Sunday, October 31, 2021

Translation: New York Times v. Sullivan with PRC Characteristics

Intermediate People's Court of Yulin, Shaanxi

Administrative Decision

(2020) Shaan 08 Administrative Final No. 521

Translator's Summary: The court found that police did not violate Yuan's rights when they subjected him to administrative detention for reposting an article to his personal social media accounts that police determined defamed a Communist Party cadre. The court held that as a journalist Yuan had a duty to verify the contents of the article.

Appellant (plaintiff in the original trial) Yuan Jianmeng, male, born [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED], 1982, Han ethnicity, born in Taiyuan, Shanxi, residing in Yingze District, Taiyuan.

Entrusted representative Zhang Jinzhen is a lawyer at the Shanxi Wenying Law Firm.

Appellee (defendant in the original trial) Public Security Bureau of Yulin, Hengshan Division.Address: Shaanxi Yulin, Huancheng North Road, Hengshan District, Unified Social Credit Code: 1161080001******.

Legal representative He Guoyu, director.

Person in charge of the court appearance Lu Jianjiang, deputy director.

Entrusted representative Luo Bin, a police officer at the Division's Legal Department.

Entrusted representative Hui Hao, a police officer at the Division's cyber security brigade.

Appellee (defendant in the original trial) Public Security Bureau of Yulin. Address: Shaanxi Yulin, No. 4, Fushi Road, Yuyang District. Unified Social Credit Code: 11610800016*******.

Legal representative Qiu Zuman, Director.

Entrusted representative Zhang Hao and Wang Long are police officers at the Bureau's Legal Department.

In relation to a public security administrative punishment case, appellant Yuan Jianmeng did not accept the People's Court of Yuyang, Yulin's (2019) Shaan 0802 Administrative First Instance No. 70 administrative judgment, and filed an appeal with this Court. After this Court docketed the case, it formed a collegial panel in accordance with the law and tried this case. The trial has now concluded.

In his lawsuit appellant Yuan Jianmeng requested the court in the trial of first instance:

1. Rescind the Heng Public (Cyber Security) Administrative Punishment Decision (2019) No. 67 administrative punishment decision rendered by defendant Public Security Office of Hengshan on January 29, 2019;

2. Rescind the Yu Public Reconsideration Decision (2019) No. 11 reconsideration decision rendered by the Public Security Bureau of Yulin on April 28, 2019; and

3. The litigation costs in this case be born by defendant No. 2.

The court in the original trial ascertained at trial that: Plaintiff Yuan Jianmeng was a reporter for the Shanxi Newspaper Group's Development Herald New Horizons Weekly. On January 25, 2019, the plaintiff did, without undertaking any verification, repost an article with the title "The 'Big Knife Brigade' In Hengxing Township, Did the King of the District Committee Really Serve the People?" from the Wechat public account "Brilliant City Recommendations" to his own registered Sina Weibo blog "Understanding Chang'an Street" and also pushed it to his personal Weibo account "Understanding Baiwan Zhuang," where it was clicked on over 1,300 times. This constitutes illegal defamatory facts.

In accordance with Article 42(2) of the "Public Security Administrative Punishments Law," on January 29, 2019, defendant Public Security Office of Hengshan rendered the Heng Public (Cyber Security) Administrative Punishment Decision (2019) No. 67 administrative punishment decision, imposing a punishment on the plaintiff of eight days administrative detention. The plaintiff did not accept this, and applied to the defendant Public Security Bureau of Yulin for reconsideration. On April 28, 2019 that office rendered the Yu Public Reconsideration Decision (2019) No. 11 reconsideration decision, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 28(1)(i) of the "Administrative Reconsideration Law of the People's Republic of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Administrative Reconsideration Law"), sustained the aforementioned Administrative Punishment Decision rendered by the defendant Public Security Office of Hengshan. The plaintiff still did not accept this, and filed a lawsuit with this Court, raising the aforementioned claims.

The court in the original trial held that, in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law," the public security agency of the local people's governments at or above the county level are responsible for the administration of public security within their administrative area. The jurisdiction of public security cases are stipulated by the public security department of the State Council. Article 9 of the "Procedures for the Handling of Administrative Cases by Public Security Agencies" of the Ministry of Public Security stipulates that administrative cases shall be under the jurisdiction of the public security agency in the place where the illegal act occurs. Hengshan District is the primary place where the consequences of the offense in this case occurred, which is under the jurisdiction of the Public Security Division of Hengshan. Therefore, that office has the statutory authority to investigate and handle violations of public security administration that are implicated in this case.

