Sunday, January 26, 2014

Translation: Xu Zhiyong Court Judgment - 2014

Translator's Summary: The court found Xu guilty of gathering crowds to create a disturbance in a public venue on the grounds that he "exploited hot-button social issues of public concern" to repeatedly organize large gatherings in public venues. The "issues" included, inter alia, government policies that made it difficult for children of parents without a Beijing household registration to sit for entrance examinations for high school and college.


First Intermediate People's Court of Beijing

Criminal Judgment

(2013) 1st Intermediate Criminal First Instance No. 5268

The public prosecution agency was the People's Procuratorate of Beijing Branch No. 1.

Defendant Xu Zhiyong, male, born [INTENTIONALLY DELETED], 1973. He was taken into criminal detention on July 16, 2013 on suspicion of committing the crime of gathering crowds to create a disturbance in a public venue, and he was arrested on August 22 of the same year. He is currently being held in detention at the Beijing No. 3 detention center.

Defense counsel Zhang Qingfang, is a lawyer at the Beijing Handing Lianhe Law Firm.

Defense counsel Yang Jinzhu is a lawyer at the Hunan Yuelin Law Firm.

In the Jing No. 1 Procuratorate Criminal Indictment (2013) No. 306 indictment the People's Procuratorate of Beijing Branch No. 1  charged defendant Xu Zhiyong with committing the crime of gathering crowds to create a disturbance in a public venue, and on December 13, 2013 filed a public prosecution with this Court. In line with the High People's Court of Beijing's (2013) High Criminal Designation No. 101 designation decision, on December 13, 2013 this Court opened and docketed the case, and formed a collegial panel in accordance with the law. On the same day a copy of the indictment was served to defendant Xu Zhiyong, and he was informed of the names of the members of the collegial panel and the clerk, as well as the procedural right enjoyed by defendants in accordance with the law.

In accordance with Xu Zhiyong's instructions, his defense counsels submitted their defense counsel appointment documents to this Court and reviewed and copied all of the case file materials.

On January 17, 2014 the collegial panel convene a pre-hearing conference between the prosecution and the defense in this case to hear opinions on procedural issues such as the jurisdiction of the case, recusal, appearance of witnesses, and the exclusion of illegal evidence, and organize the prosecution and defense to disclose the evidence to be presented in court. The defense counsels did not apply for recusal or illegal evidence exclusion in the pretrial conference, but raised an objection to the jurisdiction and to this case being tried separately from other cases, and applied for witnesses to testify in court. The public prosecutor also expressed their opinions on the objections and applications raised by the defense counsel. The prosecutor also expressed his opinions on the objections and applications raised by the defense counsel. After hearing the opinions of the prosecution and the defense, the collegial panel responded to the objections raised by the defense counsel in accordance with the law.

After defendant Xu Zhiyong received a copy of the indictment he submitted written opinions to this court on the issues of jurisdiction and witnesses appearing in court. After the collegial panel arranged for Xu Zhiyong to review the evidence proffered by the public prosecution agency, it also responded to his application in accordance with the law.

After the pre-trial conference, the collegial panel delivered a hearing summons and court notice to Xu Zhiyong and his defense counsels, respectively.

On January 20, 2014, the collegial panel again convened the prosecution and the defense to discuss the specific witness list. The defense counsels stated that it would no longer apply for witnesses to testify in court, and would not submit new evidence to the court. The prosecutors also stated that they would not apply for witnesses to appear in court.

On January 22, 2014, this Court conducted hearing in this case in open court in accordance with the law. People's Procuratorate of Beijing Branch No. 1  assigned Acting Procurators Wang Bin, Sun Ao, and Li Nan to appear in court in support of the public prosecution. Defendant Xu Zhiyong and his defense counsels Zhang Qingfang and Yang Jinzhu appeared in court to participate in the proceedings. The trial has now concluded.

The People's Procuratorate of Beijing Branch No. 1 charged:

On several occasions between July 2012 and March 2013, defendant Xu Zhiyong individually or with others exploited hot-button social issues of public concern and organized, plotted, and incited many people to gather crowds to create a disturbance in public venues including in front of the Ministry of Education, in front of the Beijing Education Commission, at the south gate of Chaoyang Park, in the Zhongguancun District,  at Xidan Culture Square. After committing these offenses defendant Xu Zhiyong was taken into custody by the public security agency to face justice.

The People's Procuratorate of Beijing Branch No. 1 transferred physical and documentary evidence to this Court including witness testimony, forensic opinions, crime scene investigation records, audio-visual materials, electronic data, and defendant's statements justifications. It believes that on several occasions defendant Xu Zhiyong acted to organized and plot to gather crowds to create a disturbance in a public venue, and resisted and obstructed public security officials in the performance of their duties in accordance with the law, that the circumstances were severe, that he was a primary instigator, and his actions constitute the commission of an offense under the provisions of Article 291 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," that he should be subjected to criminal liability for gathering crowds to create a disturbance in a public venue, and it requests this Court impose punishment in accordance with the law.

During hearings in court defendant Xu Zhiyong raised an objection to jurisdiction, but he expressed no opinions regarding the facts or offense charged in the indictment. The collegial panel repeatedly informed Xu Zhiyong that in accordance with the law he had the right to offer a defense in the court investigation and debate stages, and that he could express opinions on the facts and evidence of the case. Xu Zhiyong neither expressed any opinions regarding the facts and evidence in the case, nor did he offer any justifications. During the final presentation stage of the trial, Xu Zhiyong stated the motivation of his actions and pointed out that the emotional agitation of individual participants was caused by other factors.

During pre-trial conferences defendant Xu Zhiyong's defense counsel raised an objection to jurisdiction and how this case was being tried separately from other cases. The collegial panel repeatedly reminded defense counsel in accordance with the law during the court investigation and debate stages that it was responsible for making a defense. According to the facts and the law, the defendant should submit materials and opinions that the defendant is either not guilty or is guilty of a lesser offense, and protect the defendant's procedural and other legal rights and interests. Xu Zhiyong's defense counsels did not question Xu Zhiyong during the court investigation stage or issue an evidence examination opinion, and did not issue a defense opinion during the court debate stage.

It was ascertained at trial that:

I. Defendant Xu Zhiyong exploited hot-button social issues of public concern and on July 5, 2012 organized and incited over 100 individuals to gather in front of the Ministry of Education. The aforementioned individuals erected banners at the scene and shouted and refused to comply with the orders and instructions of the police, causing a severe disruption in order in the area surrounding the Ministry of Education.

The aforementioned facts are substantiated by the following evidence confirmed by this Court through evidence produced and examined during hearings:

1. The Public Security Bureau of Beijing's Cultural Security Detachment's July 4, 2012 "Record of Questioning" of Xu Zhiyong proved: Xu Zhiyong admitted that previously on the evening of July 3, 2012 and at 2:00 pm on July 4, 2012 he posted the following information on Netease Weibo and Tencent Weibo, respectively: "Petitioning at 9:30 am on July 5 at the Ministry of Education, Observers Welcome," in the hope that more people would come to the Ministry of Education on July 5 to observe. On the evening of July 3, when Xu Zhiyong and a couple of dozen parents of migrant children had assembled, some parents proposed petitioning the government for redress on July 5. At that time he suggested that they wanted more petitioners to take part in petitioning the government for redress in order to draw more high level attention from the government. He expressed approval of raising banners, sitting peacefully, and strolling.

2. The "Work Explanation" produced by the public security agency proved: On November 1, 2011, the Public Security Bureau of Beijing opened an investigation into Xu Zhiyong. On July 4, 2012 in the course of their work they discovered the Weibo Xu Zhiyong posted on Tencent Weibo saying that on July 5 parents without a Beijing household registration would go to the Ministry of Education to petition the government for redress. In order to confirm the situation on July 4, 2012 the Public Security Bureau of Beijing's Cultural Security Detachment had a conversation with Xu Zhiyong and created a record of the questioning.

3. The testimony of Meng X proved: Xu Zhiyong organized parents of students without a Beijing household registration to go to the gate of the Ministry of Education at the end of each month to petition and hand out materials. At a meeting on July 3, 2012, Xu Zhiyong mainly discussed the question of how to motivate parents of students to participate in the July 5 activity. Xu Zhiyong proposed that the parents who participated in the activity that day should first gather in the courtyard of the Petitioning Office of the Ministry of Education, and afterwards walk to, and stand in front of, the Ministry of Education's gate, and that if only more people went, then it would necessarily lead to attention being paid. The scene on July 5 was somewhat disorderly, and there was a dispute between him and the police when the police were enforcing the law.

