Monday, March 1, 2021

Translation: Judgment in Case of Woman Jailed, Forced to Apologize for Insulting "Martyr" Firefighter

Intermediate People's Court of Yantai, Shandong

Civil Judgment

(2018) Lu 06 Civil First Instance No. 211

Public Interest Litigation Prosecutor: People's Procuratorate of Yantai, Shandong, located at **, Port City East Street, Laishan District, **Yantai, Shandong.

Legal Representative: Shao Ruching, Lead Procurator.

Delegated Litigation Agent: Wang Peng, male, Procurator of said Procuratorate.

Delegated Litigation Agent: Li Xiaobo, female, Procurator of said Procuratorate.

Defendant: Xu Chang, female, born February 28, 1994, Han ethnicity, unemployed, household registration in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province, normally residing in the Yantai Economic and Technological Development Zone.

On May 22, 2018, this Court opened a case in the matter of Public Interest Litigation Prosecutor the People's Procuratorate of Yantai, Shandong v. Defendant Xu Chang right of reputation public interest litigation case, and applied ordinary procedures in accordance with the law. On June 26, 2018, it convened public hearings to try this case. Delegated litigation agents Wang Peng and Li Xiaobo of Public Interest Litigation Prosecutor the People's Procuratorate of Yantai, Shandong and defendant Xu Chang appeared in court to participate in the proceedings. The trial in this case has now concluded.

The public interest litigation prosecutor raised the following request to this Court: In accordance with the law, sentence defendant Xu Chang to publicly apologize in mainstream media, mitigate the impact, and restore the reputation of the martyr.

Facts and Reasons: On April 21, 2018, a fire broke out at a plant belonging to the Beijing Fuqin Edible Mushroom Technology Company Ltd. in Derenwu Village, Yongledian Township, Tongzhou District, Beijing. After receiving the alarm, the Beijing 119 command center quickly dispatched 6 detachments, 10 squadrons, 53 fire engines, and 350 firefighters to the scene to deal with the situation. After receiving the dispatch order, Zhang Xin immediately got dressed and boarded a vehicle, and he and his comrades quickly drove to the scene of the fire.

An investigation into the fire determined that the fire started in a building dedicated to the storage of cultivated mushroom strains. That internal space was a broad expanse, and high temperature smoke spread through strong convection. In a very short period of time there was a large area of combustion, and the fire spread through the building as a whole from the inside out. Once the fire spread, it became a direct threat to the lives and property of the people living in the adjacent village located downwind. At a critical moment, Zhang Xin braved the smoke and fire in disregard of his personal safety, quickly carrying more than 30 kilograms of firefighting and rescue equipment to the main attack point on the south side of the fire, laying a water belt trunk, and opening up attack positions to intercept the spread of the fire. While making an all-out attack, the south side of the factory wall suddenly collapsed and Zhang Xin, who was trying his best to provide support, was knocked down by the wall and buried in the rubble.

For five hours medical personnel made every effort at resuscitation, but Zhang Xin's injuries were too severe, and he made a hero's sacrifice. Zhang Xin gave his life taking purposeful action against the fire, exhibiting the heroic spirit of a firefighter by standing up at the critical moment and showing selfless and fearless dedication in the face of disaster. He was a youth who had only 23 years of precious life, and he fulfilled the oath of a red door guard.

On April 24, 2018, Zhang Xin was designated by the government of Beijing as a martyr.

On the evening of April 29, 2018, Xu Chang used her mobile phone to log into "Sina Weibo" and posted "I heard that the dead firefighter was a native of Tongzhou, Beijing? Well, they deserve it, Beijingers deserve to die! I heard that a Beijing family of five died in the Hualien earthquake in Taiwan? Well, even more deserved ......" Xu Chang stated that she saw other Internet users use Weibo to repost screenshots of the aforementioned Weibo. The Internet user's Weibo was reposted more than 1,000 times, with 666 comments.

On April 30, 2018, Xu Chang remained unrepentant, even after seeing Internet users criticizing and condemning her. After her Weibo account was frozen by on April 29, she used her WeChat ID to log into another Weibo account "Chang Chang cc loves you" to post: "It’s my obligatory duty to anger the people of the capital. If you are Mr. Fireman or if you're from some other place, I absolutely respect you. But if you're a Beijinger, don’t blame me for gloating. Just take a look at what people from your home town are saying, ha ha."

