Tuesday, May 11, 2021

An Early Precedent for Prosecuting "Historical Nihilists"

 For more information about how this case shaped the future of China's jurisprudence around people's expressions of views relating to deceased individuals and historical events deemed by the Communist Party of China to be beyond reproach, see "Supreme People's Court Website Explains Why Courts Found Author Guilty of Defaming Dead Heroes " http://blog.feichangdao.com/2016/11/supreme-peoples-court-website-explains.html.

Intermediate People's Court of Guangzhou
Administrative Judgment
(2011) Sui Intermediate Judicial Administrative Final No. 570

Appellant (the plaintiff in the original trial ): Zhang Guanghong, residing in Guangzhou.

Entrusted Counsel: Zhang Peng, Beijing Zhongyingkai Law Firm.

Entrusted Counsel: Ge Yongxi, Guangdong Anguo Law Firm.

Appellee (the defendant in the original trial): The Yuexiu precinct of the Public Security Bureau of Guangzhou. Location: Guangzhou.

Legal representative: Cai Wei, Position: Director.

Entrusted Counsel: Hu Jiaqiang and Zhou Peixin are both civilian police officers of the precinct.

In connection with an administrative punishment case, appellant Zhang Guanghong did not accept the People's Court of Yuexiu's (2013) Sui Yue Judicial Administrative First Instance No. 368 administrative judgment, and raised an appeal with this Court. This Courtformed a collegial panel in accordance with the law and tried this case. The trial in this case has now concluded.

The case was tried by the original court which found: At about 12:15 am on August 27, 2013, the plaintiff in the original trial Zhang Guanghong was in Room 103, No. 1, Wenhuali, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, and used his laptop to post a microblog on Sina Weibo (screen name: Nianhuaxiaofo223, address: http://weibo.com/lianhuaxiaofo223) with this content: "Teacher Yuan Tengfei was filming the movie 'The Five Heroes of Wolf Tooth Mountain' and went to the local area to learn the truth, and the villagers said: These five people are just a few stragglers traveling bravely along with the militia. After they came to the village, they called for food and drink, and they would beat people at the slightest provocation. Because several of them had guns in their hands, the villagers did not dare to provoke them. Later, someone figured out a way to secretly tell the Japanese their whereabouts. The Japanese came to surround them and put them down. The villagers deliberately led the five men to an escape route that would leave them cornered." After that, the plaintiff in the original trial pasted the content of the microblog into his Tencent Weibo (screen name: Nianhuashiping23_833, address: http://t.qq.com/lianhuaxiaoofo23). As of August 29, 2013, the content of the  Sina Weibo of the plaintiff in the original trial had been forwarded more than 2,000 times with more than 300 comments, while the content of the Tencent Weibo has been forwarded many times with more comments.

At about 8:00 pm on August 29, 2013, defendant the Yuexiu precinct of the Public Security Bureau of Guangzhou apprehended the plaintiff in the original trial and seized a laptop computer at the scene. The defendant investigated the aforementioned facts and investigated the verified Sina Weibo "YuanTengfeiV" (URL: http://weibo.com/yuantengfei). No relevant remarks involving the "The Five Heroes of Wolf Tooth Mountain" were found, so it was determined that the plaintiff in the original trial was spreading rumors about the "The Five Heroes of Wolf Tooth Mountain," and that fictitious facts were disrupting public order, and informed the plaintiff in the original trial of the facts, reasons, and basis of the punishment decision that would be made, as well as his right to make a statement and defense.

On the 30th of the same month, on the basis of the provisions of Articles 25(1) and 11(1) of the "Public Security Administrative Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China," the defendant decided to impose a punishment of seven days administrative detention on the plaintiff in the original trial and confiscate the laptop computer used in this case. The plaintiff in the original trial did not accept the aforementioned punishment decision, and applied to the Public Security Bureau of Guangzhou for administrative reconsideration. That bureau issued the Sui Public Reconsideration Decision (2013) No. 154 "Administrative Reconsideration Decision" on October 30, 2013, and decided to sustain the aforementioned penalty decision made by the defendant.

The plaintiff in the original trial again did not accept this, and thereupon filed the lawsuit in this case.

