Friday, August 6, 2021

Translation: Xu Zhiyong's 2021 Indictment for Subversion of State Power

People's Procuratorate of Linyi, Shandong


Linyi First Criminal Prosecution (2021) No. Z43

Defendant Xu Zhiyong (who previously used the name Xu Zhiyong), male, born on [OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL] 1973, citizen ID number [OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL], Han ethnicity, graduate student education, lecturer at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, currently unemployed, household registration [OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL] ], residing in [OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL], Changping District, Beijing. On January 26, 2014 he was sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of four years by the First Intermediate People’s Court of Beijing for gathering crowds to disrupt public venue order. He was released after completion of his sentence on July 15, 2017. On February 15, 2020, he was taken into criminal detention by the Public Security Bureau of Haidian, Beijing on suspicion of committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and transferred to residential confinement at a designated location the following day. On May 7, 2020, in accordance with the law the Public Security Bureau of Haidian, Beijing transferred this case to the Public Security Bureau of Yantai, Shandong. On the same day, he was placed under residential surveillance at a designated residence by the Public Security Bureau of Yantai. On June 19, 2020, his arrest was approved by this Court, and the arrest was carried out by the Public Security Bureau of Linyi on the same day.

On January 19, 2021 the investigation was closed by the Public Security Bureau of Linyi, defendant Xu Zhiyong was suspected of subverting state power, and the case was transferred to this Court for prosecution. After this Court docketed the case on January 21, 2021, it informed the defendant of his right to entrust defense counsel and the legal provisions relevant to pleading guilty and accepting punishment, and in accordance with the law interrogated the defendant, heard the opinions of defense counsel, and reviewed all case materials. This Court returned the case to the investigating agency for supplementary investigation on March 6 and May 21, 2021 respectively. The investigating agency completed its supplementary investigation on April 6 and June 21, 2021, respectively, and transferred the case for prosecution. This Court has extended the pre-prosecution examination period by 15 days on February 19, May 6, and July 21, 2021 respectively.

Upon review in accordance with the law it was found that:

From 2012 to 2013, out of dissatisfaction with our country's socialist system and the ruling status of the Communist Party of China, defendant Xu Zhiyong, together with Ding Jiaxi (handled in another case) and others, established and developed the "New Citizens Movement" illegal organization and engaged in criminal activities. In 2017, after Xu Zhiyong was released following the completion of his sentence for gathering crowds to disrupt public venue order he did, with the purpose of overthrowing our country's current political system, collaborate with Ding Jiaxi to recruit Wang Jiangsong, Zhang Zhongshun, Dai Zhenya, Chang Weiping (each handled separately) as key members to establish the "Citizens Movement" illegal organization with Xu Zhiyong and Ding Jiaxi as organizers and leaders, write and spread a large number of inciting articles, shoot illegal videos called "Politicians," carry out "non-violent" color revolution training, build and operate the "Chinese Citizens Movement Network" and Xu Zhiyong's personal blog and other websites, repeatedly hold secret meetings of the "Citizens Movement" illegal organization in Yantai and Xiamen, and organize, plan, and carry out criminal activities of subversion of state power and the overthrow the socialist order, which severely jeopardized national security and social stability. The specific facts are as follows:

1. From 2012 to 2013, defendant Xu Zhiyong, together with Ding Jiaxi and others, organized "citizen dinner" and "cocktail party" activities in Beijing, Xuzhou, Wuhan and other cities through communication software to develop members of the "New Citizens Movement" illegal organization.

In 2017, after defendant Xu Zhiyong was released from prison, he and Ding Jiaxi continued to collude with Wang Jiangsong, Liu Jiacai and members of the "New Citizens Movement" illegal organization, and went to Yantai, Xiamen and other cities to join forces with Zhang Zhongshun, Dai Zhenya and others, rename the "New Citizens Movement" to the "Citizens Movement," establish the "Citizens Movement" illegal organization, and organize, plan, and implement a series of criminal activities to subvert state power.

2. Since 2012, defendant Xu Zhiyong wrote and spread a large number of inciting articles such as "The People's Country," "Citizen Initiative: Campaign for 2021," "Non-Violence," and "Glorious China," which attacked and denigrated our country's political system, advocated ideology that subverted state power ideas, engaged in demagoguing, incited others to oppose the socialist system, proposed the establishment of "political opposition" and the achievement of a so-called "constitutional transformation," and other political goals.

In 2017, after defendant Xu Zhiyong was released from prison, he jointly operated the website "China Citizens Movement Network" with Ding Jiaxi and foreign organization member Hua Ze, added new columns to the website, appointed website reporters and editors, and raised website operating funds. The website spread a large number of inciting articles written by Xu Zhiyong that advocated an ideology that subverted state power.

In September 2019, defendant Xu Zhiyong instructed his girlfriend Li Qiaochu (handled in a separate case) to set up Xu Zhiyong's personal blog, and arranged for Li Qiaochu to spread on the blog a large number of inciting articles written by Xu Zhiyong that advocated an ideology that subverted state power.

