Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Translation: Police Using Private Lawsuits to Jail Critics

Intermediate People's Court of Jingde, Jiangxi

Criminal Ruling

(2020) Gan 02 Criminal Final No. 77

Appellant (defendant in the original trial) Chen Guangping, male, born October 3, 1956 in Jingde, Jiangxi, Han ethnicity, college education, retired public servant, household registration in Zhushan District, Jingde, residing in Fulian, Jiangxi Fuliang. On April 16, 2020, it was decided by the People's Court of Fuliang that he would be detained, and his detention was carried out on the same day. He is currently being held in detention at the Jingde Detention Center.

Private prosecutor in the original trial Shao Doe, male, born on March 10, 1973 in Leping, Jiangxi, Han ethnicity, undergraduate education, policeman, registered permanent residence in Leping, residing in Leping.

Private prosecutor in the original trial Wu Doe, male, born on October 7, 1968 in Leping, Jiangxi, Han ethnicity, college education, civilian police, household registration in Leping, residing in Leping.
Retained litigation representatives (for Shao Doe and Wu Doe) Hu Bin and Xupeng Congcong are with the Beijing Deheng (Nanchang) Law Firm.

Private prosecutor in the original trial Ni Doe, male, born on November 13, 1979 in Leping City, Jiangxi, Han ethnicity, junior high school education, businessman, household registration and residence in Leping.
Retained litigation representative Jiang Yuanjin is with the Zhejiang Nankong Law Firm.

The People's Court of Fuliang adjudicated the case of the lawsuit brought by private prosecutors in the original trial Shao Doe, Wu Doe, and Ni Doe against defendant in the original trial Chen Guangping for commiting the crime of defamation, and on April 16, 2020 issued the (2019) Gan 0222 Criminal First No. 145 criminal judgment. Defendant in the original trial Chen Guangping did not accept the judgment and submitted an appeal. Private prosecutors in the original trial Shao Doe, Wu Doe, and Ni Doe all accepted the judgment and did not appeal. This Court formed a collegial panel in accordance with the law, and held a preliminary hearing on August 4, 2020, and on August 7 of the same year tried this case in open court. In court appellant Chen Guangping refused to be defended by defense counsels Yang Xuelin of the Beijing Capital Law Firm and Deng Xueping of the Shanghai Jintian City Law Firm. After appellant Chen Guangping refused to be defended by defense counsel and was without defense counsel, this Court announced that there would be an adjournment in accordance with the law. During the adjournment appellant Chen Guangping separately retained Wang Hong of the Jianxi Huazhen Law Firm as his defense counsel. Prior to the hearing appellant Chen Guangping once again refused to be defended by defense counsel, and at that time he said that he would no longer appoint any defense counsel, and that he did not require a legal aid agency to assign a lawyer to provide a defense. Appellant Chen Guangping represented himself pro se in accordance with the law. On September 1, 2020, this Court tried this case in open court again in accordance with the law. Private prosecutors in the original trial Shao Doe and Wu Doe and their retained litigation representatives Hu Bin and Xupeng Congcong, and private prosecutor in the original trial Ni Doe and his retained litigation representative Jiang Yuanjin, and appellant Chen Guangping appeared in court to participate in the proceedings. The trial has now concluded.

The judgment in the original trial found that from September 3, 2019 to December 28, 2019, defendant Chen Guangping did, without any proper or legal justification, use the Sina Weibo and Zine account "Yi Chen" and the WeChat public account "Yi Chen Looks at the World" to spread this false claim over information networks about private prosecutors Shao Doe, Wu Doe, Ni Doe: "Police and mafia colluded to fabricate an offense to frame the innocent, concocted a model fake criminal case, causing Shi Doe Xiang and others to be put in prison," and furthermore used them to smear private prosecutors Shao Doe and Wu Doe as "Black Police" and the three private prosecutors as "criminals," "thieves," and "an organized and malicious criminal conspiracy." The aforementioned information was clicked-on and viewed over 670,000 times leading Internet users to make negative assessments of private prosecutors Shao Doe, Wu Doe, and Ni Doe.