Article 12 of the "Administrative Reconsideration Law" stipulates that if someone is dissatisfied with a specific administrative action of a working agency of a local people's governments at or above the county level, the individual may choose to apply for administrative reconsideration to the people's government at the same level as the department, or apply for administrative reconsideration to the competent department at the next higher level. The Public Security Bureau of Yulin, as the upper-level competent department of the Public Security Division of Hengshan, has the statutory authority to accept the plaintiff’s administrative reconsideration application, and to conduct a corresponding review and processing of administrative actions made by the Public Security Division of Hengshan.

The point of dispute in this case is whether or not the appellant's conduct constitutes a fabrication of facts to defame a third party under Article 42(2) of the "Public Security Administrative Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China." This Court interprets what is meant by the illegal act of "a fabrication of facts to defame a third party" as that offense is set forth in Article 246 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China" "(hereinafter referred to as the "Criminal Law"), and with reference to the provisions of Article 1 of the "Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Law in the Handling of Defamation Through Information Networks and Other Criminal Cases" (hereinafter referred to as the "Interpretation").

According to Article 1 of the "Interpretation" and the identified actions of the plaintiff that have been punished, the key to resolving the point of dispute in this case lies in whether the plaintiff, when reposting the article with the content about Wang Xiaoli, acted in a matter that consistent with the second paragraph of that article: "with clear knowledge that facts are fabricated that will harm the reputation of a third party." In this regard, the plaintiff claimed that the evidence of the second defendant was not sufficient to meet the clear knowledge requirement, and the plaintiff verified the authenticity of the article by looking up the source on the Internet. The second defendant argued that the plaintiff was a journalist and had a higher duty of verification with respect to reposting content, and failing to fulfill that duty amounts to having clear knowledge.

This Court finds that clear knowledge is the subjective mental state of the actor, and includes both "knew" and "should have known." The defendant’s evidence on facts did not show that the plaintiff knew exactly that the content of Wang Xiaoli in the reposted article was fabricated, so it is necessary to examine whether the plaintiff "should have known." "Should have known" is a conjecture as to the plaintiff's subjective attitude. It must be comprehensively judged based on various evidentiary materials, including the information that was disseminated, as well as the identity, occupation, and life experience of the actor.

First, the content about Wang Xiaoli that was posted was "Wang Chengbao long oppressed the masses and harmed one party, under the protective umbrella and the inaction of the Secretary of the Hengshan District Committee, Wang Hao…" and "The Secretary of the Hengshan District Committee, Wang Hao...served as a protective umbrella for underworld forces." Those are charges that Wang Xiaoli is suspected of serious crimes, but suspicions of citizens' crimes have to be based on investigations and determinations made by relevant State law enforcement agencies in the fulfillment of their authorized duties. If the plaintiff fails to verify with relevant departments and there is no judgment from law enforcement agencies in the reposted article, then on the basis of common legal knowledge one could recognize that the authenticity of this charge is unreliable.

Second, the plaintiff is a journalist. According to Article 18 of the "Administrative Measures for Journalist Accreditation," which stipulates the professional standards of journalists, "Journalists who use journalist accreditation to engage in news gathering activities shall abide by laws and regulations and journalistic professional ethics, and ensure that news reports are true, comprehensive, objective, and fair. They shall not compile and distribute false reports,  publish false news, or conceal news facts that should be reported." He should have a higher level of awareness and judgment regarding the authenticity and objectivity of the information published, so he has a greater ability to recognize the baselessness of the charges against Wang Xiaoli in the forwarded article. Although the plaintiff claimed that his forwarding behavior was not an act done his professional capacity, this fact does not affect his cognitive ability, and the defense is not sustained.

Finally, the plaintiff admitted that the blog account he used to repost the article was registered at his place of work, which also indicates that the plaintiff had a higher duty of caution in disseminating information through this account.

In summary, if the plaintiff has the capability and qualifications to verify the charge of the suspected crime that he reposted, but does not use basic verification methods, it can be determined that he should have known that the charge was not true.
Defendant Public Security Office of Hengshan lawfully reached the same conclusion based on the evidence collected during the administrative punishment process.

