Friday, January 6, 2023

Translation: Wang Yuwen & Wang Liqin Inciting Subversion Police Prosecution Recommendation

Public Security Bureau of Chuxiong

Indictment Opinion

Chu Public (State) Indictment (2020) No. 01

Criminal suspect Wang Yuwen, online alias "Wang Zang," male, born [Intentionally Omitted], 1985, place of birth Dayao County, Yunnan, ID No.: [Intentionally Omitted], Han ethnicity, junior college education, freelancer, primarily engaged in painting and creating art, residing at Room 602, Unit 1, Building 1, Jiang'an Shangpin District, Chuxiong. On October 2, 2014 he was taken into criminal detention by the Tongzhou precinct of the Public Security Bureau of Beijing on suspicion of committing the offense of disturbing the peace for expressing solidarity for the "Occupy Central" movement in Hong Kong. On November 6 of that year he was arrested in accordance with the law. On July 9, 2015 he was released following the Procuratorate of Tongzhou District, Beijing's decision not to prosecute. On May 31, 2020 he was taken into criminal detention by this Bureau on suspicion of committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power. On July 3 he was arrested, and is currently being held in custody at the Chuxiong Detention Center.

Defense Counsel Chen Depeng of the Yunnan Dianchu Law Firm, Lawyer's License 15323201910105781.

Criminal suspect Wang Liqin , female, Han ethnicity, born [Intentionally Omitted], 1984, ID No.: [Intentionally Omitted], high school education, unemployed, place of household registration: No. 27, Sanhe 5th Group, Sankou Town, Guannan County, Jiangsu, residing at Room 602, Unit 1, Building 1, Jiang'an Shangpin District, Chuxiong. On June 17, 2020 she was taken into criminal detention by this Bureau on suspicion of committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power. On July 24 she was arrested, and is currently being held in custody at the Chuxiong Detention Center.

Defense Counsel: None.

Criminal suspects Wang Yuwen and Wang Liqin, suspects in a case of inciting subversion of state power, were discovered by the Public Security Bureau of Chuxiong in the course of its work. According to  prescribed procedures, this was reported to the Public Security Office of Yunnan on February 7, 2020 for approval, and after approval was granted a case was opened for investigation.
Criminal suspects Wang Yuwen and Wang Liqin were apprehended and brought to justice on May 30 and June 16, 2020, respectively.

Following an investigation in accordance with the law it was ascertained: On several occasions over several years criminal suspect Wang Yuwen gave interviews to the foreign media broadcaster Radio Free Asia, and distributed poems, article, images, and other works on Twitter, Facebook, and other foreign websites, with content that involved manufactured rumors, defamation, insults, denigration, smears, and attacks on the Communist Party of China, and China's current social system and State leaders.

1. On April 9, 2019, at Room 602, Unit 1, Building 1, Jiang'an Shangpin District, Chuxiong, criminal suspect Wang Yuwen did, in his capacity as the independent artist in Beijing Wang Zang, accept a telephone interview with Qiao Long, a reporter from Radio Free Asia, a foreign media broadcaster.

Qiao Long asked Wang Yuwen for his views on the topic of "Weibo Shutters Accounts of Yu Jianrong and 50 Other Top Accounts," and Wang Yuwen said over the phone to Qiao Long: "Convicting people for their speech is a characteristic of a totalitarian society, and a totalitarian society only allows the existence of the Ministry of Truth and its affiliated institutions, and everything must be painted over and glorified. Freedom of speech is the natural enemy of totalitarian politics, and it is something that must be smothered. They constantly enforce silence, including on the Constitution, which is just a kind of decoration. When the people want to express their voices independently, they will be suppressed and punished by the State apparatus."

In his statement Wang Yuwen said: "Our current society in China is a totalitarian society. I see that the power of the government overrides everything, interferes in everything, and even interferes with the independence of the judiciary. In many cases even the freedom of speech and the State's respect for and protection of human rights provided for in the Constitution are in many cases nothing but an empty shell, because in the end one will be arrested and sentenced for expressing one's opinion. In ancient times this was called a literary inquisition, and in contemporary times it is called being convicted for one's speech. Nowadays, China's society only allows praise, not criticism, only flattery, not jibes and complaints. China's current society is afraid of people expressing their true voices, and regards people's true voices as a natural enemy, so they find ways to silence speech, cancel accounts (network accounts), and even punish them. China's current society is afraid of people expressing their true voices, and regards people's true voices as natural enemies. So it tries to silence them, cancel their accounts (online accounts), and even punish them."

