Saturday, May 24, 2014

China's Search Engines, Weibos Censor "April 26 Editorial" (Regarding Students in Tiananmen Square)

People's Daily April 26, 1989 Editorial
According to the People’s Daily’s “This Day in Party History” website:
On April 26, 1989, the People’s Daily published an editorial entitled “It is Necessary to Take a Clear-cut Stand against Disturbances.” The editorial noted that some abnormal phenomena have occurred during the mourning activities for comrade Hu Yaobang. After a mass rally to mourn his death, a handful of people with ulterior motives went on to manipulate the mood of young students who were grieving over comrade Hu Yaobang, and waved the flag of democracy to damage the democratic legal system, with the goal of dividing the people's hearts, bring chaos to the nation, and destroy the stability and unity of the entire political system. This was a planned conspiracy, an ongoing disturbance whose very essence is to fundamentally deny the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and the socialist system. This was a significant political struggle which has been placed before the entire party and the all the people of the nation. The editorial called on the entire party and all the people of the nation to unite and stand up in opposition against the disturbance.

These screenshots were taken on May 24, 2014, and show that Sina’s and Tencent’s Weibos and Baidu’s and Qihoo’s search engines were all censoring search results for “April 26 Editorial.” (四二六社论)
This screenshot shows that the full text of the editorial is available on the People’s Daily website here:

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