Saturday, September 16, 2023

Tencent's Weixin Censors 1980's People's Daily Article on Cult of Personality

On September 3, 2023, an article titled "People's Daily: Exaggerating the Personal Role of Leaders to an Extreme Level will Lead to Superstitious Belief in the Individual" (人民日报:把领袖个人的作用夸大到极端的程度,就会出现对个人的迷信) was posted on the "The Reading Drawer" (抽屉读书) public Weixin account. It was censored within 24 hours and replaced with a notice saying: "This content cannot be viewed due to violations. Complaints were made by users and audited by the platform. This involves the use of words, pictures, videos, etc. that exaggerated, seduced and violated objective facts to maliciously incite, confuse and mislead users. Check the corresponding rules."

I checked, and the Weixin article is a word-for-word copy paste of the referenced People's Daily article, which was published on Page 2 of the July 4, 1980 edition, according to the copy I found here: - with one exception, which I don't this is material:
  • Weixin Article: 马克思主义者承认个人权威,重视个人权威的,但是,我们首先要强调的还是集体的权威。
  • govopendata: 马克思主义者承认个人权威,重视个人权威的,但是,我们首先要强调的还是集体的权威。

The only other difference is the addition of the photo at the top of the Weixin article. Based on some online research, this is a photo of Nikita Khrushchev during his trip to the United States in 1959. 

Below are selected translations from the article (emphasis added by me).

Deification of, and superstitious belief in, the individual begins with exaggerating the role of the individual. Lin Biao and the "Gang of Four" engaged in modern superstition, not only taking advantage of people's simple feelings, but also taking advantage of these loopholes in people's understanding.

A Profound Lesson in Personal Deification

The communist movement and our own experience show that when the role of individual leaders is exaggerated to an extreme level, superstitious belief in individuals will emerge.

For many years, we have been accustomed to using superstition to explain the history of our struggles. Now, as Marx said, we should "use history to explain superstition." (The Complete Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 1, p. 425) That is to say, we should take a look at history, how did a man become a "god"? How did people come to deify and superstitiously believe in individuals? In this way, the necessary lessons can be drawn. This is a rather complex and difficult task. Here are just a few examples, briefly.

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Our Party is organized according to the principle of democratic centralism. According to this principle, the Party line must be discussed and formulated by the Party's national congress or central authority. Although the Party's line is sometimes put forward by a certain person, once it is decided, it becomes the Party's line and cannot be attributed to an individual, it is called the line of so-and-so. Of course, when summing up historical experience, calling the opposing lines the lines of a certain person, and comparing and analyzing them will help distinguish right from wrong and educate the entire Party. But this is a special situation. From the perspective of organizational principles, within the Party, all Party members must implement the Party's line, rather than the entire Party following the line of a certain individual.

However, for a period of time, people have often attributed the Party's line to individuals, and also promoted all the opinions and propositions of individual leaders as lines, or believed that they have the same authority as the Party's line, and the whole Party must unconditionally implement it. In this way, in the life of the Party, in fact, some abnormal practices gradually took shape: obeying the Party's leadership means listening to a certain person, implementing the Party's line means doing what a certain person says, and thinking that as long as you act "in accordance with every sentence," you will be invincible. This actually regards the individual as a sacred authority over the entire Party.

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We must be highly conscious and take various measures to prevent the situation where the top leaders look down at the masses from above, while the masses can only squint and look up at the leader from below, so as to prevent the leader from becoming a figure that ordinary people cannot approach. The guidelines for political life within the Party passed by the Fifth Plenum of the Party Central Committee have made a series of specific regulations to prevent leaders from becoming special in their political life and from praising leaders without principle. This is undoubtedly necessary. However, in order to achieve what Lenin said, to make the leaders and the class, and the leaders and the masses form a whole, we still need to make efforts in many aspects and have a series of effective methods. For example, restore the system that our Party advocates that senior leading cadres must spend a certain amount of time at the grassroots level in a year; establish a system for leaders to communicate directly with the people; put senior leaders in fixed electoral districts to maintain regular contact with voters and accept voter supervision; cancel all kinds of unreasonable regulations that completely separate senior leaders from ordinary cadres and the masses in daily life (such as housing, transportation, shopping, entertainment, etc.); and we must use newspapers and radio to exert the supervisory power of public opinion, etc. In short, we should continue to adhere to the methods that have worked well in the past, and at the same time, we should continue to adopt some new methods based on new situations. 

