Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Translation: Wang Xiaoning Inciting Subversion Court Judgment

On August 29, 2012, overseas media reported that Wang Xiaoning (王小宁) would be released on August 31.

On September 12, 2003, the Beijing Municipal First Intermediate People’s Court sentenced Wang to 10 years’ imprisonment with two years’ deprivation of political rights for committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power. The court found:
Wang Xiaoning smeared and incited the subversion of state power and the Socialist system and endangered national security through writing and reposting articles, compiling electronic publications, and distributing them in large numbers by email.
In reaching this conclusion, the court cited the following essays as having been published by Wang on foreign websites:
  • Regulation and Control of the Internet Cannot Violate the Constitution and Laws (对网络进行管制不能违反宪法和法律)
  • Bring Down Corruption in Using Government Vehicles (打倒公车腐败)
  • The Current Condition of Science and Technology in China’s National Defense Industry Is Worrisome (中国的国防工业科技现状令人担忧)
  • Regulations and the Government's Red Documents Are Not Law (法规和政府的红头文件不是法律)
  • Discussing the Road to China's Unification On October 1 (十一论中国统一之路)
  • Analysis of the Possibility of a Military Coup in China (中国军事政变的可行性分析)
  • Whether Arresting Lü Jiaping’s Son Is Aimed at the Chinese Communist Party’s Military Authority (逮捕吕加平的儿子,是否针对中共军方)
In addition, the court cited the following articles, stating that in them Wang "advocated his own so-called 'democratic thoughts' and attacked the current political and social systems. He widely distributed and disseminated these thoughts by using Yahoo China’s online group and email, which were registered under his pseudonyms."
  • The Chinese Constitution (中国宪法)
  • Understand Correctly the Current Constitution, Use the Constitution to Advance the Establishment of a Democratic Political Body in China (正确地认识现行宪法,利用宪法推进中国民主政体的实现)
  • Hold High the Great Flag of the Current Constitution, Fight Hard against Any Violation of the Constitution (高举现行宪法的伟大旗帜,与一切违宪行为做坚决的斗争) 
  • Gu Zhun’s Socialist Dual Party System Marks the Direction for the Reform of the Political System in China (顾准的社会主义两党制的思想为中国政治体制改革指明了方向)
  • Revolt of the Left Wing in the Communist Party of China Increases the Possibility of a Military Coup (中共左派的反叛使军事政变可能性增大)
The court judgment also included the following in the list of evidence it considered:
The user information from Yahoo Holdings (Hong Kong) Ltd. proves and confirms: the Yahoo China website is authorized by Yahoo Holdings (Hong Kong) Ltd. to operate in mainland China. Online group is a service similar to a bulletin board provided by the Yahoo China website. Its members may upload materials to the online group through the Internet. The originator of the online group “aaabbbccc” is This user is a registered user of the Yahoo China website.
The user information from Yahoo Holdings (Hong Kong) Ltd. proves and confirms: is a registered user of the Yahoo China website.  
雅虎香港控股有限公司关于用户资料的证明证实:雅虎中国网站是由雅虎香港控股有限公司授权在国内经营的网站。电子部落是雅虎中国网站提供的一种类似于公告栏的服务。其成员可以通过互联网在电子部落里上传资料。电子部落aaabbbccc的发起人是 。该用户是雅虎中国网站的一个注册用户。
The following translation of the court's judgment was filed as an exhibit to Yahoo's Motion for Summary Judgment in a lawsuit filed by the World Organization for Human Rights against Yahoo! Inc. in California in April 2007 claiming violations under the Alien Tort Statute (28 U.S.C. §1350) and the Torture Victim Protection Act (28 U.S.C. §1350) on the grounds that Wang had "been subjected to grave violations of some of the most universally recognized standards of international law," and that Yahoo had "willingly provided Chinese officials with access to private e-mail records, copies of email messages, e-mail addresses, user ID numbers, and other identifying information about [Wang]."

Yahoo settled the case in November 2007.

Beijing Municipal First Intermediate People’s Court 

Criminal Verdict 

(2003) One Intermediate Criminal Division First Trial Case No. 2226 

The public prosecuting organ is the First Branch of Beijing Municipal People’s Procuratorate.

Defendant Wang Xiaoning (Pseudonyms: Shi Cheng, Chen Ping, Tiandi Shuping, Shi’er Yue Dangren, etc.), male, 53 years old (born on January 7, 1950), Han ethnicity, place of birth: Shenyang, Liaoning Province, university graduate, unemployed, resided at No. 30 Baiwanzhuang Shen Qu, Xicheng District, Beijing; because he was suspected of committing the crime of inciting subversion of the state power, he was taken into custody on September 1, 2002, arrested on September 30, 2002; he is currently being held in custody at the Beijing National Security Detention Center.

Defense Attorney Bai Yu is a lawyer from Beijing Yi Feng Law Office

Defense Attorney Hao Jun is a lawyer from Beijing Yi Feng Law Office

In the First Branch of Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate's Criminal Indictment (2003) No. 64, the First Branch of Beijing Municipal People’s Procuratorate charged Defendant Wang Xiaoning with committing the crime of inciting subversion of the state power, and on July 9, 2003 it sent the case to this court for public prosecution. This court formed a collegiate panel according to law and proceeded to conduct a public trial. The First Branch of Beijing People’s Procuratorate sent Deputy Procurator Zhao Changping and Tang Ruiqing to court to support the public prosecution. Defendant Wang Xiaoning and his defense attorneys Bai Yu and Hao Jun were also in court and participated in the proceedings. This trial has now been concluded.

The First Branch of Beijing People’s Procuratorate charged that, from October, 2000 to March, 2001, Defendant Wang Xiaoning compiled 11 editions of an Internet publication—Free Forum for Political Reform. In articles published in this Internet publication—“11 Essays on Democratic Politics,” “Wang Xiaoning’s 123 Emails” and others, he publicly proclaimed opposition to the leadership of the Communist Party of China and rejection of the “Four Fundamental Principles,” and advocated the establishment of a multiparty system. He also delivered the 10th and the 11th edition of this publication to email addresses that he had been collecting over time.

From August, 2001 to May, 2002, Defendant Wang Xiaoning wrote many articles, such as “The Chinese Constitution” (Wang Xiaoning’s Draft) and “Understand Correctly the Current Constitution and Use the Constitution to Advance the Establishment of a Democratic Political Body in China," with his real name and pseudonyms like “Chen Ping” and “Shi Cheng.” With other articles that he had collected, he compiled 31 editions of Commentaries on Current Affairs and Politics. In these articles, he advocated his own democratic thoughts and attacked the current political and social systems. He widely distributed and disseminated these thoughts by using Yahoo China’s online group and email, which he had registered under his pseudonyms. During this period, Wang Xiaoning kept a close and long-term contact with Liu Guokai—the ringleader of an overseas hostile organization, chairman of the Social Democratic Party of China. In the mission statement of the publication Commentaries on Current Affairs and Politics, he explicitly suggested: “To conduct promotion for the realization of a democratic political system in China as well as for the Social Democratic Party of China to participate in the governing of China.”