4. The testimony of Sun X proved: At a meeting before the July 5, 2012 activity Xu Zhiyong let the parents mobilize more people, and said that the effectiveness of 100 people going is not the same as that of 1,000 people going, and it was necessary to gather more people. On July 5, 2012 hundred of students parents assembled at the Ministry of Education's Petitioning Office, and subsequently walked from the Petitioning Office to the front gate of the Ministry of Education. During this time some of the students' parents erected banners and shouted slogans, and they were subsequently stopped by the police.

5. The testimony of Shao X proved: At 9:00 on July 5, 2012 he and over 100 parents went to the Ministry of Education's Petitioning Office to press their issues. After the petitioning concluded at noon, the parents were stopped by the police as they were passing through the Ministry of Education's North Gate. At around 1:00 around 50 parents stood at the east side of the Ministry of Education's North Gate, with some parents displaying banners and shouting slogans.

6. The testimony of Sun X 1 proved: Since 2011, some people would often assemble at the Ministry of Education's gate to raise banners. Each time those people came he would assign some security guards to keep the situation under control. On July 5, 2012 over 2,000 raised banners and shouted slogans at the Ministry of Education's gate. The security company transferred over 100 people, and police from the Xicheng District Precinct also came. He spent the entire day at the North Gate dealing with the situation.

7. The testimony of Sun X 2 proved: At 9:00 on July 5, 2012 he was on duty at the Ministry of Education's North Gate, and at that time some individuals slowly assembled at the North Gate to petition the government for redress. Around 1:00 in the afternoon security guards and police commanded the individuals petitioning the government for redress to desist from assembling at the Ministry of Education's front gate and disrupting the normal order in front of the Ministry of Education's gate. But the individuals petitioning the government for redress did not comply with their command to desist, and some people raised banners and some people stood at the entrance cursing. This drew the attention of pedestrians passing by. Afterwards the  police confiscated the banners and took two of the people who were causing trouble to the police precinct processing.

8. The testimony of Wang X 1 and Hou X was basically consistent with the content of the testimony of witness Sun X 2.

9. The testimony of witnesses Fei X and Cheng X proved: At around 8:00 on July 5, 2012 the  police went on duty at the Ministry of Education's North Gate. At around 9:00 over 100 parents began arriving at the Ministry of Education's Petitioning Office, and they did not depart until noon. At around 1:00 pm over 50 parents petitioning the government for redress assembled at the east side of the Ministry of Education's North Gate, with some people raising banners and shouting slogans. When the police moved in to stop them many of the individuals petitioning the government for redress did not comply with their commands to desist, and obstructed law enforcement. One of them used a cell phone to take photos and yelled curses at the police. Afterwards another person took the initiative to cause trouble, and the police took two people back to the police precinct.

10. The "Evidence Collection Notice" and "Work Explanation" produced by the public security agency proved: The relevant contents of Xu Zhiyong's Tencent Weibo all originated from the evidentiary optical disc the public security agency collected from Shenzhen Tencent's headquarters. In order to fix the evidence in a medium, the public security agency transferred the contents to a paper version and handed it over to Xu Zhiyong for verification and signature during the interrogation.

11. Data from Xu Zhiyong's Tencent Weibo proved: On July 3 and 4, 2012, Xu Zhiyong posted on his Tencent Weibo account XXX a weibo with the content about new Beijingers coming to the Ministry of Education at 9:30 am on July 5 to petition, observers welcome.

12. The "Work Explanation" and videos of the case developing at the scene produced by the public security agency proved: The videos of the case developing at the scene collected by the Erlong Road public security agency police precinct showed a disorderly situation at the scene, with people at the scene resisting and obstructing law enforcement.

13. The "Crime Scene Investigation Record" illustrations and images from the scene produced by the public security agency proved: The situation in and around the vicinity of the location of the case at the Ministry of Education's North Gate at No. 37, Damucang Hutong, Xicheng District.

14. The Reply (2014) No. 56 "Beijing Planning Commission Letter Regarding the Relevant Planning Status for Land Occupied by the Ministry of Education and Other Agencies" issued by the Beijing Planning Commission proved: Picai Hutong (municipal government road) is laid out outside of the Ministry of Education's north gate and is classified as municipal public land.

II. Defendant Xu Zhiyong exploited hot-button social issues of public concern and, together with Wang X 2, Ding X (all being handled in a separate case) and others organized, plotted, and incited nearly 100 people to go and assemble in front of the Beijing Education Commission's gate for an extended period of time on February 28, 2013, and to not obey police commands and disperse, causing a severe disruption in order in the area surrounding the Beijing Education Commission's gate.

The aforementioned facts are substantiated by the following evidence confirmed by this Court through evidence produced and examined during hearings:

1. The statement of defendant Xu Zhiyong during the investigation phase: Pamphlets for the "Take a Day Off on 2.28" activity were most likely distributed on February 25, and the purpose was to mobilize everyone to go to the entrance of the Beijing Education Commission on February 28 to petition the government for redress. The business cards were made by someone who was hired by him, and the text content of the pamphlets was drafted and made by the parents. He saw several people take photos, but he didn't know who posted them online. Regarding going to the Beijing Education Commission on February 28 to petition the government for redress, in addition to issuing cards, he also issued appeals on Weibo. He remembered that when discussing with about 20 or 30 parents, he proposed the theme "Take a Day Off on 2.28", and everyone agreed. Although he had created considerable influence through media appeals and online signatures, he believed that the pressure of public opinion from the media and the Internet was insufficient, and that using assembling to petition the government for redress would in fact increase the pressure, and force the Ministry of Education to issue policies. This idea was a double-edged sword, and both he and those actively participating parents took certain risks, and of course there were certain risks to social order.

2. The testimony of witness Wang X 2 proved: In mid-to-late January 2013, he had a meeting with Xu Zhiyong and Ding X at the Dao Dao Coffee Shop on College Road. At the meeting, Xu Zhiyong said that he would mobilize students' parents to take a day off and go to the Beijing Education Commission to petition on February 28th. He said that he would also go there. Students and parents were mobilized on the street to participate. Xu Zhiyong hoped that he could also use Weibo to promote this news, and hoped that more people would know about it and participate in the event. Based on Xu Zhiyong's suggestion, he posted a Weibo on February 2.

3. The testimony of witness of Ding X proved: At noon on January 25, 2013, he and Xu Zhiyong, Sun X 4, Wang X 6, Li X 3, Zhao X, Peng X, and Wang X 2 had a gathering at the Shangdao Coffee shop at the southeast corner of Baofusi Bridge, Peng X and Wang X 2 arrived very late. Later, Xu Zhiyong introduced to Wang X 2 the idea of "Take the Day Off on 2.28." On February 26 or 27, he used his mobile phone (number 1370xxxx609) to send this text to over 100 friends: "On February 28 take a day off and go to the Beijing Education Commission to petition."

4. The testimony of witness Peng X proved: On January 25, 2013, he participated in a small-scale dinner at the Shangdao Coffee Shop near the North Fourth Ring Road in Haidian District. At 1:00 pm Wang X 6, Sun X 4 and others left first. He remembered that at the time those who remained included himself, Xu Zhiyong, Ding X, Wang X 2, and another person whom he cannot clearly recall. Xu Zhiyong to organizing parent of students without a Beijing household registration to take the day off on February 28, and go to petition the Education Commission on a large scale. Xu Zhiyong said that he had already contacted the parents of students in various districts and counties through some of the core parents to take part in the petitioning to the Education Committee on February 28th. Xu Zhiyong everyone who was able to do more posting on Weibo to promote this petitioning of the government for redress. Xu Zhiyong also made a point of telling Wang X 2 said he hoped that Wang X 2 would promote this through Weibo to attract more people's attention, thereby expanding the scale of the petition. Wang X 2 also agreed at the time.

5. The testimony of witness Meng X proved: Prior to February 28, 2013, Xu Zhiyong issued business cards with event content at a subway entrance, and also made pamphlets. The cards were made by Xu Zhiyong himself. In February, she and Xu Zhiyong, Kong X and Du XX participated in a dinner meeting during which Xu Zhiyong once said that a large-scale event would be organized on February 28, and policies would be introduced if more people went.

