Monday, October 22, 2012

Global Times Publishes, Then Deletes, Report That US Ambassador Visited Tibetans in Aba

[Update - December 2012:  At some time after this post was published the Global Times restored this article.]

On October 18, 2012, the state-sponsored Global Times published a report entitled "US Confirms Locke Visited Sichuan Aba, Urges Sina-Tibetan Dialogue" (美证实骆家辉访四川阿坝 敦促中国与藏人对话). An excerpt:
On October 16, the United States State Department publicly confirmed that in September US Ambassador to China Gary Locke visited the Aba district of Sichuan, China, and met with local officials and residents. Aba has gained world attention because several incidents involving Tibetans self-immolating. The US State Department spokesperson said on the 16th that Tibetan self-immolations are continuing unabated, and the US is "deeply concerned," and urges the Chinese government to have further dialogue with Tibetans.
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Since a Tibetan self-immolation incident occurred in Aba in February 2009, overseas organizations have said that there have been 55 similar incidents in China, and that of these half occurred in Aba. In August last year Locke became the first overseas Chinese to become  the US Ambassador to China, he has expressed deep interest in China's human rights issues, and in the summer of this year he played an important role in the incident where the blind Chinese lawyer Chen Guangcheng went to America.
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These screenshots show that the report, which was originally at this URL - - was deleted within hours.

See also: After CCTV Names Lhasa China's "Happiest City," Sina Weibo Bans Searches for "Self-Immolations"

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