When asked why the New York Times' website was no longer accessible in China, Hong replied: "China manages the internet in accordance with laws and rules."
These screenshots of show that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not include either exchange in its transcript of the press conference.
Chinese: http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/gxh/tyb/fyrbt/t982729.htm
English: http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/xwfw/s2510/t983256.htm

There are always some voices in the world that do not want to see China develop and become stronger, and they will try any means to smear China and Chinese leaders and try to sow instability in China.
Your scheme is doomed to failure.
Premier Wen Jiabao's family has entrusted lawyers to release a statement and will continue to clarify the report.Once again, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not include these comments in the transcripts it published on its website.
Chinese: http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/gxh/tyb/fyrbt/t983269.htm
English: http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/xwfw/s2510/t983693.htm