Monday, August 31, 2020

Lai Liangping v. Shanghang Public Security Bureau, et. al. (2019) Min 0803 Administrative First Instance No. 36


People's Court of Yongding District, Longyan City, Fujian Province

Administrative Decision

(2019) Min 0803 Administrative First Instance No. 36

Plaintiff Lai Liangping, male, born June 20, 1977, Han ethnicity, residing in Shanghang County, Fujian Province.

Defendant (original administrative agency) Shanghang County Public Security Bureau, located at Middle Section, North Second Ring Road, Lincheng Town, Shanghang County, unified social credit code 11350823004113475E.

The legal representative was Xu Weiqing, director.

Person in charge of court appearances of administrative agencies was Tang Chunkang, deputy director.

Attorney Fu Wenhui, male, born April 9, 1974, Han ethnicity, Shanghang County Public Security Bureau, Instructor in the Legal Brigade, residing in Shanghang County, Fujian Province.

Attorney Zhang Zhengmeng, male, born November 12, 1981, Han ethnicity, the Shanghang County Public Security Bureau, Instructor in the Lufeng Police Station, living in Shanghang County, Fujian Province.

Defendant (reconsideration agency) Shanghang County People's Government, located at No. 12, Beida Road, Linjiang Town, Shanghang County, Fujian Province.

The legal representative was Wang Bo, county head.

Ding Yanzhi, the person in charge of the court appearance of the administrative agency, was in charge of the legal affairs work.

Attorney Chen Liangjin is a lawyer at the Fujian Tinghang Law Firm.

Plaintiff Lai Liangping did not accept either the Hang Public (Lufeng) Administrative Punishment Decision [2019] No. 00030 Administrative Punishment Decision issued by defendant Shanghang County Public Security Bureau (original administrative agency) or the Hang Government Administrative Reconsideration Decision [2019] No. 12 Administrative Reconsideration Decision issued by defendant Shanghang County People’s Government (reconsideration agency) and filed an administrative appeal. Afterwards this Court docketed the case on September 20,2019, and on September 24, 2019 delivered a copy of the appeal brief and Notice of Response to the defendants. This Court formed a collegial panel in accordance with the law and held public hearings in this case on November 28, 2019. Plaintiff Lai Liangping, Tang Chunkang and attorneys Fu Wenhui and Zhang Zhengmeng appearing in court on behalf of administrative agency defendant Shanghang County Public Security Bureau, and Ding Yanzhi and attorney Chen Liangjin appearing in court on behalf of administrative agency defendant Shanghang County People’s Government appeared in court to participate in the proceedings. Hearings in this case have now concluded.

The Hang Public (Lufeng) Administrative Punishment Decision [2019] No. 00030 Administrative Punishment Decision issued by defendant Shanghang County Public Security Bureau on June 27, 2019 determined that on May 26 and 27, 2019, Lai Liangping fabricated false information such as the staff of the Lufeng government in Shanghang County were human traffickers and spread it on Chinese language Twitter social software, damaging the credibility of the government, causing disturbances, disrupting public order, and publishing inappropriate remarks that insulted others. In accordance with the provisions of Article 26(4) of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China it was decided to impose a punishment of 10 days administrative detention on Lai Liangping. Plaintiff Lai Liangping did not accept this and applied to defendant Shanghang County People’s Government for administrative reconsideration. On August 27, 2019, defendant Shanghang County People’s Government issued the Hang Government Administrative Reconsideration Decision [2019] No. 12 Administrative Reconsideration Decision upholding the Hang Public (Lufeng) Administrative Punishment Decision [2019] No. 00030 administrative punishment decision issued by the Shanghang County Public Security Bureau. Plaintiff Lai Liangping filed a lawsuit requesting that the Shanghang County People's Government’s Hang Government Administrative Reconsideration Decision [2019] No. 12 Administrative Reconsideration Decision and the Shanghang County Public Security Bureau Hang Public (Lufeng) Administrative Punishment Decision [2019] No. 00030 administrative punishment decision be revoked.