After receiving the reconsideration application from the plaintiff, the Public Security Bureau of Yulin fulfilled the procedures of acceptance, notification response, and verification, and ultimately rendered a reconsideration decision and served it in accordance with the law.

It was ascertained at trial that the Bureau’s administrative reconsideration procedure complied with the law and was not improper, and this determination was sustained by the court. The plaintiff's request to revoke the defendant's reconsideration decision lacked corresponding basis, and the court did not sustain it.

Accordingly, after discussion and decision by the court's adjudicative committee, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 69 and 79 of the "Administrative Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China," the judgment was: All of plaintiff Yuan Jianmeng's claims were rejected. The case acceptance fee of 50 yuan would be borne by plaintiff Yuan Jianmeng.

Appellant Yuan Jianmeng did not accept the aforementioned judgment and appealed making the following requests:

1. Rescind the judgment in the trial of first instance, and render a judgment rescinding the Heng Public (Cyber Security) Administrative Punishment Decision (2019) No. 67 administrative punishment decision and the Yu Public Reconsideration Decision (2019) No. 11 reconsideration decision rendered by the appellees.

2. All litigation fees to be borne by the defendant in the original trial承担.

Facts and Reasoning:

1. The facts determined in the judgment of the trial of first instance lacked evidentiary support. At 7:55 pm on January 25, 2019, appellant found the article titled "The 'Big Knife Brigade' In Hengxing Township, Did the King of the District Committee Really Serve the People?" while browsing the WeChat public account "Brilliant City Recommendations." Appellant the reposted the article on his Sina Weibo blogs "Understanding Chang'an Street" and "Understanding Baiwan Zhuang," and it was subsequently clicked on and viewed by others. Appellant was not the original author of the article involved. He just reposted an existing article from a website to his own blog, and he conducted searches on Baidu and other websites before collecting it on the blog to confirm that it was an article that had already been publicly disseminated, reposted, and transmitted, and that it was information known to the public-at-large. He had already fulfilled the duty of verification of the reposted article involved in the case, and Beijing Online, Zhejiang Online, domestic news and other websites, as well as the "Democracy and Law" magazine, had also reported some of the facts described in the article.

Therefore, appellant does not have a subjective motive to intentionally infringe on the reputation of others. The court of first instance, however, inferred the existance of appellant's subjective intent based on his identity as a journalist. This is contrary to legal common sense.

Everyone is equal before the law, and the law does not expressly stipulate that citizens who are journalists must have the obligation to verify when reposting and collecting articles. The court of first instance committed an error when it applied different legal treatment based on a citizen's identity.

In addition, the judgment in the original trial clearly determined that "the defendant's evidence about facts did not show that the plaintiff knew exactly that the content about Wang Xiaoli in the reposted article was fabricated." Appellee, as an administrative organ, had the legal obligation to produce evidence of illegal conduct. It is obviously not in accordance with laws and regulations for appellee to determine that appellant violated the law and impose administrative punishment when evidence was insufficient. Furthermore, the court in the trial of first instance cannot use a citizen's identity to infer that the appellee's administrative punishment was legal

2. The judgment in the trial of first instance applied the law incorrectly. Article 42(2) of the "Public Security Administrative Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Law in the Handling of Defamation Through Information Networks and Other Criminal Cases" stipulate that the fabrication of facts to defame a third party must be "with clear knowledge that facts are fabricated that will harm the reputation of a third party." This stipulation makes it clear that the subjective aspects of the illegal conduct must be intentional. The evidence provided by appellee clearly proves that appellant checked this article on other websites before reposting. Appellant fulfilled his duty of verification for that article, and subjectively there existed no intent to infringe on the reputation of others and no knowledge that there were fabricated false facts, and appellant did not anticipate the result. Intent means knowing subjectively and hoping that a result will occur. It is obvious that there is an inconsistency between the appellant's subjectivity and objectivity, and it does not constitute an intentional violation of law. The court of first instance's finding that the appellant "should have known" was a conjecture regarding the subjective attitude of the appellant.

Appellant believes that "should know" is what the individual "should have known" according to an individual's age, occupation, social life experience level, etc. Where an individual "should have known" but did not actually do not know, at most it can only constitute careless negligence, and not intent with clear knowledge. Where an actor should have known but there is insufficient evidence to prove their knowledge, it should not be regarded as what the individual "should have known."

