Monday, February 12, 2024

Li Qiaochu Jailed for Inciting Subversion for Helping Xu Zhiyong Post His Articles (Full Judgment and Translation)

On February 16, 2020, police placed Li Qiaochu (李翘楚) under residential surveillance at a designated residence in Beijing. On March 19, 2022 former Beijing-based civil rights lawyer Wang Yu (王宇) posted the following on her Twitter account:

Li Qiao has been indicted!

A kind young woman, because she was "deeply influenced by her lover's thoughts," "set up a personal website for him" and "uploaded her lover's articles" – can this serve as the basis for a conviction? Let alone for the crime of inciting subversion of state power!

This is naked conviction for  thoughts and words!

I'm speechless!

I just want to ask the prosecutors: Where are your professional ethics as persons of the law?







On February 4, 2024, a court in Linyi, Shandong sentenced Li Qiaochu to three years and eight months imprisonment for inciting subversion. Her offense was assisting civil rights lawyer Xu Zhiyong establish a Wordpress blog and post essays to the blog. 

Xu Zhiyong (许志永) is a PRC civil rights lawyer who co-founded the New Citizens' Movement (中国新公民运动) along with fellow civil rights lawyer Ding Jiaxi (丁家喜). Xu and Ding have been the target of government prosecutions for over a decade, and the government's attempts to silence him have been covered extensively by this blog:

On February 15, 2020, Beijing Public Security Bureau authorities took Xu into criminal detention on suspicion of inciting subversion of state power. On August 5, 2021, Xu was indicted for committing the crime of subverting state power. According the indictment:

In September 2017, defendant Xu Zhiyong directed his girlfriend Li Qiaochu (dealt with in a separate case) to establish a personal blog for Xu Zhiyong and arranged for Li to disseminate a large quantity of Xu Zhiyong’s inciting articles that advocated subversion of state power.


On April 10, PRC courts sentenced Xu Zhiyong to 14 years and Ding Jiaxi to 12 years in prison. The PRC government failed to comply with its own law requiring their judgments to be made public and according to Ding Jiaxi's spouse it also refused to provide Ding's family a copy of the judgment (see  

Ding Jiaxi's indictment is translated here:

Ding Jiaxi's statement to the court is translated here:

Xu Zhiyong's statement to the court is translated here:

Criminal Judgment
Intermediate People's Court of Linyi, Shandong
(2022) Lu 13 Criminal First Instance No. 10

The public prosecution agency People's Procuratorate of Linyi, Shandong.

 Defendant Li Qiaochu, female, Han ethnicity, born [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED], 1991 in Yining, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, graduate student education, unemployed, household registration [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED], Haidian District, Beijing. On February 16, 2020, she was placed under residential surveillance at a designated residence by the Public Security Bureau of Haidian on suspicion of committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and on June 19 of the same year was released on bail pending trial. On January 18, 2021, this case was transferred to the Public Security Bureau of Linyi for processing in accordance with the law. On February 6 of the same year, she was taken into criminal detention, and her arrest was approved on March 14 of the same year. She is currently being held in detention at the Linyi Detention Center. 

Defense counsel was Ding Xikui, a lawyer at the Beijing Weitai Law Firm. 

The People's Procuratorate of Linyi filed a public prosecution with this Court on February 28, 2022, and in the Lin Procuratorate First Criminal Indictment (2022) No. Z1 charged  defendant Li Qiaochu with committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power. In accordance with the Supreme People's Court's decision to designate jurisdiction, a case was opened on March 7 of the same year, and a collegial panel was formed in accordance with the law. A pre-hearing meeting was held on December 5, 2023. Because the case involved state secrets, on December 19, 2023 this Court convened closed hearings to try the case. The People's Procuratorate of Linyi appointed Procurators Tan Changzhi, Li Tao, and Lu Xiaowei to appear in court in support of the public prosecution. Defendant Li Qiaochu and her defense counsel Ding Xikui appeared in court to participate in the proceedings. With the approval of the High People's Court of Shandong and the Supreme People's Court, the trial period was extended in accordance with the law. After review by the collegial panel and as reported to this Court's adjudicative committee for discussion and decision, the trial has now been concluded.

The People's Procuratorate of Linyi charged that defendant Li Qiaochu and Xu Zhiyong (handled in another case) were in a relationship, and she was deeply influenced by Xu Zhiyong's ideas. In September 2019, Li Qiaochu, under the instruction of Xu Zhiyong, set up a personal blog for Xu Zhiyong, and uploaded a large number of articles that subverted state power written by Xu Zhiyong to advocate Xu Zhiyong’s ideas.

In response to the aforementioned charge, the public prosecution agency read out and presented in court physical evidence, documentary evidence, witness testimony, forensic opinions, crime scene investigation, inspection, and identification transcripts, and defense statements and justifications. The public prosecution agency alleged that defendant Li Qiaochu incited subversion of state power and the  overthrow of the socialist order, and her actions constituted the commission of an offense under Article 5(2) of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China" and she should bear criminal liability for the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and it requested this Court impose punishment in accordance with the law.