From June to July, 2002, Defendant Wang Xiaoning actively conducted promotion work to prepare for the organization of the Third Road Party of China. He wrote articles in the name of the “Third Road Party of China” to propagate the Third Road Party of China’s lines and ideological tenets. He advocated the establishment of a political party that could replace the Communist Party of China. He also distributed articles en masse by email, such as “Take the Third Road, Establish a Third Party” and “The Principal of the Third Road Party of China Gives a Speech, Appeals to the Left Wing of the Communist Party of China to Comply with Democracy and Supports the Left Wing of the Communist Party of China to Establish its Own Party.”

From April, 2002 to May, 2002, Defendant Wang Xiaoning also sent the articles he had written, such as “The Four Fundamental Principles Are the Biggest Obstacle to Progress in China,” to overseas publications or websites, such as Democracy Forum, to advocate his political opinions.

The First Branch of Beijing Municipal People’s Procuratorate sent the evidence that incriminated Defendant Wang Xiaoning, including testimonies from witnesses, documentary evidence, the process of capture, and the defendant’s confession. This procuratorate maintains that Defendant Wang Xiaoning’s actions violated the “Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China” Paragraph 2 of Article 105 and Article 106, and that his actions constituted the crime of inciting subversion of the state power. It has requested this court to punish defendant Wang Xiaoning according to law.

During the court session, Defendant Wang Xiaoning did not deny the facts as charged in the indictment. However, he argued that his actions did not constitute the crime of inciting subversion of the state power. The opinions from his defense attorneys Bai Yu and Hao Jun during the court session were: Defendant Wang Xiaoning’s actions did not constitute the commission of a crime.

Through investigation and adjudication, this court concludes:

1. Defendant Wang Xiaoning, from October, 2000 to March, 2001, compiled 11 editions of the Internet publication, Free Forum for Political Reform, with his own writing and reproductions of other articles. In the articles published in this publication, such as “11 Essays on Democratic Politics," “Wang Xiaoning’s 123 Emails," and “Gu Zhun’s Direct Democracy and Congressional Political Thoughts are an Important Development of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thoughts—Three Arguments on the Road of Political Reform in China,” he publicly declared his opposition to the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the “Four Fundamental Principles,” attacked and smeared the Socialist system in China as an “autocratic and dictatorial political system,” and advocated the establishment of a multiparty system. He also sent out respectively the 10th and the 11th edition of the publication containing the above-mentioned content to a large number of email addresses that he had been collecting over time. The above-mentioned facts are corroborated by the evidence of the court's proofs and cross-examinations listed below, and are confirmed by this court.

a) Defendant Wang Xiaoning’s confession proves: from October, 2000 to March, 2001, he compiled Free Forum for Political Reform in a total of 11 editions. This Internet publication was distributed in a few hundred copies for each edition. The distribution method was through logging onto the Internet by telephone and sending out emails. The email addresses to which he delivered the publication were all collected from the Internet. Some articles in this Internet publication were written by himself; others were downloaded by him from the web. All these 11 editions were saved on his computer.

b) The work record of the Beijing National Security Bureau confirms:

Defendant Wang Xiaoning was detained and interrogated at 10 a.m. on September 1, 2002. Meanwhile, his house (No. 30 Baiwanzhuang Shen Qu, Xicheng District, Beijing) was being searched according to law. In the search, the 1st to the 11th edition of the electronic publication Free Forum for Political Reform saved in “Wang Xiaoning’s Computer\Wang Xiaoning’s Data 2\E:\Wang’s Internet publication\Free Forum for Political Reform” folder (time created: 17:29, December 29, 2001) on his computer (hard drive model number: 90650U2, serial number: C20E6AMC) was obtained.

c) The work record of the Beijing National Security Bureau confirms: it has searched and obtained the first page (the 10th and the 11th edition) of some of the Free Forum for Political Reform sent out by Wang Xiaoning from his email address

d) Some articles written by Defendant Wang Xiaoning, such as “11 Essays on Democratic Politics," “Wang Xiaoning’s 123 Emails,” and “Gu Zhun’s Direct Democracy and Congressional Political Thoughts Are an Important Development to Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thoughts—Three Arguments on the Road of Political Reform in China,” contain contents that oppose the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the “Four Fundamental Principles,” and attack and smear the Socialist system of China, such as “The Four Fundamental Principles are the biggest obstacle to the establishment of a democratic political system in China,” “The Four Fundamental Principles are essentially one fundamental principle: the leadership of the Communist Party or so-called autocratic dictatorship,” “What the Four Fundamental Principles have brought the Chinese people is a massive disaster,” “Don’t forget that China is still an autocratic and dictatorial state,” “Without a multiparty system, free election, and separation of powers, any reform of the political system is fake,” "The National People's Congress and multiparty cooperation is a fake democratic system and a true dictatorship," and “The so-called Chinese style political system—the political system under the Four Fundamental Principles—is a fake democratic system and a true dictatorship.”

2. From August, 2001 to May, 2002, Defendant Wang Xiaoning compiled 31 editions of the Internet publication Commentaries on Current Affairs and Politics with his own writings and reproductions of other articles. In this Internet publication, he published many articles, such as “Foreword to ‘Commentaries on Current Affairs and Politics’, “The Chinese Constitution” (Wang Xiaoning’s Draft), “Understand Correctly the Current Constitution, Use the Constitution to Advance the Establishment of a Democratic Political Body in China,” “Hold High the Great Flag of the Current Constitution, Fight Hard against Any Violation of the Constitution,” “Gu Zhun’s Socialist Dual Party System Marks the Direction for the Reform of the Political System in China,” and “Revolt of the Left Wing in the Communist Party of China Increases the Possibility of a Military Coup,” under his real name and the pseudonyms “Chen Ping”, “Shi Cheng”, “Tiandi Shuping,” etc.

In these articles, he advocated his own so-called “democratic thoughts” and attacked the current political and social systems. He widely distributed and disseminated these thoughts by using Yahoo China’s online group and email, which were registered under his pseudonyms. During this period, Wang Xiaoning kept a close and long-term contact with Liu Guokai, the ringleader of an overseas hostile organization, chairman of the Social Democratic Party of China. In the mission statement of Commentaries on Current Affairs and Politics, he explicitly proposed “to conduct promotion work for the establishment of a democratic political system in China, as well as for the Social Democratic Party of China to participate in the governing of China.” In the Internet publication, he also published and reposted a large number of articles written by Liu Guokai for the purpose of attacking and smearing the Chinese government.

