Thursday, October 18, 2012

After Mo Yan Wins Nobel Literature Prize, Baidu "Nobel Peace Prize" Baike Updated to Include 2011 and 2012 Winners - Still Omits Liu Xiaobo

On October 11, 2012, Peter Englund, Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy, announced that the Nobel Prize in Literature for 2012 was awarded to the Chinese writer Mo Yan "who with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary."

Within two days the Nobel Literature Prize article in Baidu's Baike (a wikipedia-like product) had been updated to include an biography of Mo Yan, an image of Mo Yan, and the following excerpt cut-and-pasted from a Xinhua article:
Chinese Communist Party Politburo Standing Committee Member Li Changchun's Congratulations 
Baidu's "Nobel Literature Prize" Baike Article
On October 11, sent a letter to the Chinese Writers Association expressing his congratulations to the famous modern writer and deputy director of the Chinese Writers Association Mo Yan on his being awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature. In his congratulatory letter Li Changchun said that, with China's swift development during reform and opening up and modernization, China's literature has burst forth with enormous creative energy, and the authors of China have taken root in the deep soil of the lives and traditions of China's people, producing a prolific body of work with Chinese characteristics, Chinese manners, and Chinese style. Mo Yan is one of the outstanding examples of this. Mo Yan's winning the Nobel Prize for Literature is an expression both of the glorious progress of Chinese literature, and of continuously growing power and influence of the Chinese nation. He hoped that writers will strive to take the people as the focus of their creative guidance, stick to reality, stick to real life, stick to the masses, and create more outstanding works that will not fail to live up to history, the times, or the people, and make more new significant contributions to the glorious development of Chinese literature and the progress of human civilization. 
中共中央政治局常委李长春11日致信中国作家协会,对中国当代著名作家、中国作家协会副主席莫言获得2012年诺贝尔文学奖表示祝贺。 李长春在贺信中说,随着我国改革开放和现代化建设的迅猛发展,中国文学迸发出巨大的创造活力,广大中国作家植根于人民生活和民族传统的深厚土壤,创作出一大批具有中国特色、中国风格、中国气派的优秀作品。莫言就是其中的杰出代表。莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖,既是中国文学繁荣进步的体现,也是我国综合国力和国际影响力不断提升的体现。他希望广大作家坚持以人民为中心的创作导向,贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众,创作出更多无愧于历史、无愧于时代、无愧于人民的优秀作品,为中华文化繁荣发展,为人类文明进步作出新的更大贡献。
On October 8, 2010, Thorbjørn Jagland, Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, announced that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2010 was awarded to Liu Xiaobo  "for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China."

Below, the left-hand screenshots show the Nobel Peace Prize article in Baidu's Baike as it appeared on October 7, 2012. The right-hand screenshots show the same article as it appeared on October 17. The article was updated on October 12, 2012 and mentions both the 2011 and 2012 winners. There is no mention of the 2010 award.

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