Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Searching for Lu Wei on Baidu

Lu Wei (鲁炜) holds three titles concurrently:
  • Director of the Cyberspace Administration of the People's Republic of China (中央网络安全和信息化领导小组办公室主任) 
  • Director of the State Internet Information Office (国家互联网信息办公室主任) 
  • Deputy Director of the Central Propaganda Department of the Chinese Communist Party (中共中央宣传部副部长) 
The following screenshots were taken on December 9-10, 2014.

Baidu Web Search:

These screenshots show that Baidu censors search results for Lu Wei more heavily than it does for searches for "Xi Jinping."

This screenshot shows that Qihoo (the number 2 search engine in China) is able to find thousands of search results for "Lu Wei"

Baidu Postbar (Tieba 贴吧) - a forum product:

This screenshot shows that Sina's Weibo and Tencent's Weibo were apparently not censoring search results for "Lu Wei."

Baidu Knowledge (Zhidao 知道) - a Q&A product:

Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

 On July 7, the " @FreeXueBing " Twitter account posted a link to the court judgment in the inciting subversion case of Huang Xueq...