Friday, July 9, 2021

The 7.09 Prosecutions: Hu Shigen Criminal Judgment

 No. 2 Intermediate People's Court of Tianjin

Criminal Judgment

[Judgment Citation Unavailable]


Translator's Summary: On August 3, 2016, the No. 2 Intermediate People's Court of Tianjin published a series of five posts on its verified official Sina Weibo microblog under the title "Hu Shigen Case First Instance Tried in Open Court in Tianjin" (胡石根案一审在津公开开庭审理). This text is taken from the fifth post in that series: The court found Hu guilty on the grounds that he "enlisted people to spread ideologies that subverted state power, and actively cultivated spokespeople and action forces for his subversive concept of 'color revolution,'" "cooperated with others to plan strategies, methods, and means of subverting state power," and "incited and directed others to sensationalize hot-button incidents."


Defendant Hu Shigen, male, Han ethnicity, born [INTENTIONALLY DELETED], 1955 in Nanchang, Jiangxi, unemployed. On December 16, 1994, he was sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of twenty years and five years deprivation of political rights for the crime of organizing and leading a counter-revolutionary group, counter-revolutionary propaganda, and incitement. He was released on August 26,  2008 he was released upon completion of his sentence. He is currently being held in detention at the Tianjin No. 1 Detention Center.

It was ascertained at trial that:

Defendant Hu Shigen was previously sentenced and criminally punished for crimes that jeopardized national security.  After being released following completion of his sentence he attracted illegal petitioners and a few lawyers with the goal of subverting state power and, using illegal religious activities as a platform, proceeded to spread an ideology that subverted state power. He actively cultivated and developed forces for action, planned subversion of state power with others, proposed strategies, methods, and means of subverting state power, incited and directed others to sensationalize hot-button incidents, and carry out illegal activities to subvert state power and overthrow the socialist order, jeopardizing national security and social stability. The specific facts are as follows:

1. On April 24, 2014, the "Ninth InterEthnic InterFaith Leadership Conference"1 was held abroad. Participants included separatist forces such as "Tibet Independence" and "Xinjiang Independence." In order to launch long-term criminal activities to subvert state power and cultivate talents and leaders of the so-called "non-violent social movement," defendant Hu Shigen assigned Gou Hongguo to participate and receive theory and method training on subverting state power.

2. At noon on February 1, 2015, defendant Hu Shigen participated in a gathering to subvert state power organized by Gou Hongguo at the "Seven Flavor Grill" restaurant in Chaoyang District, Beijing. Zhou Shifeng and Li Heping with the status of lawyers, Liu Moyi, an administrator of the law firm, Liu Doe Jia, a member of an "underground church," and Zhai Yanmin, who had long been illegally organizing petitioners to create disturbances, all participated in the gathering. The individuals at the gathering spoke in turn around a set of topics, and specifically discussed lawyers intervening in "labor movements" in order to have a direct impact on the State regime, and the necessity and feasibility of sensationalizing hot-button issues in order to divide and disrupt the State's political institutions, as well as specific methods and methods of operation. They jointly plotted using the aforementioned channels to promote carrying out a "color revolution" in China, and realize the goal of subverting state power and overthrowing the socialist system. Among them, Hu Shigen systematically elaborated on the "three major factors" and "five plans" of his subversion of state power, and also proposed the use of modern communication methods such as "WeChat groups" to advocate ideologies that subverted state power, and encouraged "uprisings" and other specific strategies to subvert state power. Zhou Shifeng, Li Heping, Gou Hongguo and others also actively plotted and proposed measures to subvert state power measures.

3. On May 2, 2015, Xu Chunhe was shot and killed by the public security civil police in accordance with the law for disturbing the peace, assaulting the police, and theft of police equipment at the train station in Qing'an County, Suihua, Heilongjiang. Defendant Hu Shigen circulated statements that Xu Chunhe was murdered, and proposed people should pay attention to, and show solidarity about, the incident. Under Hu Shigen's instructions, Zhai Yanmin directed others to organize individuals to go to Qing'an County in batches and go to the square in front of the railway station and the front of the county government and raise placards, shout slogans, hand out leaflets, commit affrays, confuse public opinion, attack the government, and incite those who did not know the truth to confront and oppose State agencies.

The aforementioned facts were substantiated by evidence produced and examined during trial as well as documentary evidence, witness testimony, forensic opinions, audio-visual materials, electronic data, and defendant Hu Shigen's statement, all of which have been affirmed by this Court.

