Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Supreme People's Court Finds Problems With Application of the Crime of "Disturbing the Peace"

This blog has documented several examples of legal professionals, academics, and officials, calling for the PRC government to address problems with the application of the crime of disturbing the peace  (寻衅滋事, also commonly literally translated as "picking quarrels and provoking troubles." For more on why I have chosen to translate this as "disturbing the peace," see "State Prosecutions of Speech in the People's Republic of China: Cases Illustrating the Application of National Security and Public Order Laws to Political and Religious Expression, pp. 21-22, For example:

Most of those in domestic academic circles have either resolutely opposed, or hold a very negative attitude toward, the crime of disturbing the peace. Many scholars in criminal law circles have published papers discussing the flaws associated with determining what constitutes the crime of disturbing the peace, including determining the standard for the offense, the difficulty of judicial application, and generally focusing on opposing the existence of the crime of disturbing the peace and restricting the scope of application of the crime. (国内学界对寻衅滋事罪的态度大多都持坚决反对或者十分消极的态度,刑法学界很多学者都曾发表论文论述寻衅滋事罪的犯罪构成缺陷、罪名认定标准、司法适用困境,总体上以反对寻衅滋事罪的存在和限制该罪名适用范围两方面为主.)

"Three Characteristics of the 'Judicial Interpretation of the Crime of Disturbing the Peace.'" (寻衅滋事罪司法解释"三性"审视), Academics (学术界), Issue No. 5, May, 2020. See

Now the Supreme People's Court has weighed in with their own complaints. On August 16, 2023, the Supreme People's Court website reposted an article that originally appeared in the People's Court Daily titled "Research Report on the Subject of 'The Impact of Rural Criminal Crimes on Rural Revitalization Strategy in the New Era' and 'Criminal Regulation of Disturbing the Peace' in Zhejiang and Fujian" (关于“新时代农村刑事犯罪对乡村振兴战略的影响”暨“寻衅滋事行为的刑事规制”课题在浙江、福建的调研报告). Below is my translation of the portion of the report address the crime of disturbing the peace.

In practice, the crime of disturbing the peace is both commonly seen and frequently occurring. In recent years, there has been a tendency for the over-generalized application of this crime. In order to apply the law accurately, the application of the crime was investigated.

Over the past ten years, the number of cases of disturbing the peace in the rural areas of Zhejiang and Fujian ranked among the top of all crimes. Most of the defendants are young people, and most of them are migrant workers or people without proper occupations, and offenses arising from drunkenness and gambling are common. Cases of being prosecuted for criminal responsibility arising from illegal petitioning have also occurred from time to time.

During the investigation, it was found that the following problems existed in the determination of the crime. First, it is difficult to grasp the subjective motives of the defendant, and it is easy to mired down in objective imputation. Second, there are different understandings of whether the act of illegally petitioning can be punished under this crime. Third, these unclear boundaries makes it easy for it to be applied in an over-generalized manner. Fourth, it is difficult to distinguish it from other related crimes. Fifth, in execution the links in the process are not smooth, which can easily lead to administrative violations being elevated to criminal offenses.

In view of the aforementioned practical problems, we suggest that we increase the trial guidance for criminal cases involving disturbing the peace, and guide local courts in the form of judicial documents or typical cases to accurately apply the law. 





Thursday, August 10, 2023

Translation: Law Firm's Petition to Abolish Offense Used to Prosecute Pure Speech Crimes

 On August 6, 2023, this document was posted on Twitter.

The document was titled "Legislative Proposal on Abolishing the Crime of Disturbing the Peace," and the image of the envelope posted along with it indicated it was sent by Yu Zhaoyan of the Shandong Xiaolin Law Firm to the "Legislative Affairs Commission of the National People's Congress Standing Committee."

The NPC is the only governmental body with the power to interpret the Constitution and supervise its enforcement. PRC courts do not have the power either to apply constitutional provisions in the absence of concrete implementing legislation or to strike down laws or regulations that are inconsistent with the Constitution. Therefore, anyone who believes that courts are applying laws in a manner that violates the Constitution have no recourse other than to petition the NPC, as the Xiaolin Law Firm has done here.