The court in the original trial held that Article 25 of the "Public Security Administrative Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China" provides: "A person who commits one of the following acts shall be detained for not less than 5 days but not more than 10 days and may, in addition, be fined not more than 500 yuan; and if the circumstances are relatively minor, he shall be detained for not more than 5 days or be fined not more than 500 yuan: (1) intentionally disturbing public order by spreading rumors, making false reports of dangerous situations and epidemic situations or raising false alarms or by other means . . . " And Article 11(1) provides: "Contraband seized in dealing with cases of public security such as drugs and pornographic objects, gambling devices, money for gambling, devices used for ingesting or injecting drugs, and the instruments owned and directly used by the persons in their acts against the administration of public security shall be taken over, and shall be disposed of according to relevant regulations." In this case the plaintiff in the original trial submitted that the microblog about "The Five Heroes of Wolf Tooth Mountain" originated from "Teacher Yuan Tengfei," the content had been spreading for many years, and did not originate with the plaintiff in the original trial. Even if the fictitious content was not made up by plaintiff in the original trial, the defendant's investigation of the verified Sina Weibo "YuanTengfeiV" found no relevant remarks involving The Five Heroes of Wolf Tooth Mountain. Therefore, the defendant determined that the plaintiff in the original trial made up fictitious facts on Weibo, and the facts were clear and the evidence was copious that he had produced and spread rumors. The aforementioned illegal actions of the plaintiff in the original trial caused adverse effects on the Internet and disrupted public order. Therefore, the defendant's punishment decision made after the illegal facts of the plaintiff in the original trial were uncovered was found to comply with the aforementioned provisions. The plaintiff in the original trial has insufficient basis to request that the penalty decision be revoked, his computer be returned, and he receive compensation, and his requests should not be granted.

In summary, in accordance with the provisions of Article 56(4) of the "Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Implementation of the 'Administrative Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China'" and Article 33 of the "Supreme People's Court Provisions on Several Issues Concerning Trials of Administrative Compensation Cases" the judgment of the court in the original trial was as follows: 1. The claims of the plaintiff in the original trial Zhang Guanghong were rejected; 2. The request for compensation of the plaintiff in the original trial Zhang Guanghong was rejected.

Appellant Zhang Guanghong did not accept this judgment in the original trial and appealed to this court as follows:
1. The trial of first instance ignored the facts of the case and hastily dismissed the appellant’s petition, and a correction is in order.

(i)  In this case, the appellant was sentenced to seven days administrative detention on the grounds that the appellant spread rumors that violated historical facts. The court of first instance should find out what the historical facts involved in the case are, and if the facts underlying the history involved in this case cannot be determined, it is impossible to determine whether the content of the microblog posted by the appellant is a rumor. Since it cannot be judged whether the content of the microblog posted by the appellant is a rumor, the punishment decision imposed on the appellant is incorrect.

(ii) The appellant’s actions on Weibo did not cause any socially harmful consequences. The appellee believed that the appellant’s microblog disturbed public order, but in fact there was no evidence to prove that social order was disrupted by the appellant’s actions on Weibo, or by the appellee’s microblog being reposted more than 2,000 times and commented on more than 300 times. As for the determination that the appellant’s actions vilified the shining image of revolutionary martyrs, the appellant believed that the number of times the microblog was reposted and commented on was not an actual socially harmful consequence. If the social public order is disturbed, it will definitely show specific harmful consequences, such as causing casualties, forced landings, road blockages, and soaring prices, but the appellee did not produce any evidence to prove it. If social public order is disrupted, it will definitely manifest in specific harmful consequences, such as causing casualties, forced landings for airplanes, road blockages, and soaring prices, but appellee did not provide any evidence to prove this.

(iii) The content of the microblog at issue in this case was not the appellant’s original content, but was what the appellant saw on a microblog called "Teacher Yuan Tengfei." This microblog was a Netease Weibo. The appellee took no steps whatsover to examine the "Teacher Yuan Tengfei" microblog and instead went and examined a microblog called "Yuan Tengfei V." With respect to this, the appellant's entrust counsel repeatedly emphasized in the trial of first instance that "Teacher Yuan Tengfei" microblog and the "Yuan Tengfei V" microblog are two fundamentally different microblogs.

(iv) In posting the microblog the appellant did not deliberately disturb public order. When the appellant was questioned by the appellee, he made it very clear that he posted the microblog because he believed that the content of the microblog might be true, and had not desire to disturb the social order.

(v) The administrative punishment decision made by the appellee has the following problems: the case acceptance procedure, the summoning procedure, the inspection procedure, and the seizure procedure were illegal, the time for interrogation and verification exceeded the time limit, the appellantwas not informed of his rights and obligations at the time of the summons or before the interrogation, the police handling the case did not sign the inquiry transcript.

(vi) The appellee seized the plaintiff’s laptop computer without any factual basis. Even if the appellant’s microblog posting was a violation of public security administration, when the appellee seized one of his laptop computers, it should also have checked whether the seized silver-white 14-inch Shenzhou laptop with the model EUS5 was the computer directly used to post the "Five Heroes of Wolf Tooth Mountain" microblog, and should have ascertained whether the computer was directly owned by Zhang Guanghong himself. The appellee did not do any of this.

