Friday, December 23, 2011

Translation: Court Judgment in Chen Wei's Incitement of Subversion Case

Intermediate People's Court of Suining, Sichuan

Criminal Judgment Document

(2011) Sui Intermediate Criminal First Instance No. 00054

Public Prosecution Agency People's Procuratorate of Suining, Sichuan

Defendant Chen Wei, male, born February 21, 1969 in Suining, Sichuan. Han ethnicity, matriculated college but did not obtain a degree, unemployed, household registration at Unit 2, No. 3, 69 Jiefu West Road, Chuanshan District, Suining, Sichuan, residing at D Block, 18th Fl., No. 2, "Top Rose," Chuanshan District, Suining, Sichuan. Sentenced to five years imprisonment and two years deprivation of political rights in December 1994 for the crime of inciting anti-counterrevolutionary propaganda, and released on May 28, 1997 upon completion of sentence. Subjected to criminal detention on February 21, 2011 on suspicion of committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and formally arrested on March 28 of the same year. Currently in custody at the Suining Detention Center.

Defense attorney Zheng Wei, Chongqing Kangshi Law Firm.

Defense attorney Liang Xiaojun, Beijing Daoheng Law Firm.

The People's Procuratorate of Suining, Sichuan charged the defendant Chen Wei with inciting subversion of state power pursuant to Sui Jian Public Prosecution Indictment 2011(42), and filed the indictment with this court on November 25, 2011. This court convened a collegiate panel in accordance with the law, and publicly tried this case. The People's Procuratorate of Suining, Sichuan assigned Procurator Li Hongzhi and acting Procurator Li Qin to appear in court in support of the indictment, and defendant Chen Wei and his defense attorneys Zheng Jianwei and Liang Xiaojun appeared in court to participate in the litigation. The trial has concluded.

The People's Procuratorate of Suining, Sichuan charged that, at various times during the period from March 2009 to January 2011, defendant Chen Wei published many articles he authored, including "The System's Illness and the Medicine of Constitutional Democracy" on overseas websites such as "China Democracy," "China Human Rights," and "Yi Bao," which spread rumors and libels "The people have been deprived of their ideology and belief," "The entire Chinese Communist Party utilizes violent mechanisms to control the people," and incitements "The funeral bells are ringing for one party dictatorship," and "This system must be changed." The articles that were published were widely linked to, re-posted, and viewed, and their influence was extremely malicious. The public prosecution agency presented in court on records of on-the-scene inspections, records of electronic evidence investigations, authenticated conclusions, witness testimony, the defendant's deposition, and other evidence in support. The public prosecution agency believes that defendant Chen Wei's actions constitute the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and that the crime is severe, and ask that the People's Court pass sentence in accordance with the law.

Defendant Chen Wei and his defense attorneys argue that Chen Wei lacked the intent to incite subversion of state power, and that the articles he published were generally theoretical in nature, and included no content that spread rumors or libels, his views were within the scope of citizens' freedom of speech, and do not constitute the crime of inciting subversion of state power. He is not a criminal.

An investigation has shown that, at various times during the period from March 2009 to January 2011, defendant Chen Wei published many articles he authored, including "The System's Illness and the Medicine of Constitutional Democracy," "Civil Opposition Parties are the Key Factor in the Growth of China's Democratization," "The Trap of Harmony and the Absence of Fairness," and "Realizations During a Hunger Strike on Human Rights Day" on overseas websites such as "China Democracy," "China Human Rights," and "Yi Bao," which spread rumors and libels "The people have been deprived of their ideology and belief," "The entire Chinese Communist Party utilizes violent mechanisms to control the people," "It is the enemy of democracy," and "Everyone clearly sees the inhuman nature of the Chinese Communist Party," and incitements "The funeral bells are ringing for one party dictatorship," "Use the streets to protest and promote popular government," and "This system must be changed." The articles that were published were widely linked to, re-posted, and viewed, and their influence was extremely malicious.

