Monday, June 26, 2023

Translation: Court Judgment in the Liu Feiyue Political Cartoon Case

 Translator' Notes:

The Chinese text was generated by OCR'ing low-quality images of the original court judgment posted online. I have attempted to identify and correct the typographical errors that may have been introduced in the OCR process.

This judgment is notable for several reasons:

  • This is the first court judgment I've translated that quotes extensively from the opinions of government censors to justify the court's finding that certain speech is illegal and not constitutionally protected.
  • It provides details of what the defendant said that was subversive that is, in my experience, unprecedented. Typically judges in the PRC are unwilling to specify what defendants in speech related prosecutions said that was illegal, unprotected speech. For example, in the Wang Aizhong judgment the judge merely noted that Wang "fabricated fake information, or knowingly disseminated fake information on the Internet." In this case, however, the judge not only provides extensive quotations and descriptions of images, but actually presents analyses (albeit of a third party) as to why the quotations and images are illegal.
  • Owing to the unique level of detail provided by the court, I have attempted to ascertain and obtain some of the materials described in the judgment (specifically cartoons and posters), and have included them in the English translation. Please note these are my best guesses, and the original judgment did not contain any actual materials.

Intermediate People's Court of Suizhou, Hubei

Criminal Judgment

(2017) E 13 Criminal First Instance No. 24

The public prosecution agency was the People's Procuratorate of Suizhou, Hubei.

Defendant Liu Feiyue, male, born [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED], 1970 in Zengdu District, Suizhou, Hubei , citizen ID number [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED], Han ethnicity, junior college education, formerly a teacher of Dongguan School, Zengdu District, Suizhou, residing in [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED], Wenfeng School, Zengdu District, Suizhou, Room 602, West Unit. On November 18, 2016, he was taken into criminal detention on suspicion of committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and on December 23 of the same year he was arrested. He is currently being held in detention at the Suizhou detention center.

Defense counsel Wu Kuiming is a lawyer at the Guangdong Xugao Law Firm.

In the Sui Procuratorate Criminal Indictment (2017) No. 23, the People's Procuratorate of Suizhou, Hubei charged defendant Liu Feiyue with committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and on December 6, 2017, it filed a public prosecution with this Court. On December 12, 2017, this Court opened a case and formed a collegial panel in accordance with the law. The public prosecutor, defense counsel, and the defendant held pre-trial conferences with this Court on July 10 and August 2, 2018 respectively,to learn about the circumstances and hear opinions on issues related to the trial. On August 7, 2018, this Court tried this case in open court. The People's Procuratorate of Suizhou, Hubei assigned deputy prosecutor Hu Liangzhi, procurator Cheng Jinping to appear in court in support of the public prosecution. Defendant Liu Feiyue and his defense counsel Wu Kuiming appeared in court to participate in the proceedings. During the trial process of the case, due to the wide range of cases involved and the seriousness and complexity of the case, the High People's Court of Hubei approved a three month extension of the trial period. The Supreme People's Court approved a cumulative extension of the trial period for nine months. The collegial panel has held deliberations on this case and made a written request for instructions to this Court's adjudicative committee for discussion and rendering a decision. The trial has now concluded.

The People's Procuratorate of Suizhou, Hubei charged: Defendant Liu Feiyue had been dissatisfied with the Communist Party of China leadership and the socialist system since the early '90s of the preceding century, and gradually formed the reactionary ideology of "ending the one-party dictatorship and establishing a democratic constitutional government." Since October 2005, defendant Liu Feiyue illegally established the "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Studio," leased a foreign server to launch the "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net," recruited staff, colluded with foreign institutions and organizations, applied for foreign financial support, specialized in collecting one-sided information, distort and concoct facts, sensationalized sensitive incidents, used the Internet and foreign media to disseminate inciting statements and articles, denigrated the image of the Communist Party of China and the government of China, attack the current political system, agitate public discontent toward China's State regime and socialist system, and incite subversion of state power.

The specific facts are: He wrote and distributed a series of articles on "nonviolence," and defamed our country's State regime and socialist system as a "despotic" regime and system, spread ideology that subverted the State regime, and proposed means and methods to subvert state power. He wrote and distributed six annual reports "Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China" and "Involuntary Institutionalization and Human Rights" which manufactured rumors and defamed the Party and the government as "grossly violating human rights," and the State regime and socialist system as a "despotic political system." He utilized rumors sensitive incidents to distribute commentary articles that manufactured rumors and defamed the government of China upholding " despotic systems," "gross violations of human rights," and spread statements that were detrimental to the State regime and socialist system. He organized and plotted the distribution of cartoons and posters that defamed the State regime and socialist system as infringing on citizens' human rights, attacking the country's judiciary, calling for the release of criminals who had jeopardized national security. He granted interviews to foreign media that defamed and denigrated the State political system and judicial system, and attacked the State regime and socialist system. He launched the "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net," recruited staff, colluded with foreign institutions and organizations, applied for foreign financial support, and used it to engage in activities that incited subversion of state power over an extended period of time.

In order to charge the aforementioned facts, the public prosecution agency presented evidence to the court including physical evidence, documentary evidence, audio-visual materials,  electronic data ,crime scene investigation records, witness testimony, review reports, and the defendant's statements and justifications.

The public prosecution agency alleged defendant Liu Feiyue used methods such as manufacturing rumors and defamation to incite subversion of state power, overthrow the socialist order, and colluded with foreign institutions and organizations. For his actions he should bear criminal liability for committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power. It requests this Court pass sentence in accordance with the law.

Defendant Liu Feiyue did not have any objections to the facts charged by the public prosecution agency, but he believed that the review report used specific words to interpret the cartoons which were inconsistent with the abstract nature of cartoons. With regards to his granting interviews to foreign media, it did not offer a systematic overview because of the brevity of the content. With regards to his accepting foreign financial support, this was normal cooperation with foreign organizations. His original intention was to promote social harmony, and the establishment of "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" was also to pay attention to the interests of the people at the bottom, so of course there were also problems and deficiencies. Some articles involved opinions and views regarding changing the existing system.

The defense opinions preferred by defense counsel Wu Kuiming were: The majority of the review reports of the evidence in this case were speculation and determinations of the defendant's subjective intentions. Whether the defendant had criminal intent cannot be replaced by a review report, and the review report should not be accepted. There were no specific facts with respect to collusion abroad, one cannot infer collusion from the "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" and foreign contacts, and in this case the collusion with foreign institutions and organizations does not constitute aggravated circumstances. In this case, there is a lack of evidence in the chain of evidence that the defendant  caused harm and consequences to society and third parties.

It was ascertained at trial: Defendant Liu Feiyue had been dissatisfied with the Communist Party of China leadership and the socialist system since the early 1990s, and gradually formed the idea of "ending the one-party dictatorship and establishing a democratic constitutional government." Since October 2005, the Liu Feiyue illegally established the "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Studio," leased a foreign Internet server to illegally set up the "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net," recruited staff, colluded with foreign institutions and organizations, applied for foreign financial support, specialized in collecting one-sided information, distort and concoct facts, sensationalized sensitive incidents, used the Internet and foreign media to disseminate inciting statements and articles, denigrated the image of the Communist Party of China and the government of China, attack the current political system, agitate public discontent toward China's State regime and socialist system, and incite subversion of state power.

The specific facts are as follows:

I. He wrote and distributed a series of 12 "nonviolence" articles, and defamed China's State regime and socialist system as a "despotic" regime and system, spread ideology that subverted the State regime, and proposed means and methods to subvert state power.