At a dinner meeting with parents on the evening of February 23 Xu Zhiyong mentioned that he had written a pamphlet so that more people would know about and support this issue. Kong X said at the time that he could be responsible for printing pamphlets, and Xu Zhiyong said that after confirming the content of pamphlet he would ask him to send it to Kong X to print 60,000 copies. Later, Xu Zhiyong sent an electronic version of the pamphlet to his e-mail address and he forwarded it to Kong X. After the pamphlets were printed, Hu X called him about making payment. After telling Lin X, the money was transferred from Lin X's bank.

The "Identification Records" produced by the public security agency and the statement written by Meng X proved: When conducting an identification with a group of 10 different men's frontal headshots, Meng X pointed out No. 4 (Kong X) in this group of photos as the Kong X whom Xu Zhiyong contacted for printing  pamphlets.

The "Identification Records" produced by the public security agency proved: When conducting an identification with a group of 10 different men's frontal headshots, Meng X pointed out No. 10 (Xu Zhiyong) in this group of photos as Xu Zhiyong.

6. The testimony of witness Sun X proved: In mid-February 2013, Xu Zhiyong organized a small gathering with Meng X and Du X X. At the meeting Xu Zhiyong proposed having more people participate in the event, and later scheduled a large-scale event organized on February 28. At a subway entrance Xu Zhiyong handed out business cards with "Event: Take the Day Off on 2.28 and Go to the Ministry of Education to Petition," and he also wrote the pamphlets. On the evening of January 23, 2013, at a gathering of parents Xu Zhiyong proposed writing a pamphlet to let more people know about this issue. He said that he could help with the printing. Xu Zhiyong said that after the pamphlet was written, Meng X would transfer it to Kong X and they would want 60,000 copies of the pamphlet printed. The next day, Meng X sent the electronic version of pamphlets written by Xu Zhiyong to Kong X via email. After receiving the electronic version, she contacted Hu X to produce them and emailed the electronic version of the pamphlet to Hu. He had Hu X and Ouyang X to discuss specific shipping issues. Kong X confirmed that it was this pamphlet (documentary evidence shown by the police), and the content was exactly the same as the electronic version with no discrepancies.

7. The "Work Explanation" produced by the public security agency proved: In the process of questioning witness Kong X, the pamphlet police showed was the one collected at the Lanfang Hebei X X Printing Press which Xu Zhiyong instructed Kong X and others to print.

8. The testimony of witness Hu X proved: At the end of January 2013, Kong X contacted him to make a batch of pamphlets, and sent a sample of the pamphlet through QQ. Later he contacted a printing factory in Langfang, Hebei. The next day, Kong X transferred more than 3,000 yuan to him through a bank transfer. The day after the payment was completed, the printing press delivered 60,000 printed pamphlets, and he used his phone to contact Kong X. Kong X said that he would keep a box to distribute himself, and the remainder would be picked up by Kong X's driver. In the afternoon, Kong X's driver picked up the pamphlets.

The three "Identification Records" produced by the public security agency individually proved: When conducting an identification with a group of 10 different women's frontal headshots, Hu X pointed out No. 3 (Meng X) in this group of photos as a person who participated in a dinner at the Xiaodouhua Restaurant in Daxing District in January 2013; when conducting an identification with a group of 12 different men's frontal headshots, Hu X pointed out No. 8 (Xu Zhiyong) in this group of photos as a person who participated in a dinner at the Xiaodouhua Restaurant in Daxing District in January 2013; when conducting an identification with a group of 12 different men's frontal headshots, Hu X pointed out No. 8 (Kong X) in this group of photos as a person who participated in a dinner at the Xiaodouhua Restaurant in Daxing District in January 2013.

9. The testimony of witness Ouyang X proved: On January 25, 2013, Kong X asked him to contact Hu X to pick up goods. After meeting with Hu X, Hu X moved 25 pieces of goods to his car. After receiving the goods, he called Kong X, and Kong X had him go to the roadside of the Suzhou Bridge Zijin Manor and wait. At about 12:10, he arrived near Zijin Manor, and his vehicle was inspected by police and taken to the police precinct. He was willing to cooperate with the public security agency and actively handed over the goods.

10. The testimony of witness Zhu X proved: On January 23, 2013, a man named Hu X called to print a batch of 60,000 single pages. On January 24, Hu X sent the CTP version to his factory through QQ, and he then placed the order and started printing. The printing was completed on January 25, and the driver contacted by Hu X took the goods away at noon the same day after they were packed.

11. The pamphlets seized by the public security agency proved: The pamphlet contained a call for parents to take the day off on February 28 and go to the Beijing Education Commission to petition.

12. The testimony of witness Guo X proved: At 6:00 pm on a day at the end of February 2013, he was on duty at the Wudaokou Subway Station. During his inspection, he saw a man standing outside the station and issuing business cards to pedestrians. A hard board billboard was standing next to him with white text on a blue background and the title was "Take a day off on 2.28". (The police showed Guo X the picture of Xu Zhiyong displaying a billboard) Guo X confirmed that he was the person.

13.  The testimony of Zhang X 1 was basically consistent with the content of the testimony of witness Guo X.

14. The "Work Explanation" produced by the public security agency proved: The picture of Xu Zhiyong handing out cards at the subway station is from foreign website Boxun News. For details, please refer to the Jing Public (Cybersecurity) Kan (2013) No. 029 "Remote Crime Scene Investigation Work Record." On November 1, 2013, Dongsheng Precinct of the Public Security Bureau of Haidian showed the photo to witnesses Guo X and Zhang X 2.

15. The Jing Public (Cybersecurity) Kan (2013) No. 029 "Remote Crime Scene Investigation Work Record" produced by the public security agency proved: After conducting a remote crime scene investigation on the foreign website Boxun News, a photo of Xu Zhiyong issuing cards at a subway station entrance was discovered.

16. The Jing Public (Cybersecurity) Kan (2013) No. 312 "Remote Crime Scene Investigation Work Record" produced by the public security agency proved: The public security agency's crime scene investigation of the Twitter page named "Xu Zhiyong" found it contained a tweet that called for taking a day off on February 28 and going to the Beijing Education Commission. The online publication time was February 26, 2013.

17. The testimony of witness Zhang X 3 proved: In February 2013, after seeing a photo of Xu Zhiyong holding a white-on-blue propaganda board on the Internet, he went to the Beijing Education Commission on February 28. At that time, he saw 70 or 80 people at the gate of the Education Commission. The police were maintaining order and issuing advisories.

18. The testimony of witness Wang X 3 proved: He received a small card from a stranger on the subway which stated that he should go to the Municipal Education Commission on February 28 to solve the problem of children from outside of Beijing taking the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination in Beijing. He went according to the time on the card. There were about 200 people on the scene that day.

19. A copy of a "Take the Day Off on 2.28" card signed and affirmed by Wang X 3 proved: Wang X 3 confirmed that the card he received read "We are scheduled to petition the Beijing Education Commission (North Fourth Ring Olympic Building) at 9:00 am on February 28, 2013, onlookers welcome" and Xu Zhiyong's name and contact information.

20. The testimony of witness Li X 1 proved: On the afternoon of February 26, 2013, he received a pamphlet on the subway, the content was something like on February 28, 2013 go to the Education Commission to raise awareness of the problems of students taking college entrance examinations outside of their home district. On February 28, at 8:00 am he went to the Beijing Education Committee and saw more than 100 people waiting on the side of the road at the gate to raise awareness of the issue. There were many police on the scene to maintain order.

21. A copy of a pamphlet signed and affirmed by Li X 1 proved: The pamphlet contained a call for parents to take the day off on February 28 and go to the Beijing Education Commission to petition.

22. The witness testimony witnesses Zhang X 4, Cai X, Li X 2, Sun X 3, Wang X, Yang X 1, Tian X 1, Tan X, and others individually proved: The circumstances of the aforementioned witness participation in the events of February 28.

23. The testimony of witness Yang X 2 proved: At about 7:00 on February 28, 2013, the police arrived at the Beijing Education Commission on a deployment. At about 9 o'clock, people began arriving on the side road outside the south gate of the Beijing Education Commission. After that, the police began issuing instructions to the people who stayed on the sidewalk, but these people did not comply with their orders to disperse, and continued to assemble on the side road of the south gate of the Beijing Education Commission. At about 11 a.m., the number of those assembled reached more than 90 people. These people stood on the side road outside the south gate of the Education Commission, causing congestion. Due to the large number of people, vehicles on the auxiliary roads of the North Fourth Ring Road slowed down. At first the police issued advisories to the parents to disperse, but those people did not listen to the order to disperse and remained in front of the Beijing Education Commission. Later, based on the situation on the scene, the police diverted the students' parents to Xueyuan Road, east of the Beijing Education Commission. By about 2:00 pm, the parents still had not departed and continued to assemble. The police took the parents who did not comply with the order to disperse from the scene, and the local branch took them back to be educated and reprimanded.