Facts and Reasoning

1. The administrative decisions made by the two defendants were factually unclear. The factual basis of the administrative punishments was that he fabricated that family planning personnel in Lufeng Township were human traffickers. However, according to the complaint made by Li Yuhua and his wife, Lan Doe and Chen Wenming (the director of the Family Planning Office at the time) and other staff of Lufeng Family Planning Office used helping them apply for a household registration as an excuse to coax Li Yuhua and his wife to have their 60 day old newborn fostered in a neighboring village by Zhang Mouyuan. The baby was sent to the Lufeng Family Planning Office and put into a white car that had been waiting for a long time at the gate of the government, and was then taken somewhere unknown. After that, there was no information about the baby who had been abducted. The foregoing was evidenced by videos of Li Yuhua and his wife and the adoptive mother, as well as a large number of witness testimonies, and was not fabricated out of thin air.

The Shanghang County Public Security Bureau determined that he fabricated facts without looking into the circumstances of the case, and issued its administrative punishment decision without any factual basis. As the reconsideration agency the Shanghang County People's Government should have revoked the Shanghang County Public Security Bureau’s punishment decision on the grounds that the facts were not clear.

2. The determination by the two defendants alleging he disturbed the peace and damaged the government's credibility does not accord with the facts. On May 27, 2019, he accompanied Li Yuhua and his wife to the Lufeng government to find family planning personnel to learn about the incident, but was besieged by Lufeng government officials, he dialed 110 as it was an emergency, and was detained for 24 hours on suspicion of disturbing the peace. During that entire time he always followed the concepts of peace, rationality, and non-violence and had no intent to behavior that damaged the government's credibility. On the contrary, his proactively calling 110 to alert the police was an appropriate exercise of a citizen’s legal rights. His remarks on Chinese language social networking sites on November 29, 2017 were not insulting in nature.

3. The punishment and reconsideration decisions made by the two defendants violated legal procedures. His remarks on Chinese language social networking sites on November 29, 2017 were statements from two years prior, and already exceeded the time limit for punishment. In addition, on June 28, 2019, the Shanghang County Public Security Bureau had already issued the Shanghang County Public Security Bureau Hang Public (Lufeng) Administrative Punishment Decision [2019] No. 00031 administrative punishment decision punishing him with an order to cease networking and a warning. For them to use this again as justification to punish him is double jeopardy.

4.The punishment decisions made by the two defendants have no legal basis. It was out of sympathy for Li Yuhua and his wife that he accompanied them to find out about the situation with the family planning staff who had taken the child away. The texts that he published were in fact excessive in some places, but it did not deliberately attack relevant personnel, nor did it intend to damage the image of the government. It was merely done in the hope of attracting everyone’s attention and helping citizens defend their rights. It is obviously unlawful and unreasonable for the public security agency to impose administrative detention based on this.

Plaintiff Lai Liangping submitted the following evidence to this Court:

1. One video disc of Li Yuhua speaking, proving the fact that Li Yuhua’s baby was taken away by the family planning staff.

2. Testimony of witness Liu Doe proved that on the tenth day of March 2001, the staff of Lufeng Family Planning Office took the child to the township government’s registered permanent location and abducted the child. It was only after Liu and his wife went to the relevant department and were unable to get any response that they asked the plaintiff for help.

3. One sound recording optical disc proved that the plaintiff called the director of the Lufeng police station, but the director did not mention anything about the matter of Lan Doe abducting the child, and the records and call recordings of Li Yuhua and his wife's petition to different departments in March 2019.

Defendant Shanghang County Public Security Bureau (original administrative agency) argues:

1. With regard to the administrative punishment decision it issued to plaintiff Lai Liangping the facts are clear and the evidence is copious。In 2001, Zhang Hongyuan and his wife, villagers in Lufeng Liying Village, Shanghang County, were taken to the Civil Affairs Bureau by the Lufeng People’s Government in accordance with the law for illegally adopting a baby. In March 2019, villagers Li Yuhua and Liu Doe of Lufeng Zhongfang Village reached out to Lan Doe and Li Yongfang and other staff of the Family Planning Office of the Lufeng People’s Government on the grounds that the baby who was taken to the Civil Affairs Bureau was born to his wife and demanded that Lan Doe retrieve the baby that had been taken to the Civil Affairs Bureau, and at the same time they began to petition about this matter. Lai Liangping (who was not previously acquainted with Li Yuhua and his family) learned about this matter on the Internet, and he took the initiative to contact Li Yuhua and his wife in the name of helping contact the relevant media to monitor the government, and afterwards the two parties began to contact each other. On May 26, 2019, Lai Liangping used Twitter, Bit Accelerator, and other mobile phone software on his mobile phone to post tweets with contents such as, "I will go to the Lufeng Township Family Planning Office on May 27, 2019 to see what the human traffickers Lan Yuexiu and Li Yongfang are up to," and "Please pay attention to the Shaw orphans in Fujian, there have already been multiple cases of babies being abducted by family planning hooligans in Lufeng Township, Shanghang County.” The next morning, Lai Liangping, together with Li Yuhua and his wife, went to the Lufeng government to find Lan Doe. Plaintiff Lai Liangping took video with a mobile phone and reported to 110 that he had caught a human trafficker who had abducted a child. Because the township government staff called the police, Lai Liangping was taken to the police station to be investigated by civil police from the police station. During that time, Lai Liangping launched a Twitter live stream and marked "Human Traffickers," "Human Traffickers Are Coming," and "A government building with a population of just over 10,000" in the video. In the afternoon of the same day, Lai Liangping tweeted again, "At the police station and demanding a record be made. When the police saw the party’s loyalty and honesty, they threatened her and she is so scared she is trembling all over.” It was also found out that on November 29, 2017, Lai Liangping insulted a former national leader on Twitter on the grounds that he did something that went against human ethics. The foregoing facts are substantiated by Lai Liangping’s statements and defenses, testimony of Li Yuhua, Lan Doe, Bao Dongxing and others; electronic data inspection work records; extracts of transcripts and other evidence.

2. With regards to the administrative punishment imposed on plaintiff Lai Liangping the law applied was correct, the procedures were legal, and the punishment was appropriate. Lai Liangping used Twitter mobile phone software to deliberately fabricate false information on the Internet such as the family planning staff in Lufeng Township were human traffickers and that Lufeng family planning gangsters in Shanghang County abducted, causing disturbances. At the same time he casually insulted a former national leader on the Internet, damaging the government's credibility and the image of a former national leader, and his behavior constituted acts that disturbed the peace. Based on this, the public security agency issued a decision to impose a punishment of 10 days administrative detention on Lai Liangping in accordance with the provisions of Article 26(4) of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China. The case was handled in strict accordance with the relevant case-handling procedures stipulated by the Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China from receiving the report to the police, accepting, investigating, and informing according to the law before making the punishment decision. In summary, the Shanghang County Public Security Bureau clearly determined the administrative punishment facts of plaintiff Lai Liangping, the evidence was indeed copious, the law applied was correct, the procedures were legal, and the punishment was appropriate. It requests the court to reject the plaintiff’s claim.

Defendant Shanghang County Public Security Bureau (original administrative agency) submitted to this Court the following evidence and basis to prove the legitimacy of the original administrative act:

(1) Evidence

1. Case registration form, case acceptance receipt, petition to extend the time limit of the inquiry review report, petition to extend the time limit of the review and approval report, administrative punishment notification transcript, review transcript, administrative punishment decision, administrative reconsideration decision, administrative detention notice to family members, administrative detention execution receipt, proved that the administrative punishment of the plaintiff complied with the procedural regulations.

2. The transcripts of two questionings of Lai Liangping proved the plaintiff’s process of getting to know Li Yuhua and his use of Twitter and Bit Accelerator software to publish tweets with content that Lufeng government staff were human traffickers who abduct babies and to insult previous Party and state leaders.

3. The transcript of Li Yongfang’s questioning proved the circumstances of Li Yuhua’s appeal and plaintiff Lai Liangping’s unreasonable troublemaking process.

4. The transcript of Lan Doe’s questioning proved the process of the Lufeng government’s handling of babies and plaintiff Lai Liangping going to the Lufeng government to unreasonably make trouble.