The evidence proving the aforementioned facts is:

1. The statement of private prosecutor Shao Doe proved: From September to December 2019, Chen Guangping published multiple articles on Weibo, a WeChat public account, and Zine, falsely claiming that he was "black police," "the black sheep in the police," and a "thief," and that he colluded with Ni Doe to use police power against Shi Doe Xiang and others to frame them for crimes, manufactured a fake criminal case, and formed "an organized and malicious criminal conspiracy" with Ni Doe. The aforementioned articles have already exceeded 600,000 clicks and views on Weibo, WeChat, and Zine.

2. The statement of private prosecutor Wu Doe proved: From September to December 2019, Chen Guangping published multiple articles on Weibo, a WeChat public account, and Zine, falsely claiming that he was "black police," "the black sheep in the police," and formed "an organized and malicious criminal conspiracy," and that he colluded with Ni Doe to fabricate offenses against Shi Doe Xiang and others to frame the innocent. The aforementioned articles have already exceeded 30,000 clicks and views on Weibo, WeChat, and Zine. He did not participate in the review of the case of Shi Doe Xiang and others' embezzlement of funds, having recused himself in accordance with the law. In September 2019, after Chen Guangping posted the articles online, he told Chen Guangping over the phone that he did not participate in the review of that case.

3. The statement of private prosecutor Ni Doe proved: From September to December 2019, Chen Guangping published multiple articles on Weibo, a WeChat public account, and Zine, falsely claiming that he colluded with Shao Doe and Ni Doe and used police power to fabricate a fake criminal case. Chen Guangping repeatedly referred to him as a "thief" and "an organized and malicious criminal conspiracy." The aforementioned articles have already exceeded 5,000 clicks and views on Weibo, WeChat, and Zine.

4. Thirteen notarized articles posted by Chen Guangping on the Weibo "Yi Chen" account, WeChat "Yi Chen Looks at the World" public account, and Zine "Yi Chen" account with titles such as "Using the law to analyze how Shi Doe Guo and others were framed by a false black case," "An insider exposes clues about Ni Doe's evil," and "Yi Chen likes to hear about the black police's complaints," as well as reply letters produced by Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd. Beijing Weimeng Chuangke Network Technology Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Oulomake Technology Co., Ltd. proved: From September to December 2019, Chen Guangping continued to post on self-publishing platforms Weibo, WeChat, and Zine:

  • Making false claims that Ni Doe and Shao Doe, and Wu Doe colluded and used police power to fabricate an offense against Shi Doe Xiang and others, and concocted a model fake criminal case against Shi Doe Xiang and others for embezzling funds, and then framed Shi Doe Xiang and other innocent people, causing Shi Doe Xiang and others to be jailed;
  • Saying that Shao Doe, Wu Doe, and Ni Doe were "criminals who floated to the surface," "thieves," and "an organized and malicious criminal conspiracy", Wu Doe, Shao Doe are suspected of "corrupting the law, framing innocent corrupt officials," and that Shao Doe and Wu Doe were "Black Police" and Shao Doe was a "black sheep" in the police force.

The aforementioned posts triggered negative comments from Internet users about Shao Doe, Wu Doe, and Ni Doe. The aforementioned posts were read 187,062 times on WeChat, 433,323 times on Weibo, and 53,352 times by Zine, totaling 673,737 times.

5. The testimony of witnesses Bi Doe and Zou Doe, the statements of private prosecutors Wu Doe, Shao Doe, and the Explanation of Circumstances produced by the Public Security Bureau of Leping proved: During the investigation into the case of embezzlement of funds by Shi Doe Xiang and others by the Public Security Bureau of Leping, Wu Doe submitted an application for recusal, which was approved. Wu Doe did not participate in the review of the case, and the person in charge of the Public Security Bureau of Leping appointed someone else to review the case. Shao Doe was one of the investigating civil police officers in the case of embezzlement of funds by Shi Doe Xiang and others.

6. Defendant Chen Guangping's statement proved: The notarized articles on the Sina Weibo "Yi Chen," the WeChat public account "Yi Chen Looks at the World," and on the Zine "Yi Chen" which the private prosecutors submitted to the court were in fact posted by him.