Xu Chang's aforementioned Weibo was screenshotted by Internet users and reposted and commented on in large numbers. It spread widely, aroused the indignation of Internet users and had a pernicious influence. On a single Weibo post by "Only My Brother Dong" posted on May 1, 2018, screenshots of Xu Chang's Weibo were reposted 516 times.

On May 1, 2018, police officers from the Economic and Technological Development Zone Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Yantai contacted Xu Chang by phone and told her to come to the precinct to explain her version of events. On May 2, Xu Chang came to the Jinqiao police precinct to be questioned in the investigation. On May 4, in accordance with the law the Economic and Technological Development Zone Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Yantai subjected Xu Chang to an administrative punishment of five days administrative detention for disturbing the peace.

On May 16, 2018, in order to determine whether to file a civil lawsuit against Xu Chang for infringing on the right of reputation of martyr Zhang Xin, the prosecution agency sought the opinion of martyr Zhang Xin's next of kin. Martyr Zhang Xin's next of kin said they would not file a civil lawsuit.

The public interest litigation prosecutor believes that heroes are the backbone of the nation's people, and martyr Zhang Xin's heroic deeds embody the spirit of fearless sacrifice of disregarding ones own life in the face of death and taking fires head on, putting the core values of socialism into practice. They are a powerful force that inspires us to move forward courageously in the process of socialist modernization. Glory shall be our heritage. Martyrs may not be sullied. Every citizen has the obligation and responsibility to conscientiously uphold social morality and the people's righteousness.

Xu Chang posted a Weibo on the Internet that blatantly insulted a martyr, and his Weibo was screenshotted by Internet users and forwarded and commented on in large numbers, causing a pernicious influence. Xu Chang's behavior not only infringed on the personal dignity and right of reputation of martyr Zhang Xin, but also seriously hurt the feelings of martyr Zhang Xin friends and family, and the public. It was a rejection of China's mainstream social values and harmed the public interest. In accordance with Article 185 of the General Principles of Civil Law of the People's Republic of China, Articles 25 and 26 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs, and Articles 2 and 36 of the Tort Law of the People's Republic of China, Xu Chang should be held liable for the infringement of his behavior of posting Weibos on the Internet and insulting a firefighting martyr. In order to protect the public interest, and in accordance with Article 25 of the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs" and other legal provisions, we hereby file a civil public interest lawsuit, and ask for sentenced to be passed in accordance with the law.

Xu Chang replied pleading that her act of insulting Zhang Xin, a firefighting martyr in Tongzhou, Beijing, on Sina Weibo was wrong and illegal. Martyr Zhang Xin died in course of protecting people's lives and property, disregarding his own safety, and should not be insulted. To do so is disrespectful to life itself, and has a chilling effect on those who hear it. I would like to express my sincerest apologies again and hope that you will understand. In the future, I will pay attention to the study of legal knowledge, pay attention to the promotion of the deeds of heroes and martyrs. I will be a person imbued with positive energy.

This Court organized the parties to exchange evidence and examine evidence around the evidence submitted by the parties in accordance with the law. This Court confirmed and corroborated the evidence that was not contested by the parties.

Based on the parties' statements and the evidence that has been examined and confirmed, this Court finds the facts as follows:

On April 21, 2018, a fire broke out at a plant belonging to Beijing Fuqin Edible Mushroom Technology Company Ltd. in Derenwu Village, Yongledian Township, Tongzhou District, Beijing. After receiving the alarm, the Beijing 119 command center quickly dispatched 6 detachments, 10 squadrons, 53 fire engines, and 350 firefighters to the scene to deal with the situation. After receiving the dispatch order, Zhang Xin immediately got dressed and boarded a vehicle, and he and his comrades quickly drove to the scene of the fire.

An investigation into the fire determined that the fire started in a building dedicated to the storage of cultivated mushroom strains. That internal space was a broad expanse, and high temperature smoke spread through strong convection. In a very short period of time there was a large area of combustion, and the fire spread through the building as a whole from the inside out. Once the fire spread, it became a direct threat to the lives and property of the people living in the adjacent village located downwind. At a critical moment, Zhang Xin braved the smoke and fire in disregard of his personal safety, quickly carrying more than 30 kilograms of firefighting and rescue equipment to the main attack point on the south side of the fire, laying a water belt trunk, and opening up attack positions to intercept the spread of the fire. While making an all-out attack, the south side of the factory wall suddenly collapsed and Zhang Xin, who was trying his best to provide support, was knocked down by the wall and buried in the rubble.