From January 2006 to May 2012, defendant Liu Feiyue successively distributed on "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" a series of 12 articles that he wrote including "The Voice of Nonviolence: A Discussion of the Principles of Nonviolence" and "The Voice of Nonviolence: Proof of Color Revolutions." The articles defamed the government of China as "a despotic government that persists in violence and lies," the State regime as a "despotic regime" that "persists in violent and oppressive rule and tramples on human rights", and the socialist system as a "despotic and dictatorial system." The articles advocated "color revolutions...unarmed struggles such as large-scale mass movements and street fights," and adopting "sarcastic actions" and "naked protests" to "struggle for army defections and the disintegration of the 'despotic government,'" and proposed means and methods to subvert state power, in order to incite subversion of state power.

The aforementioned facts have been by the following evidence presented, examined, and affirmed by this Court in court during the trial:

1. Remote crime scene investigation work transcripts produced by the Public Security Bureau of Suizhou's Cybersecurity Detachment proved: From November 24 to 28, 2016 the Detachment used remote crime scene investigation to download 12 articles from the foreign "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net": "The Voice of Nonviolence: My Democracy Party Perspective," "The Voice of Nonviolence: Two Kinds of Nonviolence," "The Voice of Nonviolence: A Discussion of the Principles of Nonviolence," "The Voice of Nonviolence: Nonviolence Movements In the Face of Severe Pressure," "The Voice of Nonviolence: Focusing on Social Issues When Launching Social Movements," "The Voice of Nonviolence; Exploring Means and Methods of Launching Social Movements," "The Voice of Nonviolence: Proof of Color Revolutions," "The Voice of Nonviolence:The Noviolence Movement as Seen From the Do-Not-Buy-A-House Movement in China's Early Stages," "Liu Feiyue: A Discussion on Some of My Experiences in the Rights Defense Movement," "Liu Feiyue: The Power of Nonviolence Rights Defense: Writing for the Broader Rights Defense Public," and "Using the Human Body as a Protest Method for Nonviolent Rights Defense: Naked Protests," "Sarcastic Action as One Recommended Means of Nonviolent Rights Defense." Liu Feiyue signed an affirmation that the aforementioned articles were written and distributed by him.

2. Liu Feiyue distributed a series of "nonviolence" articles on "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" with these main contents:

(1) "The Voice of Nonviolence: My Democracy Party Perspective" stated that the formation of democracy parties is a typical means of nonviolence resistance, and it is disobedience against the authorities depriving people of the right to form parties and associations. In the current high-pressure political environment, this way is the most desirable , the most feasible. The China Democracy Party already has the embryonic form of becoming a national opposition party.

(2) "The Voice of Nonviolence: Two Kinds of Nonviolence," divided the nonviolence movement theoretically into two ways: "moderate resistance" and "non-armed struggle," and maintained that the government of China is a despotic ruling regime and a despotic government that persists in violence and lies, and proposed the need to bring about "democratization" in China.

(3) "The Voice of Nonviolence: A Discussion of the Principles of Nonviolence," stated that the realization of "democratization" is the basic appeal of China's democracy parties, and defamed the government as suppressing domestic party activities and persecuting dissidents who oppose the government.

(4) "The Voice of Nonviolence: Nonviolence Movements In the Face of Severe Pressure," defamed China as a despotic high pressure society, proposed "nonviolence movement" ideology and means of launching it, and the use of "disobedience movement ""and "non-cooperation movements" to struggle against political institutions such as China's electoral system.

(5) "The Voice of Nonviolence: Focusing on Social Issues When Launching Social Movements," stated that the status quo of the "democracy" movement was caused by the authorities' brutal repression, called for the use of social issues such as education, medical care, environment, demolition, mine accidents, and AIDS to carry out a democratic movement to avoid government repression.

(6) "The Voice of Nonviolence: Exploring Means and Methods of Launching Social Movements," proposed specific ways to launch social movements, such as posting signed letters, open letters, and appeal letters on the Internet, going to scenes to sit in, and going on a hunger strikes.

(7) "The Voice of Nonviolence: Proof of Color Revolutions," stated that the "color revolutions" in Georgia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, and other countries were carried out in a peaceful nonviolent way, "regime change does not require large-scale violent conflicts and bloodshed," and "struggle for army defections, disintegrate violent despots."

(8) "The Voice of Nonviolence: The Nonviolence Movement as Seen From the Do-Not-Buy-A-House Movement in China's Early Stages," defamed China as a despotic political system that persists in high-handed rule, and proposed that the "nonviolence movement" should focus on hot issues of people's livelihood and social concerns such as medical care, education, housing, land expropriation, and demolition, and it provided theoretical support and means for "activist" activities.

(9) "Liu Feiyue: A Discussion on Some of My Experiences in the Rights Defense Movement,"defamed China's regime as a despotic dictatorial system, persisting in violent and oppressive rule and trampling on human rights, and proposed using the masses' rights protection needs to carry out democratic movements, and incited the masses to rebel against the government.

(10) "Liu Feiyue: The Power of Nonviolence Rights Defense: Writing for the Broader Rights Defense Public," proposed the concept of nonviolent rights defense, saying that nonviolence is a kind of "soft violence," which also has the coercive power of submissiveness, and called on the public to launch a nonviolent rights movement.

(11) "Using the Human Body as a Protest Method for Nonviolent Rights Defense: Naked Protests" and "Sarcastic Action as One Recommended Means of Nonviolent Rights Defense" called on the public to engage in nonviolent rights defense through "naked protests" and "sarcasm."

3. A review report issued by the Publication Review Center of Hubei: The "nonviolence" series of articles prescribes life-saving medicine for the illegal organization "China Democracy Party," and lays out plans for how to work against the Communist Party of China: It provides an overview of the lessons of  the failures of the "democracy movement" and how to advance the anti-government activities of the "democracy movement" and offers advice for the "disintegration of a powerful despotic government." It opposes the "four basic principles," finds excuses to pay attention to social issues, incites crowds to riot, and instigates people who are dissatisfied with the government on what methods to use to struggle against the government. It fantasizes about a "color revolution" in China and the "collapse" of the regime led by the Communist Party of China. It calls for using issues of people's livelihoods to promote the "nonviolence movement" and finally achieve the goal of overthrowing the so-called "despotic government." It confuses the legitimate rights protection of the masses with the anti-government activities of the "democracy activists," and uses "petitions for the people" as a cover is another way of being anti-government.

4. Defendant Liu Feiyue's statement: The series of 12 "nonviolence" articles were written for and distributed on "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net." In the articles, "At the critical moment, we even need to win the support of the army" meant that the army would not follow orders to suppress the "nonviolence movement" and would even support "nonviolence" secretly or openly, and would turn its guns. "Disintegration of a powerful despotic government" referred to the transformation of the original government from a despotic system into a democratic system, that is, the transformation of Chinese society and the realization of China's democratization. "Achieve one's own goals" the goal is to realize democratization in China and establish a democratized social system. Dissatisfaction with the electoral system was because China's electoral system is not a real one-person-one-vote election, and the candidates are still under official control.

II. He wrote and distributed seven issues of "Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China" and "Involuntary Institutionalization and Human Rights" annual reports which manufactured rumors and defamed the Party and the government as "severely trampling on human rights" and the State regime and socialist system as a "despotic political system."