24. The testimony of witness Zhang X 5 and Wang X 4 was basically consistent with the content of the testimony of witness Yang X 2.

25. The "Explanation on the circumstances whereby some of our city's children's parents who went to petition the government for redress on February 28" produced by the Beijing Education Commission office proved: On February 28, 2013 beginning at 9:00 am, more than 90 people came to the assemble at the south gate of Beijing Olympic Building, the office of the Municipal Education Commission. At about 11:40, six parents of accompanying children came to the petitioning office of the Municipal Education Commission (Beijing Olympic Building North Gate), the rest of the individuals were still assembled at the south gate of the Municipal Education Commission, and some people even insulted staff, causing the staff of the relevant commissions and offices working in the Beijing Olympic Building to be unable to enter and exit normally, affecting normal office order. At around 1:40 pm there were still more than 40 people insisting on assembling at the south gate of the Municipal Education Commission, causing congestion on the fourth ring road. After repeated failures by police to persuade them, the aforementioned individuals were taken away by the public security agency.

26. The "Case explanation of circumstances whereby on February 28, 2013 parents of students without a Beijing household registration gathered at the municipal education committee to create a disturbance in a public venue" produced by the public security agency proved: On February 28, 2013, the Public Security Bureau of Haidian deployed 118 police officers to take up positions at the Beijing Education Commission located at the North Fourth Ring Olympic Building. At 9:00 am on February 28, parents of children without a Beijing household registration began arriving at the south gate of the Beijing Education Commission. Police at the scene immediately moved to resolve the situation. By about 11:00 am, the number of visitors had reached more than 90. The assembly of parents without a Beijing household registration caused congestion on the crosswalk at the entrance of the municipal education commission and inconvenience for vehicles. After police ordered them to disperse, the parents of children without a Beijing household registration selected five representatives to meet with the staff of the municipal education commission, and the other parents of children without a Beijing household registration were led to the periphery in an orderly manner and told to disperse. At about 2:00 pm, the police ordered 56 parents of children without a Beijing household registration who did not want to leave to board police vehicles to be transported from the scene. They were then sent to a disposal triage point for identification and investigation. Afterwards, the municipal bureau coordinated with the sub-county bureaus to retrieve the parents of children without a Beijing household registration from their respective jurisdictions, and release them after further investigation, education, and reprimanding.

27. The testimony of witness Wang X 5 proved: At around 7:30 pm on February 26, 2013, he received a card from a passenger on the subway that said he should go to petition at the Beijing Education Commission on February 28, and he then dialed "110" to report the problem. After calling the police he gave the card to the police on duty at the police precinct at Anheqiao North Station.

28. The "Take the Day Off on2.28" signed and affirmed by Wang X 5 proved: The card had content about going to the Beijing Education Commission at 7:00 am on February 28 to petition , as well as Xu Zhiyong's name and contact information.

29, The "Work Explanation" produced by the public security agency proved: On February 26, 2013, the Anheqiao North Station police precinct received a "110" police report from the municipal bureau. A man had reported that someone was on Metro Line 4 in the section between Xidan Station and Xisi Station distributing cards saying "Take the Day Off on 2.28." Then the police went to the Anheqiao North Station police precinct to report the case and gave the police the card.

30. The "'110' Police Processing Report" produced by the public security agency proved: On February 26, 2013, Wang X5 reported that someone was distributing cards (the content was "Take the Day Off on 2.28") in the Xidan Subway Station.

31. A copy of a card and the "Work Explanation" produced by the public security agency proved: After reporting the case, Wang X 5 submitted the card to the public security agency. Because the card was printed on both sides, in order to fully reflect the full picture of the card, when processing the case the public security agency copied the contents of both sides of the card and attached the copies to the case file, and used it in the course of their work.

32. "Work Explanation" and videos from the scene produced by the public security agency proved: The videos of the scene on February 28 obtained by the public security agency from the Public Security Bureau of Haidian showed that the police issued orders to the individuals assembled in front of the Beijing Education Commission to petition the government for redress to disperse. In the process, some of the individuals petitioning the government for redress resisted and obstructed the police from enforcing the law.

33. The "crime scene investigation record" and images and photos from the scene produced by the public security agency proved: The situation where the case occurred in the area around the south gate of Beijing Olympic Building, No. 267, North Fourth Ring Middle Road, Haidian District.

III. From December 2012 to March 2013, defendant Xu Zhiyong and Ding X, Li X 3, Zhao X, Wang X 6, and Sun X 4 (all being handled in a separate case) and others, exploited popular social issues of public concern, and organized and plotted to have many people assemble and erected banners and distribute pamphlets in public venues. During this period, Xu Zhiyong, Ding X, Wang X 6 and others made banners which were specifically organized by Wang X 6, incited Yuan X, Zhang X 3, Hou ×, Li X 4  (all being handled in a separate case) and others to carry out the following acts of gathering crowds to create a disturbance in a public venue:

On January 27, 2013, Zhang X 3, Yuan X, Li X 4 and others erected banners and took photos near the south gate of Chaoyang Park in Chaoyang District, Beijing, and they refused to obey the  orders of police on the scene to cease and desist, causing a disruption of order at the scene. Later Yuan X and Li X 4 went to the west gate of Tsinghua University in Haidian District, Beijing to erect banners and take photos.

On February 23, 2013, Zhang X 3, Yuan X, Ding X and others erected banners in Zhongguancun Square, Haidian District, Beijing, and distributed pamphlets, which drew crowds of onlookers. After the event, Zhang X 3, Yuan X, Ding X and others agreed to continue the aforementioned activities. On February 24, Zhang X 3, Yuan X, Li X 4, Ding X and others went to places such as the Hailong Building in Haidian District, the Haidian Huangzhuang Subway Station, the east gate of Peking University, the west gate of Tsinghua University, and continued to erect banners and distribute pamphlets, which drew crowds of onlookers. While the aforementioned individuals were at the west gate of Tsinghua University erecting banners the security personnel of Tsinghua University with the public security agency with jurisdiction over that location to conduct public security management in the area and stop the behavior of erecting banners. The aforementioned individuals failed to comply with their administration and had physical altercations with security personnel, causing a disruption of order at the scene. Related information such as photos of the aforementioned actions were uploaded to the Internet.

On March 31, 2013, Zhang X 3, Yuan X, Hou X and Ma X (being handled in a separate case) and others erected banners at Xidan Culture Square in Xicheng District, Beijing, distributed  pamphlets, spoke over a loudspeaker, took photos and videos of the scene, and drew crowds of onlookers, causing a disruption of order at the scene. In addition, they failed to comply with the police at the scene in their execution of law enforcement actions. Photos and other related information about these actions were uploaded to the Internet.

The aforementioned facts are substantiated by the following evidence confirmed by this Court through evidence produced and examined during hearings:

A. Evidence establishing that defendant Xu Zhiyong, Ding X and others organized and plotted the aforementioned events:

1. The testimony of witness Sun X 4 proved: On December 9, 2012, they began to collect signatures publicly online. After the event started, they decided to have small-scale dinners at the Shangdao Coffee Shop at noon every Friday. A total of eight or nine meetings were held. The main participants were himself and Xu Zhiyong, Ding X, Wang X 6, Zhao X, and Li X 3. The purpose of the small-scale dinner was to collect signatures periodically, and find ways to collect more signatures. Later, the signature collection did not go well, and Xu Zhiyong and Ding X proposed at the small-scale dinner that I take a banner on the street, take a photo, and then post it on the Internet. Everyone thought it was feasible. Xu Zhiyong and Ding X proposed to use the Public Justice Fund to make the banner. Later, I looked into the details of the usage of the Public Justice Fund, and there was an account in the Public Justice Fund for banners. Xu Zhiyong introduced Peng X and Wang X 2 at a small dinner at noon on January 25. At the meeting, they discussed going to the south gate of Chaoyang Park to display banners on January 27. It was determined that Wang X 6 would be specifically responsible for the preparation of, and arranging for individuals to erect, the banners.

