Thursday, February 16, 2017

Man Given Ten Days in Jail for Tencent QQ Posts That "Openly Insulted Leaders of the Party and the State"

According to a judgment issued by the Guangzhou Municipal Intermediate People's Court in May 2014 (translated below) Cheng Huaishan was sentenced to ten days administrative detention for using Tencent’s QQ  service to post statements that “openly insulted leaders of the Party and the State.” Cheng’s sentence was imposed by officials at a local police station based their determination that he had violated China’s “Public Security Administrative Punishment Law.”

The original decision is available on the court's website here:

Cheng Huaishan vs. Jiangsu Kunshan Public Security Bureau Administrative Security et. al.
Administrative Judgment in the Court of First Instance

Jiangsu Kunshan People's Court
Administrative Judgment

(2014) Kun Admin First Instance No. 0015

Plaintiff Cheng Huaishan
Defendant Kunshan Public Security Bureau, located at No. 1288, Qianjin West Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu, Organization No. 01418924-6.

Plaintiff Cheng Huaishan filed suit regarding defendant Kunshan Public Security Bureau's administrative punishment case, and after this court accepted the suit on February 14, 2014 it served a copy of the claim and notice of the lawsuit on the defendant on the same day. This court convened a collegiate panel, and on March 20, 2014 held a hearing on this case in open court. Plaintiff Cheng Huaishan and the representatives for defendant Kunshan Public Security Bureau Lu Huanfang and Cha Wenming appeared in court to participate in the litigation. Hearings in this case have concluded.

On November 12, 2013, the Kunshan Public Security Bureau issued the Kunshan PSB (Lujia) Administrative Punishment Decision (2013) No. 6544, finding that on the afternoon of November 3, 2013 plaintiff Cheng Huaishan was discovered to have logged into the Internet QQ group "Jiangsu Democracy Group" (Group No. 273997921) from Lujia township, Kunshan, and in this QQ group he published statements defaming State leaders. The foregoing facts were confirmed through Cheng Huaishan's statements and pleadings, investigation records, on-the-scene records, and documentation. They determined to subject Cheng Huaishan to ten days administrative detention in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2, Article 42 of the Public Security Administrative Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China.

Plaintiff Cheng Huaishan's lawsuit claims that on the morning of November 12, 2013, police officers from the Lujia station of the Kunshan Public Security Bureau  came to his temporary residence and gave him a verbal summons to go the police station. They then interrogated him regarding certain statement of his in a QQ group which defamed the nation's leaders, and ordered him held for 10 days in administrative detention. On November 3, 2013, the plaintiff reposted the following text:
Seven wolves will convene the 18th street burial clock plenary session; the meeting will discuss the liberalization of the lambs being put out to pasture; local  beasts of prey will be responsible for a portion of the flock's expenditures; give the sheep more sovereignty over their grazing; continue reducing the approvals required for being put out to pasture; resolve the problem of mutton allotment; reform the sheep registration system, with no division between black mountain sheep and plains sheep, they are one and the same; demarcate the reform routes for Xi big wolf and Li little wolf; bring universal happiness for the shepherds,  and keep the sheep ignorant of their fate; let the chorus ring out: Fuck your mother, Damn!
Looking at the whole post, it did not mention the name of a single State leader, it only mentioned wolves and sheep, so how could it constitute defamation of State leaders? Of course, the post's text can easily allow people to make associations, but the police can't rely on mental associations when enforcing the law. Looking at this from the perspective of free speech, democratic governance means that citizens have the right to curse those who hold power, and those who hold power have a duty to be tolerant of criticism. All the more so because the post did not even directly curse anyone who holds power, and Article 35 of China's Constitution clearly provides that citizens of the People's Republic of China have the freedom of speech. The Kunshan Public Security Bureau's decision to impose administrative detention was factually flawed, made improper use of the law, and it is requested that Kunshan PSB (Lujia) Administrative Punishment Decision (2013) No. 6544 be rescinded, and the applicant receive compensation from the State for restricting his freedom of movement in the amount 1,825 yuan.