2. On July 11, 2019, at Room 602, Unit 1, Building 1, Jiang'an Shangpin District, Chuxiong, criminal suspect Wang Yuwen did, in his capacity as the poet Wang Zang, accept a telephone interview with Gao Feng, a reporter from Radio Free Asia, a foreign media broadcaster. Gao Feng asked Wang Yuwen over the phone why he had been taken to the police precinct. Wang Yuwen said that it may have been related to the reposting of Hong Kong singer Denise Ho's video describing the imminent death of "one country, two systems" at the UN Human Rights Council. Wang Yuwen told Gao Feng over the phone: "Denise Ho is different from others, she has expressed the feelings of many other people including me." At that same time, Wang Yuwen posted images on Twitter. The content of the images was "Wang Yuwen is wearing sunglasses, holding the toy rifle of his eldest son Wang Nianci in his right hand, covering Wang Nianci's face with his left hand; Wang Nianci covering Wang Shiya's mouth with his hands; and Wang Shiya covering the faces and mouths of Wang Shiyin and Wang Shifan with his hands. Gao Feng asked Wang Yuwen, what do these images meaning? Wang Yuwen said: "This is a portrayal of every aspect of our existence. We live in a totalitarian environment. I hold a gun, I am the big brother, I cover the mouth of the eldest son, and the eldest son covers the mouth of the second child. The second child covers the faces of the third and fourth. From top to bottom, from generation to generation, they are not allowed to speak, not allowed to express themselves. What you see is darkness, and the whole society is strictly controlled by totalitarianism."

In his statement Wang Yuwen said: "Hong Kong was originally one country, two systems. Because the central government of the People's Republic of China has seriously interfered with Hong Kong's rule of law and freedom, it is about to become one system, which means implementing the mainland system in Hong Kong. Currently China's entire society is controlled by the Communist Party of China. The Communist Party of China leads and controls everything. The government led by the Communist Party of China does not allow speech or expression. The only voices allowed are those of the State, the government, the Communist Party, and the Propaganda Department. There can only be the main theme, and there can be no criticism, no opposition, and no dissent."

Wang Yuwen specifically called for not adding the word "people's" in front of the government. The images were taken by criminal suspect Wang Liqin under Wang Yuwen's instructions with Wang Yuwen's mobile phone.

3. On December 20, 2019, in Songzhuang, Beijing, criminal suspect Wang Yuwen did, in his capacity as the independent performance artist in Beijing Wang Zang, accept a telephone interview with Qiao Long, a reporter from Radio Free Asia, a foreign media broadcaster. Qiao Long said that the portrait of Chairman Mao was hung among the people. Many people kowtowed to the portrait of Chairman Mao and asked Wang Yuwen what he thought? Criminal suspect Wang Yuwen said: "These scenarios seen by the public are by no means isolated cases, but reflect the current political situation in China. Over the past few years we have seen the restoration of the Cultural Revolution. In many villages and towns, I also saw people holding portraits of leaders and wearing the clothes of Red Guards. Those in power are also establishing their authority in various ways by engaging in idolatry. There are a lot of similar indications that everything is being pulled back in the direction of the Cultural Revolution."

In his statement Wang Yuwen said: "Our current society in China is turning back to the path of the Cultural Revolution. Specifically, it is worshiping the statue of the Chairman. Some people in many villages and towns are wearing the clothes of the Red Guards, holding the portraits of the leaders, those of Chairman Mao and Chairman Xi, and singing the songs of the Cultural Revolution. These can be seen as the scent of the Cultural Revolution hanging in the air. There are too many, too many to list. Entire pages of the People's Daily are constantly filled with nothing but information about the Leader. I see this as a concern, it is the scent of the Cultural Revolution hanging in the air. I don't like this situation, and that is my honest opinion. I think that in the past few years, there has been an ongoing restoration of the Cultural Revolution. The man in power, Xi Jinping, imitates Mao Zedong in various ways, establishes his own authority in the way of Mao Zedong, creates idols like Mao Zedong, strengthens his personal authority, enshrines his image in temples, where he is already being deified. The way I see it, isn't this a self-parody for someone who puts their faith in serving materialism?

4. On January 7, 2020, in Songzhuang, Beijing, criminal suspect Wang Yuwen did, in his capacity as the artist in Beijing Wang Zang, accept a WeChat Voice interview with Qiao Long, a reporter from Radio Free Asia, a foreign media broadcaster, in which he said: "China's state-owned enterprises and so-called private enterprises are still essentially Party-run enterprises. Some wealthy and powerful people and families who hold State power can unscrupulously embezzle the property of private enterprises, and interfere with the legal rights of private enterprises, such as their right to appoint personnel."

In his statement Wang Yuwen said: "I think a normal society is one with real freedom of speech, but a society without freedom of speech is abnormal. Both state-owned enterprises and private enterprises are under the leadership and control of the Communist Party of China, and the Communist Party of China is essentially running them. China's economic system is not a free market economy, but essentially a planned economy for the powerful, and this also shows my views of, and dissatisfaction with, this economic system.