5. The transcripts of Li Yuhua’s two questionings proved that the whole process of the incident includes part of the process of plaintiff Lai Liangping’s fact-picking and disturbing the peace.

6. The transcript of Bao Dongxing’s questioning proved the process of the Lufeng government’s handling of babies and plaintiff Lai Liangping going to the Lufeng government to unreasonably make trouble.

7. The Fujian Provincial Administrative Law Enforcement Certificate proved that Lan Doe is an administrative law enforcement officer with administrative law enforcement qualifications in the Family Planning Bureau of Shanghang County.

8. Petition replies proved that the Lufeng government responded to Li Yuhua’s petitions.

9. The Hang Public Evidence Preservation Decision [2019] No. 00447 Evidence Preservation Decision and List of Evidence Preservation proved that the public security agency seized the plaintiff’s mobile phone.

10. Transcript extracts and screenshots of mobile phone content proved that the public security agency extracted the content stored on the plaintiff’s mobile phone that proved the disturbance of the peace, which was also confirmed by the plaintiff.

11. The electronic data inspection work record proved that the public security agency has carried out the electronic data extraction of the mobile phone seized from the plaintiff.

12. A household registration certificate proved the basic identity of the plaintiff as a natural person with administrative responsibility

13. The Hang Public (Lufeng) Administrative Punishment Decision [2019] No. 00031 administrative punishment decision proved that the public security agency carried out administrative punishment on the plaintiff’s illegal use of wall climbing software to access foreign websites.

(2) Basis

The provisions of Articles 2, 91, and 26 of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China proved the law based on and applicable to the specific administrative acts that are the subject of the lawsuit.

Defendant Shanghang County People’s Government (reconsideration agency) argued:

1. Defendant Shanghang County People’s Government was performing its legal duty in issuing the reconsideration decision.

2. The defendant accepted the plaintiff’s reconsideration application in accordance with the law and made a reconsideration decision in accordance with the law, and the procedures were legal. The defendant accepted the case after receiving the plaintiff’s application for reconsideration on July 18, 2019. The "Administrative Reconsideration Reply Notice" was delivered to the Shanghang County Public Security Bureau on July 23, the reconsideration decision was made in accordance with the law on August 27, and it was directly delivered to the Shanghang County Public Security Bureau on August 29, and administrative reconsideration was conducted on September 2. The decision letter was mailed to Lai Liangping.

3. The facts determined in the administrative reconsideration decision were clear. After review, the defendant believes that on May 26 and 27, 2019, Lai Liangping fabricated fake information that the Lufeng government family planning staff in Shanghang County were human traffickers, and he had discovered multiple cases of the Lufeng family planning gangsters abducting babies in Shanghang County and spread it on Chinese language Twitter social media software. On May 27th, he went to the Lufeng government to cause disturbances and disrupt public order. These facts were substantiated by evidence including Lai Liangping’s statement and defense, the evidence preservation decision and evidence preservation checklist, electronic data inspection work records, transcript extracts, extracted photos, and replies from the Lufeng People’s Government. In summary, the Shanghang County People's Government made an administrative review decision to determine that the facts are clear, the applicable law is correct, and the procedures are legal, and request the people's court to maintain it. In summary, the facts determined in the administrative reconsideration decision issued by the Shanghang County People's Government were clear, the law applied was correct, the procedures were legal ,and it asks the People’s Court to uphold it.

Defendant Shanghang County People’s Government (reconsideration agency) submitted to this court evidence and basis to prove the legality of the reconsideration procedure:

1. Approval form for filing administrative reconsideration cases;

2. Administrative reconsideration application;

3. Reply notice;

4. Administrative reconsideration decision letter and delivery certificate;

5. The relevant provisions of the Administrative Reconsideration Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Guiding Opinions on the Adjudication of Public Security Organs on the Implementation of Penalties for Certain Violations of Public Security Administration proved the basis and applicable law of the specific administrative acts that are the subject of the lawsuit.