2. The testimony of witness Ding X proved: In the week leading up to December 9, 2012, he and Sun X 4, Xu Zhiyong, and Wang X 6 held a small dinner at the Shangdao Coffee Shop at Baofu Temple Bridge. This was the first small dinner. At noon on January 25, 2013, he and Xu Zhiyong, Sun X 4, Wang X 6, Li X 3, Zhao X, Peng X, and Wang X 2 held a party at the Shangdao Coffee Shop at the southeast corner of Baofusi Bridge. It was said that the number of people participating in the signature campaign was relatively small, and Xu Zhiyong proposed to go to the street to get publicity. Later, they agreed to display a banner at the south gate of Chaoyang Park on the afternoon of January 27. At the meeting, everyone also agreed to take photos during the event and post the photos to Tencent and Sina Weibo to attract more people's attention. At that time, Wang X 6 said that he would go, and then everyone discussed letting Sun X 4 take pictures. The banner was made by Wang X 6 after he and Xu Zhiyong and Wang X 6 set the content. During the event two batches should have been made. The banners were all made by Wang X 6, and the funds were all provided by Xu Zhiyong.

3. The testimony of witness Wang X 6 proved: From the end of December 2012 to January 2013, a gathering was held at the Shangdao Coffee Shop at noon every Friday. Participants included himself and Xu Zhiyong, Ding X, Zhao X, Sun X 4, and Li X 3. Xu Zhiyong and Ding X spoke of making and distributing pamphlets, Xu Zhiyong also proposed making a banner. The content of the banner was discussed by everyone at a small dinner.

4. The testimony of witness Li X 3 proved: Because gathering signatures online had not proved effective, in mid-January 2013 several of them discussed at the Shangdao Coffee Shop the issue of distributing pamphlets and erecting banners on the street. On January 25 at a small day gathering, we discussed erecting banners in Chaoyang Park on January 27. Those who attended this gathering were himself, Xu Zhiyong, Ding X, Wang X 6, Sun X 4, and Zhao X. One could say that the matter of erecting banners in Chaoyang Park on January 27 was the result of the discussion among the six of them.

5. The testimony of witness Zhao X proved: Two small-scale gatherings were to have been held before the banner in Chaoyang Park. The participants in these two gatherings included himself, Xu Zhiyong, Ding X and others. The theme of the two conferences was the same, that is, they were preparing to erect a banner in Chaoyang Park. In these two small-scale gatherings, it was said that street activities should be held in public places with a large flow of people so that their impact might be made somewhat greater. On this point there was disagreement, and they reached a consensus and ultimately decided to go to Chaoyang Park to erect banners. Therefore, the participants at the time were all organizers and decision makers of the Chaoyang Park banner event at the end of January.

6. The testimony of witness Wang X 2 proved: He participated in the meeting of Xu Zhiyong and others at the Shangdao Coffee Shop on Xueyuan Road, North Fourth Ring Road in mid-to-late January 2013. At the meeting, Xu Zhiyong told him that citizens had erected banners on the street, and doing so was extremely meaningful.

7. The testimony of witness Peng X proved: At around 12:00 on January 25, 2013, he went to the Shangdao Coffee Shop of Fusi Bridge on the North Fourth Ring Road to have dinner with Xu Zhiyong, Ding X, Zhao X, Li X 3, Wang X 6, Sun X 4 and others. At that time they discussed the event where banners would be erected in Chaoyang Park on January 27th. At that time, Ding X proposed that someone erect banners and someone take photos, and they had to post the photos online. Everyone also proposed that they would organize some people to watch when they erected the banners.

8. The testimony of witness Lin X proved: He was responsible for the day-to-day management of a Public Justice Fund account that Xu Zhiyong maintained under his own name. Every expenditure was determined or authorized by Xu Zhiyong. In March 2013, there was a production cost of 4,950 yuan, which was reimbursed by him to Ding X.

9, The Public Justice Fund revenue and expenditure details for March 2013 signed and affirmed by Lin X proved: There was an expenditure of 4,950 yuan in production fees that month.

10. The "Seizure Decision" produced by the public security agency proved: The circumstances under which Lin X's computer was seized.

11. The "Work Explanation" produced by the public security agency proved: Documents related to the income and expenditure details of Public Justice Fund were discovered on and printed from Lin X's computer.

12. The Jing Public (Cybersecurity) Kan (2013) No. 354 "Remote Crime Scene Investigation Work Record" produced by the public security agency proved: The circumstances under which the public security agency collected the "Public Justice Fund general donation account March 2013 revenue and expenditure details" from the Internet.

13. The "Public Justice Fund general donation account March 2013 revenue and expenditure details" proved: The account spent a total of RMB 4,950 yuan in banner production fees in March 2013.

14. The "Work Explanation" produced by the public security agency proved: In the process of searching the office of Wang X 6 in the ×× Courtyard ×× Building ×× Room, Beisihuan West Road, Haidian District, Beijing, the investigator took into custody a white plastic document bag from a drawer of Wang X 6's desk which contains the original documentary evidence signed and affirmed by Wang X 6 on April 29, 2013 confirming the content of the banner. The original document certificate is temporarily stored in the evidence room of the Pre-Trial Detachment of the Traffic Division. In Volume 83 of the case file (evidentiary materials related to the production of banners), pages 7 to 24 are photos of 65 banners that were transferred by the Malianwa Police Precinct of the Public Security Bureau of Haidian and which are now temporarily stored in the evidence room of the Pre-Trial Detachment of the Public Security Bureau of Haidian.

15. The piece of paper signed and affirmed by Wang X 6 proved: The content of the banners Ding X had him produced.

16. The "Investigation Record," "List of Seized Items," "Seizure Decision," and "Evidence Preservation Checklist" produced by the public security agency proved: The  45 banners and 2,580 pamphlets the public security agency collected from Wang X 6's car were seized in accordance with the law.

17. "Case Processing Explanation" produced by the public security agency proved: On February 23, 2013, the public security agency collected 45 banners from Wang X 6's car and conducted seizure procedures. Later, Wang X 6 took the initiative to hand over 20 related banners produced in the previous period. Because the case had already been closed, there were no seizure formalities conducted with respect to those 20 banners.

18. The photos reflecting the banners erected on February 23 and 24 and on March 31, 2013 and the banners seized from Wang X 6 were signed and affirmed by Wang X 6 as photos of the banners made by his contact.

19. The testimony of witness Duan X 1 proved: One evening toward the end of January 2013, a man went to the XX Photo Service Department run by him to say that he wanted to make a banner, and he agreed. The man provided the banner content and production specifications and asked for 100 copies. He used a computer to typeset the picture passed it on to another company who specialized in making banners.

20. The "Work Explanation" produced by the public security agency proved: When police questioned witness Duan X 2, they showed him a color headshot photo of Wang X 6, and he indicated that this individual was the one who made the banners.

21. The testimony of witness Liu  X 1 proved: On the day before Spring Festival at the end of January 2013, the person in charge of the XX Photographic Service Department contacted him through QQ about producing 100 banners.

22. The photos reflecting the banners erected on February 24 and March 31, 2013 were signed and affirmed by Liu X 1 as photos of the banners made by him.

23. The testimony of witness Chen X (also known as Chen X X) proved: He operates a photocopying business. One night in February 2013, a man surnamed Wang made 65 banners in his shop, and provided the content and specifications of the banners. Afterwards he found another company to make the banners per those specifications.

The "Identification Record" produced by the public security agency proved: When conducting an identification with 10 different frontal headshots, Chen X pointed out the frontal headshot with Serial Number No. 5 (Wang X 6) as the person surnamed Wang who came to his shop to order 65 banners.

24. The testimony of witness Yu X proved: On the morning of February 20, 2013, Chen X X sought him out to produce 65 banners.

25. The photos reflecting the banners erected on February 23 and 24, 2013 were signed and affirmed by Yu X as photos of the banners made by him.

26. The testimony of witness Hou X proved: At a dinner party on January 26, 2013, Wang X 6 said that he would take to the streets to do promotion, including distributing pamphlets, erecting banners, etc., to expand the social influence. At that time, Wang X 6 brought a lot of pamphlets and handed them out to people who participated in the dinner.

27. The testimony of witness Zhang X 3 proved: The first time he heard that people wanted to go to the street to erect banners was on January 26, 2013, and it most likely was in the hallway of the restaurant where they were dining when Wang X 6 separately told him that there was an event in Chaoyang Park the following afternoon.

28. The testimony of witness Li X 4 proved: Erecting banners on the street on January 27, 2013 was first mentioned two days earlier by Wang X 6. Wang X 6 met him to discuss the matter and gave him a banner that was ready for him to erect. On January 27 he took the banner to the south gate of Chaoyang Park and erected it.

