Sunday, August 18, 2013

Global Times and Xinhua Report Porn Movie As Video of an Actual US Prison Execution

In July 2013, the Beijing-based Xilu Net (西陆网 - ) web site published a series images from a video under the title "Record of American Female Prisoner Executed by Lethal Injection: Her Corpse is Almost Raped Post Mortem." (美国女囚注射死刑实录:死后差点被奸尸) According to Xilu:
Mike is a medic at an American prison, its exact address cannot be disclosed because it is classified. I'd say he's a doctor, but in fact he's also responsible for additional duties.
Original URL:

On August 1, the Communist Party Youth League's Guang Ming Net (光明网) published the same series of images (with the Xilu watermark) on its web site, this time under the title "Record of Female Prisoner's Execution Shows This World's Darkest Side" (女囚死刑实录 揭世界最黑暗一面)

Original URL:

On August 3, the Global Times (published by the Communist Party mouthpiece the People's Daily), published the same series of images (with the Xilu watermark as well as a Baidu PostBar (Tieba 贴吧) watermark) on its web site with the same title used by Guang Ming Net.

Original URL:

On August 6, China's official news agency Xinhua and the State Council Information Office's both published the same series of images (again with the Xilu and Baidu PostBar watermarks) on their web sites, again with the same title as Guang Ming Net.

Original URLs:
The State Council Information Office's web site added the following context:
The criminal is a very young woman, and is somewhat South American in appearance. Its said her name is Annie, a drug trafficker. Ah, she couldn't live the good life, but why seek out death, I stick out a hand and look at her coldly, today her sentence will be carried out . . . .
On August 6, the Out of My Face Blog noted:
I have since identified the source of these images on a site specializing in rape themed pornography: 
After Out of My Face reported this, China's state-run media outlets deleted the story and images from their web sites.

Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

The PRC government sentenced Sun Zhiming (孙志明, who wrote under the alias Sun Daluo (孙大骆)) to one year imprisonment for the crime of "di...