Saturday, May 30, 2020

At Least 10 People Convicted in China in 2019 for Twitter Posts that "Disturbed the Peace"

Following up on last week's post "Court Jails Man for 8 Months for Tweets That Harmed China's Image," below is a list of 9 other similar judgments.

Chen Guoji Criminal Judgment (陈国吉寻衅滋事一审刑事判决书), (2018) Ning 1321 Criminal First Instance No. 164, wherein the court found "Defendant Chen Guoji 'liked' and reposted false information and confusing videos that implicated the image of the State and insulted and defamed State leaders, and his actions are sufficient to cause severe chaos in public order, and constitute the crime of disturbing the peace, and should be punished."

Sentence: 2 year suspended sentence.


Wei Qi Criminal Judgment (魏琪寻衅滋事一审刑事判决书), (2019) Ning 0291 Criminal First Instance No. 146, wherein the court found "Defendant Wei Qi used information networks to insult others and spread false information on information networks under serious circumstances, he disrupted social order, and his actions constitute the crime of disturbing the peace."

The information "included over 100 posts with inappropriate speech content that was anti-Party and anti-Communist, and that insulted State leaders."

Sentence: 6 months imprisonment.


Yang Zhaoxing Criminal Judgment (杨兆星寻衅滋事一审刑事判决书), (2019) Yue 0605 Criminal First Instance No. 639, wherein the court found "Defendant Yang Zhaoxing spread false information on information networks that he clearly knew to be fabricated, incited trouble, and caused severe chaos in public order, and his actions constitute the crime of disturbing the peace."

The information included Twitter posts and reposts of "false information fabricated by foreign media regarding China's ruling Party, government regime, and State leaders."

Sentence: 10 months imprisonment.


Xu Jianyu Criminal Judgment (许建榆寻衅滋事罪一审刑事判决书), (2019) Shaan 0802 Criminal First Instance No. 383, wherein the court found "Defendant Xu Doe repeatedly posted and reposted information on the foreign website Twitter that insulted, besmirched, and maliciously attacked Party and State leaders, the socialist system, police groups, and others, and he continued to post and repost this type of information even after he had subject to administrative punishment. The circumstances are severe, his actions severely disrupted social order, are an offense under the provisions of Article 293 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," constitute the crime of disturbing the peace, and should be punished."

Sentence: 2 years and 6 months imprisonment.


Dong Doe Criminal Judgment (董某寻衅滋事罪一审刑事判决书), (2018) Pu 0902 Criminal First Instance No. 342, wherein the court found "Defendant Dong Doe fabricated false information which he transmitted and spread on information networks, he incited trouble, damaged the image of the State, caused severe chaos in public order, and his actions constitute the crime of disturbing the peace."

The information included Twitter posts that "hyped up the Dong Yaoqiong ink splashing incident" and "inappropriate speech that spread rumors and besmirched and attacked the Party and the State."

Sentence: 8 months imprisonment.


Cheng Doe Criminal Judgment (程某某寻衅滋事一审刑事判决书), (2019) Wan 0824 Criminal First Instance No. 110, wherein the court found "Defendant Cheng Doe used information networks to insult others, and besmirch the image of the Party and the State, under circumstances that were vile, and his actions constitute the crime of disturbing the peace."

Sentence: 10 months imprisonment.


Ge Renqiang Criminal Judgment (葛仁强寻衅滋事一审刑事判决书), (2019) Ning 0291 Criminal First Instance No. 329, wherein the court found "Defendant Ge Renqiang spread a large amount information on information networks despite clearly knowing that it was false information that had been fabricated to insult and besmirch State leaders, he incited trouble, he caused severe chaos in public order, his actions constitute the crime of disturbing the peace, and should be punished."

Sentence: 6 months imprisonment.


Gao Zhenqiang Criminal Judgment (高振强寻衅滋事一审刑事判决书), (2019) Ning 0304 Criminal First Instance No. 323, wherein the court found the following fact sufficient to convict the defendant of the crime of disturbing the peace: "From the time defendant Gao Zhenqiang applied for a Twitter account on May 18 2017 until June 11, 2019, his Twitter account with the name "Butterfly Flying" posted and reposted a total of 17,051 tweets, and of those over 80% included content that related to attacking the Party and the State and central Party and government leaders, which then received various amounts of hits and reposts, and between April 20 and June 11, 2019, Gao Zhenqiang published 39 posts that attacked State leaders.