5. On January 14, 2020, in Songzhuang, Beijing, criminal suspect Wang Yuwen did, in his capacity as the Beijing poet Wang Zang, accept a telephone interview with Qiao Long, a reporter from Radio Free Asia, a foreign media broadcaster on the topic of the article "The Latest Anti-Corruption TV Geature Film is Popular, and Points the Sword at a New Group of Powerful People in the Party" which was distributed by broadcaster, during which he said: "First of all, the term public power is a party-state framing, which has no legitimacy. The essence of public power is Party power, influencers' power, and totalitarian power. Precisely because of this, anti-corruption has nothing to do with public power. Therefore, anti-corruption is a political struggle for power and profit, a naked political deterrent to political allegiance. For those on the outside, on the one hand it covers up the problems of the system, on the other hand it creates an illusion of clean and honest governance for the people.

In his statement Wang Yuwen said: "The meaning of the disease of Chinese society going down to the marrow is that the Communist Party of China has too much power and there is nothing beyond its purview. I believe power belongs to the people. The Communist Party of China has replaced the power of the National People's Congress and the power of the people. Public power is the power of the public, which is derived from the legal authorization of the public. It is not a person or an organization who just says that I represent public power. Without authorization, there is no legitimacy. Currently, the public power in our country is derived from the propaganda discourse of the Communist Party of China's Propaganda Department, and it means what the Communist Party of China says it means, without the public's authorization, her propaganda on public power has no legitimacy. The public power in our country only represents the power of the Communist Party of China, the power of the entitled and powerful, and the power of the Communist Party of China and the totalitarian ideology of the entitled and powerful. As far as I am concerned, there are problems with the legitimacy of various activities of people's congresses at all levels, and there are also problems with the legitimacy of activities such as resolutions passed by people's congresses at all levels. I am dissatisfied with the various activities carried out by people's congresses at all levels. I think the anti-corruption campaign that the Communist Party of China is engaging in is just a show, and personally I despise it. This is the way things are: one official doesn't like another official, and out of personal interests, under the banner of anti-corruption, they compete for power and profit with each other. I saw a case in the domestic media where a fallen official said, "Why would I be an official unless I were corrupt?" My understanding is that China's current senior officials won't speak up about their supporters, and they're all the same, many many of them are all corrupt. The way I see it, the problem of official corruption under the leadership of the Communist Party of China is relatively serious. Our current State political system under the leadership of the Communist Party of China lacks effective oversight and transparency. Therefore, on the one hand they create the false image of being in power for the people and being clean and honest. I have seen that many officials are in power for themselves and for selfish reasons, and they do not allow the people to express different opinions. I hope that the State political system will truly implement the power of public opinion supervision and allow critical and opposing voices. A big country as powerful as this one has no need to worry over one voice among the masses. This is my most fundamental view on the current political system of our country. My personal ideology and value orientation do not conform to the value orientation and tastes of the domestic media. Many domestic media and platforms are fond of those who will cooperate, put on an act, and exude positive energy. I love to pay attention to social issues, I won't put on an act, and I say whatever I see and think. I pay attention to what I think is really positive energy, but what for domestic media and platforms may be social negative energy. Therefore, the domestic media will not invite me, nor dare to invite me, for fear of being punished by the relevant State agencies. My ideology and value orientation are more in line with the tastes of foreign media, so I have been interviewed by them many times.

6. On May 5, 2019, criminal suspect Wang Yuwen used his twitter account @wang-zang (nicknamed "王宁WANGZANG") to retweet Internet user Jie's tweet on the foreign website Twitter. The content was: "The CPC deceives the Chinese people with communism, and threatens the Chinese people with the knives and guns of Soviet Russia. It's not that the Kuomintang is too bad, but that the Communist Party is too bad! The CPC's program is written in black and white to achieve a proletariat (autocracy). The Kuomintang is a democratic political party. In 1947, it also practiced constitutional government and universal suffrage. Taiwan's democracy today is the result of practicing the Three Principles of the People! The Three Principles of the People: Nationality-Inheriting national culture, all nationalities are equal; self-reliance and independence; civic and democratic rights, people's livelihood and a better life."