2. The appellee applied the law incorrectly. The legal basis cited by the appellee and the court of first instance in this case was the provisions of Article 25(1) of the "Public Security Administration Punishments Law of the People’s Republic of China." However, according to that article, "A person who commits one of the following acts shall be detained for not less than 5 days but not more than 10 days and may, in addition, be fined not more than 500 yuan; and if the circumstances are relatively minor, he shall be detained for not more than 5 days or be fined not more than 500 yuan: (1) intentionally disturbing public order by spreading rumors, making false reports of dangerous situations and epidemic situations or raising false alarms or by other means." The appellant believes that the following conditions must be met to apply the first clause of that law: (i) There must be evidence to prove that the punished person fabricated and spread rumors; (ii) The content of the rumors must be terrorist information that is capable of causing the public to panic as well as cause disruption in the social order; and (iii) The publisher of the rumors intended to disturb public order. In this case, these three conditions were not met. Obviously, the appellee's application of the law in the trial of first instance was entirely incorrect.

In summary, the judgment in the trial of first-instance was rendered without ascertaining the facts of the case and applying the law incorrectly. Therefore, the appeal requests: 1. Revoke the (2013) Sui Yue Judicial Criminal First No. 368 Administrative Judgment, and amend the judgment in accordance with the law to sustain the entiriety of the appellant's petition filed in the trial of first instance; 2. The litigation costs of the first and second instance trials of this case be borne by the defendant.

Appellee the Yuexiu precinct of the Public Security Bureau of Guangzhou argues:

1. The facts of the appellee's administrative punishment decision on the appellant are clear and the evidence is conclusive. At 12:15 am on August 27, 2013, Appellant Zhang Guanghong was in Room 103, No. 1, Wenhuali, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, using his laptop computer to access Sina Weibo. He spread rumors about "The Five Heroes of Wolf Tooth Mountain" on the Internet, intentionally disrupted public order, and afterwards was taken into custody. The aforementioned facts were confirmed by relevant evidentiary materials such as the offender's statement and defenses, physical evidence, and inspection transcripts.

2. The punishment decision procedure made by the appellee was legal, the law was applied correctly, and the punishment was appropriate. Based on the aforementioned facts and evidence, the appellee believes that the deeds of the "Five Heroes of Wolf Tooth Mountain" are well-known historical facts. Appellant Zhang Guanghong nevertheless used his own Sina Weibo to spread rumors and posts about the "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain" and twisted the  image of those revolutionary martyrs. The rumors were reposted more than 2,500 times, and commented on more than 300 times, which caused a bad influence on the Internet and disrupted public order. Appellant Zhang Guanghong's actions violated Article 25 of the "Public Security Administrative Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China," constitute acts of spreading rumors that disturbed public order, and should be punished in accordance with the law.

Prior to rendering the administrative punishment decision, the appellee had notified appellant Zhang Guanghong of the facts, reasons, and basis for the administrative penalty decision, and informed him of his legal rights. On August 30, 2013, the appellee rendered the Sui Public Yue Administrative Punishment Decision (2013) No. 03759 "Administrative Punishment Decision" in accordance with Articles 25(1) and 11(1) of the "Public Security Administrative Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China" deciding to subject appellant Zhang Guanghong to seven days administrative detention and to confiscate a laptop computer used as a tool in commission of the offense. In summary, the Sui Public Yue Administrative Punishment Decision (2013) No. 03759 "Administrative Punishment Decision" rendered by the appellee was based clear facts, conclusive evidence, legal procedures, appropriate punishments, and correct application of laws. The facts determined in the judgment of the trial of first instance were clear, the procedures were legal, and the application of the law was correct. It is requested the court reject the appellant’s claims in accordance with the law.

It was ascertained at trial that, the facts determined in by the court in the original trial were clear and were substantiated by corresponding evidence, and are affirmed by this Court. Upon further examination, the appellant submitted two new items of evidence in the trial of second instance hearing proceedings:

1. A report from Caijing Net, to prove that even the appellee's claims about the Five Heroes of Wolf Tooth Mountain in elementary school textbooks are not consistent with the facts; and

2. The appellant's searches for comments about the Five Heroes of Wolf Tooth Mountain on Sina Weibo.

The appellee issued a cross-examination opinion in court, stating that according to the Supreme People’s Court's  "Regulations on Several Issues of Evidence in Administrative Litigation," the aforementioned evidence was not new evidence and should not be accepted, and the aforementioned  evidence could not be seen clearly, and could not be cross-examined by the appellee.