The court of first instance only determined that the appellant "knew or should have known" based on  his identity as a journalist. It only inferred that the appellant had the capability and qualifications to verify the article he is suspected of having reposted in violation of the law, but failed to adopt basic verification measures, from the fact that he registered a blog and an account at his place of work. From the foregoing it incorrectly concluded the appellant should have known that the subject of the charges were untrue. Appellant doesn't know Wang Xiaoli, has never been to Shaanxi, and lacks the basic qualifications to conduct a verification as far as geography and interpersonal relationships are concerned. What's more, Appellant only reposted and collected on his own blog, and did not subjectively deliberately spread or disseminate. As far as that article is concerned, appellant in fact subjectively did not know it to be false, and appellee has no evidence proving what exactly the appellant knew, and therefore it should not be regarded as something he "should have known."

The court in the trial of first instance made reference to the provisions of Article 18 of the "Administrative Measures for Journalist Accreditation," but the object of these administrative measures applies to journalists in their use of their press cards to engage in news interviews and news broadcasts. It does not specifically regulate individual journalists who collect articles on their own blogs in their personal capacity. The court of first instance's application of the law was inappropriate.

The Heng Public (Cyber Security) Administrative Punishment Decision (2019) No. 67 administrative punishment decision rendered by the Public Security Bureau of Yulin, Hengshan Division and the Yu Public Reconsideration Decision (2019) No. 11 reconsideration decision rendered by the Public Security Bureau of Yulin have no legal basis. In accordance with the provisions of Article 70(2) of the Administrative Litigation Law, the people's court should rule to rescind the administrative acts of the Appellee.

Appellee Public Security Bureau of Yulin, Hengshan Division argues:

1. The facts determined by the court in the trial of first instance were clear and the evidence was copious. Appellant Yuan Jianmeng was a reporter for the Shanxi Newspaper Group's Development Herald New Horizons Weekly. On January 25, 2019, he did, without undertaking any verification, repost an article with the title "The 'Big Knife Brigade' In Hengxing Township, Did the King of the District Committee Really Serve the People?" from the Wechat public account "Brilliant City Recommendations" to the Sina Weibo blog "Understanding Chang'an Street" registered and used by him, and also pushed it to his personal Weibo account "Understanding Baiwan Zhuang," where it was clicked on 1,168 and 183 times, respectively. Yuan Jianmeng, as someone who worked as a journalist, spread the unverified information on a blog and a Weibo account that greatly affected the normal work and life of the Hengshan District Communist Party Committee Secretary Wang Xiaoli himself.

2. Yuan Jianmeng disseminated fact that he clearly knew harmed the reputation of third party but that had yet to be proven to be factual through an investigation. His actions constitute defamation. Yuan Jianmeng reposted an article with the title "The Big Knife Brigade"In Hengxing Township, Did the King of the District Committee Really Serve the People??" that made a connection between "The Big Knife Brigade," which was suspected of committing crimes, and Wang Xiaoli, the Hengshan District Party Committee Secretary. His goal in doing so was grab eyeballs and increase clicks. The content in the article "Wang Chengbao long oppressed the masses and harmed one party, under the protective umbrella and the inaction of the Secretary of the Hengshan District Committee, Wang Hao…" and "The Secretary of the Hengshan District Committee, Wang Hao...served as a protective umbrella for underworld forces" were charges that Wang Xiaoli was suspected of committing severe crimes.

Whether a citizen is suspected of a crime has to be based on investigations and determinations made by relevant State law enforcement agencies in the fulfillment of their authorized duties. Yuan Jianmeng failed to verify anything with relevant departments and there were no opinions from law enforcement agencies in the reposted article. He merely searched for an article titled "The Big Knife Brigade" on websites such as Baidu. Having naturally concluded that the contents of the article had been publicized by others, and had been reposted and disseminated, he naturally concluded that the content of this article was common knowledge among the public, and reposted this article on the Sina Weibo blog that he personally used and registered and his personal Weibo account.

