Friday, July 9, 2021

The 7.09 Prosecutions: Zhai Yanmin Trial Testimony Transcript

 No. 2 Intermediate People's Court of Tianjin

Trial Transcript

[Judgment Citation Unavailable]


Translator's Summary: On August 2, 2016, the No. 2 Intermediate People's Court of Tianjin published a series of three posts on its verified official Sina Weibo microblog under the title "Zhai Yanmin Case First Instance Tried in Open Court in Tianjin" (翟岩民案一审在津公开开庭审理). This text is taken from those three posts.,, and The court found Zhai guilty. Zhai told prosecutors who questioned him in court that he met Hu Shigen as member of the unregistered "Ahavah Covenant Church," and that he had no "anti-party and anti-government ideas" until Hu "brainwashed" him.


Prosecutor: Since 2012, have you made any statements on the Internet to subvert state power?

Defendant: I have made such statements.

Prosecutor: Did you ever join the Ahavah Covenant Church?

Defendant: I did join that.

Prosecutor: Who "baptized" you?

Defendant: Hu Shigen.

Prosecutor: What kind of church is this?

Defendant: The "church" is actually an unregistered church. Hu Shigen used the time during meals at the "church" to hold group discussions, and told us about the ideology of pushing the wall and made reactionary statements, and indoctrinated the church's so-called disciples.

Prosecutor: Who is in the "church"?

Defendant: There are some lawyers like Li Heping, and then there are people with reactionary thoughts, people who are dissatisfied with society, the government, and the Party. Hu Shigen gathered these people together and used them. This church instilled ideas in us in order to achieve the purpose of his "three major thoughts" and "five major transformations" plan in an attempt to overthrow the Party's leadership.

Prosecutor: Do you agree with the ideas Hu Shigen preached to you and the other religious people?

Defendant: I agreed at that time.

Prosecutor: Did Hu Shigen talk to you about paying attention to sensationalizing hot-button cases and the remarks that triggered street protests?

Defendant: He talked about that.

Prosecutor: Did you pay attention to the sensationalizing?

Defendant: I paid attention.

Prosecutor: Did anyone else pay attention to the sensationalizing?

Defendant: Yes. Wu Gan and others.

Prosecutor: What is the relationship among these people?

Defendant: They were divided into several circles. The first was the "Die Hard Faction" lawyers led by Zhou Shifeng, this was the "lawyer" circle, such as Zhou Shifeng, Wang Quanzhang, Liu Doe, and so on. Then there was another circle called the "church" circle. Wu Gan is the online promoter, and used the Internet to do some Internet sensationalizing, attracting everyone's attention, and attracting the attention of people who shared common ideas. Li Heping accepted funds from abroad, and he was a circle. There was also the "petitioner" circle, so a total of four circles. When there was nothing happening we would seem to be independent. As soon as an incident occurs, we would get in touch with one another and sensationalize together. Someone would make a post, Internet users would follow it, and some shouted and erected banners at the scene to confront the government.

The defense counsel questioned the defendant.

Defense Counsel: During the investigation, did the public security agency torture you to extract a confession?

Defendant: No.

Defense Counsel: Was your confession voluntary?

Defendant: It was voluntary.

Defense Counsel: Did you have anti-party and anti-government ideas before you met Hu Shigen?

Defendant: No, he brainwashed me.

Defense Counsel: During the "Seven Flavor Grill" process, the host presided over the entire meeting and spoke according to Robert's Rules of Order. According to the seating position, you should be the first to speak. Why did you not speak?

Defendant: On that occasion, my status was relatively low, and I also felt that I didn't have much knowledge, so let others talk about it first.

Defense Counsel: What remarks did you make in the end?

Defendant: Regarding the "workers" strike, I said that we should pay more attention to it, find some people with experience in resistance and let them join the "workers" movement group to strengthen their courage.

Prosecutor: At noon on February 1, 2015, there was a gathering at the "Seven Flavors Grill" restaurant. Did you participate?