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To gather the experience and opinions of the broad masses and the entire Party and form correct leadership ideas and opinions, it is necessary to adopt democratic centralism and collective research and discussion. The view that "the first secretary has absolute truth, the second secretary has relative truth, and the others have no truth" is not in line with the facts.

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Second, we must treat the right of one vote correctly. In the leadership team, the top leader has more responsibilities but no greater power. He has only one vote in deciding major issues, while other members have the same vote. Why do some leadership groups form a "one-man-talk" situation? The first is that the top leader lacks a democratic style and engages in personal arbitrariness. At the same time, it is also an important reason why each leading member cannot exercise his right to vote seriously and responsibly. If every leading member can responsibly exercise his right to one vote, especially when some people put forward wrong propositions, everyone can stick to the principles and not support or veto them, then can "one word" be achieved? Can personal arbitrariness prevail unimpeded? Can those wrong and confusing decisions be made easily? Therefore, every leading member must exercise his right to vote with the utmost solemnity when deciding major issues.

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Marxists must recognize and value individual authority, but the first thing we must emphasize is collective authority. Only when personal authority is combined with collective authority can it play its role better.




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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Science with PRC Characteristics: CAS Academics Must "Toe Party Line"

 On September 6, 2023, the state sponsored media outlet Caixin published an article titled "China’s Top Academics Told to Toe Party Line With Public Statements."

Some excerpts:

China’s top science academy has updated its code of conduct with new rules that require members ensure their public statements are “in line with the general policy of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China” and prohibit openly expressing academic views unrelated to their field of expertise.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) code of conduct, which consists of 33 articles in six chapters, is an update of a version released nine years ago.
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Compared to the 2014 version, the latest code adds a chapter that specifies what CAS scientists are prohibited from doing.
Specifically, the new version the Chinese Academy of Sciences Code of Conduct (中国科学院院士行为规范(试行)) contains the following provisions:

Article 2: Abide by the Constitution, laws and regulations, improve political standing, enhance awareness of responsibility, respect moral integrity, model love of the Party and love of country, and be an example for scientific researchers.

Article 3: Set an example of cherishing the fatherland and serving the people. To improve our country's independent innovation capabilities, enhance our country's comprehensive national strength, promote our country's scientific and technological progress, economic development, ecological protection, and improvement of people's livelihood, and serve national security and national decision-making.

Article 19 Consciously accept social supervision and correctly address doubts and criticisms. When making public statements, be consistent with the major policies of the Party Central Committee.

第二条 遵守宪法和法律法规,提高政治站位,增强责任意识,尊崇道德操守,做爱党爱国的模范和科研人员的榜样。

第三条 做胸怀祖国、服务人民的表率。为提高我国自主创新能力,增强我国综合国力,推动我国科技进步、经济发展、生态保护、民生改善,服务国家安全和国家决策作出贡献。

第十九条  按规定出席评审会议,超脱部门、单位和学科的利益,郑重负责地履行选举权利。关注新兴和交叉学科的发展,注意学科平衡。

The previous version of the Code of Conduct (available here: did not contain any mention of the terms "Party" (党), "fatherland" (祖国), "national security" (国家安全) or "love the country" (爱国).

Friday, September 8, 2023

Academics Criticise Proposed Public Security Administrative Punishments Law Revisions

 As noted previously on this blog, in early Septmber 2023, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress solicited public comment on proposed revisions to the Public Security Administrative Punishments Law through September 30, 2023. One of the most drastic proposals was the addition of a new Article 34:

Anyone who commits any of the following acts shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than ten days, or fined not less than 1,000 yuan but not more than 3,000 yuan; if the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be detained for not less than ten days but not more than fifteen days, and may also be fined not more than 5,000 yuan:

(1) Engaging in activities in public venues that damage the environment and atmosphere of commemorating heroes and martyrs;

