Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

 On July 7, the "@FreeXueBing" Twitter account posted a link to the court judgment in the inciting subversion case of Huang Xueqin (黄雪琴) and Wang Jianbing (王建兵). While PRC domestic media did not report on the judgment, foreign media covered it extensively:

The reason for the PRC media's silence can be attributed to the fact that the PRC government suppresses discussion of the Metoo movement, as evidenced by this screenshot taken on June 23, 2024, several days Huang and Wang were convicted of inciting subversion, showing Sina Weibo was censoring the "metoo" hashtag.

The PRC government's position on Metoo and Huang Xueqin is reflected in this editorial published in the English edition of the Communist Party sponsored Global Times titled "West's undisguised intention of using MeToo movement to create antagonism in China":

The #MeToo movement is closely linked to foreign forces, and is also taken advantage of by some anti-China groups or figures. For example, Huang Xueqin, the "#MeToo activist, women's rights activist and independent journalist in China" - as introduced on her Wikipedia page - initiated a survey on Chinese women journalists' experience on sexual harassment in 2017. 

A full translation of the court judgment, along with an OCR'd version of the document posted online, is included below.  

Some observations on the judgment itself:

  • There are a lot of black-bar redactions in the judgment, and it is not clear if they were done by the court, the people who posted the judgment, or both. Given that there are places in the judgment where the court adopted its standard obfuscation methods (e.g., "某" and "*"), it seems reasonable to assume the black-bar redactions were done by the people who posted the judgment.
  • There is nothing in the judgment that could deemed "analysis," legal or otherwise. Instead, the judgment consists mostly of long recitations of "evidence" that what Huang and Wang said incited people to subversion, but with no examples of what they actually said. The following is typical of how the judgment offers vague characterizations (in this case, coming from a witness) of how what Huang and Wang said that fell outside the boundaries of "free speech" under Article 35 of the Constitution:

The class criticized China's problems, stimulated domestic young people's dissatisfaction with the State system, instilled in the participants theories and methods of subverting the State regime to ultimately achieve the country's democratic transformation with a "non-violence movement."

  • Huang's defense counsel argued that Huang had been subjected to "extended interrogations" and that her statements should be excluded. The court dismissed this with a single sentence: "it was found that each interrogation by the investigating agencies in this case guaranteed the necessary rest time for the two defendants, the transcripts signed and sealed by the two defendants can confirm their authenticity, and the two defendants have not retracted their confessions of the acts involved in the case."

 The following is a list of some of the actions which, based on this court judgment, do not fall within the scope of "freedom of expression" in the PRC:

  • Advocating changing the PRC's current government structure (even peacefully).
  • Teaching people to confront government agents/officials (even through non-violent means).
  • Discussing social topics in a manner that might cause people to become dissatisfied with the PRC government or the Communist Party.
  • Making verbal attacks on the PRC's political system or policies.
  • Posting images that make fun of PRC leaders.
  • Saying negative or "inappropriate" things ("smearing" "vilifying" "denigrating") about the PRC government or the Communist Party.
  • Instilling thoughts in others with bad political purposes.

Intermediate People's Court of Guangzhou
Criminal Judgment
(2022) Yue 01 Criminal First Instance No. 298

The public prosecution agency was the People's Procuratorate of Guangzhou.

Defendant Huang Xueqin, female, born [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL], Han ethnicity, college education, household registration [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL], Guangdong. On September 19, 2021 she was taken into custody in connection with this case, she was taken into criminal detention the following day, and she was arrested on October 27 of the same year. She is currently being held in detention at the Guangzhou No. 1 Detention Center.

Defense counsel Qiu Hengyu is a lawyer at the Beijing Yingke (Guangzhou) Law Firm.

Defense counsel Wan Miaoyan is a lawyer at the Sichuan Ding Law Firm.

Defendant Wang Jianbing, male, born [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL], Han ethnicity, college education, household registration [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL], Gansu. On September 19, 2021 he was taken into custody in connection with this case, he was taken into criminal detention the following day, and he was arrested on October 27 of the same year. He is currently being held in detention at the Guangzhou No. 1 Detention Center.

Defense counsel Xiao Yunyang is a lawyer at the Guizhou Yutai Law Firm.

In the Procuratorate Criminal Indictment (2022) No. Z11 indictment, the People's Procuratorate of Guangzhou charged that defendants Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing committed the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and on August 11, 2022 filed a public prosecution with this Court. After this Court docketed the case it formed a collegial panel in accordance with the law, and tried this case with hearings in open court. The People's Procuratorate of Guangzhou assigned procurators Zhu Jialin and Cai Yingying to appear in court in support of the prosecution. Huang Xueqin and her defense counsels Qiu Hengyu and Wan Miaoyan, and Wang Jianbing and his defense counsel Xiao Yunyang were in court to participate in the proceedings. The trial in this case has now concluded.

The public prosecution agency charged: Since 2019, defendant Huang Xueqin did on many occasions on Internet platforms and social media both inside and outside national borders post inciting articles and statements that distorted and attacked our country's government, and attacked and denigrated our country's political system and advocated ideologies that subverted the State regime. In March 2021, while participating in a certain foreign online press conference, Huang Xueqin publicly made inciting statements attacking and denigrating our country's State regime. From May 2020 to February 2021, Huang Xueqin accepted recruitment by a foreign organization member and participated in online "non-violence movement" trainings, and knowing that the course contained content that incited subversion of our country's State regime, she nevertheless introduced it, lured others to participate, and assisted in calling the roll and playing the courseware, and during the training she actively assisted in the "non-violence movement" training activities. From December 2020 to May 2021, Huang Xueqin used foreign video conferencing software to organize and open a "Ten Lessons" project training, using major events and social movements both inside and outside national borders as content to incite participants to become dissatisfied with our country's State regime.

After graduating from college, defendant Wang Jianbing did on many occasions take part in foreign Internet groups whose purpose was to subvert our country's State regime such as the "China Local Jasmine Revolution Volunteer Corps China Jasmine Revolution Volunteer Corps" and the "June 4th Massacre Memorial Hall," and did on many occasions post or repost false statements and articles on foreign social media and Internet platforms that attacked our country's political system and government. From May to October 2020, Wang Jianbing received online "non-violence movement" trainings while studying in the United Kingdom.

Beginning in November 2020, defendants Wang Jianbing and Huang Xueqin acted in league with fellow defendant Chen [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] Xiang (being handled in a separate case) to utilize foreign communication software to post meeting information, and regularly gathered many people to organize meetings at Wang Jianbing's rental residence, Room 202, No. 149, Xingang West Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, taking advantage of the opportunity to discuss social issues and incite participants to become dissatisfied with our country's State regime.

On September 19, 2021, public security agencies apprehended defendants Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing near defendant Wang Jianbing's rental residence.

In order to prove the aforementioned facts, the public prosecution agency presented or read out in court physical evidence such as photos, documentary evidence, witness testimony, the statements and justifications of defendants Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing, forensic opinions, investigation records, inspection records, identification records, audio-visual materials, electronic data, and other evidence.

The public prosecution agency believed that defendants Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing  disregarded the laws of the State and used manufacturing rumors, defamation and other means to incite subversion of state power and the overthrow of the socialist system, their actions were the commission of an offense under Article 105(2) of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," the criminal facts were clear, the evidence was reliable and copious, and they should bear criminal liability for the crime of inciting subversion of state power. In view of the fact that Wang Jianbing voluntarily and truthfully made statements regarding the facts of the crime, raised no objections to the alleged facts of the crime, and was willing to accept criminal punishment, the procedures for confession of guilt and acceptance of punishment were applied to Wang Jianbing. It recommended that Wang Jianbing be sentenced to three to four years in prison and his property be confiscated. In accordance with the provisions of Article 176 of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China" it requested this Court impose punishment in accordance with the law.

Defendant Huang Xueqin essentially acknowledged the criminal facts charged by the public prosecution agency, but argued that she herself lacked the intent to incite subversion of state power, and no crime was constituted. Defense counsel Qiu Hengyu proffered the following defense opinions:

1. Investigating agencies designated a portion of the evidence in this case as classified, and the classification procedures violated the law. Many of the signatures on the remand certificates in this case were not the signatures of the investigators themselves, and they did not match the signatures on the interrogation transcripts, so there exists issues relating to extended interrogations. The Explanation of Circumstances issued by the public security agencies was unable to prove that all of the evidence had been submitted to the court, so there exists the issue of concealing evidence.

