Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Translation: Provisions on the Administration of Internet Group Information Services

Provisions on the Administration of Internet Group Information Services

Issued on: September 7, 2017
Issued by: Cyberspace Administration of China

Article 1. In order to standardize Internet group information services, safeguard  national security and the public interest, protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, these Provisions are hereby formulated in accordance with the "Cyber Security Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "State Council Notice Regarding Authorizing the Cyberspace Administration of China to Assume Responsibility for the Management of Internet Information Content."

Article 2. These Provisions shall apply to the provision and utilization Internet group information services within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
As used in these Provisions, the term "Internet group information services" refers to network spaces established and used through Internet websites and mobile Internet application software for exchanging information among groups online. As used in these Provisions, the term "Internet group information service providers" refers to providers of Internet group information platforms. As used in these Provisions, the term "Internet group information service users" includes anyone who establishes or administers a group.

Article 3. The Cyberspace Administration of China shall be responsible for nation-wide supervision and management of law enforcement for Internet group information services. Local bureaus of the Cyberspace Administration of China shall be responsible for the supervision and management of law enforcement of Internet group information services in their respective administrative areas.

Article 4. Internet group information service providers and users shall insist upon a correct orientation, promote socialist core values, actively cultivate healthy Internet culture, and safeguard a wholesome Internet environment.

Article 5. Internet group information service providers shall implement content security management responsibility, allocate specialized personnel and technical capabilities appropriate to the scope of their services, and establish comprehensive management systems for user registration, information censorship, emergency handling, and security protection.

Internet group information service providers shall formulate and publish administration rules and platform policies, and shall sign service agreements with users clearly establishing the rights and obligations of both parties.

Article 6. Internet group information service providers shall, in accordance with the principle of "backstage real name and on stage as you like it," and implement verification of  authenticated identity information of Internet group information service users. Internet group information service providers shall not provide information dissemination services for users who do not provide authentic identity information.

Internet group information service providers shall adopt such measures as are necessary to protect users' personal information security, and shall not disclose, tamper, damage, or illegally sell or provide it to others.

Article 7. Internet group information service providers shall implement management classification and categorization based on the nature of their Internet groups, the scope of their membership, and the degree of their activity. They shall formulate specific administrative systems and register them with the Cyberspace Administration office at the central, provincial, autonomous region, or municipal level, and regulate the dissemination and order of group information in accordance with the law.

Internet group information service providers shall establish systems to manage the Internet group information service users' credit rating, and shall provide services that correspond to their credit rating.

Article 8. Internet group information service providers shall put in place reasonable restrictions on the number of group members, groups established by individuals, and the number of participants in accordance with the scope and administrative capabilities of their services.

Internet group information service providers shall assign and clearly display a unique identification number for each group, and when a group reaches a certain number of members it shall put up an information page showing basic information about the group including its name, number of members, and category.

Internet group information service providers shall rank and screen the qualifications for establishing groups of the people who establish groups including their real identity and credit rank in accordance with the scope and classification of their groups, and shall implement screening and verification functionality for establishing and joining groups, and shall make note of the identity information of the founders, moderators, and members in every group.

Article 9. Internet group founders and moderators shall take responsibility for group administration, and shall regulate group online behavior and information distribution in accordance with laws, regulations, terms of service and platform policies, and create civilized and orderly online group spaces.

When Internet group members participate in group information exchanges they shall obey laws and regulations, deal with one another in a civilized manner, and express themselves in a rational manner.

Internet group information service providers shall provide group founders and moderators with the necessary functionality and powers to administer their groups.

Article 10. Internet group information service providers and users may not use Internet groups to transmit information with content that is prohibited by laws, regulations, and the State's relevant rules.

Article 11.  Internet group information service providers shall adopt measures to sanction groups that transmit information with content that is prohibited by laws, regulations, and the State's relevant rules such as warnings, suspensions, and bans, and shall retain relevant records and report them to the relevant regulatory agencies.