The crime of disturbing the peace (寻衅滋事, also commonly literally translated as "picking quarrels and provoking troubles." For more on why I have chosen to translate this as "disturbing the peace," see "State Prosecutions of Speech in the People's Republic of China: Cases Illustrating the Application of National Security and Public Order Laws to Political and Religious Expression, pp. 21-22, is often used to prosecute political speech, both online and in physical venues. The following examples are all from 2019:

  • A court found Dong Zehua & Yuan Shuai guilty of disturbing the peace on the grounds that Dong "wore a T-shirt with sensitive markings on it and took photos in Tiananmen Square and posted the photos online" and Dong and Yuan "interviewed foreigners in Tiananmen Square and made inquiries into sensitive topics." See "State Prosecutions," pp. 513-515).
  • A court found Jie Ruixue guilty on the grounds that she "stood in an area crowded with tourists in the vicinity of the national flag pole in Tiananmen Square wearing a white t-shirt upon which was written 'Freedom of Speech, Vindicate June Fourth, Oppose Repeating the Tragedy.'" See "State Prosecutions," pp. 516-18).
  • A court found an individual surnamed Wang guilty of disturbing the peace on the grounds that he used Twitter to repost, like, and comment on a large number of posts relating to major domestic incidents, including: 
    • Hu Wei proves the authenticity of Guo Wengui's revelations;
    • The Communist Party of China controls all the resources . . . the working people can only get a piece of the pie;
    • If China has the best socialist system in the world, why is the quality of each generation lower than the last?;
    • The Communist Party seizes power in order to kill people;
    • The Communist Party of China will never open the Internet . . . their end is at hand;
    • The Communist Party of China has become an interest group and will devour the private sector;
    • Content about 'June Fourth,' 'Tibet,' and 'The Mirror Group.' See "State Prosecutions," p. 715.
  • A court found an individual surnamed Cheng guilty of disturbing the peace on the grounds that he used Twitter to post and repost 471 tweets on the Internet that denigrated and berated others, and denigrated the image of the Party and the government. See "State Prosecutions," p. 717.
  • A court found an individual surnamed Xu guilty of disturbing the peace on the grounds that he used Twitter to post and repost content that "berated Party and State leaders, and assailed the socialist system, soldiers, and police groups." See "State Prosecutions," pp. 717-718.

This is not the first time someone has noted problems with the crime of disturbing the peace. For example:

Most of those in domestic academic circles have either resolutely opposed, or hold a very negative attitude toward, the crime of disturbing the peace. Many scholars in criminal law circles have published papers discussing the flaws associated with determining what constitutes the crime of disturbing the peace, including determining the standard for the offense, the difficulty of judicial application, and generally focusing on opposing the existence of the crime of disturbing the peace and restricting the scope of application of the crime. (国内学界对寻衅滋事罪的态度大多都持坚决反对或者十分消极的态度,刑法学界很多学者都曾发表论文论述寻衅滋事罪的犯罪构成缺陷、罪名认定标准、司法适用困境,总体上以反对寻衅滋事罪的存在和限制该罪名适用范围两方面为主.)

"Three Characteristics of the 'Judicial Interpretation of the Crime of Disturbing the Peace.'" (寻衅滋事罪司法解释"三性"审视), Academics (学术界), Issue No. 5, May, 2020. See

The Shandong Xiaolin Law Firm

To: The Legislative Affairs Commission of the National People's Congress Standing Committee

Legislative Proposal on Abolishing the Crime of Disturbing the Peace

Legislative Affairs Commission of the National People's Congress Standing Committee

Director Shen Chunyao:

In the course of many years of practice we have handled several disturbing the peace cases, among which there have been at least three cases where we did not think it constituted a crime, but which were nevertheless ruled to have constituted a crime with sentences of probation imposed. In another case, after the court session, the procuratorate withdrew the prosecution and made a decision not to prosecute without prejudice.

We deeply feel that the ambiguity of the crime of disturbing the peace has seriously affected the public's reasonable expectations of rights and obligations, and has damaged the authority and credibility of the criminal law. In accordance with the "Legislation Law of the People's Republic of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Legislation Law") and the principle of legally prescribed crimes and punishments, we proffer this legislative proposal to your committee, proposing that the crime of disturbing the peace be abolished.

1. Problems Found in Judicial Practice

The crime of disturbing the peace originated from the crime of hooliganism stipulated in Article 160 of the 1979 Criminal Law. After it was separated from the crime of hooliganism, it gradually replaced the crime of hooliganism and became a new "crime of hooliganism." In current judicial practice, the existence of the crime of disturbing the peace is one of the main reasons for the selective law enforcement by law enforcement agencies. Disturbing the peace is used as a catch-all clause to punish certain behaviors in the gray area between administrative punishment and criminal punishment. For example, those engaging in actions such as publishing negligent remarks on the Internet, petitioning, appealing, and making accusation are often accused of disturbing the peace. In fact, such an accusation not only deprives citizens of their right to freedom of speech and their power of supervision, it also violates the principle of restraint in criminal law.

