Friday, January 22, 2016

Huang An's Weibo Posts Disappear

As noted previously on this blog, on January 15, 2016, the singer Huang An (黃安) posted an announcement on his verified Sina Weibo account that Zhou Ziyu had apologized and "admitted that there is only one China." A translation of the post and additional background is available here.

On January 20, 2016, Hu Xijin, editor of the state sponsored Global Times, published an editorial using the pen name Shan Renping (单仁平) entitled “Teenage Singer’s Apology Manipulated by Forces Seeking Confrontation” (周子瑜“道歉”风波,大陆网民错几许). Some excerpts:
The fallout from Taiwan K-pop star Chou Tzu-yu's apology is still fermenting. The 16-year-old singer, who waved the Republic of China's flag on a South Korean TV show, was accused of being in favor of Taiwan independence by Huang An, a formerly well-known TV host from Taiwan. Chou's fans claimed online Chou was not a Chinese and that Taiwan was a country. These comments have triggered viral criticism from the Chinese mainland against Chou and her company, JYP Entertainment.
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Chou's scandal is essentially an entertainment matter - online public opinion giving a lesson to a singer who is regarded as having touched the political bottom line. Things would be over if Chou and her company took remedial actions. Yet, Chou's way of apology has become a political bomb. It is likely that JYP Entertainment or the apology was manipulated by politicians from the very beginning.
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Above all, mainlanders have not expressed sufficient patriotic feelings. China needs to accumulate more experience in playing the card of public opinion. For any nation, patriotism is a tool for social governance, which we should not be skeptical about.

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These screenshots show that, days after Huang An published his Weibo post gloating over Zhou Ziyu's apology, all of his Weibo posts were gone.

Huang An's now-empty Weibo page is here -

Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

 On July 7, the " @FreeXueBing " Twitter account posted a link to the court judgment in the inciting subversion case of Huang Xueq...