Fuqing.

5. Testimony of witness Huang Jianrong (civil police at the Public Security Bureau of Fuqing) proved: He was previously a colleague of Lin Wanlin. Lin Wanlin was shot and died heroically during the investigation of a case, and was later ratified as a Hero Second Class by the Ministry of Public Security.

6. The "Report on the Ratification of Comrade Lin Wanlin as a Revolutionary Martyr," the Civil Affairs Bureau of Fuqing's "Investigation Report on the Ratification of Comrade Lin Wanlin as a Revolutionary Martyr," and the Ministry of Public Security's "Order Posthumously Awarding the Title of Model Hero Second Class of the National Public Security System to Comrade Lin Wanlin" provided by the Public Security Bureau of Fuqing proved: The civil police officer comrade Lin Wanlin of the Public Security Bureau of Fuqing was attacked by gunmen while investigating a very serious case of robbery. The Provincial People's Government of Fujian awarded Lin Wanlin the title of Revolutionary Martyr. The Ministry of Public Security posthumously awarded Lin Wanlin the title of Model Hero Second Class of the National Public Security System.

7. The Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Cyber-Security Defense Detachment's Xia Public (Net) Remote Surveillance (2015) No. 1 remote crime scene investigation record, Xia Public (Net) Electronic Inspection (2015) No. 6 electronic data examination transcript proved: A crime scene investigation examination conducted on historical Twitter data for Wu Gan's Twitter account "The Super Vulgar Butcher" (@tufuwugan) and on historical Weibo data related to Wu Gan's Sina Weibo account with the pseudonym "Happy Love Sunshine Charity" (UID:2345898410) collected tweets, links, and historical microblogs posted by Wu Gan that insulted and abuse the then Public Security Bureau of Fuqing Director Lin Doe, and defamed the revolutionary martyr Lin Wanlin as a "protector of organized crime."

The relevant content was confirmed by Wu Gan as having been posted by him on the Internet.

8. Defendant Wu Gan's statement: From April 2012 to May 2013, because he was dissatisfied with the civil police officers who handled the Xu Xiaoshun case, he posted some insulting and defamatory remarks about the chief of the public security bureau on Weibo and Twitter. He did not know who Lin Wanlin was, and said on Weibo and Twitter that Lin Wanlin was a fake hero, a member of organized crime, and a protector of organized crime.

V. Sensationalizing the Administrative Detention Case of Tang Jitian et. al.

In March 2014, the Public Security Bureau of the Jiansanjiang Agricultural Reclamation Area (hereinafter referred to as the Public Security Bureau of Jiansanjiang) administratively detained in accordance with the law Tang Jitian and other relevant individuals who disturbed social order. Some people took the opportunity to gather and commit affrays in Jiansanjiang and other places. After defendant Wu Gan learned about it, he used information networks to continuously sensationalize it, encourage fundraising for on-site affrays, inciting others to gather at the scene, issuing "wanted reward posters" with insulting content, denigrating and belittling the image of the people's police, smearing organs of the State, and inciting people to confront and oppose the State regime.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by the following evidence:

1. The Administrative Punishment Decision produced by the Public Security Bureau of the Jiansanjiang proved: On March 22, 2014, Tang Jitian and others were taken into administrative detention for disrupting social order. On March 30, 2014, Zhai Yanmin and others incited and conspired with others to appear in front of the Qixing Detention Center to express "solidarity" with the illegal assembly of Tang Jitian and others and were administratively detained by the Public Security Bureau of the Jiansanjiang.

2. Testimony of witness Zhai Yanmin proved: He saw in a WeChat group that Tang Jitian and other four lawyers were arrested in Jiansanjiang, and he took people to Jiansanjiang to express solidarity. On March 24, 2014, he and Xiang Li took more than ten people to the Public Security Bureau of Jiansanjiang's Qixing Detention Center and raised the placard. On March 25, he and Wang Yu and others went to the Qixing Detention Center to display banners and demonstrate with lawyers. Wu Gan published posts in various groups expressing solidarity with the Jiansanjiang lawyers and soliciting fundraising, encouraging "Citizens" to participate in the solidarity activities, and the costs for the solidarity activities was raised by Wu Gan. Lawyers, "citizens," and petitioners used WeChat as a platform to connect with one another and share a common concept of "pushing against the wall." Each incident was instigated by the lawyers, who would be the first to arrive at the scene, "Citizens" and petitioners would come along next and continue to sensationalize and ferment the incident. This is a fixed model for sensationalizing things. The goal was to figure out how to overthrow the existing legal system, overthrow the leadership of the Communist Party, and bring about a "color revolution" and "peaceful transformation."

3. Testimony of witness Liu Sixin proved: After Tang Jitian and others were detained, someone formed a WeChat "Solidarity" group specifically to raise funds for lawyers and petitioners who wanted to go and express solidarity and create momentum. Wu Gan was among the sponsors of the fundraising.

4. Testimony of witness Yu Wenbo (civil police at the Public Security Bureau of the Jiansanjiang) proved: On March 22, 2014, in accordance with the law the Public Security Bureau of Jiansanjiangin administratively detained Tang Jitian and others who disrupted social order. Afterwards, a large number of "rights defenders" gathered at the gate of the Qixing Detention Center and shouted slogans. During the aforementioned incident, their mobile phones, office phones, and home phones received a large number of harassing calls and things were basically in a state of paralysis. The Director of the Public Security Bureau of the Jiansanjiang and others were also harassed.

5. Testimony of witness Liu Doe (then Chief of the Public Security Bureau of Jiansanjiang) and personally written records proved: In March 2014, in accordance with the law the Public Security Bureau of Jiansanjiang detained a group of "Human Rights Lawyers" and Wu Gan for making "wanted reward posters" with his face and posting them on the Internet, doxxing him, publicizing his phone number and inciting Internet users to call and send text messages to harass him, and insulting, attacking, and intimidating him personally through online postings. Wu Gan's deliberate inciting and sensationalizing caused "rights defenders" from all over the country to illegally gather in Jiansanjiang for demonstrations, which seriously disrupted social order in the Jiansanjiang area, and caused an extremely bad impact on the reputation of the provincial, reclamation area, and the Party committees of the Jiansanjiang Administration Bureau, as well as the political and legal system.

6. Testimony of witness Liu Changhe (then Captain of the National Security Brigade of the Public Security Bureau of Jiansanjiang) proved: Since March 22, 2014, Wu Gan continuously published insults, personal attacks, and intimidating posts targeting him through Tencent Weibo, mobile phone text messages, etc., and collected information about his home address, family situation, and children's school on the Internet. He publicized his phone number and encouraged Internet users to harass him by calling and texting him. Wu Gan's behavior not only caused serious damage to his reputation, but also called into question the credibility of public security agency's law enforcement.

7. Testimony of witness Han Kui (then Director of the Public Security Bureau of Jiansanjiang's Qixing Detention Center) proved: After Tang Jitian and others were detained in the Qixing Detention Center, an illegal gathering of protests occurred in front of the detention center. The phones of the Qixing Detention Center and the mobile phones of the staff were constantly harassed. The general content was to request the release of the detainees, and some calls threatened physical attacks and intimidation.

The aforementioned witness testimony was corroborated by testimony of Fang Yuxian, a civil police officer at the Qixing Detention Center.

8. The brief information about the "3.20" incident, and the evidentiary material about how the "3.20" incident affected the Qixing Detention Center and its harmful consequences produced by the Public Security Bureau of Jiansanjiang proved: On March 20, 2014, Tang Jitian and others gathered in Jiansanjiang to engage in activities that created nuisance. On March 22, the Public Security Bureau of  Jiansanjiang detained the aforementioned individuals in accordance with the law. Since then, in imposed 11 administrative detentions in accordance with the law. People from various provinces and cities gathered in Jiansanjiang. Some people gathered in front of the Qixing Detention Center, sitting in demonstrations, shouting slogans, putting up banners, etc. They posted information on the Internet that contained manipulated text and photos, maliciously sensationalizing things. The aforementioned behavior severely impacted the normal office order of the detention center and neighboring detention centers, resulting in blockage in front of detention centers, and vehicles and staff handling cases could not pass normally. The public security agency administratively detained 16 people in accordance with the law.

9. Video taken in front of Qixing Detention Center provided by the Public Security Bureau of Jiansanjiang proved: Zhai Yanmin and others gathered in front of the detention center, shouted slogans, took photos with slogans, etc.

10. The Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Cyber-Security Defense Detachment's Xia Public (Net) Electronic Inspection (2015) No. 3 electronic data investigation record, Xia Public (Net)Remote Surveillance (2015) No. 1 remote crime scene investigation record, Li Gong (Net) Electronic Inspection (2015) No. 12 electronic data investigation record proved: A crime scene investigation examination conducted on historical Twitter data for Wu Gan's Twitter account "The Super Vulgar Butcher" (@tufuwugan), historical Weibo data related to Wu Gan's Sina Weibo accounts with the pseudonyms "Happy Love Sunshine Charity" (UID:2345898410) and "Super Vulgar Butcher"(UID: 3735687154), and on Wu Gan's WeChat Moments collected tweets, links, and historical microblogs posted by Wu Gan sensationalizing the administrative detention cases of Tang Jitian and others, as well as related statements posted by Wu Gan in his WeChat Moments concerning the administrative detention cases of Tang Jitian and others. The main content was to express "solidarity" with Tang Jitian and others and those individuals who committed affrays at the scene, raise funds for individuals who committed affrays at the scene, encourage the "doxxing" of public security civil police, and issue "wanted reward posters" containing insults.