For five hours medical personnel made every effort at resuscitation, but Zhang Xin's injuries were too severe, and he made a hero's sacrifice. Zhang Xin gave his life taking purposeful action against the fire, exhibiting the heroic spirit of a firefighter by standing up at the critical moment and showing selfless and fearless dedication in the face of disaster. He was a youth who had only 23 years of precious life, and he fulfilled the oath of a red door guard.

On April 24, 2018, Zhang Xin was designated by the government of Beijing as a martyr.

On the evening of April 29, 2018, Xu Chang used his mobile phone to log into "Sina Weibo" and posted "I heard that the dead firefighter was a native of Tongzhou, Beijing? Well, they deserve it, Beijingers deserve to die! I heard that a Beijing family of five died in the Hualien earthquake in Taiwan? Well, even more deserved ......" Xu Chang stated that he saw other Internet users use Weibo to repost screenshots of the aforementioned Weibo. The Internet user's Weibo was reposted more than 1,000 times, with 666 comments.

On April 30, 2018, Xu Chang remained unrepentant, even after seeing Internet users criticizing and condemning her. After her Weibo account was frozen by on April 29, she used herWeChat ID to log into another Weibo account "Chang Chang cc loves you" to post: "It’s my obligatory duty to anger the people of the capital. If you are Mr. Fireman or if you're from some other place, I absolutely respect you. But if you're a Beijinger, don’t blame me for gloating. Just take a look at what people from your home town are saying, ha ha."

Xu Chang's aforementioned Weibo was screenshotted by Internet users and reposted and commented on in large numbers. It spread widely, aroused the indignation of Internet users and had a pernicious influence. On a single Weibo post by "Only My Brother Dong" posted on May 1, 2018, screenshots of Xu Chang's Weibo were reposted 516 times.

On May 1, 2018, police officers from the Economic and Technological Development Zone Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Yantai contacted Xu Chang by phone and told her to come to the precinct to explain her version of events. On May 2, Xu Chang came to the Jinqiao police precinct to be questioned in the investigation. On May 4, in accordance with the law the Economic and Technological Development Zone Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Yantai subjected Xu Chang to an administrative punishment of five days administrative detention for disturbing the peace.

On May 16, 2018, in order to determine whether to file a civil lawsuit against Xu Chang for infringing on the right of reputation of martyr Zhang Xin, the prosecution agency sought the opinion of martyr Zhang Xin's next of kin. Martyr Zhang Xin's next of kin said they would not file a civil lawsuit.

During the trial, Xu Chang submitted a written apology statement to this Court, which was confirmed by this Court with the consent of the public interest litigation prosecutor. The apology statement submitted by Xu Chang will be published in news media outlets at or above the provincial level after the trial.

This Court finds that heroes are the backbone of the nation's people. The spiritual values embodied by the glorious deeds of heroes and martyrs are the common historical memory of the Chinese nation, the common values that all Chinese people pursue, and an important source from which socialist core values spring. Martyr Zhang Xin's heroic deeds embody the spirit of fearless sacrifice of disregarding ones own life in the face of death and taking fires head on, putting the core values of socialism into practice. They are a powerful force that inspires us to move forward courageously in the process of socialist modernization. Glory shall be our heritage. Martyrs may not be sullied. Every citizen has the obligation and responsibility to conscientiously uphold social morality and the people's righteousness.

Article 185 of the "General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China" provides that "Those who infringe on the names, portraits, reputation, or honor of heroes, martyrs, etc., and harm the public interests of society, shall bear civil liability."

Article 15 of the "Tort Law of the People's Republic of China" provides that "The methods of assuming tort liabilities shall include: 1. cessation of infringement; ... 7. apology; . . . The above methods of assuming the tort liability may be adopted individually or jointly."