2. Defendant Huang Xueqin did not have the intent to commit the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and there is no evidence proving either that Huang Xueqin actions were an offense, or that anyone subverted the State regime at the instigation of Huang Xueqin.

3. The relevant statements and social activities of Huang Xueqin fell within the scope of freedom of speech.

In summary, it was requested this Court declare Huang Xueqin not guilty.

Defense counsel Wan Miaoyan proffered the following defense opinions: Defendant Huang Xueqin subjectively lacked the intent to incite subversion of state power, and objectively did not engage in actions that incited subversion of state power. His actions did not constitute the commission of a crime. It was requested this Court declare Huang Xueqin not guilty.

Defendant Wang Jianbing acknowledged the criminal facts and offense charged by the public prosecution agency, but argued that at the time of his actions he lacked awareness of their illegality, and requested this Court give him a reduced sentence.

Defense counsel Xiao Yunyang proffered the following defense opinions: Defendant Wang Jianbing's actions had a certain social endangerment, but he did not have the intent to incite subversion of state power, nor were there any acts that incited subversion of state power, they did not constitute the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and may be considered as constituting the commission of another crime. On this basis it was requested this Court issue a just judgment.

It was ascertained at trial:

I. Since 2019, defendant Huang Xueqin did on many occasions on Internet platforms and social media both inside and outside national borders post inciting articles and statements that distorted and attacked our country's government, and attacked and denigrated our country's political system and advocated ideologies that subverted the State regime. In March 2021, while participating in a certain foreign online press conference, Huang Xueqin publicly made inciting statements attacking and denigrating our country's State regime.

The aforementioned facts have been confirmed by the following evidence presented and examined in court by the public prosecution officials, and are affirmed by this Court:

1. The relevant written materials collected by the public security agencies from defendant Huang Xueqin's USB drive and notebook computer authored or posted by her confirmed: For a long time, Huang Xueqin maintained a hostile attitude toward the leaders of the Communist Party of China and our country's socialist system, she possessed the subjective goal of subverting the State regime and overthrowing the socialist system, and posted or reposted many articles and statements on many domestic and foreign media that attacked the leadership of the Communist Party of China and our country's socialist system.

2. A digital conference invitation and remuneration receipt retrieved by public security agencies confirmed: On March 2, 2021, while giving a speech at an online conference held by a foreign organization, defendant Huang Xueqin made statements that attacked our country's socialist system and received remuneration.

3. Relevant statements and images posted by defendant Huang Xueqin on her "[REDACTED] Book" social media software collected by public security agencies confirmed: Since 2019, Huang Xueqin posted a large number of articles, statements, and images on "[REDACTED] Book" social media that vilified and denigrated our country's socialist system.

4. Articles distributed by defendant Huang Xueqin that public security agencies downloaded from a certain China Taiwan website confirmed: Huang Xueqin distributed a large number of inciting articles on that website that distorted and attacked our country's government.

5. The online collection work records produced by the public security agencies confirmed: Public security agencies collected online a large number of inciting statements and articles posted and distributed by Huang Xueqin under the name "Feyton" (Huang Xueqin's pen name) on "[REDACTED] Book," China Hong Kong "[REDACTED] Media," and a certain China Taiwan website that distorted and attacked our country's government.

6. Testimony of witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] confirmed: From 2019 to 2021, defendant Huang Xueqin posted a large number of inappropriate statements on the "[REDACTED] Book" account that denigrated our country's State regime.

7. Defendant Huang Xueqin's statements and justifications as well as signed and acknowledged photographs, proved:

(1) She published articles on foreign media platforms inciting Hong Kong residents to resort to violence against the government. In 2020, she used the pseudonym "Feyton" to publish several inciting articles on "[REDACTED] Media" that distorted and attacked our country's government.

(2) From March 1 to 3, 2021, she spoke at an online conference held by a foreign organization, making statements that attacked and denigrated our country's socialist system and received a certain compensation. Defendant Huang Xueqin signed and acknowledged the anti-China articles, statements, and screenshots of images she posted and distributed on several foreign media outlets, and signed and acknowledged the materials in the USB drive that were captured by public security agencies at the time she was apprehended.

II. From May 2020 to February 2021, defendant Huang Xueqin participated in online "non-violence movement" trainings given by foreign staff member Hua Doe. The course introduced the successful experiences and failed lessons of foreign "non-violence movements" in subverting regimes, and advocated and instilled ideologies, strategies, and methods to subvert the leadership of the Communist Party of China and our country's State regime. Huang Xueqin, knowing full well that the course was intended to promote the "non-violence movement" in our country and that it contained content that incited subversion of our country's State regime, nevertheless introduced it, pursued others to participate, carried out roll calls and played courseware during the trainings, and actively assisted Hua Doe to organize training activities such as "non-violence movements" that incited subversion of our country's State regime.

The aforementioned facts have been confirmed by the following evidence presented and examined in court by the public prosecution officials, and are affirmed by this Court:

1. Screenshots of the website of the foreign organization "China Rights In Action" provided by public security agencies, as well as the complete website content collected online and the annual tax returns filed by the "China Rights In Action" organization with the United States Internal Revenue Service, confirmed:

(1) "China Rights In Action" was founded in New York, USA in March 2013. The organization introduces to China the experience, people, and events of "non-violence movements" that have successfully transformed various countries from dictatorships to democracies in order to enhance and promote the strategic application of "non-violent" resistance in China.

(2) The organization's website contains numerous videos, articles, and other content that advocates for subverting our country's government.

(3) The organization's responsible person is Hua Doe, who is outside the borders of China.

2. Information on the online course schedule and screen recordings of a "non-violence movement" course taught by Hua Doe and organized by the foreign organization "China Rights In Action" provided by public security agencies confirmed:

(1) From November 14, 2020 to February 6, 2021, Hua Doe taught 14 online courses on "non-violence movements" with the purpose of subverting the State regime. The content included the history of the formation of "non-violence movements," and its theory, practice, and relationship to democratic transformation. The course introduced cases of color revolutions in various countries and incited the audience to "launch a movement in a non-violent way," and overthrow our country's government and subvert our country's State regime.

(2) Defendant Huang Xueqin actively spoke in the trainings, assisted in playing the courseware, and verified the identities of the attendees.

3. Hua Doe's lectures on "non-violence movements" and some screen recordings and screenshots of the online course provided by witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] and others confirmed: During the course, defendant Huang Xueqin incited the audience to launch a movement through "non-violent means," overthrow our country's government, and subvert our country's State regime.

4. Hua Doe's "non-violence movement" course questionnaire collected in a USB drive collected by public security agencies provided by witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] confirmed: The "non-violence movement" course that defendant Huang Xueqin participated in was mainly aimed at people in the fields of labor and women's rights, and incited the audience to initiate movements through "non-violent" means, overthrow our country's government and subvert our country's State regime.

5. The (voice print) forensic opinion produced by the public security forensic agency confirmed: The statements of "A-ha" in the screen recording of Hua Doe's online class on "non-violence movement" were made by defendant Huang Xueqin.

6. Testimony and identifications, as well as signed and acknowledged transcripts of witnesses [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] proved:

(1) From the end of October to the beginning of November 2020, defendant Huang Xueqin invited [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] to participate in the online "non-violence movement" trainings given by Hua Doe. [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] participated in the online trainings using foreign conferencing software through the introduction of a friend. In 2020, [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] participated in the online trainings using foreign conferencing software through the introduction of Huang Xueqin.

(2) When Hua Doe was giving a lecture, Huang Xueqin assisted in playing the presentation PPT, taking roll calls before classes, taking daily leave and attendance checks, and verifying the identities of the class attendees. Huang Xueqin was similar to a teaching assistant in the training, and helped Hua Doe find students.

Witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] identified defendant Huang Xueqin.

Witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] signed and acknowledged the online "non-violence movement" trainings, signed and acknowledged screenshots of PPT courses reposted by his mobile phone, and signed and acknowledged members of his foreign communication software "mutual aid community" and group chat content.