An adult member of the general public can recognize that the authenticity of the charges against Comrade Wang Xiaoli in the article are unreliable based on common legal knowledge. As a journalist, Yuan Jianmeng had the duty to verify and identify the information he published and reposted, and he should have a higher level of awareness and judgment as to the authenticity and objectivity of information that he disseminates. He had a greater ability to recognize the baselessness of of the charges against Wang Xiaoli.

Yuan Jianmeng had the capability and qualifications to verify the suspected crimes charged in the article he reposted, but he failed to employ basic verification methods, and from this it can be determined that he should have known that the content of those charges was untrue. His act of reposting unverified information that damaged the reputation of a third party corresponds with the fabrication of facts to defame a third party in the offense of defamation in Article 246 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China" as interpreted in Article 1 of the "Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Law in the Handling of Defamation Through Information Networks and Other Criminal Cases."

3. Our division applied the law correctly in this case, and the specific administrative penalties imposed were appropriate, fair. and just.  On January 25, 2019, Yuan Jianmeng did, without undertaking any verification, repost and disseminated an untruthful article, and his actions were suspected of being defamatory. Because his illegal actions did not constitute the commission of an offense under the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," on January 29, 2019 our division subjected Yuan Jianmeng to eight days administrative detention in accordance with the provisions of Article 42(2) of the "Public Security Administrative Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China," and delivered him to the Hengshan District Detention Center to execute it on the same day.

In summary, the facts in the Heng Public (Cyber Security) Administrative Punishment Decision (2019) No. 67 administrative punishment decision rendered by our division are clear, the evidence is conclusive and copious, the law was applied correctly, and the procedures were lawful.

The judgment rendered by the court in the trial of first instance rejecting the appellant's claims was reasonable and lawful.

It is requested that the court in the trial of second instance reject the appeal in accordance with the law and uphold the judgment in the original trial.

Defendant Public Security Bureau of Yulin argued:

1. The facts of appellant's illegal actions facts are clear, the evidence is conclusive, and the Public Security Bureau of Yulin, Hengshan Division applied the law correctly, employed lawful proceedures, and applied appropriate punishment. The facts determined by the court in the trial of first instance were clear, and the evidence was copious.

2. The procedures of our bureau in rendering the administrative reconsideration decision were lawful, and the law was applied correctly. In accordance with the provisions of Articles 17 and 23 of the "Administrative Reconsideration Law of the People's Republic of China," on March 26, 2019 our bureau accepted Yuan Jianmeng's administrative reconsideration application in which he maintained he did not accept the Heng Public (Cyber Security) Administrative Punishment Decision (2019) No. 67 administrative punishment decision rendered by the Public Security Bureau of Yulin, Hengshan Division on January 29, 2019, and in accordance with the law notified the Public Security Bureau of Yulin, Hengshan Division to respond and submit relevant materials.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 22 of the "Administrative Reconsideration Law of the People's Republic of China," after the Public Security Bureau of Yulin, Hengshan Division sent the case files and written responses to our bureau, the police from the legal department of our bureau reviewed the case. On April 28, 2019, after legal department completed its review, the person in charge of the city's public security bureau convened the Law Enforcement Management Committee to discuss and study the matter, and determined that the facts regarding the Public Security Bureau of Yulin, Hengshan Division's handling of the case were clear, the evidence was copious, the procedures were lawful, and the law was applied correctly. It rendered a decision to sustain, and in accordance with the law, mailed the administrative reconsideration decision to appellant Yuan Jianmeng.

In summary, the administrative penalty decision rendered by the Public Security Bureau of Yulin, Hengshan Division and the administrative reconsideration decision rendered by our bureau have clear facts, copious evidence, lawful procedures, and correctly applied laws. The judgement in the trial of first instance had clear facts and correctly applied laws. It is requested that the appeal be rejected and the judgment in the original trial be upheld.

During the trial of second instance appellant Yuan Jianmeng produced a screenshot of a web page in order to prove: There existed actual facts relevant to the case, which were affirmed with the signatures and fingerprints of ordinary people. Appellant had fulfilled his duty of verification, and it should be deemed authentic content.

The opinion of appellee the Public Security Bureau of Yulin, Hengshan Division with respect to the evidence examined is: The time of the screenshot report is not clear, and the portion that is clearly visible is not related to the article the appellant reposted. The villagers' fingerprints cannot prove the authenticity of the content. The authenticity should be have been acknowledged by an official agency, and journalists should go to the scene to verify the authenticity of news. It does not acknowledge the probative value of the evidence.