7. The Case Acceptance Registration Form, Decision to Open a Case, Criminal Detention Certificate, Case Handler Transfer, Offense Discussion Record, and other litigation documentation materials proved: The case of embezzlement of funds by Shi Doe Xiang and others was registered as accepted on September 21, 2018 in accordance with the law. On October 17, an investigation was opened in accordance with the law. On that day compulsory measures were adopted with respect to Shi Doe Xiang in accordance with the law. On February 19, 2019, the agency handling the case unanimously agreed after collective discussion to amend the crime from contract fraud to embezzlement of funds, and to transfer it for pre-prosecution examination in accordance with the law.

8. A letter produced by the relevant functional department within the Public Security Bureau of Jingde proved: After an investigation Shao Doe, Wu Doe, and Ni Doe were not suspected of committing any wrongful acts or illegal crimes; Shao Doe was not suspected of committing any illegal crimes in the case of embezzlement of funds by Shi Doe Xiang and others.

9. Jiangxi People's Court of Zhushan, Jingde's (2019) Gan 0203 Criminal First Instance No. 295 criminal judgment proved: Shi Doe Xiang and three other defendants voluntarily pleaded guilty and repented their crimes. Shi Doe Xiang and three other defendants were found guilty of embezzling funds on January 19, 2020, and were all sentenced and ordered to refund the victims' losses. The four defendants did not appeal, and the aforementioned judgment has already become legally effective.

10. Household registration information proved: Defendant Chen Guangping was born on October 3, 1956, and has the capacity to be bear full criminal liability.

A summary review of the judgment in the original trial with respect to the justifications and defense opinions of defendant Chen Guangping and his defense counsel is as follows:

1. Regarding the claims of defendant Chen Guangping and his defense counsel that there were violations of laws and regulations in the procedures used by private prosecutors Shao Doe and Wu Doe's in handling the case of embezzlement of funds by Shi Doe Xiang and others: Chen Guangping believed that the three private prosecutors colluded to fabricate a fake criminal case and frame the innocent, and this was not a claim fabricated out of thin air, but was a judgment based on certain facts, and Chen Guangping's acts cannot be deemed as fabricating facts to defame others.

It was ascertained by the court in the original trial that private prosecutor Wu Doe did not participate in examination of the case of embezzlement of funds by Shi Doe Xiang and others. A valid criminal judgment in the case of embezzlement of funds by Shi Doe Xiang and others confirmed how the case acceptance, case opening for examination, case opening for investigation, judicial forensic opinions, detention, and arrest all complied with laws and regulations. The inspection performed at the public security agency's senior levels also proved that private prosecutor Shao Doe was not suspected of committing any illegal crimes in the process of handling the case, that Shi Doe Xiang and the three other defendants voluntarily pleaded guilty and repented their crimes, and that Shi Doe Xiang and the three other defendants were determined to be guilty in the Jiangxi People's Court of Zhushan, Jingde's (2019) Gan 0203 Criminal First Instance No. 295 criminal judgment.

Therefore, defendant Chen Guangping's post made through self-publishing media about private prosecutors Wu Doe, Shao Doe, and Ni Doe that "Police and mafia colluded, they violated laws and regulations to fabricate a fake criminal case and frame the innocent, causing Shi Doe Xiang and others to be put in prison," was defendant Chen Guangping's subjective speculation, and is deemed to be an act of fabricating facts to harm the reputation of third parties.

The opinions of defendant Chen Guangping and his defense counsel were not sustained.

2. Regarding the claims of defendant Chen Guangping and his defense counsel that Chen Guangping was carrying out supervision though public opinion and using the Internet to express his views in accordance with the law with respect to the conduct of private prosecutors Shao Doe and Wu Doe in the performance of their professional duties, and that the purpose and methods were proper and there was no subjective intent to harm the reputations of the private prosecutors, and therefore Chen Guangping's actions do not constitute the crime of defamation.