29. The Jing Public (Cybersecurity) Kan (2013) No. 090 "Remote Crime Scene Investigation Work Record" and related videos produced by the public security agency proved: The public security agency accessed the website with the domain name via the international Internet and conducted a remote crime scene investigation, during which it discovered and collected a video posted on January 27, 2013, the content of which was Wang X 6 proposing taking to the streets and erecting banners while participating in a dinner party on January 26.

B. Evidence establishing the actions of gathering crowds to create a disturbance in a public venue on January 27, 2013.

1. The testimony of witness Zhang X 3 proved: When he arrived at the south gate of Chaoyang Park on January 27, 2013 , he saw Yuan X put up a banner made of red cloth. He took a few photos of Yuan X. Then police in uniform came over, and Yuan X ran west along the road. Then he walked to the entrance of the south gate of Chaoyang Park, and Yuan X came back again. A few police in plain clothes struggled with Yuan X over the banner in his hands. At that time Yuan X and police struggled back-and-forth for a long time, and Li X 4 and Zhang X X stopped police from grabbing Yuan X's banner, and he stood aside and took pictures. Other people also took photos at that time.

2. The testimony of witness Yuan X proved: On January 27, 2013 at about 2:00 pm, he opened a banner prepared in advance on the road opposite Chaoyang Park, Zhang X 3 took photos. At that time there were more than 20 onlookers. About five minutes later, police in uniform arrived at the scene to stop them, and he ran west along the road. After that, he returned to the entrance of the south gate of Chaoyang Park. The police wanted to confiscate the banner and he had a dispute with police. Finally, the police confiscated the banner. After that, he and Zhang X X rode home in Li X 4's car. When he passed the gate of Tsinghua University he got out of the car, and Zhang X X took a photo of him.

3. The testimony of witness Li X 4 proved: At noon on January 27, 2013, he drove Yuan X to the south gate of Chaoyang Park. After arriving, Yuan X went to the opposite side of the road and opened a small banner. While he and Zhang X X were walking to the gate of the park to erect the banner they were discovered by plainclothes police, and a dispute with the police ensued. After arguing with police, the banner was finally confiscated. Yuan X returned to the entrance of the park to continue erecting banners. At this time, five or six plainclothes police and park security stopped by and wanted to confiscate the banner. There was a dispute Yuan X  and the police. He, Yuan X, and Zhang X X went to the west gate of Tsinghua University on their way home. Yuan X raised three or four banners that he himself had prepared, and he took photos of Yuan X with his mobile phone.

4. The testimony of witness Sun X 4 proved: After arriving at the south gate of Chaoyang Park at noon on January 27, 2013, he saw Yuan X take out a banner on the opposite road to the south. Li X 4 and Zhang X X were about to open a banner, and a few people in plain clothes came over to stop them. The banner was taken away. At this time Yuan X ran to the south gate. A few people in plain clothes and two or three security guards chased Yuan X to grab his banner. Yuan X had a dispute with them. After January 27, I told everyone about what happened during a small-scale dinner. Xu Zhiyong said that it was a pity that things had not worked out this time. They also discussed at a Shangdao Coffee Shop small dinner that they wanted this kind of street-erecting-banners activity to continue.

5. The testimony of witness Zhang X X regarding erecting banners at the south gate of Chaoyang Park and the west gate of Tsinghua University was basically consistent with the content of the testimony of the aforementioned witnesses.

6. The testimony of witness Wang X 6 proved: Xu Zhiyong, Ding X, Sun X 4, Zhao X , Li X 3 and he jointly discussed and decided to go to Chaoyang Park to erect banners, and he was responsible for the organization and implementation. Later, he, Li X 4, and Yuan X determined the specific time for erecting banners. The banners were made by him, and he gave the banners to either Li X 4 or Yuan X. After January 27, Xu Zhiyong said that the public security agency made a fuss and overreacted and said that they could continue to push forward.

7. The testimony of witness Ye X proved: On January 27, 2013, he went to the south gate of Chaoyang Park and saw someone tearing up something under the steps on the east side of the south gate of the park.

8. The testimony of witness Li X 5 proved: On the morning of January 27, 2013, he and two security guards followed police to the south gate of Chaoyang Park to work. They saw a man running toward the square in front of the south gate of the park, opening a banner and shouting slogans. They saw the person making a disturbance in a public place and moved forward to grab the banner. The other party had a dispute with him, which caused a crowd to gather to watch.

The "Identification Record" produced by the public security agency proved: When conducting an identification with 12 different men's frontal headshots, Li X 5 pointed out the man in photo No. 9 (Yuan X) as the man who erected banners.

9. The testimony of witnesses Pang X and Liu  X 2 proved: On January 27, 2013, around noon, a man erected banners on the south side of the south gate of Chaoyang Park and shouted slogans, which caused a crowed to gather to watch. People from the Houmaizidian Police Precinct went over to collect the banners.

10. The testimony of witness Zhang X 6 proved: On January 27, 2013, he saw about a dozen people assemble at the south gate of Chaoyang Park square. A man put up a red banner on the opposite side of the South Gate Square and shouted slogans. Then the man ran south back toward the South Gate Square with the banner, and his colleagues blocked him. The man's behavior of holding banners and shouting slogans caused a large number of onlookers to gather and causing a disruption of public order at the scene.

The "Identification Record" produced by the public security agency proved: When conducting an identification with 10 different men's frontal headshots, Zhang X 6 pointed out the man in photo No. 6 (Yuan X) as the man who erected banners and shouted slogans at the south gate of Chaoyang Park on January 27, 2013.

11. The testimony of witness Qin × was basically consistent with the content of the testimony of witness Zhang X 6.

The "Identification Record" produced by the public security agency proved: When conducting an identification with 10 different men's frontal headshots, Qin X pointed out the man in photo No. 6 (Yuan X) as the man who erected banners and shouted slogans at the south gate of Chaoyang Park on January 27, 2013.

12. The testimony of witness Chang X proved: One day in January 2013, Sun X 4 texted him saying that there was an activity at the south gate of Chaoyang Park. When he arrived, he saw a man holding a banner intending to erect it. Several people came over to stop him. The man resisted and struggled over the banners with the people who trying to stop him. He also shouted slogans. At that time some people came over to watch, and Sun X 4 was taking photos.

13. The testimony of witness Di X proved: At noon on January 27, 2013, during his inspection at the west gate of Tsinghua University, he found a man standing outside the west gate of Tsinghua University with a red cloth hanging from his chest, and two people were taking photos of the man.

14. The "Seizure Decision," "Seizure List," and "Work Explanation" produced by the public security agency proved: On May 4, 2013, Sun X 4's wife Liu X X contacted the public security agency and said that the Sun X 4's laptop computer had been found. The police immediately rushed to Sun X 4's home to seize Sun X 4's black Lenovo laptop computer.

15. The "Work Explanation" and the Public Security Bureau Physical Evidence Inspection (2013) No. 3092 "Physical Evidence Analysis Report" produced by the public security agency proved: The photos of the scene at the south gate of Chaoyang Park on January 27, 2013 came from Sun X 4's laptop computer.

16. Photos from the scene where the case occured proved: Yuan X erected banners at the south gate of Chaoyang Park. In the process of being stopped by the police, Yuan X and Li X 4 resisted and obstructed law enforcement. Later, Yuan X went to the west gate of Tsinghua University and erected banners again.

17. The contents of Sun X 4's Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo proved: Sun X 4 posted photos from the Chaoyang Park banner erecting on January 27, 2013 on his Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo.

18. The police law enforcement video proved: The circumstances in which Yuan X and others erected banners and the south gate of Chaoyang Park and resisted and obstructed police law enforcement.

C. Evidence establishing the actions of gathering crowds to create a disturbance in a public venue on February 23 and 24, 2013.

1. The testimony of witness Zhang X 3 proved: At the "Life" sculpture in Zhongguancun Square at around 3:00 pm on February 23, 2013, Yuan X proposed they take off their shirts and write slogans on their bodies, and then he, Yuan X, and Zhou X X wrote on each other's chests and backs. They put up two banners and Ding X took photos and distributed pamphlets to the onlookers at the scene. At that time, there were about 30 or 40 onlookers. When they left, someone suggested to come back to display banners at noon the next day, and everyone agreed. He, Yan X X, Qi X, Li X 4, Ding X, Yuan X, and Cao X X walked from Zhongguancun Square to Zhongguancun Electronics World, the Haidian Huangzhuang Subway Station, the overpass at the Hailong Building, etc., and erected banners and distributed pamphlets along the way. Then they took the subway to the east gate of Peking University and the west gate of Tsinghua University to continue to erect banners, and Ding X took photos of them.