1. On February 3, 2014, defendant Liu Feiyue distributed "End the Stability Maintenance System - '2013 Annual Report on Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China' Published" and "2013 Annual Report on Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China" on "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net." These articles stated "The CCP authorities insist on continuous and strict maintenance and monitoring of Chinese society, especially when it comes to the behavior of Chinese citizens involving the political system and civil rights, they will spare no effort to suppress at all costs and do not rule out any means. The essence of the evils of maintaining stability, including beatings, illegal harassment, intimidation, enforced disappearance, kidnapping, and house arrest, is the evil of the system. Under a one-party dictatorship that lacks a constitutional system, official power is deformed and powerful, and interest groups are rampant in corruption. Stability maintenance powers are being widely abused in order to preserve political power and interests. As long as China’s current system fails to change its totalitarian form, the evil of the stability maintenance system will remain."

2. On February 16, 2015, defendant Liu Feiyue distributed on "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net"  the "2014 Annual Report on the Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China Situation." The article stated "The stability maintenance system combines the methods of dictatorship  with the existing social management system, and expands with the intensification of social conflicts in China. It has become the main cause of China's human rights disaster. In 2014, the Chinese government regarded all the efforts of the people to promote the progress of Chinese society as "instability factors" that jeopardized the security of the regime, and it comprehensively monitored, suppressed, and mobilized all its forces to maintain stability with an iron fist. Its severe suppression of China's civil society has shown astonishing arrogance and madness. A large number of human rights lawyers, scholars, journalists, editors, writers, NGO activists, human rights defenders, and dissidents were arrested."

3. On February 9, 2016, defendant Liu Feiyue distributed on "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" the "2015 Annual Report on Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China." The article stated "Judging from the fact that the CPC authorities still operate a stability maintenance system that violates the spirit of the rule of law as the pillar of the maintenance of system governance, the construction of the rule of law in China has not made any improvement in the stability maintenance mechanism. In order to maintain stability here it has been a clamping down on civil rights and the providing of legal support for the barbarism, gangsterization, and evil. Large steps backwards have taken place in law enforcement, completely throwing away the veil of the legal system of the past, displaying a naked trampling on civilization and the rule of law, and repeatedly breaking the bottom line of basic human relations. Under China's stability maintenance system, in order to eliminate dissidents and achieve the goal of stabilizing society and maintaining the rule of power, the "Anti-Terrorism Law," "National Security Law," and "Cybersecurity Law" issued in 2015 contain many clauses that openly infringe on citizens' rights, which is a typical idea for maintaining stability. This derogation of the legal system has added a legal basis for further evil to the stability maintenance system that was originally extremely illegal and infringing rights, and this will inevitably greatly increase the severity of stability maintenance in mainland China."

4. On February 13, 2014, defendant Liu Feiyue distributed on "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" the "2014 Annual Report on China's Mental Health and Human Rights." The article stated:

"At the current stage in China, the people persecuted with 'involuntary institutionalization' involve all walks of life, from rich people to farmers, from officials to opposition parties. It can be said that under this system, everyone may be subjected to involuntary institutionalization."

"The current non-democratic and despotic political system has endowed them with absolute and unrestricted power. The phenomenon of 'involuntary institutionalization' will continue until we see the establishment of a real civil society, the awareness and protection mechanisms of human rights and the supremacy of law in the whole society, the updating of the neo-traditional and oppressive concept of domination, and the establishment of a modern real democratic and free system."

5. On January 14, 2015, defendant Liu Feiyue distributed on "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net," "2014 Annual Report on China's Mental Health and Human Rights." The article stated:

"Because of the abolition of the reeducation through labor system, Chinese authorities, under the habit of maintaining stability, in order to strengthen the control of society, in addition to widely adopting black jails, legal education classes, and other illegal methods of depriving citizens of their right to personal liberty, have also strengthened controlling society through the use of 'involuntary institutionalization.'"

"Looking at the human rights situation in the field of mental health in China in 2014, we believe that in order to truly and completely eliminate the phenomenon of "involuntary institutionalization" that violates human rights in the field of mental health, it is necessary to comprehensively and systematically transform the political system, legal system, and society so that the country truly implement administration according to law and constitution."

6. On February 8, 2016, defendant Liu Feiyue distributed on "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net," "2015 China Mental Illness and Human Rights (Involuntary Institutionalization) Annual Report." The article stated:

"With the frequent occurrence of social conflicts, serious confrontations between the government and the people continues to deepen, the government of China has increased its control over the society, and the suppression of civil dissidents and human rights defenders has become increasingly cruel. Due to the great pressure and need to maintain stability, the use of 'involuntary institutionalization' to forcibly restrict the personal freedom of citizens has become the choice of stability maintenance institutions in various places, and 'involuntary institutionalization' has become a tool for maintaining stability"

"To change the current situation where involuntary institutionalization continues to occur and, more importantly, to promote institutional transformation and realize a constitutional regime, without a democratic constitutional system that protects civil liberties, it is impossible to fundamentally eradicate the 'power to practice medicine,' and every citizen will face the threat of 'involuntary institutionalization' at any time."

The aforementioned facts have been by the following evidence presented, examined, and affirmed by this Court in court during the trial:

1. Remote crime scene investigation work transcripts produced by the Public Security Bureau of Suizhou's Cybersecurity Detachment proved: From November 24, 2016 to January 18, 2017, the Detachment undertook a remote crime scene investigation to download these seven reports and surveys from the foreign"Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net": "End the Stability Maintenance System: 2013 Annual Report on Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China Issued," "2013 Annual Report on Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China," "2014 Annual Report on the Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China Situation," "2015 Annual Report on Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China," "2013 Annual Report on China's Mental Health and Human Rights," "2014 China Mental Illness and Human Rights (Involuntary Institutionalization) Annual Report," "2015 China Mental Illness and Human Rights (Involuntary Institutionalization) Annual Report." Liu Feiyue signed an affirmation that the aforementioned reports and surveys were written and distributed by him .

2. The Review Report issued by the Publication Review Center of Hubei:

(1) The "End the Stability Maintenance System - 2013 Annual Report on Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China Issued" stands completely in opposition to the Party and the government, ridiculing the stability maintenance work of the Party and the government, denying the excellent situation of national stability and unity achieved by maintaining stability, and inciting people's dissatisfaction with  stability maintenance work.

(2) In the name of safeguarding human rights, the "2013 China Stability Maintenance and Human Rights Year-End Report" opposes the strategic policy of our Party and government to maintain social stability, opposes the preventive measures taken against elements that jeopardize social stability and jeopardize national security, social stability. It is described as a victim of "severe attacks" and "severe controls," and stability maintenance actions are described as "a flagrant violation of the Constitution and an open challenge to the universal values of mankind."

(3) Under the banner of safeguarding human rights, "The "2014 Report on China's Stability Maintenance Situation" advocates "constitutional democracy and slanders the stability maintenance work carried out by our Party and government as "restricting freedom of the press, freedom of the Internet," and "persecuting human rights defenders." Its essence is to deny and attack our stability maintenance system, peddle the Western "universal human values" that transcend class and history, and use models such as separation of powers and multi-party rotating governance to fundamentally negate the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system."

(4) The author of the "2015 Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China Annual Report" places himself entirely in opposition to the Party and the government, saying: "2015 is the year of unprecedented strengthening of China's stability maintenance system in terms of laws and regulations, unprecedented barbarism in means and methods, and the development trends in the situation of human rights in China has further deteriorated. The construction of the legal system has rapidly retreated, the whole society has fallen into a state of extreme tension, and the whole country is shrouded in a highly terrorist atmosphere of maintaining stability. Based on the situation of maintaining stability throughout the year, it can be asserted that this is the harshest year for stability maintenance in China since the establishment of the system."

(5) The "2013 China Mental Illness and Human Rights (Involuntary Institutionalization) Annual Report" goes to great lengths to deny the country's "Mental Health Law," and smear the government as persecuting petitioners and using of hospitals to imprison normal people, and subjecting people with "involuntary institutionalization" to all kinds of persecution. This harmed the image of the State and jeopardized national security.