In his statement Wang Yuwen said: "'The CPC deceives the Chinese people with communism, and threatens the Chinese people with the knives and guns of Soviet Russia' refers to the historical period from July 1, 1921, when the Communist Party of China was established, to October 1, 1949. At that time, the Communist Party of China promised the Chinese people that with communism China would be democratic in the future. It will become rich and powerful. This then lead to the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Many of the guns used by the Communist Party of China were supported by the Soviet Union. The Communist Party of China forced the common people to fight, and compatriots to fight compatriots. The key point of this sentence is deception, because at that time Mao Zedong and his political party, including the media of the CPC at that time, all declared to the whole country and the whole world that they wanted to build a country with democracy, prosperity, freedom, constitutional government, rule of law, multi-party elections, and human rights protection for everyone. However, after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, anti-rightists, the Three-anti and Five-anti Campaigns, and the Great Leap Forward led to major disasters such as the Great Famine, the Cultural Revolution, etc., all of which violated the promises made by the Communist Party of China before the founding of the People’s Republic of China. So I think the Communist Party of China has deceived the Chinese people. Comparing the Communist Party of China with the Kuomintang, it is clear who is good and who is bad. The Kuomintang is good and the Communist Party is bad. Comparing the programs, value orientations, historical consequences, and current conditions of the two political parties, including how they appoint themselves, shows that the KMT is good and the Communist Party is bad. The CPC’s program is the dictatorship of the proletariat, and the KMT’s program is the Three Principles of the People. The original intention of the proletarian dictatorship is autocracy, which is opposed to democracy. The Three Principles of the People are democratic in nature. The value orientation of the two political parties is that the CPC advocates class struggle, and the Kuomintang advocates constitutionalism and freedom. As for the actual situation of the two political parties, take today as an example, the Kuomintang led Taiwan to become a democratic and free society that has attracted worldwide attention. The mainland led by the CPC is becoming more and more authoritarian, and even a citizen who vents his dissatisfaction and expresses disagreement will be detained, punished, and so on. I am dissatisfied with the autocratic system of the Communist Party of China, and I wholeheartedly appreciate Taiwan's social system. My personal experience from my birth to now shows that the society under the leadership of the Communist Party of China has too many cases of not treating people as human beings, violating human rights, and making people live without dignity. It pains me to see it, and if I have dissatisfaction, I will express it without thinking about the consequences.

7. On May 5, 2019, criminal suspect Wang Yuwen used his twitter account @wang-zang (nicknamed "王藏WANGZANG") to retweet Internet user Real 辛灏年's tweet on the foreign website Twitter. The content was: "The CPC commemorates the May 4th, and only draws on its patriotic side, so as to embellish the past and force the common people to love its Marxist-Leninist China. As for the patriotic rebellion against the warlord government that broke out after the May 4th Movement, the CPC never mentions it, and it certainly does not want the common people to know about. Because in the history of China, there has never been a Marxist-Leninist political party who dared to betray the people like it has, and there has never been a Marxist-Leninist regime who dared to betray the country like it has."

In his statement criminal suspect Wang Yuwen said: "China refers to the country of the Chinese nation that has existed for thousands of years, and Marxist-Leninist China refers to the country guided by Marxism-Leninism, which is the China now led by the Communist Party of China. The CPC forces the common people to love China under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Expressing oneself freely, accepting interviews casually, distributing works casually, even if they are extreme, even if they touch some red lines, it’s not a big deal. I am a literary and artistic person, I am neither a politician nor a social activist. I am without party affiliation or organization. Even if my words and deeds are extreme, that doesn't make me into anything. I have always regarded my personal words and deeds as freedom of speech and freedom of creation, so I have not studied the law in depth. I just think that it is okay to say anything, and no person or entity can control it. It is precisely because of the first two points of view that my ideological expressions and literary and artistic creations are unrestrained and audacious."

8. On May 5, 2019, criminal suspect Wang Yuwen used his twitter account @wang-zang (nicknamed "王藏WANGZANG") to retweet a tweet from the New York Times Chinese Net on the foreign website twitter. The content was: "Opinion Hong Zhenkuai: In Beijing’s Tiananmen area, everyone’s every move is closely monitored, which is also a microcosm of the CPC’s control over Chinese society. Traditionally, the CPC adopted one-on-one surveillance, but with the development of technology, the use of formidable State power, and the adoption of all available latest technologies, China is entering a period of new totalitarian rule that has never been seen before in human history.

In his statement Wang Yuwen said: "The Communist Party of China's monitoring of everyone's every move in Tiananmen Square is just a microcosm of its monitoring of Chinese society, and it illustrates the real status quo of Chinese society. Now China is entering a period of new totalitarian rule under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. We are entering a period of new totalitarian rule, and all aspects of our lives are being monitored and strictly controlled, and people have lost too much freedom, human rights, and dignity. I am dissatisfied with the current situation of closely monitoring and controlling people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Traditionally, the CPC has adopted one-on-one surveillance, but with the development of technology, it uses formidable State power and adopts all the available latest technologies to monitor and control people, which is more precise and efficient. China is entering a period of new totalitarian rule that is unprecedented in human history. The Communist Party of China not only utilizes high technology, it also utilizes formidable State power, often breaking through the bottom line of the law and constantly violating the privacy of every citizen. The Communist Party of China uses high technology and state power to strictly control every citizen, which is extremely rare in the world and in human history. In my opinion, under such controls, people lose too much freedom, human rights and dignity, just like animals in captivity in fences. My personal understanding is that in foreign countries surveillance is used to maintain public safety, while domestically surveillance is mainly used to control ordinary people. In the West, a citizen's right to privacy is sacred and inviolable. In China, a citizen's right to privacy can be violated as long as you're waving the national flag."

