Sunday, April 9, 2023

Translation: Civil Rights Lawyer Ding Jiaxi's Statement to the Court

Translator's Notes: 

  • Ding Jiaxi (丁家喜) is a PRC civil rights lawyer who co-founded the New Citizens' Movement (中国新公民运动) along with fellow civil rights lawyer Xu Zhiyong (许志永).
  • Ding first became the target of government prosecution in 2013, when he and Xu Zhiyong were arrested, and eventually imprisoned, for their roles in small demonstrations in Beijing calling for equal social and educational benefits for migrant workers in Beijing. 
  • The text below is Ding's statement published shortly before a court was expected to issue a verdict in his trial for subversion in connection with meetings he and Xu held with other activists in 2019.
  • The Chinese version was created by running an image posted by Ding's wife on Twitter on April 8, 2023 ( through OCR software. I have tried to proof the OCR version, but some errors in transcription may remain.

Ding Jiaxi's Statement to the Court 

Autocracy Shall Perish

If we start counting from the Xinhai Revolution of 1911, more than 110 years have passed, and after several generations of sacrifices, the Chinese people are still living in a state of political oppression, economic control, and ideological enslavement. Dictators and their privileged interest groups continue to use high-tech means to strengthen their autocratic rule. But civilization is driving the course of history with mighty force. A battle between democracy and autocracy is unfolding. Their lifelong dictatorship and long-term delusions of one-party dictatorship are coming to an end, and China's social transformation is approaching day by day.

It has always been our sincere desire to avoid social turmoil and people's suffering during the transition period. We are convinced that the most stable model for China's transformation is one of peace, rationality, and non-violence. I have faced many doubts, encountered many difficulties, and suffered many setbacks. I have personally been tortured. None of this will change my steadfast philosophy.

All Chinese who care about the future of the nation need to entrust our generation with an historic responsibility. This responsibility is to eradicate autocracy and build a beautiful China. This requires us to overcome the fear in our hearts, speak loudly for justice, resolutely oppose dictators, resolutely oppose privileged interest groups, and reject their authoritarian rule. As long as we work together, the light of freedom, democracy, and the rule of law will surely shine over the land of China!

Dramatic changes are imminent for China. Even as my body sits within high walls, I can clearly feel that the footsteps of civilization like rousing thunder! I picture the scene like this: The Chinese people will awaken from extreme slavery, see through the various forms of righteousness they have woven together with moral lies, and see the truth clearly. The privileges of dictators and their privileged interests groups will collapse as soon as the people cease to trust and submit to their autocratic rule.

I have always believed this: They have endeavored to reverse engineer the historical experience of the progress of human civilization, blocking 1,000 possibilities for the collapse of an autocratic regime. Nevertheless, it remains the case that autocratic regimes will collapse in 1,001 ways. That is the law of history.

Let's start the countdown: five, four, three, two, one... 








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