Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hong Kong Reporters Beaten Outside Liu Xiaobo's Wife's Apartment, Sina Weibo Censors "Hong Kong Reporters Beaten"

The SCMP's Photo of Reporters Being Assaulted
On March 9, 2013, the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post reported:
Two Hong Kong journalists were beaten by unidentified men in Beijing yesterday while filming Hong Kong activist Yang Kuang's attempt to visit Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo's wife, who has been under extralegal house arrest for more than two years, the activist and journalists said. 
Yang's whereabouts were unknown last night. A witness, a mainland activist who requested anonymity, said while Yang was waiting for a taxi shortly after 10pm a dozen men attacked him. He was taken away in a police car afterwards, the activist said.
Another activist, Hu Jia, posted on his microblog a picture he claimed to be the moment Yang was put in the police car.
. . . .
Yang, Liu Shasha, Zhou Ai and another supporter of Liu Xia stood outside her building on Thursday and shouted support through a loud hailer. They were later taken away by police and detained overnight at Yangfangdian police station.
These screenshots show that a Sina Weibo search for "Liu Xia Hong Kong Reporters" (刘霞 香港记者) on the morning of March 9 returned five results. The same search later that evening returned no results, just a notice saying Sina Weibo could not find any results.

These screenshots, taken on March 12, show that a search for "Hong Kong Reporters Beaten" (香港记者 被打) on Sina Weibo returned no results, just a censorship notice, and less than two weeks later Sina had stopped censoring searches.

Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

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