(6) The "2014 China Mental Illness and Human Rights (Involuntary Institutionalization) Annual Report" claimed:

"Over a year after the implementation of the 'Mental Health Law' the situation of 'involuntary institutionalization' has not significantly improved."

"It is necessary to reform the awareness of rights from the system, end the system, and reverse the totalitarian dictatorship that regards the people as the enemy and treats the people as the enemy."

"In order to truly eliminate the phenomenon of "involuntary institutionalization" that violates human rights in the spiritual field, it is necessary to comprehensively and systematically transform the form of government and the legal system."

The transformation of the form of government posited by this report would represent a change to the socialist system, and in doing so achieve a shake-up of public opinion. This violates the four basic principles.

(7) The "2015 China Mental Illness and Human Rights Annual Report" claims "involuntary institutionalization" is when government authorities or interested parties forcibly send those without mental illness or who should not be admitted to mental hospitals for treatment in isolation, and that it is a serious humanitarian disaster that violates citizens' personal rights, damages citizens' personal dignity, restricts citizens' personal freedom, and endangers citizens' personal safety on a large scale. The report uses "involuntary institutionalization" as an issue and disseminates a large number of statements that violate the people's democratic dictatorship, which is detrimental to social stability and national security.

3. Defendant Liu Feiyue's statement: The "Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China" and "Involuntary Institutionalization and Human Rights" annual reports were compiled and distributed by him on the "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net." The sources of the cases reported in the reports were the Internet and telephone calls or face-to-face visits with the parties. He has not received professional training in the field of emotional disorders and has not studied it systematically. There are no statistics on the numbers mentioned in the report of "petitioners accounted for as many as 80% of the involuntarily institutionalized" and of the "involuntarily institutionalized."

III. He used rumors and sensitive incidents to distribute five commentary articles, and manufactured rumors and defamed the government of China as persisting in a "despotic system" with "gross violations of human rights," spreading statements that were detrimental to the State regime and socialist system:

1. On March 8, 2006, the foreign "Epoch Times Net" distributed rumors that the "Shenyang Sujiatun Thrombosis Hospital Secretly Extracted Human Organs from Living Falun Gong Members." That month, defendant Liu Feiyue wrote the article "The Sujiatun Incident and the 'Constitution of Human Rights'" and distributed it on "Epoch Times Net," further spreading the aforementioned rumors claiming:

"The exposure of the Sujiatun incident shows that the current government's awareness of human rights is very poor."

"We still see that the Chinese government is brutally trampling on human rights."

"Although China's human rights are "incorporated into the constitution," if "incorporation into the constitution" is merely to relieve international pressure, if incidents like Sujiatun happen again and again, if it continues to stubbornly insist on being an authoritarian and high-handed political system, "human rights incorporation in the constitution" is just a pretty lie that exists only on paper."

2. On November 23, 2006, defendant Liu Feiyue distributed on "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net," "An Open Letter to the Government of China" claiming:

"Eleven years ago, the Chinese government used violence to create the '6-4' tragedy. Eleven years later, the Chinese government continued to use violence to send a large number of dissidents to prison. China used violence to suppress the '8-9' pro-democracy movement. But the voices for human rights and democracy have never stopped. China has used violence to persecute Falun Gong, but people’s pursuit of freedom of belief has never stopped. China has used violence to suppress workers’ demonstrations and petitions one after another, but workers' dissatisfaction still exists."

"As a member of a China's democracy party, I adhere to the belief of nonviolence and abide by the principle of nonviolence. . . In accordance with the principle of nonviolence, I call on the government of China to rehabilitate 6-4 and release all political prisoners."

3. On May 2, 2015, a person who attacked a police officer in the waiting room of the railway station in Qing'an County, Heilongjiang was shot dead on the spot by the police on duty, and on May 8 and 21 of that year defendant Liu Feiyue distributed on "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net," "End the Stability Maintenance System: Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch's Statement on the Xu Chunhe Case in Heilongjiang" and "What is More Serious Than the Shooting is 'Stability Maintenance': Civil Rights & Livelihood Comments on the Xu Chunhe Incident." Those articles stated:

"In this inhuman country where even beggars are not spared, the stability maintenance system was the chief culprit in depriving Xu Chunhe of his life."

"The so-called "stability uber alles" ideological policy not only means the loss of basic human rights, but also represents all kinds of persecution and torture you may encounter, including but not limited to: stalking, harassment, kidnapping, detention in mental hospitals, violent beatings, illegal detention, black jails, being taken into custody, imprisonment. . . and even the ultimate "interception" that Xu Chunhe encountered: being shot to death."

"Violent interception arises from the increasingly insane 'stability maintenance system.' Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch strongly demands an end to this inhuman 'stability maintenance system' that ignores the law and tramples on human rights."

4. On September 4, 2015, defendant Liu Feiyue distributed on "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net," "Statistics on Stability Maintenance Cases During the 2015 '9-3' Military Parade." The article claimed:

"On September 3, 2015, on the occasion of commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War, in order to ensure the smooth progress of its military parade to show off its force, the Chinese Communist government launched a series of stability maintenance, monitoring, and control without regard to the cost that went far beyond the limits of what anyone could have imagined."

"During this round of human rights disasters, countless people have been subjected to pressures ranging from tracking and monitoring, to criminal detention and imprisonment, all for the sake of maintaining stability."

"Although the Second World War ended 70 years ago, this despotic war on freedom has not come to an end. The Chinese people have a long way to go to achieve true democracy and freedom."

The aforementioned facts have been by the following evidence presented, examined, and affirmed by this Court in court during the trial:

1. Remote crime scene investigation work transcripts produced by the Public Security Bureau of Suizhou's Cybersecurity Detachment proved: From November 24, 2016 to February 16, 2017, the Detachment downloaded from the "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" these five articles: "The Sujiatun Incident and 'Human Rights Incorporation Into the Constitution,'" "An Open Letter to the Government of China," "End the Stability Maintenance System: Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Statement on the Xu Chunhe Case in Heilongjiang," "'Stability Maintenance' is More Serious Than Being Shot: Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Commentary on the Xu Chunhe Incident," "Statistics on Stability Maintenance Cases During the 2015 '9-3' Military Parade". Liu Feiyue signed an affirmation that the aforementioned articles were written and distributed by him.

2. The Review Report issued by the Publication Review Center of Hubei:

(1) "The Sujiatun Incident and 'Human Rights Incorporation Into the Constitution'" does not present any facts, and merely relies on the phrase "based on disclosures" to say that "a secret concentration camp similar to fascism was set up in the Sujiatun District of Shenyang City, where more than 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners were detained.......Those who entered here did not come out alive, and their internal organs were emptied and sold before being cremated." It says that this kind of "illegal behavior is rampant in China," and used it to smear and attack "The government of China is brutally trampling on human rights."

(2) "An Open Letter to the Government of China" takes an anti-government position, challenges the people's government and opposes the four basic principles, especially the principle of the people's democratic dictatorship.

(3) "End the Stability Maintenance System: Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Statement on the Xu Chunhe Case in Heilongjiang" made irresponsible remarks about the shooting incident at the Qing’an railway station in Heilongjiang, and confused the public. It did not investigate, and subjectively assumed the truth of the incident, thereby attacking the Party and the government.

(4) "Stability Maintenance is More Serious Than Being Shot: Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Commentary on the Xu Chunhe Incident" turns the "shooting case" at the railway station in Qing'an County, Heilongjiang into a long article, fans the flames, and directs its attacks on the stability maintenance work of the Party and the government.