The above-mentioned facts are corroborated by the evidence of the court's proofs and cross-examinations listed below, and are confirmed by this court.

a) Defendant Wang Xiaoning’s confession proves: Between August, 2001 and March or April, 2002, he compiled Commentaries on Current Affairs and Politics in a total number of 31 editions. He registered this Internet publication on Yahoo China, then sent it out through Yahoo China’s online group. This online group distributed a total number of 25 editions. From August to October, 2001, each edition was distributed in five to six hundred copies, and they were all sent in groups. These five to six hundred email addresses were collected by him over time and then provided to Yahoo China. The originator’s address was, and the sender’s email address was Later, “Yahoo China” online group believed that there were political problems with his articles and refused to distribute them. He then sent out the 26th to 31st editions of the publication to each email box individually by himself. The email addresses he used to distribute the publication are and Some articles in this Internet publication were written by himself, some were downloaded by him from the Web, and some were sent to him by Liu Guokai, including those originally published in Free Forum for Political Reform. His purpose of compiling this Internet publication is to advocate political democratic thinking, advance political reform in China, and concurrently help Liu Guokai advocate his Social Democratic Party of China. There is an agreement between him and Liu Guokai to help each other in their advocacy.

b) The work record of the Beijing National Security Bureau confirms: Defendant Wang Xiaoning was detained and interrogated at 10 a.m. on September 1, 2002. In the meantime, his house (No. 30 Baiwanzhuang Shen Qu, Xicheng District, Beijing) was being searched according to law. In the search, the 1st to 25th editions of the electronic publication Free Forum for Political Reform saved in “Wang Xiaoning’s Computer\Wang Xiaoning’s Data 2\E:\Wang’s Internet publication\Free Forum for Political Reform” folder (time created: 17:29, December 29, 2001) and the 26th, 27th, 28th, 30th and 31st edition of Free Forum for Political Reform saved in the “E Drive\Wang Xiaoning Data 2\Wang’s Internet publication\Free Forum for Political Reform unfinished” folder (time created: 17:29, December 29, 2001) were obtained from his computer (hard drive model number: 90650U2, serial number: C20E6AMC)

c) The work record of the Beijing National Security Bureau confirms: the “Free Forum for Political Reform Work Guidelines and Plan” written by Wang Xiaoning was found on Wang Xiaoning’s computer (E Drive:\Wang’s Internet publication\Free Forum for Political Reform 1st to 25th edition” folder).

d) The work record of the Beijing National Security Bureau confirms: it has searched and obtained the first page of Free Forum for Political Reform (the 9th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th and 30th edition), which were sent out by Wang Xiaoning through the email address

e) The user information from Yahoo Holdings (Hong Kong) Ltd. proves and confirms: the Yahoo China website is authorized by Yahoo Holdings (Hong Kong) Ltd. to operate in mainland China. Online group is a service similar to a bulletin board provided by the Yahoo China website. Its members may upload materials to the online group through the Internet. The originator of the online group “aaabbbccc” is This user is a registered user of the Yahoo China website.

f) The user information from Yahoo Holdings (Hong Kong) Ltd. proves and confirms: is a registered user of the Yahoo China website.

g) The Ministry of National Security of the People’s Republic of China proves and confirms: the Social Democratic Party of China is a hostile organization. Its ringleader Liu Guokai is a hostile element.

h) The work record of the Beijing National Security Bureau confirms: from July, 2001 to February, 2002, it searched and obtained Wang Xiaoning’s email correspondence with Liu Guokai, chairman of the overseas hostile organization "Social Democratic Party of China," in a total number of 46 pages.

i) The work record of the Beijing National Security Bureau confirms: in September, 2002, on the personal computer of the then arrested Wang Xiaoning, it found email correspondence with Liu Guokai, chairman of the overseas hostile organization "Social Democratic Party of China," in a total of 30 pages.

j) Articles written by Wang Xiaoning, such as “Foreword to ‘Commentaries on Current Affairs and Politics’", “The Chinese Constitution” (Wang Xiaoning’s Draft), “Understand Correctly the Current Constitution, Use the Constitution to Advance the Establishment of a Democratic Political Body in China,” “Hold High the Great Flag of the Current Constitution, Fight Hard against Any Violation of the Constitution," and “Gu Zhun’s Socialist Dual Party System Marks the Direction for the Reform of the Political System in China,” “Revolt of the Left Wing in the Communist Party of China Increases the Possibility of a Military Coup,” contain contents that oppose the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the “Four Fundamental Principles,” attack and smear the Socialist system in China, such as “China has entered the 21st century, but it is still an autocratic and dictatorial state,” “The Communist Party has ruled China and established up to now 52 years of autocratic and dictatorial rule,”, “The Communist Party of China is bound to lose power, even become abandoned by people and history, and will never ever rise again,” “Just look at China now, workers and peasants are oppressed at the bottom of the society, hundreds millions of workers have lost their jobs, many peasant migrant workers are brutally exploited and oppressed, they have no right to strike, no right to organize unions, and their basic rights cannot be guaranteed,” “In fact, China’s political system is a ‘party state system.’ It is an autocratic and dictatorial system,” “the Chinese people are completely deprived of democratic rights, political rights, and rights to manage state affairs,” “China is one of the few countries in the world that still reinforce an autocratic and dictatorial political system. China will eventually become a democratic polity. China’s extreme corruption, its half-dead half-alive economy, the sharp social conflicts, the repeated hardship suffered by peasants, workers and other laborers, and the reality that China is moving towards crony capitalism, all these prove that China needs political reform that will establish a democratic system.”

3. From June to July, 2002, Defendant Wang Xiaoning actively conducted "promotion work" to prepare for the organization of the "Third Road Party of China." In articles written in the name of the “Third Road Party of China,” such as “Take the Third Road, Establish a Third Party” and "The Principal of the Third Road Party of China Gives a Speech, Calls on the Left Wing of the Communist Party of China to Comply with Democracy, and Supports the Left Wing of the Communist Party of China to Establish its Own Party," he slandered the leadership of the Communist Party of China, attacked and smeared the current political and social system in China, advocated the Third Road Party of China’s "ideological lines and political tenets," preached the establishment of a political party that can replace the Communist Party of China and practice a “multiparty system” and “separation of powers” in China. Defendant Wang Xiaoning distributed the above-mentioned articles in large quantity by email. The above-mentioned facts are corroborated by the evidence of the court's proofs and cross-examinations listed below, and are confirmed by this court.

