Monday, March 3, 2014

Official's Warning About Threat Posed by Party Cadres' Work Style Gets Censored

On February 17, 2014, the state sponsored web site published an article entitled “Zhejiang Secretary: Western Hostile Forces Are Using Our Work Style to Drive a Wedge Into the Party-Public Relationship” (浙江书记:西方敌对势力用作风问题离间干群关系). Some excerpts:
Zhejiang Party Secretary Xia Baolong said that endless paperwork and meetings are a common phenomenon, the reason being that many leading local cadres are used to using meetings to set up more meetings, and using paperwork to create more paperwork. Some leading cadres like to go around reviewing their departments followed by a coterie of hangers-on, having happy crowds welcome them and see them off, listen to report. They great good news with a smile and bad news with anger, leading their subordinates to report the good and bury the bad and be unwilling to speak the truth. The root of these problems lies within the cadres themselves.
. . . .
Xia Baolong said with a deep sense of feeling that Western hostile forces are continually using our the problem of our cadres' work style and the contradictions that arise in the process of development to their advantage to blacken the image of the Party. They sow discord between the Party and the public. If these work style problem are allowed to continue and spread, then it wouldn't be going to far to say we should worry about a "Farewell My Concubine."

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These screenshots show that the story was subsequently deleted.

These screenshots were taken on February 20, 2014, and show that both Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo were censoring searches for “Zhejiang Secretary” (浙江书记) and “Xia Baolong” (夏宝龙).

Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

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