Defendant Li Qiaochu argued in court: Her statements during the period of residential surveillance at a designated location were illegal evidence and could not be used as a basis for finalizing the case. Her views on the Xu Zhiyong article were unclear and she had no subjective intent to incite subversion of state power. The only evidence that her actions constituted the commission of a crime was a personal statement, which is uncorroborated evidence.

The defense counsel put forward the following defense opinions: There were problems with the proceedings in this case and it should have been heard in public; Li Qiaochu’s statements during the period of residential surveillance at a designated location were illegal evidence and could not be used as a basis for making a case. Li Qiaochu did not have any subjective intent to commit a crime. There is insufficient evidence to determine that Li Qiaochu committed a crime.

It was ascertained at trial that: Defendant Li Qiaochu and Xu Zhiyong (who has already been found guilty of subversion of state power sentenced) were lovers. In September 2019, under the instruction of Xu Zhiyong, defendant Li Qiaochu set up a personal blog for Xu Zhiyong, uploaded an article inciting subversion of state power written by Xu Zhiyong and advocating Xu Zhiyong’s claims.

The aforementioned facts have been confirmed by the following evidence presented and examined in court and affirmed by this Court during the trial:

1. Witness Testimony

(1) The testimony of witness Zhang Zhongshun proved: Xu Zhiyong wrote articles  about "non-violence" and advocated the use of "non-violence" to subvert state power. I have read these articles written by Xu Zhiyong. Xu Zhiyong and members of his organization also make extensive use of foreign social media to spread Xu Zhiyong’s political views.

(2) The testimony of Xu Zhiyong proved: My blog was registered in my name in 2019, and I used this blog to publish articles. It is not convenient for me to say who registered it. Some of the articles were published with my consent. I sent the articles to a volunteer via email and they posted it on the blog for me. I do not wish to say who the volunteer was.

2. Identification Transcripts

(1) Xu Zhiyong undertook identification of the articles he wrote, and identified the articles he wrote and asked the volunteer to publish on his blog.

(2) Defendant Li Qiaochu undertook identification of the articles written by Xu Zhiyong, and identified  that 273 of them were posted on the blog website for Xu Zhiyong with her help.

3. Documentary Evidence

Email information proved: The content of the email Li Qiaochu sent to Hua Ze's mailbox on December 30, 2019 was: "I will send you some information that may be useful in the future for backup." "I used the Wordpress website with Xu Zhiyong to sort out his past articles and some important events. Last night he sent a message asking me to update the newly completed articles on the website."

4. Physical Evidence, Search and Investigation Records, Forensic Opinions

(1) On December 31, 2019, investigation personnel searched Xu Zhiyong’s residence and seized an black HP laptop, golden iPhone and other items used by Li Qiaochu. Based on forensics, traces were found that the computer had downloaded and saved a series of articles by Xu Zhiyong. The browser had saved the back-end editing URL of Xu Zhiyong's blog.

(2) On February 16, 2020, investigation personnel searched Li Qiaochu’s temporary residence and seize a silver HP laptop, USB flash drive and other items used by Li Qiaochu. Based on forensics, traces were found that the computer had downloaded and saved Xu Zhiyong's articles. On the USB flash drive there were tutorial videos for using WordPress.

5. Crime Scene Investigation, Investigation Records, and Remote Crime Scene Investigation  Transcripts proved: A search of Xu Zhiyong’s blog website found articles about "non-violence” and their dissemination through the "Chinese Citizen Movement Network." A crime scene investigation search conducted of Xu Zhiyong’s Twitter confirm the page layout of Twitter, the posting of the articles and the circumstances of their spread on the Internet. The crime scene investigation confirmed the circumstances of the reposting of Xu Zhiyong’s Twitter content and articles and network spread on Li Qiaochu’s Twitter.

6. Miscellaneous Evidence

(1) The Case Registration Form, Decision to Open a Case, Jurisdiction Designation Decision, Detention Warrant, Residential Surveillance Decision, Arrest Warrant and other proofs: The circumstances of defendant Li Qiaochu being suspected of committing a crime, the opening of a case investigation, the taking of compulsory measures, and the designation of jurisdiction. 

(2)The process of how the defendant came into police custody proved: The circumstances of how Li Qiaochu came into police custody.

 (3) The Criminal Judgment and Ruling Certificate: The circumstances of Xu Zhiyong being sentenced for committing the crime of subversion of state power.

(4) Li Qiaochu’s household registration information certificate: Li Qiaochu was born on January 13, 1991. Her native place is Yining City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Her registered place of residence is Room 317, Building 3, No. 12, Yard B, Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing.