9. On October 24, 2016,  criminal suspect Wang Yuwen used the name Wang Zang to distribute the Independent Chinese Writers PEN 2016 (Freedom Writing Award) Acceptance Speech he wrote titled "Illuminating suffering with the blood of freedom" on the Independent Chinese Writers PEN website foreign website. The content was: "Whether in ancient or modern times, whether in China or abroad, there has never been any historical era such as the CPC after 1949 that has so thoroughly embodied the meaning of "hell on earth." There has never been such crime and suffering such as has existed under the iron shoes of the CPC's totalitarianism, which crushes under its heels the humanity's hopes for the power of its language and words, with which it cannot compete. The core of every mother tongue conceals and imbues the free nature of its people. Secular political power, on the other hand, often inserts a dark blade into the flesh and blood of language, harvests the shafts of freedom's light that rest implicitly or explicitly in the depths of the visceral veins, and constantly builds a profit-seeking prison. It uses words that have been excised of their meaning to create utopias that make all living beings drunken and debased. There has never been a utopia like communism, which not only renders human society insane, manifests the barbarism of its demons, and plunges it into ruin, but also strangles the life out of language itself, so that only the code of machines remains. The Chinese language still gasps for air to remind the world of the human image and breath, and a few words are still struggling to flow through the corpse of the language in the meat grinder. The blood of freedom of the soul: From the anti-rightist, the Cultural Revolution, up to June 4, the continuation of June 4 to the present. Even the unprecedented totalitarian political movement that is still going on today cannot completely kill the flesh and blood spirits among the corpses. It was fate that even though I grew up in Deng's totalitarian society characterized by cruelty and blood, super materialism, and opportunistic pragmatism, I would penetrate the barriers of "1984," "Animal Farm," and "Brave New World," and join those who can still bleed, those who have died tragically, and those who survived in exile to be infected by the cuckoo's mourning cry,1 as they embarked on the thorny road of independent cooperation. It has been thirteen springs and autumns since this journey began. Like some authors who have never given up, I have not given up on the bloody road of anti-totalitarianism. In a time and space full of razor blades and poisonous haze, breathing with open eyes every day, sensitive lungs that have not been scrubbed clean can feel the slaughter damage that totalitarianism brings to all living beings on this red soil every second - so much destructive damage. This has nothing to do with rhetoric. To put it in more human terms, everything in the world can be tolerated, except the evil of totalitarianism. The crimes as numerous as the grains of sand along the Ganges River, the misery as heavy as the top of Mount Tai, the unnatural death of hundreds of millions of lives, and the unnatural survival of more than a billion people are all easily explained. Today I no longer have this kind of romanticism: misery is a fortune, and a country's misfortune is a fortune. The suffering I have endured has already dispelled the meaning of "wealth," and has taken on the meaning of "tragedy." Even the "luck" of being able to take the initiative to be in misery is just a self-deceiving illusion of real fate. Even if those are "lucky" who can take the initiative to submerge in a sea of suffering, it is not fate, but rather just a self-deceiving illusion that seals up the truth. However, unless one chooses to commit suicide, if one still has a mind to continue living, one always finds a reason to live on. The blood of freedom still calls, and the blood of freedom still remains, and it can lighten the suffering slightly, comfort the undead ghosts a little, and slightly distinguish oneself from the mutated walking corpses. Finally, I would like to thank the founders of the Independent Chinese PEN Association, Bei Ling, Meng Lang and other poet friends, as well as some fellow Taoists in the PEN Association. We insist on adhering to the tenet of "promoting literature and maintaining freedom of speech." Thanks to the judges and friends for Freedom of Writing Award for presenting me with this important award. I will give it a good flogging. Thanks to the winners of the previous 12 editions: Wang Lixiong, Zhang Yihe, Wu Si, Ding Zilin, Liao Yiwu, Zhou Bo, Wang Jianhui, Yefu, Tajihui, Xugang, Chen Ziming and Ta Guanju. I have much to learn from you."

