Saturday, August 30, 2014

Changbaishan Daily Deletes Report on Xi Jinping Anti-Corruption Speech

On August 4, 2014, the Changbaishan Daily (长白山日报) published an article on its front page entitled "Municipal Party Committee Convenes Expanded Standing Committee Meeting" (市委召开常委扩大会议).

These screenshots show that by August 7 the article, and indeed the entire front page, had been removed from the website.

Original URL:

Some excerpts:
On the morning of August 1, municipal Party Secretary Li Wei chaired an expanded meeting of the Standing Committee to study and transmit the spirit of the speeches made by General Secretary Xi Jinping and other central government cadres during their inspection tour and the speech made by provincial secretary Wang Rulin during the expanded provincial Standing Committee meeting, and to deploy resources to carry out the spirit of those speeches in our city.
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The important speeches made by General Secretary Xi Jinping, Secretary Wang Qishan, and Minister Zhao Leji some important new ideas and signals, which were to emphasize that the Party must police itself, must be more strict in governing itself, and that wrongdoing must be opposed and greed must be restrained. Have zero tolerance when combating corruption, and carry out the struggle against corruption to the very end.
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Much of what was said was heavy and pointed, and left people shocked and on alert. Comrade Wang Rulin used the term "stress" six times during his speech, quoting important ideas from the speeches of Xi Jinping and other central Party cadres. He also issued three important demands that were "mandatory."
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Be steadfast in our position. Anti-corruption is a major political problem which concerns the life and death of the Party. Wang Qishan pointed out: "This is a problem of standpoint, attitude, affiliation, and focus. It also reflects an underlying  problem of determination with respect to the Party and the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
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Increase our commitment. Xi Jinping spoke resolutely that "When it comes to the struggle against corruption, I do not care if I live or die, receive praise or condemnation. Now that the future of the Party and the nation has been placed in our hands, we must be fully committed to our duty."
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Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

The PRC government sentenced Sun Zhiming (孙志明, who wrote under the alias Sun Daluo (孙大骆)) to one year imprisonment for the crime of "di...