It was ascertained by the court in the original trial that over the span of three months defendant Chen Guangping made 30 posts on self-publishing media platforms Weibo, WeChat, and Zine, and on many occasions used language such as "black police," "thieves," "criminals floating the top," "an organized and malicious criminal conspiracy," and "corrupt officials" to describe the private prosecutors and lead Internet users to make negative assessments of the private prosecutors. Defendant Chen Guangping continued to refuse to the delete the relevant posts even after there was a valid criminal judgment finding Shi Doe Xiang and three other defendants guilty and an examination by the public security agency's senior levels proved that private prosecutors Shao Doe, Wu Doe, and Ni Doe were not suspected of committing any wrongful acts or illegal crimes.

Over the three months from September to December 2019 defendant Chen Guangping made 30 posts that defamed the private prosecutors, and defendant Chen Guangping failed delete the relevant posts and eliminate their influence prior to the announcement of the judgment. The aforementioned posts harm to the reputations of the three private prosecutors continued. The aforementioned facts are sufficient to prove that defendant Chen Guangping had the subjective intent to harm the reputations of the private prosecutors, and objectively caused severe harm to the reputations of the private prosecutors. The purpose and methods of defendant Chen Guangping's postings were entirely improper, his actions already exceeded the boundaries of supervision through public opinion, breached the bottom line of the law, and seriously violated the legal rights of others. The speech of citizens that is expressed on information networks in accordance with the law will have the protection of the law. But "freedom of speech" on information networks is not without boundaries, and when Internet users exercise their rights of supervision and expression, they must not breach the bottom lines of the law. The law does not permit so-called "free speech" that defames others.

The opinions of defendant Chen Guangping and his defense counsel were not sustained.

3. Regarding the claims of defendant Chen Guangping and his defense counsel that the critical opinions Chen Guangping expressed about private prosecutors Shao Doe, Wu Doe, and Ni Doe were value judgments and did not fabricate facts, and Chen Guangping's actions do not constitute the crime of defamation.

The court in the original trial found:

First, Article 246(1) of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China" provides that the requisite act to constitute the crime of defamation is "fabricating facts to defame a third party." Defendant Chen Guangping made posts saying about private prosecutors Shao Doe, Wu Doe, and Ni Doe "Police and mafia colluded to fabricate an offense to frame the innocent, concocted a model fake criminal case, causing Shi Doe Xiang and others to be put in prison." This is clearly a description of facts, and relevant evidence has already proven that they are false facts which harmed the reputations of third parties. Defendant Chen Guangping took these false facts as a basis to smear private prosecutors Shao Doe and Wu Doe as "black police" and the three private prosecutors as "criminals" and "an organized and malicious criminal conspiracy." The aforementioned views were clearly formed on the basis of false facts that were fabricated by him. The two are inseparable and should be treated as a single whole. The opinions contained in defendant Chen Guangping's posts were by their very nature not pure value judgments, but were based on fabricated facts.

Second, in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China," no person shall be found guilty of a crime except as adjudicate as such by a people's court in accordance with the law. Under circumstances whereby private prosecutors Shao Doe, Wu Doe, and Ni Doe had yet to be adjudicated as guilty by a judicial agency, defendant Chen Guangping asserted that the private prosecutors were "black police,""criminals," "thieves," and "an organized and malicious criminal conspiracy," thereby subjecting the private prosecutors to hatred, humiliation, or ridicule, and thereby causing harm to the reputations of the private prosecutors. Therefore, defendant Chen Guangping fabricated false facts that harmed the reputations of third parties with malicious intent, and this is deemed to be the requisite act to constitute the crime of defamation.

The opinions of defendant Chen Guangping and his defense counsel were not sustained.

4. Regarding the claims of defendant Chen Guangping and his defense counsel that the posts made by Chen Guangping on self-publishing media platforms did not have severe consequences for private prosecutors Shao Doe, Wu Doe, and Ni Doe. Private prosecutors can use civil law to protect their right of reputation, but anything failing to rise to the level of "severe circumstances" does not constitute the crime of defamation.