The relevant content was confirmed by Wu Gan as having been posted by him on the Internet.

11. Defendant Wu Gan's statement: At the beginning of 2014, he saw on the Internet that Tang Jitian and four other people were taken into administrative detention , and he began to pay attention to this incident. Later, he drafted a fundraising proposal and published it on the Internet, and acted as the supervisor and contact person with Liu Sixin. The money was to encourage more people to go to express solidarity and reimburse these people for transportation, accommodation, and other normal expenses. After about ten days, he made a "wanted reward poster" at home, and solicited information on the Director of the Public Security Bureau of Jiansanjiang's corruption. Afterwards, he repeatedly published relevant information about, and his own views on, the Jiansanjiang incident, and published the contact information of the relevant civil police, and exhorted everyone to call the civil police to harass them. His reason for intervening in this incident was to express solidarity with Tang Jitian and others, and condemnation of the government's persecution of them.

VI. Sensationalizing the Case of Huang Yudong and Others Gathering a Crowd to Disrupt Social Order

In January 2015, Huang Yudong and others were punished by the Intermediate People's Court of Huaihua, Hunan which sentenced them in accordance with the law for the crime of assembling a crowd to disrupt social order. During the trial of the case, Li Heping (already sentenced) used funds provided by a foreign organization to lead defendant Wu Gan and others to Mayang Miao Autonomous County (hereinafter referred to as Mayang County) in Huaihua, Hunan to sensationalize the case. On May 20, 2014, Wu Gan went to the front gate of the Mayang County Party Committee and County Government to commit affrays, and he took photos and uploaded them to the Internet. Afterwards, Wu Gan continuously engaged in malicious instigation on the Internet, distorted facts, smeared and vilified the image of State agencies and their staff, and shaped public opinion to incite hatred of the State regime.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by the following evidence:

1. Testimony of witness Zhao Jun (a staff member at the Mayang County People's Government) and identification records proved: One morning in May 2014, two people were at the gate of the county government. One of them was somewhat fat and holding a sign and the other was videotaping. He took the two to the letters and visits7 reception room. They stayed for less than a minute and then ran away with a sign. The sign seemed to say "Secretary Hu Doe,8 the Butcher is Here to Give You Money." Zhao Jun identified Wu Gan as the man who held up the sign and committed affrays.

2. Testimony of witness Yang Guoxin (a staff member at the Mayang County People's Government) proved: One morning in the summer of 2014, he heard a commotion in the county committee compound. He went out and saw a man holding a sign that said "Secretary Hu Doe, the Butcher is Here to Give You Money," and a man next to him was videotaping him. Hu Doe is the secretary of the Mayang County Party Committee.

3. Testimony of witness Li Heping proved: In May 2014, he asked Wu Gan to go to Hunan to expose the case of Huang Yudong and others. Wu Gan went to the gate of the Mayang County Government and held up a sign with somewhat radical text on it, took photos and posted them on the Internet to sensationalize it. His travel expenses with Wu Gan and others was paid by a project that he had cooperated on a foreign organization.

4. Testimony of witness Gao Yue proved: He works in the Sanyuanqiao office of Li Heping. In the accounts he processed for May 2014, there is a sum of expenses for Li Heping, Wu Gan and others to handle a case in Mayang County. These expenses were to be reimbursed by a foreign institution.

5. The (2013) Ma Criminal First Instance No. 47 criminal judgment and the Intermediate People's Court of Huaihua, Hunan's (2013) Huai Intermediate Criminal First Final No. 39 and No. 128 criminal rulings submitted by the Mayang County People's Court proved: Huang Yudong and others were sentenced for the crime of gathering crowds to disrupt social order.

6. The Public Security Bureau of Tianjin's Electronic Evidence Forensic Analysis Center's Jin Public (Net) Inspection (2016) No. 151 remote crime scene investigation record proved: After checking the Sina Weibo data related to Wu Gan, it was found that the Weibo account with the pseudonym "Happy Love Sunshine Public Welfare" (UID: 2345898410) continued to publish posts to sensationalize the case of Huang Yudong and others in Mayang County. The content of the photos released on May 20, 2014 was: Wu Tu held up a sign at front gate of the Mayang County Party Committee and County Government. The sign read "Secretary Hu Doe, the Butcher is Here to Give You Money."

7. Defendant Wu Gan's statement: In April 2014, Li Heping said that he was looking into a case in Mayang County, Hunan, and asked him if he had time to go there with him to look into it, and he agreed. That month, he and Li Heping and others went to Mayang County and made a billboard saying "Mayang County Committee Secretary Hu Doe, the Butcher is Here to Give You Money," and they then went to the county party committee and county government to engage in "Performance Art." He held up the billboard and asked passers-by to take pictures, and posted the photos on Weibo, in order to put pressure on the local government. As he said in the "Three Treasures," if you want to solve the problem, you need to find the local leaders and target them to find out whether they have corruption or other issues.

VII. Sensationalizing the Case of Yu Shiwen and Others Disturbing the Peace

In May 2014, the Public Security Bureau of Zhengzhou, Henan opened a case investigation in accordance with the law into Yu Shiwen and others who were suspected of committing the crime of disturbing the peace. Yu Shiwen and others were held in custody at the Zhengzhou No. 3 Detention Center. Zhai Yanmin learned about it and organized many people to gather and commit affrays at the Center. Defendant Wu Gan made active use of information networks to intervene to sensationalize it and to raise funds for affrays. In July of the same year, Wu Gan went to Zhengzhou and worked with Zhai Yanmin and others to advise on activities to sensationalize things, engaged in "performance art" in front of the detention center, posted related photos and "citations" containing insults to information networks, insulted and belittled State personnel, attacked State agencies, and caused an adverse political impact.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by the following evidence:

1. The Public Security Bureau of Zhengzhou's Erliang Precinct's Decision to Open a Case, Detention Certificate, etc. proved: On May 26, 2014, the Public Security Bureau of Zhengzhou's Erliang Precinct opened a case in accordance with the law for an investigation into Yu Shiwen and others. The following day, Yu Shiwen and others were taken into criminal detention. Arrests were executed on July 3 of the same year, and they were held in custody at the Zhengzhou No. 3 Detention Center.

2. Testimony of witness Zhai Yanmin proved: He saw news about the case of Yu Shiwen and others in a WeChat group, and later saw the news that the lawyer was holding up a sign at the the Public Security Bureau of Zhengzhou, and went to Zhengzhou with Liu Xing and others to express solidarity. Around July 8, 2014, the supporters were in Zhengzhou. A coordination meeting was held to organize and plan  activities to express solidarity. Zhang Junjie, Wu Gan, Wang Yi and others participated. Wang Yi proposed that this time fundraising would be initiated by Wu Gan. Wu Gan said that he had done that in the Sanjiang affair, and he was afraid if he did it again this time he would be arrested. After further deliberation, it was decided that Teng Biao would sponsor the fundraising, Lin Bin would be the sign holder, Liu Shihui and Yuan Xue would be the supervisors, and he would serve as the general coordinator at the scene. The meeting also decided to use the lawyer's arrest as a springboard for sensationalizing things, and requests were made to meet to determine the theme for the banner and to establish a WeChat general group and a WeChat coordination group. At 9:00 a.m. the next day, everyone began to arrive at the Zhengzhou No. 3 Detention Center to express solidarity and display banners. That solidarity activity lasted for about a month. In mid-July, Wu Gan went to the Zhengzhou No. 3 Detention Center to express solidarity at the scene, and posted a "citation" in front of the detention center, and made a "leg gun"9 action. At the end of July, Wu Gan went to the scene twice to encourage everyone to continue to express solidarity. The incident was to use solidarity and sensationalizing sensitive events to encourage people to take to the streets to create conflicts between officials and the people, so as to achieve the goals of overthrowing the existing system, overthrowing the leadership of the Communist Party, and creating "color revolutions" and "peaceful transformation."

3. Testimony of witness Lin Bin proved: Teng Biao contacted him to raise funds to support individuals detained in Zhengzhou, and asked him to provide a bank account. Teng Biao posted the account he provided online through Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo, and WeChat Moments. The money raised was transferred to the people who were on the scene expressing solidarity.

4. Testimony of witness Yang Fuxi (staff member at the Zhengzhou No. 3 Detention Center) proved: On July 12, 2014, Wu Gan and a few people came to the gate of the No. 3 Detention Center. Wu Gan faced the gate, with his hands folded and one foot lifted up. He then proceeded to take a photo of the detention center sign, and took out a piece of paper and pasted it under the detention center sign, sat on the ground and picked up one leg, and took pictures with his foot pointed toward the detention center. Afterwards the people left.

5. Testimony of witness Huang Doe10 proved: In 2014, while he was serving as the Director of the Public Security Bureau of Zhengzhou, Wu Gan stepped in to sensationalize the case of Yu Shiwen disturbing the peace that the Public Security Bureau of Zhengzhou was investigating at the time, and denigrated and slandered him on the Internet for no reason. He successively produced "citations" on the Internet, and mobilized Internet users to engage in the "performance art" of shooting leg guns at "Huang Doe." Wu Gan also offered a reward on the Internet to encourage Internet users to publish exposés about them.