(2) Wearing or adorning, or forcing others to wear or adorn, clothing or symbols in public venues that are detrimental to the spirit of the Chinese nation or hurt the feelings of the Chinese nation;

(3) Producing, spreading, advocating, or disseminating articles or remarks that are detrimental to the spirit of the Chinese nation or hurt the feelings of the Chinese nation;

(4) Blaspheming or repudiating the deeds and spirit of heroes and martyrs, advocating or beautifying aggressive wars and acts of aggression, disturbing the peace, and disrupting public order;

(5) Insulting, defaming, or otherwise infringing on the names, likenesses, reputation and honor of heroes and martyrs, harming the public interest of society;

(6) Occupying, destroying, or defacing memorial facilities for heroes and martyrs.

On September 6, several PRC academics published statements criticizing Article 34.

Tong Zhiwei (童之伟), Professor of Constitutional Law, East China University of Political Science and Law

It is recommended that paragraphs 2-3 of Article 34 of the "Public Security Management Punishment Law" (revised draft) not be reviewed for the time being. Who determines what is the "spirit of the Chinese nation" and what procedures are followed? Who determines what are the "feelings of the Chinese nation" and what procedures are followed to recognize and determine it? These are huge problems that are almost impossible to implement in accordance with the principles of the rule of law. If the National People's Congress Standing Committee adopts this article according to the current draft, the practical consequence of its enforcement and adjudication will inevitably be the arrest and conviction of people in accordance with the will of senior officers, which will lead to untold troubles. The law is something that regulates human behavior, and scientific legislation requires legislators to always avoid making regulations on matters of "spirit" and "feelings."



Lao Dongyan (劳东燕), Professor of Criminal Law, Tsinghua University 

A few days ago, I saw the content stipulated in Article 34 of the "Public Security Management Punishments Law (Revised Draft)". To be honest, I couldn't believe it. Today I went to the National People's Congress website to check the content of the draft, and I found out that it was indeed true. The draft is currently in the stage of soliciting opinions, and comments can be submitted on the "Draft Law Soliciting Opinions" column of the People's Congress website (

Regarding the provisions of Items 2-3 of Article 34, I hold an objection and suggest that they be deleted. The main reasons are:

First, "harming the spirit of the Chinese nation and hurting the feelings of the Chinese nation" is a concept with extremely vague connotations. Different people will have completely different understandings and grasps. If it is used as a legal penalty standard, the problem will be the penalty standard will inevitably be too vague, which can easily lead to arbitrary expansion of the scope of administrative penalties.

Second, due to the ambiguity of punishment standards, it will inevitably lead to selective enforcement of administrative power, which is prone to abuse of power, thus creating a new space for the breeding of corruption, and may intensify conflicts between the police and the public, bringing new risks to social stability.

Third, state power will directly interfere in area of daily clothing of individual citizens, which raises  the obvious suspicion that there will be excessive intervention. National spirit and national feelings are matters at the cultural and spiritual level. The State can advocate them, but they should not be promoted through legal coercion.

Fourth, such legislative provisions may stimulate the wanton spread of populism or extreme nationalism, further deteriorate the public opinion environment in the public sphere, and unduly suppress the freedom of individuals to dress and speak in their daily lives. At the same time, it may also intensify antagonism with some countries, leading to diplomatic passivity.







Zhao Hong (赵宏), Professor at China University of Political Science and Law

An expansion of the scope of punishable offenses also means an expansion of the authority of the public security agencies. The law must establish corresponding restraint mechanisms for this expansion of authority, otherwise the crackdown on and suppression of emerging illegal activities is likely to breed unconstrained and uncontrolled powers.