7. Defendant's Statement and Justifications

Defendant Li Qiaochu's Statement: I met Xu Zhiyong at a friend's dinner in 2017. We established a relationship in June 2019 and started living together in early August 2019. I have read some of his articles.I have a certain understanding of what he advocates, and I believe that what Xu Zhiyong advocates has political purposes. Because I had feelings for him, I wanted to help him and post his articles on a website to satisfy his desire for other people to know who he was. In September 2019, Xu Zhiyong proposed creating a personal website, so I created a personal blog for him and contacted Hua Ze to change the URL. Xu Zhiyong had previously handed over the website to Hua Ze to manage because Xu Zhiyong originally wanted his foreign friends to help him publish articles. However, after Hua Ze took over Xu Zhiyong's personal blog website, he did not do much in the way of management. I was authorized by Xu Zhiyong to update most of the articles on this website. I created the website in September 2019, and posted all of Xu Zhiyong's previous articles to the website in November of the same year. After I updated Xu Zhiyong's articles, I sent the URL and username of his personal blog website to Hua Ze. I posted a total of 273 articles on Xu Zhiyong's personal blog website, and these articles have been individually signed and confirmed.

With respect to the justifications and defense opinions put forth by defendant Li Qiaochu and her defense counsel, and based on the facts and evidence in this case, this Court's judgment is as follows:

1. Regarding the defense opinions on the procedural issues proffered by defense counsel in this case. An investigation found that this Court heard in this case based on the Supreme People’s Court’s decision to designate jurisdiction, and the trial procedures were legal. In accordance with relevant confidentiality laws and regulations, municipal public security agencies can determine the classification of secret state secrets. The Public Security Bureau of Linyi determined that relevant evidence materials such as verbal evidence and electronic data in this case were classified as secret state secrets. In accordance with Article 188 of the "Criminal Procedure Law People's Republic of China" cases related to state secrets are not heard in public, so the hearings at trial in this case were not open, which was in compliance with the law. The relevant defense opinions of the defense counsel cannot be established and are not accepted by this Court.

2. Regarding the statements and justifications proffered by defendant Li Qiaochu and her defense counsel that the statements by Li Qiaochu while she was under residential surveillance at a designated location were illegal evidence and cannot be used for reaching a determination in this case. An investigation found that in this case, the evidence based on which the case was finalized was obtained by the investigating agency in accordance with the law. There are no clues or materials indicating that there was illegal evidence collection in this case. The evidence is mutually corroborating, is legal and valid, and can be used as the basis for a determination in this case. The relevant justifications and defense opinions of Li Qiaochu and her defense counsel cannot be established and are not accepted by this Court.

3. Regarding the relevant justifications and defense opinions proffered by defendant Li Qiaochu and her defense counsel that there is insufficient evidence to conclude that Li Qiaochu committed a crime, and that Li Qiaochu's actions did not constitute the commission of the crime of inciting subversion of state power. An investigation found that according to Li Qiaochu’s statements, the witness testimony of  Xu Zhiyong and Zhang Zhongshun, crime scene investigations, investigation records, forensic opinions, and other relevant evidence, Li Qiaochu established a romantic relationship with Xu Zhiyong and lived with him. It can be seen that even though she clearly knew the content and nature of Xu Zhiyong's advocacy and related articles, she nevertheless built a personal website for him, published articles, and helped spread and disseminate his advocacy of subversion of state power. Her actions met the requirements for committing the crime of inciting subversion of state power. The relevant justifications and defense opinions of Li Qiaochu and his defense counsel cannot be established and are not accepted by this Court.

This Court finds that defendant Li Qiaochu built a personal blog for Xu Zhiyong and helped him upload articles that subverted state power. Her actions constituted the commission of the crime of inciting subversion of state power. With respects to the public prosecution agency's charge that Li Qiaochu committed the crime of inciting subversion of state power, the facts are clear, the evidence is reliable and copious, and the charged offense is establish. Based on the facts, nature, circumstances, and degree of harm to society of Li Qiaochu's crime, in accordance with Article 100 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China" the judgment is as follows:

1. Defendant Li Qiaochu committed the crime of inciting subversion of state power, and is sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment of three years and eight months and deprivation of political rights of two years. (The prison term is to be calculated starting on the day the judgment is executed, and each day in custody prior to the execution of the judgment shall count as one day of the prison term, and every two days at the designated residence for residential confinement at a designated location shall count as one day of the prison term, that is from February 6, 2021 to August 3, 2024.)

2. Defendant Li Qiaochu's computers, mobile phones, USB flash drives and other items of property seized by the public security agency were all materials used for her crimes and shall be confiscated in accordance with the law.

If any party does not accept this judgment, they may within 10 days after the second day after receiving this written judgment bring an appeal through this Court or directly to the High People's Court of Shandong. A written appeal should be submitted with one original and two copies of the appeal brief.

Chief Adjudicator    Wu Qinglin
Adjudicator        Li Dianji
Adjudicator        Wu Honglin

February 4, 2024

Clerk            Zhang Kun
Clerk            Zhang Ning








































审判长        吴清林
审判员        李殿基
审判员        吴洪林


书记员        张琨
书记员        张宁

Translation: Sun Daluo's Court Judgment for Sharing Books and Articles

The PRC government sentenced Sun Zhiming (孙志明, who wrote under the alias Sun Daluo (孙大骆)) to one year imprisonment for the crime of "di...