Internet group information service providers shall adopt administrative measures such lowering the credit ratings, suspending the administrative powers, and stripping the ability to establish groups of any founders, moderators, and users of groups that transmit information with content that is prohibited by laws, regulations, and the State's relevant rules, and shall  retain relevant records and report them to the relevant regulatory agencies.

Internet group information service providers shall establish a blacklist administration system, and any groups, founders, moderators, and members who commit serious violation of the Terms of Service shall be added to the blacklist and have their group service functionality restricted. Providers shall retain relevant records and report them to the relevant regulatory agencies.

Article 12.  Internet group information service providers shall accept oversight from the public and industry organizations, establish channels to report complaints, set up convenient methods for submitting reports, and handle complaints in a prompt manner. National and local bureaus of the Cyberspace Administration of China shall be responsible for supervising and inspecting the status of report processing in their respective jurisdictions.

Internet industry groups are encouraged to guide and promote Internet group information service providers to formulate industry conventions, strengthen industry self-discipline, and carry out their social responsibilities.

Article 13. Internet group information service providers shall cooperate with relevant regulatory agencies' supervision and inspection, and provide technical support and assistance as necessary.

Internet group information service providers shall retain network logs for at least six month in accordance with rules.

Article 14. Where an Internet group information service provider violates these Provisions, it shall be handled by the relevant agencies in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

Article 15. These Provisions shall enter into force as of October 8, 2017.

2017年09月07日 18:00:00 来源: 中国网信网


第一条 为规范互联网群组信息服务,维护国家安全和公共利益,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国网络安全法》《国务院关于授权国家互联网信息办公室负责互联网信息内容管理工作的通知》,制定本规定。
第二条 在中华人民共和国境内提供、使用互联网群组信息服务,应当遵守本规定。
第三条 国家互联网信息办公室负责全国互联网群组信息服务的监督管理执法工作。地方互联网信息办公室依据职责负责本行政区域内的互联网群组信息服务的监督管理执法工作。
第四条 互联网群组信息服务提供者和使用者,应当坚持正确导向,弘扬社会主义核心价值观,培育积极健康的网络文化,维护良好网络生态。
第五条 互联网群组信息服务提供者应当落实信息内容安全管理主体责任,配备与服务规模相适应的专业人员和技术能力,建立健全用户注册、信息审核、应急处置、安全防护等管理制度。
第六条 互联网群组信息服务提供者应当按照“后台实名、前台自愿”的原则,对互联网群组信息服务使用者进行真实身份信息认证,用户不提供真实身份信息的,不得为其提供信息发布服务。
第七条 互联网群组信息服务提供者应当根据互联网群组的性质类别、成员规模、活跃程度等实行分级分类管理,制定具体管理制度并向国家或省、自治区、直辖市互联网信息办公室备案,依法规范群组信息传播秩序。

第八条 互联网群组信息服务提供者应当根据自身服务规模和管理能力,合理设定群组成员人数和个人建立群数、参加群数上限。
第九条 互联网群组建立者、管理者应当履行群组管理责任,依据法律法规、用户协议和平台公约,规范群组网络行为和信息发布,构建文明有序的网络群体空间。
第十条 互联网群组信息服务提供者和使用者不得利用互联网群组传播法律法规和国家有关规定禁止的信息内容。
第十一条 互联网群组信息服务提供者应当对违反法律法规和国家有关规定的互联网群组,依法依约采取警示整改、暂停发布、关闭群组等处置措施,保存有关记录,并向有关主管部门报告。
第十二条 互联网群组信息服务提供者和使用者应当接受社会公众和行业组织的监督,建立健全投诉举报渠道,设置便捷举报入口,及时处理投诉举报。国家和地方互联网信息办公室依据职责,对举报受理落实情况进行监督检查。
第十三条 互联网群组信息服务提供者应当配合有关主管部门依法进行的监督检查,并提供必要的技术支持和协助。
第十四条 互联网群组信息服务提供者和使用者违反本规定的,由有关部门依照相关法律法规处理。
第十五条 本规定自2017年10月8日起施行。

Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

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