In his statement Wang Yuwen said: "After the establishment of New China in 1949, Chinese society under the leadership of the Communist Party of China was like a hell on earth, and the Chinese people lived in a hell on earth, which was unprecedented in Chinese history. After 1949, the Communist Party of China created a lot of political movements, such as the Anti-Rightist, Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, and on and on, so many crimes and so much suffering. In the face of the totalitarian power of the Communist Party of China, which is like a machine with iron shoes, poets and artists lost their freedom to speak of real sins and sufferings. They lost their voice. In the face of the totalitarian power of the Communist Party of China, the words of poets and artists have become so vulnerable, but the power of ancient words remains very strong. There is an old saying that "while everything becomes worthless, only reading retains value," scholars are very respected, and among scholars poets are even more respected. Nowadays, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, poets and scholars are even worse than unemployed vagrants. The political power of the Communist Party of China is very strong. At any time it will censor, distort, transform, and even destroy the truth and freedom of language, so that the free expression of poets, writers, and artists is continuously harvested like leeks. In order to enter a communist utopian society, we have had the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese people fought against each other, tens of millions of people were starved to death, too many people were criticized and killed, and many people became like demons, devouring their fellow men. This is what I saw in Guangxi's local Party history materials, which led to the ruin of  society during the Cultural Revolution, when  even the language itself was murdered, leaving only the words praising the leaders of the Communist Party of China and the Communist Party of China. Today the Chinese language is still respected in the world only because, in addition to the words praising the Communist Party of China and the leaders of the Communist Party of China, there are also words expressing free speech. From 1949 to the present, no matter how the Communist Party of China censors and punishes, free speech, free expression, and the pursuit of freedom in writing has never stopped. No matter what political movement it is, it can kill a person’s body, but it can’t kill their human soul, and their spirit and influence are immortal. From the 1989 June 4th student movement to the present, there are still people and words in Chinese society who pursue freedom and freedom of expression. I believe that  I am one of those people who pursue freedom and freedom of expression. I grew up under the leadership of a Communist Party of China represented by Deng Xiaoping in an environment full of cruelty and blood, super materialist desires, and opportunistic pragmatism. I was influenced by those predecessors who fought for freedom, yearned for freedom and freedom of expression, including those who died tragically while fighting for freedom, yearning for freedom and freedom of expression, and those who remained in exile. I was influenced by them, and I also embarked on the bumpy road of longing and striving for freedom. I have been writing independently for thirteen years because I yearn for freedom and fight for freedom. Like some writers who strive for freedom and yearn for freedom, I defend freedom of speech on the path of opposition to the censorship and imprisonment of literary and artistic works, and of keeping the heart of freedom of literary and artistic expression beating. Since 1949, we have been in an environment where anyone who hasn't been asleep can feel that the totalitarianism of the Communist Party of China has brought devastating harm to many people in China. In my opinion, more than one billion people in China have been living in an abnormal state, without basic human rights and freedom of speech. If people can't express what they want to say, they are not normal people. Although I have a lot of dissatisfaction, even despair, with the current Chinese society, yet I still want to find a reason to live, and I still want to maintain my yearning for freedom. Just like the lyrics say, nothing can stop my yearning for freedom. I use poems and art to express my yearning for freedom, and maybe it can comfort those souls who died unjustly in pursuit of freedom. The entire award acceptance speech showed that the current Chinese society is not free enough, and there remains a gap between it and my ideal of freedom. I am not very satisfied with China's current social system, and I am also dissatisfied in my heart. The content of the award acceptance speech is full of my personal desire to pursue freedom and my yearning for freedom. I already despair for the current society in China. My ideal free society is like that of America."

Criminal suspect Wang Liqin saved Wang Yuwen's award acceptance speech "Using the Blood of Freedom to Shed Light on Suffering" on her mobile phone for the purpose of sharing this poem.

10. On September 14, 2016, criminal suspect Wang Yuwen distributed the poem "Seven Rhythms Mid-Autumn Festival" (last of two poems) on his personal homepage on Facebook under the name Wang Zang. The main content was:

"In '49 a nation destroyed and hells arose, wronged souls and rotting corpses all around.
The Great Leap's violence was the wrath of men and heaven, the leaders banal evil and malicious madness.
A million ghosts no match for red riots, a cloud of evil grinds meat for cooking.
Mingling crows only look to deserted graves, the dream of mid-autumn broken in the crater of a cold moon.
The yellow flowers and noble grasses are filled with sorrow, as a moldy past grows on Xinhai's vibrant spirit.
Wuchang's volunteers all pointed to the sun, Jiang and Hu had the gall to accompany their wives.
The wanton yellow Russians made the shadowed people rise up, bringing chaos to the ROC and fattening the communist bandits.
Foreign aggression and domestic anxiety make tyranny like peace, a pity the battle's fruits were spoiled by thieves."