Defendant: I participated.

Prosecutor: Who called the gathering?

Defendant: We had a "church" activity that day. After the event, Hu Shigen told me and Ge Ping (Gou Hongguo), please have a meal. I didn't know Ge Ping's real name. There were four people from the church, and Hu Shigen, Jiang Doe, Zhang Doe and others.

Prosecutor: What did you say during the gathering?

Defendant: We must pay attention to the "labor" movement. We should put some people who have had experience in resistance into the "labor" movement to give them strength and courage.

Prosecutor: What was the topic you discussed during the gathering?

Defendant: How to strengthen the "labor" movement and the sensationalization of sensitive cases.

Prosecutor: Did you agree with these two topics?

Defendant: I agreed at that time.

Prosecutor: Did Hu Shigen mention the "three major factors" that would subvert state power at the gathering?

Defendant: He mentioned it, and he also mentioned the "five major plans."

Prosecutor: Did other people who attended the gathering agree with Hu Shigen's views?

Defendant: I think I agreed.

Prosecutor: What kind of gathering do you think "Seven Flavors Grill" was?

Defendant: On the surface it was a meal, but in fact it was a gathering of "Die-Hard Faction" lawyers and representatives of the "church," like Hu Shigen, petitioners, and leaders of various circles. They were summing up some sensitive issues from 2014. They were still discussing, strategizing, and planning the direction for 2015. The goal of those people was to sensationalize sensitive cases and pay more attention to some "labor" movements. All these ideas were thinking of ways to overthrow the leadership of the Communist Party.
Prosecutor: In March 2014, Tang Doe and four others were administratively detained by the Public Security Bureau of the Jiansanjiang Agricultural Reclamation Area in Heilongjiang for disrupting social order, which is what you call the "Jiansanjiang Incident." Did you participate in and sensationalize this matter?

Defendant: I participated in and sensationalized it.

Prosecutor: In May 2014, ten people, including Yu Doe, were investigated by the Public Security Bureau of Zhengzhou, Henan in a case of disturbing order in public venues. This is what you called the Zhengzhou "Ten Gentlemen" incident. Did you participate in and sensationalize it?

Defendant: I participated in and sensationalized it.

Prosecutor: In December 2013, a person named Fan Mugen in Suzhou, Jiangsu, stabbed two people to death who were engaged in a demolition and was sentenced to eight years in prison for intentional injury.  Did you participate in and sensationalize it?

Defendant: I participated in and sensationalized it.

Prosecutor: In May 2015, in the waiting room of the railway station in Qing'an County, Heilongjiang, a person named Xu Chunhe was shot dead by a police officer for assaulting a police officer during the performance of their official duties in accordance with the law. This is what you call the "Qing'an Incident." Did you participate in and sensationalize this matter?

Defendant: I participated in and sensationalized it.

Public prosecutor: The Intermediate People's Court of Weifang, Shandong tried Xu Yonghe's corruption case in accordance with the law, made a final judgment and sentenced Xu Yonghe to ten years in prison. Did you participate in and sensationalize this case?

Defendant: I participated in and sensationalized it.

Prosecutor: Do these cases and incidents have anything to do with you?

Defendant: They have nothing to do with me.

Prosecutor: What did you do when you sensationalized the "Jiansanjiang Incident?"

Defendant: After I went there, I was appointed by Xiang Doe as the on-site commander to maintain order on the scene.

Prosecutor:  You were responsible for the scene?

Defendant: Correct.

Prosecutor: Did you publish a blog post about the "Jiansanjiang Incident" on the Internet?

Defendant: I published one.

Prosecutor: Have you ever said that Jiang Doe, who was detained, was a "righteous person who resolutely opposes dictatorship and tyranny in pursuit of democratic constitutionalism?"

Defendant: I have said that.

Prosecutor: What did you do to sensationalize the Zhengzhou case?