Sentence: 6 months imprisonment.


Wang Beiyuan Criminal Judgment (汪北源诽谤一审刑事判决书), (2019) Yue 2071 Criminal First Instance No. 1881, in which the court found: "Even though the information posted by defendant Wang Beiyuan was not entirely comprised of harmful information that besmirched State leaders, smeared China's government, and denounced State policies, nevertheless he fabricated facts to damage the reputations of Party and State leaders, and the content of the defamatory information he spread on the Internet harmed the image of the State and State interests, and such circumstances should be considered severe."

Sentence: 1 year imprisonment.


Monday, May 25, 2020

Court Jails Man for 8 Months for Tweets That Harmed China's Image

Original Chinese Language Source: Supreme People's Court "China Judgments Online" -

People's Court of Daxinganling Prefecture, Jiagedaqi District, Heilongjiang
Criminal Judgment
(2019) Hei 2701 Criminal First Instance No. 71

The public prosecution agency was the People's Procuratorate of Daxinganling Prefecture, Jiagedaqi District.

Defendant Jiang Kun, male, Han nationality, born February 8, 1983 in the Jiagedaqi District in the Daxinganling Prefecture of Heilongjiang Province, university education, no fixed occupation. Residing in the Jiagedaqi District in the Daxinganling Prefecture of Heilongjiang Province. On April 3, 2019, he was taken into administrative detention for this case. On April 17, 2019, he was taken into criminal detention by the Public Security Bureau of Jiagedaqi District on suspicion of committing the crime of defamation. On April 30, 2019, the District People's Procuratorate approved his arrest on suspicion of committing the crime of defamation, and on the same day his arrest was executed by the Public Security Bureau of Jiagedaqi District. He is currently being held in custody in the Jiagdachi District Detention Center.

The People's Procuratorate of Jiagedaqi District charged defendant Jiang Kun with committing the crime of defamation in Da Jia Procuratorate Prosecution Criminal Indictment [2019] No. 71, and filed a public prosecution with this Court on June 18, 2019. On September 29, 2019, the Procuratorate filed the Da Jia Procuratorate Prosecution Criminal Amendment [2019] No. 7 Amended Prosecution Decision charging defendant Jiang Kun with committing the crime of disturbing the peace. This court applied ordinary procedures in accordance with the law, formed a collegial panel in accordance with the law, and heard the case in closed court. The People's Procuratorate of the Jiagedaqi District appointed Deputy Procurator Wang Lianshan to appear in court in support of the public prosecution, and the defendant Jiang Kun was present in court to participate in the proceedings. The trial has now concluded.

The indictment of the People's Procuratorate of Jiagedaqi District charged defendant Jiang Kun with using wall-climbing software to browse the overseas website Twitter. Since 2014, Jiang Kun followed certain anti-China forces on Twitter. Because he often watched videos and read articles by overseas anti-China forces that attacked and vilified the Party and State leaders, he developed hateful thoughts about Party and State leaders. From 2014 to the present, Jiang Kun used computers and mobile phones to distribute, vilify, and attack Party and State leaders on his overseas Twitter account. There were a total of 1,434 posts with harmful information which harmed the nation's image, seriously jeopardized the nation's interests, and caused a negative impact internationally.

The amended Indictment Decision charged defendant Jiang Kun with using wall-climbing software to browse the overseas website Twitter. Since 2014, Jiang Kun followed certain anti-China forces on Twitter. He often watched videos and read articles by overseas anti-China forces that attacked and vilified the institutions and policies of the Party and the nation, and this caused him to develop hateful thoughts about the current social system. From 2014 to the present, Jiang Kun used computers and mobile phones log onto the overseas website Twitter to distribute, vilify, and attack the Party and the nation. There were a total of 1,434 posts with harmful information. Defendant Jiang Kun fabricated false information to attack the socialist system and national policies of the People's Republic of China, and he spread it on the Internet, causing severe disturbance to public order.

Following an investigation defendant Jiang Kun was apprehended by the Public Security Office of Jiagedaqi District in No. 2511 Tiedong Dajie on April 3, 2019.

The public security authorities undertook a psychological evaluation of defendant Jiang Kun in accordance with the law on July 19, 2019. The evaluation found that during the time period covering the case hat defendant Jiang Kun had the capacity to be held criminally liable.