In his statement Wang Yuwen said: "The Republic of China fell in 1949, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chinese society was like some kind of hell. The whole poem expresses my feelings about the fall of the Republic of China in 1949 and my feelings of anger and sorrow about this period of history after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Mao Zedong leading the people to topple three great mountains, the people are the masters of the country, these are lies. How can the people be the masters of the country when they kneel at the feet of their leaders? The former Soviet Union transposed upon China their ideology of class struggle by fighting the landed gentry and dividing the land without working. At the time of the Japanese invasion of China, the bandits that had been set up by the former Soviet Union, such as Li Dazhao, and the Japanese bandits who invaded China, were growing rich and strong together. The Republic of China faced all kinds of bandits from the Japanese army who invaded China to domestic tyrants who divided their fields and looted their homes."

Criminal suspect Wang Liqin saved the "Seven Rhythms Mid-Autumn Festival" (last of two poems) for Wang Yuwen on her mobile phone for the purpose of sharing the poem

11. On February 10, 2018, criminal suspects Wang Yuwen and Wang Liqin co-edited and wrote "The Lawyer Sui Muqing Whom I Know." These two also co-compiled and completed "The detoxification of an epic poem by Wang Zang by heroes from all walks of life," "The detoxification of a group of poems by Wang Zang by elites from all walks of life," and "The professional detoxification of several short poems by Wang Zang by several critics".

12. In 2014, criminal suspect Wang Liqin took a photo of Wang Yuwen's bald head and umbrella with his mobile phone to express solidarity with the Occupy Central movement in Hong Kong.

On October 2, 2014, criminal suspect Wang Yuwen was taken into criminal detention and arrested by the Tongzhou precinct of the Public Security Bureau of Beijing on suspicion of the offense of disturbing the peace for expressing solidarity with Hong Kong's "Occupy Central" movement. Wang Yuwen wrote his own letter of confession and repentance, promising: "I will no longer pay attention to negative human rights issues, and will not write and distribute related content. I will no longer create literary and artistic works with critical or extreme ideas, and I will no longer use social hot-button issues to sensationalize my own works." Wang Yuwen stated in the letter of repentance: "I am deeply regretful and ashamed of my ideology and certain social conduct."

When Wang Yuwen went to Chuxiong  to buy a house in 2017 and lived in Chu, the police from the State Security Agency of Chuxiong repeatedly undertook "knock and warn" and "education and salvation"work 2 with Wang Yuwen. Wang Yuwen repeatedly wrote guarantee letters: "I will ensure that the words and images I distribute on the Internet will not violate political and legal bottom lines, and will not attack the Party and the State. I will strictly abide by laws and regulations, and observe the law and discipline. I will abide by the "Cyber Security Law" of the State, and won't publish words and images on foreign websites that damage the reputation and image of the State. I will earnestly study the relevant laws and regulations of the State, and never do anything to cross the bottom line of the law. " He has written many letters of repentance and letters of guarantee, but he has repeatedly violated them.

Wang Yuwen claims that his personal political position is to strive for democracy and freedom. He himself has claimed "I don't hide it, the poems and images I distributed all reflect my political stance and my dissatisfaction with the Party and the State."

Criminal suspect Wang Yuwen was interviewed by the foreign media outlet Radio Free Asia, reposted tweets on Twitter, and distributed an award acceptance speech. Their contents manufactured rumors, and defamed, denigrated, smeared, and attacked the Communist Party of China, China's current social system, and State leaders.

After criminal suspect Wang Yuwen was arrested and held in custody in accordance with the law, during the investigation process of the case, the leaders of the special case team and the police handling the case conducted propaganda and education on laws and regulations many times. Wang Yuwen wrote a "Letter of Repentance," "Letter of Confession, Repentance, and Ideological Reflection," and "A Further Letter of Repentance and Ideological Reflection," and recorded a video pleading guilty and accepting punishment, and persuading his fellow suspect Wang Liqin to plead guilty and accept punishment.

After 30 interrogations, criminal suspect Wang Yuwen confessed on the record to the acts that were suspected of inciting subversion of state power.

Criminal suspect Wang Yuwen's statement said that he was beaten by Beijing police in 2014, and he had the conditions to go abroad to seek political asylum. He contacted Liao Yiwu, who lives in Germany, and Lu Yong, who lives in Thailand, about having his family of six traveling first to Thailand, and then to Germany or the United States. In order to flee abroad, in January 2020, after consulting with Wang Liqin, Wang Yuwen applied for passports for Wang Liqin, Wang Shifan, and himself at Tongzhou precinct of the Public Security Bureau of Beijing. He was preparing to get passports for Wang Nianci, Shiya Wang and Wang Shiyin after returning to Chuxiong.