2. The testimony of witnesses Yuan X and Ding X testimony was basically consistent with the content of the testimony of witness Zhang X 3.

3. The testimony of witness Li X 4 proved: At around 3:00 pm on February 24, 2013, He, Ding X, Yuan X, Yan X X, Qi X, Zhang X 3, Cao X X and others erected banners and distributed pamphlets in the Zhongguancun area, and then went to the east gate of Peking University and the west gate of Tsinghua University and continued to erect banners. The security staff at Tsinghua West Gate did not allow them to erect banners at the entrance. They had a dispute with the security staff, and Yuan X tussled with the security staff.

4. The testimony of witnesses Yan X and Qi X proved: The circumstances in which on February 24, 2013, the two erected banners in the Zhongguancun area, the east gate of Peking University, the west gate of Tsinghua University with Li X 4, Yuan X and others.

5. The testimony of witness Lei X proved: On February 24, 2013, Qi and Yang X 3 were on duty at the west gate of Tsinghua University. At about 4:50 pm, six men and one woman suddenly appeared in the middle of the west gate of Tsinghua University, displaying banners and handing out pamphlets. They immediately moved to get them to desist, but the other party did not comply. Afterwards, Yang X X brought Zhang X 7, Shen X, Wang X X, and Di X to support them. During the security staff's moves to get them to desist the other party did not comply and got into a tussle with the security staff. At that time there were about 30 or 40 people watching, and it was a very disorderly scene.

6. The testimony of witness Zhang X 7 proved: At around 4:50 pm on February 24, 2013, while on patrol Huo X and Yang X 3 found some people were erecting banners at the west gate. After receiving the report, they brought Shen X, Wang X, and Di X to stop them, but the other party refused to comply with their attempts to get them to desist.

7. The testimony of witness Yang X 3 proved: At about 5:00 pm on February 24, 2013, he was standing guard at the west gate of Tsinghua University. At this time, four or five people came across the road and held up banners outside the west gate of Tsinghua University. Security staff stepped forward to get them to desist.

8. The evidentiary materials produced by the public security agency proved: The Public Security Bureau of Beijing's Cultural Security Detachment provides guidance, supervision, and oversight to the Security Office of Tsinghua University in maintaining political stability and public order in Tsinghua University.

9. The evidentiary materials produced by the Beijing Security Services Company's cultural security subsidiary proved: Lei X, Zhang X 7, Shen X, and Yang X 3 are security staff assigned by that subsidiary to the security team at Tsinghua University's Security Office.

10. The evidentiary materials produced by Tsinghua University's Security Office proved: Lei X, Zhang X 7, Shen X, and Yang X 3 are security staff with the Beijing Security Services Company's cultural security subsidiary, and from February 2, 2013 to August 31, 2013 they were assigned to serve at Tsinghua University's Security Office.

11. The evidentiary materials produced by Tsinghua University's Security Office proved: The public space from outside the west entrance of Tsinghua University to the public street forms an area under three different security jurisdictions. In daily work, several security guards are assigned to this area to cooperate with public security agencies to maintain daily order in this area.

12. The "Work Explanation" produced by the public security agency proved: The Public Security Bureau of Haidian's Qinglongqiao Police Precinct is responsible for the daily security management of public places from the west entrance of Tsinghua University to the public street. The precinct coordinates with the Tsinghua University Security Office to send security guards in this area to assist the precinct in its daily security management work. In the event of a report from Tsinghua University Security Office personnel, their office would receive and handled it.

13. The "Inspection Certificate," "Investigation Record," "Seizure Decision," "Seizure List" and photos produced by the public security agency proved: Police conducted a search of Li X 3's residence at No. X, X Fl., X Yuan, Haidian District, Beijing, and subsequently seized a Lenovo laptop computer.

14. The "Work Explanation" and the Public Security Bureau Physical Evidence Inspection (2013) No. 3097 "Physical Evidence Analysis Report" produced by the public security agency proved: Photos from the scene on February 23, 2013 came from Li X 3's laptop computer.

15. Photos from the scene proved: The circumstances under which Zhang X 3, Yuan X, Zhou X X and others erected banners and distributed pamphlets shirtless in Zhongguancun Square on February 23 and 24, 2013.

16. Surveillance video from the scene proved: video from the south corner of Zhongguancun Square showed the circumstances under which banners were erected on February 24, 2013, and video from the west gate of Tsinghua University showed the circumstances under which banners were erected and a tussle with Tsinghua University security staff occurred on February 24.

17. The "Crime Scene Investigation Record" and photos produced by the public security agency proved: The scene was located at the Dingzi Road at the West Gate of Tsinghua Park in Haidian District, Beijing.

18. The Jing Public (Cybersecurity) Kan (2013) No. 327 "Remote Crime Scene Investigation Work Record" produced by the public security agency proved: The public security agency conducted a remote crime scene investigation on the Internet, and obtained relevant photographic and textual information about the banners erected on February 23 and 24 from the Tencent Weibo named "Lawyer Ding X."

19. The Reply (2014) No. 56 "Beijing Planning Commission Letter Regarding the Relevant Planning Status for Land Occupied by the Ministry of Education and Other Agencies" issued by the Beijing Planning Commission proved: The land in front of the west gate of Tsinghua University is zoned as a municipal road and is classified as municipal public land.

D. Evidence establishing the actions of gathering crowds to create a disturbance in a public venue on March 31, 2013.

1. The testimony of witness Yuan X proved: At around 1:00 on March 31, 2013, he came to Xidan Culture Square with a loudspeaker, banners and other things prepared in advance. He was responsible for public speaking. Ma X and Zhang X 3 were responsible for raising a banner, and Hou X was responsible for taking photos. They had been displaying the banner for ten or so minutes when police arrived on the scene to get them to stop. They argued with the police enforcing the law and a dispute ensued.

2. The testimony of witnesses Hou X, Zhang X 3, Ma X, and Zhang X 8 was basically consistent with the content of the testimony of witness Yuan X.

3. The testimony of witness Wang X 6 proved: The act of erecting banners on March 31, 2013 was related to the act of erecting banners on January 27, and this was the content of their activities. He, Xu Zhiyong, Ding X, Zhao X, Sun X 4, and Li X 3 mentioned at small dinners that their activities would not end until national legislation was enacted.

4. The testimony of witness Sun X 4 proved: After February 28, 2013, signature collection ceased, but their activities had not yet ended. All of the core members affirmed and supported continuing to erect banners, and had not looked into stopping the erection of banners, and in particular no one expressed or explicitly blocked erecting banners on the street.

5. The testimony of witness Yan X proved: At about 3:40 pm on March 31, 2013, he saw more than forty people assemble on the north side of the Culture Square. Later, he heard from his colleague Zhang X 9 that banners were erected on the steps of Xidan Culture Square, and others were there. There was someone making a speech in front of the banner.

6. The testimony of witness Zhang X 9 proved: At about 3:00 pm on March 31, 2013, he saw many people gathered around the center of the square in Xidan Culture Square. Several people stood in the middle. One person spoke while gesturing, and four people put up two banners. More and more people formed around them. Afterwards police took a few people away in police car.

7. The testimony of witness Kang X proved: On March 31, 2013, security staff found four men holding two banners at the grandstand on the north side of Xidan Culture Square, and another man wearing a headset speaking loudly. The security staff stopped and asked the other parties to put away the banners, but the other parties did not put them away. Afterwards, the security staff called the Xidan Street Police Precinct. After the police came, the security staff assisted the police in bringing the other parties back to the police precinct. At that time, there were about fifty or sixty people watching at the scene.

8. The testimony of witnesses Li X 6 and Ping X was basically consistent with the content of the testimony of witness Kang X.

9. The testimony of witness Lu X proved: At about 3:00 pm on March 31, 2013, when he and his colleague Xu X were patrolling the Xidan area, they received a call from the duty room in the office saying that someone was putting up a banner and giving a speech in the central area of Xidan Culture Square. After becoming aware of this situation they immediately rushed to the scene, where they found there were two men holding banners in their hands, and a man with a megaphone on his body and a book hanging on his chest speaking to a crowd of onlookers from some steps in the central area of ​​Xidan Culture Square. There was also a woman taking photos with a camera. At that time there was already crowd of about 200 people surrounding them. After showing the four individuals their work credentials, they told the other parties that their behavior was disrupting public order and asked the other parties to immediately put the banners away and stop speaking. After the two men holding the banners put the banners away, the speaker still did not stop and absolutely refused to comply with the order to desist. At this time Tian X 2 also rushed to the scene to stop the speaker, but the man still did not comply with the order to desist. Tian X 2 demanded to check the other parties' documents, but the other parties were extremely obstinate. They saw that it was useless to order them to desist, in accordance with the law they verbally summoned the other party to the police precinct to submit to questioning. But the other parties ignored them, so they forcibly took the four people away.