(5) "Statistics on Stability Maintenance Cases During the 2015 '9-3' Military Parade" collects 64 cases of stability maintenance from illegal media, and distorts the stability maintenance work adopted by the government during the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. It smears the government as having "conducted large-scale suppression of petitioners and dissidents, the means are enough to be described as 'madness.'" "The author calls for his party to wage war on the government for a long time, making this an article that incites the people to oppose the government.

3. Defendant Liu Feiyue's statement: The five articles "The Sujiatun Incident and 'Human Rights Incorporation Into the Constitution,'" "An Open Letter to the Government of China," "End the Stability Maintenance System:  Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Statement on the Xu Chunhe Case in Heilongjiang," "'Stability Maintenance' is More Serious Than Being Shot: Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Commentary on the Xu Chunhe Incident," and "Statistics on Stability Maintenance Cases During the 2015 "9-3" Military Parade" were written and distributed by him on the "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net." The sources and data of the "Sujiatun Incident" were obtained from foreign websites and some related reports in the country. The examples in the article have not been verified. The sources of the cases in "Statistics on Stability Maintenance Cases During the 2015 '9-3' Military Parade" were reported by the parties concerned, and there were direct references to case information from "Rights Defense," "64 Tianwang," and "Radio Free Asia."

IV. He organized and plotted the distribution of 21 cartoons and posters on "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" that defamed the State regime and socialist system as violating citizens' human rights , attacking the State judiciary, and calling for the release of individuals who jeopardized national security.

1. From April 2014 to November 2016, defendant Liu Feiyue organized and plotted the continuous distribution of a series of 13 cartoons on "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" including "Eighteen Measures to Maintain Stability, Arrest and Sentencing" and "Talking about Human Rights: The 7.09 Trial" that insinuated that, in order to maintain stability, the government of China, used  intimidation, restriction of personal freedom, kidnapping, "pocket crimes," and "black jails" to willfully deprive citizens of their personal rights and violate human rights.

2. From April to November, 2016, defendant Liu Feiyue organized and plotted the distribution of eight Internet posters on "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" including "Stop Suppressing Human Rights, Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Demands the Immediate Release of Zhou Shifeng, Hu Shigen and Others." These were directed against the State judiciary's trial of Zhou Shifeng, Qin Yongmin, Huang Wenxun and other criminals who jeopardize national security, and claimed:

"It is political persecution by the CPC authorities, and its approach seriously violates the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers, and China's own criminal procedures."

"We call on governments, human rights organizations and news institutions all over the world to pay close attention to and condemn the political persecution acts of the CPC authorities, and demand that the authorities immediately and unconditionally release all prisoners of conscience in custody."

The aforementioned facts have been by the following evidence presented, examined, and affirmed by this Court in court during the trial:

(1) Remote crime scene investigation work transcripts produced by the Public Security Bureau of Suizhou's Cybersecurity Detachment proved: On January 1, 2017, the Detachment utilized remote crime scene investigation to download a series of 13 "18 Methods of Chinese Stability Maintenance" cartoons from the foreign"Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" including "Clean Out the City," "Exit Bans," "Real Name Registration""Arrest and Imprison," "Kidnap and Beat," "Silence, Threaten, and Intimidate," "Chase and Intercept," "Pocket Crimes," "Black Jails," "The 7.09 Trials," "Jia Lingmin and the Rule of Law in China," and "The 'C' in CCTV Stands for Calamitous Judgments." Liu Feiyue signed an affirmation that he compiled and plotted to distribute the aforementioned cartoons.

(2) Remote crime scene investigation work transcripts produced by the Public Security Bureau of Suizhou's Cybersecurity Detachment proved: From December 30, 2016 to February 16, 2017, the Detachment downloaded eight Internet posters from "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" including "Release Chen Yunfei," "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Statement Protesting the Heavy Sentences Handed Down for the Zhejiang Democracy Party's Chen Shuqing and Lü Gengsong," "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Calls for the Unconditional Release of Qin Yongmin Who is Being Held in Custody Pending a Charge of Subversion," "Stop Suppressing Human Rights: Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Demands the Immediate Release of Zhou Shifeng, Hu Shigen and Others," "Stop Trampling on Human Rights: Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Calls for the Immediate Release of the Three Gentlemen of Chibi," "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Statement Post-90s Young Rights Defender Huang Wenxun Being Put on Political Trial," "The Butcher (Wu Gan) has been Held in Custody for a Whole Year, Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Calls for His Immediate Release," and "On the First Anniversary of the Mass Arrests of 7.09 Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Calls for an End to the Persecution and Their Immediate Release."

3. The Review Report commentary issued by the Publication Review Center of Hubei regarding the 13 cartoons in this case:

(1) The cartoon "Clean Out the City" fools the people by showing a mass of the public sitting quietly, and uses the ironic phrase "Leaders let us make new achievements" to insinuate that China's stability maintenance work is "cleaning out the cities."

(2) The cartoon "Exit Bans" attacks the "Exit Ban" initiatives as a measure adopted for China's stability maintenance using an illustration of "Exit Bans" by Chinese Customs and Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch's text description "Illegally depriving domestic dissidents and human rights defenders of their normal exit rights."

(3) The cartoon "Real Name Registration" attacks the privacy and freedom of citizens in China as a place where they must "take out their ID card" using an illustration of Chinese citizens being required to show their ID cards when entering a public restroom.

(4) The cartoon "Arrest and Imprison" attacks China's stability maintenance as comprising show trials where human rights defenders are suppressed and deprived of their personal freedom.

(5) The cartoon "Kidnap and Beat" smears China's police as kidnapping and beating the masses at every opportunity by showing them beating people who spread their personal opinions, saying of themselves "You're looking at the government," and saying to their leader "Boss, I'm educating them."

(6) The cartoon "Gag Order" insinuates that China's media issues "gag orders" about hot-button issues and mass incidents, engages in control over public opinion, goes as far as issuing "directions" and orders about what is allowed to be reported and how. The cartoon attacks CCTV and the Xinhua News Agency as "Calamity TV" and "New Lie Agency."

(7) The cartoon "Threats and Intimidation" insinuates China's police threaten petitioners saying "Think about your wife and children," run away after beating them, and send text messages to extort money from them.


(8) The cartoon "Chase and Intercept" insinuates police are dispatched to chase and intercept petitioners and uttering "death and corpses are what I live for."

(9) The cartoon "Pocket Crimes" insinuates the police can arbitrarily send petitioners to jail under the pretext of "disturbing order," "illegal assembly," and "disturbing the peace."

 (10) The cartoon "Black Jails" insinuates China calls them "Legal Education Centers" but they are actually "Black Jails." People are driven away in cars and thrown into "Black Jails."

 (11) The cartoon "The 7.09 Trials" insinuates China's trial system violates human rights, as the "witness" who accuses the defender with false testimony has a noose around his neck.

(12) The cartoon "Jia Lingmin and the 'Rule of Law in China'" shows a relocated household named Jia Lingmin in Henanin engaged in rights defense in accordance with the law and became a "nail house tenant," and a court sentenced him to four years fixed term imprisonment for committing the crime of disturbing the peace, insinuating China's laws have victimized people who have popularized the law and defended their rights.

 (13) The cartoon "The 'C' in CCTV Stands for Calamitous Judgments" insinuates that before a court hears a verdict, China Central Television conducts public opinion trials, reports and exaggerates the "crimes" of the parties involved, and acts as a tool for political propaganda.

4. The Review Report Commentary produced by the Publication Review Center of Hubei regarding the posters in this case:

(1) "Release Chen Yunfei" directly attacks China's laws for "famous human rights defender Chen Yunfei" being arrested for two offenses of "disturbing the peace" and "inciting subversion of state power."