Based on an examination of evidence during hearings plaintiff Lai Liangping objected to evidence 4 and 6 submitted by defendant Shanghang County Public Security Bureau. He believes that the testimony of the witnesses Lan Doe and Bao Dongxing are false. The plaintiff did use his mobile phone to film the whole process, but at that time dozens of people surrounded him in the township government office and tried to grab his mobile phone, and he called the police.

With respect to the rest of the evidence submitted by defendant Shanghang County Public Security Bureau, he does not have any objections. With respect to the evidence submitted by defendant Shanghang County People’s Government, he does not have any objections. With respect to evidence 1 and 2 submitted by the plaintiff in the original case, the two defendants believe that it is not possible to determine their veracity. For evidence 2, the two defendants believe that the plaintiff’s claims could not be proved. For evidence 3, the two defendants believe that it is not related to this case.

This Court verifies the aforementioned evidence as follows: the evidence provided by the two defendants is related to the case, and meets the requirements of legality and authenticity, and is confirmed by this Court. Evidence 1 and 2 provided by the plaintiff, because Li Yuhua and Liu Mou are interested parties, the content of their statements is not supported by objective evidence, and its authenticity cannot be determined. Evidence 3 provided by the plaintiff has no relevance to this case, so none of it will be the basis for the judgment in this case.

It was ascertained at trial that in 2001, the Shanghang County Lufeng People's Government took an infant who had been illegally adopted by Liying villagers Zhang Hongyuan and his wife in that township to the Civil Affairs Bureau for processing. In March 2019, Zhongfang villagers Li Yuhua and Liu Doe in that township reached out to Lan Doe and other staff of the Family Planning Office of the Lufeng People’s Government on the grounds that the baby who was taken to the Civil Affairs Bureau was born to his wife and demanded that the baby be found and returned, and at the same time they began to petition about this matter. The Lufeng People’s Government carried out a response to that petition. Plaintiff Lai Liangping took the initiative to contact Li Yuhua and his wife after hearing the news to help contact the media to attract attention. On May 26, 2019, plaintiff Lai Liangping used his mobile phone to post tweets on the Twitter social network platform with contents such as, "I will go to the Lufeng Township Family Planning Office on May 27, 2019 to see what the human traffickers Lan Yuexiu and Li Yongfang are up to," and "Please pay attention to the Shaw orphans in Fujian! There have already been multiple cases of babies being abducted by family planning gangsters in Lufeng Township, Shanghang County! I will go to the scene before May 27 and live stream.” In the morning of the next day, Lai Liangping, Li Yuhua, his wife Liu Doe and others went to the Shanghang County Lufeng People's Government to find Lan Doe. Lai Liangping used his mobile phone to take pictures and reported to 110 that Lan Doe was a human trafficker and had abducted the daughter of Li Yuhua and his wife. Lai Liangping also used his mobile phone to launch a Twitter live stream and continuously posted tweets on the Twitter social network platform such as: "human traffickers are here", "a government building with a population of just over 10,000." In the afternoon of the same day, he tweeted again: “At the police station and demanding a record be made. When the police saw the party’s loyalty and honesty, they threatened her and she is so scared she is trembling all over. Now its impossible to do.” On May 27, 2019, the Shanghang County Public Security Bureau Lufeng Police Station accepted the case of Lai Liangping and others disturbing a work unit’s order as reported by the Lufeng People’s Government staff member Li Yongfang. It conducted an investigation of evidence obtained from both parties and relevant personnel and carried out evidence preservation and electronic data extraction on two mobile phones of Lai Liangping. In addition, Lai Liangping posted inappropriate remarks that insulted others on the Twitter social network platform on November 29, 2017. The remarks were published until May 27, 2019, when they were seized by the public security agency. On June 27, 2019, the Shanghang County Public Security Bureau issued the Hang Public (Lufeng) Administrative Punishment Decision [2019] No. 00030 administrative punishment decision subjecting Lai Liangping to punishment of 10 days administrative detention. Lai Liangping did not accept it and on July 16, 2019 applied to the Shanghang County People's Government for administrative review. The Shanghang County People's Government held hearings on July 18, 2019 and decided to accept the case, and on July 23, 2019 it delivered a copy of Lai Liangping’s administrative reconsideration application to the Shanghang County Public Security Bureau and requested it to submit a written response and relevant materials such as evidence and basis for the administrative actions taken at that time. On August 27, 2019, the Shanghang County People's Government issued the Hang Government Administrative Reconsideration Decision [2019] No. 12 administrative reconsideration decision and decided to uphold the Hang Public (Lufeng) Administrative Punishment Decision [2019] No. 00030 administrative punishment decision made by the Shanghang County Public Security Bureau. The reconsideration decision was delivered to the Shanghang County Public Security Bureau and Lai Liangping on August 29 and September 3, 2019.