6. The Explanation of Circumstances produced by the Zhengzhou No. 3 Detention Center proved: From July 6 to August 1, 2014, a hundred people who had not connection to the case of Yu Shiwen and others gathered at the entrance of the Center every day, putting up banners and placards, and shouting slogans demanding the release of detainees. Some people were at the entrance of the Center setting up tents, going on hunger strikes, and posting photos of hunger strikers on the Internet, inciting and sensationalizing the matter, and taking the opportunity to publish attacks on the Party and government, triggering a large number of Internet users who did not know the truth to repost commentary.

7.The Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Cyber-Security Defense Detachment's Xia Public (Net) Remote Surveillance (2015) No. 1 remote crime scene investigation record and Xia Public (Net) Electronic Inspection (2015) No. 8 electronic data investigation record proved:  A crime scene investigation examination conducted on historical Twitter data for Wu Gan's Twitter account "The Super Vulgar Butcher" (@tufuwugan), and historical Weibo data related to Wu Gan's Sina Weibo accounts with the pseudonyms "Happy Love Sunshine Charity" (UID:2345898410) and "Super Vulgar Butcher"(UID: 3735687154) collected tweets and historical microblogs that contained "citations" that insulted or belittled the Public Security Bureau of Zhengzhou and its staff, Wu Gan's "solidarity" with individuals who engaged in affrays at the scene, and his raising funds for individuals who engaged in affrays.

The relevant content was confirmed by Wu Gan as having been posted by him on the Internet.

8.The Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Cyber-Security Defense Detachment's Xia Public (Net) Electronic Inspection (2015) No. 12 electronic data investigation record proved: In Wu Gan's WeChat Moments in the account wxid-jah3jvtel34u12 (Pseudonym "The Super Vulgar Butcher Currently Using") it was found that Wu Gan had posted information relating to the case of Yu Shiwen others disturbing the peace. The main content instigated others to gather in Zhengzhou, raise funds for the gathering of people at the scene, engage in "performance art" in front of the Zhengzhou No. 3 Detention Center, and publish "citations" that contained insults and content that belittled the Public Security Bureau of Zhengzhou and its staff.

9. Defendant Wu Gan's statement: In May 2014, he learned through the Internet that Yu Shiwen and others had been arrested, and he intervened in the matter. In early July, Hua Chunhui and others hoped that he would initiate fundraising. They were afraid of being caught, so they recommended that Lin Bin, Hua Chunhui, and Teng Biao organize the fundraising. During that period, he was the first to post tweets on the Internet to help build bridges between those people who went to express solidarity with those who want to provide funds for expressing solidarity. He went to Zhengzhou twice, once in early July 2014. Through communication and coordination at the scene, everyone reached an agreement on some key issues of this event to express solidarity. Once at the end of July of the same year, he sent watermelons to Internet users who were expressing solidarity in front of the No. 3 Detention Center to express our condolences and support. He took photos and videos that were uploaded to the Internet. In addition, he adopted the methods in "Three Great Classics" and made a "citation" in a satirical form belittling the Director of the Public Security Bureau of Zhengzhou and posted it on the Internet. He published his phone number on the Internet to let everyone "keep an eye" on him. He engaged in "Performance Art" at the gate of Zhengzhou No. 3 Detention Center, and posted pictures on the Internet.

VIII. Sensationalizing the Administrative Punish Case of Cheng Hai and Others

In September 2014, the lawyer Cheng Hai was punished by the Beijing Changping District Law Bureau in accordance with the law for disrupting court order. After defendant Wu Gan learned that a hearing on the proposed administrative punishment of Cheng Hai would be held at Sunshine Midway Home in Changping District, he used information networks, to encourage others to gather at the scene to engage in affrays. On the morning of September 5, Wu Gan held a sign and, in collusion with others, gathered to engage in affrays outside the gate where the hearing was being held. That night, Liu Sixin and others went to the Public Security Bureau of Beijing's Changping Branch's Longyuan Police Precinct and "expressed solidarity" with the individuals that had engaged in affrays at the scene who were being vetted at the Precinct. He was taken into administrative detention for insulting the police and disrupting the order of the Precinct. After learning about this Wu Gan published posts on his Sina Weibo and Twitter accounts, smearing and belittling the public security agency and its staff, and incited hatred against the State regime.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by the following evidence:

1. The Administrative Punishment Decision, the Hearing Announcement, and the "Regarding the Holding of the Administrative Punishment Hearing of Lawyer Cheng Hai" provided by the Bureau of Justice of Changping District, Beijing, proved: Cheng Hai is with the Beijing Wutian Law Firm. On January 27, 2014, while Cheng Hai was participating in trial hearings as a defense counsel he disobeyed a court order, disrupting court order, and disrupting the normal progress of a litigation action. On September 5, 2014, the Changping District Justice Bureau held a hearing on the proposed administrative punishment for Cheng Hai at the Sunshine Midway Home in Changping District. On September 15, it was decided to impose an administrative punishment on Cheng Hai by suspending him from practicing law for one year.

2. Testimony of witness Yang Hongchang (catering manager at the Beijing Xiuhua Farms Tourism and Sightseeing Park) proved: On September 5, 2014, a hearing was held at Xiuhua Farms. On the same day, nearly a hundred people came to the entrance of the farm, clamoring to rush in. Some became entangled with the people maintaining order at the scene, some raised signs to protest, some took pictures, and there were several people who also wore clothes with protest content on them. Employees' access was affected, and security guards were pushed while trying to persuade people to leave, and he called the police.

3. Testimony of witness Li Qinghua (auxiliary police at the Public Security Bureau of Beijing, Changping Branch, Machikou Police Precinct) and identification records proved: At about 9:00 am on the day of the hearing, a bald, somewhat obese, man came to the scene and arranged to gather people to take pictures at the entrance of the farm. Later, the bald man held a sign with words in front of his chest. The police stepped forward to put a stop to it and took the cards away. The bald man insulted the police and shouted that the police had robbed him, and others also shouted. Based on his identification, the bald man was Wu Gan.

4. Testimony of witness Li Zheng (civil police at the Public Security Bureau of Beijing, Changping Branch) and identification records proved: On the day of the hearing, people gathered at the entrance of Xiuhua Farms, blocked the gate, pulled up banners, raised placards, and took photos. During that period, a man held up a piece of A4 paper with both hands with text printed on it. He snatched the paper away, and the man immediately loudly insulted the civil police. He then, in collusion with others, surrounded the police and shouted "thief," causing chaos on the scene. When the police entered the gate, the man also shouted "Get the hell out of here." Based on his identification, the bald man was Wu Gan.

The aforementioned witness testimony was corroborated by Hai Bo, civil police at the Public Security Bureau of Beijing's Changping Branch, and identification records.

5. Testimony of witness Liu Sixin proved: After seeing the news that a "citizen" who went to the hearing was taken to the Longyuan Police Precinct, he rushed to the Longyuan Police Precinct and shouted outside. He did not recall if there were any swear words. Ma Qiang was also very worked up about the matter and yelled and cursed as well. The two of them were taken into administrative detention for seven days because they disrupted the order of the Precinct.

6. Testimony of witness Li Doe11 (the Director of the Public Security Bureau of Beijing's Changping Branch's Longyuan Police Precinct) and personally written records proved: On September 5, 2014, the Longyuan Police Precinct received an order to bring in the people who made trouble at the hearing to Xiuhua Farms for vetting. That night, a group of people came into the office and created a scene, and two of them were taken into detention by the police precinct. On September 8, Wu Gan posted four pictures on the Internet and a post that said "Everyone Play With the Dog"12 to insult him. He also incited Internet users to harass him.

The aforementioned witness testimony was corroborated by the Explanation of Circumstances materials produced by the Public Security Bureau of Beijing, Changping Branch and the testimony of witnesses Li Chunpeng and Mao Dongtao, civil police at the Longyuan Police Precinct.

7. The business license and the Explanation of Circumstances produced by Beijing Xiuhua Farms Tourist and Sightseeing Park and the Explanation of Circumstances produced by the Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Siming Precinct proved: The Beijing Xiuhua Farms Tourist and Sightseeing Park is also known as Xiuhua Farms, and the Sunshine Midway Home in Changping District is part of the tourist park area.

8.The Machikou Police Precinct's case registration form, records of Wu Gan's questioning, and the process of how the defendant came into police custody produced by the Public Security Bureau of Beijing, Changping Branch proved: On September 5, 2014, the public security agency in accordance with the law summoned Wu Gan, who was at the front entrance of Xiuhua Farms where the hearing of Cheng Hai was being held, to go to the police precinct. Wu Gan admitted that he came to the entrance of Xiuhua Farms on that day.

9. The Longyuan Police Precinct's case registration forms and Administrative Penalty Decisions produced by the Pre-Trial Brigade of the Public Security Bureau of Beijing, Changping Branch proved: On September 5, 2014, Liu Sixin and Ma Qiang insulted the civil police in front of entrance to the Longyuan Police Precinct and disrupted the order of the Precinct. The Changping Branch in accordance with the law decided to impose seven days administrative detention on both of them.

10. Live video taken by the police on duty produced by the Public Security Bureau of Beijing, Changping Branch proved: The circumstances in which Wu Gan and others illegally gathered to create a disturbance in front of the entrance to Xiuhua Farms.