a) Defendant Wang Xiaoning’s confession proves: in May, 2002, he had the idea of establishing the Third Road Party of China. He planned to organize a new political party and establish a new democratic polity in China. Thus, he wrote the article “Take the Third Road, Establish a Third Party” in order to elaborate his idea. Later, he wrote four successive articles in order to advocate this party of his, and sent them out in the name of the “Third Road Party of China.” At the time, the email addresses he used were,, and The time was approximately between June and August, 2002. Each article was sent in five to six hundred copies. After these five articles were sent out, some people supported, some thought that the time was not ripe, and some expressed desire to join his Party.

b) The work record of the Beijing National Security Bureau confirms: on Wang Xiaoning’s computer (Desktop\ “The Third Road Party of China.” folder) it found 10 "Third Road Party of China” articles written by Wang Xiaoning (such as “Take the Third Road, Establish the Third Party,” “The Third Road Party of China’s 10 Points Concerning the Great Unification of China", “The Principal of the Third Road Party of China Gives a Speech, Calls on the Left Wing of the Communist Party of China to Comply with Democracy, and Supports the Left Wing of the Communist Party of China to Establish its Own Party,” “The Third Road Party of China’s 22 Points Concerning Resolving the Extremely Severe Problem of the Three ‘Nongs’ (i.e. Peasants, Rural Areas, and Agriculture) in China,” etc.)

c) The testimony of witness Xiao Yong proves: around July, 2002, he and his friends were surfing on the web in an Internet café. He read about the statutes of the Third Road Party of China in his friend’s email. At the end of this email, there was a line that read like this: “Anyone who agrees with our party’s political ideas, please contact us.” In the middle of July, he sent an email to the Third Road Party of China for the first time. Basically, he said that he agreed with its political ideas and hoped to stay in touch on a long term basis. The Third Road Party of China soon replied to his email and welcomed him to join the party. Concurrently, in consideration of safety issues, they asked him to provide an alias and asked him to promote the Third Road Party of China’s opinions to the public and expand the organization while protecting his own safety. Later, they would also send party documents to him. Xiao Yong provided them with the alias “Wang Zuozhi.” The Third Road Party of China sent him an email again and asked him whether he had any good suggestions for the party. He proposed to “build the party slowly, focus on promotion, and expand the organization.” Later, he also suggested two ways to establish the Third Road Party of Chinas—“the lightning way” and “the gradual way.” He once sent an email to the Third Road Party of China to inquire whether he could use the name of the Third Road Party of China to publish articles in overseas democratic movement publications. The Third Road Party of China replied “yes” to him and made it clear that he should not publish any articles contradicting the Third Road Party of China’s principles. The documents that he received from the Third Road Party of China were mainly “The Third Road Party of China’s 22 Points Concerning Resolving the Extremely Severe Problem of Three ‘Nongs’ (i.e. Peasants, Rural Areas, and Agriculture) in China,", “The Third Road Party of China’s 10 Points Concerning the Great Unification of China," “The Third Road Party of China Recommends an Important Article—Beware of the Chinese Communist Party’s Fake Reform of the Political System in China,” and “The Principal of the Third Road Party of China Gives a Speech, Calls on the Left Wing of the Communist Party of China to Comply with Democracy, and Supports the Left Wing of the Communist Party of China to Establish its Own Party."

d) A search of Xiao Yong’s email mailbox ( obtained five articles from the Third Road Party of China—(“Take the Third Road, Establish a Third Party,” “The Principal of the Third Road Party of China Gives a Speech, Calls on the Left Wing of the Communist Party of China to Comply with Democracy, and Supports the Left Wing of the Communist Party of China to Establish its Own Party,” “The Third Road Party of China’s 22 Points Concerning Resolving the Extremely Severe Problem of the Three ‘Nongs’ (i.e. Peasants, Rural Areas, and Agriculture) in China,” “The Third Road Party of China’s 10 Points Concerning the Great Unification of China," and “The Third Road Party of China Recommends an Important Article—Beware of the Chinese Communist Party’s Fake Reform of the Political System in China.”) Correspondence between Xiao Yong and the Third Road Party of China was also found. e) The testimony of the witness Xie Yimin proves: in July, 2002, when he was browsing an overseas website called “the Big Reference,” he read the article “The Principal of the Third Road Party of China Gives a Speech, Calls on the Left Wing of the Communist Party of China to Comply with Democracy, and Supports the Left Wing of the Communist Party of China to Establish its Own Party.” At the bottom of the article, there was the Third Road Party of China’s email address. About two days later, he sent his first email to the Third Road Party of China. The content of that email was in support of their opinions, and the email was signed “Shi Qiao.” After about two days, he found a reply email sent by the Third Road Party of China. The main content was to welcome his correspondence and to inform him that the Third Road Party of China had already published three documents. If needed, they could be sent to him. Xie Yimin then sent out his second email to the Third Road Party of China and asked them to send the three documents to his other email address, and said that he would ally with more people. The last email that the Third Road Party of China sent to him was an article about “the Three ‘Nongs’.”

f) A search of Xie Yimin’s email mailbox ( obtained the article “The Third Road Party of China’s 22 Points Concerning Resolving the Extremely Severe Problem of the Three ‘Nongs’ (i.e. Peasants, Rural Areas, and Agriculture) in China” from the Third Road Party of China and the correspondence between Xie Yimin and the Third Road Party of China.

g) The work record of the Beijing National Security Bureau confirms: many emails in which Wang Xiaoning contacted other people about issues regarding the Third Road Party of China were found in Wang Xiaoning’s computer (Desktop\“The Third Road Party of China.” folder).

h) Articles such as “Take the Third Road, Establish a Third Party” which Defendant Wang Xiaoning wrote in the name of the Third Road Party of China contain words such as “It has been thirteen years since the ‘June Fourth event’ in 1989. Very few countries in the world have not achieved a democratic polity. Yet China still has an autocratic and dictatorial political system,” “China hasn’t achieved a democratic polity for thirteen years. The main reason for this is that a political party capable of replacing the Communist Party of China was never formed,” “Since the Communist Party of China gained power, it established a dictatorial political system—the people’s democratic dictatorship. The system of the people’s democratic dictatorship is a politically oppressive polity. In the past 52 years, the politically oppressive polity in China has not changed. This political oppressive polity is reactionary. China must change this political oppressive polity,” “China must take the third road—the road of democracy + new socialism,” “A vast change in Chinese history is imminent. We urgently need to establish a third political party,” “Why has the Communist Party of China, which is so corrupt, still not yet fallen from power? The main reason is that China does not have any political party capable of replacing the Communist Party of China,” “The Third Road Party welcomes all improvements and gradual advances beneficial to the democratic movement, but shall never give up people’s revolution. We believe in the power of people and pin our hope on people’s revolution.” With these words, he slandered the leadership of the Communist Party of China, attacked and smeared the current political and social system in China. He advocated the ideological lines and political tenets of the "Third Road Party of China." He preached the establishment of a political party capable of replacing the Communist Party of China and the implementation of a "multiparty system” and “separation of the three powers” in China.