The aforementioned facts have been verified and confronted by this court through the following evidentiary proof:

1. Receipt of criminal case records, decision to establish the case, report on resolution of the case, arrest procedures, as well as the origin of evidence in the case, and process of resolving the case and arresting Chen Wei.

2. Search warrant, search records, list of confiscated items, on-sight survey examination records and photographs, evidence that investigative agencies confiscated two notebook computers, one portable hard drive, and several train tickets from Chen Wei's residence in accordance with the law.

3. Electronic evidence investigation records from the Suining Public Security Bureau -- Sui Public (Internet Security) Survey (2011) No. 011 Electronic Evidence Investigation Record, Sui Public (Internet Security) Survey (2011) No. 012 Electronic Evidence Investigation Record, Sui Public (Internet Security) Survey (2011) No. 013 Remote Examination Investigation Record, Sui Public (Internet Security) Survey (2011) No. 010 Electronic Evidence Investigation Record with letters and copies of letters regarding assisting with carrying out an investigation of relevant data, which proved that many essays, including "The System's Illness and the Medicine of Constitutional Democracy," "Realizations During a Hunger Strike on Human Rights Day," and "The Trap of Harmony and the Absence of Fairness," were discovered on hard drives of the notebook computers confiscated from Chen Wei. Based on a remote examination investigation, as of February 25, 2011, the 11 essays posted by Chen Wei on "China Democracy," "China Human Rights," "Yi Bao," and other websites had been linked to from 37 web pages and clicked on 8,524 times.

4. Expert Opinion Testimonial (Beijing Internet Association Forensic Center (2011) Testimonial No. 12) of the Beijing Internet Industry Association's Electronic Data Forensic Center, with an explanation of inspection materials used, with a record proving the discovery on the hard drives implicated in the Chen Wei case the essays written by Chen Wei, such as "The System's Illness and the Medicine of Constitutional Democracy," "Realizations During a Hunger Strike on Human Rights Day," and "The Trap of Harmony and the Absence of Fairness," and the Skype account registered by him to transmit the essays point-to-point overseas.

5. Paper copies of the essays published on the Internet including "The System's Illness and the Medicine of Constitutional Democracy," "Civil Opposition Parties are the Key Factor in the Growth of China's Democratization," "The Trap of Harmony and the Absence of Fairness," and "Realizations During a Hunger Strike on Human Rights Day," which Chen Wei has confirmed through his signature were published by him, proving that Chen Wei published inciting essays on the Internet, and that in these essays he spread rumors and libels "The people have been deprived of their ideology and belief," "The entire Chinese Communist Party utilizes violent mechanisms to control the people," "It is the enemy of democracy," and "Everyone clearly sees the inhuman nature of the Chinese Communist Party," and incitements "The funeral bells are ringing for one party dictatorship," "Use the streets to protest and promote popular government," and "This system must be changed."

6. Beijing Intermediate People's Court Criminal Judgment, Beijing Higher People's Court Criminal Ruling, Sichuan Province Prison Release Evidence proving that Chen Wei was imprisoned for the crime of inciting counter-revolutionary propaganda, and on December 16, 1994 was sentenced by the Beijing Intermediate Court to five years imprisonment and two years deprivation of political rights, and was released on May 28, 1997 upon completion of the sentence.

7. Household registration materials proving the basic personal information of Chen Wei's identity.

8. Testimony by witnesses Wang Xiaoyan (Chen Wei's wife), Wang Lanfang (Chen Wei's sister-in-law), Tang Jianlin (Chen Wei's brother-in-law), and Wang Lanying (Chen Wei's sister-in-law) proves that Chen Wei, his wife, and Wang Lanfang's family live together at D Block, 18th Fl., No. 2, "Top Rose," Chuanshan District, Suining, Sichuan, and they have no family living abroad. The "List of Sichuan Democracy Activists" and "Passerby Liu Xianbin" and other documents and materials on the hard drive from the "Legend" notebook computer and the Samsung portable hard drive confiscated in this case were not saved on the computer hard drives by them, and they did not use the name Chen Wei to post anything on the Internet. Chen Wei had arranged to use the bank accounts of Wang Xiaoyan, Wang Lanfang, Tang Jianlin, and Wang Lanying to have money transfered from overseas.

