Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Baidu Begins Censoring "Putin Peng Liyuan" After Internet Users Praise "Ironman" For Putting Coat Over First Lady's Shoulders

On November 11, 2014, China's official news agency Xinhua published an article entitiled "Ironman Putin Drapes a Coat Over Shoulders of China's First Lady Peng Liyuan, Internet Users Praise Putin's Chivalry" (硬汉普京为中国第一夫人彭丽媛披外套,网友称赞普京好绅士).

These screenshots show that the following day the article was deleted and replaced with a notice saying: “Apologies! The Article you are looking for has already been deleted or expired.” (抱歉!您查看的是已删除或过期的稿件)

Original URL:

These screenshots show that, at the same time the Xinhua article was deleted, Baidu began censoring search results for “Putin Peng Liyuan.” (普京 彭丽媛).

For another example of Baidu censoring news about the wife of China's president Xi Jinping, see
Peng Liyuan Takes Photo With iPhone, China's Major Web Sites Censor "Peng Liyuan iPhone

Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

 On July 7, the " @FreeXueBing " Twitter account posted a link to the court judgment in the inciting subversion case of Huang Xueq...