(2) "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Statement Protesting the Heavy Sentences Handed Down for the Zhejiang Democracy Party's Chen Shuqing and Lü Gengsong" is wanton opposition to the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the rule of law and democracy as it cries out for Chen and Lv being severely sentenced for the crime of "subversion of state power" and attack it as "naked political trial" and "maintaining the stability of the one-party dictatorship. . . strengthening the control and oppression of civil society."

 (3) "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Calls for the Unconditional Release of Qin Yongmin Who is Being Held in Custody Pending a Charge of Subversion" slanders the judiciary as depriving Qin Yongmin of his freedom and his illegal detention and political persecution by issuing a call in the name of Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch regarding the judiciary's detention, arrest, and sentencing of Qin in accordance with the law.

 (4) "Stop Suppressing Human Rights: Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Demands the Immediate Release of Zhou Shifeng, Hu Shigen and Others" directly confronts the State's judicial system by saying the trial of "activist" Zhou Shifeng and others is considered a persecution, a political persecution incident, a state crackdown on civil society protests, persecution human rights defenders, and trampling citizens' constitutional rights.
 (5) "Stop Trampling on Human Rights: Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Calls for the Immediate Release of the Three Gentlemen of Chibi" complains about, and calls for redress for, Huang Wenxun, Yuan Xiaohua, and Yuan Bing, the so-called "Three Gentlemen of Chibi" who "promoted the idea of democracy" and were punished by law, calling for "opposition to dictatorship and oppression" and the release of "prisoners of conscience in custody."

 (6) "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Statement Post-90s Young Rights Defender Huang Wenxun Being Put on Political Trial" is a "strong protest" against Huang Wenxun's detention and trial which it regards as a "gross violations of human rights." This is a public provocation against our country's judicial system.
(7) "The Butcher (Wu Gan) has been Held in Custody for a Whole Year, Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Calls for His Immediate Release" attacked China saying "its human rights environment has deteriorated sharply," and "the space for social freedom has shrunk rapidly," claiming the Butcher's (Wu Jin) arrest and trial for "committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power" and other offenses was "the authorities' bottomless political persecution on human rights defenders" and "the authorities' wanton abuse of power."

5. Defendant Liu Feiyue's statement: The 13 "Human Rights Cartoons on the 18 Methods of Chinese Stability Maintenance" cartoons were compiled by him, and after reviewing them he plotted their distribution on the "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net." The main purpose is to reflect the ways and means of maintaining social stability, human rights issues, and human rights phenomena in the form of cartoons. The eight posters were compiled and produced by him, and he distributed them on "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net." He believed that the actions and political pursuits of Qin Yongmin, Huang Wenxun, Zhou Shifeng, Wu Gan and others were correct, and their being taken into custody and put on trial was political persecution.

V. He granted interviews to foreign media four times and defamed and denigrated China's State political system and judicial system, and attacked China's State regime and socialist system.

1. On February 3, 2014, February 6, 2015, and February 9, 2016, defendant Liu Feiyue granted three interviews to a Radio Free Asia reporter regarding the "2013 Annual Report on Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China," "2014 Annual Report on the Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China Situation," and "2015 Annual Report on Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China," claiming:

"At present, China is a stability-maintenance system. Any voice that criticizes the government is subjected to strict controls. It is still gradually strengthening and becoming more and more crazy. The authorities believe that the effectiveness of the stability maintenance system has been limited, so it has been elevated to a national level security system."

"The current stability maintenance of the CPC has become internationalized, crazy and rampant to a new level, The high-pressure situation will be grow increasingly severe, and the tentacles of maintaining stability will spread to various fields. It is necessary to pay attention to this matter, and even to fight back. This is the original intention of issuing such a report."

(2) On February 13, 2014, January 15, 2015, February 8, 2016, defendant Liu Feiyue granted three interviews to a Radio Free Asia reporter regarding the "2013 Annual Report on China's Mental Health and Human Rights," "2014 Annual Report on China's Mental Health and Human Rights," and "2015 China Mental Illness and Human Rights (Involuntary Institutionalization) Annual Report," claiming:

"The phenomenon of citizens being forcibly committed because of defending their rights is a very serious social problem. Sending normal citizens to mental hospitals, giving them injections and making them take medicine is inhumane, and it is a very brutal attack on the human rights of the victims."

"The authorities have unfettered power to send anyone who displeases them, who needs to be suppressed, to a mental hospital."

"China's 'involuntary institutionalization' issue exposes China's legal and institutional problems."

"These phenomena are caused by the system. If this system does not change, it will not gradually evolve into a modern democratic and free system and 'involuntary institutionalization' will continue."

"To completely solve this phenomenon, we need to establish a way of governing the country in accordance with the law, governing the country according to the constitution, and change the ways of despotic rule."

(3) On July 16, 2015, defendant Liu Feiyue granted an interview to a Radio Free Asia reporter regarding Zhou Shifeng and others being taken into criminal detention on suspicion of the offense of subversion of state power,claiming: "The authorities suppress human rights lawyers, in a certain sense, to eliminate the so-called instability factors. It wants to achieve 100% stability, absolute stability, and clean up the instability factors, lest these factors grow bigger."

(4) On August 21, 2015, defendant Liu Feiyue granted an interview to a Radio Free Asia reporter regarding the government of China's "9-3 military parade," claiming:

"On the one hand, the authorities are putting on a strong display of force, and on the other hand, they are strengthening their control over every aspect of society. This is not a confident approach, and it will only continue to cause of build up of social conflicts."

"The authorities' control over society has been increasing, and the suppression of human rights has become increasingly severe."

(5) On August 5, 2015, defendant Liu Feiyue granted an interview to a Radio Free Asia reporter regarding Gou Hongguo being sentenced for the crime of subversion of state power, claiming: "What Gou Hongguo has done does not constitute a crime of subversion of state power."

"It is a kind of crime...It is a very brutal trampling of human rights."

The aforementioned facts have been by the following evidence presented, examined, and affirmed by this Court in court during the trial:

1. The remote crime scene investigation work transcripts produced by the Public Security Bureau of Suizhou's Cybersecurity Detachment proved:

(1) From January 11 to 19, 2017, the Detachment utilized remote crime scene investigation to download three news reports and related audio of Liu Feiyue's interviews by reporters from Radio Free Asia from the foreign "Radio Free Asia" website regarding the "2013 Annual Report on Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China," "2014 Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China Annual Report," and "2015 Annual Report on Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China."

(2) From January 11 to 19, 2017, the Detachment utilized remote crime scene investigation to download  three news reports and related audio of Liu Feiyue's interviews by reporters from Radio Free Asia from the foreign "Radio Free Asia" website regarding the "2013 China Mental Illness and Human Rights Annual Report," "2014 China Mental Illness and Human Rights Annual Report," and "2015 China Mental Illness and Human Rights Annual Report."

(3) From December 9, 2016 to January 19, 2017, the Detachment utilized remote crime scene investigation to download news reports and related audio from the foreign "Radio Free Asia" website of Liu Feiyue's interviews by a reporter from Radio Free Asia regarding "Five United Nations human rights experts demanded that China stop the crackdown on lawyers," "A Military parade to maintain stability and Beijing's arrest of petitioners 'intensified,' forcing street sleepers into 'guerrilla warfare' with police," and "Gou Hongguo's sentence for "subversion" suspended for three years."

2. The Review commentary produced by the Publication Review Center of Hubei:

(1) The interviews for Radio Free Asia news reports that Liu Feiyue granted regarding the "2013 Annual Report on Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China," "2014 Annual Report on Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China Annual Report," and "2015 Annual Report on Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China" distorted and denied the necessary and legitimate measures taken by the government of China to maintain social stability it was a slander creating something out of nothing and, in essence, they openly advocated the Western democratic constitutional system and denied the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.