Calls for the abolition of the crime of disturbing the peace continues to be voiced in criminal law academic and judicial practice circles. Zhu Zhengfu and other deputies to the National People's Congress have been calling for the abolition of the crime of disturbing the peace. Luo Xiang and other university professors also believe that this crime will inevitably be abused in judicial practice because of the enormous conflict between the ambiguity of the provisions and the principle of legal certainty, and suggest that the crime of disturbing the peace be abolished.

2. Model Cases That Raise Issues

Case 1. Zhu Yuzhen's family in Huainan disturbed the peace. Zhu Yuzhen and her ex-husband were charged with the crime of disturbing the peace because they reported on the Internet that the Huainan government had illegally expropriated land and undertaken violent demolitions. It was understood that Zhu Yuzhen's family had no choice but to appeal after resorting to legal procedures against the government's forced demolition. Later, Zhu Yuzhen's ex-husband posted several videos on Douyin reflecting the illegal forced demolitions and his situation during his stay in Beijing. He was charged with the crime of disturbing the peace, and Zhu Yuzhen was also subsequently charged with the crime of disturbing the peace. Prior to this, Zhu Yuzhen's nearly 80-year-old parents were also convicted of disturbing the peace for defending their son.

Case 2. a villager was sentenced to the crime of disturbing the peace for collecting tolls on a pontoon bridge. Huang Deyi, a villager in Taonan City, Jilin Province, and 18 others were convicted of disturbing the peace for charging fees for building a pontoon bridge. The court ruled that Huang Deyi and others built a pontoon bridge to collect bridge tolls, and intercepted passing vehicles to collect bridge tolls. This is a case of taking other people’s property by force, causing bad social impact, disrupting social order, with severe circumstances, constituting the crime of disturbing the peace. Huang Deyi refused to accept the judgment and filed a complaint with the court, which has been accepted for review by the court.

Case 3. Tang Hui, a "petitioner mother," was subjected to reeducation through labor, and she and her brother Tang Shike were charged with disturbing the peace. Prosecutors filed three charges of disturbing the peace. In the "ectopic pregnancy" and "alkaline poisoning" disturbing the peace cases, the prosecution accused the two of disturbing the peace by using improper treatment as an excuse to put pressure on the hospital through malicious reports, insults and threats to hospital staff, and illegal petitions in Beijing demanding "medical compensation." In the case of "wild camphor trees being logged," the prosecution accused them of "illegally logging wild camphor trees in hilly land" and carrying out acts of "disturbing the peace" by means of malicious false reporting, making a scene, and abusing, chasing, and intercepting government employees, making trouble in public places, and posting false posts on the Internet. The case is currently being tried.

After the publication of the above three cases, people from all walks of life unanimously condemned them, which once again sparked heated discussions calling for the "abolition of the crime of disturbing the peace." It is generally believed that the above-mentioned behaviors that should be regulated by administrative laws and regulations have been regulated by criminal laws, which seriously deviates from natural justice and humanist principles, and does not conform to legal common sense.

We believe that Zhu Yuzhen's family were legitimately exercising the public's rights of supervision and freedom of speech when they reported on matters such as law enforcement chaos and judicial injustice, and they are identified as suspected of constituting the crime of disturbing the peace, which seriously reduces citizens' belief in the law. Professor Xu also said that Zhu Yuzhen's family was "wiped out by the judiciary."

Huang Deyi and others did not disturb social public order by building bridges and charging fees. In the absence of plans by relevant government departments to build bridges, the construction of bridges met the expectations of the people to a certain extent. Fees were only paid voluntarily and were not mandatory. In addition, there was no provocative motive to make something out of nothing or create a pretext to cause trouble. This behavior did not harm society, did not infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others, and did not infringe on anyone's legal interests. It was a violation of the criminal law's principle of restraint to identify it as a crime.