Criminal suspect Wang Yuwen's statement said that for so many years his ideology has compelled him to repeatedly distribute suspected illegal and criminal remarks, articles, images, comments, and other works on Twitter and Facebook, just to vent his ideology and dissatisfaction, and he couldn't help himself.

Wang Yuwen stated that if he didn't post he would feel like a fish out of water all day long, just like a smoker who is addicted to smoking, and a drug addict who is addicted to drugs. He would feel very depressed, very irritable, and that life was meaningless. After posting, he would feel lighter and more comfortable.

Criminal suspect Wang Yuwen stated that most of the people who bought paintings with him over the years did not know much about painting, but they understood what he and Wang Liqin were going through, and were offering understanding, sympathy, and support for what they were experiencing, and were expressing admiration for his and Wang Liqin's spirit of independence, freedom, and resistance, and giving support by buying paintings from them. They obtained more than 100,000 yuan in funds by selling paintings to these people.

Criminal suspect Wang Liqin used her mobile phone to store and share for Wang Yuwen poems, articles, comments, photos, videos, and other works suspected of manufacturing rumors, and defaming, attacking, denigrating, and smearing China's Party and government.

Criminal suspect Wang Yuwen and Wang Liqin jointly carried out criminal activities that incited subversion of state power. Criminal suspect Wang Yuwen is the principal offender in this case, and criminal suspect Wang Liqin is an accessory offender in this case.

The evidence determining the aforementioned facts is as follows:

    • The civil police apprehension process, suspect's statements and justifications, "Letter of Repentance," "Letter of Confession, Repentance, and Ideological Reflection," and "A Further Letter of Repentance and Ideological Reflection," and video of confession and warning not to follow his example. These can substantiate the continuity, consistency, and authenticity of the commission of the crime.
    • The electronic data network online collection work records. These can substantiate the means, process, consistency and continuity of the commission of the crime.
    • Crime scene investigation transcripts. These can substantiate the means of the commission of the crime.
    • Voice and audio forensics of the interviews criminal suspect Wang Yuwen gave. These can substantiate the methods and authenticity of the commission of the crime.
    • Criminal suspect Wang Yuwen's identification of screenshots of interviews, retweets, distributed acceptance speeches, distributed poems, etc. These can substantiate the methods, process, actuality, consistency, and continuity of the commission of the crime.
    • Witness testimonies. These can substantiate the continuity and consistency of the commission of the crime.
    • Wang Yuwen's previous convictions material. These can substantiate his criminal history.
    • Wang Yuwen's letters of guarantee. These can substantiate the continuity and consistency of his commission of the crime.
    • Criminal suspects Wang Yuwen's and Wang Liqin's confessions of guilt and acceptance of punishment for the criminal facts. These and the other evidentiary materials are mutually corroborating. These can substantiate that the two of them are suspected of jointly committing a crime.
    • Criminal suspect Wang Liqin's judicial mental illness forensics. These can substantiate the authenticity of his commission of the crime, and that he should bear legal responsibility.

The aforementioned criminal facts are clear, the evidence is reliable and copious, and is sufficient to reach a determination.

On October 2, 2014, criminal suspect Wang Yuwen was taken into criminal detention by the Tongzhou precinct of the Public Security Bureau of Beijing on suspicion of the offense of disturbing the peace for  expressing solidarity with Hong Kong's "Occupy Central" movement. He was arrested in accordance with the law on November 6 of the same year, and was released on July 9, 2015 following the Procuratorate of Tongzhou District, Beijing's decision not to prosecute.

Based on an investigation, criminal suspect Wang Liqin has no criminal record.

In summary of the foregoing, in order to pursue American-style democracy, to express, yearn for, and pursue an American-style political system, to reflect his political stance, and to express his dissatisfaction with the People's Republic of China, the Communist Party of China, and China's current social and economic systems, for the last several years criminal suspect Wang Yuwen used various means to manufacture rumors, and defame, insult, denigrate, smear, and attack the Communist Party of China, China's current social and economic systems, and State leaders, including creating poems, paintings, images, comments, and other works, accepting interviews on foreign Radio Free Asia and other media broadcasts, and distributing texts on social platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.

Criminal suspect Wang Liqin participated in the arrangement, production, and storage of some of Wang Yuwen's works.

The acts of these two people were the commission of an offense under the provisions of Article 105(2) of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," and they are suspected of committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power. They should bear criminal liability in accordance with the law. In accordance with the provisions of Article 162 of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China", the case will be transferred to the prosecution agency for pre-prosecution examination.

It is hereby addressed to the People's Procuratorate of Chuxiong

September 2, 2020

Public Security Bureau of Chuxiong










































Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

The PRC government sentenced Sun Zhiming (孙志明, who wrote under the alias Sun Daluo (孙大骆)) to one year imprisonment for the crime of "di...