(2) The three interviews for Radio Free Asia news reports that Liu Feiyue granted regarding the "2013 China Mental Illness and Human Rights Annual Report," "2014 China Mental Illness and Human Rights Annual Report," and "2015 China Mental Illness and Human Rights Annual Report"  distorted and smeared reality, were a complete denial of China's current system, advocated the so-called democratic system in the West, and were an open denial of China's current socialist system.

(3) The interviews Liu Feiyue granted a reporter from Radio Free Asia for the news reports "Five United Nations human rights experts demanded that China stop the crackdown on lawyers," "A Military parade to maintain stability and Beijing's arrest of petitioners 'intensified,' forcing street sleepers into 'guerrilla warfare' with police," and "Gou Hongguo's sentence for "subversion" suspended for three years" attempted to put pressure on China's government with external forces shows the author's anti-government stance. They smeared the Beijing police's clearing-up of idlers to ensure the safety of the military parade as "round ups" and "arrests." They smeared the government of China saying that when major events are held in the capital, "persons, including petitioners, are regarded as instabiligy factors, and they are targeted for surveillance and attacks." Liu Feiyue approved of Gou Hongguo's subversion of state power conduct, and holds the same positions as Gou.

3. Audio recordings of defendant Liu Feiyue's interviews with "Radio Free Asia" reporter, which proved the relevant circumstances of Liu Feiyue granting interviews to foreign media.

4. Defendant Liu Feiyue's statement: He has been interviewed by "Radio Free Asia" nine times, and believes that the intensified stability maintenance system actions have undermined the social legal system and violated the basic human rights of the majority of "rights defenders." Beijing Fengrui Law Firm's Gou Hongguo's behavior does not constitute a crime. He was fulfilling his rights and duties, and he was promoting the development and progress of human rights in China.

VI. Defendant Liu Feiyue founded "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" and engaged in long-term collusion with foreign institutions and organizations, applying for foreign funding for illegal activities.

In October 2005, defendant Liu Feiyue did, without undertaking registration and filing procedures in accordance with the law, illegally establish the "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Studio." In October 2006, with the help of foreign personnel, Liu Feiyue leased foreign servers, illegally established "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net," recruited staff,  operated a website, distributed articles, posters, and cartoons that manufactured rumors and defamed the State regime and socialist system. Since 2008, individuals organized by Liu Feiyue distributed the articles on "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net," and used e-mail and the personal-media Twitter (Tuite) to continuously push them to many Internet users at home and abroad. Since 2008, he provided project proposals and year-end result reports to the Taiwan Democracy Foundation, Chinese Human Rights Defenders (USA), the National Endowment for Democracy and other foreign institutions and organizations, applied for financial support, and accepted "China Youth Human Rights Award" awards and prize money from foreign organizations. As of September 13, 2016, Liu Feiyue's personal bank account had received remittances from foreign institutions, organizations, and individuals totaling RMB 1,013,471, all of which have been used for illegal activities such as operating websites.

The aforementioned facts have been by the following evidence presented, examined, and affirmed by this Court in court during the trial:

1. Remote crime scene investigation work transcripts produced by the Public Security Bureau of Suizhou's Cybersecurity Detachment proved: On November 26, 2016, the Detachment utilized remote crime scene investigation to download "Liu Feiyue's acknowledgment speech to the jury of the China Youth Human Rights Award" from the foreign "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net." On December 8 of the same year, it utilized remote crime scene investigation to take screenshots of "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" website pages. Liu Feiyue's phone, email, QQ, SKYPE and other communication accounts published on the website were consistent with those registered and used by Liu Feiyue.

2. The crime scene investigation Inspection Report Certificate produced by Public Security Bureau of Suizhou's Cybersecurity Detachment proved: On November 18 and 19, 2016, the Detachment seized two desktop computers at Liu Feiyue home, and undertook an electronic evidence crime scene investigation examination. The computer hard disks contained the login information and chat records of communication accounts involved in the case such as QQ number 405420692 and SKYPE number liufeiyue19702, minshengguancha, etc. There were 60 documents involved in the case, including Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Rights Protection Studio's "Project Plan (Application) Letter," "Project Plan Results Report," and "Request for Salary and Expense List." There were records of Liu Feiyue browsing foreign websites and Liu Feiyue's five mass mailing group user lists.

3. The Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Rights Defense Studio's "Project Plan (Application)" and "Application Form" for the nine years from 2008 to 2016 that the public security agency collected from Liu Feiyue's computer hard drive proved: From 2008 to 2016, Liu Feiyue submitted annual work plans and declared funding to foreign organizations such as the Taiwan Democracy Foundation, Chinese Human Rights Defenders, and the National Endowment for Democracy for nine consecutive years.

4. The public security agency collected from Liu Feiyue's computer hard drive Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Rights Defense Studio 12 work summary reports from 2008 to 2012 including the 2014 "Project Plan Achievement Report," the Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch 2015 Four Quarter "Work Report," and the Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Studio 2011, 2012 "Annual Report" which proved: The circumstances of Liu Feiyue reports of the results of the work of Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Studio to the foreign organization that provided funding for it.

5. The "Request for payment of wages and utility bills" and "Employee Attendance" the public security agency collected from Liu Feiyue's computer hard drive proved: Liu Feiyue ran the "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" with funds provided by foreign organizations.

6. Bank account information and transaction details obtained by the public security agency proved; Liu Feiyue received foreign funds totaling 1,013,471 yuan from 2006 to 2016.

7. The witness testimony of Yu Jinping ( Liu Feiyue's wife): The two computers seized from her home by the public security agency were used solely by Liu Feiyue, and were not used by others.

8. The witness testimony of Shi Yulin: At the end of May 2011, he contacted Liu Feiyue via Skype to join the Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Studio, and he collected information for Liu Feiyue on officials' human rights violations and interceptions and beatings of petitioners. In November 2015, he left "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net." He received a total of 197,100 yuan in salary from Liu Feiyue via bank transfers. The regular staff working for "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" included Gao Jian and Liu Wei, and temporary volunteers Ding Lingjie, Wu Lijuan, Huang Bin and others who collected information. The articles and news released by "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" came mainly from petitioners who provided information by phone, we did not go to the scenes to verify anything, and we could not guarantee the authenticity and objectivity of the news.

9. The witness testimony of Gao Xuqiang: In 2014, he got in touch with Liu Feiyue through Liu Wei's introduction, and he joined Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Studio, and communicated through skype chat software. Liu Feiyue arranged for him to be primarily responsible for the collection of "involuntary institutionalization" monthly materials and related articles. Each article was about 500 yuan, and the monthly fee was no more than 2,000 yuan. He received less than a year's remuneration, a total of about 8,000 yuan.

10. The witness testimony of Deng Yulin: Beginning in 2011, Liu Feiyue asked him to use 5 Google mailboxes to send emails to other groups with the content distributed on "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net," and Liu Feiyue paid him for this.

11. Defendant Liu Feiyue's statement: He got acquainted with Wei Shi, the founder of the website on the foreign "Boxun Net," and in October 2006, with the help of Wei Shi, he rented a server in the United States, founded "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net," and recruited Shi Yulin and others responsible for collecting manuscripts and materials for each part of the website. In order to maintain the operation of "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net," it began to apply for funds of 1,013,471 yuan from foreign organizations such as the Taiwan Democracy Foundation, Chinese Human Rights Defenders, and the National Endowment for Democracy in 2008. The vast majority of the aforementioned funds were used to operate "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net," including payment of manuscript fees, wages, bonuses, and reimbursement for "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" staff. A small amount of funds were used to assist domestic human rights defenders and carry out humanitarian aid activities. He once compiled the content of "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" into an electronic newsletter, and asked Deng Yulin to push it to domestic and foreign mailbox users through mass mailings. After receiving the "China Youth Human Rights Award" on June 5, 2016, he gave a speech of thanks the next day.