The public prosecution agency alleges that defendant Jiang Kun fabricated false information to attack the socialist system and national policies of the People ’s Republic of China, and he spread it on the Internet, causing severe disturbance to public order, and that his actions constitute an offense under the provisions of Article 293, paragraph 1, clauses 3 and 4 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," the criminal facts are clear and the evidence is reliable and copious, and that he should be held criminally liable for the crime of disturbing the peace. They provided corresponding evidence in court, and requested that punishment be imposed in accordance with the law. Defendant, Jiang Kun, admitted the facts of the crime charged by the public prosecution agency, and did not offer any justification.

It was ascertained at trial that since 2014, defendant Jiang Kun used wall-climbing software to browse the overseas website Twitter, and he followed certain anti-China forces on Twitter. During that time he often watched videos and read articles by overseas anti-China forces that attacked and vilified the institutions and policies of the Party and the nation, and this caused him to develop hateful thoughts about the current social system. From 2014 to the present, Jiang Kun used computers and mobile phones log onto the overseas website Twitter to carry out the spread of commentary and articles that vilified and attacked the Party and the nation. There were a total of 1,434 posts with harmful information, and defendant Jiang Kun fabricated false information to attack the socialist system and national policies of the People's Republic of China, and he spread it on the Internet, causing severe disturbance to public order.

Following an investigation defendant Jiang Kun was apprehended by the Public Security Office of Jiagedaqi District in No. 2511 Tiedong Dajie on April 3, 2019.

The public security authorities undertook a psychological evaluation of defendant Jiang Kun in accordance with the law on July 19, 2019. The evaluation found that during the time period covering the case hat defendant Jiang Kun had the capacity to be held criminally liable.

the aforementioned criminal facts have been confirmed by the following evidence which was provided by the public prosecution agency and examined in court and which has been affirmed by this Court.

1. Material evidence one desktop computer, one notebook computer, one mobile phone.

2. Documentary evidence including one Decision to Open a Case, one Apprehension Process, one Leads Bulletin, one evidence of household registration, one explanation by the Daxinganling Prefecture Office Public Security Bureau Cyber Security Detachment of the circumstances of the online collection of the Twitter network account, and one Online Collection Report from the Daxinganling Prefecture Office Public Security Bureau Cyber Security Detachment.

3. Defendant Jiang Kun's confession and justifications.

4. One Judicial Forensic Opinion.

5. One On-Site Inspection Record from the Public Security Bureau of Jiagedaqi District.

This Court finds that defendant Jiang Kun fabricated false information, which he broadcast, spread, and caused trouble with on the Internet, harming the image of the nation, and causing severe disturbance to public order. His actions constitute the crime of the disturbing the peace. The facts and offenses charged by the public prosecuting agencies have been established, and are hereby sustained by this Court in accordance with the law. After this began defendant Jiang Kun admitted his crime, expressed remorse, and it is therefore possible to impose a light sentence upon him. In accordance with the provisions of Article 293, paragraph 1, clauses 3 and 4 and Article 64 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," and Article 5 paragraph 2 of the "Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate Regarding Certain Questions About Applicable Law When Dealing With Criminal Cases Whereby Information Networks are Utilized to Commit Defamation and Other Crimes," the judgment is as follows:

1. Defendant Jiang Kun committed the crime of disturbing the peace, and is hereby sentenced to a fixed term of imprisonment of eight months.

(The prison term is to be calculated starting on the day the judgment is executed, and each day in custody prior to the execution of the judgment shall count as one day of the prison term. Therefore it shall commence on April 3, 2019 and shall conclude on December 2, 2019).

2. The tools used in the commission of this case and transferred as part of this case are hereby confiscated and turned over to the State treasury.

If the defendant does not accept this judgment, he may within 10 days after the second day after receiving this written judgment bring an appeal through this court or directly to the High People's Court of Shandong.  A written appeal should be submitted with one original and two copies.

Chief Judge: Wang Yancheng
Adjudicator: Ma Guofeng
Adjudicator: Chen Hongyan

November 30, 2019

Clerk: Jiang Yanping

刑 事 判 决 书



















审判长  王延成
审判员  马国峰
审判员  沈洪艳


书记员  蒋艳萍

Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

 On July 7, the " @FreeXueBing " Twitter account posted a link to the court judgment in the inciting subversion case of Huang Xueq...