The three cases involving Tang Hui and others were borne out of rights defense. There was a reason for everything they did, there was no coercion, even if the manner of rights protection was somewhat fierce. Since 2019, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate have continuously advocated that "criminal trials should take into account the principles of natural justice, State law, and human conditions." Criminal trials should not be indifferent to public opinion or mechanically impose justice, and should not deviate from human nature and common sense. In practice, one of the root causes of judicial deviation from public opinion is the shortcoming of the legislation of the crime of disturbing the peace, and it is the ambiguity of the legal provisions of the crime of disturbing the peace that leads to judicial uncertainty.

3. Proposal to Abolish the Crime of Disturbing the Peace

(1) Flaws in Legislation and Judicial Interpretation

First, the description of the crime is vague. Expressions such as "arbitrary," "willfully," "severe circumstances," "offensive circumstances," and "causing severe disorder in public venues" are too vague, and these are the key constituent elements for the determination of this crime. Judicial interpretation has not eliminated the ambiguity of this crime in the determination of criminal boundaries. There has been significant controversy among professionals in judicial theory and practice  about the expression of relevant provisions, and it is even more difficult for ordinary people to distinguish them.

Second, the acts of pursuing or obstructing others and creating a disturbance violate the "Public Security Administrative Punishments Law," or they may be involved in other crimes. If all of them are convicted and punished according to the crime of disturbing the peace, it may lead to excessive attention to maintaining social order, and then excessive infringement of personal legal interests.

Third, although Articles 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and People's Procuratorate on Issues Concerning the Application of Law for Criminal Cases of Disturbing the Peace (hereinafter referred to as the "Interpretation on Handling Disturbing the Peace") are a detailed list of how the relevant behavior types and methods in Article 293 of the Criminal Law may be carried out, because the list itself is not exhaustive, and the interpretation itself also retains vague expressions, it cannot fundamentally address the problem of the law's opacity.

Fourth, the "Interpretation on Handling Disturbing the Peace" stipulates the subjective motives of the crime of disturbing the peace, stipulating that a perpetrator shall be deemed to have "disturbed the peace" when they make trouble out of nothing by seeking excitement, venting their emotions, acting the hero, etc., and commits the acts stipulated in Article 293 of the Criminal Law. However, the provisions on this subjective motive remain ambiguous, so it is impossible for them to actually limit the expansion of the offense of disturbing the peace, and it may still lead to the subjective imputations by the judiciary.

(2) Corresponding Solutions

Article 5 of the "Legislation Law" stipulates that "legislation shall conform to the provisions, principles, and spirit of the Constitution." Article 6 stipulates that "legislation shall uphold and develop people's democracy throughout the process, respect and protect human rights, and safeguard and promote social fairness and justice." Article 7(2) stipulates that "legal norms shall be clear, specific, targeted, and enforceable."

The ambiguity of the crime of disturbing the peace violates the above-mentioned provisions of the Legislative Law and the principle of legally prescribed crimes and punishments, leading to selective law enforcement by the judiciary and serious damage the authority and credibility of the criminal law. Accordingly, we propose to abolish the crime of disturbing the peace and divide it into other crimes. After the crime of disturbing the peace is abolished, the four different forms of the crime of disturbing the peace can be dealt with by the crime of intentional injury, crime of insult, crime of robbery, crime of intentionally destroying property, and the crime of gathering crowds to disturb order in public places. If the circumstances of the behavior are relatively minor, administrative penalties may be imposed in accordance with the Public Security Administrative Punishments Law.

The aforementioned proposals are hereby offered to the honorable Commission for legislation.

Respectfully submitted to Legislative Affairs Commission of the National People's Congress Standing Committee.

Proposed by: The Shandong Xiaolin Law Firm

Lawyer Lan Qingzhou
Lawyer Ma Xiaolin
Lawyer Yu Zhaoyan
Zhang Wenpeng
Lawyer Yu Kai

August 2, 2023

Contact information:





































Saturday, August 5, 2023

Translation: Ding Jiaxi 2021 Subversion Indictment

 Translator' Notes:

  • The Chinese text was generated by OCR'ing low-quality images of the original court judgment posted online. I have attempted to identify and correct the typographical errors that may have been introduced in the OCR process. 
  • Ding Jiaxi is a former civil rights lawyer who, along with fellow civil rights lawyer Xu Zhiyong (who was also prosecuted in this case), co-founded the New Citizens' Movement (中国新公民运动). They would both eventually be found guilty and imprisoned for 12 and 14 years, respectively. As far as I know the PRC government has not made court judgment public.
    These screenshots show that, at some time after Ding's arrest, PRC search engine Baidu began censoring search results for his name, restricting results to a white list of websites under the direct control of the central government and Communist Party.