4. Between April, 2001 and May, 2002, Defendant Wang Xiaoning published a number of articles under his real name and his pseudonym “Chen Ping,” such as “Regulations and the Government's Red Documents Are Not Law,” “The Four Fundamental Principles are the Biggest Obstacle to Progress in China,” “Analysis of the Possibility of a Military Coup in China,” and “Why is the Communist Party of China Afraid of Western Democratic Politics,” in domestic and overseas electronic publications: China Research, Democracy Forum, Big Reference, and Small Reference. In these articles, he publicly opposed the “Four Fundamental Principles,” slandered the leadership of the Communist Party of China, attacked and smeared the current political and social system in China, and advocated his so-called “political opinions.” The above-mentioned facts are corroborated by the evidence of the court's proofs and cross-examinations listed below, and are confirmed by this court.

a) Defendant Wang Xiaoning’s confession proves: in China Research, he has published articles which include “Regulation and Control of the Internet Cannot Violate the Constitution and Laws,” “Bring Down Corruption in Using Government Vehicles,” “The Current Condition of Science and Technology in China’s National Defense Industry Is Worrisome,", “Regulations and the Government's Red Documents Are Not Law,” “Discussing the Road to China's Unification On October 1.” These articles were signed with his real name “Wang Xiaoning.” The time of the publication of these articles was successively from April, 2001 to May, 2002. He submitted them to China Research by email from his computer at home. The email address he used was Democracy Forum reposted some the articles he wrote including “11 Essays on Democratic Politics,” “Don’t Give a Hand to People Who Oppose Political Reform.” Big Reference reposted a large number of articles from his Internet publication Commentaries on Current Affairs and Politics. As all the Internet publications he compiled were sent to Big Reference, Big Reference then selected some of them to publish. Big Reference used to solicit his submissions. In Big Reference, he published “Analysis of the Possibility of a Military Coup in China," and “Whether Arresting Lü Jiaping’s Son Is Aimed at the Chinese Communist Party’s Military Authority.” These articles were signed with his pseudonym “Chen Ping.” Small Reference published his article “Why Is the Communist Party of China Afraid of Western Democratic Politics” signed with his real name “Wang Xiaoning.” Small Reference asked him for submissions after reading his articles published in Democracy Forum.

b) The work record of the Beijing National Security Bureau confirms: from April, 2001 to May, 2002, a search obtained 20 articles which he had published in the domestic electronic publication China Research, such as “Regulation and Control of the Internet Cannot Violate the Constitution and Laws,” “Bring Down Corruption in Using Government Vehicles,” “The Current Condition of Science and Technology in China’s National Defense Industry Is Worrisome,” “Regulations and the Government's Red Documents Are Not Law,” and “Discussing the Road to China's Unification On October 1."

c) The work record of the Beijing National Security Bureau confirms: On April 21st, 2001, a search obtained articles published in the Asia Democracy Foundation’s Democracy Forum, including “11 Essays on Democratic Politics”: “The Four Fundamental Principles Are the Biggest Obstacle to Progress in China,” “Malicious Attack on the Communist Party of China Is Not Subversion of the State Power,” “China Does Not Have a Publishing Law, But It Has a Unique Labor Reform System," etc.

d) The work record of the Beijing National Security Bureau attests: on March 23rd, 2001, a search obtained the article “Why Is the Communist Party of China Afraid of Western Democratic Politics,” which was published in the overseas publication Small Reference. On May 31st, 2001, a search obtained two articles “Analysis of the Possibility of a Military Coup in China” and “Whether Arresting Lü Jiaping’s Son Is Aimed at the Chinese Communist Party’s Military Authority,” which were published in the domestic publication Big Reference.

This court finds that, Defendant Wang Xiaoning smeared and incited the subversion of state power and the Socialist system and endangered national security through writing and reposting articles, compiling electronic publications, and distributing them in large numbers by email. His actions constitute the crime of inciting the subversion of the state power and the crime is severe. He should be punished according to law. Defendant Wang Xiaoning also colluded with overseas hostile organizations and individuals and committed the crime of inciting subversion of the state power. He should be severely punished according to law. The First Branch of the Beijing Municipal People’s Procuratorate charged Defendant Wang Xiaoning with committing the crime of inciting subversion of the state power. Facts and evidence are clear, indisputable, and sufficient. Therefore, this court accepts the prosecution’s charges. Through many of the articles written or edited by him, Defendant Wang Xiaoning incited subversion of the state power and the overthrow of the Socialist system, thus endangering national security, by fabricating facts or malicious denigrating and smearing in disregard of the truth. His actions are consistent with the constitution of the crime of inciting subversion of the state power. Hence, this court does not accept the pleas and opinions of the defendant and his defense team, who state that Wang Xiaoning’s actions do not constitute the commission of a crime. Hereby, according to the “Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China” Paragraph 2 of Article 105, Article 106, Paragraph 1 of Article 56, Paragraph 1 of Article 55, and Article 64, the following verdict is rendered:

1. Defendant Wang Xiaoning is sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment with two years’ deprivation of political rights for committing the crime of inciting subversion of the state power. (The prison term is to be calculated starting on the day the verdict is executed, with each day spent in detention prior to the execution of the verdict to count as one day of the prison term; therefore, the term will run from September 1, 2002 to August 31, 2012).

2. Objects sent with the case which were used by Defendant Wang Xiaoning to commit his crimes, including 2 computers, 2 receipts, 1 Internet dial-up card, and 6 floppy disks, are confiscated. If this verdict is not accepted, an appeal may be filed between two and ten days from the receipt of this verdict, either through this court or directly to the Beijing Municipal Higher People’s Court. In case of a written appeal, the original appellate petition must be submitted together with one photocopy.