Defendant Xu Chang used Internet microblogging to publish inaccurate statements of an insulting nature, blatantly insulting a martyr and distorting the facts of the martyr's heroic sacrifice, and her microblogging was screenshotted by Internet users and widely reposted and commented on, causing a pernicious influence. The negative impact on the spirit of martyr Zhang Xin has exceeded the scope of China's citizens' freedom of expression and constitutes an infringement of the martyr's reputation. Xu Chang's behavior not only infringed on the personal dignity and right of reputation of martyr Zhang Xin, but also seriously hurt the feelings of martyr Zhang Xin friends and family, and the public. It was a rejection of China's mainstream social values and harmed the public interest.  In accordance with the law she should bear civil liability for infringement of reputation.

Article 25 of the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs" provides that "Where there is infringement of the name, portrait, reputation, and honor of heroes and martyrs, the close relatives of heroes and martyrs may in accordance with the law file a lawsuit with a People's Court. Where heroic martyrs do not have close relatives, or where close relatives do not file a lawsuit, and the infringement of the heroes and martyrs name, portrait, reputation, and honor damages the public interest, prosecuting agencies shall in accordance with the law file a lawsuit with a People's Court." Article 26 provides that "Anyone who infringes on the name, portrait, reputation, or honor of heroes and martyrs by insult, defamation or other means, harms the public interests of society, and shall bear civil liability in accordance with the law."

In this case, on April 29, Xu Chang posted false remarks through her Weibo account, insulting and defaming the heroic deeds of martyr Zhang Xin, and continued to post false remarks through another Weibo account on April 30. Later, screenshots including  Xu Chang's Weibo were forwarded and viewed in large numbers, and the consequences of the infringement continued until May 2, when she was summoned for interrogation by the public security agency in accordance with the law.

The following facts are clear based on conclusive evidence and a firm legal grounding, and are affirmed by this Court in accordance with the law: Given that Zhang Xin’s close relatives did not file a lawsuit, and based on the provisions of Articles 25 and 26 of the "Law on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs of the People’s Republic of China," the Public Interest Litigation Litigant the People’s Procuratorate of Yantai, Shandong filed a lawsuit in the People's Court against defendant Xu Chang for her acts that infringed upon the reputation of the heroic martyr Zhang Xin and harming the public interest, requesting the defendant Xu Chang to publicly apologize in the mainstream media, mitigate the impact, and restore the reputation of the martyr., as the network service provider of the defendant Xu Chang's Weibo account, took the necessary measures to freeze the account in a timely manner after discovering the situation, to avoid further expansion of the pernicious influence, and should not bear civil liability for the actions of the defendant Xu Chang.

In summary, given that this case is a public interest litigation case filed by the prosecution agency in accordance with the law which involves public interest and has a large impact, this Court in accordance with the law formed a seven-person collegial panel to hear the case. In accordance with the provisions of Article 185 the "General Provisions of the Civil Law People's Republic of China," articles 2, 15, and 36 of the "Tort Law of the People’s Republic of China," articles 25 and 26 of the "Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs," and articles 15(1), 16(1)(ii), 20 and 22 of the "People’s Assessor Law of the People’s Republic of China," the judgment is as follows:

Defendant Xu Chang shall publicly apologize in news media outlets at or above the provincial level within ten days after this judgment becomes effective. If defendant Xu Chang refuses to do so, the Intermediate People’s Court of Yantai, Shandong Province will publish the main content of this judgment in news media outlets at or above the provincial level, with the expenses to be borne by defendant Xu Chang.

The case acceptance fee of 50 yuan shall be borne by defendant Xu Chang.

If any party does not accept this judgment, they may within 15 days after the second day after receiving this written judgment submit an appeal brief to this Court along with the number of copies of the appeal brief conforming to the number of parties, and bring an appeal to the High People's Court of Shandong.

Chief Adjudicator    Qu Zhentao
Adjudicator              Lu Xiaohui
Adjudicator              Li An

People's Assessor    Zhang Shaotang
People's Assessor    Zhou Songjiu
People's Assessor    Shi Lina
People's Assessor    Xu Jianchun

June 26, 2018

Clerk            Yu Jiaxin


民 事 判 决 书


审 判 长  曲振涛
审 判 员  鲁晓辉
审 判 员  李 安
人民陪审员  张少棠
人民陪审员  周松久
人民陪审员  史丽娜
人民陪审员  徐建春
书 记 员  于佳昕

Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

 On July 7, the " @FreeXueBing " Twitter account posted a link to the court judgment in the inciting subversion case of Huang Xueq...