People's Procuratorate of Linyi, Shandong


Lin Procuratorate First Criminal Indictment (2021) No. Z42

Defendant Ding Jiaxi, male, born [OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL], 1967, Citizen I.D. No. [OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL], Han ethnicity, graduate student education, formerly a lawyer at the Beijing Dehong Law Firm, currently unemployed, household registration and currently residing at [OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL], Beijing. On April 18, 2014, he was sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of three years and six months by the People's Court of Haidian, Beijing for the crime of gathering crowds to disrupt public venue order. On October 16, 2016 he was released following the fulfillment of his sentence. On December 26, 2019, he was taken into criminal detention by the Public Security Bureau of Yantai, Shandong on suspicion of committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power. On the same day this was converted into residential confinement at a designated location. The arrest was approved by this Office on June 19, 2020, and the arrest was carried out by the Public Security Bureau of Linyi on the same day.

The investigation in this case was concluded by the Public Security Bureau of Linyi with defendant Ding Jiaxi being suspected of the offense of subversion of state power, and it was transferred to this Office on January 19, 2021. After this Office docketed the case, on January 21, 2021 the defendant was informed of his right to retain defense counsel and the relevant legal provisions of pleading guilty and accepting punishment. The defendant was interrogated n accordance with the law, the opinions of the defense counsel were heard and all the case materials were reviewed. this Office returned the case to the investigating agency for supplemental investigation on March 6 and May 21, 2021. The investigating agency completed the investigation on April 6 and June 21, 2021, respectively, and transferred it for prosecution. this Office extended the pre-prosecution examination deadline for 15 days on February 19, May 6, and July 21, 2021, respectively.

It was ascertained through an examination in accordance with the law:

From 2012 to 2013, out of dissatisfaction with our country's socialist system and the ruling status of the Communist Party of China, defendant Ding Jiaxi collaborated with Xu Zhiyong (being handled in another case) and others to establish and develop the "New Citizens Movement" illegal organization, and carried out criminal activities. In 2017, after his release following the completion of his sentence for committing the crime of gathering crowds to disrupt public venue order, Ding Jiaxi did, with the goal of overthrowing our country's current political system, collaborate with Xu Zhiyong to recruit Wang Jiangsong, Zhang Zhongshun, Dai Zhenya, and Chang Weiping (being handled in another case) as key members, establish the "Citizens Movement" illegal organization with Xu Zhiyong and Ding Jiaxi as organizers and leaders, spread a large number of inciting articles; launch trainings for "non-violent" color revolutions, operate the "China Citizens Movement Net," held secret meetings of the "Citizens Movement" illegal organization in Yantai and Xiamen successively to organize, plan, and implement criminal activities to subvert state power and overthrow the socialist order, severely jeopardizing national security and social stability. The specific facts are as follows:

1. From 2012 to 2013, defendant Ding Jiaxi, together with Xu Zhiyong and others, used communication software to organize "Citizen Dinners" and "dinner and drinks" activities in Beijing, Xuzhou, Wuhan and other cities, and recruited members for the "New Citizens Movement" illegal organization.

In 2017, defendant Ding Jiaxi, together with Xu Zhiyong, continued to collude with members of the "New Citizens Movement" illegal organization Wang Jiangsong, Liu Jiacai, and others, and went to Yantai, Xiamen, and other cities to collude with Zhang Zhongshun, Dai Zhenya, and others, changed the name of the "New Citizens Movement" to the "Citizens Movement," established the "Citizens Movement" illegal organization, and organized, planned, and carried out a series of criminal activities to subvert state power.

2. In 2017, defendant Ding Jiaxi colluded with Xu Zhiyong and Hua Ze, a member of a foreign organization, to jointly operate the website "China Citizens Movement Net," add new sections to the website, select website reporters and editors, raise website operating funds, spread a large number of inciting articles written by Xu Zhiyong, and advocate ideologies that subverted state power.

3. In 2018, defendant Ding Jiaxi colluded with  Xu Zhiyong to establish the "Citizens Movement" illegal organization's Telegram group, which acted as the platform for the subversive activities of the illegal organization. Ding Jiaxi and Wu Ming, a member of a foreign organization, successively acted as group administrators, and more than 20 key members including Wang Jiangsong, Zhang Zhongshun, Dai Zhenya, and Hua Ze used this group to contact and communicate. Ding Jiaxi and Xu Zhiyong also organized key members to use Zoom software to hold online illegal meetings and trainings, and plan activities to subvert state power.