9. Testimony from witnesses Chen Wei [N.B. - this is a different spelling from the defendant's name], Yin Xia, and Yu Yuebo proves that they saw articles written by Chen Wei on "China Democracy" and other websites.

10. The deposition of defendant Chen Wei proves that the essays "The System's Illness and the Medicine of Constitutional Democracy," "Civil Opposition Parties are the Key Factor in the Growth of China's Democratization," "The Trap of Harmony and the Absence of Fairness," and "Realizations During a Hunger Strike on Human Rights Day" on overseas websites such as "China Democracy," "China Human Rights," and "Yi Bao" were written by him.

This court finds that defendant Chen Wei wrote and published on the Internet essays that spread rumors and libels, and incited subversion of China's state power and the overthrow of the socialist system, and that his actions constitute the crime of inciting subversion of state power. Chen Wei published a large number of articles on the Internet. They were inciting in the extreme, the scope of their influence was large, and his crime is severe. Chen Wei has previously been criminally sanctioned for crimes of endangering state security, and he proceeded to once again commit crimes that endangered state security following the conclusion of his criminal punishment. He is a recidivist, and in accordance with the law he should be subjected to harsh punishment.

Chen Wei and his defense attorneys have argued that the essays published by Chen Wei fall within the scope of citizens' freedom speech, and lack the objective intent and subjective actions for the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and his actions do not constitute a crime.

Based on an investigation, Chen Wei published many articles on the Internet that spread rumors and libels, and the objective was to incite subversion of China's state power and the overthrow of the socialist system, and his actions do not fall within the scope of citizens' freedom of speech, and severely harmed the nation's interests and security. Therefore, these arguments and defenses cannot stand, and this court does not accept them.

Chen Wei and his defense attorneys argue that Chen Wei is not a recidivist. Based on an investigation, Chen Wei was previously criminally sanctioned for the crime of inciting counter-revolutionary propaganda, and following the conclusion of his criminal punishment he proceeded to once again commit the crime of inciting subversion of state power. These two crimes are both crimes of endangering national security, and he is a recidivist. Therefore, these arguments and defenses cannot stand, and this court does not accept them.

Based on the foregoing, the facts are clear and the evidence is reliable and sufficient with respect to the public prosecutorial agency's charges, the crime charged stands, and this court sustains it. In accordance with the provisions of articles 105(2), 55(1), 56(1), 66, and 64 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," the judgment is as follows:

1. Defendant Chen Wei committed the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and is sentenced to nine years imprisonment and two years deprivation of political rights (the prison term is to be calculated starting on the day the judgment is executed, with each day spent in detention prior to the execution of the judgment to count as one day of the prison term. It will therefore run from February 21, 2011 to February 20, 2020.)

2. All items used in the commission of the crime are hereby confiscated.

If the defendant does not accept this judgment, he may file an appeal with this court or directly with the High People's Court of Sichuan between the second and tenth day from the day after he receives the judgment document. A written appeal should be submitted with one original and two copies.

Presiding Judge Liu Yibin
Judge Wei Xiao
Judge Deng Gang

December 23, 2011

Clerk Quan Liguo













3。遂宁市公安局电子证物检查工作记录 - - 遂公(网安)勘[2011]011号电子证物检查工作记录、遂公(网安)勘[2011]012号电子证物检查工作记录、遂公(网安)勘[2011]013号远程勘验检查笔录、遂公(网安)勘[2011]010号关于协助对相关数据进行调查的函及复函,证实从陈卫处扣押的笔记本电脑硬盘中发现了《制度之疾与宪政民主之药》、《在人权日绝食的感语》、《和谐的陷阱与公平的缺席》等多篇文章。经远程勘验检查,截止2011年2月25日,陈卫在"民主中国"、"中国人权"、"议报"等网站上发表的11篇文章,共计网页链接37个,点击数8524次。












Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

 On July 7, the " @FreeXueBing " Twitter account posted a link to the court judgment in the inciting subversion case of Huang Xueq...