11.The Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Cyber-Security Defense Detachment's Xia Public (Net) Electronic Inspection (2015) No. 5 and No. 7 electronic data investigation records, the Xia Public (Net) Remote Surveillance (2015) No. 1 remote crime scene investigation record, and the Xia Public (Net) Electronic Inspection (2015) No. 12 electronic data investigation record proved: A crime scene investigation examination conducted on historical Twitter data for Wu Gan's Twitter account "The Super Vulgar Butcher" (@tufuwugan), historical Weibo data related to Wu Gan's Sina Weibo account with the pseudonym "Happy Love Sunshine Charity" (UID:2345898410), and on Wu Gan's WeChat Moments collected tweets, links, and historical microblogs posted by Wu Gan that spread content such as "Cheng Hai's Hearing Route," calling on Internet users to "express solidarity," belittling public security police, and belittling the public security agency's retaliatory law enforcement.

The relevant content was confirmed by Wu Gan as having been posted by him on the Internet.

12. Defendant Wu Gan's statement: After he learned that Yu Chenghai's hearing would be held on September 5, 2014, he posted a route to the site of the hearing on the Internet. On the same day, he went to the site of the hearing. There were many people at the scene, some of them Internet users and lawyers. He wrote a placard at the scene which read "Law's Cult of Death Justice Bureau is a cancer on civilized society,"13 and the placard was later taken away. After the hearing, he learned that Liu Sixin and Ma Qiang had been detained and that Internet users had initiated a "play dog" operation. They reposted pictures of Li Doe, the director of the police station, along with their own commentary on Weibo and Twitter, in order to express solidarity with Liu Sixin and Ma Qiang. The hearing was an act of retaliation by the Changping District Justice Bureau, and he went to express solidarity to show support for Cheng Hai.

XI. Sensationalizing the Lu Yong Lease Contract Dispute Case

In December 2014, Lu Yong, a friend of defendant Wu Gan, prepared to lodge a complaint with the Intermediate People's Court of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan (hereinafter referred to as the Intermediate People's Court of Dali) on his lease contract dispute, and through Wu Gan retained the Beijing Fengrui Law Firm. Zhou Shifeng, the director of the firm agreed, and instructed Wu Gan to cooperate with Xie Yuandong to go to the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture to engage in sensationalizing and affrays. In January 2015, Wu Gan posted slogans in Dali Intermediate Court and other places, and drove a car with the slogan at the gate of Dali Intermediate Court. At the same time, in order to sensationalize the issue he continuously posted information and photos of his affrays in Dali through his Sina Weibo and Twitter and the Beijing Fengrui Law Firm Weibo accounts, fabricated facts to attack the Intermediate People's Court of Dali and that court's President, belittled and discredited the image of the judiciary and its staff, and incited people who did not know the truth to hate the State judicial system.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by the following evidence:

1. Testimony of witness Lu Yong proved: He reached a court-sponsored mediation agreement in a dispute over a lease contract with a third party and fulfilled his obligations thereunder. Later,  through his friend Wu Gan he retained the Beijing Fengrui Law Firm to file an appeal. In early 2015, he came to Dali with Wu Gan and Xie Yuandong. While in Dali, he negotiated with Wu Gan and Xie Yuandong to print placards with content such as The President of the Intermediate People's Court of Dali Perverted Justice for Personal Gain, put them on a car, drive the car back and forth in front of the court gate, and then park the car at the court gate.

2. Testimony of witness Zhou Shifeng proved: In January 2015, Lu Yong had a civil case in Dali and he needed to retain a lawyer, and he assigned Xie Yuandong and Wu Gan to go to Dali specifically to handle the case. On the second or third day after Wu Gan and Xie Yuandong arrived in Dali Wu Gan called and said he had had Lu Yong spend money to rent a small local car, put things like placards on a car on which were printed content such as The President of the Intermediate People's Court of Dali Perverted Justice for Personal Gain, and drive the car in and around the court. Wu Gan also shouted slogans at the scene.

3. Testimony of witness Xie Yuandong proved: In January 2015, Zhou Shifeng asked him and Wu Gan to go to Dali for Lu Yong's case. When he asked Wu Gan for materials, Wu Gan said: "I will give this one a whirl." After hearing this, he said: "I am responsible for poking the court. You're responsible for creating a scene." On the morning of January 8, he, Wu Gan, and Lu Yong went to the Intermediate People's Court of Dali. Wu Gan posted pre-prepared placards around the court, took photos of the placards, and afterwards posted them online. The next day, those three people posted placards at the entrance of the People's Procuratorate of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, and took photos and posted them on the Internet. After lunch, passing by the Intermediate People's Court of Dali, Wu Gan saw that the placards he had posted at the entrance of the court the day before was gone, so he got out of the car and posted another one, and asked Lu Yong to take a photo for him, and then Wu Gan posted the photo online. The main content of the placard was that the President of the Intermediate People's Court of Dali had perverted justice for personal gain, and there was a picture of President on it.

4. Testimony of witness Li Xiongzhang (then Vice President of the Intermediate People's Court of Dali) proved: On January 8, 2015, someone called and said that a placard attacking President Bao Doe14 was posted in front of the court, and he asked the bailiff Zhang Liang to have someone deal with it. Soon, Zhang Liang came back to say that five or six placards were found on the pillars of the court building, the gate, the poles and boxes on the opposite side, and the bulletin board at the door of Dali Procuratorate, all of which reflected on President Bao Doe. He kept all the placards. On January 12, someone called and said that a placard reflecting President Bao Doe's problems was posted in the judge's community behind the court, and he instructed the bailiff Li Lifeng to deal with it. Soon, Li Lifeng said that he found about 10 placards in the judge's community and the surrounding area. These placards had photos of Bao Doe, on which are written insulting words such as Bao Doe perverted justice for personal gain, and was gangster who is blind to the law.

The aforementioned was corroborated by the testimony of witnesses Zhang Liang, Dong Guangyi, and Li Jinde, bailiffs at the Intermediate People's Court of Dali.

5. Testimony of witness Zhuang Jinglong (bailiff at the Intermediate People's Court of Dali) proved: at 7:00 am on January 12, 2015, he was in the surveillance room and found a car parked next to the gate of the court, and he and his colleagues went to the court gate to inspect it. Wu Gan and Lu Yong were next to the car. The front hood, rear windshield glass and all the windows on the side of the car were covered with placards saying that President Bao Doe was blind to the law, was a gangster, was perverting justice for personal gain, etc. In order to avoid crowds of onlookers gathering, he asked Wu Gan to drive into the courtyard. After Wu Gan drove into the courtyard, he drove around the front yard of the court in what felt like a demonstration.

The aforementioned witness testimony was corroborated by Yang Zhi and Wang Junbo, bailiffs at the Intermediate People's Court of Dali.

6. Testimony of witness Bao Doe (then President of the Intermediate People's Court of Dali) proved: One day in January 2015, he received a call from Vice President Yang Ruidong saying that one of the parties involved in a case was making trouble, and he asked Yang Ruidong to arrange for someone to handle it and collect the relevant materials. The next day, Yang Ruidong reported to him that the person was Wu Gan, Lu Yong and a trainee lawyer in Beijing showed him two sets of materials containing accusations. One was text, and the content was something about his suspected crimes, perverting justice for personal gain, etc., and the other was a placard with his photo on it and next to the photo there were two lines of text "I am a gangster and fear no one. I am blind to the law and fear no one!" A few days later, there was a car parked in front of the court, and the broken glass of the car was covered with placards that read "Bao Doe Perverted Justice for Personal Gain" and "Suspected of Committing Crimes."

7. Testimony of witness Ruan Caixing (then President of the People's Procuratorate of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture) proved: One day in January 2015, Wu Gan, Lu Yong, and a person who claimed to be a Beijing lawyer went to the People's Procuratorate to file a complaint against Bao Doe, President of the Intermediate People's Court of Dali for perverting justice for personal gain. Later, they found that they had posted a placard on the door of Procuratorate. The placard had a photo of Bao Doe and said that Bao Doe had perverted justice for personal gain. He gave the placard to Li Tiancong, Deputy Director of the Prosecution Division, for safekeeping.

The aforementioned witness testimony is corroborated by the testimony of witness Li Tiancong, then Deputy Director of the Prosecution Division of the People's Procuratorate of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture.

8. Testimony of witness Feng Anmei (a staff member at the People's Government of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture) proved: At noon one day in early January 2015, she saw a placard posted on a pillar at the gate of the prefecture government about the President Bao Doe of the prefecture court.

The aforementioned witness testimony was corroborated by the testimony of witness Yang Wensheng, Chief of the Security Section of the People's Government of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture.

9. The Intermediate People's Court of Dali's (2011) Da Intermediate Civil Final No. 74 civil judgment, (2014) Da Intermediate Civil Declaration No. 22 civil ruling, (2014) Da Zhong Civil Rehearing No. 1 civil mediation, and the Dali City People's Court's (2010) Da Second First Instance No. 453 civil judgment provided by those courts proved: The circumstances of the handling of Lu Yong's lease contract dispute case.

10. The court surveillance video, reception transcripts, and the criminal complaints submitted by Lu Yong and others provided by the Intermediate People's Court of Dali proved: On January 8, 2015, Wu Gan, Lu Yong and others went to the Intermediate People's Court of Dali to file a complaint about President Bao Doe. At 8:00 am on January 12, Wu Gan and Lu Yong parked a car with the license plate number of Guangdong B7FH81 at the entrance to the court. There were placards on the car's body that read "Bao Doe is Blind to the Law," "Perverting Justice for Personal Gain," "Send Money to Bao Doe,"  and "He Dared to Betray the Law" and other contents. Then Wu Gan drove the car into the Intermediate People's Court of Dali's courtyard and Lu Yong took pictures and videos for Wu Gan.