3. In 2018, defendants Xu Zhiyong and Ding Jiaxi established a Telegram group for the "Citizens Movement" illegal organization. Ding Jiaxi and foreign organization member Wu Ming successively served as group leaders for the illegal organization platform for subversive activities. Wang Jiangsong, Zhang Zhongshun, Dai Zhenya, Hua Ze and more than 20 key members used the group to communicate and conduct exchanges. Xu Zhiyong and Ding Jiaxi also organized key members to use Zoom software to hold illegal online meetings and trainings, and plan activities to subvert state power.

From 2018 to 2019, defendants Xu Zhiyong and Ding Jiaxi instigated Hua Ze to use Zoom software to regularly conduct "non-violent" color revolution training for members of the "Citizens Movement" illegal organization, allowing members of the organization to master the methods of "non-violent" color revolution and subversion of state power.

4. From March to May 2019, defendant Xu Zhiyong, together with Chen Yong (alias Chen Jiaping, handled in a separate case) and others, filmed the illegal video "Politician." Xu Zhiyong used his prison experience, "education equality" and other topics to attack our country's judicial, education, petitioning and other systems, denigrate our country's political system, and advocate ideologies that subverted state power.

5. From September 22 to 23, 2018, defendant Xu Zhiyong, together with Ding Jiaxi, organized 13 people including Zhang Zhongshun, Chang Ping, Wang Jiangsong, and Wu Ming to hold a secret meeting at Zhang Zhongshun’s villa at the Yinhe Yihai Tianyuewan Community, High-tech Zone, Yantai, Shandong to organize and plan activities to  subvert state power activities, summarize the experience and lessons of the subversive activities of the previous "New Citizens Movement" and "Citizens Movement," analyze the current problems faced by the "Citizens Movement," require  organization members to penetrate into grassroots communities and adopt "non-violent" color revolutions in order to subvert state power.

6. From December 7 to 8, 2019, defendant Xu Zhiyong, together with Ding Jiaxi, organized 20 people including Zhang Zhongshun, Dai Zhenya, Wang Jiangsong, to hold a secret meeting at the Naisi Home Party Villa, Mohe Xiaoyuan, Jimei District, Xiamen, Fujian. Wu Ming and Liu Shu participated in the meeting online. Xu Zhiyong and Ding Jiaxi summarized the activities of the "Citizen Movement" illegal organization in 2019 and proposed an activity plan for 2020. At the meeting, they planned for organizational development, confrontation with the government, fund raising, social transformation and other issues, and clearly defined ways and methods to subvert state power. The goal was to penetrate communities, control grassroots political power through "non-violent" color revolutions, develop so-called "civil society" and a "national citizen community," and ultimately subvert state power.

The evidence determining the aforementioned facts is as follows:

1. Physical evidence: laptops and USB flash drives;

2. Documentary evidence: articles such as "The People's Country," "Citizen Initiative: Campaign for 2021," "Non-Violence," "Glorious China," the case registration form, and the criminal judgment form;

3. Witness testimony: testimony of witness Wang Jiangsong, Zhang Zhongshun and others;

4. Defense statements and justifications: the defense statements and justifications of defendant Xu Zhiyong;

5. Forensic opinion: a judicial forensic opinion report;

6. Crime scene investigation and inspection and identification transcripts: remote crime scene investigation records, investigation records, and identification records;

7. Audio-visual materials: surveillance videos.

This office finds that defendant Xu Zhiyong organized, planned, and carried out subversion of state power and the overthrow of the socialist order, and his actions were the commission of an offense under Article 105(1) of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China." It is stipulated that if the criminal facts are clear and the evidence is reliable and copious, he should bear criminal liability for the crime of subversion of state power. Defendant Xu Zhiyong is a recidivist and should be punished pursuant to the provisions of Article 65(1) of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China.” In accordance with the provisions of Article 176 of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China," a public prosecution has been filed, and it is requested that sentence be passed in accordance with the law.

Respectfully Submitted

Intermediate People's Court of Linyi, Shandong

Prosecutors Tan Changzhi
Li Tao
Huang Zheng

August 5, 2021

Assistant Prosecuting Officer Li Mengli




被告人许志永(曾用名许志勇),男,1973年[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]出生,公民身份号码[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL],汉族,研究生文化,北京邮电大学讲师,现无业,户籍地[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL],住北京市昌平区[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]。因犯聚众扰乱公共场所秩序罪,于2014年1月26日被北京市第一中级人民法院判处有期徒刑四年,2017年7月15日刑满释放。因涉嫌煽动颠覆国家政权罪,于2020年2月15日被北京市公安局海淀分局刑事拘留,次日变更为指定居所监视居住,2020年5月7日因本案由北京市公安局海淀分局依法移送山东省烟台市公安局办理,同日被烟台市公安局指定居所监视居住,2020年6月19日经本院批准逮捕,同日由临沂市公安局执行逮捕。



















检察官 谭长志


检察官助 理孟丽

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