Friday, May 20, 2016

On Day of Tsai Ing-wen's Inauguration, Sina Weibo Censors "Cai Yingwen" and "Taiwan"

See also: During Taiwan Elections Sina Weibo Begins Censoring "Taiwan" 

On May 20, 2016, the state sponsored Global Times published an editorial entitled “Cross-Straits Ties Enter Era of Uncertainty Under Tsai.” Some excerpts:
Today is the day Taiwan's new "president" Tsai Ing-wen and "vice president" Chen Chien-jen are to deliver their inauguration speeches and assume office. A new era for a cross-Straits region that is characterized by uncertainty officially kicks off.
. . . .
The mainland's endeavors during Chen's "presidency" showed that "jurisprudential independence" will never work out on the island. However, certain people are still holding on to the fantasy that "soft independence" might be workable. Perhaps a new round of contention is inevitable to completely drive the topic of Taiwan independence away while making the one-China principle the one and only starting point to maintain the status quo.

The DPP resuming office and refusing to acknowledge the 1992 Consensus are becoming key factors that may reverse cross-Strait ties. If the mainland indulges it, the result could be that all our previous efforts will be lost.
These screenshots were taken on the morning of May 20, 2016, and show that searches for “Tsai Ing-wen” (蔡英文) and “Taiwan” (台湾) on Sina Weibo returned no results.

Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

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