Monday, February 27, 2017

Woman Sentenced to 18 Months Imprisonment for Tencent QQ Posts That Insulted Leaders and Policies

According to a judgment issued by the Jinzhou People's Court in December 2016 (translated below) a defendant, identified only as "Ms. Li," was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment for posting information Tencent's QQ service that "spread rumors, stirred up trouble, confused public opinion, seduced the public, triggered severe chaos in public order, and exhibited a certain social perniciousness." Ms. Li was convicted of disturbing the peace (寻衅滋事 - often literally translated as "picking quarrels and provoking troubles"). The court did not specify what Ms. Li posted or how it created "severe chaos." The court did say that it included images and text that "insulted and vilified foreign and domestic heads of state, national leaders, and national religious policies as well as false information about major domestic incidents."

The original decision is available on the court's website here:

Ms. Li Committed the Crime of Disturbing the Peace
Judgment in the Court of First Instance

Jinzhou Municipal People's Court
Hebei Province

Criminal Judgment
(2016) Jin 0183 Criminal First Instance No. 251

Public Prosecutorial Agency Jinzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate.
Defendant Ms. Li, female, Han, civilian, middle school education. Subject to criminal detention on October 20, 2016 by the Jinzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau on suspicion of committing the crime of disturbing the peace. Arrested on November 2 of the same year. Currently being held in the Shijiazhuang No. 2 Detention Center.

In the Public Prosecution Indictment Document No. 201[2016] the Jinzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate charged the defendant Ms. Li with the crime of disturbing the peace, and filed an indictment with this court on December 7, 2016. This court conducted a single adjudication using expedited procedures and held a hearing in open court. The  Jinzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate assigned Procurator Zhang Wenhao to appear in court in support of the indictment, and the defendant Ms. Li appeared in court to participate in the trial. Hearings have now concluded.

Based on hearings it has been determined that since 2015 the defendant Ms. Li used her own QQ numbers 158***7886 (nicknamed "The Buddha is Indeterminate"), 302***9936 (nicknamed "Endure Humiliation and Return to Emptiness") and 330***5569 (nicknamed "Illusive Dreams") to join dozens of "Zhennan QQ Groups," and repost images and articles about "Zhennan." In 2016 Ms. used the QQ number 158***7886 to launch a "Zhennan QQ Group" and used QQ's friend search functionality to add over 100 people into the group, and reposted images and articles regarding "Zhennan" with the intent of letting more people get to know Buddhist doctrine. Ms. Li then proceeded to repost text images to her QQ Space with content that insulted and vilified foreign and domestic heads of state, national leaders, and national religious policies as well as false information about major domestic incidents, thereby confusing public opinion and allowing Internet users to browse, like, and comment.

Ms. Li did not refute the foregoing facts in court, and supplementary evidence offered as proof included the Jinzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau's case records and decision to filed charges, the defendant's cell phone used in the case which was confiscated by the Jinzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, three CD-ROMs tracking the progress of the case, and three images of portions of a QQ Space produced by the Jinzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau's Public Information Network Security Supervision Task Force. The foregoing evidence was subject to cross-examination and determined to be acceptable.

This court finds that that Ms. clearly knew that the images and articles reposted in the "Zhennan QQ Group" had content that insulted and vilified foreign and domestic heads of state, national leaders, and national religious policies as well as false information about major domestic incidents, and nevertheless reposted them to her own QQ Space. Internet users browsed, liked, and commented on them, spread rumors, stirred up trouble, confused public opinion, seduced the public, triggered severe chaos in public order, and exhibited a certain social perniciousness. Her behavior constitutes the crime of disturbing the peace, and should be punished.

The public prosecutorial agencies charge that the defendant Ms. Li committed the crime of disturbing the peace is amply supported by clear facts and reliable evidence, and the crime she has been accused of is affirmed.

In court The defendant Ms. Li demonstrated a fairly good attitude in acknowledging her crime, and taking this into consideration her punishment may be reduced.

On the basis of Article 293 of the Criminal Law and the Article 5 of the "Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate Regarding Certain Questions About Applicable Law When Dealing With Criminal Cases Whereby Information Networks are Utilized to Commit Defamation and Other Crimes" it is hereby held:

1. The defendant Ms. Li committed the crime of disturbing the peace, and is sentenced to 1 year and six months imprisonment. The sentence is to be calculated from the date of execution of this judgment, with the sentence to be reduced by one day for each day that she was in custody prior to the execution of this judgment. Therefore it shall run from October 20, 2016 to April 18, 2018.

2. The Vivo cell phone used in this case is confiscated and turned over to the state treasury.

If she does not agree with this judgment she may appeal to this court or directly to the Shijiazhuang Municipal Intermediate People's Court within 10 after the day after receiving this judgment. Written appeals should be submitted with one original and three copies.

Judicial Officer Li Shuangli

December 23, 2016

Clerk Shi Yaqian


刑 事 判 决 书









审判员  李双利


书记员  师亚倩

Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

The PRC government sentenced Sun Zhiming (孙志明, who wrote under the alias Sun Daluo (孙大骆)) to one year imprisonment for the crime of "di...