Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tencent's Tribute to Dissent Gets Deleted, Censored on Weibos

On December 30, 2012, Tencent News, a Chinese news website owned by China’s largest Internet service company Tencent, published an article entitle "New Years' Resolution: Pay Tribute to Ten Great Dissenters" (年终策划:致敬十大反对者). Global Voices Online has published a full translation here:

These screenshots show that the article, originally available here - - was quickly deleted.

These screenshots, taken on January 3, 2013, show that both Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo were censoring searches for the article's title.

Here is Tencent's list of dissenters, along with some example of censorship relating to those dissenters from this blog:
  • Wukan Village Residents: Against Fraud Election (乌坎村民:不公选举的反对者)
Screenshot taken in January 2012 showing Sina Weibo censoring "Wukan"
For more, see
  • Qidong Citizens: Against a Lack of Transparency in Decisionmaking (什邡、启东市民:决策不透明的反对者)
Screenshots showing Baidu shut down its Qidong Tieba Forum during the protests.
For more, see
  • Hong Kong Citizens: Against “Brain-washing” Education (香港市民:“洗脑”的反对者)
Screenshots showing Tencent Weibo began censoring "National Education"
during the Hong Kong protests.
For more, see
  • Ren Jianyu: Against Restrictions on Speech (任建宇:言论管制的反对者)
  • Zhang Haite: Against Unfair Chance for Education (占海特:教育权不公的反对者)
  • Yang Zhizhu: Against the One Child Policy (杨支柱:计划生育的反对者)
  • Zhao Keluo: Against the “Grave Clearing” Campaign (赵克罗:平坟运动的反对者)
  • Wu Heng: Against Toxic Food (吴恒:有毒食品的反对者)
  • Luo Yonghao: Against Commercial Domination (罗永浩:商业霸权的反对者)
  • Netizens: Against All Injustice (全体网民:一切不公的反对者)

Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

The PRC government sentenced Sun Zhiming (孙志明, who wrote under the alias Sun Daluo (孙大骆)) to one year imprisonment for the crime of "di...