Defendant: There was Liu Xing, myself, and one other person. Zhang Doe called me and told me to go to Zhengzhou. We went to Zhengzhou from Guangzhou. The next day they called and asked me to go to a place called the Xiaoji Noodle Shop, and there were 7 or 8 people including Wu Gan, Zhang Doe, and Ma Doe. They discussed how to handle the Zhengzhou "Ten Gentlemen" incident and appointed me to be the overall coordinator on the scene at the Zhengzhou Third Detention Center.

Prosecutor: What were you responsible for?

Defendant: I was also responsible for order and organizing a hunger strike. There were some things I couldn't arrange, and they had a "coordination group."

Prosecutor: After the incident, did you sensationalize the case online?

Defendant: I seem to have posted "The Zhengzhou authorities brutally cleared the scene, illegally arrested and detained people. The wicked will be brought down by their own wickedness."

Prosecutor: After the "Qing'an Incident" what did all of you do?

Defendant: Liu Xing, myself, and some others assembled some petitioners, we contacted some petitioners, and sent about a dozen of them out in three batches. Before going, Liu Xing told me that these people were petitioners who had no money, and could use some help with some money. So we got some money for the petitioners.

Prosecutor: Where did Liu Xing and the others go?

Defendant: To the train station, and held up some A4 paper which had pre-printed "I am a petitioner, shoot at me."

Prosecutor: Did you post Weibos on the Internet such as "You can kill me because you have a gun; you can say that I attacked the police because you have the final say; you can do things your way because you are cruel; you can oppress because you have prisons. I want to fight with my life"?

Defendant: That was a repost, it was posted on my Weibo.

Prosecutor: In sensationalizing the case of Fan Mugen did you publish blogs online with content such as "Witness how the Suzhou authorities brutally 'govern the country according to law'" and "This is evil clamoring again"?

Defendant: That was reposted.

Prosecutor: What did Liu Xing and others do in the Weifang case?

Defendant: Erected banners there and shouted slogans.

Prosecutor: Just now you said that these cases had nothing to do with you. Why did you organize petitioners to gather together to commit affrays and interpose yourselves and sensationalize these cases?

Defendant: After failing in business, I was dissatisfied with the government. In addition, I joined Hu Shigen's church and brought some people into the church, in  order to achieve a strengthening of civic power. I was also influenced by Hu Shigen, who instilled in me how to achieve big things, causing average people to take to the streets and causing the international community to intervene. These cases were brought to fruition because of Hu Shigen's guiding ideology, and his thoughts were reflected in his actions. In these incidents, I felt that I was a pawn of Hu Shigen, and I became their accomplices.

Prosecutor: Are all your statements during the investigation phase true?

Defendant: They are true.

The Defense Counsel questioned the defendant.

Defense Counsel: You were the coordinator on the scene in the "Jiansanjiang" and Zhengzhou incidents. Did you take the initiative to do that?

Defendant: I was appointed by Xiang Doe. During a meal, Xiang Doe told me to act as on-site commander. When I was in Zhengzhou, Wang Doe appointed me.

Defense Counsel: Does the coordinator have the right to decide what happens at the scene?

Defendant: No. Banners and T-shirts must be submitted to the "coordination group," and the people in it must get their approval before they can make this decision.

Defense Counsel: Did you contact Liu Xing in the Fan Mugen incident?

Defendant: He contacted me.

Defense Counsel: When you were contacted were you clear about the "Fan Mugen Incident?"

Defendant: I wasn't clear.

Defense Counsel: Did you benefit from these incidents?

Defendant: Seventeen to eighteen thousand yuan. Ten thousand yuan was for the "Weifang incident," and I gave it all to Liu Xing. The "Zhengzhou incident" provided a subsidy of 2,000 yuan because I was detained. My sister and brother-in-law went to Zhengzhou to get me out on bail, and the Zhengzhou "coordination group" gave me another two thousand yuan. The "Jiansanjiang incident" gave me 1,600 yuan.


































































































Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

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