Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Baidu Censorship Promotes Government Articles Smearing "Rights Defense" Lawyer Wang Yu

As noted previously on this blog, on July 9, 2015, Wang Yu was taken from her home, on July 11 Chinese police announced they had arrested Wang Yu, and on July 14 Baidu began censoring searches for "Lawyer Wang Yu." See: http://blog.feichangdao.com/2015/07/baidu-censors-attorney-wang-yu-lawyer.html

One month before she was taken into detention, on June 11, 2015, the Chinese government's official news agency Xinhua published two articles criticizing attorney Wang Yu in connection with an event that had taken place in 2008. The anonymous articles described Wang Yu as "arrogant," "unreasonable," and a "shrew."
This screenshot shows that, prior to Baidu instituting its censorship, the two Xinhua articles appeared three times at the bottom of Baidu's results.

The following screenshot shows that, after Baidu began restricting search results to central government news media outlets, the two articles appeared at the top of Baidu's search results, and comprised eight out of the ten search results on the first page (the other two articles related to a different individual named "Wang Yu."

Below are translated excerpts from the two articles.

"Woman Lawyer" Wang Yu Beat a Man Deaf and Was Sentenced, But Refuses to Comply with the Judgment and Still Runs Around '"Making a Living" ("女律师"王宇打人致聋被判刑 拒不执行判决仍四处"接活")
It was May 4, 2008, an early summer's day, and 18 year-old Zhang Gefei did as he always did, welcoming yet another nerve-wracking, but happy, day. He was a ticket collector for the Beijing Railway at the Tianjin West Station.
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Zhang Gefei was diligently doing his job, checking tickets, when he noticed a man and woman holding platform tickets intending to enter the station. Their tickets did not match the train number for that time, and so he stopped them. But he never imagined that, not only would they not cooperate, they would in fact proceed to create a scene. In his pure and honest heart, Zhang Gefei believed that every passenger would cooperate with the ticket examination when entering the station, how could anyone not follow the system prescribed by the rules? He never imagined that his devotion and earnestness would be repaid with a tragedy that would follow him for the rest of his life. This completely unreasonable woman refused to comply with the rules and suddenly began slapping Zhang Gefei on the left side of his face. The slap left Zhang Gefei momentarily stunned, and not only broke his concentration, but also broke the beautiful dreams that this boy had for giving his ordinary family a happy life through his own hard work.
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When all is said and one, a villain cannot escape the long arm of the law. Wang Yu was sentenced to 2 1/2 years imprisonment by the Tianjin Railway Court. Even though the court ordered her to compensate the Zhang Gefei over 130,000 yuan, after six years Wang Yu still refuses to pay up.
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Is this no longer a land of laws, is there no justice? Zhang Gefei is not the only one left perplexed. We too have to ask, who gave her this kind of power? Where is the black hand behind the curtain?

Today, because of his permanent hearing loss, Zhang Gefei sits at home waiting for a job. The pressure put on his family by his enormous hospital bills and unemployment has turned his mood extremely negative and prone to violent outburst of temper.
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It is this arrogant convict of a woman who in recent years has transformed herself into a lawyer ceaseless spewing rule of law, human rights, justice, while running around active and carefree waiving the flag of "rights defense." Zhang Gefei calls on the police and the courts to punish her, expose the true face of this hypocritical and false lawyer, and bring fairness and justice back to society!

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Woman Injures Two People and Keeps Collecting Salary While Serving Sentence, After Release Works as a Fake Lawyer (女子连伤2人服刑期间吃空饷 出狱后当假律师)
In 2008, Wang Yu was an employee of the Retired Cadre Administration, and held this status when she started serving her prison sentence in 2010. In 2012, the Retired Cadre Administration terminated her on the basis of her conviction. According to a response from an official at the Retired Cadre Administration, from 2006 to 2012, including the two years she was serving her prison sentence, Wang Yu used various excuses to refuse to pay taxes and benefits to the work unit, and for seven years collected a salary without doing any work.

An employee of the Retired Cadre Administration also disclosed that from June 1992 (when Wang Yu was 21) to May 2006, Wang Yu took up the position as Director of the "Committee for Caring for the Next Generation's Growth" in Ulan Hot. During that time she used her friend's connection to obtain fake internship credentials from a law firm, and thereby fraudulently acquired qualification as a lawyer. According to the relevant regulations on the legal profession, Wang Yu is under suspicion of falsifying her legal credentials.

How was it that a weak woman was able to physically beat up two people so quickly? Perhaps one clue can be derived from a statement by a security guard in district Wang Yu lived in in Ulan Hot. That year, when a person visited Wang Yu's residence during an investigation, a doorman opened their registration book, and therein could be found this word describing Wang Yu: "Shrew."




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