11.Public Security Bureau of Dali's North District Police Precinct's Police Registration Form and the case complaint materials and leaflets provided by the Intermediate People's Court of Dali proved: On January 12, 2015, the Intermediate People's Court of Dali reported the actions of Wu Gan and Xie Yuandong to the public security agency. On January 15, the Public Security Bureau of Dali conducted an investigation into the Intermediate People's Court of Dali's case complaint and received 18 relevant evidentiary materials and leaflets provided by the Intermediate People's Court of Dali. Among these, on January 8, 2015, leaflets were collected from the Intermediate People's Court of Dali and the surrounding area with content such as "Bao Doe of Dali Prefecture Uses the Intermediate Court for Personal Gain," photos of Bao Doe, and Lu Yong's case ruling. The content of the flyers collected in front of the People's Government of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture on January 9 were the same as the above. On January 12th, the flyers with the aforementioned content were collected again in the judge's community and the surrounding area. At the same time, they also collected placards whose primary content was "Bao Doe is Blind to the Law," "Perverting Justice for Personal Gain," "Send Money to Bao Doe," and "He Dared to Betray the Law."

12. Screenshots of surveillance video from in front of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture Government gate provided by the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture's Bureau of Agency Affairs Management proved: On January 9, 2015, Wu Gan posted a placard at the gate of the prefecture government.

13. The "Letter of Reply Regarding the Case of 'Zhou Shifeng et al. Suspected of Subverting State Power and Inciting Subversion of State Power'" and the electronic data CD produced by the Beijing Weimeng Chuangke Network Technology Co., Ltd. proved: The Weibo registration information, content and number of reposts and comments retrieved by the public security agency from that company for the accounts with the pseudonyms "Zhou Shifeng Lawyer" (UID: 2241841747 ) and Beijing Fengrui Law Firm"(UID: 2916377514 ).

14. The Jin Public (Net) Inspection (2016) No. 059 and No. 064 electronic data investigation work records and the Jin Public (Net) Surveillance (2016) No. 021 remote crime scene investigation record produced by the Public Security Bureau of Tianjin's Electronic Evidence Forensic Analysis Center proved: A crime scene investigation examination conducted on historical Weibo data related to the Sina Weibo account with the pseudonyms "Happy Love Sunshine Charity" (UID:2345898410) and "the Beijing Fengrui Law Firm" (UID: 2916377514 ), and historical Twitter data for Wu Gan's Twitter account "The Super Vulgar Butcher" (@tufuwugan), collected historical microblogs and tweets related to the Lu Yong lease contract dispute, the main content of which was to accuse the Intermediate People's Court of Dali President Bao Doe of breaking the law and Party discipline, accepting bribes, treating the court as a personal fiefdom, treating the law as a commodity to be sold, claiming that Wu Gan and others would go and expose it, and recording the circumstances in which Wu Gan and others posted placards around the court.

15. Defendant Wu Gan's statement: In December 2014, he introduced Fengrui Law Firm to represent Lu Yong in a housing lease case, and Zhou Shifeng gave the case to Xie Yuandong for handling. On the morning of January 8, 2015, he and Lu Yong and Xie Yuandong went to Dali, where he produced posters and placards with the words "Bao Doe's Private Fiefdom the Intermediate Court in Dali Prefecture" and made about 30 copies. On the morning of the 9th, he and Lu Yong went to the Intermediate People's Court of Dali and put up a poster on a pillar at the entrance to the court. On the morning of the 10th, he and Xie Yuandong and Lu Yong put up the same poster at the entrance of the People's Procuratorate of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, and then posted one at the entrance of the People's Government of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture. Lu Yong took pictures of him. On the 12th, he posted placards on the windows on both sides of a car, and Lu Yong drove the car to the entrance of the court, and then drove around the court's courtyard. Lu Yong took pictures. He also posted a promotional poster on the entrance of the court. In the process of intervening in this case, he posted the relevant information on Twitter and Weibo with his mobile phone, with comments and photos.

X. Sensationalizing the Fan Mugen Intentional Assault Case

On December 3, 2013, Fan Mugen wounded people with a knife in Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, and the public security agency opened a case for investigation, which attracted significant public attention. On January 19, 2014, defendant Wu Gan participated in the "Fan Mugen Case Seminar" in Beijing, declaring that "this system will never end, it will prey upon people forever," and encouraged various groups to jointly confront and oppose the State regime. In January 2015, Wu Gan learned that the case was about to go to trial, and he incited others on the Internet to go to Suzhou to gather illegally. During that period, Wu Gan used the Internet to continuously maliciously sensationalize the case, endeavoring to expand people's awareness of it and provoking people who did not know the truth to hate, confront, and oppose the State regime.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by the following evidence:

1. After the Spring Festival in 2015, before the first hearing of the Fan Mugen case, Wu Gan published a post about fundraising for lawyers and those who went to express solidarity. The lawyers also posted about when the case was being tried, and expressed hope that people from all over the country would come to observe and express solidarity. After that, many people went to Suzhou, including Liu Xing and others, to express solidarity. Seven or eight hundred people gathered outside the court during the first hearing.

2. Testimony of witness Gou Hongguo proved: He participated in a seminar on a model case in a hotel near Liuliqiao in Fengtai District, Beijing. Participants included Liu Sixin, Wu Gan, Zhou Hong and others. The seminar was about how to sensationalize the Fan Mugen case and expand people's attention to it and maximize its social impact.

3. Testimony of witness Liu Sixin proved: In January 2014, he participated in a seminar on the Fan Mugen case. The content was his expressions of his opinions about the Fan Mugen case. During a dinner with Hu Shigen, Wu Gan and others, he and Wu Gan and others mentioned that it was necessary to expose and criticize local governments and put pressure on the government. Local petitioners in Suzhou should take more photos and post and repost more online in order to sensationalize things. Wu Gan and Ge Jueping15 also discussed raising funds for the Fan Mugen case in order to deal with attorney fees and food and lodging expenses for those going to Suzhou to express solidarity.

4. Testimony of witness Fan Yonghai (Fan Mugen's son) proved: He met Wu Gan through Ge Jueping. On January 19, 2014, when he was attending a seminar on the Fan Mugen case in Beijing, he saw Wu Gan speaking at the meeting. Before the trial in the disturbing the peace case began, Wu Gan set up an online donation for his father. The donations were mainly used for the food and lodging of the people who came to Suzhou to express solidarity.

5. The Intermediate People's Court of Suzhou, Jiangsu's (2014) Su Intermediate Criminal First Instance No. 73 criminal and civil ruling and the High People's Court of Jiangsu's (2015) Su Criminal First Final No. 155 criminal and civil ruling provided by the Intermediate People's Court of Suzhou, Jiangsu proved: Fan Mugen was sentenced for the crime of intentional assault, as well as the circumstances of the relevant case status, hearing times, and other trial work.

6. The Public Security Bureau of Binhai New District, Tianjin's Cyber-Security Defense Detachment's Jin Bin Public (Net Security) Surveillance (2015) No. 001 remote crime scene investigation work record proved: Based on a remote surveillance investigation, an article was found in the blog of Zhou Hongling, a participant of the "Fan Mugen Case Seminar," which recorded the speeches of the participants at the "Fan Mugen Case Seminar" held from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm on January 19, 2014. Among them, part of Wu Gan's speech was: "The system has not changed. It's useless to speak to him... this system will never end, it will prey upon people forever, and no one can stop the nature of its plundering... Artists, scholars and lawyers will all intervene, and make this matter more significant. . .; it is necessary to break the cycle. . . to cross over, collaborate, and unite with one another, constantly draining their resources. . ."

7. The Public Security Bureau of Tianjin's Electronic Evidence Forensic Analysis Center's Jin Public (Net) Inspection (2016) No. 058 electronic data investigation work record and the Jin Public (Net) Surveillance (2016) No. 21 remote crime scene investigation record proved: A crime scene investigation examination conducted on historical Weibo data related to Wu Gan's Sina Weibo accounts with the pseudonyms "Happy Love Sunshine Charity" (UID:2345898410) and historical Twitter data for Wu Gan's Twitter account "The Super Vulgar Butcher" (@tufuwugan) collected historical microblogs and tweets posted by Wu Gan related to the Suzhou Fan Mugen case, the primary content of which was Wu Gan "|expressing solidarity" with Fan Mugen and others, encouraging others to go to Suzhou for illegal gatherings, conducting fundraising for Fan Mugen, and slandering the State regime as "profiteering and plundering citizens' property."

8. Defendant Wu Gan's statement: After the Fan Mugen case occurred, it attracted widespread social commentary. He published some comments and forwarded some comments from Internet users with similar views. In January 2014, he was invited to participate in a seminar on the Fan Mugen case. At the meeting, he appealed to "Internet users," "lawyer circles" and "petitioner circles" to help each other, leverage each other, communicate information in a timely manner, and form a joint force so that more people would become aware of the dark side of the judicial system and put pressure on judicial authorities. On the Internet, he learned that the Fan Mugen case was about to be heard, and he forwarded the news so that more Internet users would pay attention to the case and that the best thing to do would be to go to the local court to express solidarity at the scene. He initiated online fundraising for Fan Mugen in his name. A fundraising proposal was published, and the words in the proposal were written by him. After the trial began, he forwarded pictures of local people performing expressions of solidarity outside the court, with the purpose of calling on Internet users to pay attention to the case online and offline in order to put pressure on judiciary.