The modern rule of law has never advocated a doctrine of creating felonies in the pursuit order and unity through heavy punishment. On the contrary, it is always vigilant against the expansion of state power. Expanding the scope of punishable offenses under the Public Security Administration Punishments Law, the most punitive departmental law in the administrative field, must be approached with caution. It is necessary to clearly delineate the areas that require the intervention of the State's power to punish, and to avoid blurring the boundaries between law and morality.
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The newly added Article 34 inevitably brings to mind the precedent of a girl in Suzhou last year who accused of disturbing the peace by wearing a kimono. In that case, the individual was reprimanded by the police for wearing a kimono and taking photos in a Japanese-style street in Suzhou. After the individual expressed doubts, the police took her to the police station for investigation on suspicion of disturbing the peace. In the end, the party involved was not punished, but after the case was exposed it still had a relatively adverse social impact. Many Internet users commented that if taking pictures in a kimono can be understood as something damaging to the national spirit that should be punished by the police, then eating Japanese food, watching anime, or even learning the Japanese language will most likely be considered to offend national sentiments. If public officials can expand the interpretation and application of laws at will based on their personal preferences and ideas and creeds, then we are not far away from the situation where "if the authorities want to punish someone, they can always find grounds to frame them."


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Saturday, September 2, 2023

Proposed Revisions to the Public Security Administrative Punishments Law and Their Impact on Freedom of Speech

Based on my research in compiling "State Prosecutions of Speech in the People's Republic of China" (, three of the six offenses commonly employed by the PRC government to prosecute speech appear in the Public Security Administrative Punishments Law (治安管理处罚法). They are:

Article 25 (Disrupting Public Order by Disseminating Rumors). Example: In 2015, a court held the police did not violate Zhang Guanghong's rights when they jailed him for seven days and confiscated his computer on the grounds that he "used his own Sina Weibo to spread rumors and posts about the 'Five Heroes of Wolf Tooth Mountain' and distorted the image of those revolutionary martyrs." See "State Prosecutions," pp. 540-546.

Article 26 (Other Acts Disturbing the Peace). Example: In 2018, court found that police did not violate Feng Zhouguan's rights by subjecting him to five days administrative detention for referring to Xi Jinping as "fat pig," "steamed bun," and "spendthrift" in WeChat posts. The court rejected Feng's claim that "If the country's leader or his appointed attorneys want to play at litigation with [Feng] then [the police] should maintain a neutral stance because the [police] are agents of the country's judiciary." See "State Prosecutions," pp. 426-435.

Article 42 (Flagrantly Insulting or Concocting Facts to Defame Another Party). Example: In 2014, a court found that police did not violate Cheng Huaishan's rights when they subjected him to administrative detention for a single QQ post that the police decided "flagrantly humiliated leaders of the Party and the State" including Xi Jinping and other members of the Politburo Standing Committee. The court acknowledged that Cheng's post did not explicitly name any State leader, but "nevertheless included content that was clearly insulting and defamatory, and its target was both specific and unique, and based on the timing of the post and the related content, it was entirely obvious who it was about." See "State Prosecutions," pp. 416-420.

The Public Security Administrative Punishments Law is also used to punish individuals for using VPNs to access websites that the PRC government blocks using the Great Firewall. For examples, see "State Prosecutions," Chapter 16, pp. 641-643.

On September 1, 2023, the NPC Observer published an article ( stating that the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPCSC) is soliciting public comment on proposed revisions to the Public Security Administrative Punishments Law through September 30, 2023. That announcement included a link to a PDF outlining the proposed revisions:

In the table below I've pulled out the provisions that could potentially be used to prosecute speech related activities, along with English translations. Some initial impressions:

There are no significant changes to Articles 25, 26, and 42.

The draft adds new language stating explicitly that "The comprehensive management of social security adheres to the leadership of the Communist Party of China."

The draft adds this new language to Article 27 (now Article 30): "Producing, spreading, or possessing for the purpose of spreading items, information, and materials that promote cults and sects." This will no doubt be used to punish Falun Gong practitioners and house church members. For an example of how these acts have been punished under Criminal Law, see the case of Geng Doe, who in 2020 was found guilty of "Using a cult to undermine law enforcement" on the grounds that she invited three other people to come to her home to "practice Falun Gong and share their knowledge of Falun Gong with one another." "State Prosecutions," Chapter 7, pp. 252-255.