7. Testimony and identifications and signed and acknowledged transcripts of witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] proved: In 2020, (s)he browsed the official website of "China Rights In Action" through the introduction of others. The website had a large number of cases, books, and documentaries about other countries overthrowing their State regimes, trying to incite the audience to implement these revolutions and movements in our country's territory to change the State regime. (S)he used foreign conferencing software to participate in an online "non-violence movement" training session given by Hua Doe through a link posted by others on the foreign communication software. Defendant Huang Xueqin, nicknamed "A-ha," also participated in the training course.

Witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] signed and acknowledged images showing how (s)he used a foreign communication software account.

8. Testimony of witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] proved: (S)he participated in online "non-violence movement" trainings given by Hua Doe. The trainings mainly involved non-violent movements and theories, and the participants would discuss together after the class.

9. Defendant Huang Xueqin's statements and justifications proved: In July 2019, she met Hua Doe in China Taiwan through a friend's introduction, and attended a human rights course training organized by Hua Doe in Taiwan. Defendant Wang Jianbing also attended the training. During the 2020 pandemic, she participated in the online "non-violence movement" trainings taught by Hua Doe, and helped Hua Doe to take the roll, play the courseware PPT, and answer questions in the course. In the recording of the course, the voice of "A-ha" was her own.

III. From December 2020 to May 2021, defendant Huang Xueqin organized and opened a "Ten Lesson Project Training" according to the content and methods of online "non-violence movement" trainings, using foreign video conferencing software. During the training, Huang Xueqin not only taught the class herself, but also invited Hua Doe and others as lecturers, using major events and social movements both inside and outside national borders as content to instill ideologies and methods of subverting the State regime, inciting participants to be dissatisfied with our country's State regime.

The aforementioned facts have been confirmed by the following evidence presented and examined in court by the public prosecution officials, and are affirmed by this Court:

1. The "Ten Lesson Project" course schedule collected by public security agencies from defendant Huang Xueqin's USB drive confirmed: From December 2020 to May 2021, Huang Xueqin used foreign video conferencing software to organize two sessions of "Ten Lesson" project training. The course mainly focused on major domestic and foreign events, social movements, etc. The second session had reached the seventh lesson, and the remaining three lessons had not been completed.

2. Defendant Huang Xueqin's "Ten Lesson Project Training" poster collected by public security agencies from witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]'s USB drive confirmed: Huang Xueqin posted a poster on the Internet, recruiting specific groups of people as targets for training, and planning and launching a "Ten Lesson" project training.

3. An email from defendant Huang Xueqin stating that 15 students had signed up for ten classes and some of Huang Xueqin's reply emails collected by public security agencies from defendant Huang Xueqin's mailbox confirmed: From December 2020 to May 2021, Huang Xueqin organized two "Ten Lesson" project training sessions using foreign conferencing software. Huang Xueqin introduced the class time, method, content, and precautions to the trainees and conducted post-class exchanges.

4. Defendant Huang Xueqin's post-lesson reflections sent to her by a student of the "Ten Lesson" project [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] and others collected by public security agencies from defendant Huang Xueqin's mailbox confirmed: Participants of the "Ten Lesson" project said they were deeply touched after listening to the course, and the content of the course provided the audience with much inspiration for "non-violent resistance" to the government.

5. Huang Xueqin's email to "Shitang and others" and her reply emails collected by public security agencies from defendant Huang Xueqin’s mailbox confirmed: Huang Xueqin arranged for the lecturer [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] to lecture on January 30, 2021 from 10:00 to 12:00 in her "Ten Lesson" project using foreign conferencing software, [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL].

6. Testimony of witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] proved: One night before April 2021, defendant Huang Xueqin invited [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] to give a class in the "Ten Classes” online sharing event through software. (S)he followed the link sent by Huang Xueqin and entered a chat room and spoke for about an hour, with about ten students.

7. Testimony and signed and acknowledged transcripts of witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] proved: Defendant Huang Xueqin asked them to design the "Ten Lessons" propaganda poster.

8. Testimony and signed and acknowledged transcripts of witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] proved: Around November 2020, (s)he saw the "Ten Lessons" poster while surfing the Internet. After signing up, (s)he contacted the organizer through foreign communication software and attended the class through foreign conferencing software. The content of the class mainly criticized China's problems, stimulated domestic young people's dissatisfaction with the State system, instilled in the participants theories and methods of subverting the State regime to ultimately achieve the country's democratic transformation with a "non-violence movement." In February 2021, (s)he sent their learning experience to the other party's email address as requested by the other party.

9. Testimony of witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] proved: The content of the "Ten Lessons" involved the "non-violence movement" in various countries. Defendant Huang Xueqin was the organizer, responsible for posting course information, introducing the teachers, and requesting them to write their reflections after the class. Huang Xueqin explained the "non-violence movement" abroad to the students, instilling similar thoughts with bad political purposes.

10. Testimony of witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] proved: In the second half of 2020, (s)he saw a "Ten Lessons" poster on WeChat Moments, contacted defendant Huang Xueqin, and took a class through conference software. The content of the class involved women's rights and other related topics.

11. Defendant Wang Jianbing's statements and justifications proved: He knew that defendant Huang Xueqin organized "Ten Lessons" for some young people, but he did not participate in the course.

12. Defendant Huang Xueqin's statements and justifications and signed and acknowledged transcripts proved: From December 2020 to May 2021, she used foreign video conferencing software to organize and launch the "Ten Lesson" project training. She taught it herself and invited foreign organization members such as Hua Doe as instructors, using some hot button major events and social movements that occurred both inside and outside national borders as entry points, mainly directed at instilling in domestic college students and social minority groups ideas and methods of subverting the State regime, inciting participants to be dissatisfied with our country's State regime, and interacting with the trainees through email.

Defendant Huang Xueqin signed and acknowledged "Ten Lessons" posters and photographs, and signed and acknowledged emails written by trainees after receiving "Ten Lessons" training.

IV. After graduating from university, defendant Wang Jianbing joined foreign Internet groups such as the "China Local Jasmine Revolution Volunteer Corps China Jasmine Revolution Volunteer Corps" and "June 4th Massacre Memorial Hall" with the purpose of subverting our country's State regime. He did on many occasions post or repost on foreign social media and Internet platforms false statements and articles attacking our country's political system and the government. From May to October 2020, Wang Jianbing received online "non-violence movement" trainings from Hua Doe while studying in the United Kingdom.

The aforementioned facts have been confirmed by the following evidence presented and examined in court by the public prosecution officials, and are affirmed by this Court:

1. Online collection work records issued by public security agencies, screenshots of emails collected from defendant Wang Jianbing foreign's mailbox approving him to join the "China Local Jasmine Revolution Volunteer Corps China Jasmine Revolution Volunteer Corps" and the June 4th Massacre Memorial Museum" groups, as well as containing a large number of articles and links inciting subversion of our country's State regime confirmed: After graduating from university, Wang Jianbing joined the foreign Internet groups mentioned above with the purpose of subverting our country's State regime and collected articles and statements that discredited our country's government and policies.

2. Online collection work records issued by public security agencies and portions of reposted, commented, and liked contents collected from defendant Wang Jianbing's "[REDACTED] Book," confirmed:

(1) Wang Jianbing reposted several false statements and articles attacking our country's political system and government on "[REDACTED] Book."

(2) Wang Jianbing's "[REDACTED] Book" account followed and commented on multiple foreign organization and media accounts that aim to subvert our country's State regime.

3. Defendant Wang Jianbing's notebook and a portion of the materials and images it contained which were seized by public security agencies confirmed: Wang Jianbing's aforementioned notebook contained a large number of statements and images that attacked our country's political system and government.

4. Screenshots of some directories and printouts of some files totaling 38 pages, produced and posted by the "China Rights in Action" organization and collected by public security agencies from the hard disk of defendant Wang Jianbing's computer confirmed: Wang Jianbing's computer contained a large number of documents and images containing false statements attacking our country's political system and government.

5. "Non-violence movement" online courseware and the mind map printouts produced and posted by the the "China Rights in Action" organization after the course, totaling 47 pages, collected by public security agencies from defendant Wang Jianbing's portable hard drive confirmed: Wang Jianbing participated in the online "non-violence movement" trainings of the "China Rights in Action" organization and conducted in-depth study.