10. The testimony of witnesses Xu X and Tian X 2 was basically consistent with the content of the testimony of witness Lu X.

11. The "Inspection Certificate," "Investigation Record," "Seizure Decision," "Seizure List" and photos produced by the public security agency proved: Police conducted a search of Li X 3's residence at No. X, X Fl., X Yuan, Haidian District, Beijing, and subsequently seized a Lenovo laptop computer.

12. The "Photo Collection Explanation" and the Public Security Bureau Physical Evidence Inspection (2013) No. 3097 "Physical Evidence Analysis Report" produced by the public security agency proved: The photos of the scene where the case occurred on March 31, 2013 came from Li X 3's laptop computer.

13. Photos from the scene proved: The circumstances under which Yuan X and others erected banners, made speeches, and resisted law enforcement at Xidan Culture Square on March 31, 2013.

14. Surveillance video from the scene and footage of police engaged in law enforcement proved: The circumstances under which Yuan X, Zhang X 3, Hou X and others erected banners, made speeches, took photos, and obstructed and resisted police engaged in law enforcement.

15. Video footage proved: Xu Zhiyong spoke during a meeting with Zhang X and others in a hotel room in Hefei, saying that he was aware of and supported the behavior of Yuan X and others at Xidan Culture Square on March 31, 2013.

16. The Hefei "Search Record," "Seizure List," hard disc drive photos, and the He Public Electronic Investigation Record (2013) No. 16 "Electronic Material Evidence Investigation Analysis Report" produced by the public security agency proved: The circumstances under which the Hefei public security agency obtained the aforementioned video.

17. The "Work Explanation" produced by the public security agency proved: In December 2013, the Beijing public security agency collected videos and documents from the Public Security Bureau of Hefei that it had collected as part of the Li X X case, and the videos were seized from detainee Sun X's portable hard drive.

18. The Jing Public (Cybersecurity) Kan (2013) No. 078 "Remote Crime Scene Investigation Work Record" and the Jing Public (Cybersecurity) Kan (2013) No. 290 "Remote Crime Scene Investigation Work Record" produced by the public security agency proved: The public security agency conducted a remote crime scene investigation of foreign websites with the domain names and via the Internet during which it uncovered articles related to the incident at Xidan Culture Square on March 31, 2013.

19. The "Contraband Recovery Process," "Search Record," "Seizure List," and photos of documentary evidence produced by the public security agency proved: On March 31, 2013, after police apprehended Yuan X, Zhang X 3, Hou X and others, they collected and seized from Yuan X's possession the loudspeaker he used when making speeches, one copy of the book "The Nanjing Massacre," and one red banner. They collected and seized three banners from among Zhang X 3's personal belongings. They collected and seized five banners from among Ma X's personal belongings.

The public prosecution agency produced the following evidence in court, which is affirmed by this Court:

1. The "Decision to Open a Case" produced by the public security agency proved: The Public Security Bureau of Beijing decided on November 1, 2011 to open an investigation into the Xu Zhiyong case.

2. The "Information on Permanent Residents" and "Xu Zhiyong Basic Information" issued by the School of Humanities, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications produced by the public security agency proved: Xu Zhiyong's identification status.

3. "The Process of How the Defendant came into Police Custody," "Detention Certification," and "Arrest Certification" produced by the public security agency proved: At 10:00 am on July 16, 2013, the police in accordance with the law issued a criminal summons to Xu Zhiyong to appear at the Public Transportation Security Division of the Public Security Bureau of Beijing. Xu Zhiyong was taken into criminal detention on the same day, and was arrested on August 22 of the same year.

4. The "Admission Health Checklist" issued by the Beijing No. 3 Detention Center proved: Xu Zhiyong was in normal health at the time of his admission.

5. The "Work Explanation" produced by the public security agency proved: In the file materials of the Xu Zhiyong case, the relevant photocopy files were copied from the Ding X, Zhao X, Li X 3, Hou X and other cases, and the content is consistent with the original files.

Defendant and his defense counsels did not submit new evidence in court during the trial, nor did they submit any application for witnesses to testify in court.

Regarding the objections raised by defendant and his defense counsel to jurisdiction and how this case was being tried separately from other cases, an investigation found that the facts in this case implicate Beijing's Haidian District, Chaoyang District, Xicheng District, etc., which belong to the jurisdictions of different courts. After the People's Procuratorate of Beijing Branch No. 1 filed a public prosecution with our court on the Xu Zhiyong case, the High People's Court of Beijing designated our court as having jurisdiction in accordance with the provisoins of Article 26 of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China."

In view of the fact that the public prosecution agency clearly charged criminal facts in the indictment, and attached case file materials and evidence, in accordance with the provisions of Article 181 of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China," in accordance with the law our court should accept and try this case. Regarding whether joint criminal cases should be tried jointly, such decisions may be made by the People's Courts, People's Procuratorates, and public security agencies in accordance with the law and the scope of their respective professional duties.

The aforementioned objections raised by defendant and his defense counsels cannot be established, and they are not sustained by this Court.

Regarding defendant Xu Zhiyong's statement in court during the closing arguments stage describing his behavioral motives and his opinion that the emotional agitation of individual participants was caused by other factors, an investigation found everyone has the right to express their opinions, but this right should be exercised within the scope prescribed by law.

Xu Zhiyong clearly knew that organizing, plotting, inciting and unspecified number of people to gather in a concentrated manner in public venues at the same time to express certain demands and erect banners would  trigger the public to look on, which could easily lead to chaos in public venues and resistance to law enforcement. Despite this, he nevertheless used various means to organize more people to come to the scenes, and he took no measures to prevent the occurance of disorder.

Xu Zhiyong acted as the primary instigator to gather a crowd, and in accordance with the law should be criminal liability for the actions of the participants that directly triggered the disorder.

This Court finds that defendant Xu Zhiyong disregarded the nation's laws with respect to the norms for citizens' proper exercise of their rights, exploited hot-button social issues of public concern, and on several occassions organized and plotted activities whereby many people assembled and erected banners in public places such as those areas of surrounding government agencies, commercial areas, and densely populated areas, and the people who participated resisted and obstructed state public security management agents in the perfomance of their official duties in accordance with the law, disturbing order in a public venue, and the circumstances were severe. Xu Zhiyong was was a primary instigator, and his actions constitute the crime of gathering crowds to create a disturbance in a public venue, and in accordance with the law he shall be punished. With respect to the People's Procuratorate of Beijing Branch No. 1 charge that defendant Xu Zhiyong committed the crime of gathering crowds to create a disturbance in a public venue, the facts are clear, the evidence is reliable and copious, and the offense charged is established. Based upon the facts, nature, and circumstances of Xu Zhiyong crime, and the degree social harm, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 291, 215(1), 61, and 47 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," the judgment is as follows:

Defendant Xu Zhiyong committing the crime of gathering crowds to create a disturbance in a public venue, and is sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of four years. (The prison term is to be calculated starting on the day the judgment is executed, and each day in custody prior to the execution of the judgment shall count as one day of the prison term, that is from July 16, 2013 to July 15, 2017.)

If any party does not accept this judgment, they may within 10 days after the second day after receiving this written judgment bring an appeal through this Court or directly to the High People's Court of Beijing. A written appeal should be submitted with one original and two copies of the appeal brief.

Chief Adjudicator        Sun Qinghong
Acting Adjudicator      Zhang Peng
People's Assessor        Hong Xiaoda

January 26, 2014

Clerk                Geng Dawei
Clerk                Pan Mengmeng






被告人许志永,男,1973年[INTENTIONALLY DELETED]出生。因涉嫌犯聚众扰乱公共场所秩序罪于2013年7月16日被刑事拘留,同年8月22日被逮捕。现羁押于北京市第三看守所。
















































































































































































审判长            孙庆宏
代理审判员    张鹏
人民陪审员    洪晓达


书记员            耿大为
书记员            潘萌萌

Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

The PRC government sentenced Sun Zhiming (孙志明, who wrote under the alias Sun Daluo (孙大骆)) to one year imprisonment for the crime of "di...