In response to the defense opinions put forward by defendant Hu Shigen's defense counsel, based on the facts and evidence ascertained at trial, this Court's determination is as follows:

1. Regarding the opinion that Hu Shigen's role in specific criminal acts and harm to society were relatively minor because (a) Hu Shigen was ignorant of the nature of the "study camp" in advance, that he "introduced" rather than "assigned" Gou Hongguo to participate in foreign training, and did not distribute the materials that Gou Hongguo brought back; (b) the "Seven Flavor Grill Gathering" was not convened by Hu Shigen. The "three factors" and "five plans" put forward by Hu Shigen in the gathering were not specially prepared for the gathering, but were just part of an impromptu speech and (c) Zhai Yanmin’s sensationalization of the "Qing'an Incident" was not done at the direction of Hu Shigen.

This Court finds:

(I) According to Gou Hongguo's witness testimony and defendant Hu Shigen's statement, Hu Shigen knew in advance the nature of the "study camp." Gou Hongguo going abroad to participate in the training was Hu Shigen's decision. Hu Shigen let Gou Hongguo participate in the training for the purpose of cultivating the backbone of his "color revolution." The circumstances should be deemed an assignment. An investigation found that the opinion that Hu Shigen did not distribute the materials from the "study camp" is factual, but that circumstance does not affect the determination of the criminal behavior of Hu Shigen's assigning Gou Hongguo to receive training abroad to cultivate action forces for the subversion of state power.

(ii) Notwithstanding that the Hu Shigen did not specifically prepare the "Three Factors" and "Five Plans" for the "Seven Flavor Grill Gathering," nevertheless, witness testimony of Zhai Yanmin, Gou Hongguo and others proved that Hu Shigen often used various occasions to repeatedly advocate his aforementioned ideology on subversion of state power. In that gathering, he once again elaborated on it systemically and comprehensively, which further expanded and deepened the impact, and objectively caused social harm.

(iii) The testimony of witnesses Zhai Yanmin and Liu Doe Jia in this case proved, after the "Qing'an Incident," Hu Shigen circulated statements that Xu Chunhe was murdered by the police and made it clear to Zhai Yanmin and others that they should go and express solidarity. The facts charged by the public prosecution agency that Hu Shigen instructed Zhai Yanmin to sensationalize the "Qing'an Incident" are clear, and the evidence is copious.

In summary, for the purpose of developing and cultivating the backbone forces for criminal activities to subvert state power, Hu Shigen played a major role in criminal activities that subverted state power by instructing others to go abroad to participate in trainings on the theory and methods of subverting state power; actively participating in subversion of state power gatherings, and instructing others on how to conduct specific activities such as "raising awareness" and "pushing the wall."

2. Regarding Hu Shigen's opinion that he should be granted leniency owing to his profound appreciation of his criminal behavior, his confession and repentance, and his imploring the collegial panel to consider his old age and illness.

This Court finds that after Hu Shigen was brought to justice, he made truthful statements about the crimes he committed, and wrote a lot of materials in which he expressed regrets. He has demonstrated a good attitude of confession and repentance. In accordance with the law, he can be shown leniency. The aforementioned defense opinions have a factual and legal basis, and this Court accepts them.

This Court finds defendant Hu Shigen did, with the goal of subverting state power and overthrowing the socialist order, enlist people to spread ideologies that subverted state power, and actively cultivate spokespeople and action forces for his subversive concept of "color revolution." He cooperated with others to plan strategies, methods, and means of subverting state power. He incited and directed others to sensationalize hot-button incidents, his actions jeopardized national security and social stability, and constitute the crime of subversion of state power. The facts charged by the public prosecution agency that defendant Hu Shigen committed the crime of subversion of state power are clear, the evidence is reliable and copious, and the offense is establish.

Based on the specific circumstances of Hu Shigen's crime, he is deemed to have been an active participant in the crime of subversion of state power, and in accordance with the law should be sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of more than three years and less than ten years. Hu Shigen had previously been sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment for crimes that jeopardize national security, and after the execution of his sentence he proceeded to commit those crimes again. He is a recidivist, and in accordance with the law should be severely punished.

After Hu Shigen was brought to justice, he was able to make truthful statements of his crimes, and spoke frankly of the circumstances and expressed repentance. In accordance with the law he can be shown leniency.

Based on the facts, nature, circumstances, and degree of harm to society of Hu Shigen’s crime, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 105(1), 56(1), 54, 55(1), 58, 61, 67(3), 66 and 65(1) of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China," the judgment is as follows:

Defendant Hu Shigen committed the crime of subversion of state power, and is sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of seven years and six months, and five years deprivation of political rights.


被告人胡石根,男,汉族,1955年[INTENTIONALLY DELETED]出生于江西省南昌市,无职业。1994年12月16日因犯组织、领导反革命集团罪,反革命宣传煽动罪被判处有期徒刑二十年,剥夺政治权利五年,2008年8月26日刑满释放。现羁押于天津市第一看守所。












Translation: Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Inciting Subversion Judgment

 On July 7, the " @FreeXueBing " Twitter account posted a link to the court judgment in the inciting subversion case of Huang Xueq...