In addition, the public prosecution agency also presented the following evidence  that was produced  and examined in court, and is affirmed by this Court:

1. The Public Security Bureau of Suizhou's "Decision to Open a Case," which proved that in this case, it opened a case on September 16, 2014.

2."The Process of how Defendant Liu Feiyue Came Into Police Custody" and "The Explanation of the Process of how Defendant Liu Feiyue Came Into Police Custody" proved: Liu Feiyue was summoned by the public security agency on November 17, 2016.

3. The Public Security Bureau of Suizhou's application to seize two desktop computers and a mobile phone from Liu Feiyue's house. The aforementioned two desktop computers were used by Liu Feiyue to operate "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net," and the mobile phone was used by him.

4. The Public Security Bureau of Suizhou's Evidence Collection Notice, Search Warrant and attached evidence collection list, Forensic Employment Letter, Assistance in Property Inquiry Notice, Assistance in Freezing Property Notice and other legal documents proved: The circumstances of the public security agency's inquiry, retrieval, seizure, frozen physical evidence, documentary evidence, property and entrusted forensics and other investigation activities.

5. The household registration materials issued by public security agency proved the circumstances of Liu Feiyue's identity.

Regarding the justification and defense opinions put forward by the defendant and his defense counsel, based on the ascertained facts and evidence, this Court passes judgment as follows:

1. Regarding the question of whether the Review Report issued by the Publication Review Center of Hubei should be accepted. Based on an investigation, the Publication Review Center of Hubei is responsible for screening the contents of books, newspapers, audio-visual products, and electronic and Internet publications in the province. The review reports issued by it can be used as evidence. The review report is consistent with the content of the articles reviewed and is confirmed by the statement of defender Liu Feiyue, and should be accepted. Liu Feiyue's justification regarding the inconsistency between the review report commentary and the abstract nature of the cartoons themselves, and that foreign media interviews are not a systematic views, and the opinion of his defense counsel that the most of the review report commentary were speculation and determinations relating to the defendant's subjective intent and should not be accepted, cannot be established, and are not accepted by this Court.

2. Regarding the question of whether defendant Liu Feiyue had the criminal intent to incite subversion of state power. Based on an investigation, Liu Feiyue founded "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net" and wrote and distributed a series of "nonviolence" articles that spread ideology that subverted state power and proposed means and methods to subvert state power. He utilized the distribution of "Stability Maintenance and Human Rights in China" and "Involuntary Institutionalization and Human Rights" annual reports and rumors of sensitive incidents to distribute commentary articles, and organized and plotted to distribute cartoons and posters that defamed and attacked State agencies, and spread statements that were detrimental to the State regime and socialist system, and granted interviews to foreign media that denigrated the State system. It can be seen that his subjective intent to incite subversion of state power is obvious.

3. Regarding the question of whether defendant Liu Feiyue colluded with foreign institutions and organizations. Based on an investigation, evidence such as the "Project plan (application) book," "Fund application form," "Project plan achievement report," and bank transaction records proved Liu Feiyue  repeatedly applied to foreign institutions and organizations such as the Taiwan Democracy Foundation, Chinese Human Rights Defenders (USA), and National Endowment for Democracy for funding for projects, and used these to engage in illegal activities such as the operation of "Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch Net." Many times he granted interviews to foreign media that defamed and denigrated China's government system and judicial system, and attacked China's State regime and socialist system. The aforementioned conduct is sufficient to reach a determination that he colluded with foreign institutions and organizations. Therefore, the justification proposed by Liu Feiyue that "accepting foreign funds is normal cooperation with foreign organizations" and his defense counsel's defense opinion that "in this case it does not constitute aggravated circumstances of colluding with foreign organizations" cannot be establish, and are not accepted by this Court.

4. Regarding the question of whether it caused harm and consequences to society and others. The evidence in the case proved that Liu Feiyue illegally operated a website, and used the website to distribute articles, cartoons, posters, etc. in large quantities, for a long time, and in many ways. He granted several interviews to foreign media that manufactured rumors and defamed China's government. He colluded with foreign institutions and organizations to attack China's government in exchange for foreign funding. The subjective malice was deep and the social harm was great. Therefore,  the defense opinion that there is "lack of evidence that the defendant has caused harm and consequences to society and others" put forward by his defense counsel cannot be establish, and is not accepted by this Court.

This Court finds, defendant Liu Feiyue leased foreign servers, illegally established and operated a website, and distributed a large number of articles, cartoons, and posters on the website, pushing them to many Internet users at home and abroad and granting interviews to foreign media, smearing State agencies, attacking the basic political system established by the constitution, inciting subversion of state power and the overthrow of the socialist order. His actions constitute the commission of the crime of inciting subversion of state power. The criminal facts charged by the public prosecution agency are clear, the evidence is reliable and copious, and the offense accurate, and is affirmed by this Court. Liu Feiyue colluded with foreign institutions and organizations to carry out criminal activities inciting subversion of state power, and in accordance with the law should be severely punished. Liu Feiyue's crime lasted for a long time, involved many facts and various criminal methods, and has formed a systematic theory of "nonviolence," which should be punished in accordance with the law. Although Liu Feiyue did not disagree with the facts charged, he did not sincerely confess his guilt. Liu Feiyue used two desktop computers  and one mobile phone for the crime, and in accordance with the law these shall be confiscated. Based on its criminal facts, nature, circumstances, and degree of harm to society and his attitude with respect to pleading guilty, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 105(2), 106, 111(2), 55(1), 56(1), 64, and 67(3) of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," the judgment of this Court is as follows:

1. Defendant Liu Feiyue committed the crime of inciting subversion of state power,and is sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of five years and three years deprivation of political rights, and the confiscation of RMB 1.01 million worth of personal property (The prison term is to be calculated starting on the day the judgment is executed, with one day of the sentence to be offset for each day of detention prior to the execution of this judgment, that is from November 18, 2016 to November 17, 2021).

2. The two desktop computers and one mobile phone the public security agency seized from defendant Liu Feiyue are hereby confiscated in accordance with the law.

If any party does not accept this judgment, they may within 10 days after the second day after receiving this written judgment bring an appeal through this Court or directly to the High People's Court of Hubei. A written appeal should be submitted with one original and two copies of the appeal brief.

Chief Adjudicator Li Haiyun
Adjudicator Li Wen
Adjudicator Wang Qiong

January 29, 2019

Clerk Wang Kun
Clerk Deng Yishou





被告人刘飞跃,男,1970年[INTENTIONALLY OMITTED]出生于湖北省随州市曾都区,公民身份号码[INTENTIONALLY OMITTED],汉族,大专文化,原系随州市曾都区东关学校教师,住随州市曾都区文峰学校[INTENTIONALLY OMITTED]。因涉嫌犯煽动颠覆国家政权罪于2016年11月18日被刑事拘留,同年12月23日被逮捕。现羁押于随州市看守所。



































































































































一、被告人刘飞跃犯煽动颠覆国家政权罪,判处有期徒刑五年,剥夺政治权利三年,并处没收个人财产人民币101万元 (刑期从判决执行之日起计算。判决执行以前先行羁押的,羁押一日折抵刑期一日,即从2016年11月18日起至2021年11月17日止)。






Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

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