XI. Sensationalizing the Li Jie Extortion Case

In August 2013, Li Jie was apprehended by the public security agency in Mancheng County (now Mancheng District), Baoding, Hebei on suspicion of committing extortion committed. In May 2014, Li Jie's family retained the Beijing Fengrui Law Firm to represent them in the case. In October 2015, Li Jie was sentenced by the People's Court Mancheng for committing the crime of extortion. During the trial period, defendant Wu Gan was instructed by Zhou Shifeng to sensationalize the case. Wu Gan fabricated a post saying that the Baoding Political Legal Committee had manufactured an unjust case to build up its image, and he published it on the Beijing Fengrui Law Firm Weibo and his personal Sina Weibo and Twitter accounts from March 10 to 14, 2015, discrediting and smearing the local Party committee and judiciary, and inciting people who did not know the truth to become dissatisfied with the State's judicial system.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by the following evidence:

1. Testimony of witness Li Ping (Li Jie's wife) proved: Li Jie was taken into criminal detention by the Public Security Bureau of Mancheng on suspicion of extortion, and Li Jie's brother-in-law found Zhou Shifeng and Huang Liqun to work on defending Li Jie's innocence.

2. Testimony of witness Zhou Shifeng proved: Li Jie's family members came to the Fengrui Law Firm to retain him to defend Li Jie's suspected criminal case, and he agreed. Later Wu Gan also participated in the case, and he twice instructed Wu Gan to sensationalize Li Jie's case by publishing microblogs, and Wu Gan then posted and distributed photos on Weibo and WeChat. He also instructed Huang Liqun to report false situations to relevant departments. Li Jie's family sent reports written by Huang Liqun to many departments.

3. The People's Court of Mancheng provided the court's criminal judgments (2014) No. 128 and (2014) No. 245, the Intermediate People's Court of Baoding's (2014) No. 405 and ( 2015) Bao Criminal Final No. 596 criminal rulings which proved: Beijing Fengrui Law Firm's Huang Liqun and others accepted a retainer to defend Li Jie, and the circumstances in which Li Jie's case was handled in accordance with the law.

4. The Public Security Bureau of Tianjin's Electronic Evidence Forensic Analysis Center's Jin Public (Net) Inspection (2016) No. 054 and No. 068 electronic data investigation work records proved: In the Sina Weibo accounts with the pseudonyms "The Beijing Fengrui Law Firm" (UID: 2916377514) and "Happy Love Sunshine Public Welfare" (UID: 2345898410) it was possible to search for historical weibos related to the Hebei Li Jie extortion case. Among these, part of the content posted from March 10 to 14, 2015 called for people to "Pay attention to Mancheng, Baoding, Hebei, where there is a big case of injustice brought about by the leaders of the Political and Legal Committee for the sake of a vanity project."

5. The Public Security Bureau of Tianjin's Electronic Evidence Forensic Analysis Center's Jin Public (Net) Surveillance (2016) No. 021 remote crime scene investigation record proved: A crime scene investigation examination conducted on historical Twitter data for Wu Gan's Twitter account "The Super Vulgar Butcher" (@tufuwugan) collected tweets related to the Hebei Li Jie case, the content of the tweets was the same as the content posted on Weibo.

6. Defendant Wu Gan's statement: Zhou Shifeng asked him to ask Huang Liqun for materials on Li Jie's case. After sorting it out, he posted it on the Internet. After he got it, he wrote a comment. The main content was to reflect the unjust case manufactured by the Baoding Political and Legal Committee for the vanity project in the Li Jie case. Later, he posted his comments on the Fengrui Law Firm's Weibo and on his personal Weibo.

XII. Sensationalizing the Police Attack Incident at Qing'an Railway Station

On May 2, 2015, Xu Chunhe was killed by civil police in accordance with the law at the Qing'an County Railway Station in Suihua, Heilongjiang (hereinafter referred to as the Qing'an County Railway Station) because he engaged in affrays and assaulted police and seized police equipment. After the incident, defendant Wu Gan contacted others and prepared to go to Qing'an to sensationalize things in the name of providing legal aid to Xu Chunhe's family. After that, Wu Gan published a large number of articles and information that distorted facts on information networks in the name of investigating the "truth" to discredit the public security agency He incited people who did not know the truth to confront and oppose State agencies, and caused a pernicious political influence.

The aforementioned facts are confirmed by the following evidence:

1. Testimony of witness Tian Donghang proved: On May 2, 2015, in Qing'an County Railway Station, police had cuffed a man to a fence. As soon as the police released the man, the man chased the police. The police turned and ran to the police room and closed the door. The man kicked the door from the outside. The police came out of the room with a long stick, and the man snatched the stick. Later, the man dragged an old lady to him, then turned around, grabbed a little girl, and threw them to the ground. The man grabbed the stick and hit the police on the left shoulder. The police raised their gun and shouted "Don't move." At this time, the man raised his stick and hit the police again. The police shot. Then the police shouted "Hurry up and call the police." On May 4, Wu Gan went to Dalian to find him and to investigate the matter, and he said the same thing.

The aforementioned witness testimony regarding how the incident progressed is corroborated by the testimony of witnesses Lü Hongjian and Wang Yunji who were passengers at the scene.

2. Testimony of witness Li Lebin (civil police at the Public Security Bureau of Harbin Railway, Harbin Division, Qing'an Station Precinct) proved: After the attack on the police at the Qing'an County Railway Station, a person named "The Super Vulgar Butcher" published an online post claiming that he had shot a petitioner. He also posted edited video on the Internet, and cut out all the scenes of the man involved attacking him, making it appear he had been hitting the man with a baton. There was also a post that was an audio recording of "The Super Vulgar Butcher" interviewing a witness and some text written by him. Many people followed the posts, which were basically insults claiming they were murderous evil police. Some people wanted to dox16 him and his family members, and people said they would kill his entire family. Every day, there were dozens of harassing calls and harassing text messages, all of which were suspicious and intimidating. He did not dare to take his children out to play, and his wife did not dare to go out.

The impact of this incident on Li Lebin and his family was corroborated by the testimony of Wang Doe, Li Lebin's wife.

3. Testimony of witness Xie Yanyi proved: On May 4, 2015, Wu Gan contacted him and asked him if he had time to act as an attorney in the Xu Chunhe case. After talking on the phone with Xu Chunhe's mother the next day, he decided to go to Qing'an County. After arriving in Harbin, he called Wu Gan, and Wu Gan said that he was going to Dalian to collect evidence. On May 6, he and other lawyers located Xu Chunhe's relatives and asked if they wished to retain them. Later, several people held up placards and held a sit-in in front of the public security agency. Articles such as statements and investigative reports were also jointly published online.

4. Testimony of witness Zhai Yanmin proved: On May 3, 2015, he saw in multiple WeChat groups that Wu Gan published live video post offering a reward. On May 4, he saw Xie Yanyi and other lawyers in the group sensationalize the Qing'an incident in Qing'an County. As the incident was heated up, petitioner said that he was going to express solidarity in Qing'an County. On May 7 or 8, he called to ask Wu Gan if he needed to organize people to express solidarity. Wu Gan said that it was not necessary for the time being, and he wanted to first let the lawyers stir up the incident, and then a large number of petitioners would be needed to sensationalize and express solidarity. If Wu Gan had not posted the reward, the Qing'an incident would not have gotten so heated. Wu Gan and others are in "push" Under the guidance of the idea of "pushing against the wall," Wu Gan and others took the opportunity to recklessly sensationalize matters with the goal of discrediting the image of the public security agency, making the people dissatisfied with the public security agency and distrust the government, triggering opposition between the people and the government, creating conflicts, and even bloodshed, between officials and the people, causing the international community to become involved, and eventually achieving the overthrow of the leadership of the Communist Party.

5. Testimony of witness Yu Yunfeng proved: After the Qing'an incident occurred, Wu Gan investigated the incident and said that the situation at the scene was that the police were beating Xu Chunhe, which was inconsistent with the results announced by China Central Television. Therefore, he believed that China Central Television portraying the matter in a selective manner, so he went to participate in expressing solidarity.

The aforementioned witness testimony was corroborated by the testimony of witness Chi Jinchun.

6. The "Work Report on the '5.2' Qing'an Shooting Incident" and "Review of Concluding Opinions Regarding the '5.2' Qing'an Shooting Incident" issued by the Harbin Railways Procuratorate proved: On May 2, 2015, Xu Chunhe was in Qing'an at the entrance of the waiting room of the train station and he was preventing passengers from entering the station for no reason and insulted and hit the police who came to perform their official duties. He kicked at the door of the police duty room. Later, he threw his own infant daughter at the police, snatched a baton and beat the police, and was shot and killed. During this incident, the police performed official duties in accordance with the law, and their use of guns was legal.

7. The Work Explanation produced by the Public Security Bureau of Harbin Railway, Harbin Division, Qing'an Station Precinct proved: Internet user "The Super Vulgar Butcher" (real name Wu Gan) sensationalized the attack on the police at the Qing'an County Railway Station through online postings and other methods, causing Internet users to question the investigative conclusions of the incident and harass Li Lebin by phone and text messages. From May 17 to May 25, 2015, Li Lebin received 96 harassing text messages on his mobile phone.

