Saturday, July 20, 2013

After Lawyer Xu Zhiyong is Detained His Baidu Encyclopedia Entry Disappears

As noted in a previous post, Xu Zhiyong (许志永), a Beijing lawyer described by the state-sponsored China Daily as someone who "has been providing legal help to the country's disadvantaged groups" was detained on July 16, 2013. Sina and Tencent began censoring searches for his name on their respective Weibos shortly thereafter.

These screenshots show that on July 19, 2013 the top Baidu search result for "Xu Zhiyong" was Baidu's own Baidu Encyclopedia (百科 Baike) entry for Xu. The same search on July 20 shows that the top result for Xu is now Xu's Wikipedia entry and Baidu's Encyclopedia entry is not on the first page of results.

The reason is that the Baidu Encyclopedia entry, originally available here - - appears to be because it has been deleted. The screenshot below shows what users clicking on that URL saw on July 20 - a notice saying "Apologies, we are unable to display the article you wanted to access!" (对不起,您所要查看的词条无法显示!)
This screenshot shows that a search for the entry's URL on Baidu Web Search on July 20 returns a notice saying "Unable to find that URL." (没有找到该URL。)

This screenshot shows that a search for "Xu Zhiyong" on Baidu's Baike on July 20 returns a notice saying "Baidu Encyclopedia Does Not Yet Have an Article on 'Xu Zhiyong'." (百度百科尚未收录词条"许志永"。)

This screenshot shows Xu's Baidu Encyclopedia entry as it appeared on July 11, 2013.

This screenshot shows what Xu's entry as it appeared back in 2009, around the time the government detained Xu and shut down his Open Constitution Initiative (公盟) organization.

As of July 20, 2013, Soso's Encyclopedia entry for Xu remained available here -

Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

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