State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film, and Television
(2013) No. 110
The press and publication offices of each province, autonomous region, and municipality, the press and publication office of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Brigade, the press and publication office of the People's Liberation Army's General Political Propaganda Bureau, the periodical publications administration offices of each agency, democratic party, and civic organization of the Communist Party and the central government, and major media outlets of the Communist Party:
The Internet is an important channel for news editorial personnel to communicate with readers, obtain information, and increase broadcast effectiveness. In order to comprehensively bring into play the Internet's utility, promote the formation of healthy news order, you are hereby notified of the following in order to strengthen the management of online activities of news editorial personnel including their utilization of Internet information and launching personal weibos:
1. Firmly grasp the correct ideological orientation. News editorial personnel shall insist upon a Marxist view of the news, and shall insist upon encouraging unified stability and positive propaganda as their primary orientation. They shall actively utilize traditional media, news web sites, blogs, micro-blogs, and other media to disseminate mainstream information, guide social discourse, and take initiative to resist the infiltration and transmission of harmful information. They shall not use or report any Internet information that has not been verified through authoritative channels. They shall not transmit or re-post online gossip, rumors, or speculative information.
2. Further regulate news editorial activities. Strictly implement the "Opinion Regarding Further Regulating News Editorial Work" jointly issued by five agencies including the Central Propaganda Department. Strictly manage the editorial processes and screening workflows of news agencies. Avoid false reporting that results from focusing solely on pursuing one-sided sensationalism, distribution volume, and viewing rates. No news agencies may utilize overseas media, overseas web sites, or news information products without authorization.
3. Further strengthen management of news media web sites. News agencies must strengthen their management over news web site content review and verification and the online activities of news editorial personnel. They must strictly review and verify all information disseminated through news web sites in accordance with the standards and procedures for traditional media periodicals' news reports. It is forbidden to contract-out, hire-out, or license news editorial professional work for web sites or web channels. It is forbidden to allow anyone lacking journalist accreditation to conduct interviews or publish reports in the name of a web site or web channel. News web sites operated by news agencies may not publish information provided by news insiders, special reporters, civil organizations, or commercial organizations without verification.
4. Further strengthen the management of blogs and micro-blogs. Any news agency that establishes an official micro-blog must register with its sponsoring government agency, and designate a specific person with the authority to publish information, and delete harmful information in a timely manner. News editorial personnel who establish job-related micro-blogs must obtain permission from their work unit, and information published on a weibo may not violate laws, regulations, or provisions regulating the media. Information obtained through professional activities may not be disseminated without authorization.
5. Strengthen and improve supervision over Internet news public opinion. News agencies should be constantly strengthening and improving their supervision over public opinion. Achieve scientific supervision, supervision in accordance with law, constructive supervision, promote the universal implementation of State policies. Do a good job of achieving, safeguarding, and developing the rights that are most direct interest to the grass roots and the masses. News editorial personnel must not use public opinion supervision to coerce grass roots groups or individual to subscribe to their periodicals, take out advertisements, or provide support. News editorial personnel may not disseminate false information on the Internet, and may not publish on any domestic or overseas web site any news information obtained through their professional news gathering with their news agencies examination, verification, and approval.
All local news publishing executive agencies and all news media regulating and sponsoring agencies must endeavor to carry out their professional responsibilities with respect to management of their jurisdiction and their level, and strengthen their supervision over the local news channels and professional news activities of news editorial personnel in their local media, media subject to their jurisdiction, as well as the central government media bureaus, branches, and news web sites in their locale. They must determinedly halt and punish in accordance with the law any news editorial personnel who seek use the Internet as a platform through which to gain illegal benefits, and suspend or terminate their news editorial work as the circumstances dictate.
〔2013〕 110 号
各省、 自治区、 直辖市新闻出版局, 新疆生产建设兵团新闻出版局, 解放军总政治部宣传部新闻出版局,中央和国家机关各部委、 各民主党派、 各人民团体报刊主管单位,中央主要新闻单位:
网络是媒体新闻采编人员联络读者、 获取信息、 拓展传播效应的重要渠道。为充分发挥网络的积极作用,推动形成健康的新闻秩序, 现就加强新闻采编人员使用网络信息、 开通个人微博等网络活动管理通知如下:
一、 牢牢把握正确舆论导向。新闻采编人员要坚持马克思主义新闻观,坚持团结稳定鼓劲、正面宣传为主的方针,积极利用传统媒体、新闻网站、博客、微博等载体传播主流信息,引导社会舆论,自觉抵制有害信息的渗透和传播,不引用、不报道未通过权威渠道核实的网络信息,不传播、不转载网上流言、传言或猜测性信息。
二、 进一步规范新闻采编行为。严格落实中央宣传部等五部门联合下发的《关于进一步规范新闻采编工作的意见》,严格新闻单位采编活动和编审流程的管理,防止为片面追求轰动效应、发行数量、收听收视率而造成失实报道。 未经批准, 各类新闻单位均不得擅自使用境外媒体、境外网站的新闻信息产品。
三、 进一步加强媒体新闻网站管理。新闻单位须加强新闻网站内容审核把关及新闻采编人员网络活动管理,要按照传统媒体刊发新闻报道的标准和流程,严格审核所属新闻网站发布的信息。禁止将网站及网站频道的新闻采编业务承包、出租或转让,禁止无新闻记者证人员以网站及网站频道名义采访或发稿。未经核实,新闻单位所办新闻网站不得擅自发布新闻线人、特约作者、民间组织、商业机构等提供的信息。
四、 进一步加强博客和微博管理。新闻单位设立官方微博,须向其主管单位备案,并指定专人发布权威信息,及时删除有害信息。新闻采编人员设立职务微博须经所在单位批准,发布微博信息不得违反法律法规及所在媒体的管理规定,未经批准不得发布通过职务活动获得的各种信息。
五、 加强和改进网络新闻舆论监督。 新闻单位要不断加强和改进舆论监督,做到科学监督、依法监督、建设性监督,推动国家的方针政策落到实处,实现好、维护好、发展好基层和人民群众的切身利益。新闻采编人员不得利用舆论监督要挟基层单位和个人订阅报刊、投放广告、提供赞助。新闻采编人员不得在网络上发布虚假信息,未经所在新闻机构审核同意不得将职务采访获得的新闻信息刊发在境内外网站上。