6. Defendant Wang Jianbing's statements and justifications and signed and acknowledged transcripts proved:

(1) In 2006, after graduating from university and starting work, he gradually accepted the ideas of foreign anti-China personnel. In 2019, he went to the UK to study through a foreign non-governmental organization. During this period, he participated in the online "non-violence movement" trainings given by Hua Doe through the introduction of defendant Huang Xueqin, and in accordance with Hua Doe's requests, he combined the training content with his own experience to create multiple mind maps.

(2) He applied to join anti-China groups such as the "China Local Jasmine Revolution Volunteer Corps China Jasmine Revolution Volunteer Corps" and "June 4th Massacre Memorial Hall," and through "[REDACTED] Book" he followed or liked many accounts, articles, and statements that defamed our country's government and policies, and reposted posts that defamed our country's image, government, policies, and divided our country.

(3) Since 2015, due to his dissatisfaction with the government, he has reposted some critical posts that smear our country's image, are anti-government, and subvert our country's State regime on the foreign "[REDACTED] Book" and "[REDACTED] ter" to show his approval. At the same time, he followed and liked some accounts and posts by "Taiwan independence" and "Hong Kong independence" organizations and personnel, and supported many people who incited subversion of our country's State regime. On February 10, 2018, he reposted images and "jokes" on "[REDACTED] ter" that cast extremely sarcastic smears on our country's leaders.

Defendant Wang Jianbing signed and acknowledged the printouts of files from his computer hard drive, including a book revised by "China Rights In Action," Hua Doe's "China Rights In Action" courseware, and the mind map he made after class. He signed and acknowledged the emails from anti-china groups agreeing to his joining and other screenshots of emails involved in the case. He signed and acknowledged some reposted, commented, followed, etc. contents of his "[REDACTED] Book" and "[REDACTED] ter" accounts.

V. Since November 2020, defendants Wang Jianbing and Huang Xueqin acted in league with co-defendant Chen [REDACTED] Xiang (being handled in a separate case) to use foreign communication software to post information about gatherings, regularly assembling many people to organize gatherings at Wang Jianbing's rental residence, Room 202, No. 149, Xingang West Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, etc., and took the opportunity to discuss social topics to incite participants to become dissatisfied with our country's State regime.

On September 19, 2021, public security agencies apprehended defendants Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing near defendant Wang Jianbing's rental residence.

The aforementioned facts have been confirmed by the following evidence presented and examined in court by the public prosecution officials, and are affirmed by this Court:

1. The Room 202, No. 149, Xingang West Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou "House Lease Contract" and testimony provided by Chen Doe 2 (defendant Wang Jianbing's landlord) confirmed: On November 1, 2020, Chen Doe 2 rented Room 202, No. 149, Xingang West Road to Wang Jianbing through an agency for a period of one year at a monthly rent of RMB 2,600.

2. A March 23, 2021 email sent by defendant Huang Xueqin to Wang Jianbing collected by public security agencies from defendant Wang Jianbing's mailbox and a large amount of information from Huang Xueqin to Wang Jianbing collected by public security agencies from the mobile phone carried by Wang Jianbing confirmed: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing, organizers of the "202 Sharing Session," discussed how to share various "non-violence movements" through the "202 Sharing Session" to consolidate the relationship between existing participants, expand the scope of participants, and incite participants to be dissatisfied with our country's State regime.

3. A March 23, 2021 email sent by co-defendant Chen [REDACTED] Xiang to Wang Jianbing collected by public security agencies from defendant Wang Jianbing's mailbox confirmed: Chen [REDACTED] Xiang and Wang Jianbing, as organizers of the "202 Sharing Session," organized the "202 Sharing Session" in order to expand the community which could carry out subsequent political movements, an event that incited subversion of our country's State regime.

4. Messages sent by Wang Jianbing, information sent by Wang Jianbing to [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL], information sent by Huang Xueqin to Wang Jianbing, "Night Cruise" member list," "citizen Leads 202" group chat records, articles, and screenshots sent by [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL], "Chorus," "Night Cruise," and "Steer Water" group chat records, chat records between Wang Jianbing and [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL], and other photographic content extracted by public security agencies from defendant Wang Jianbing's mobile phone confirmed:

(1) The "Night Cruise" group had 39 members, Wang Jianbing, "Xiang water," and Huang Yueliang were the administrators.

(2) Wang Jianbing sent information to [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] and others, inviting them to attend the "202 Sharing Session."

(3) Wang Jianbing, Huang Xueqin, and others organized the "Night Boat" and "Steer Water" groups, and took the opportunity to discuss social topics to incite participants to be dissatisfied with our country's State regime, teach anti-detection methods, and exchange information on how to carry out incitement activities to subvert our country's State regime.

5. The list of content shared in the "202 Sharing Session" which the public security agencies sorted out of the relevant materials confirmed: Defendants Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing organized the "202 Sharing Session" and used the opportunity to discuss social topics to incite participants to express dissatisfaction with our country's State regime.

6. "Night Cruise" group information sent through a certain foreign communication software collected by public security agencies confirmed: Defendant Wang Jianbing referred to defendant Huang Xueqin as "Yellow Moon." Huang Xueqin chatted with members under the nickname "Little Lazy," and posted false statements attacking our country's political system and the government, inciting participants to be dissatisfied with our country's government and socialist system.

7. On-site inspection work records produced by public security agencies confirmed: On September 19, 2021, public security agencies conducted an inspection of Room 202, No. 149, Xingang West Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, and seized some items involved in the case.

8. Testimony, identifications, and signed and acknowledged transcripts of witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] (a "202 Sharing Session" participant) proved: At the end of November 2020, he started to participate in the "202 Sharing Session" organized by defendants Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing through the introduction of others. The gathering was fixed at about 7:30 to 10 pm every Thursday night, and a (chat) group was set up. Wang Jianbing set up a "burn after reading" function. The purpose of setting up a group was to avoid Internet supervision. If you wanted to participate in the training course, you had to join the group, otherwise you would not know the course time. Every time you participated in an event, and any time someone was sharing Wang Jianbing would ask everyone to turn off their mobile phones, draw the curtains, and ask everyone not to take photos or videos, etc. Wang Jianbing said that the "202 Sharing Session" event was planned and organized by him, Huang Xueqin, and Chen [REDACTED] Xiang. Every event was organized by Wang Jianbing. On many occasions during the activities different instructors incited participants to increase their hostile attitude toward the police and the government, incited participants to carry out protest actions, and struggle against our country's government and the police, and this would lead to earth-shaking changes in the social structure. Huang Xueqin told stories about movements in other countries, hoping to launch a similar movement in China to change the State regime, spread awareness of resistance to participants, and incite people from all walks of life to engage in resistance movements.

Witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] identified defendants Wang Jianbing and Huang Xueqin, signed and acknowledged images contained in Wang Jianbing "[REDACTED] Book" account, signed and acknowledged the address and photographs of the "202 Sharing Session" that Wang Jianbing and Huang Xueqin organized.

9. Testimony, identifications, and signed and acknowledged transcripts of witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] ("202 Sharing Session" participant) proved: He participated in the "202 Sharing Session" organized at Wang Jianbing's home five times through an introduction by [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]. "Night Cruise" mainly posted the theme of the gathering and supplemented the feelings of the relevant individuals after each event. The group owner was Wang Jianbing, and the information was posted by him. Huang Xueqin spread awareness of resistance at the sharing sessions and incited the participants to subvert our country's State regime.

Witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] identified defendants Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing and signed and acknowledged photographs relating to Room 202, No. 149, Xingang West Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou.

10. Testimony, identifications, and signed and acknowledged transcripts of witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] ("202 Sharing Session" participant) proved: Introduced by a friend, (s)he regularly went to defendant Wang Jianbing's home every Thursday to participate in meetings. The meetings used a chat group set up foreign chat software. The chat software needed to "climb the wall" to be used. In order to avoid domestic network supervision, the administrators Wang Jianbing, Chen [REDACTED] Xiang, and Huang Xueqin set up a "burn after reading function." The "202 Sharing Session" event was organized by Chen [REDACTED] Xiang, Wang Jianbing, and Huang Xueqin. The purpose was to win over vulnerable groups and spread their ideology and idea of dissatisfaction with the government system. At the end of June 2021, Chen [REDACTED] Xiang, Wang Jianbing, and Huang Xueqin also held a sharing session at a coffee shop near the Xiaogang subway station. Huang Xueqin made inciting statements at the meeting that distorted and attacked our country's government's anti-pandemic policies.

Witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] identified defendants Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing, and the witness and other participants in the "202 Sharing Session" events. [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] signed and acknowledged the "Night Cruise" group and Wang Jianbing and co-defendant Chen [REDACTED] Xiang in the group and signed and acknowledged images of the cafe where the sharing session was held in late June 2021 on and photographs of the cafe's interior.

11.Testimony of witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] ("202 Sharing Session" participant) proved: (S)he met defendant Huang Xueqin through a lecture WeChat group, and attended a meeting held by Huang Xueqin and defendant Wang Jianbing in a rental house near Zhongda University on Xingang West Road. The meeting was attended by joining the "Night Cruise" group using foreign chat software, and Huang Xueqin, Wang Jianbing, and Chen [REDACTED] set the "burn after reading" function.

12. Testimony, identifications, and signed and acknowledged transcripts of witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] proved: (S)he was introduced to defendant Wang Jianbing by the co-defendant Chen [REDACTED] Xiang. Wang Jianbing added them to a group called "Night Cruise," which posted some meeting times, locations, and event theme information so that group members could go and participate when they were free, but (s)he did not participate. The witness identified defendant Wang Jianbing, signed and acknowledged photographs of the "Night Cruise" group (s)he joined, and photographs of their own foreign communication software account.

13. Defendant Huang Xueqin's statements, justifications, and identifications, and signed and acknowledged transcripts proved: In mid-2021, defendant Wang Jianbing borrowed about RMB 70,000 from her. Since the end of 2020, she, Wang, and others held regular gatherings every Thursday at Room 202, No. 149, Xingang West Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, and formed a "Night Cruise" group through foreign communication software. At the gatherings, she introduced the "non-violence movement" of other countries, posted false statements attacking our country's government and social system, etc., inciting participants to take various "non-violent ways" to confront and oppose the government.

Defendant Huang Xueqin identified defendant Wang Jianbing, co-defendant Chen [REDACTED] Xiang, and witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]. Huang Xueqin signed and acknowledged photographs of the "Night Cruise" group in her mobile phone and signed and acknowledged screenshots of emails she sent to Wang Jianbing.

14. Defendant Wang Jianbing's statements and justifications and signed and acknowledged transcripts proved:

(1) In October 2020, after returning from the United Kingdom, he applied analytical tools he learned from the Hua Doe course to the practice of "non-violence movements," and based on this, he perfected the idea of ​​"202 Sharing Session," believing that gatherings could be used to incite minority groups within the country to subvert our country's State regime. In accordance with the content of the Hua Doe course and his own work experience, he made a mind map, and based on the concept of an NGO, he and defendant Huang Xueqin and co-defendant Chen [REDACTED] Xiang jointly managed and planned the "202 Sharing Session," which he was responsible for convening and hosting. In November 2020, in order to facilitate the development of activities, he, Chen, and Huang used foreign communication software to establish a group called "Night Cruise" with about 30 to 40 contacts. He was the group owner, and Chen, Huang and others were in the group, among which "Huang Yueliang" was Huang Xueqin, and "Xiang WATER" was Chen [REDACTED] Yang. The group regularly posted gathering times, and the participants were mainly friends brought by those three people. The group members gathered every Thursday at Room 202, No. 147-149, Xingang West Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou. In order to prevent detection and maintain confidentiality, the "Night Cruise" and other groups set up a function to burn communication records after 24 hours. His private chats with Huang and Chen were also set to be burned after 24 hours. The sharing session mainly incited participants' dissatisfaction with our country's State regime by sharing sensitive topics. In December 2020, in order to better operate the "Night Cruise" group and discuss some issues within"Night Cruise," he established the "Steer Water" group. "Steer Water" means helmsman, which means the one steering the ship. There were only three members: himself, Huang, and Chen. The main discussions were about the development of the "Night Cruise" activities, theme sharing, discussion format, and what kind of people to find to participate in the "202 Sharing Session" and other related issues. Among them, Huang mainly talked about the direction of "Night Cruise" and event-related issues; Chen mainly talked about action-oriented suggestions, and he was mainly responsible for organizing activities and recruiting people. After changing the number, he changed the group name to "Lying Flat Beans," but the function and role remained unchanged. He organized "Night Cruise" with Huang because first, he and Huang had taken Hua Doe's class together; and second, Huang had participated in "MeToo," and he felt that the two would have a common language, and he also felt that Huang was a trustworthy person. He organized "Night Cruise" with Chen because the two had held an offline sharing event for three or four months from August to December 2019, and the location was where Chen lived. The event was also organized by him because he did not want to invest his energy in things like chatting, but preferred to invest his energy in taking some small actions. So this gathering and discussion event was led by him. Before the incident, a total of about 20 to 30 "202 Sharing Sessions" were held, of which about 20 were themed. During that period, he, Huang, and Chen all posted inciting statements that attacked our country's government and socialist system. Because he felt that the activities they organized, the people they invited, or the topics they shared were sometimes sensitive, participants were asked to turn off their phones or switch to flight mode to prevent monitoring by the police.

(2) Among the cash tracked down and seized by public security agencies, 100,000 yuan was borrowed from Huang and Chen a few months before the incident. From July to August 2021, Huang lent him a total of 60,000 yuan in cash in several installments. Chen moved to Huangpu for temporary residence before leaving China Hong Kong at the end of July 2021, and gave him 33,000 yuan in cash at one time. When borrowing the money, he told the two that it was for living expenses and funds for the "202 Sharing Session," and he originally planned to continue the "202 Sharing Session." He planned to use 40,000 yuan of the borrowed money to repay debts. Of the remaining 60,000 yuan, 10,000 yuan was used for "soft funds" and the other 50,000 yuan was used for "202 Sharing Session" funds and living expenses. He used cash because of his personal habit [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL].

(3) The rent for the room he rented, Room 202, No. 149, Xingang West Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, was RMB 2,600 per month.

After signing and acknowledged photos, defendant Wang Jianbing signed and acknowledged the screenshots of the surveillance video downstairs of his residence, Room 202, No. 149, Xingang West Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou. He signed and acknowledged the contents of all his hard drive files. He signed and acknowledged the photos in the album of the seized iPhone. He signed and acknowledged the list of members, logo, and icon of the "Night Boat" group. He signed and acknowledged the copy of the contents of his diary. He signed and acknowledged two reports published by "China Rights in Action" that incited subversion of our country's State regime.

The following comprehensive evidence presented by public prosecution officials in court, cross-examined by the court, and affirmed by this Court confirmed:

1. The case registration form, case filing decision, and case process prepared by public security agencies confirmed:

(1) On August 23, 2021, public security agencies opened a case for investigation.

(2) On September 19, 2021, public security agencies near Room 202, No. 149, Xingang West Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou apprehended Huang Xueqin, Wang Jianbing.

2. The household registration documents of defendants Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing retrieved by the public security agencies confirmed: At the time of the incident, Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing were both adults with the ability to bear full criminal responsibility.

3. The entry and exit records of defendants Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing, passports, Hong Kong and Macau travel permits, and Huang Xueqin's Taiwan travel permit retrieved by the public security agencies confirmed:

(1) From 2018 to 2019, Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing frequently traveled to China Hong Kong. From July 26 to August 7, 2019, Huang Xueqin traveled to China Taiwan.

(2) From November 23, 2019 to October 9, 2020, Wang Jianbing traveled to and from the United Kingdom.

4. The search warrants, search records, lists of seized items, seized items return lists, and related evidence photographs produced by the public security agencies confirmed:

(1) On September 19, 2021, public security agencies conducted a personal search of defendant Huang Xueqin and seized the items involved in the case. On February 22, 2022, public security agencies returned some of Huang Xueqin's items to his family.

(2) At about 12:00 on September 19, 2021, public security agencies conducted a personal search of defendant Wang Jianbing and seized the items involved in the case.