It was also found that the Shanghang County Public Security Bureau issued the Hang Public (Lufeng) Administrative Punishment Decision [2019] No. 00031 administrative punishment decision on June 28, 2019, and decided to order Lai Liangping to stop networking and issued a warning on the grounds that Lai Liangping engaged the unlawful activity of installing Bit Accelerator wall-climbing software on his mobile phone, and used international access channels provided by non-state public telecommunication networks to carry out national networking, and “climbed the wall” to access foreign websites.

This Court finds that in accordance with the provisions of Articles 2, 7(1), 91(1), the public security agencies of the local people's governments at or above the county level are responsible for public security management punishments within their administrative areas that disrupt public order, obstruct public safety, violate personal and property rights, obstruct social management, are socially harmful, and that do not justify criminal punishment. Defendant Shanghang County Public Security Bureau in this case has statutory responsibility for the management of public security within this administrative district. In accordance with the provisions of Article 12(1) of the Administrative Reconsideration Law of the People’s Republic of China, defendant Shanghang County People’s Government has the right to exercise the power of administrative reconsideration. The plaintiff raised no objection to the qualifications of the two defendants as subjects of law enforcement, and this Court confirms it.

With respect to the question of whether the facts are clear, whether the procedures are legal, and whether the applicable laws are correct in the Hang Public (Lufeng) Administrative Punishment Decision [2019] No. 00030 administrative punishment decision issued by defendant Shanghang County Public Security Bureau. An investigation showed that on May 26, 2019, plaintiff Lai Liangping used his mobile phone to post tweets on the Twitter social network platform with information such as, "I will go to the Lufeng Township Family Planning Office on May 27, 2019 to see what the human traffickers Lan Yuexiu and Li Yongfang are up to," and "Please pay attention to the Shaw orphans in Fujian! There have already been multiple cases of babies being abducted by family planning gangsters in Lufeng Township, Shanghang County!!!” This fact was sufficiently substantiated by evidence such as the records of the questioning of plaintiff Lai Liangping, Li Yongfang, Lan Doe, Bao Dongxing and others, as well as the electronic evidence such as the WeChat chat records extracted from Lai Liangping’s two mobile phones and tweets published on the Twitter social network platform. In addition, plaintiff Lai Liangping stated in two questioning transcripts that he had contacted Li Yuhua and heard him out on the grounds of helping to contact the media to attract attention after seeing the help letter sent by Li Yuhua on the Internet in March 2019.

During the trial of the case, plaintiff Lai Liangping also failed to submit evidence and basis that could prove the facts stated by Li Yuhua and his wife Liu Doe. Plaintiff Lai Liangping, as a capable responsible natural person who has reached the age of responsibility did not verify Li Yuhua’s unilateral statements and spread information with no factual basis on the Internet such as “get the human traffickers Lan Yuexiu and Li Yongfang," and "There have already been multiple cases of babies being abducted by family planning gangsters in Lufeng Township, Shanghang County!!!” which misled the normal public opinion, caused a bad influence on society, and objectively caused the consequences of disturbing the social order.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 26(4) of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China and with reference to the "Guiding Opinions on the Adjudication of Penalties for Certain Violations of Public Security Administration" defendant Shanghang County Public Security Bureau imposed 10 days administrative detention on plaintiff Lai Liangping. The laws and regulations applied were correct and the punishment was appropriate. Although citizens have the right to supervise in accordance with the law, it goes beyond the boundaries of proper supervision if citizens exercise their rights by means of disrupting public order. Therefore, plaintiff Lai Liangping’s claim that he did not fabricate false information to disturb public order, but hoped to attract the attention of the government and society to help the weak is not consistent with the facts. This court does not give it credence. After establishing the case, defendant Shanghang County Public Security Bureau summoned the parties in accordance with the law, conducted investigations and collected evidence, and informed the plaintiff of the facts, reasons, and basis for the administrative punishment before the punishment, it fulfilled the obligation of notification, and protected the plaintiff’s right of statement and defense. Later, in light of the circumstances of the case, a decision was made to impose administrative detention for ten days in accordance with Article 26(4) "Other acts of provocation and provocation" of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China, and the facts were clear, the procedures were legal, and the law applied was correct. Defendant Shanghang County People’s Government filed and reviewed the case after receiving the plaintiff’s reconsideration application, and made a reconsideration decision within the statutory time limit and served it. The administrative procedures were legal.