In 2018 and 2019, defendant Ding Jiaxi colluded with Xu Zhiyong to instruct Hua Ze to use Zoom software to regularly launch "non-violent" color revolution trainings for members of the "Citizens Movement" illegal organization, and enable the members of the organization to master the ways of "non-violent" color revolution to subvert state power.

4. From September 22 to 23, 2018, defendant Ding Jiaxi colluded with Xu Zhiyong to organize 13 people, including Zhang Zhongshun, Chang Weiping, Wang Jiangsong, and Wu Ming, to hold a secret meeting at Zhang Zhongshun's house in the Yinhe Yihai Tianyuewan Community, High-tech Zone, Yantai, Shandong, organize and plan activities to subvert state power, discuss the experience and lessons of the previous subversive activities of the "New Citizens Movement" and "Citizens Movement," analyze the current problems faced by the "Citizens Movement," and get members of the organization to infiltrate grassroots communities and adopt methods of "non-violent" color revolutions to subvert state power.

5. From December 7th to 8th, 2019, defender Ding Jiaxi colluded with Xu Zhiyong organized 20 people including Zhang Zhongshun, Dai Zhenya, and Wang Jiangsong to hold a secret meeting at Nice Home Party Villas and the Mohe Courtyard in Jimei District, Xiamen, Fujian. Wu Ming and Liu Shuqing participated in the meeting through the Internet. Ding Jiaxi and Xu Zhiyong summarized the circumstances of the activities of "Citizens Movement" illegal organization in 2019, and proposed activity plans for 2020. At the meeting, issues such as organizational development, confrontation with the government, fund raising, and social transformation were planned, and the ways, means and goals to subvert state power were clarified, that is, to infiltrate communities through "non-violent" color revolutions, control grassroots political power and develop so-called "citizen communities" and "nation-wide citizen communities," and ultimately subvert state power.

Evidence determining the aforementioned facts is as follows:

1. Physical Evidence: Laptop computers, USB drives, etc.;
2. Documentary Evidence: "The People's Country," "Citizen Initiative: Election 2021," "Non-Violence," "Glorious China" and other articles, case registration forms, criminal judgments, etc.;
3. Witness Testimony: Testimony of witnesses Wang Jiangsong, Zhang Zhongshun, and others;
4. Defendant Statements and Justifications: Defendant Ding Jiaxi's statements and justifications;
5. Forensic Opinions: Judicial forensic opinion reports, etc.;
6. Transcripts of Crime Scene Investigations, Inspections, and Identification: Remote crime scene investigation transcripts, investigation records, identification transcripts, etc.;
7. Audio-Visual Materials: Surveillance videos, etc.

This Office finds defendant Ding Jiaxi organized, planned, and carried out subversion of state power and overthrow the socialist order, his actions were the commission of an offense under the provisions of Article 105(1) of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," the criminal facts are clear, the evidence is reliable and copious, and he should bear criminal liability for the offense of subversion of state power. Defendant Ding Jiaxi is a recidivist, and should be punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 65(1) of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China." Based on the provisions of Article 176 of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China" this public prosecution is filed, and it is requested that sentence be passed in accordance with the law.

Respectfully Delivered to the Intermediate People's Court of Linyi, Shandong

Prosecutors     Tan Changzhi
                        Li Tao
                        Huang Zheng

Prosecutors Assistant Meng Li

August 5, 2021




被告人丁家喜,男,1967年[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]出生,公民身份号码[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL],汉族,研究生文化,北京德鸿律师事务所原律师,现无业,户籍地、住址地北京市[OBSCURED IN ORIGINAL]。因犯聚众扰乱公共场所秩序罪,于2014年4月18日被北京市海淀区人民法院判处有期徒刑三年六个月,2016年10月16日刑满释放。因涉嫌煽动颠覆国家政权罪,于2019年12月26日被山东省烟台市公安局刑事拘留,次日变更为指定居所监视居住,2020年6月19日经本院批准逮捕,同日由临沂市公安局执行逮捕。















检察官    谭长志

检察官助理 孟丽


Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

The PRC government sentenced Sun Zhiming (孙志明, who wrote under the alias Sun Daluo (孙大骆)) to one year imprisonment for the crime of "di...