8.The Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Cyber-Security Defense Detachment's Xia Public (Net) Remote Surveillance (2015) No. 4 remote crime scene investigation record proved: A crime scene investigation examination conducted on historical Twitter data for Wu Gan's Twitter account "The Super Vulgar Butcher" (@tufuwugan) collected posts and pictures related to the attack on the police at the Qing'an CountyRailway Station, the main content of which was Wu Gan contacting others, intervening to sensationalize the Qing'an County Railway Station police attack in the name of providing legal assistance and investigating the "truth," and publishing articles and information such as "The Butcher (Wu Gan) Qing'an Killing Incident Investigation 2," claiming that the facts that Xu Chunhe grabbed police weapons and threw his daughter were fabricated by Xinhua News Agency and the local government.

Based on Wu Gan's confirmation, the aforementioned related content was drafted and posted by him on the Internet.

9. The Public Security Bureau of Tianjin's Electronic Evidence Forensic Analysis Center's Jin Public (Net) Inspection (2016) No. 190 electronic data investigation work record proved: A search for weibo data related to Wu Gan conducted on the Sina Weibo account with the pseudonym "Happy Love Sunshine Public Welfare" (UID: 2345898410) found 15 historical Weibos related to the Qing'an County Railway Station police attack incident. Of these, the main content of the Weibos posted from May 4 to May 12, 2015 was that Wu Gan contacted relevant individuals in the name of providing legal aid and intervened in the Qing'an County Railway Station police attack incident.

10. The Public Security Bureau of Fujian's Physical Evidence Forensic Center's Min Police Inspection (2015) No. 389 analysis report proved: The chat history between Wu Gan's WeChat account whose Pseudonym is "Butcher (Wu Gan) New Account" and Tian Donghang's WeChat account whose Pseudonym is "Tiandong Bulong Winter Hang" was found on Wu Gan's Samsung mobile phone. The main content was, on May 5th, 2015, Tian Donghang explained to Wu Gan the progression of the incident he witnessed, clearly stating that Xu Chunhe blocked the passengers from entering the station and quarreled with the police. Later, he snatched police batons, assaulted police, and threw a child. The aforementioned contents were signed and confirmed by Wu Gan as being the content of his WeChat chat with Tian Donghang. On May 8, 2015, Tian Donghang clearly informed Wu Gan that the content such as "Xu Chunhe did not throw his daughter" published by Wu Gan was completely false. He was certain he had seen a child be thrown. The witness Tian Donghang confirmed that the aforementioned  WeChat account with the pseudonym "Tian Dongbulong Donghang" is the account he used. After checking the data collected from Wu Gan's Samsung mobile phones and iPad mini, analysis and screening found that Wu Gan forwarded his false statements such as "The local and Xinhua News Agency fabricated the rumor that Xu Chunhe threw his daughter at the police" and "The Butcher (Wu Gan) Qing'an Killing Incident Investigation 2" and other false statements to many people and distributed them in many WeChat groups.

11. Defendant Wu Gan's statement: At the beginning of May 2015, he heard that Xu Chunhezi had attacked police at the Qing'an County Railway Station and contacted the lawyer Xie Yanyi. He prepared to go to Harbin, and published a phone number and email address on the Internet hoping that insiders or witnesses would provide relevant information. On May 5, while on the train to Harbin he contacted an eye witness in Dalian. He went to Dalian to meet this person. The person said that Xu Chunhe had beaten the police and threw a child, and provided live videos and pictures. He took the videos and recorded interviews provided by witness, together with his written comment "Investigation Report 1 Ten Questions" and authorized others to post it on the foreign website Later he posted a reward of 100,000 yuan on the Internet for the complete video of the Qing'an incident. He also authorized others to post on the "Investigation Report 2" commentary he had written. The content posted on was also personally posted by him on Twitter.

XIII. Sensationalizing Affrays in Front of the High People's Court of Jiangxi

In May 2015, many people gathered and raised placards for many consecutive days in front of the entrance to the High People's Court of Jiangxi (hereinafter referred to as the High Court of Jiangxi). After hearing the news, defendant Wu Gan continuously posted malicious sensationalize on the Internet. On May 18 of the same year, Wu Gan came to the High Court of Jiangxi and insulted Zhang Doe,17 then President of the High Court of Jiangxi. On May 19, Wu Gan placed a placard made to look like a tombstone in front of the High Court of Jiangxi with content that insulted Zhang Doe, and took photos and uploaded them to the Internet to sensationalize matters, discredit the judiciary, and incite hatred of the State judicial system. On the same day, Wu Gan was taken into administrative detention for disrupting the order of the office and publicly insulting others.

The aforementioned facts were substantiated by the following evidence:

1. Testimony of witness Dai Liqun (a judge in the First Court of Case Acceptance at the High Court of Jiangxi) proved: Since March 24, 2015, relatives and lawyers of the parties involved in a case began to petition. On May 14, people began to gather at the entrance of the High Court. They held placards, took photos, shouted slogans, and lit candles at night. This continued until May 25. On May 19th, Wu Gan went to the entrance of the High Court and held up a sign with a portrait of President Zhang Doe and cursed at him, and was detained that day.

The aforementioned witness testimony was corroborated by the testimony of witnesses Luo Xuan, Zhou Jianwen, and Hu Qing, civil police at the Public Security Bureau of Nanchang's Donghu Division's Dayuan Police Precinct.

2. Testimony of witness Wan Xueyong (Captain of the Security Brigade of the High Court of Jiangxi) proved: In May 2015, a lawyer brought a few people to the entrance of the court to raise placards, erect banners, shout slogans, etc., and some took pictures and uploaded them to the Internet. During that period, Wu Gan placed two placards at the entrance of the court, one with a picture of President Zhang Doe on a tombstone, and another with a portrait of Zhang Doe with a small mustache. He also cursed Zhang Doe.
The aforementioned witness testimony was corroborated by the testimony of witnesses Tu Guohua and Chen Ying, security officers at the High Court of Jiangxi.

3. The High Court of Jiangxi's report materials and the Donghu Division's registration forms and Administrative Penalty Decision provided by the Public Security Bureau of Nanchang's Donghu Division's Dayuan Police Precinct proved: On May 18, 2015, Wu Gan yelled in front of the High Court of Jiangxi, insulting the President of the court. On May 19, Wu Gan placed placards in front of the High Court of Jiangxi with content insulting the President of the court, and posted relevant content to the Internet that openly insulted others, and was administratively detained by the Public Security Bureau of Nanchang's Donghu Branch for ten days.

4. Video recordings from in front of the High Court of Jiangxi provided by the Public Security Bureau of Nanchang's Donghu Division's Dayuan Police Precinct proved: Wu Gan insulted the President of the court and placed two placards in affrays in front of the court. One of the placards was in the style of a tombstone with a picture of the President of the court in the middle. The placard read "High Court of Jiangxi President Zhang Doe Name Your Price!" There was a picture of Zhang Doe in the middle.

5.The Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Cyber-Security Defense Detachment's Xia Public (Net) Remote Surveillance (2015) No. 5 remote crime scene investigation record proved: A crime scene investigation examination conducted on historical Twitter data for Wu Gan's Twitter account "The Super Vulgar Butcher" (@tufuwugan) collected eight relevant tweets, and a portion of the content was Wu Gan cursing and insulting the President of the High Court of Jiangxi on May 18, 2015.

6. Defendant Wu Gan's statement: After learning that lawyers gathered in front of the High Court of Jiangxi, he went to the entrance of the High Court of Jiangxi on May 18, 2015 and scolded the President of the High Court of Jiangxi. In the morning of the second case, he went to the advertising shop to make two roll-up placards, with one placard saying "High Court of Jiangxi President Zhang Doe Name Your Price!" and the other billboard showing the head of the President of the High Court of Jiangxi with a Japanese-style toothbrush mustache and some couplets. He also printed some promotional materials as if they were advertising content, and then went to the entrance of the High Court of Jiangxi, and erected the two placards.

In addition, the public prosecution agency also presented the following evidence to the court:

1. The Wu Gan household registration certificate issued by the Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Lianqian Police Precinct proved: Wu Gan's natural identity.

2. The:

    • Public Security Bureau of Fujian's Jurisdiction Designation Decision,
    • Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Siming Precinct's Decision to Open a Case,
    • Ministry of Public Security's "Notice on the Designation of Jurisdiction for Criminal Cases Related to the Beijing Fengrui Law Firm" and Explanation of Circumstances,
    • Public Security Bureau of Tianjin's Jurisdiction Designation Decision,
    • Public Security Bureau of Tianjin's Hexi Division's Decision to Open a Case,
    • Public Security Bureau of Xiamen's Siming Precinct's Notice of Case Transfer;
    • Source of the Case and materials showing the process of how the defendant came into police custody, and
    • Detention warrants, arrest warrants, etc.,

proved: How this case developed, how the case was opened, the compulsory measures taken, and other related information.

3. Records of Collection, Seizure Decisions, and Seizure Lists proved: On May 28, 2015, the Public Security Bureau of Xiamen seized a Samsung brand mobile phone, an iphone4 mobile phone, an iPad mini, a USB flash drive, a "butcher certificate" and other items that Wu Gan was carrying on his person.

All of the foregoing evidence was produced and examined in hearings in this Court, and was obtained by the investigating agency in accordance with legal procedures. The sources and formats were legal, there was no contradictions in the evidence, and it forms a comprehensive framework of proof. It is affirmed by this Court.

As regards the justifications and defense opinions put forward by defendant Wu Gan and his defense counsels, based on the facts and evidence in this case, this Court judges as follows:

1. Regarding the justifications and defense opinions raised by defendant Wu Gan and his defense counsel that Wu Gan was tortured and interrogated to exhaustion in order to extract a confession while he was being held in custody in Beijing; that some interrogation transcripts did not match the actual detention location; that some interrogate personnel did not have investigatory authority and nevertheless participated in the production of interrogation transcripts rendering them invalid, and therefore they apply to exclude all of Wu Gan's statements from July 5, 2015 to January 8, 2016.