This Court finds that Article 25 of the "Public Security Administrative Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China" provides: "A person who commits one of the following acts shall be detained for not less than 5 days but not more than 10 days and may, in addition, be fined not more than 500 yuan; and if the circumstances are relatively minor, he shall be detained for not more than 5 days or be fined not more than 500 yuan: (1) intentionally disturbing public order by spreading rumors, making false reports of dangerous situations and epidemic situations or raising false alarms or by other means." Article 11(1) provides: "Contraband seized in dealing with cases of public security such as drugs and pornographic objects, gambling devices, money for gambling, devices used for ingesting or injecting drugs, and the instruments owned and directly used by the persons in their acts against the administration of public security shall be taken over, and shall be disposed of according to relevant regulations."

In this case, at 12:15 am on August 27, 2013, the appellant was in Room 103, No. 1, Wenhuali, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, and used his laptop computer to post a microblog on Sina Weibo (screen name: Nianhuaxiaofo223, address: http://weibo.com/lianhuaxiaofo223) to post a microblog about "The Five Heroes of Wolf Tooth Mountain." After that, he  pasted the content of the microblog into his Tencent Weibo (screen name: Nianhuashiping23_833, address: http://t.qq.com/lianhuaxiaoofo23). As of August 29, 2013, the content of the  Sina Weibo of the plaintiff in the original trial had been forwarded more than 2,000 times with more than 300 comments, while the content of the Tencent Weibo has been forwarded many times with more comments.

The appellee believes the appellant used the Internet to post a made up story about "The Five Heroes of Wolf Tooth Mountain," twisted the image of revolutionary martyrs, causing adverse effects online, and this constitutes an act of spreading rumors and disturbing public order, and should be punished for his involvement in the case in accordance with the aforementioned provisions. In addition, in accordance with the law before rendering the administrative punishment decision, the appellant notified appellant Zhang Guanghong of the facts, reasons, and basis for the administrative punishment decision, and informed him of his legal rights in accordance with the law. Therefore, the court in the original trial was justified in finding insufficient basis to grant the appellant's request to revoke the administrative punishment, return the computer and provide compensation, and this is sustained by this Court.

Regarding the issue of the appellant’s claim that the seizure of his laptop computer was without factual basis, an investigation found that the appellant had stated in the questioning transcript that he used his own laptop computer to go online and post the microblog in question and that he was the only person to use that laptop computer in his home. This Court does not sustain the appellant’s afformentioned claims. Regarding the appellant’s opinion that the appellee violated relevant regulations in the process of receiving the case, summons, inspection, seizure, inquiry and verification, etc., an investigation found that the appellee had submitted relevant evidence to prove the legality of the administrative punishment involved in the case, whereas the appellant did not provide sufficient evidence to substantiate his claim, and this Court does not accept it.

As regards the two new pieces of evidence submitted by the appellant in the trial of second instance, Article 7 of the "Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning Evidence in Administrative Litigation" provides: "A plaintiff or a third party shall provide evidence before the hearing or on the day of the exchange of evidence designated by the People's Court. Those who apply for an extension for providing evidence due to legitimate reasons may be granted permission by the People’s Court in court investigations. If evidence is provided after the deadline, the right to submit evidence is deemed to have been waieved. Where a plaintiff or the third party in the first trial proceedings submits evidence in the second trial proceedings which was not submitted in the first trial without legitimate reason, the People's Court will not admit it." An investigation found that the appellant in the trial of second instance submitted new evidence. That evidence existed prio to the proceeding in the trial of first instance, and the appellant did not submit the aforementioned evidence udring the trial of first instance and did not have any justification. Therefore, the two pieces of aforementioned evidence are not deemed to be new evidence, and in accordance with the law this this Court does not accept them.

In summary, the facts found in the original judgment were clear, the law was applied correctly, the procedures were legal, and are sustained by this Court. The appellant’s reasons for appeal are not established and are rejected by this Court. In accordance with the provisions of Article 89(1) of the "Administrative Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China," and after discussion and decision by the adjudicative committee of this Court, the judgment is as follows:

The appeal is rejected, and the judgment in the original trial is sustained.

The trial of second instance case acceptance fee is 50 yuan, which shall be borne by appellant Zhang Guanghong.

This judgment shall be the final judgment.

Chief Adjudicator: Zhu Lin
Adjudicator: Xiao Xiaoli
Acting Adjudicator   Yao Wei

May 20, 2015

Clerk    Zhou Wenjing 


行 政 判 决 书



















审 判 长  朱 琳
审 判 员  肖晓丽
代理审判员  姚 伟
书 记 员  周文静

Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

 On July 7, the " @FreeXueBing " Twitter account posted a link to the court judgment in the inciting subversion case of Huang Xueq...