Thursday, July 10, 2014

Global Times' Hu Xijin On the Closure of Writer Li Chengpeng's Weibo

On July 8, 2014, Hu Xijin (胡锡进), writing under the pen name Shan Renping (单仁平), published an editorial in the Global Times entitled "@Lichengpeng Account Vanishes, It Was Bound to Happen Sooner or Later" (@李承鹏被销号,早晚注定发生). Some excerpts: 
On the evening of July 7, the Sina Weibo account @Lichengpeng disappeared. Of all the Weibo accounts that have been banned during the recent period, Li Chengpeng's is one of the most illustrative cases. Li Chengpeng is often referred to as "Big Eyed Li," and is extremely representative of the "Big Vs." His language is fierce, caustic, and pretty much always "cursing the government."
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Cursing the government gave him a certain kind of notoriety in the Internet's virtual spaces, and this notoriety enabled him to have increased clout in the real world.
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Radical liberals are cherishing the unrealistic hope that there will be a subversive change in China's system, or even a collapse of the current social system. They probably believe that engaging in political opposition in China is a promising undertaking and the universal values promoted by the West will prevail eventually.
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In the pursuit of so-called "free speech," radical liberals cannot take a swipe China's political cohesion or publicly challenge China's political system.
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If a few radical liberals want to continue bumping against the line and being antagonistic, then that is their political and personal choice. They must bear the consequences of doing so, and its not something worth grousing about.

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On July 9, the Global Times published an English language editorial entitled "Radical Liberals Must Accept Political Bottom Line." That editorial made no mention of Li Chengpeng, and offered some additional perspectives on free speech with mainland Chinese characteristics:
[Criticism] must stick to the basic principle that it should help improve the country's political system rather than agitate it. . . . . It is a misunderstanding of law if one believes criticism only has to abide by law without adhering to the political bottom line.

Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

 On July 7, the " @FreeXueBing " Twitter account posted a link to the court judgment in the inciting subversion case of Huang Xueq...