(3) On September 19, 2021, public security agencies searched Wang Jianbing's temporary residence at Room 202, No. 149, Xingang West Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, and seized Wang Jianbing's Dell notebook computer, wireless router, RMB 104,450 in cash, Wang Jianbing's personal ID card, bank card, notebook, postcards, mobile hard drives, and other items.

5. Electronic data inspection records prepared by public security agencies confirmed:

(1) Public security agencies inspected a computer, two mobile hard drives, a USB drive, and a mobile phone belonging to Huang Xueqin, and collected electronic data involved in the case.

(2) Public security agencies inspected five computers, two gateway routing devices, two voice recorders, three surveillance cameras, and six mobile phones seized from Wang Jianbing, and collected electronic data and audio-visual materials involved in the case.

6. The fund flow records of defendant Huang Xueqin's accounts in the above-mentioned banks, the fund flow records of witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]'s accounts in Bank of Communications, the fund flow records of witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]'s accounts in China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China from January 1, 2020 to December 30, 2021 retrieved by public security agencies from China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Branch, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Guangdong Branch, China Construction Bank Co., Ltd., and Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. confirmed:

(1) During the aforementioned period, Huang Xueqin's bank account had multiple personal remittances or online bank remittances exceeding RMB 5,000, and the transaction parties were mainly [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] and others.

(2) On January 30, 2021, witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]'s account transferred RMB 19,285 to [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]'s account.

(3) From November 10, 2020 to March 24, 2021, [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]'s account did on many occasions transfer funds to Huang Xueqin's account, ranging from RMB 4,866 to RMB 19,285. On January 30, 2021, [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]'s account received RMB 19,285 from [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]'s account, which was transferred to Huang Xueqin's account on the same day.

7. Testimony of witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] confirmed: [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] from October 20, 2020 to March 24, 2021, Huang collected a total of RMB 63,443.7 through [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]'s Bank of Communications cards. On June 18, 2021, Huang collected RMB 19,222 through [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]'s "Alipay." After receiving the above money, he transferred it to Huang, who said that the money was remuneration for freelance translations on the WeChat platform.

8. Testimony, identifications, and signed and acknowledged transcripts of witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] proved: On January 30, 2021, [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] asked [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] to transfer RMB 19,285.

Witness [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL] identified a signed and acknowledged transfer record of RMB 19,285 to Hua Doe using his China Merchants Bank account.

9. Defendant Huang Xueqin's statements and justifications proved: After the National Day in 2020, Hua Doe paid her a total of US$6,000 in two installments to have her translate half of the content of a book called "Revolutionary [ONE OR MORE CHARACTERS OMITTED BY THE COURT] Illustrations." She received several transfers from foreign media and Hua Doe through his Bank of Communications account. The money from "[REDACTED] Media" was for manuscript fees and some article editing fees, and the money from Hua Doe was for the translation of "Revolutionary [ONE OR MORE CHARACTERS OMITTED BY THE COURT] Illustrations."

Regarding the defense opinions proffered by Huang Xueqin's defense counsel on procedural matters in this case, the comprehensive evaluation is as follows: First, regarding the defense counsel's suggestion that public security agencies employed extended interrogations and requested that all statements of Huang Xueqin be excluded, it was found that each interrogation by the investigating agencies in this case guaranteed the necessary rest time for the two defendants, the transcripts signed and sealed by the two defendants can confirm their authenticity, and the two defendants have not retracted their confessions of the acts involved in the case. It can be seen that the statements made by the two defendants during the investigation phase were their true intentions, and the defendants' statements collected by the investigating agencies in accordance with the law can be adopted as evidence for the final decision. Second, the defense counsel proffered the opinion that the procedure for classifying confidential evidence in this case was illegal. An investigation found that when they classified some of the evidence involved in this case the investigating agencies strictly followed the provisions of the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Guarding State Secrets" in terms of subject and procedure, and provided relevant classification approval documents as evidence. The defense counsel's opinion is clearly unfounded. Third, in response to the defense counsel's opinion that some of the interrogation times on the "arrest warrant" did not correspond to the interrogation records and that the signatures of the investigators on the interrogation records were different, an investigation found that there was no evidence in this case that the investigating agencies omitted to transfer evidence that proved the defendant's crime is minor or innocent. The fact that some of the interrogation times on the "Arrest Certificate" do not have corresponding interrogation records cannot prove that the investigation was illegal. In addition, the signature of the investigator on the "Arrest Certificate" is the registered signature when the arrest was processed. There is currently no relevant regulation that the signature must be written by the investigator himself. In summary, Huang Xueqin's defense counsel's defense opinions on this matter are all insufficiently justified, and are not adopted by this Court.

Regarding the determination of the nature of the behavior of defendants Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing. An investigation found that Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing had long been influenced by the infiltration of foreign anti-China hostile forces. They did on many occasions receive training in the reactionary ideology of the "non-violence movement" and gradually formed a hostile attitude toward and against our country's current political system. They actively participated in the anti-China hostile forces' intention to subvert our country's State regime through "color revolutions" despite knowing that they were actively involved. They had the subjective intention of subverting the State regime and overthrowing the socialist system. Objectively speaking, Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing had long adopted methods such as manufacturing rumors and defamation, and had on many occasions posted or reposted articles and statements on the Internet that denigrated our country's government and the socialist system, advocated ideologies that subverted the State regime, and deluding and inciting others to overthrow our country's State regime. Huang Xueqin not only assisted Hua Doe in organizing training activities, but also worked with Wang Jianbing to recruit college students and marginalized groups to conduct online "non-violence movement" trainings in China. Since November 2020, Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing acted in league with co-defendant Chen [REDACTED] Xiang at Room 202, No. 149, Xingang West Road, Haizhu District, Guangdong, Guangzhou, and did on many occasions jointly organize and plan "202 Sharing Sessions'' to incite others to subvert our country's State regime and overthrow the socialist system. In summary, the actions of both defendants meet the elements of the crime of inciting subversion of state power. Huang Xueqin, Wang Jianbing, and their respective defense counsels' justifications and defense opinions on the nature of the two defendants' actions are insufficiently justified, and are not adopted by this Court.

This Court finds that defendants Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing used manufacturing rumors, defamation, and other means to incite subversion of state power and the overthrow of the socialist system, and that their actions constitute the crime of inciting subversion of state power. The criminal facts charged by the public prosecution agency were clear, the evidence was reliable and copious, and the offense was established. Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing colluded with foreign institutions, organizations, and individuals to commit acts that incited subversion of state power and they should be given a heavier punishment in accordance with the law. In the joint crime, Wang Jianbing provided the venue for the event, Huang Xueqin provided some subsequent funding, and the two defendants jointly planned the themes and methods of the event, actively recruited specific participants, and took turns to serve as hosts and give lectures on some topics. In the above activities, they were organizers, leaders, and active implementers, and were the principal offenders. They should be punished according to all the crimes they participated in, organized, and directed. After Wang Jianbing was brought to justice he was able to basically make statements about his criminal acts, confessed guilt and accepted punishment, and can be given a lighter punishment in accordance with the law. The public prosecution agency believes that the range of sentencing proposed by Wang Jianbing is appropriate and it is adopted by this Court. The defense opinions of Huang Xueqin, Wang Jianbing, and their respective defense counsel that are consistent with the above-mentioned conviction and sentencing determinations are adopted by this Court. Other dissenting opinions are not adopted. Based on the nature, circumstances, and degree of social endangerment of Huang Xueqin's and Wang Jianbing;s criminal facts, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 105(2), 106, 25(1), 26(1) and (4), 67(3), 55(1), 56(1), 47, 64, and 113(2) of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China" and Article 15 of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China," the judgment is as follows:

1. Defendant Huang Xueqin committed the crime of inciting subversion of state power and is sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of five years, four years deprivation of political rights, and confiscation of RMB 100,000 in personal property (The prison term is to be calculated starting on the day the judgment is executed, and each day in custody prior to the execution of the judgment shall count as one day of the prison term, that is from September 19, 2021 to September 18, 2026).