An investigation found that the Hexi Detention Center in Tianjin's Proof of Inquisition, Case Opening Registration Form, and Decision to Open a Case, and the Ministry of Public Security's Notice on the Designation of Jurisdiction for Criminal Cases Related to the Beijing Fengrui Law Firm" and Explanation of Circumstances, and other evidence proved that in this case, the Ministry of Public Security organized public security agencies in Beijing, Tianjin, Fujian, Shandong and other places. Wu Gan was held in custody in Fujian, Beijing, Tianjin and other places. The public security agencies in Fujian, Beijing, and Tianjin had the right to investigate in this case. The evidence presented by the public prosecution agency in court can prove that the investigating agency's interrogation personnel and the location of the interrogations were legal, and can rule out the existence of any investigating agency collecting evidence by torture and other illegal means. In summary, defendant Wu Gan's statements that were submitted by the public prosecution agency to the court can be used as evidence to establish an offense in this case. These justifications and defense opinions of the defendant and his defense counsel are not supported by this Court.

2. Regarding the justifications and defense opinions raised by defendant Wu Gan and his defense counsel that the collected subjects of all electronic data in the case was not done by an investigating agency, and there were no formalities observed when the investigating agency entrusted collected electronic data, the collection process was not recorded, the method and means of electronic data collection did not comply with legal regulations, and it was not legal and cannot be used as evidence in the case.

An investigation found that the "Letter of Reply Regarding the 'Wu Gan Disturbing the Peace' Case" and the "Explanatory Response Regarding the 'Wu Gan defamation' Case " produced by the Beijing Weimeng Chuangke Network Technology Co., Ltd., and the Explanation, Weibo registration materials, Weibo posts produced by the Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd., as well as the remote crime scene investigation records, analysis reports, and other evidence proved that the electronic data in the case was transferred from Beijing Weimeng Chuangke Network Technology Co., Ltd. And Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd. to investigating agencies in Fujian, Tianjin and other places, and was seized in accordance with the law from original storage media such as Wu Gan's mobile phone and ipad mini, and was obtained through remote crime scene investigation. Public security agencies in Fujian, Tianjin and other places have the right to investigate in this case, and the collection of electronic data in the case was qualified and the procedures were legal. The crime scene investigation, investigation records, and analysis reports all explain the crime scene investigation, inspection, and analysis processes, and the electronic data collection procedures and methods in the case comply with legal regulations and relevant technical specifications.

Regarding the justifications and defense opinions raised by defendant Wu Gan and his defense counsel that some articles and audio content on the Internet presented by the public prosecution agency were not the content originally published by Wu Gan, and it cannot be confirmed that they were published by Wu Gan himself.

An investigation found that not only is there electronic data in the case proving that some of articles and audio content of the lectures were published by Wu Gan through information networks, there is also corroborating witness testimony, audiovisual materials, and Wu Gan's statements. In addition the corresponding articles and audio content have been verified by Wu Gan in the investigation and during the trial, and was confirmed as having been written and published by him on information networks.

Regarding the justifications and defense opinions raised by defendant Wu Gan and his defense counsel that most of the witnesses in the case have a personal interest in, and relationship with, Wu Gan, and there were contradictions in the witness testimony, and all the witness testimony was based on subjective assumptions, and are therefore not probative. Witnesses Zhai Yanmin, Zhou Shifeng, and others may have been subjected to torture to extract a confession, and the corresponding witness testimony cannot be used as the basis to establish an offense in this case.

An investigation found that, in this case the witnesses were participants in specific events. The content of the witness testimony was direct perceptions and objective descriptions of Wu Gan's words and actions and events, not subjective assumptions. Related witness testimony and evidence such as electronic data and audio-visual materials in the case are mutually corroborating. They have objectivity, legitimacy, and relevance, and can be used as the basis to establish an offense in this case; Wu Gan and his defense counsels raised doubts about the legality of the testimony of witnesses Zhou Shifeng, Zhai Yanmin, and others, but provided no materials or clues. These justifications and defense opinions of defendant Wu Gan and his defense counsel cannot be established, and are not accepted by this Court.

3. Regarding the justifications and defense opinions raised by defendant Wu Gan and his defense counsel that the totality of the evidence in the case does not prove that Wu Gan had any subjective criminal intent to subvert state power, or that he objectively carried out criminal acts that subverted the State regime. There were reasons why Wu Gan participated in the twelve cases, and all the content posted on the Internet was factual. In the specific cases where Wu Gan participated, some participants were either not criminally punished or were convicted of other offense. There is no legal basis for Wu Gan to be charged for the crime of subversion of state power. Wu Gan's statements on the Internet such as the "Three Great Classics" and attracting people's attention and sensationalizing and other actions were all legitimate exercises of citizens' rights granted by the Constitution, and they neither targeted the State regime nor caused the result of subversion of state power. Therefore, Wu Gan's actions do not constitute a crime of subversion of state power.

An investigation found that, based on the provisions of criminal law, the crime of subversion of state power refers to an actor who organizes, plots, and carries out actions that subvert state power and overthrows the socialist order. The criminal element of the crime does not require the occurrence of any actual harmful consequences of subversion of state power and the overthrow of the socialist order. Any attempt to subvert state power and overthrow the socialist system by various means, regardless of the success or failure, constitutes that crime.

The evidence in this case proved that over a long period of time Wu Gan used information networks to advocate using the concept of "pushing against the wall" to subvert state power and to carry out attacks and defamation against China's State regime and socialist system. During that time, Wu Gan summarized his practice of sensationalizing hot-button cases and published the "Three Great Treasures," which focused on attacking the State's judicial and petitioning systems, and on teaching methods and means to confront and oppose the State regime. In the "Three Great Classics," Wu Gan advocated the use of sensationalizing affrays online and offline and other methods to insult and belittle State agencies and their staff, in order to attack, confront, and oppose the State regime. Wu Gan's "Three Great Classics," posts, and remarks published in interviews with foreign media on information networks are sufficient to prove his subjective criminal intent to commit the crime of subversion of state power. Wu Gan also admitted in court that he had the idea to subvert state power. Under this subjective and intentional suasion, Wu Gan colluded with others and successively sensationalized twelve hot-button incidents, confronting and opposing the State regime, and attacking the national system established by the Constitution. This comprises the constituent elements of the crime of subversion of state power.

China's Constitution grants citizens freedom of speech and the right to criticize, suggest, and bring suit against State agencies and their staff. At the same time, it stipulates that citizens shall not harm the national, social, or collective interests and other legal freedoms of citizens when exercising their rights and freedoms. Wu Gan published articles and statements such as "Three Great Classics" on information networks that sensationalized hot-button case incidents, took advantage of issues to amplify contradictions, and fabricated rumors and distorted facts. This not only seriously damaged the reputation of others, it also seriously disrupted social order and seriously jeopardized national security. What purported to be reflecting complaints and demands was in reality subversion of state power that exceeded the legal limit of the legitimate exercise of rights and freedoms, and constitutes the commission of an offense under relevant provisions of the criminal law.

At the same time, although they have committed similar acts, the subject, subjective intention, and the degree of social harm caused is different, and constitutes different nature and circumstances. It cannot be concluded that Wu Gan's behavior does not constitute subversion of state power crime because people involved in the same case were not criminally punished or were punished for another offense. In summary, the justifications and defense opinions of defendant Wu Gan and his defense counsel cannot be established, and are not accepted by this Court.

This Court finds defendant Wu Gan did, with the goal of subverting state power and overthrowing the socialist order, use methods such as disseminating speech that subverted state power and sensationalizing hot-button incidents on information networks to attack the State regime and the national system established by the Constitution, thereby seriously jeopardizing national security and social stability. His actions constitute the crime of subversion of state power. The facts underlying the public prosecution agency's charge that Wu Gan committed the crime of subversion of state power are clear and the evidence is reliable and copious, and the charged offense is established.

Wu Gan's criminal behavior was deliberate, the circumstances were pernicious, the social harm was great, and the subjective malice was deep, and it should be severely punished in accordance with the law. The period of time during which Wu Gan was held in administrative detention for the facts underlying this case shall be deducted from his criminal sentence in accordance with the law. Penalty period. According to the facts, nature, plot and degree of harm to society of Wu Gan's crime, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 105(1), 61, 56(1), 54, 55(1), and 58 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," the judgment is as follows:

Defendant Wu Gan committed the crime of subversion of state power and is sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of eight years and five years deprivation of political rights.

(The prison term is to be calculated starting on the day the judgment is executed, and each day in custody prior to the execution of the judgment shall count as one day of the prison term, that is from May 19, 2015 to May 18, 2023.)

If any party does not accept this judgment, they may within 10 days after the second day after receiving this written judgment bring an appeal through this Court or directly to the High People's Court of Tianjin. A written appeal should be submitted with one original and two copies of the appeal brief.

Chief Adjudicator        Cai Shuying
Adjudicator            Lin Kun
Acting Adjudicator        Liu Yi

December 21, 2017

Clerk                Li Zhanqiang

















































































































































































































































审判长        蔡淑英
审判员        林崑
代理审判员    刘毅


书记员        李占强

Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

The PRC government sentenced Sun Zhiming (孙志明, who wrote under the alias Sun Daluo (孙大骆)) to one year imprisonment for the crime of "di...