Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Man Given Five Days in Jail for Tencent Wechat Posts That "Openly Insulted National Leaders."

According to a judgment issued by the Guangzhou Municipal Intermediate People's Court in December 2015 (translated below) Guo Jianhe was sentenced to five days administrative detention for using Tencent’s Wechat service (also known as Weixin) to post statements that “openly insulted national leaders.” Guo's sentence was imposed by officials at a local police station based their determination that he had violated China’s “Public Security Administrative Punishment Law.” The court did not specify what Guo posted.

The original decision is available on the court's website here: http://wenshu.court.gov.cn/content/content?DocID=d1ffe665-32b2-4465-8ac4-2979c1e43143

Guo Jianhe vs. Guangzhou Yuexiu District Public Security Bureau et. al.
Administrative Judgment in the Court of Second Instance

Guangzhou Municipal Intermediate People's Court, Guangdong Province
Administrative Judgment
(2015) Sui Intermediate Administrative Final Judgment No. 1374

Appellant (original plaintiff): Guo Jianhe, resident of Guangzhou.
Appellee (original defendant): Guangzhou Yuexiu District Public Security Bureau, based in Guangzhou.
Legal Representative: Cai Wei, position: Bureau Commander.
Attorney: Zhou Peixin, employee at the Bureau.
Attorney: Huang Weifeng, employee at the Bureau.

Appellant Guo Jianhe sued appellee Guangzhou Yuexiu District Public Security Bureau regarding a public security administrative punishment, and filed an appeal with this court on the grounds that he did not agree with the Yuexiu District People's Court's (2015) Sui Yue Administrative First Instance No. 152 administrative judgment. This court convened a judicial panel  and commenced hearings in this case. Hearings in this case have now concluded.

The court of first instance made the following determinations during trial: On January 27, 2015, plaintiff Guo Jianhe used Wechat account No. 130xxxx8717 (cell phone No. 130xxxx8717) to repost statements to friend groups that openly insulted national leaders. As of January 30, 2015, the plaintiff's Wechat account address book contained 697 contacts. The defendant summoned the plaintiff to appear at the Zhuguang police station in Yuexiu, Guangzhou, and following an investigation ascertained the foregoing facts. After determining that the plaintiff had reposted statements to friend groups that openly insulted national leaders, it informed the plaintiff of the facts, reasoning, and basis for making a determination to impose punishment, as well as of his right to make statements and offer a defense. On the 30th of that month the defendant issued Sui Gong Yue Administrative Punishment (2015) No. 00491 "Administrative Punishment Decision" in accordance with the provisions of Article 42(2) of the "Public Security Administration Punishments Law," ordering the plaintiff be sentenced to five days of administrative detention. The plaintiff did not agree with the foregoing punishment decision, and filed an appeal with the court of first instance.

The court of first instance held: Article 42(2) of the "Public Security Administrative Punishment Law" provides:  "A person who commits one of the following acts shall be detained for not more than five days or be fined not more than 500 yuan; and if the circumstances are relatively serious, he shall be detained for not less than 5 days but not more than 10 days and may, in addition, be fined not more than 500 yuan: . . . (2) openly insulting another person or fabricating facts to defame another person; . . . ."

The plaintiff in this case reposted statements to friends groups that openly insulted others, the defendant determined that the facts were clear and the evidence sufficient to show that the plaintiff's actions were illegal, and the punishment decision issued following the defendant's investigation of the facts underlying the illegal actions of the plaintiff complied with the aforementioned provisions. The reasoning underlying the plaintiff's request to revoke the punishment decision was not sufficient, and it was therefore rejected by the court of first instance.

In summary, in accordance with Article 56(4) of the "Supreme People's Court's Interpretation Regarding Certain Issues Relating to the Implementation of the Administrative Litigation Law'" the court held that plaintiff's request was denied.

Appellant Guo Jianhe did agree with the judgment of the court of first instance, and appealed to this court claiming: the weixins that the appellant reposted to his friends groups were within the right to freedom of speech granted under the Constitution. The Sui Gong Yue Administrative Punishment (2015) No. 00491 "Administrative Punishment Decision" lacked sufficient evidence, and the court of first instance ignored the appellant's demand that the appellee produce evidence of the fact that the appellant openly insulted national leaders. Appellant did not openly insult national leaders, and the facts acknowledged by the court of first instance were not clear. The appellant therefore requests:

1. Overturn the Yuexiu District People's Court's (2015) Sui Yue Administrative First Instance No. 152 "Administrative Judgment."
2. Revoke the appellee's Sui Gong Yue Administrative Punishment (2015) No. 00491 "Administrative Punishment Decision."
3.  Order the appellee to bear the litigation costs of the first and second trials.

The appellee Guangzhou Yuexiu District Public Security Bureau agrees with the judgment in trial of first instance, and asks that it be upheld in the trial of second instance.

Based on hearings it has been determined that the facts acknowledged by the court of first instance were clear, and furthermore are supported by the relevant evidence, and are affirmed by this court.

This court finds that Article 42(2) of the "Public Security Administrative Punishment Law" provides:  "A person who commits one of the following acts shall be detained for not more than five days or be fined not more than 500 yuan; and if the circumstances are relatively serious, he shall be detained for not less than 5 days but not more than 10 days and may, in addition, be fined not more than 500 yuan: . . . (2) openly insulting another person or fabricating facts to defame another person; . . . ." In this case the appellant openly fabricated facts online and posted statements that insulted national leaders. There are interrogation records, investigation records, photographs, and other supporting evidence. In accordance with the law, prior to issuing its administrative punishment decision the appellee had informed the appellant of the facts, reasoning, and basis, and also informed him of his right to make statements and offer a defense. Appellant stated that he would not make any statements or offer any defense.

Therefore, as regards the appellee's issuance of an administrative punishment decision, and the decision to sentence appellant to five days of administrative detention, the facts as determined are clear, the evidence is sufficient, the procedures were lawful, and the punishment was appropriate.

The judgment of the court of first instance to reject the appellant's request was handled correctly, and is upheld by this court. Appellant's appeal lacked justification and motivation for his belief that the appellee's determinations of fact were not clear, and this court rejects his requests on appeal.

In summary, in accordance with the provisions of Article 89(1)(i) of the "Administrative Litigation Law" it is hereby held:

The appeal is rejected, the first instance judgment is affirmed.

The second instance case filing fee of 50 yuan shall be borne by the appellant Guo Jianhe.

This judgment shall be the judgment of last instance.

Presiding Judge: Wang Yi
Acting Judicial Officer: Tang Yong
Acting Judicial Officer: Yu Qiubai

November 14, 2015

Clerk: Zhou Zhinuo


行 政 判 决 书












审 判 长 汪 毅
代理审判员 唐 勇
代理审判员 余秋白


书 记 员 周芷诺

Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

 On July 7, the " @FreeXueBing " Twitter account posted a link to the court judgment in the inciting subversion case of Huang Xueq...