Friday, August 25, 2017

Translation: Provisions on the Administration of Internet Forum Community Services

Provisions on the Administration of Internet Forum Community Services

Issued on: August 25, 2017
Issued by: Cyberspace Administration of China

Article 1. In order to standardize Internet forum community services, promote the healthy and orderly development of Internet forum community services, protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, and safeguard  national security and the public interest, these Provisions are hereby formulated in accordance with the "Cyber Security Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "State Council Notice Regarding Authorizing the Cyberspace Administration of China to Assume Responsibility for the Management of Internet Information Content."
Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the Internet forum community services within the territory of the People 's Republic of China.
As used in these Provisions, the term "Internet forum community service" refers to the provision of interactive information publishing community platforms in the form of forums, bulletin boards, and communities.
Article 3 The Cyberspace Administration of China shall be responsible for nation-wide supervision and management of law enforcement for Internet forum community services. Local bureaus of the Cyberspace Administration of China shall be responsible for the supervision and management  of law enforcement of Internet forum community services in their respective administrative areas.
Article 4. Internet forum community service enterprises are encouraged to organize and establish industry organizations to improve industry self-discipline systems and standards,  guide Internet forum community service providers to establish and improve service standards, urge Internet forum community service providers to provide services in accordance with the law, accept social supervision, and improve the professionalism o of Internet forum community service employees.

Article 5. Internet forum community service providers shall fulfill their main responsibilities, and establish and improve information security management systems such as  information screening, public information real-time monitoring, emergency handling, and personal information protection, specifically through secure and controllable preventative measures, expert personnel appropriate to the scope of services, and the provision of such technical support as required to enable relevant agencies to carry our their legally mandated duties.
Article 6. Internet forum community service providers shall not use Internet forum community services to publish or disseminate information prohibited by laws, regulations, and the state's relevant rules.

Internet forum community service providers shall enter into an agreement with users, making it clear that users shall not use the Internet forum community service to distribute or disseminate information prohibited by laws, regulations, and the state's relevant rules, and that where the circumstances are serious, the service provider shall ban or close the relevant account or section. It shall also make it clear that the poster and moderators shall perform the duties associated with their authority, and where there are violations of laws, regulations, and agreement terms and they fail to fully carry out their duties and responsibilities, the service provider shall restrict or terminate their administrative authority according to law, up to and including blocking or shutting down the relevant account or section.
Article 7. An Internet forum community service provider shall strengthen the management of the information posted by its users and shall detect any that contain information prohibited by laws, regulations, and the state's relevant rules. It shall immediately cease  transmitting such information, take measures to address it such deletion, save the relevant records, and make timely reports to the national or local cyberspace administration office.
Article 8. Internet forum community service providers shall, in accordance with the principle of "backstage real name and on stage as you like it", require users to register  accounts using verified and authenticated identity information, and implement verified and authenticated identity information registration and regular checks of posters and moderators. Internet forum community service providers shall not provide information dissemination services for users who do not provide authentic identity information.
Internet forum community service providers should strengthen their screening and administration of registered users' virtual identity information, and names and descriptions of forums, and not allow any content to appear that is prohibited by laws, regulations, and the state's relevant rules.
 Internet forum community service providers should protect user identity information from disclosure, tampering, damage, unauthorized sale, or illegal provision to others.
Article 9. Internet forum community service providers and their operators shall not seek improper benefits by means of publishing, reprinting, or deleting information or interfering in presentation of results.
Article 10. When conducting business and service activities Internet forum community service providers must comply with laws and regulations, respect social morality, comply with business ethics, be honest and trustworthy, and act in a socially responsible manner.
Article 11. An Internet forum community service provider shall establish and improve systems for public complaints and reporting, display the means for making complaints and reports in a prominent place, proactively accept public supervision, and handle public complaints and reports in a timely manner. The national and local cyberspace administration offices shall supervise and inspect the implementation of report acceptance according to their duties.
Article 12. Where an Internet forum community service provider violates these Provisions, it shall be handled by the relevant agencies in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
Article 13. These Provisions shall enter into force as of October 1, 2017.


第一条 为规范互联网论坛社区服务,促进互联网论坛社区行业健康有序发展,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,维护国家安全和公共利益,根据《中华人民共和国网络安全法》《国务院关于授权国家互联网信息办公室负责互联网信息内容管理工作的通知》,制定本规定。
第二条 在中华人民共和国境内从事互联网论坛社区服务,适用本规定。
第三条 国家互联网信息办公室负责全国互联网论坛社区服务的监督管理执法工作。地方互联网信息办公室依据职责负责本行政区域内互联网论坛社区服务的监督管理执法工作。
第四条 鼓励互联网论坛社区服务行业组织建立健全行业自律制度和行业准则,指导互联网论坛社区服务提供者建立健全服务规范,督促互联网论坛社区服务提供者依法提供服务、接受社会监督,提高互联网论坛社区服务从业人员的职业素养。
第五条 互联网论坛社区服务提供者应当落实主体责任,建立健全信息审核、公共信息实时巡查、应急处置及个人信息保护等信息安全管理制度,具有安全可控的防范措施,配备与服务规模相适应的专业人员,为有关部门依法履行职责提供必要的技术支持。
第六条 互联网论坛社区服务提供者不得利用互联网论坛社区服务发布、传播法律法规和国家有关规定禁止的信息。
第七条 互联网论坛社区服务提供者应当加强对其用户发布信息的管理,发现含有法律法规和国家有关规定禁止的信息的,应当立即停止传输该信息,采取消除等处置措施,保存有关记录,并及时向国家或者地方互联网信息办公室报告。
第八条 互联网论坛社区服务提供者应当按照“后台实名、前台自愿”的原则,要求用户通过真实身份信息认证后注册账号,并对版块发起者和管理者实施真实身份信息备案、定期核验等。用户不提供真实身份信息的,互联网论坛社区服务提供者不得为其提供信息发布服务。
第九条 互联网论坛社区服务提供者及其从业人员,不得通过发布、转载、删除信息或者干预呈现结果等手段,谋取不正当利益。
第十条 互联网论坛社区服务提供者开展经营和服务活动,必须遵守法律法规,尊重社会公德,遵守商业道德,诚实信用,承担社会责任。
第十一条 互联网论坛社区服务提供者应当建立健全公众投诉、举报制度,在显著位置公布投诉、举报方式,主动接受公众监督,及时处理公众投诉、举报。国家和地方互联网信息办公室依据职责,对举报受理落实情况进行监督检查。
第十二条 互联网论坛社区服务提供者违反本规定的,由有关部门依照相关法律法规处理。
第十三条 本规定自2017年10月1日起施行。

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