The court in the original trial found that, in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of the "Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues concerning the Specific Application of Law in the Handling of Defamation through Information Networks and Other Criminal Cases," when information networks are used to defame third parties and the same defamatory information is actually clicked or browsed for more than 5,000 times, it shall be deemed a “severe circumstance” as mentioned in Article 246(1) of the Criminal Law. The defamatory information posted online by defendant Chen Guangping was actually clicked or browsed for more than 670,000 times, and should be deemed "severe circumstances."

Over a period of time spanning three months defendant Chen Guangping made 20 public posts on Weibo, a WeChat public account, and the Zine self-publishing platform that flagrantly spread fabricated facts that harmed the personal dignity and reputations of private prosecutors Shao Doe, Wu Doe, and Ni Doe, causing severe harm to the personal dignity and reputations of private prosecutors Shao Doe, Wu Doe, and Ni Doe. In addition, defendant Chen Guangping refused to delete the relevant posts, eliminate their influence, or apologize. The manner of his defamatory behvior was pernicious, and his subjective malice was relatively significant and caused real-world harms. He should be convicted and punished for the crime of defamation.

The opinions of defendant Chen Guangping and his defense counsel were not sustained.

In summary, the court in the original trial found that defendant Chen Guangping fabricated facts on information networks that defamed others in disregard of laws and regulations, the circumstances were severe, the number of people defamed was large and created a pernicious social influence, and his actions constituted the crime of defamation. Private prosecutors Shao Doe, Wu Doe, and Ni Doe sued defendant Chen Guangping for committing the crime of defamation, and the facts were clear and the evidence was reliable and copious, and the offense forming the basis for lawsuit was established.

Defendant Chen Guangping refused to confess his guilt and had no intent to repent. In accordance with the facts, nature, and circumstances of the crime and the degree social harm, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 246 and 61 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," Articles 1(1), 2(1), and 4 of the "Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues concerning the Specific Application of Law in the Handling of Defamation through Information Networks and Other Criminal Cases," Article 200(1) of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," and Articles 241(1)(i) and 276 of the "Supreme People's Court Regarding the Application of the 'Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China'," the court sentenced defendant Chen Guangping to a fixed term imprisonment of two years and six months for the crime of defamation.

Appellant Chen Guangping claims:

1. The case of embezzlement of funds by Shi Doe Xiang and others was a model fake criminal case, and that case cannot serve as the basis for finding he committed the crime of defamation.

2. His posts saying that the three private prosecutors colluded to manufacture a fake criminal cases in the original trial was based on evidence and facts, and there was no fabrication of facts, and his actions did not constitute defamation.

3. The critical opinions Chen Guangping expressed about the private prosecutors in the original trial were value judgments and did not fabricate facts.

4. He was carrying out criticism and online supervision through public opinion of the conduct of private prosecutors in the original trial Shao Doe and Wu Doe in the performance of their professional duties, and that this was a lawful act and did not constitute the crime of defamation.

In summary, the trial of first instance's sentencing him for committing the crime of defamation was based on unclear facts and insufficient evidence, and he should be pronounced not guilty.

Private prosecutors in the original trial Shao Doe, Wu Doe, and Ni Doe and their retained litigation representatives claim that in the judgment in the original trial finding Chen Guangping committed the crime of defamation, the facts were clear and the evidence was reliable and copious, and they request the court in the trial of second instance reject the appeal and uphold the judgment in the original trial.

The facts and evidence ascertained in the trial of second instance were identical to those in trial of first instance, and the evidence proving the criminal facts of this case have been presented and cross-examined in court in the trials of first and second instance, is legal and valid, and is affirmed by this Court.

Regarding the opinion of the appellant and his claims that the three private prosecutors in the original trial colluded and conspired to manufacture a fake criminal case were based on a foundation of certain facts and evidence, that he did not fabricate facts, that his actions do not constitute defamation, and that his critical opinions of the three private prosecutors in the original trial were value judgments and not fabricating facts, the appellant has already raised these during the trial of first instance, and there is already ample reasoning regarding these set forth in the judgment in the original trial, and they are not affirmed by this Court.