2. Defendant Wang Jianbing committed the crime of inciting subversion of state power and is sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of three years and six months, three years deprivation of political rights, and confiscation of RMB 50,000 in personal property (The prison term is to be calculated starting on the day the judgment is executed, and each day in custody prior to the execution of the judgment shall count as one day of the prison term, that is from September 19, 2021 to March 18, 2025).

3. The illegal gains of 10,000 Philippine pesos from defendant Huang Xueqin is confiscated. RMB 100,000 seized by public security agencies from defendant Wang Jianbing as personal property used for the crime is confiscated. Huang Xueqin's computer, two mobile hard disks, a USB drive, a mobile phone and Wang Jianbing's five computers, two gateway routing devices, two voice recorders, three surveillance cameras, and six mobile phones seized as tools for committing crimes are confiscated. Wang Jianbing's RMB 4,450 is seized as the object of his property penalty execution (the above were all executed by the seizing agency).

If any party does not accept this judgment, they may within 10 days after the second day after receiving this written judgment bring an appeal through this Court or directly to the High People's Court of Guangdong. A written appeal should be submitted with one original and two copies of the appeal brief.

Chief Adjudicator Gong Fan
Adjudicator Chen Juntao
Adjudicator Liao Qiuping

June 13, 2024

Judge's Assistant Wang Zhi
Clerk Wu Tao
Yuan Pinzhen



被告人黄雪琴,女,[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]日出生,汉族,大学文化,户籍地[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]广东省。因本案于2021年9月19日被羁押,次日被刑事拘留,同年10月27日被逮捕。现羁押于广州市第一看守所。



被告人王建兵,男,[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]日出生,汉族,大学文化,户籍地[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]甘肃省。因本案于2021年9月19日被羁押,次日被刑事拘留,同年10月27日被逮捕。现羁押于广州市第一看守所。





2020年11月起,被告人王建兵、黄雪琴伙同同案人陈[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]祥(另案处理)利用境外通联软件发布聚会信息,定期召集多人在王建兵租住处广州市海珠区新港西路149号202房等地组织聚会,借讨论社会话题之机,煽动参加人员对我国国家政权的不满。




















6.证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]的证言,证明:2019年至2021年,被告人黄雪琴在“某书”账号上发布大量诋毁我国国家政权的不当言论。













3.证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]等人提供的华某主讲的“非暴力运动”课件及网课部分录屏、截图,证实:被告人黄雪琴参与该课程期间,煽动听课者通过“非暴力”方式发起运动,推翻我国政府、颠覆我国政权。

4.公安机关从证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]提供U盘中提取的华某主讲的“非暴力运动”课程调查表,证实:被告人黄雪琴所参与的“非暴力运动”课程,主要针对劳工、女权等领域人员,煽动听课者通过“非暴力”方式发起运动,推翻我国政府、颠覆我国政权。


6.证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]的证言及辨认与签认笔录,证明:




证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]签认“非暴力运动”网课培训课件;签认其使用手机转发PPT课件的截图;签认其境外通联软件“互助社”群成员与群聊内容。

7.证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]的证言与签认笔录,证明:2020年,其通过他人介绍浏览了“中国权利在行动”官网,该网站有大量其他国家推翻政权的案例、书籍、纪录片,试图煽动受众在我国境内实施这些革命以及运动使政权更替。其通过境外通联软件上他人发布的链接,使用境外会议软件参加了一期华某主讲的“非暴力运动”网课培训,昵称为“阿哈”(被告人黄雪琴)也有参加该次培训课程。

证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]签认其使用境外通联软件账号通联情况照片。

8.证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]证言,证明:其曾参加过华某主讲的“非暴力运动”网课培训,培训主要涉及非暴力运动和理论,课后听课人员会一起讨论。





2.公安机关在证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]的U盘中提取的被告人黄雪琴“十堂课”项目培训海报,证实:黄雪琴在网络上发布海报,招揽特定人群作为培训对象,策划、开设“十堂课”项目培训。

3.公安机关在被告人黄雪琴邮箱中提取到[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]等15名学员报名“十堂课”的邮件以及黄雪琴部分回复邮件,证实:2020年12月至2021年5月,黄雪琴利用境外会议软件组织了两期“十堂课”项目培训。黄雪琴向学员介绍上课时间、途径、内容、注意事项并进行课后交流等。

4.公安机关从被告人黄雪琴邮箱中提取到“十堂课”项目学员[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]等人发给黄雪琴的课后感,证实:“十堂课”项目参加学员均表示听课后深受触动,课程所传授内容为受众提供了“非暴力”对抗政府的众多启示。

5.公安机关在被告人黄雪琴邮箱中提取到黄雪琴发给“十堂等人的邮件及回复邮件,证实:黄雪琴约课”授课人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]在2021年1月30日10时至12时通过境外会议软件在其“十堂课”项目中授课,[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL].

6.证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]的证言,证明:2021年4月前某天晚上,被告人黄雪琴通过软件邀请请[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]在“十堂课”网上分享活动中讲一堂课。其按黄雪琴发来链接进入一个聊天室讲了大概一个小时,其中大概十个学员。

7.证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]设计“十堂课”宣传海报。

8.证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]的证言及签认笔录,证明:被告人黄雪琴请其的证言,证明:2020年11月前后,其上网时看到“十堂课”宣传海报,报名后通过境外通联软件与组织者取得联系并通过境外会议软件上课。上课内容主要以批判中国的问题为主,激发国内年轻人对国家体制不满,给参加者灌输颠覆国家政权的理论与方法,最终以“非暴力运动”实现国家民主转型。2021年2月,其按照对方要求发送学习心得给对方邮箱。

9.证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]的证言,证明:“十堂课”内容涉及各国“非暴力运动”等内容。被告人黄雪琴是组织者,负责发布课程信息、介绍上课老师,还要求其写课后感想。黄雪琴向学员讲解国外的“非暴力运动”,灌输类似思潮,带有不好的政治目的。

10.证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]的证言,证明:2020年下半年,其在微信朋友圈看见“十堂课”海报,联系被告人黄雪琴后通过某会议软件上课,上课内容涉及女权等相关内容。


















五、2020年11月起,被告人王建兵、黄雪琴伙同同案人陈[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]祥(另案处理)利用境外通联软件发布聚会信息,定期召集多人在王建兵租住处广州市海珠区新港西路149号202房等地组织聚会,借讨论社会话题之机,煽动参加人员对我国国家政权的不满。





3.公安机关从被告人王建兵邮箱中提取的2021年3月23日同案人陈[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]祥发给王建兵的邮件,证实:陈[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]祥和王建兵作为“202分享会”组织者,为实施后续政治运动扩大社群需要而组织“202分享会”这一煽动颠覆我国国家政权的活动。

4.公安机关从被告人王建兵随身携带手机内提取的王建兵发给的信息、黄雪琴发送给王建兵的信息、“夜航船”成员列表、“citizen带领着202群聊天记录”、[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]等人发送的文章截图、“大合唱“”夜航船”“艄水”群聊天记录、王建兵与[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]的聊天记录等内容照片,证实:


(2)王建兵曾发送信息给[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]等人,邀请对方参加“202分享会”。





8.证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL](“202分享会”参加者)的证言及辨认、签认笔录,证明:2020年11月底,其通过他人介绍开始参加被告人黄雪琴、王建兵组织的“202分享会”活动。该聚会固定在每周四晚大概7点30分到10点,并有建(聊天)群,王建兵设置有“阅后即焚”。建群就是为躲避网络监管,要参加培训课程就要加群,否则不知道课程时间。每次参加活动时,只要有人分享的时候,王建兵就会要大家关手机,把窗帘拉上,要大家不要拍照录像等。王建兵说“202分享会”的活动是他和黄雪琴、陈[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]祥共同策划、组织的。每一次活动都是王建兵组织的,在[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]所参加的多次活动中,不同的授课者煽动参与人员增加对警察和政府的敌视,煽动参加人员开展抗争行动,与我国政府与警察进行斗争,使得社会结构发生翻天覆地的变化。黄雪琴通过讲述他国运动,想在中国搞一样的让政权更替的运动,向参与人员传递传播抗争意识,煽动各个方面群体的人搞抗争运动。

证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]辨认出被告人王建兵、黄雪琴。[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]签认王建兵“某书”账号内容图片;签认王建兵、黄雪琴组织“202分享会”的地址及场所照片。