Presiding Judge: Wang Jian
Judicial Judge: An Ruihua
Deputy Judicial Judge: Zhao Jian

Date: ***2003 [illegible] Beijing Municipal First Intermediate People’s Court [seal]

This document has been checked against the original source. No difference is found [stamp]

Court Clerks: Yang Benhui Pan Mengmeng




被告人王小宁(笔名:石城、陈平、天地述评、十二月党人等),男,53 岁(1950 年1 月7 日出生),汉族,出生地辽宁省沈阳市,大学文化,无业,住北京市西城区百万庄申区30号;因涉嫌犯煽动颠覆国家政权罪于2002 年9月1日被羁押,同年9月30日被逮捕;现羁押在北京市国家安全局看守所。



北京市人民检察院第一分院以京检一分刑诉字(2003) 第64 号起诉书指控被告人王小宁犯煽动颠覆国家政权罪,于2003年7月9日向本院提起公诉。本院依法组成合议庭,公开开庭进行了审理。北京市人民检察院第一分院指派代理检察员赵长平、唐瑞清出庭支持公诉,被告人王小宁及其辩护人白宇、郝军到庭参加诉讼。现已审理终结。

北京市人民检察院第一分院指控:被告人王小宁于2000 年10月至2001年3月间,编辑了11期《政治改革自由论坛》网刊,在该网刊发表的《民主政治随感十一篇》、《王小宁的123 封电子邮件》等文章中公开宣称反对中国共产党的领导,推翻“四项基本原则”,鼓吹建立多党制。并以电子邮件的方式将该刊第10期、第11 期分别向平时搜集的电子邮箱地址投递。

被告人王小宁于2001 年8 月至2002 年5 月间,以真实姓名及“陈平”、“石城”等笔名撰写了《中国宪法》(王小宁方案)、《正确地认识现行宪法,利用宪法推进中国民主政体的实现》等多篇文章,连同其收集的其他文章编辑了31 期《时事政治评论》,宣传自己的民主思想,攻击现行政治制度和社会制度。并分别通过其用假名注册的“雅虎中国”网站的电子部落及电子邮箱的形式广泛发送、传播。在此期间,王小宁与境外敌对组织头目中国社会民主党主席刘国凯长期密切联系,在《时事政治评论》办刊宗旨中明确提出:“为在中国实现民主政治体制,为中国社会民主党在中国上台执政进行宣传工作。”

被告人王小宁于 2002 年6、7月间,为筹建“中国第三道路党”积极做宣传工作,以“中国第三道路党”的名义撰写文章宣扬“中国第三道路党”的路线和思想纲领,鼓吹要建立一个可以替代中国共产党的执政党。并将《走第三条道路,建立第三政党》 、《中国第三道路党负责人发表谈话,呼吁中共左派遵从民主,支持中共左派独立成党》等文章以电子邮件的方式大量发送。

被告人王小宁于2001 年4 月至2002 年5 月间,还将自己撰写的《 四项基本原则是中国进步的最大障碍》 等文章投寄给《民主论坛》等境内外刊物或网站发表,宣传自己的政治主张。




一、被告人王小宁于2000 年10 月至2001 年3 月间,通过自己撰写及转载其他文章编辑了11期《政治改革自由论坛》网刊。在该网刊发表的由其撰写的《民主政治随感十一篇》、《王小宁的123 封电子邮件》、《顾准的直接民主和议会政治思想是对马列主义、毛泽东思想的重大发展一一三论中国政治改革之路》等文章中公开宣称反对中国共产党的领导,反对“四项基本原则”,攻击、诽谤中国的社会主义制度是“专制独裁的政治制度”,鼓吹建立多党制。被告人王小宁将载有上述内容的该刊第10 期、第11期以电子邮件的方式分别向其平时搜集的电子邮箱地址大量投递。


1、被告人王小宁的供述证实:他在2000 年10 月份到2001 年3 月份办了《政治改革自由论坛》一共11 期,这个网刊每期发送几百份。发送方式是拨号上网通过电子邮件的方式,他发送的地址都是在网上积累的。这个网刊上的文章有一部分是他写的,还有一部分是他从网上下载的。这11期都存在他的电脑中了。

2 、北京市国家安全局的工作说明证实:2002 年9 月1 日上午10时对被告人王小宁实施拘留审查,同时依法对其住所(西城区百万庄申区30号)进行搜查。搜查获取其电脑(硬盘型号:. 90650U2 , 序列号:C20E6AMC ) “王小宁电脑\王小宁资料2 \ E:\王网刊\政治改革自由论坛”文件夹(创建时间:2001 年12 月29日17: 29)中所存的电子刊物《政治改革自由论坛》第1 至11期。

3、北京市国家安全局的工作说明证实:查获王小宁用其电子邮箱 发送的部分刊物《政治改革自由论坛》的首页(第10 期、第11 期)。

4、在被告人王小宁撰写的《民主政治随感十一篇》、《王小宁的123 封电子邮件》、《顾准的直接民主和议会政治思想是对马列主义、毛泽东思想的重大发展一一三论中国政治改革之路》等文章中,均有“四项基本原则是中国民主政体建立的最大障碍”、“四项基本原则实质就是一项基本原则:共产党的领导或者叫专制独裁”、“四项基本原则给中国人民带来的是巨大灾难”、“不要忘记中国还是一个专制独裁的国家”、“没有多党制、自由大选、三权分立,任何政治体制改革都是假的”、“人大和多党合作是假民主真专制独裁的政治制度”、“所谓中国式的政治制度,在四项基本原则下的政治制度、是假民主真专制的政治制度”等反对中国共产党的领导,反对“四项基本原则”,攻击、诽谤中国的社会主义制度的内容。

二、被告人王小宁于2001 年8月至2002 年5月间,通过自己撰写及转载其他文章编辑了31 期《时事政治评论》网刊。在该网刊发表的其以王小宁及“陈平”、“石城”“天地述评”等笔名撰写的《 <时事政治评论>发刊词》 、《中国宪法》(王小宁方案)、《正确地认识现行宪法,利用宪法推进中国民主政体的实现》、《高举现行宪法的伟大旗帜,与一切违宪行为做坚决的斗争》、《顾准的社会主义两党制的思想为中国政治体制改革指明了方向》、《中共左派的反叛使军事政变可能性增大》、等多篇文章中,宣传其所谓的“民主思想”,攻击、诽谤现行的政治制度和社会制度。被告人王小宁将上述网刊通过其用假名注册的“雅虎中国”网站的电子部落及电子邮箱的方式广泛发送、传播。在此期间,被告人王小宁与境外敌对组织头目“中国社会民主党”主席刘国凯密切联系,在《时事政治评论》办刊宗旨中明确提出:“为在中国实现民主政治体制,为中国社会民主党在中国上台执政进行宣传工作。”并在该网刊上大量转载、发表刘国凯攻击、诽谤中国政府的文章。


1、被告人王小宁的供述证实:《时事政治评论》是他在2001 年8 月到2002 年3 、4 月份办的,一共办了31 期。他在“雅虎中国”注册了这个网刊,然后通过“雅虎中国”电子部落发送。这个电子部落一共给发送了25 期,从2001 年8月到10月每期发送五六百份,都是群发的。这五六百份的邮箱地址是他平时积累的,然后提供给“雅虎中国”。发起人的邮箱地址是bxoguh @,发件人的邮箱地址,是ahgq @。后来“雅虎中国”电子部落认为他的文章有政治问题,不给发送了,他就自己一个信箱一个信箱地发送,发送了第26 期到第31 期。他自己发送刊物用的邮箱地址是 和。这份网刊中的文章,有一部分是他写的,有一部分是他从网上下载的,还有一部分是刘国凯给他发送过来的,也包括原来在《政治改革自由论坛》上发表过的。他办这个网刊的目的是宣传政治民主思想,推动中国政治改革,同时也是为了帮助刘国凯宣传“中国社会民主党”,他和刘国凯之间有一个互相帮助对方做宣传的协议。