Regarding appellant's other appeal rationale, based on the facts and evidence ascertained at trial, this Court's general evaluation is as follows:

1. Regarding appellant Chen Guangping's claim that the case of embezzlement of funds by Shi Doe Xiang and others was a model fake criminal case, and that case cannot serve as the basis for finding he committed the crime of defamation.

An investigation found that the case of embezzlement of funds by Shi Doe Xiang and three other defendants has already been adjudicated by the People's Court of Zhushan, Jingde in accordance with the law, and Shi Doe Xiang and three other defendants voluntarily confessed their guilt, repented their crimes, and were determined to be guilty in the People's Court of Zhushan, Jingde's valid criminal judgment (2019) Gan 0203 Criminal First Instance No. 295, and this is not a fake criminal case. This valid judgment was lawfully derived, its content was objective, and is directly related to this case. In addition it mutually corroborates the other evidence in this case, and used as evidence to reach a determination in this case.

The appeal rationale of appellant Chen Guangping is not sustained.

2. Regarding appellant Chen Guangping's claim that he was carrying out criticism and online supervision through public opinion of the conduct of private prosecutors in the original trial Shao Doe and Wu Doe in the performance of their professional duties, and that this was a lawful act and did not constitute the crime of defamation.

This Court finds that citizens enjoy the right to criticize and supervise in accordance with the law. But these rights should be exercised in a manner in accordance with the law and propriety. They absolutely do not have the right to "fabricate facts to defame a third party."

According to the facts ascertained by this Court, Chen Guangping used multiple self-publishing platforms to make 30 posts over three months, and he spread false claims over information networks that private prosecutors in the original trial Shao Doe, Wu Doe, and Ni Doe "Police and mafia colluded to fabricate an offense to frame the innocent, concocted a model fake criminal case, causing Shi Doe Xiang and others to be put in prison."

He carried out personal attacks on, and degraded the personal dignity of, private prosecutors in the original trial Shao Doe, Wu Doe, and Ni Doe, smearing those three on multiple occasions as "criminals," "thieves," and "an organized and malicious criminal conspiracy," causing severe harm to the reputations of the three private prosecutors. Prior to this Court issuing its judgment he had yet to delete the relevant posts, thereby causing ongoing harm to the reputations of the three private prosecutors.

Private prosecutors in the original trial Shao Doe and Wu Doe are protected by law when carrying out their professional duties in accordance with the law, and Chen Guangping's behavior exceeded the scope of lawful criticism and supervision, and are deemed to be acts of fabricating facts to defame third parties. In addition the defamatory information was clicked on and browsed a total of over 670,000 times, the circumstances were severe, and he should bear criminal liability in accordance with the law.

The appeal rationale of appellant Chen Guangping is not sustained.

This Court finds that appellant Chen Guangping fabricated facts to defame third parties, that the circumstances were severe, that his actions constitute the crime of defamation, and in accordance with the law he should be punished. Chen Guangping defamed many people, did not admit his guilt or show repentance for his crime, and continued to make derogatory statements about the three private prosecutors in court, disregarding the sanctity of the law. Appellant Chen Guangping's appeal rationales could not be established.

The request of the private prosecutors in the original trial Shao Doe, Wu Doe, and Ni Doe and their retained litigation representatives that the appeal be rejected and their opinion that the judgment in the original trial be upheld, is hereby sustained.

The facts confirming the judgment in the original trial are clear and the evidence is reliable and copious, the conviction was correct, the sentence was appropriate, and the trial procedures were lawful. In accordance with the provisions of Article 236(1)(i) of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China," and based on the discussions of this Court's adjudicative committee, the ruling is as follows:

The appeal is rejected, and the judgment in the original trial is upheld.

This ruling shall be the final ruling.

Chief Adjudicator    Luo Minghua
Adjudicator        Zhou Zongxiang
Adjudicator        Zeng Fanbin

September 14, 2020

Judge's Assistant    Tang Dongyong
Clerk            Li Jie


刑 事 裁 定 书








































审判长  罗明华
审判员  周宗祥
审判员  曾凡斌




Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

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