The opinion of appellee the Public Security Bureau of Yulin with respect to the evidence examined is: It does not acknowledge the authenticity, relevance, and probative value of the evidence.

This Court certifies the aforementioned evidence as follows: The content contained in the screenshot was not issued by a statutory authority. Moreover, the content contained in the screenshot is not consistant with the content of the article reproduced by Appellant, and it is insufficient to substantiate the authenticity of the content of the article reproduced by Appellant. It is also insufficient to prove that appellant fulfilled his duty of verification, and it is not accepted as probative.

The facts ascertained in the trial of second instance were consistent with the facts ascertained at the trial of first instance, and are affirmed by this Court.

This Court finds: The point of dispute in this case is whether or not the appellant's conduct constitutes a fabrication of facts to defame a third party under Article 42(2) of the "Public Security Administrative Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China." With respect to this, pursuant to the provisions of Article (1) of the "Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Law in the Handling of Defamation Through Information Networks and Other Criminal Cases" (Judicial Interpretation(2013) No. 21), if the conduct of an actor involves fabricated facts that damage the reputation of others which are disseminated on information networks, it may be regarded as fabricating facts to defame others. In determining the authenticity of information, the disseminator shall bear the necessary burden of proof, especially in circumstances where the disseminated information may have an adverse effect on others and the public interest. This is the boundary for citizens' freedom of speech, and it is also the boundary for citizens to exercise their rights of supervision and criticism. It is also necessary to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of others, social stability, and public order and fair practice.

According to the facts ascertained in this case, on January 25, 2019, the appellant reposted an article with the title "The 'Big Knife Brigade' In Hengxing Township, Did the King of the District Committee Really Serve the People?" from the Wechat public account "Brilliant City Recommendations" to the Sina Weibo blog "Understanding Chang'an Street" registered and used by him, and also pushed it to his personal Weibo account "Understanding Baiwan Zhuang," where it was clicked on over 1,300 times. The reprinted article alleged that "Wang Chengbao long oppressed the masses and harmed one party, under the protective umbrella and the inaction of the Secretary of the Hengshan District Committee, Wang Hao…" and "The Secretary of the Hengshan District Committee, Wang Hao...served as a protective umbrella for  underworld forces." The dissemination of the aforementioned information would obviously lower the reputation and social evaluation of the government agencies and personnel involved. When publishing the aforementioned assertions, however, appellant did not provide any authoritative corroborating determinations rendered by law enforcement agencies such as supervisory agencies, judicial agencies, prosecutorial agencies, etc. During the investigation by the public security agency and subsequent litigation, appellant also failed to provide probative evidence on which to base a judgment. Under these circumstances, the information released by him cannot be said to be true, and it is difficult to establish the reason why he believes that he has fulfilled his obligation to verify the content of the reposted content. Appellant should bear the corresponding adverse consequences for his own behavior.

Based on the facts it had ascertained, appellee Public Security Bureau of Yulin, Hengshan Division determined that Appellant’s behavior constituted a defamation, and in accordance with Article 42(2) of the "Public Security Administrative Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China" it imposed an administrative penalty of five days detention.2 There is nothing improper in its determination of the facts, its application of the law, or the degree of punishment it imposed.

The Public Security Bureau of Yulin reconsideration upholding the punishment decision was correct.

In summary, appellant’s claims lack a factual and legal basis, and the original judgment is rejecting appellant’s claims was correct, and is sustained by this Court.

Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of Article 89(1) of the "Administrative Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China," the judgment is as follows:

The appeal is rejected, and the judgment in the original trial is upheld.

The case acceptance fee of 50 yuan in the trial of second instance shall be borne by appellant Yuan Jianmeng.

This judgment shall be the final judgment.

Chief Adjudicator  Ma Yurong
Adjudicator  Wang Jing
Adjudicator  Liu Hongmei

May 29, 2020

Clerk  Kou Yanyan




上诉人(原审原告)原建猛,男,1982年 [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED]出生,汉族,山西省太原市人,住太原市迎泽区。































审判长  马玉荣

审判员  王 静

审判员  刘红梅


书记员  寇艳艳



Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

The PRC government sentenced Sun Zhiming (孙志明, who wrote under the alias Sun Daluo (孙大骆)) to one year imprisonment for the crime of "di...