Monday, July 20, 2015

After Arrest of "Rights Defense" Activist Wu Gan, State Media Launches Smear Campaign

On May 19, 2015 Wu Gan" (吴淦) was ordered held in administrative detention for 10 days on the grounds that he violated clauses 1 and 2 of Article 23 of the Public Security Administration Punishments Law (中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法), which make it illegal to:
  1. disturb the order of government departments, public organizations, enterprises or institutions, thus making it impossible for work, production, business operation, medical care, teaching or scientific research to go on normally but not having caused serious losses; 
  2. disturb the public order at stations, ports, wharves, airports, department stores, parks, exhibition halls or other public places.
Among Wu Gan’s actions cited in the sentencing document was his “insulting the head of this court, Zhang Zhonghou.” (辱骂该院院长张忠厚).

On May 27, Wu Gan, who often uses the online name "Super Vulgar Butcher," was formally arrested by Fujian police.

China's search engines and social media censored search results about Wu Gan and restricted information that Internet users could find to news media outlets licensed by the central government. See: Wu Gan Jailed for Insulting Judge, Baidu and Sina Weibo Censor Search Results for "Wu Gan" 

On May 28, 2015, the People's Daily, the official mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party, published an article on page 11 of its print edition entitled "Wu Gan Arrested on Suspicion of Committing the Crimes of Provoking Quarrels and Defamation: Revealing the True Face of the 'Super Vulgar Butcher" (涉嫌寻衅滋事罪、诽谤罪的吴淦被依法刑拘: 揭开“超级低俗屠夫”真面目).  The subheadings of the article were:
  • What Has He Been Up To? (他干过怎样的事?)
  • What Tricks Does He Typically Use? (他惯用哪些伎俩?)
  • What Kind of Person Is He? (他是个啥样的人)
Some excerpts:
He held a job as a real estate agent and started some companies with friends, and they all ended in failure. Incapable of doing any real business, he started immersing himself online on forum and writing blogs.
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Wu Gan sprang to fame during the Deng Yujiao incident after he entered the hospital and had his picture taken with Deng Yujiao and posted it online. Having gotten a taste of fame, Wu Gan became fond of chasing after popular events.
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Wu Gan made certain leading cadres fear he would cause trouble and blow things out of proportion, and he often began with Party and government officials in charge, and exerted pressure on the government involved in handling an affair.
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In 2012 the Fuqing police investigated a case involving one of Wu Gan's relatives. In order to further his personal interests, Wu Gan insulted the police station's leaders, and threatened to "set up a mourning hall for the officer's entire family so that Fuqing's petitioners could come and pay their respects." In addition to this, he also blackened the good name of Lin Wanlin, who had been named by a Model Hero in the Second Degree of the State Public Security System for sacrificing for the public good. . . .
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Its not hard to see that, in order to put pressure on leaders and achieve his personal goals, it can be said there was nothing that Wu Gan would not do, and even children were not out of bounds.
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"Wherever there was excitement, that's where he'd go, like some kind of promiscuos fly, he would flutter off anywhere, and the only thing he feared was peace: Mr. Chen, who had personally witnessed Wu Gan raising the flag of "Rights Defense" to further the personal interests of his relatives in Jinan, Fuzhou, says he has nothing but contempt for people like him.
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News that the Internet user "Super Vulgar Butcher" Wu Gan had been arrested did not come as much of a surprise to folks from his home town. "Wu Gan's home environment had quite an influence on him." A village elder expressed a certain degree of pity: "He was too mouthy, and was bound to have an 'incident' sooner or later."
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When they speak of Wu Gan's family, most neighbors shake their heads. His father was a live-in-son-in-law, and his mother died of illness when he was 14. In 1998, his father was sentenced to three years imprisonment after he organized a group of smash a chicken farm, and attacked police who had been sent to deal with the situation. . . . . His brother is still wanted by the police in connection with a 2006 scheme to abscond with over 710,000 yuan in funds obtained through a fraudulent subcontracting manufacturing arrangement.
