"The Report by Some Hong Kong Newspaper that 'The Central Discipline Commission Demands Children of Senior Officials Studying Abroad Return to China' Was Inaccurate" (香港某报“中纪委要求高官留学子女回国”报道失实).
On May 28, some newspaper in Hong Kong published a report claiming that the Central Discipline Commission was requiring the children of senior officials studying abroad to return within one year after graduating. Based on our understanding, this report was inaccurate, and was false news.
Phoenix News republished this inaccurate news without verification or examination, and it had an adverse social impact, and for this we express our deep apologies to the Internet using public. We will adopt practical measures and strengthen our management of the news and the quality and training of our editorial department. We will safeguard the truthfulness and credibility of online media and do a better job of serving Internet users and society.
香港某报5月28日刊发报道,指中纪委拟要求高官留学子女毕业一年内回国。经了解,此报道失实,为虚假新闻。These screenshots show that on May 28 Sina Weibo began censoring "Wang Qishan Demands Children of Senior Officials Studying Abroad to Return Within One Year After Graduating" (王岐山要求高官留学子女毕业一年内必须回国).
These screenshots show examples of web sites where that article was published and then deleted.
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