In the last week of February, 2014, posts such as the following began appearing on Sina Weibo. The post reads:
Shandong Feicheng city, over 1,000 coal miners went on strike at the Feicheng Yangzhuang coal mine because they had not been paid for six months. Big strike, repay salaries, return the blood and sweat of the Yangzhuang miners to us. Workers’ salaries were last paid back in August, now prices for goods are so high, will you or will you not let ordinary Chinese survive . . . .
山东省肥城市,因半年未领到工资,肥城杨庄煤矿上千工人罢工. 大罢工讨要工资,杨庄人的血汗线还给我们。工人的工资才发到去年的8月份,现在的物价这么高,还让不让老百姓生存了. . . .
These screenshots show that on February 26, 2014, Sina Weibo began censoring search results for “Over 1,000 Workers Strike at Feicheng’s Yangzhuang Coal Mine” (肥城杨庄煤矿上千工人罢工).