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Two of Wu Gan's former coworkers had similar assessments: He once wrote a novel on the company Intranet, but it was vulgar; his work was generally sloppy, and several times it almost led to his being fired.
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A court judgment in a civil lawsuit states "he is almost never home," "in 2002 he was discovered to have had an affair," his first wife divorced him. . . .
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According to public security agencies, Wu Gan has been subjected to administrative detention three times for falsifying documents, driving without a license, and disturbing public order.
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2012年,福清市公安局侦办一起涉及吴淦亲属的案子。吴淦为了达到他的个人目的,就对该局领导进行辱骂,并威胁“为局长全家设灵堂让福清访民来祭拜”。此外,他还抹黑该局因公牺牲的全国公安系统二级英模林万霖 . . . .
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谈及吴淦的家庭,村民大多摇头。他父亲徐某某是上门女婿,母亲在他14岁时病逝; 1998年,他父亲因组织一帮人打砸养鸡场,并围攻前去处置的民警,被判处有期徒刑3年,又因在服刑期间越狱增加刑期1年;他哥哥在2006年以代加工半成品为由,伙同他人骗取贷款71万余元后潜逃,目前还是公安机关网上追逃对象。
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法院的一份民事判决书显示:“经常不着家”“2002年发现他有外遇”,前妻要与他离婚. . . .
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Also on May 28, 2015, the front page headline of the Police Daily, the official mouthpiece of China's Ministry of Public Security, read: "Suspected of Committing the Crimes of Provoking Quarrels and Defamation, Doubts are Raised about Satirical 'Rights Defense'" (涉嫌寻衅滋事罪和诽谤罪 恶搞式“维权”遭质疑). Most of the sources cited in the article came from anonymous Internet posters. Some excerpts:
On May 27, the Internet user Wu Gan "Super Vulgar Butcher," who had previously been subjected to administrative detention for disturbing order at a work unit and publicly insulting others, was formally arrested by Fujian police on suspicion of picking quarrels and defamation. Currently, police are carrying out an investigation.
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Although this time the police only publicized Wu Gan's actions in the Nanchang disturbance, some Internet users have compiled lists of a series of satirical so-called "rights defense" actions that he has participated in over the years. One Internet user said "kindness and tolerance has allowed this petty clown 'Butcher' to step into the limelight time and again to manufacture farces." Another Internet user said "The 'Butcher' is just another troublemaker looking to 'stir shit up.' Wherever there are people gathering to make noises, that's where you will find him looking for an opportunity to hype-up the situation." Internet user "I Love the Lady in the Moon" said on one forum: "Over the past few years there has been a constant stream of information about Wu Gan cheating people's money. Now that they are punishing him, its like a lesson for all Internet users."
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One Internet user summed up Wu Gan's approach to rights defense as "Right Defense Day Trips": "At the moment things get going he rushes to scene where people are gathering, takes some photos with them, and then heads to the relevant 'government office' to wander around. If its possible he'll submit some bullshit made-up 'application' or 'letter of complaint' and then post these images online along with some superficial explanations. Finally, at the critical moment he'll announce he's taking donations in a certain bank account, and call on Internet users to make a contribution." The Internet user points out that Wu Gan's goal in participating in every event "is making money."

On the Kaidi Forum, from May to November 2009 an Internet user published over 10 posts casting suspicions on "the Butcher," pointing out that "the Butcher" had insulted reporters and others, was already under suspicion of committing crimes, and noted that a series of actions taken by "the Butcher" had been done in order to collect donations.

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The following day the Beijing Daily also published an article in its print edition similarly outlining Wu Gan's various business failings, firings, relationship problems, and family difficulties. Below is the graphic that accompanied the article.

Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

 On July 7, the " @FreeXueBing " Twitter account posted a link to the court judgment in the inciting subversion case of Huang Xueq...