Defendant Kunshan Public Security Bureau argues that, the statements published on the QQ group by plaintiff Cheng Huaishan on November 3, 2013 using information networks openly insulted leaders of the Party and the State, and this was subsequently investigated and confirmed by public security agencies. The foregoing facts have been verified based on the statements and pleadings of the parties, on-the-scene records and information records, and the detention process.  The plaintiff's use of information networks that enable widespread and rapid  dissemination to publish statements that insulted leaders of the Party and the State constitutes a relatively severe instance of insulting third parties, and the defense attorney argue that the decision to impose ten days administrative punishment in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2, Article 42 of the Public Security Administrative Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China was found to be based on clear facts, a correct application of the law, and the punishment was appropriate.

Plaintiff claims that the statement made online constitute freedom of speech, and it does not matter whether or not the statements were proper.

The defense attorneys believe that freedom of speech has boundaries. Article 35 of the Constitution provides that citizens have freedom of speech, and Article 41 provides that a citizen is protected by law when offering criticisms and suggestions to State agencies and State employees. But citizens' rights must be exercised in accordance with the law, and may not infringe upon the rights of others. Article 51 provides that in exercising their freedoms and rights, citizens must not damage any State, social, or collective rights or the lawful freedoms and rights of other citizens. Although the statements made online by the plaintiff did not clearly refer to any State leader's name, it was nevertheless extremely clear what it was referring to, the statements' contents were obviously insulting, had infringed upon others' rights to dignity and reputation, exceeding the scope allowed by law, constituting illegal behavior, and responsibility should be borne in accordance with law. Based on the foregoing, they request that the court reject the lawsuit's claims.

An investigation has shown that at approximately 2:23 in the afternoon on November 3, 2013, plaintiff Cheng Huaishan, using the online name "Rare Animal" (QQ10xxx46), utilizing online information in Lujia, used a cell phone to publish the following statement on the QQ group "Jiangsu Democracy Group" (Group No. 273997921):

Seven wolves will convene the 18th street burial clock plenary session; the meeting will discuss the liberalization of the lambs being put out to pasture; local  beasts of prey will be responsible for a portion of the flock's expenditures; give the sheep more sovereignty over their grazing; continue reducing the approvals required for being put out to pasture; resolve the problem of mutton allotment; reform the sheep registration system, with no division between black mountain sheep and plains sheep, they are one and the same; demarcate the reform routes for Xi big wolf and Li little wolf; bring universal happiness for the shepherds,  and keep the sheep ignorant of their fate; let the chorus ring out: Fuck your mother, Damn!

At approximately 11:00 in the morning on November 12, 2013, after defendant Kunshan Public Security Bureau determined that the user with the online name "Rare Animal" (QQ10xxx46) was plaintiff Cheng Huaishan, they proceeded to handle the case in accordance with the law. Following an investigation, on November 12, 2013, defendant Kunshan Public Security Bureau issued the Kunshan PSB (Lujia) Administrative Punishment Decision (2013) No. 6544, and determined to subject Cheng Huaishan to ten days administrative detention in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2, Article 42 of the Public Security Administrative Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China.

On November 12, 2013, the defendant carried out the aforementioned punishment and transferred plaintiff Cheng Huaishan to the Kunshan Detention Center. Because plaintiff Cheng Huaishan submitted an administrative appeal application, on January 23, 2014, the Kunshan Municipal Government issued Kunshan Government Administrative Review No. 6, upholding the Kunshan PSB (Lujia) Administrative Punishment Decision (2013) No. 6544 decision.

This court finds that, in accordance with Clause 1, Paragraph 7 of Article 2 of the Public Security Administrative Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China, public security bureaus of the people's government at the level of county and above are responsible for public security administrative punishments within their administrative districts relating to disturbing public order, harming public security, infringements of personal and property rights, harming social management where there is social harm that does not rise to the level requiring criminal sanctions. Because the defendant Kunshan Public Security Bureau is responsible for public security administration work in this jurisdiction, it is the appropriate defendant in this case.