2、北京市国家安全局的工作说明证实:2002 年9 月1 日上午1 0 时对被告人王小宁实施拘留审查,同时依法对其住所(西城区百万庄申区30 号)进行搜查。搜查获取其电脑(硬盘型号:9065OU2 ,序列号:C20E6AMC ) “王小宁电脑\E : \ 王小宁资料2 \王网刊\《 时事政治评论)”文件夹(创建时间:2001 年12 月29 日17 : 29 )中所存的电子刊物《 时事政治评论》 第1 至25 期, “E 盘\王小宁资料2 \王网刊\《 时事政治评论》未完”文件夹(创建时间:2001 年12月29 日17 : 29 )中《时事政治评论》26 、27 、28 、30 、31 期。

3、北京市国家安全局的工作说明证实:在王小宁的电脑(“ E : /王网刊/《 时事政治评论》 1 期到25 期”文件夹)中发现王小宁撰写的“《 时事政治评论》工作方针和计划”。

4、北京市国家安全局的工作说明证实:查获王小宁用其电子邮箱bxoguh @ yahoo . com . cn 发送的《 时事政治评论》的首页(第9 、10 、11 、13 、14 、17 、18 、19 、20 、21 、22 、23 、24 、25 、26 、27 、28 、30 期)。

5、雅虎香港控股有限公司关于用户资料的证明证实:雅虎中国网站是由雅虎香港控股有限公司授权在国内经营的网站。电子部落是雅虎中国网站提供的一种类似于公告栏的服务。其成员可以通过互联网在电子部落里上传资料。电子部落aaabbbccc的发起人是 。该用户是雅虎中国网站的一个注册用户。



8、北京市国家安全局的工作说明证实:查获王小宁在2001 年7 月至2002 年2 月期间,与境外敌对组织“中国社会民主党”主席刘国凯的来往电子邮件材料共46 页。

9、北京市国家安全局的工作说明证实:2002 年9 月,在扣押的王小宁个人电脑中发现其与境外敌对组织“中国社会民主党”主席刘国凯的来往电子邮件材料共30 页。

10、在被告人王小宁撰写的《 <时事政治评论>发刊词》 、《 中国宪法》(王小宁方案)、《正确地认识现行宪法,利用宪法推进中国民主政体的实现》 、《高举现行宪法的伟大旗帜,与一切违宪行为做坚决的斗争》、《顾准的社会主义两党-制的思想为中国政治体制改革指明了方向》、《中共左派的反叛使军事政变可能性增大》等多篇文章中,均有“进入了二十一世纪的中国,仍然是一个专制独裁的国家”、“共产党统治了中国,在中国建立了至今五十二年的专制独裁统治”、中共肯定要下台,甚至被人民、被历史所抛弃,永远不会再上台”、“看一看现在中国,工人和农民被压在社会的最底层,几千万工人失业,很多民工受到残酷的剥削和压迫,没有权利罢工,没有权利组织工会,其基本权利得不到保证”、“中国的事实上的政治制度就是‘党国制’,这是一种专制独裁的政治制度”、“中国人民的民主权利、政治权利、管理国家事务的权利完全被剥夺了”、“中国是世界上少数仍然实行专制独裁政治制度的国家之一,中国总是要走向民主政体,中国的极端腐败,中国经济的半死不活,社会矛盾的尖锐,工人、农民等劳动人民受二遍苦,中国走向特权资本主义的现实,都说明中国需要建立民主政体的政治改革”等反对中国共产党的领导,反对“四项基本原则”,攻击、诽谤中国的社会主义制度的内容。

三、被告人王小宁于2002 年6 、7 月间,为筹建“中国第三道路党”进行积极的“宣传工作”。在其以“中国第三道路党”的名义撰写的《 走第三条道路,建立第三政党》 、《中国第三道路党负责人发表谈话,呼吁中共左派遵从民主,支持中共左派独立成党》等文章中,诬蔑中国共产党的领导,攻击、诽谤中国现行的政治制度和社会制度,宣扬“中国第三道路党”的“路线思想和政治纲领”,鼓吹要建立一个可以替代中国共产党的执政党,在中国实行“多党制”和“三权分立”。被告人王小宁将上述文章以电子邮件的方式大量发送。


1、被告人王小宁的供述证实:2002 年5 月他有了成立“中国第三道路党”的想法,打算成立一个新的政党,建立中国新的民主政体。于是他写了《走第三条道路,建立第三政党》来阐述他的观点,后来又陆续写了四篇文章来宣传他的这个党,并且以“中国第三道路党”的名义发送出去。当时使用的邮箱是。cn01edul @、cn02edul @ hotmail.com和cn01edul @。时间大概在2002 年6 月到8 月,每篇文章发送五六百份。这五篇文章发送出去以后,有人支持,有人认为时机不成熟,也有人表示希望加入。

2、北京市国家安全局的工作说明证实:在王小宁的电脑(桌面/“中国第三道路党文件”文件夹)中发现王小宁撰写的“中国第三道路党”十篇文章。(《走第三条道路,建立第三政党》 、《 中国第三道路党关于实现中国统一大业的十点主张》 、《 中国第三道路党推荐一篇重要文章》 、《中国第三道路党负责人发表谈话,呼吁中共左派遵从民主,支持中共左派独立成党》、《中国第三道路党关于解决中国极为严重的三农(农民、农村、农业)问题的二十二点主张》等)

3 、证人肖勇的证言证实:大概在2002 年7 月份,他和朋友在网吧上网,在朋友的电子邮件里看到了有关“第三道路党”章程的内容,这个电子邮件的最后留有一句话:“凡赞同我党政治主张的,请与我们联系。”7 月中旬,他第一次给“第三道路党”发了电子邮件,大致意思是对“第三道路党”的政治主张表示赞同,希望保持长期联系。不久,“第三道路党”就给他回信了,对他参加“第三道路党”表示欢迎。同时从安全方面考虑要求他提供一个代名,并要求他在保证安全的情况下向外宣传“第三道路党”的主张,发展组织,以后还会给他寄党的文件。他提供了化名“王佐之”。“第三道路党”又给他发来邮件,问他对该党有什么好的建议。他提出了“缓建党、重宣传、扩组织”的建议,后来还建议“第三道路党”的成立要采取“突发式”和“渐进式”两种方式。他曾经发电子邮件向“第三道路党”询问,是否可以以“第三道路党”党员的名义在国外的民运刊物上发表文章。“第三道路党”回复他可以,并交待他所发表的文章不要跟“第三道路党”党的原则相违背。他主要收到的“第三道路党”的文件有:《中国第三道路党关于解决中国极为严重的三农(农民、农村、农业)问题的二十二点主张》、《中国第三道路党关于实现中国统一大业的十点主张》、《中国第三道路党推荐一篇重要文章一一警惕中共假的政治体制改革》、《中国第三道路党负责人发表谈话,呼吁中共左派遵从民主,支持中共左派独立成党》 等文章。