9.证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL](“202分享会”参加者)的证言及辨认、签认笔录,证明:其经[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]的介绍5次参加王建兵家组织的“202分享会”活动。“夜航船”主要发布聚会活动的主题内容,补充每次活动后相关人员的感想。群主是王建兵,信息由他发布。黄雪琴在分享会上传递传播抗争意识,煽动参与人员颠覆我国政权。

证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]辨认出被告人黄雪琴、王建兵。证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]签认广州市海珠区新港西路149号202房相关照片。

10.证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL](“202分享会”参加者)的证言及辨认、签认笔录,证明:其经朋友介绍每周四定期到被告人王建兵家参加聚会。聚会使用境外聊天软件,设置了聊天群。该聊天软件需要“翻墙”使用,为躲避国内网络监管,管理员王建兵、陈[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]祥、黄雪琴设置了“阅后即焚”功能。“202分享会”活动由陈[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]祥、王建兵、黄雪琴三人组建,目的是想拉拢弱势群体,传播他们对政府体制不满的思想理念。2021年6月底晚上,陈[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]祥、王建兵、黄雪琴还在晓港地铁站附近某咖啡店举办分享会,黄雪琴在会上发布了歪曲、攻击我国政府抗疫政策的煽动性言论。

证人 [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]辨认出被告人黄雪琴、王建兵、证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]等参加“202分享会”活动的人。 [REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]签认“夜航船”群及群中王建兵、同案人陈[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]祥;签认2021年6月下旬举办分享会的咖啡厅在大众点评上的图片及该咖啡厅内部照片。

11.证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL](“202分享会”参加者)的证言,证明:其通过某个讲座微信群认识被告人黄雪琴,参加了黄雪琴、被告人王建兵在新港西路中大附近一间出租屋的聚会。该聚会用境外聊天软件加入“夜航船”群参加,并被黄雪琴、王建兵、陈[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]祥设置了“阅后即焚”。

12.证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]的证言及辨认、签认笔录,证明:其经同案人陈[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]祥介绍认识被告人王建兵。王建兵将其拉入一个叫“夜航船”的群里,群里会发布一些聚会的时间、地点和活动主题信息,让群里人员有空就可以前往参与,但其未参与。

证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]辨认出被告人王建兵。[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]签认其加入的“夜航船”群组照片及其本人某境外通联软件账号照片。


被告人黄雪琴辨认出被告人王建兵、同案人陈[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]祥、证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]黄雪琴签认其手机内“夜航船”群组照片;签认其发给王建兵的邮件截图。


(1)2020年10月,其从英国回国后,将从华某课程中学到的某分析工具运用到“非暴力运动”实践中,并据此完善了“202分享会”的想法,认为可利用聚会这种形式在境内煽动少数群体颠覆我国政权。其根据华某课程内容,结合自己工作经验制作了思维导图,并按照做NGO思路与被告人黄雪琴、同案人陈[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]祥共同经营和策划了“202分享会”,由其负责召集、主持。2020年11月,为便于活动开展,其与陈、黄利用境外通讯软件构建了一个叫“夜航船”的群,联系人约30至40人。其是群主,陈、黄等人都在群里,其中“黄月亮”是黄雪琴,“祥WATER”是陈[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]祥。该群会定期发布聚会时间,参加人员主要是三人分别带来的朋友,群内人员每周四到广州市海珠区新港西路147-149号大院202房聚会,为反侦查和保密,“夜航船”等群设置了24小时后焚毁通联记录功能,其与黄、陈的私人聊天也设为24小时后焚毁。该分享会主要通过分享敏感话题,煽动参加人员对我国国家政权的不满。2020年12月,为更好运作“夜航船”群,商量“夜航船”内的一些问题,其成立“艄水”群,“艄水”是船工的意思,寓意掌舵,成员只有其、黄、陈三人。主要讨论“夜航船”活动开展、主题分享、讨论形式、找什么人员参加“202分享会”等相关问题。其中,黄主要讲关于“夜航船”方向性、事件性问题;陈主要讲行动性建议;其主要负责组织活动和拉人员,换号码后就改群名为“躺平豆”,功能作用不变。其与黄一起组织“夜航船”,一是其与黄一起上过华某的课;二是黄搞过“MeToo",觉得两人会有共同语言,也觉得黄是值得信任的人。其跟陈一起组织“夜航船”是因为两人在2019年8月至12月就搞过三四个月的线下分享活动,地点在陈住的地方。活动也由其组织,因不想投入精力到聊天这种事情,更愿意把精力投入到搞些小行动。所以这个聚会聊天活动由其做主导。案发前,“202分享会”总共办了20至30场左右,其中大约20次是有主题的,期间其与黄、陈均发布了攻击我国政府及社会主义制度等煽动性言论。因其觉得所组织的活动、请的人或有时分享的议题敏感,所以要求参加人员关机或调成飞行模式,防止被警方监视。

(2)其被公安机关查扣现金中,有人民币100000元是案发前几个月向黄和陈借的。2021年7月到8月黄分几次总共借给其60000元现金;陈于2021年7月底出境中国香港前搬去黄埔暂住,一次性给其33000元现金。借钱时,其跟两人说是作为生活费和“202分享会”经费,其原打算把“202分享会”继续做下去。所借钱准备用40000元还债,剩下60000元,其中10000元用于“软某基金”,另外50000元用于“202分享会”经费和生活费。其使用现金是因为个人习惯[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]。



















(1)上述期间内,黄雪琴的上述银行账户发生多笔金额超过人民币5000元的个人汇款或网银汇款,交易对象主要为[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]等人。

(2)2021年1月30日,证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]账户转账人民币19285元至账户。

(3)2020年11月10日至2021年3月24日期间,[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]账户多次转账给黄雪琴账户,金额从人民币4866元至19285元不等。其中2021年1月30日,[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]账户收到[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]账户转账人民币19285元,同日转至黄雪琴账户。

7.证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]的证言,证明:[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]2020年10月20日至2021年3月24日,黄通过[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]交通银行卡共收取人民币63443.7元;2021年6月18日,黄通过[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]“支付宝”收取人民币19222元。其收到上述钱款后再转给黄,黄称这些钱是在“freelancer”微信平台上做翻译的酬金。

8.证人[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]的证言及辨认、签认笔录,证明:2021年1月30日,[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]曾让[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]转账人民币19285元。


9.被告人黄雪琴的供述和辩解,证明:2020年国庆后,华某分两次共支付美金6000元让其翻译一本名叫《革命*图》的书籍一半内容。其通过[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]交通银行账户接收过来自境外媒体及华某的几笔转账,其中来自“某传媒”的钱是稿费和一些文章编辑费,来自华某的钱是翻译《革命*图》费用。


关于被告人黄雪琴、王建兵行为性质的认定。经查,黄雪琴、王建兵长期受境外反华敌对势力的渗透影响,多次接受“非暴力运动”反动思想培训,逐渐形成敌视和反对我国现行政治制度的反动思想,明知反华敌对势力意图通过“颜色革命”颠覆我国政权而积极参与其中,具有颠覆国家政权,推翻社会主义制度的主观故意。客观上,黄雪琴、王建兵长期采取造谣、诽谤等方式,在网络上多次发布或转发诋毁我国政府及社会主义制度的文章和言论,宣扬颠覆国家政权思想,蛊惑、煽动他人推翻我国国家政权。黄雪琴不但协助华某组织培训活动,还与王建兵一起组织、招收在校大学生及社会边缘群体,在境内开展“非暴力运动”网课培训。自2020年11月以来,黄雪琴、王建兵伙同同案人陈[REDACTED IN ORIGINAL]祥在广东省广州市海珠区新港西路149号202房,先后多次共同组织、策划开展“202分享会”,通过该活动煽动他人颠覆我国国家政权,推翻社会主义制度。综上,两被告人的行为均符合煽动颠覆国家政权罪的犯罪构成要件。黄雪琴、王建兵及其各自辩护人对两被告人行为性质的辩解与辩护意见均据理不足,本院不予采纳。









Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

The PRC government sentenced Sun Zhiming (孙志明, who wrote under the alias Sun Daluo (孙大骆)) to one year imprisonment for the crime of "di...