The draft adds an entirely new provision devoted to offenses against the image of the State, Article 34. Some of the draft language closely mirrors the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs Law (英雄烈士保护法), for example "Engaging in activities in public venues that damage the environment and atmosphere of commemorating heroes and martyrs," and "Insulting, defaming, or otherwise infringing on the names, likenesses, reputation and honor of heroes and martyrs, harming the public interest of society." The remainder of Article 30, however, creates new offenses which will allow to the government to punish a broad range of pure speech conduct simply on the grounds that someone might find it offensive:

  • Clause (2) makes it illegal to wear or adorn clothing or symbols in public venues that "harm the spirit of the Chinese nation or hurt the feelings of the Chinese nation." It is easy to see how this provision could be used by police in the PRC to jail individuals who engage in protest activities outside of the PRC who then return to the PRC.
  • Clause (3) makes it illegal to produce, advocate, or publish any remarks that are "detrimental to the spirit of the Chinese nation or hurt the feelings of the Chinese nation." It is easy to see how this provision could be used by police in the PRC to jail individuals who publish anything critical of the Communist Party of China or its leaders outside of the PRC who then return to the PRC.
  • Clause (4) makes it illegal to advocate or beautify "aggressive wars and acts of aggression." It seems unlikely that this will be used by police to punish state run media when they advocate aggression against Taiwan (see, e.g., "PLA Conducts Mock Strikes on Taiwan Island on 2nd Day of Encirclement Drills" But it is easy to see how this provision could be used by police in the PRC to jail individuals who express support for freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea.










Article 62

The comprehensive management of social security adheres to the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

People's governments at all levels shall strengthen comprehensive management of social security and take effective measures to resolve social conflicts, enhance social harmony, and maintain social stability.

Relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall carry out work related to the comprehensive management of social security within the scope of their respective responsibilities.











Article 258. A person who commits one of the following acts shall be detained for not less than 5 days but not more than 10 days and may, in addition, be fined not more than 500 yuan 1,000 yuan; and if the circumstances are relatively minor, he shall be detained for not more than 5 days or be fined not more than 500 yuan 1,000 yuan:

(1) intentionally disturbing public order by spreading rumors, making false reports of dangerous situations and epidemic situations or raising false alarms or by other means;

(2) disturbing public order by putting in fake hazardous substances such as explosive, toxic, radioactive and corrosive substances or pathogens of infectious diseases; or

(3) disturbing public order by actions such as threatening to set fire, set off explosions, or put in hazardous substances.













Article 269. A person who commits one of the following acts shall be detained for not less than 5 days but not more than 10 days and may, in addition, be fined not more than 500 yuan 1,000 yuan; and if the circumstances are relatively serious, he shall be detained for not less 10 than days but not more than 15 days and may, in addition, be fined not more than 1,000 yuan 2,000 yuan:

(1) gang-fighting;

(2) chasing or intercepting another person;

(3) forcibly taking and obstinately seizing, or willfully damaging and occupying public or private property; or

(4) other provocative acts.




Article 2730

(3) Producing, spreading, or possessing for the purpose of spreading items, information, and materials that promote cults and sects.

Whoever knowingly provides the conditions for others to engage in the activities in the preceding paragraph shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.









Article 34

Anyone who commits any of the following acts shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than ten days, or fined not less than 1,000 yuan but not more than 3,000 yuan; if the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be detained for not less than ten days but not more than fifteen days, and may also be fined not more than 5,000 yuan:

(1) Engaging in activities in public venues that damage the environment and atmosphere of commemorating heroes and martyrs;

(2) Wearing or adorning, or forcing others to wear or adorn, clothing or symbols in public venues that are detrimental to the spirit of the Chinese nation or hurt the feelings of the Chinese nation;

(3) Producing, spreading, advocating, or disseminating articles or remarks that are detrimental to the spirit of the Chinese nation or hurt the feelings of the Chinese nation;

(4) Blaspheming or repudiating the deeds and spirit of heroes and martyrs, advocating or beautifying aggressive wars and acts of aggression, disturbing the peace, and disrupting public order;

(5) Insulting, defaming, or otherwise infringing on the names, likenesses, reputation and honor of heroes and martyrs, harming the public interest of society;

(6) Occupying, destroying, or defacing memorial facilities for heroes and martyrs.

Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

The PRC government sentenced Sun Zhiming (孙志明, who wrote under the alias Sun Daluo (孙大骆)) to one year imprisonment for the crime of "di...