4、在肖勇的电子信箱( )中查获“中国第三道路党”的五篇文章(《 走第三条道路,建立第三政党》 、《中国第三道路党负责人发表谈话,呼吁中共左派遵从民主,支持中共左派独立成党》 、《中国第三道路党关于解决中国极为严重的三农(农民、农村、农业)问题的二十二点主张》 、《 中国第三道路党关于实现中国统一大业的十点主张》 、《中国第三道路党推荐一篇重要文章一一警惕中共假的政治体制改革)》及肖勇与“中国第三道路党”的来往信件。

5、证人谢毅民的证言证实:2002 年7 月份他在上海外《大参考》 网站时,看到一篇《 中国第三道路党负责人发表谈话,呼吁中共左派遵从民主,支持中共左派独立成党》的文章,文章的末尾留下了“中国第三道路党”的电子邮箱的地址。大约两天后,他向“中国第三道路党”发送了第一封电子邮件,内容是支持他们的意见,落款为 “石桥”。一大约两天后,发现“中国第三道路党”给他回复,主要内容是欢迎联系,“第三道路党”已发表三个文件,如需要可发给他。他又发了第二封电子邮件给“中国第三道路党”,要求把三个文件发到他的另一个邮箱,并说要联合更多的人。“中国第三道路党” 最后发给他的是一篇有关“三农”的文章。

6、在谢毅民的电子信箱(junshimi2003 @ ) 中查获“中国第三道路党”的文章《 中国第三道路党关于解决中国极为严重的三农(农民、农村、农业)问题的二十二点主张》 及谢毅民与“中国第三道路党”的来往信件。


8、在被告人王小宁以“中国第三道路党”名义撰写的《 走第三条道路、建立第三政党》 等文章中,均有“1989 年‘六四事件’,发生已经十三年了,世界上只剩少数国家没有实现民主政体了,而中国还是专制独裁政治制度”、“中国十三年没有实现民主政体,主要是由于中国一直没有出现和形成一个足以取代中共的政党”、“中共执政以后,建立了专政政治制度一一人民民主专政。专政制度就是政治压迫政体,五十二年了,中国政治压迫政体一直没有改变。这种政治压迫制度都是反动的,中国一定要改变政治压迫制度”、“中国必须走第三条道路一一民主+新社会主义的道路”、“中国历史巨变在即,急需建立第三政党”“为什么中共那么腐败而不倒台,最主要原因就是中国还没有一个可以取代中共的政党”、“第三道路党欢迎一切有利民主运动的改良、渐进,但决不放弃人民革命。我们相信人民的力量,寄希望于人民革命”等诬蔑中国共产党的领导,攻击、诽谤中国现行的政治制度和社会制度,宣扬“中国第三道路党”的“路线思想和政治纲领”,鼓吹要建立一个可以替代中国共产党的执政党,在中国实行“多党制”和“三权分立”的内容。

四、被告人王小宁于2001 年4 月至2002 年5 月间,在境内外电子刊物《中国研究》、《民主论坛》、《大参考》、《小参考》上,发表了其以王小宁及笔名“陈平”撰写的《法规和政府的红头文件不是法律》、《四项基本原则是中国进步的最大障碍》、《中国军事政变的可行性分析》、《中共为什么害怕西方式的民主政治》等多篇文章。在文章中公开反对“四项基本原则”,诬蔑中国共产党的领导,攻击、诽谤中国现行的政治制度和社会制度,宣传其所谓的“政治主张”。


1 、被告人王小宁的供述证实:他在《中国研究》 上发表过《对网络进行管制不能违反宪法和法律》、《 打倒公车腐败》 、《中国的国防工业科技现状令人担忧》 、《 法规和政府的红头文件不是法律》、《十一论中国统一之路》等文章,都是署的“王小宁”这个真实名字。发表这些文章陆续是在2001 年4 月到2002 年5 月间,他是在家里的电脑上通过电子邮件的形式向《中国研究》 投稿的,他使用的邮箱是 。《 民主论坛》转载过他写的《 民主政治随感十一篇》 、《 不要给反对政治改革的人以口实》 等文章。他编辑的网刊《 时事政治评论》 中相当一部分文章,《大参考》 上都转载了,因为他编的网刊都给《大参考》发送,《大参考》 就会挑一部分发表。《 大参考》曾经向他约过稿,他在《大参考》上发表过《中国军事政变的可行性分析》、《逮捕吕加平的儿子,是否针对中共军方》 ,署名是“陈平”。《小参考》上刊登过他写的《中共为什么害怕西方式的民主政治》 ,署名“王小宁”,《小参考》是在看了他在《民主论坛》上发表的文章以后才找他约稿的。

2 、北京市国家安全局的工作说明证实:2001 年4 月至2002 年5 月,查获王小宁在境内电子刊物《 中国研究》 上发表了《对网络进行管制不能违反宪法和法律》 、《 打倒公车腐败》 、《 中国的国防工业科技现状令人担忧》 、《 法规和政府的红头文件不是法律》 及《十一论中国统一》 等二十余篇文章。

3、北京市国家安全局的工作说明证实:2001 年4 月21 日,查获王小宁在“民主亚洲基金会”的《 民主论坛》 上发表了《四项基本原则是中国进步的最大障碍》、《恶毒攻击中共不是颠覆国家政权》 、《中国没有出版法,却独有劳改制》 等《 民主政治随录十一篇》。

4、北京市国家安全局的工作说明证实:2001 年3月23日,查获王小宁在境外刊物《 小参考》上发表了《 中共为什么害怕西方式的民主政治》一文。2001 年5月30 日,查获上发表了《 中国军事政变的可行性分析》 和《 新闻分析:子,是否针对中共军方》 两篇文章。


(刑期从判决执行之日起计算,判决执行以前先行羁押的,羁押一日折抵刑期一日,即自2002 年9月1日起至2012年8月31日止)


审判长 王坚
审判员 安端华
代理审判员 赵建
二 0 0 三 年 九 月 十二 日
书记员 杨奔卉

Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

 On July 7, the " @FreeXueBing " Twitter account posted a link to the court judgment in the inciting subversion case of Huang Xueq...