With respect to the question of plaintiff Lai Liangping’s claim that defendant Shanghang County Public Security Bureau imposed penalties on his posting on the Twitter social network platforms on November 29, 2017 beyond the penalty time limit. An investigation showed that based on the record of plaintiff Lai Lianping’s posting on the Twitter social networking platform obtained by defendant Shanghang County Public Security Bureau in accordance with the law it can be proved that plaintiff published inappropriate speech that insulted others that was still being published on plaintiff’s Twitter social networking platform on May 28, 2019 when it was seized by the Shanghang County Public Security Bureau, and the plaintiff’s unlawful behavior had been occurring continuously from the day it was published. Defendant Shanghang County Public Security Bureau issuance of administrative punishment in respect of this on June 27, 2019 did not exceed the legal deadline. Therefore, the plaintiff's claim has no foundation in law and this Court does not support it.

With respect to the question of plaintiff Lai Liangping’s claim that defendant Shanghang County Public Security Bureau issuing the Hang Public (Lufeng) Administrative Punishment Decision [2019] No. 00031 administrative punishment decision on June 28, 2019, ordering him to cease networking and giving him a warning was once again imposing administrative punishment on him, and constitutes double jeopardy. An investigation showed that the Hang Public (Lufeng) Administrative Punishment Decision [2019] No. 00031 administrative punishment decision issued by defendant Shanghang County Public Security Bureau was with respect to Lai Liangping’s violation of the provisions of Articles 6(2) and 14 of the "Interim Provisions on the Administration of International Networking of Computer Information Networks of the People's Republic of China" and was an administrative punishment of ceasing networking and a warning for the unlawful action of “climbing the wall” to access foreign websites. The laws and regulations upon which it was based were not the same as the distinct administrative actions that are the subject of the lawsuit, and was a separate distinct administrative action, and therefore does not constitute double jeopardy. The plaintiff’s claim is not consistent with the facts, and is not supported in accordance with the law.

In summary, with respect to the Hang Public (Lufeng) Administrative Punishment Decision [2019] No. 00030 administrative punishment decision issued by defendant Shanghang County Public Security Bureau and the Hang Government Administrative Reconsideration Decision [2019] No. 12 administrative reconsideration decision issued by defendant Shanghang County People’s Government the facts determined are clear, the evidence is conclusive, the laws and regulations applied were correct, and in compliance with legal procedures. The plaintiff’s justifications for suing are not established, and his claims are rejected in accordance with the law. In accordance with the provisions of Article 69 of the Administrative Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China the judgment is as follows:

The claims of plaintiff Lai Liangping are denied.

The case filing fee of 50 yuan shall be borne by plaintiff Lai Liangping.

If anyone does not accept this judgment, they may within 25 days after after receiving the decision document submit a brief to this court along with the number of copies matching the number of their opposing parties, and appeal to the Intermediate People's Court of Longyan City, Fujian Province

Chief Adjudicator Guo Huazhen
People's Assessor Su Liqing
People's Assessor Lu Runfeng

December 24, 2019

Judge’s Assistant Li Xiaofeng
Clerk Zhang Liyan



行 政 判 决 书































审 判 长  郭华珍
人民陪审员  苏丽清
人民陪审员  卢润锋




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