The point of dispute in this case is whether the content of the post published by plaintiff Cheng Huaishan at issue in this case does in fact constitute relatively severe insult and defamation of a third party. In accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2, Article 42 of the Public Security Administrative Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China, insult or fabrication of facts to defame a third party may be punished by detention of five days or less or a fine of no more than 500 yuan. Where the circumstances are severe, a punishment of between five and 10 days detention and a fine of no more than 500 yuan may be imposed.

Insult refers to words and actions that harm the reputation or personal dignity of a third party. Defamation refers to distorting and spreading falsehoods which harm the reputation or personal dignity of a third party.

The plaintiff in this case Cheng Huaishan used an online alias to post content which, while not explicitly naming any State leader, nevertheless included content that was obviously insulting and defamatory, and its target was both specific and unique, and based on the timing of the post and the related content, it was entirely obvious who it was about.

Plaintiff's utilization of networks for fast and broad dissemination of the aforementioned statements that insulted national leaders falls within the scope of insulting and defaming third parties as provided in the aforementioned law, and the circumstances were relatively severe. The administrative punishment issued by defendant Kunshan Publish Security Bureau was lawful.

Plaintiff believes that his statements were the exercise of free speech as provided for in the Constitution. This court holds that the Constitution of the People's Republic of China provides that citizens of the People's Republic of China have freedom of speech, and that have the right to make criticisms and suggestions to State agencies and State employees. But it also provides that the personal dignity of citizens of the People's Republic of China may not be infringed upon, and prohibits insult, defamation, or false claims against citizens by any means. When exercising their freedoms and rights, citizens must not damage any State, social, or collective rights or the lawful freedoms and rights of other citizens. Therefore the defense statement of plaintiff Cheng Huaishan is rejected.

In handling the aforementioned case, defendant Kunshan Public Security Bureau conducted its inquiries and investigation of the defendant within 24 hours, and on November 12, 2013 imposed administrative punishment and carried out the procedures in the manner prescribed by law. The prerequisite for administrative compensation is that the legal rights and interests of a citizen, legal person or other organization has been infringed upon by a specific administrative act performed by an administrative agency or an employee thereof. The administrative acts of the defendant did not infringe upon the legal rights and interests of plaintiff Cheng Huaishan. Plaintiff's contention that defendant's administrative acts were illegal and request for personal compensation is without factual or legal basis.

Based on the foregoing, in accordance with the provisions of Article 56(4) of the Supreme People's Court's Interpretation Regarding Certain Issues Relating to the Implementation of the Administrative Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China and Article 33 of the Supreme People's Court's Rules Regarding Certain Issues Relating to Adjudicating Administrative Compensation Cases, it is hereby decided as follows:

Plaintiff Cheng Huaishan's claims in his lawsuit are rejected.

Court costs in the amount of 50 yuan will be borne by the plaintiff Cheng Huaishan.

If he does not agree with this decision, he may submit an appeal to this court within 15 days of this issuance of this judgment, with the number of copies based on the number of opposing parties. The court of appeal shall be the Jiangsu Intermediate People's Court.

Judge: Li Shiyin
Acting Judge: Zhou You
People's Assessor: Wang Guixiang

May 12, 2014

Clerk: Jin Yufang








本案的争议焦点是原告成怀山在网络发表涉案内容帖子是否属于公然侮辱、诽谤他人情节较重的行为。《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》第四十二条第(二)项规定,公然侮辱他人或者捏造事实诽谤他人的, 处五日以下拘留或者五百元以下罚款;情节较重的,处五日以上十日以下拘留,可以并处五百元以下罚款。






审 判 长: 李诗茵
代理审判员: 周 游
人民陪审员: 王桂香


书 记 员: 晋玉芳

Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

 On July 7, the " @FreeXueBing " Twitter account posted a link to the court judgment in the inciting subversion case of Huang Xueq...